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About the Contributors

Online Publication Date: 01 October 2007

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Jazz Perspectives
Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2007, pp. 231–232

About the Contributors

An Assistant Professor of music at the City University of New York’s College of

Staten Island, William Bauer was recently appointed to the CUNY Graduate
School faculty. His book, Open the Door: The Life and Music of Betty Carter
(University of Michigan Press) received wide critical acclaim. His forthcoming
book, Louis Armstrong’s Early Recordings: The Codification of Jazz Performance
Practice, will be published by Scarecrow Press.
Benjamin Givan is Assistant Professor of Music at Skidmore College. He has
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published several articles on jazz and is currently writing a book on the music of
Django Reinhardt.
Travis A. Jackson, Associate Professor of Music at the University of Chicago, is the
author of Blowing the Blues Away: Performance and Meaning on the New York
Jazz Scene (University of California Press, forthcoming) as well as articles on
jazz’s place in the African diaspora, jazz and poetry’s intersections, and the
interpretation of meaning in rock. His current projects include a book on post-
punk music (1977–1984) and articles on Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On as an
exemplary concept album, the contradictory position of blacks vis-à-vis the
recording industry and music critics, and the role of graphic designers in
shaping the identities of artists and record labels.
Brian Priestley is one of the U.K.’s leading commentators on jazz, known initially for
his contributions to periodicals over the past forty years. He ran an influential
weekly radio show through the 1970s and 1980s, and has a parallel career as a
pianist, arranger, and occasional bandleader, which has led to regular teaching
on jazz courses at leading London music colleges. His international reputation
rests on a series of books that began with the first-ever biography of Charles
Mingus, and including books on John Coltrane and the history of recorded jazz.
As well as contributing to several other books, he is known for a standard
reference work written with Ian Carr and Digby Fairweather; now known as The
Rough Guide to Jazz, it has been regularly revised since 1987.
David Tegnell plays trombone and sackbut, holds an M.M. from Oklahoma
University, and has completed course work toward a Ph.D. in musicology at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is guest curator of a
forthcoming exhibit on John Coltrane’s life in High Point to be mounted at the
High Point Museum, and is currently researching a book about Coltrane’s
ancestry and youth.

ISSN 1749-4060 print/1749-4079 online # 2007 Taylor & Francis

DOI: 10.1080/17494060701612054
232 About the Contributors

Dr. Tony Whyton is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Salford and co-editor of
the interdisciplinary Jazz Research Journal, published by Equinox. Tony has
published articles on a variety of jazz-related topics and his research has been
disseminated internationally within university settings including Yale
University, University of Melbourne, McGill University Montreal, RMC
Copenhagen, Charles University Prague, and the University of Jyvaskyla,
Finland. Tony is currently completing a book entitled Sonic Icons, to be
published by Cambridge University Press in 2009.
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