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Артемчик Дмитро 10А клас

Контрольна робота з англ. Мови.

1. Repetition, Contradiction, Substitution, Complementing,
2. This film was made by a famous director last year.
3. Workers were paid by Mr. Elliot.
4. America in 1492, was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
5. The missing child has already found by a detective.
6. This article was written by Stanley yesterday.
7. The book has not been opened by him last year.
8. What is the definition of the adjective “chatty”
9. The students in this class, must speak English.
10. This sports center isn’t visited yet.
11. Space travel made by “spaceX” drives me mad.
12.Give your partner description of a place in your city.
13.Usually, I rarely visit doctors. I rarely get very sick. If I go to the
doctor, most likely I really need help. Most often I go to the
dentist because I have braces. They require a lot of care and
regular visits to the doctor.

14.Being healthy is not very difficult. It is enough to take good care

of yourself. Brush your teeth, bathe, wash your face, get
vitamins from food and visit the doctor regularly. I also want to
note a good sleep and daily routine.
15.You can drink a hot tea when you have got a sore throat)

16. I usually take a pill and go to sleep for a couple of hours.

17. This famous monument will build next year.

18. This educational language course won’t be taught by Mr.

Brown at our university next month.


19.1 I’m confusing about this mathematic theorem

19.2 The smell of this fish soup annoys me.

19.3 Your test disappointed me, I thought your score would be


19.4 This history lesson was boring.

19.5 Everything was clear in this lesson.

20. Now I don't watch TV and I rarely see ads. In 2018, when I was
younger, I often liked to watch a channel QTV that had
advertisements for skitels candy. There was a picture of a giraffe
being milked by an Afro-American. From the giraffe's udder, colorful
skitels candies poured into the bucket. I don't know why but this ad
really stuck with me.

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