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• Use a variety of statistical tools to process and manage numerical

• Use the methods of linear regression and correlations to predict the
value of a variable given certain conditions.
• Advocate the use of statistical data in making important decisions.
The Data
It is written in the Holy Book that “the truth shall set us
free;” therefore, understanding statistics paves the way
towards intellectual freedom. For without sufficient
knowledge about it, we may be doomed to a life of half-truth.
Statistics will provide deeper insights to critically evaluate
information and to bring us to the well-lit arena of practicality.
General Fields of Statistics
• Descriptive Statistics. If statistics, in general, basically deals with
analysis of data, then descriptive statistics part of the general field is
about “describing” data in symbolic forms and abbreviated fashions.
• Inferential Statistics. We could probably argue that descriptive
statistics, with its characteristic to describe, is sufficient to depict any
given information. While it is effective to describe a manageable size
of data, it can hardly engulf a sizeable amount of data. Thus, for this
kind of situation, inferential statistics is the alternative technique that
can be used. Inferential statistics has the ability to “infer” and to
generalize and it offers the right tool to predict values that are not
really known.
Scales of Measurement
• To quantify an observation, it is necessary to identify its scale of
measurement, it is known as level of measurement. Scale of
measurement is the gateway to the fascinating world of statistics.
Without sufficient knowledge of it, all our statistical learnings lead to
• Nominal Scale. It concerns with categorical data. It simply means
using numbers to label categories. This is done by counting the
occurrence of frequency within categories. One condition is that the
categories must be independent or mutually exclusive. This implies
that once something is identified under a certain category, then that
something cannot be reassigned at the same time to another
• An example for this, if we want to measure a group of people
according to marital status. We can categorize marital status by
simply assigning a number. For instance “1” for single and “2” for

• Obviously, those numbers only serve as labels and they do not

contain any numerical weight. Thus, we cannot say that married
people (having been labelled 2) have more marital status than single
people (having been labelled 1).
• Ordinal Scale: It concerns with ranked data. There are instances
wherein comparison is necessary and cannot be avoided. Ordinal
scale provides ranking of the observation in order to generate
information to the extent of “greater than” or “less than;”. But the
ranked data generated is limited also the extent of “greater than” or
“less than;”. It is not capable of telling information about how much
greater or how much less.
• Ordinal scale can be best illustrated in sports activities like fun run.
Finding the order finish among the participants in a fun run always
come up with a ranking. However, ranked data cannot provide
information as to the difference in time between 1st placer and 2nd
placer. Relative to this, reading reports with ordinal information is
also tricky. For example, a TV commercial extol a certain brand for
being the number one product in the country. This may seem
acceptable, but if you learned that there is no other product then
definitely the message of the commercial will be swallowed with an
smirking face.
• Interval Scale: It deals with measurement data. In the nominal scale,
we use numbers to label categories while in the ordinal scale we use
numbers to merely provide information regarding greater than or less
than. However, in interval scale we assign numbers in such a way that
there is meaning and weight on the value of points between intervals.
This scale of measurement provides more information about the
data. Consider the comparative illustration below:
• Ratio Scale. This is an extension of an interval scale. It also pertains
with measurement data but ratio’s point of view is about absolute
value. Because of this, we oftentimes cannot utilize ratio scale in the
social sciences. We cannot justify an absolute value to gauge
intelligence. We cannot say that our student A with a grade of 99 has
an intelligence several points superior than student E who hardly but
successfully achieved a grade of 70.
Population VS Sample
• Population. A population can be defined as an entire group people,
things, or events having at least one trait in common (Sprinthall,
1994). A common trait is the binding factor in order to group a cluster
and call it a population. Merely having a clustering of people, things
or events cannot be considered as a population. At least one common
trait must be established to make a population. But, on the other
hand, adding too many common traits can also limit the size of the
population. In the illustration below, notice how a trait can severely
reduce the size or membership in the population.
• A group of students (this is a population, since the common trait is
• A group of male students.
• A group of male students attending the Statistics class
• A group of male students attending the Statistics class with iPhone
• A group of male students attending the Statistics class with iPhone
and Earphone
• Parameter. In gauging the entire population, any measure obtained is
called a parameter. Situationally, if someone asks you as to what is
the parameter of the study, then bear in mind that he is referring to
the size of the entire population. In some situations where the actual
size of the population is difficult to obtain; the parameters are in the
form of estimate or inference.
• Sample. The small number of observation taken from the total
number making up a population is called a sample. As long as the
observation or data is not the totality of the entire population, then it
is always considered a sample. For instance, in a population of 100,
then 1 is considered as a sample. 30 is clearly a sample. It may seem
absurd but 99 taken from 100 is still considered a sample. Not until
we include that last number (making it 100) could we claim that it is
already a population and no longer a sample.
• Statistic. In gauging the sample, any measure obtained from the
sample is called a statistic. Whenever we describe the sample, then it
is called statistics. Since a sample is easier to observe or gather than
the population, then statistics are simpler to gather than the
Measures of Central Tendency
• Measures of central tendency are methods that can used to
determine information regarding average, ranking, and category of
any data distribution.
• Mean, median and mode are the three tools in obtaining the
measures of central tendency. But only by knowing and using the
appropriate tool that most accurate estimation of centrality can be
achieved. The objective of the measures of central tendency is to
describe the centrality of the distribution into a single numerical unit.
This single numerical unit must provide clear description about the
common trait being observed in the distribution of scores.
The Mean
• In the example
concerning the
annual income
of 12 workers,
the mean can
be found by
calculating the
average score
of the
• In this example, the mean is an appropriate measure of central
tendency because the distribution is fairly well-balanced. This means
that there are no extremely high or extremely low scores in either
direction that can unusually influence the average of the scores. Thus,
the mean value of 190,083.00 represents the total picture of the
distribution (i.e. annual incomes). This means that in a “more or less”
or approximate fashion it describes the entire distribution.
• Mean of Skewed Distribution. There are situations wherein the mean
cannot be trusted to provide a measure of central tendency because
it portrays an extremely distorted picture of the average value of a
distribution of scores. For instance, let us still consider our example of
annual incomes but this time with some adjustment. Let us introduce
another score. The annual income of an affluent new neighbor who
happened to move to this town just recently. This new neighbor has a
frugal high annual income so extremely far above the others.
• As you may have noticed, the mean income of Php 367,769.00 this
time provides a highly misleading picture of great prosperity for this
neighborhood. The distribution was unbalanced by an extreme score
of the new affluent neighbor. This is what we call an skewed
• When the tail goes to the right, the curve is positively skewed; when
it goes to the left, it is negatively skewed. The skew is in the direction
of the tail-off of scores, not of the majority of scores. The mean is
always pulled toward the extreme score in a skewed distribution.
When the extreme score is at the low end, then the mean is too low
to reflect centrality. When the extreme score is at the high end, the
mean is too high.
The Median
• The median is the point that separates the upper half from the lower
half of the distribution. It is the middle point or midpoint of any
distribution. If the distribution is made up of an even number of
scores, the median can be found by determining the point that lies
halfway between the two middlemost scores.
Arranging scores to form a distribution means listing them sequentially
either highest to lowest or lowest to highest. Unlike the mean, the
median is not affected by skewed distribution. Whenever the mean
cannot provide centrality because of extreme scores present, the
median can be used to provide a more accurate representation.
The Mode
• Another measure of central tendency is called the mode. It is the
most frequently occurring score in a distribution. In a histogram, the
mode is always located beneath the tallest bar.
• The mode provides an
extremely fast way of
knowing the centrality of
the distribution. You can
immediately spot the
mode by simply looking
at the data and find the
dominant constant. It is
the frequently occurring
Appropriate Use of the Mean, Median and
• The best way to illustrate the comparative applicability of the mean,
median and mode is to look again at the skewed distribution.
Effects of the Scale of Measurement
• The scale of measurement in which the data are based oftentimes
dictates the measures of central tendency to be used. The interval
data can entertain the calculations of all three measures of central
tendency. The modal and ordinal data cannot be used to calculate for
the mean. Ordinal mean can provide an extremely confusing wrong
result. Since median is about ranking, a rank above the score falls and
a rank below a score falls; the ordinal arrangement is necessary in
finding the median. For the nominal data, however, neither the mean
nor the median can be used. Nominal data are restricted by simply
using a number as a label for a category and the only measure of
central tendency permissible for nominal data is the mode.
• In summary, if the interval data distribution is fairly well balanced, it is
appropriate to use the mean to measure the central tendency. If the
distribution of the interval data is skewed, you may either remove the
outlier or adopt the median. If the interval data distribution manifests
a significant clustering of scores, then consider to visually analyze the
scores and find the presence of dominant constant which is the
Measures of Dispersion
The measures of central tendency only provide information about the
similarity or typicality of scores. But to fully describe the distribution,
we need to gain information about how scores differ or vary. The
description of the distribution can only be complete if some
information of its variability is known. To substantiate the information
provided by the measures of centrality, some degree of dispersion must
also be brought into the light.
Measures of Variability
• There are three measures of variability: the range, the standard
deviation and the variance. These three measures give information
about the spread of the scores in a distribution. Metaphorically,
variability assert that a glass half-full is also half empty. Being half-full
is about centrality and being half-empty is about variability.
The Range
• The range, symbolized by R, describes the variability of scores by
merely providing the width of the entire distribution. The range can
be found by simply determining the difference between the highest
score and the lowest score. This difference always has a single value
The capability of the range is to give information about the scattering
of the scores by merely using two extreme points. But one the hand,
capability of range to report score deviation poses a severe limitation. If
you add new scores within the distribution, the range can never report
any changes in the deviation. Also, just by adding one extreme score
amidst normal distribution can definitely increase or decrease in range
even if there are no other deviations that transpired within the
distribution. The range is not stable enough to indicate variability. But
nevertheless it is still a method in finding the variability of any given
The Standard Deviation.
• The standard deviation (SD) is the life-blood of the variability concept. It
provides measurement about how much all of the scores in the distribution
normally differ from the mean of the distribution. Unlike the range, which
utilizes only two extreme scores, SD employs every score in the
distribution. It is computed with reference to the mean (not the median or
the mode) and it requires that the scores must be in interval form.
• A distribution with small standard deviation shows that the trait being
measured is homogenous. While a distribution with a large standard
deviation is indicative that the trait being measured is heterogeneous. A
distribution with zero standard deviation implies that scores are all the
same (i.e. 10, 10, 10, 10, 10). Although it may seem like stating the obvious,
it is important to note that if all the scores are the same, there is no
dispersion, no deviation, and no scattering of scores in the distribution ---
so much so that there can never be less than zero variability.
In calculating the standard deviation, we can either use the
computational method or the deviation method. Both methods provide
the same answer. However, in this lesson, we will use the
computational method because it is designed for electronic calculators.
• The formula simply states that the standard deviation (SD) is equal to
the square root of the difference between the sum of raw score
squared, which is divided by the number of cases, and the mean
squared (Sprinthall, 1994). Below is an example on how to obtain the
standard deviation using the computational method.
• The concept of standard deviation can further be clarified by using an
illustration of score distribution of students in Section A and in
Section B, assuming that both distributions (Section A scores and
Section B scores) have precisely the same measures of central
tendency and the same range. The only unusual things about these
two distributions is that they differ in terms of their standard
deviations, Section A having a value that is greater than the value of
Section B. The data are clearly shown in the figure below.
• As can be noticed in the figure above, there is just a slight bulge in the
middle of the distribution of Section A. This means that it has many
scores deviating widely from the mean (100) and this is the result of
having a large standard deviation (10). However, Section B having a
smaller standard deviation (2), most of the scores gathers closely
around the mean (100) thereby creating a towering lump. These two
distributions being compared reveals the disparity in the values of
standard deviation between the two sections. The section A having a
large standard deviation, is behaving in a heterogenous manner while
the section B having small standard deviation acting in a homogenous
The Variance.
• Variance is another technique for assessing disparity in a distribution.
In the simplest sense, variance is the square of the standard
deviation. The formula is illustrated below:
• Conceptually, variance is the same as standard deviation. If both
standard deviation and variance manifest large values then it means
heterogenous distribution and when they both manifest small values,
they provide similar outcomes about the homogeneity of the
• While standard deviation finds out how to spread out the distribution
scores from the mean by exploring the square root of the variance,
the variance, on the other hand, calculates the average degree by
which each score differs from the mean - i.e. the average of all the
scores in the distribution. It may appear to be unnecessary to study
variance where, in fact, standard deviation seems complete. But there
are situations wherein it is more efficient to work directly with
variances than to frequently make courtesy appearances to the
standard deviation. In fact, F Ratio takes full utilization of this special
property of variability.

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