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Arkusz maturalny nr 2 w formule 2023

Język angielski
Poziom rozszerzony
Wynik _______ / 60

Zadanie 1. _____ / 6

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną

z treścią nagrania.
W zadaniach 1.1.–1.2. zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

Tekst 1.
1.1. Which of the following best matches the situation described by the woman?
A. She had to change her eating habits to improve her health.
B. She expected the challenge to be quite difficult.
C. She obtained the desired result by learning from mistakes.

Tekst 2.
1.2. Which of the following statements is true according to the speaker?
A. Phrases about different parts of the body have existed since ancient times.
B. Some people follow a present-day custom linked to good fortune.
C. Left-handed people have a reputation for being bad.

W zadaniach 1.3.–1.6. zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.

Tekst 3. (do zadań 1.3.–1.6.)

1.3. According to the presenter, what will the expert be talking about in the interview?
A. the inability of teenagers to prepare for the day
B. research showing how much sleep children and adults need
C. the necessity of more sleep for teenagers
D. the effect of using the snooze button on our sleeping patterns

1.4. The expert explains that

A. teens aged 14 require less sleep than older teens.
B. teens are choosing to go to bed late.
C. teens tend to wake up later than they should.
D. teens have different sleeping patterns from other age groups.

1.5. What is NOT stated as an effect of lack of sleep on adolescents?

A. worse results in sport
B. aggressive behaviour
C. poor academic performance
D. physical injury
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Strona 1 z 12
1.6. Which is stated in the interview as an opinion, and not a fact?
A. There is greater attendance at schools with new start times.
B. There are new regulations for when schools can start.
C. Young drivers are affected by lack of sleep.
D. Later school start times are an issue for parents who work.

Zadanie 2. _____ / 5

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć wypowiedzi na temat wyjazdów wakacyjnych. Do każdej

wypowiedzi (2.1.–2.5.) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–F). Wpisz rozwiązania
do tabeli.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

This speaker
A. found a feature of the accommodation cosy.
B. was treated like a famous celebrity on his/her holiday
C. chose to stay in expensive accommodation.
D. appreciated travelling light.
E. was disappointed in the service he/she received.
F. welcomed the opportunity to connect with relatives.

2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5.

Zadanie 3. _____ / 4

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź na temat przekazów podprogowych (subliminal

messaging). Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu odpowiedz krótko na
pytania 3.1.–3.4., tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens wysłuchanego tekstu.
Na pytania należy odpowiedzieć w języku angielskim.

3.1. How are subliminal messages believed to be conveyed?

3.2. How is the unconscious mind more powerful than the conscious mind?
3.3. What does the speaker imply about the author of the 1957 experiment?
3.4. Why do some social media users nowadays choose to watch videos with subliminal


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Strona 2 z 12
Zadanie 4. _____ / 5

Przeczytaj cztery krótkie teksty (A–D), oraz pytania ich dotyczące (4.1.–4.5.). Do
każdego pytania dopasuj właściwy tekst. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: w jednym tekście znajdują się odpowiedzi na dwa pytania.

In which text does the author Answer

4.1. mention particular problems associated with another way of travel?
4.2. say why an increased cost has a discouraging effect on him/her?
4.3. imply that disconnecting from technology is important to him/her?
4.4. refer to lack of space as a drawback to a certain type of travel?
4.5. suggest travellers can take large pieces of luggage without an extra charge?


A. Hit the road
I’ve always loved the freedom of the open road so, whenever possible, I opt for driving to
my holiday destination. I can travel at my own pace and stop along the way to enjoy the
sights or grab a bite to eat. In a sense, driving gives me complete independence. My car is
a perfect little bubble in which I switch off my phone and enjoy the ride uninterrupted.
However, rising petrol prices have made my usual trips less affordable. Maybe I’ll take the
train next time?
B. Take a voyage of discovery
I enjoy sea travel, though I’m not a fan of cruises. I don’t see what the attraction is – cabins
are generally tiny, the activities aren’t my cup of tea, and if boredom set in, I’d be stuck
there until we disembarked. No, what I enjoy is island hopping – taking a ferry from one
island to another, staying for as long or as little as I like, then boarding a ferry to a new
destination. It keeps the spirit of discovery alive, and for me, that’s the whole point of travel.
C. Up, up and away
Travel is an adventure, and I’m always eager to start mine. When I go on holiday, I don't
want to waste hours driving to my destination or being stuck in a traffic jam. That's why
I prefer flying over other means of transport. And I don't mean only far-off destinations, but
even cities in my own country. Unlike others, I always travel light, so there are no extra
fees, and I don’t have to wait at the baggage carousel. There’s only one drawback – paying
through the nose for an airfare, especially when booking at short notice. But that won’t stop
me from living my dream.
D. Get on the right track
From Poland, I’ve travelled across Central Europe and have ventured as far as Croatia and
Italy using rail connections. Trains are a comfortable, affordable and hassle-free way to
travel. They’re also convenient as there are stations in all major towns and cities. In
addition, you aren’t penalised for travelling with a large suitcase. Importantly, they’re more
environmentally friendly than other forms of mass transport. Many trans-European trains
have WiFi, too, so you can stay connected during your journey. Why travel any other way?

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Strona 3 z 12
Zadanie 5. _____ / 5

Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto pięć zdań. Wpisz w każdą lukę (5.1.–5.5.) literę,
którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie (A–F), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

For many years, British food struggled under a bad reputation with criticism centred on its lack
of imagination, bland flavours and extreme risk to good health. 5.1. _____ In fact, French
president Jacques Chirac once famously said, ‘You can't trust people whose cuisine is so
As many older Brits will tell you, until around the 1970s, British food was rather uninspiring.
This goes back to World War II when food wasn’t plentiful and food rationing limited what
products people had access to. In early 1940, shortly after the beginning of hostilities in
September 1939, rationing began. 5.2. _____ So, every citizen was given a ration book with
coupons for basic items such as meat, cheese, sugar and so on. Rationed goods could not be
purchased without the coupons, and once your allowance for meat, for example, had been
used up, you couldn’t purchase any more till the following month.
However, not all foods were rationed. Fruit and vegetables could be purchased without
coupons but were often unavailable, particularly fruit imported from other countries, tomatoes
and onions. 5.3. _____ This initiative to cultivate every available piece of land came to be
known as ‘Dig for Victory.’ Though it led to an increased supply of fresh produce, it did not end
rationing. Food rationing ended completely in 1954, nine years after the end of the war.
With the end of rationing, it became possible for a restaurant industry to emerge. But eating
out was something only the upper classes could afford to do. 5.4. _____ Normally, they didn't
have a sophisticated palate and preferred traditional meals and flavours like cottage pies or
bangers and mash. This all changed with the arrival of immigrants from the Caribbean and
India in the 1960s and 70s, who brought their spicy cuisines with them. Then, in the 1980s,
increasing wealth and affordable foreign travel – particularly package tours to sunny
destinations – exposed Brits to the food of France, Spain, Italy and Greece.
These days, practically every British home has a bottle of olive oil in the pantry and Brits are
as capable of cooking a curry as they are of making a shepherd’s pie. Dining experiences
have changed too. 5.5. _____ This means that British cuisine is no longer characterised by
the bland meals of the past. It has evolved into something very special, and the UK now has
some of the finest and most varied restaurants in the world.

A. To overcome the shortage, the government encouraged people to grow their own food in
their gardens and in public parks too.
B. When Brits eat out, they can choose from the most varied foreign cuisines, reflecting the
melting pot that their homeland has become.
C. The scheme, managed by the Ministry of Food, was designed to ensure everyone had
their fair share of food at a time of scarcity.
D. Some shopkeepers kept ‘secret’ supplies of these goods which they sold at greatly
inflated prices on the black market.
E. The eating habits of the British were regularly ridiculed by other nations, especially those
on continental Europe that had long culinary traditions.
F. Still, most working class people ate meals at home, only occasionally splurging on take-
away fish and chips.

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Strona 4 z 12
Zadanie 6. _____ / 8

Przeczytaj dwa teksty związane z postacią guwernantki. Wykonaj zadania 6.1.–6.8.

zgodnie z poleceniami.

Tekst 1.
Mrs. Kirke welcomed me so kindly I felt at home at once, even in that big house full of
strangers. She gave me a funny little sky parlor1—all she had, but there is a stove in it, and
a nice table in a sunny window, so I can sit here and write whenever I like. A fine view and
a church tower opposite atone for the many stairs, and I took a fancy to my den on the spot.
The nursery, where I am to teach and sew, is a pleasant room next Mrs. Kirke’s private parlor,
and the two little girls are pretty children, rather spoiled, I fancy, but they took to me after
telling them The Seven Bad Pigs, and I’ve no doubt I shall make a model governess.

I am to have my meals with the children, if I prefer it to the great table, and for the present
I do, for I am bashful2, though no one will believe it.

“Now, my dear, make yourself at home,” said Mrs. K. in her motherly way, “I’m on the drive 3
from morning to night, as you may suppose with such a family, but a great anxiety will be off
my mind if I know the children are safe with you. My rooms are always open to you, and your
own shall be as comfortable as I can make it. There are some pleasant people in the house if
you feel sociable, and your evenings are always free. Come to me if anything goes wrong, and
be as happy as you can. There’s the tea bell, I must run and change my cap.” And off she
bustled, leaving me to settle myself in my new nest.

As I went downstairs soon after, I saw something I liked. The flights are very long in this tall
house, and as I stood waiting at the head of the third one for a little servant girl to lumber 4 up,
I saw a gentleman come along behind her, take the heavy hod of coal out of her hand, carry it
all the way up, put it down at a door near by, and walk away, saying, with a kind nod and
a foreign accent, “It goes better so. The little back is too young to haf such heaviness.”

Wasn’t it good of him? I like such things, for as Father says, trifles5 show character. When
I mentioned it to Mrs. K., that evening, she laughed, and said, “That must have been Professor
Bhaer, he’s always doing things of that sort.”

Mrs. K. told me he was from Berlin, very learned and good, but poor as a church mouse, and
gives lessons to support himself and two little orphan nephews whom he is educating here,
according to the wishes of his sister, who married an American. Not a very romantic story, but
it interested me, and I was glad to hear that Mrs. K. lends him her parlor for some of his
scholars. There is a glass door between it and the nursery, and I mean to peep at him, and
then I’ll tell you how he looks. (…)

After tea and a go-to-bed romp with the little girls, I attacked the big workbasket, and had
a quiet evening chatting with my new friend. I shall keep a journal-letter, and send it once
a week, so goodnight, and more tomorrow.
Na podstawie: Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
1 4
parlor – a room in a private house lumber – move with difficulty
2 5
bashful – easily embarrassed in social situations trifle – something unimportant
be on the drive – be busy

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Strona 5 z 12
W zadaniach 6.1.–6.4. z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią
tekstu. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.

6.1. In the opening paragraph, we find out that the narrator

A. has a choice of rooms available to her.
B. will teach the children how to sew.
C. will reside in a bright and cheery room.
D. has a good first impression of the little girls.

6.2. While working in the household, the narrator

A. needs to dine with the Kirke children.
B. must become more sociable with the family.
C. is expected to be on call at all hours.
D. can approach her employer with any concerns.

6.3. Professor Bhaer’s portrayal is best characterised by his

A. acts of kindness.
B. high level of education.
C. extreme poverty.
D. good manners.

6.4. Which statement best summarises the extract? It is about

A. the description of an unfamiliar residence.
B. a person’s first day at a new job.
C. the compassion of strangers.
D. a large family household.

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Strona 6 z 12
Tekst 2.


A common figure in 19th century life and literature was the governess – the woman tasked with
teaching and caring for other people’s children. Women who became governesses were
generally upper- or middle-class ladies whose families had fallen on hard times. Conditions in
the 19th century greatly contributed to this. It was a century marked by conflict – the
Napoleonic Wars in Europe and the Civil War in the United States created extreme economic
hardship, leaving many families penniless.
Gentlemen from prominent families in such dire circumstances could work, and there was
always the possibility they could restore their family’s lost fortune. But for young women who
had been educated to be ‘ladies’, working in a shop or a factory with the lower classes would
have been utterly humiliating. The only reputable option available to them was to work as
a teacher in someone else’s home.
But the governess didn’t quite fit in. She was both a substitute mother to the children she
taught and a paid servant. Often, she was the social equal of her employers, though they
would never invite her to dine with them. The servants did not like her because of her superior
Furthermore, it was a job with poor prospects. Most families only required a governess for
a few years, so she frequently had to look for a new position. There was no possibility of
saving for retirement as salaries were so low, and many middle-aged former governesses
found themselves living in poverty.

Odpowiedz na pytania 6.5.–6.8. zgodnie z treścią tekstu, tak aby jak najbardziej
precyzyjnie oddać jego sens. Odpowiedzi należy udzielić w języku angielskim.

6.5. What two factors did most governesses have in common?

6.6. What were the prospects of men from penniless but once prominent families compared to
those of women?

6.7. What example is given to show that the governess was not treated like a peer by her

6.8. Why was there no job security for governesses?


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Strona 7 z 12
Zadanie 7. _____ / 6

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny
i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.


In its earliest version, the guidebook was more of a memoir that detailed the personal
experiences of the traveller. One example is the book called The Travels of Marco Polo, which
describes the journeys of the Italian merchant and explorer Marco Polo who travelled
7.1. _____ through Asia between 1271 and 1295. 7.2. _____ the stories from Polo himself,
the writer Rustichello da Pisa recorded them and made them available to readers.
Modern guidebooks are distinguished from these older versions by the inclusion of practical
information for tourists. For this we can thank a 7.3. _____ traveller, Britain’s Mariana Starke.
Her Travels in Italy, Between the Years 1792 and 1798 was the first book to include factual
advice. Her impressions of Italian churches and villas were rated from one to five exclamation
marks, just like the five-star system we 7.4. _____ seeing now, 200 years later. In 1820, she
produced an update for those 7.5. _____ across Europe. Titled Information and Directions for
Travellers on the Continent, it was full of advice on historic sites, acceptable accommodation,
hiring transport (in this case, a horse and carriage) and the condition of the continent’s roads.
It was 7.6. _____ it set the benchmark for future guidebooks.

7.1. 7.2. 7.3.

A. highly A. Had been hearing A. seasoned
B. significantly B. Had been heard B. guided
C. extensively C. To have heard C. qualified
D. comprehensively D. Having heard D. skilful

7.4. 7.5. 7.6.

A. use to A. setting off A. as successful as
B. used to B. checking in B. so successful that
C. are used to C. putting up C. such a successful
D. get used to D. getting out D. as a successful

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Strona 8 z 12
Zadanie 8. _____ / 4

Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (8.1.–8.4.) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał
spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna
wpisywanych wyrazów.


The idea of celebrating birthdays dates 8.1. _____ to the pharaohs in ancient Egypt. From the
moment of their crowning, pharaohs were considered gods. Thus, the date of their ‘divine’
birth was celebrated as this was far more important than their actual birth date. The idea of
a celebratory cake with candles came from the ancient Greeks, who offered moon-shaped
cakes to Artemis, the moon goddess. Lit candles were put on the cakes 8.2. _____ that they
glowed like the moon. The Romans were the first to celebrate birthdays for friends and family
members, and men who 8.3. _____ fifty had a special honey cake. However, women only
began celebrating their birthdays in the 12th century. It wasn’t until the 18th century in Germany
that the modern-day birthday party was created: Kinderfest, a celebration for children. There
was a cake with one candle for each year the child 8.4. _____ lived, plus an extra for another
year of life. Children blew out the candles after making a wish, just as we do nowadays.

Zadanie 9. _____ / 4

Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak
aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (9.1.–9.4.). W każdą lukę możesz wpisać
maksymalnie pięć wyrazów, wliczając wyraz już podany. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
Uwaga: nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów.

9.1. I now work much harder than in the past. USE

I ________________________________ so hard in the past.

9.2. Not buying travel insurance before my trip was a mistake. SHOULD
I ________________________________ travel insurance before my trip.

9.3. I’m sorry, but we have sold out of that particular item, sir. STOCK
I’m sorry, but that particular item is currently ________________________________, sir.

9.4. Most people would agree that trains offer much greater comfort than buses. FAR
Most people would agree that rail travel is ________________________________ bus

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Strona 9 z 12
Zadanie 10. _____ / 13

Wypowiedz się na jeden z poniższych tematów. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200

do 250 wyrazów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu.
Zaznacz wybrany przez ciebie temat. Zakreśl jego numer.

1. Coraz więcej osób rezygnuje z jedzenia wszelkich produktów pochodzenia zwierzęcego.

Napisz artykuł do czasopisma młodzieżowego i omów w nim korzyści płynące ze
stosowania takiej diety dla człowieka i środowiska naturalnego.

2. Robienie zakupów przez internet staje się coraz popularniejsze na całym świecie. Napisz
rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz swoją opinię na ten temat, odnosząc się do potrzeb
konsumentów i wyzwań dla właścicieli sklepów.



















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Strona 11 z 12
Karta odpowiedzi do zadań 1–9

Zadanie 1. _____ / 6
1.1. ____
1.2. ____
1.3. ____
1.4. ____
1.5. ____
1.6. ____

Zadanie 2. _____ / 5
2.1. ____
2.2. ____
2.3. ____
2.4. ____
2.5. ____

Zadanie 3. _____ / 4
3.1. _________________________________
3.2. _________________________________
3.3. _________________________________
3.4. _________________________________

Zadanie 4. _____ / 5
4.1. ____
4.2. ____
4.3. ____
4.4. ____
4.5. ____

Zadanie 5. _____ / 5
5.1. ____
5.2. ____
5.3. ____
5.4. ____
5.5. ____

Zadanie 6. _____ / 8
6.1. ____
6.2. ____
6.3. ____
6.4. ____
6.5. _________________________________
6.6. _________________________________
6.7. _________________________________
6.8. _________________________________

Zadanie 7. _____ / 6
7.1. ____
7.2. ____
7.3. ____
7.4. ____
7.5. ____
7.6. ____

Zadanie 8. _____ / 4
8.1. _________________________________
8.2. _________________________________
8.3. _________________________________
8.4. _________________________________

Zadanie 9. _____ / 4
9.1. _________________________________
9.2. _________________________________
9.3. _________________________________
9.4. _________________________________

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Strona 12 z 12

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