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Name: TRAN Hanh Quynh

Class: Mi1A
My name is Hanh Quynh, I’m 20 years old and I’m come from Vietnam. In 2018, I’ve studied at Nation
Economics University and then I decided to study abroad. My first choice is Singapore, I’ve achieved a
scholarship of a university in hospitality management however i had some troubles with my visa so i
don’t want wasting my time. Therefore, i chose to learning French and applied a visa to the ambassador in
Vietnam. The first year in France, I’ve learned French in University Bordeaux Montaigne. That’s an
unforgettable memory because of the corona virus so we learnt online instead of go to school. To be
honest, my software is not good. I don’t have many experiences in this Domaine, i just knew some formal
skills like Words, excel, power point, ...
In general, business is the activity of making one's living or making money by producing or buying and
selling products (such as goods and services). There are 4 main types of business organization: sole
proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and Limited Liability Company, or LLC. The purpose of a
business is to offer value (through products and/or services) to customers, who pay for the value with
cash or equivalents and moreover is to maximize profits for its owners or stakeholders while maintaining
corporate social responsibility. Basically, in 2020 the covid 19 is impact strongly on the business all over
the world.
In my opinion, Hospitality Management is the field of management of businesses in the hospitality sector,
it includes hotels, bed and breakfasts, resorts, cruise ships and other hospitality establishments.
Nowadays, it’s a fast-growing industry, it’s the pont to link the economy of many countries in the world.
Especially in France, the hospitality make up a high percentage in the economy of country. France
remains the leading tourist destination worldwide, with more than 84.5 million international arrivals in
2015. However, the country ranks fourth in terms of international tourism revenues (or 41.4 billion euros
in 2015). Tourism remains a major sector for the French economy: it accounts for more than 7% of
France’s GDP and provides more than one million direct jobs.
Actually, i’m an introvert people so i don’t think i can be a good a student respresentative in my class. I
haven’t been selected to be representative.

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