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Employability Questionnaire

5 4 3 2 1 N
Applied Academic Skills
1 I apply reading skills by interpreting written instructions
and completing worksheets.
2 I construct lab reports, posters, and presentation
materials; take notes and respond to essay questions.
3 I use computational skills appropriately and make
logical choices.
4 I am able to follow procedures, experiment, infer and

5 4 3 2 1 N
Critical Thinking Skills
1 I create innovative and new ideas or solutions.
2 I can participate in a debate, and assess a problem.
3 I make sound decisions and judgments.
4 I make use of available resources to solve problems.
5 I think of the advantages and disadvantages of
6 I plan steps, procedures, or approaches for addressing

5 4 3 2 1 N
Interpersonal Skills
1 I participate in group tasks or with a partner.
2 I help fellow students understand tasks and fulfill
assigned roles.
3 I participate as a group leader in projects or research
4 I keep my members on track, discussing options.
5 I listen and consider all my members’ ideas.
5 4 3 2 1 N
Personal Qualities
1 I actively participate in class, ask questions, and give
2 I adapt easily to different modes of instructions.
3 I submit tasks on-time during class.
4 I cooperate and engage in class activities with peers
and teachers.
5 I treat work assignments with respect, that’s why I do it
6 I volunteer to be a leader when no one wants to.
7 I contribute new ideas to tasks, projects, or
5 4 3 2 1 N
Information Use
1 I use analytical strategies to determine the best
medium for finding necessary information.
2 I use any graphic organizer
(e.g., outline, concept map, organization chart, or
tables) to sort information or data.
3 I use classification and analytic skills to determine the
necessary information to complete task.
4 I assess information to determine which is relevant
(does not have to be a mathematical analysis).
5 I summarize information to compose written or oral
presentations, posters, reports, or slides

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