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Q1: In 2005 the Chorale at St.

Joseph Old Cathedral in Oklahoma City sang this kind of "Mass

for the Dead" by Mozart?

The crrect Answer is: a requiem

Q2: In this 1930 film Marlene Dietrich played Lola-Lola, a sultry cabaret singer?

The crrect Answer is: <i>The Blue Angel</i>

Q3: One who is in disfavor is said to be here?

The crrect Answer is: the doghouse

Q4: Long before "The X-Files", he stalked the night as Carl Kolchak, a savvy reporter of the
weird & the horrific?

The crrect Answer is: Darren McGavin

Q5: Its construction began in 1817 near Rome, New York?

The crrect Answer is: the Erie Canal

Q6: Winner of the FIFA award for Best Soccer Player of the Year in 2016 & 2017, he was
named in part for President Reagan?

The crrect Answer is: Cristiano Ronaldo

Q7: A popular surname in the Philippines, it's the birthplace of an Italian Dominican
theologian & saint?

The crrect Answer is: Aquino

Q8: FEMA declared major disasters due to wildfires in these 2 neighboring western states
about a month apart in 2020?
The crrect Answer is: Oregon & California

Q9: This "beautiful soul" heard here has also been nominated for 2 acting Emmys for "All My
Children""I don't want my love to go to waste /I want you and your beautiful soul..."?

The crrect Answer is: Jesse McCartney

Q10: When you're sentenced to jail for life, you might use this to get out?

The crrect Answer is: file (from life)

Q11: The history of this present-day country is the subject of James Michener's 1965 book
"The Source?

The crrect Answer is: Israel

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