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Word Test – Unit 8

Class Name
Word PoS. English Definition Sample Sentence
The introduction of personal computers _______________ the
transform v. to completely change something so that it is much better
way people communicate with one another.

a school that teaches a particular subject, or trains people for a To join the police force, Maria had to go to a police
academy n.
particular job _______________.

profile n. information needed to understand someone or something I don’t know anything about her _______________.

entire adj. whole or complete; with nothing missing The _______________ cake was eaten by the hungry children.

engage adj. involved in something My parents are _______________ in conversation.

a set of instructions put into a computer so that it does particular

program n. There are many _______________ on his computer.

dusk n. the time before it gets dark She came out of her house at _______________.

Coaches often give inspirational speeches to help athletes stay

motivated adj. having a strong desire to do well or succeed in something

audio n. a recorded sound The _______________ of this video is really bad.

technique n. a way of doing an activity by using special knowledge or skills Every chef has their own _______________ for preparing food.

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