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Writing task 2:

Animal species are becoming extinct as a result of human activities on land and
in the sea. Why has this happened? What's the solution?

The wildlife are on the verge of extinction due to the impact of human activities
on the environment. This essay will discuss primary causes of the issue and way
to alleviate it.

There are a number of reasons for the gradual disappearance of animals and the
two primary causes for this are the basic need of people and the fail in
negotiating political and military problems. Along with the rapid growth of the
population,the demand for materials,food and farming land for both economic
and agricultural development increased. This leads to a great rise in hunting,
producing and exploiting activities of people. Many trees were cut down for
woods and for farm land, endangered species were hunt for their ivories or fins
and so on which not only devastated the natural habitat of the animals but also
cause a serious dwindling in the populations of them.Another reasons for the
problems is unsolved political and military disputation among countries leading
to armed conflicts and war.As the lethal destruction of nuclear bombs and
weapons can demolish thousands kilometres of land leaving it less chance of
revitalizing, many animals lost their home and even some with low adaptability
will start to die down. [example]-dolphins
To mitigate the situation, one positive way forward is to launch educating
campaign about the importance of conserving wildlife. Humankind play the key
role in the future of the wildlife.The more they are aware of the dilemma, the more
they try to protect the animals and their surrounding.Everyone just need to
start limiting littering,using disposable bottle,bags etc, then the scene of turtles
or blue whales stucking with tons of plastic bag will soon disappear in the near
future. Besides, people also can donate their time or money ( optional) to
organizations responsible for protect and conserving the ecosystem. Since a lot
of volunteer programs are offered in many zoos and organizations,it is easy
to find one to apply too.
In conclusion, because of the need of people for basic things to ensure
their life and some military dilemma, the wildlife are seriously
affected. However,by raising the awareness of citizens and
encouraging them to involve in conserving activities, a great deal of
the problem can be alleviated effectively

A single bird may be content with the high branch of a tree, while
large predatory mammals (like Bengal tigers) measure their domains
in square miles. As human civilization expands relentlessly into the
wild, these natural habitats diminish in scope—and their restricted
and dwindling populations are more susceptible to other extinction
Nhu cầu= + exploit on land = đốt rừng+harmful chemicals for farmland
in sea = pphap săn dùng lưới điện, sóng âm thanh … hại :v

-Wild and domesticated animals have long-suffered abuse,

injury or death in armed conflicts.
-war dogs for expl
Horses, donkeys, oxen, bullocks and elephants carried men, material and
supplies; pigeons carried messages; camel-mounted troops have been employed
in desert campaigns; and cavalry horses often led the charge on the front line.
Dogs have been particularly widely used by the military, and remain so today
dolphins and sealions continue to be trained to protect harbours from sea mines
and divers.
-It can be seen that : the destruction of nuclear bombs and weapons can
devastate the ground and give it less chance of revitalizing => immigrate or

Solution : A number of solution can be … for this

 launching educating campaign about the importance of conserving wildlife

-raise awareness of pp
=> predict: more aware of the problem, limit littering,using disposable bottle/
bags etc, poaching,
Birds, fish, turtles, and seals have all been caught up in plastic from
beer cans, milk cartons, and plastic bags. The more we focus on
responsible removal of rubbish and recycling plastics, the less
ends up in our oceans.

donate money/ time
volunteer programs. You can help clean beaches, rescue wild animals or
teach visitors.

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