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This Song

By Symon Lubanga

In the stillness of the dawn's embrace,

In the golden hues of the sunset's grace,

I find a melody, pure and strong,

A song that sings of God, where I belong.

Through the darkest night, a guiding star,

In the storm's fury, a refuge from afar,

With every breath, in joy or strife,

I feel the presence of eternal life.

This song of goodness, a gentle breeze,

Whispers through the swaying trees,

It paints the world in colors bright,

Guiding us through both day and night.

In laughter shared with friends so dear,

In solitude when no one else is near,

In every heartbeat, every sigh,

I hear the chorus of the sky.

For in the beauty of each day's dawn,

In the love that lingers when friends are gone,

In every blessing, great or small,

I hear the goodness of God in all.

So let us sing with voices strong,

This song of God, all the day long,

In gratitude and endless praise,

For His goodness fills our earthly days.

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