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旋元佑 編授


facile (a.) [ˋfæs!] 簡單的,容易的;熟練的

fact (fect, fict): do, make This problem requires more than just a facile
factor (n.) [ˋfæktɚ] 因素 He is a wonderfully facile writer.
Price wasn’t a factor in my decision to buy
the land. facilitate (v.) [fəˋsɪlə͵tet] 方便,便利
The company is adding a ramp to facilitate
artificial (a.) [͵ɑrtəˋfɪʃəl] 人造的,人工的 the entry of wheelchairs.
【衍】artifact (n.) 藝品,古文物
Artificial flowers seldom look natural. facility (n.) [fəˋsɪlətɪ] 能力,熟練;設備,設施
The robot has artificial intelligence built in. He had great facility with words.
Many ancient artifacts were unearthed at the A library is an important facility for research.
faculty (n.) [ˋfæk!tɪ] 全體教師;能力
certificate (n.) [sɚˋtɪfəkɪt] 證明,證書,證照 “On behalf of the faculty, welcome to our
【衍】certify (v.) 檢驗合格,證明 school,” said the Principal to the visitors.
You must get a certificate before you can The old man is still in possession of all his
teach in this state. faculties.
The man is certified to teach in this state.
feasible (a.) [ˋfizəb!] 可行的
defect (n.) [ˋdifɛkt] 缺點 【衍】feasibility (n.) 可行性
【衍】defective (a.) 有瑕疵的 We need to come up with a feasible plan to
All the defects had been corrected before the save the company.
new product was introduced to the market. The proposal is theoretically feasible.
The manager suggested that we do a
effective (a.) [ɪˋfɛktɪv] 有效的 feasibility study before making a decision.
【衍】effect (n., v.) 效果,功效;做出,達到
Both remedies are effective, but taking a feat (n.) [fit] 重大成就,壯舉
shot is clearly more efficient. The CEO performed a remarkable feat by
Taking an aspirin is an efficacious remedy for turning the company back into profitability.
your headache.
The union accepted the terms, in effect
capitulating to the management.

fictitious (a.) [fɪkˋtɪʃəs] 虛構的
【衍】fiction (n.) 虛構的故事,小說 erc (erg, org): work
Don Quixote is a fictitious character.
coercion (n.) [koˋɝʒən] 強制,強迫
infect (v.) [ɪnˋfɛkt] 感染 【衍】coerce (v.) 強制,強迫
【衍】infection (n.) 感染 The police used coercion to obtain a
His optimism infected everyone around him. confession from the suspect.
This computer is infected with a destructive
virus. organic (a.) [ɔrˋgænɪk]
Put some disinfectant on the wound to 有機的;整體的,不可或缺的
prevent infection. 【衍】organism (n.) 生物
Organic chemicals are required in the
manufacture (v., n.) [͵mænjəˋfæktʃɚ] manufacture of plastics.
(大量)製造,加工 Urban planners think of the city as an organic
This factory manufactures hi-tech whole.
The manufacture of clothing and shoes has synergy (n.) [ˋsɪnɚdʒɪ] 共同作用,相乘效果
largely relocated to areas where labor cost is Time Inc. and AOL are two companies that
low. have found synergy.

proficient (a.) [prəˋfɪʃənt] 熟練,精通 ergonomic (a.) [͵ɝgəˋnɑmɪk] 人體工學的

【衍】proficiency (n.) 熟練,精通 【衍】ergonomics (n.) 人體工學
The computer engineer is proficient in This ergonomic chair looks weird but is
hunting viruses. comfortable to sit on.
This job requires proficiency in two

function (n., v.) [ˋfʌŋkʃən] 功能;運作 labor: work

My cell phone has several additional
functions. labor (n., v.) [ˋlebɚ] 勞工,勞動;努力,賣力
It also functions as a digital camera. The car parts themselves are inexpensive; it’s
the labor that will cost you.
affair (n.) [əˋfɛr] 事件 The truck labored uphill with its heavy load.
Extramarital affairs are a main cause of
divorce. laborious (a.) [ləˋborɪəs] 費力的,辛苦的
Our annual conference is an important affair. Fetching water from the stream is a laborious

elaborate (a., v.) [ɪˋlæbə͵ret]
【衍】elaboration (n.) 複雜性;闡述
The couple took elaborate precautions
before going on the journey.
My thesis advisor asked me to elaborate
more fully on the point I raised.

oper: work

cooperate (v.) [koˋɑpə͵ret] 合作

【衍】cooperation (n.) 合作
We’ll have to cooperate if we wish to

operation (n.) [͵ɑpəˋreʃən]

【衍】operate (v.) 操作,行動,開刀
Desert Storm was a successful military

maneuver (n., v.) [məˋnuvɚ] 策略,行動;操控

Through a series of legal maneuvers, the
defense lawyer kept her client out of jail.
The other directors are trying to maneuver
her into resigning.


persist (v.) [pɚˋsɪst] 持續

sist (sta, stit): stand, be 【衍】persistent (a.) 持續的
stability (n.) [stəˋbɪlətɪ] 穩定 persistence (n.) 持續
【衍】stable (a.) 穩定的 If the pain persists, you must see a doctor.
Stability and progress are two conflicting The boy is most persistent in his unreasonable
demands. demands.

constant (a., n.) [ˋkɑnstənt] institute (n., v.) [ˋɪnstətjut] 機構;設立,推行

經常的,恆定的;常數 That think tank is a research institute in
The thermostat on the air-conditioning keeps geopolitics.
the room at constant temperature. By instituting these programs, we hope to
There are two constants and one variable in improve our children’s education.
this math formula.
institution (n.) [͵ɪnstəˋtjuʃən]
constitution (n.) [͵kɑnstəˋtjuʃən] 憲法;組成, 設立,推行;機構;制度
體質 The institution of these reforms is absolutely
The Constitution guarantees individual rights. necessary.
He has a strong constitution and seldom falls This is the most prestigious educational
sick. institution in the nation.
Do you think homosexuality threatens the
inconsistent (a.) [͵ɪnkənˋsɪstənt] institution of marriage?
【衍】inconsistency (n.) 不一致,不連貫 stagnant (a.) [ˋstægnənt] 停滯的
What he does is inconsistent with what he 【衍】stagnancy (n.) 停滯
says. stagnation (n.) 停滯
The witness’s statements lack consistency. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water.
The economy has remained stagnant for the
install (v.) [ɪnˋstɔl] 就職;架設,裝設 third consecutive year.
【衍】installation (n.) 就職;裝設,設施 The government is pumping money into
The college recently installed its first woman public projects to bring the country out of
president. economic stagnation.
The computer comes with the software
already installed. stale (a.) [stel] 陳腐的
“Afraid of one’s own shadow” is a stale
installment (n.) [ɪnˋstɔlmənt] 分期付款;一集 expression.
You may pay for the car in 12 installments. The air in the deserted house is stale.
The latest TV miniseries will be presented in The leftover bread has grown stale.
five installments.

static (a., n.) [ˋstætɪk] 靜止的;雜音 substance (n.) [ˋsʌbstəns] 物質
Food prices remained static throughout the Gold is a substance that defies decay.
Static electricity tends to be strong when substantial (a.) [səbˋstænʃəl] 具體的,大量的
humidity is low. There is a substantial amount of oil in these
A good antenna can reduce the static on your waters.
substantiate (v.) [səbˋstænʃɪ͵et]] 證實
stance (n.) [stæns] 站姿,立場 【衍】substantiation (n.) 證實
The player took up a stance, ready to hit the Many of the allegations have been
ball. substantiated by eye-witness testaments.
Most students took an antiwar stance during
the conflict.

stationary (a.) [ˋsteʃən͵ɛrɪ] 不動的 sed (sid): sit

The so-called fixed stars only appear to be
stationary in the night sky. assiduous (a.) [əˋsɪdʒʊəs] 勤奮的,認真的
My aunt is the most assiduous gardener I
statistics (n.) [stəˋtɪstɪks] 統計學,統計數字 know.
Statistics was developed from gambling.
This statistic is incorrect, but all the other dissident (n., a.) [ˋdɪsədənt]
statistics are acceptable. 異議人士;非主流的
Political dissidents are tolerated in a
stature (n.) [ˋstætʃɚ] 身高,高度 democracy.
The boy reached a stature of six feet when he The dissident writer keeps a column on the
was 13. op-ed page.
He is a scientist of great stature.
reside (v.) [rɪˋzaɪd] 居住
status (n.) [ˋstetəs] 身分,地位 He resides in the capital with his family.
Doctors and lawyers enjoy high social status. He is a permanent resident of the US, but not
One’s car is often regarded as a status a citizen.
symbol. Shops are not allowed in residential areas.
That mansion is the mayor’s residence.
subsistence (n.) [səbˋsɪstəns] 生存,生計
【衍】subsist (v.) 生存,存活 residue (n.) [ˋrɛzə͵dju] 殘留
The fishermen depended on cod for 【衍】residual (a.) 殘留的
subsistence. You should wash the vegetable thoroughly to
These villagers still pursue subsistence get rid of any residues of pesticides.
The stray mountaineer subsisted on roots
and insects for a week.
session (n.) [ˋsɛʃən] 會議,會期
Congress is in session now.
The school team had a training session last
The complicated negotiations cannot be
completed in one session only.

subside (v.) [səbˋsaɪd] 平息

After two days, flood waters began to
The protests gradually subsided after the
government made a few concessions.

subsidiary (a., n.) [səbˋsɪdɪ͵ɛrɪ]

Money was only a subsidiary factor in my
decision to change jobs.
This company is a subsidiary of Microsoft.

subsidy (n.) [ˋsʌbsədɪ] 補助

【衍】subsidize (v.) 補助
He is studying abroad under government


memorabilia (n.) [ˋmɛmərəˋbɪlɪə] 紀念品(複)

card (cord): heart 【衍】memorable (a.) 值得紀念的,難忘的
The boy is a Yankees fan and has collected a
discourage (v.) [dɪsˋkɝɪdʒ] 使洩氣,勸阻 lot of baseball memorabilia.
【衍】discouragement (n.) 勸阻
The man wasn’t discouraged by the amnesty (n.) [ˋæm͵nɛstɪ] 特赦
numerous challenges he encountered. The last hope for the prisoner lies in an
amnesty from the governor.
cordial (a.) [ˋkɔrdʒəl] 誠摰的,熱情的
【衍】cordiality (n.) 誠摰,熱情 immemorial (a.) [͵ɪməˋmorɪəl] 古老的,久遠的
The hostess gave cordial greetings to every Dogs have been humans’ companions from
arriving guest. time immemorial.

concord (n.) [ˋkɑnkɔrd] 和諧,一致 memorandum (n.) [͵mɛməˋrændəm] 備忘錄

【衍】concordant (a.) 和諧的,一致的 After the meeting, the manager sent a
There was complete concord among all the memorandum to every participant.
committee members, so the proposal was
passed. memoir (n.) [ˋmɛmwɑr] 回憶錄
The party had long been plagued with The retired movie star started writing his
discord, and finally split in two. memoir.

core (a., n.) [kor] 核心(的) mnemonics (n.) [niˋmɑnɪks] 記憶術

I believe the company should focus on its 【衍】mnemonic (a.) 記憶術的
core expertise only. Mnemonics—the use of mnemonic devices
What are the core values of this company? to facilitate memory—was invented by
A lack of trust is at the core of the problem. ancient Greeks.

reminiscence (n.) [͵rɛməˋnɪsns] 回憶

【衍】reminisce (v.) 回憶
mem (mne): mind, remember reminiscent (a.) 另人想起…的
The old man likes to indulge in pleasant
commemorate (v.) [kəˋmɛmə͵ret] 紀念 reminiscences of his childhood.
【衍】commemoration (n.) 紀念 I like this small town because it is reminiscent
The war memorial was built to of my hometown.
commemorate those killed in the war.


incarnation (n.) [͵ɪnkɑrˋneʃən] 典型,化身

corp: body 【衍】incarnate (v.) 化身,代表
incarnate (a.) 化身的,典型的
reincarnation (n.) 輪迴轉世
corps (n.) [kɔr] 團隊,軍團
She is the very incarnation of grace.
The Army Corps of Engineers call themselves
the ACE.

incorporeal (a.) [͵ɪnkɔrˋporɪəl] capit: head

【衍】corporeal (a.) 身體的,物質的 capitalism (n.) [ˋkæpət!͵ɪzəm] 資本主義
In the film, the house was haunted by an 【衍】capital (n.) 資本,首都
incorporeal entity. capitalist (n.) 資本家
capitalistic (a.) 資本主義的
The American brand of capitalism has
corporation (n.) [͵kɔrpəˋreʃən] 法人,公司
numerous ills.
The man works for a multinational
corporation. capitulate (v.) [kəˋpɪtʃə͵let] 投降,屈服
【衍】capitulation (n.) 投降,屈服
corpulent (a.) [ˋkɔrpjələnt] 肥胖的 The teacher capitulated and allowed the use
【衍】corpulence (n.) 肥胖 of calculators.
There was a corpulent lady sitting next to
me. recapitulate (v.) [͵rikəˋpɪtʃə͵let]
【衍】recapitulation (n.) 重述要點
incorporate (v.) [ɪnˋkɔrpə͵ret] 包含,體現
The movie recapitulates history truthfully.
This design incorporates the best features of
our earlier models. decapitate (v.) [dɪˋkæpə͵tet] 斬首
【衍】decapitation (n.) 斬首
The journalist was decapitated by terrorists.

carn: flesh

ped: foot
carnage (n.) [ˋkɑrnɪdʒ] 大屠殺
The footage exposed the appalling carnage in
that war-torn country.
expedite (v.) [ˋɛkspɪ͵daɪt] 迅速執行,加快
carnivore (n.) [kɑrnə͵vɔr] 肉食動物 【衍】(a.) expeditious 迅速的
【衍】carnivorous (a.) 肉食的 We'll do what we can to expedite the
herbivore (n.) 草食動物 processing of your insurance claim.
omnivore (n.) 雜食動物
Lions are carnivores.

expedient (a.) [ɪkˋspidɪənt]
【衍】expediency (n.) 方便性,權宜
They found it expedient to negotiate with the
The negotiation was regarded as a desperate

expedition (n.) [͵ɛkspɪˋdɪʃən] 探險隊,遠征隊

The expedition reached the summit and
returned without mishap.

impediment (n.) [ɪmˋpɛdəmənt] 阻礙,障礙

【衍】impede (v.) 阻礙
The country's debt was a serious impediment
to economic improvement.

peddler (n.) [ˋpɛdlɚ] 小販

【衍】peddle (v.) 兜售
This is a residential area and peddlers are not
allowed here.

pedestrian (n., a.) [pəˋdɛstrɪən]

There are no pedestrians on the sidewalk.
The pedestrian prose could really put me to

stampede (n., v.) [stæmˋpid] 奔逃,驚逃

The fire alarm caused a stampede to the
The frightened horses stampeded to the cliff
and couldn’t stop.


cogn (gnos): know cred: believe

recognize (v.) [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] 辨認,承認 credit (n., v.) [ˋkrɛdɪt] 信譽,信用,學分;相信

【衍】recognition (n.) 辯認,承認 【衍】creditable (a.) 信用可靠的
I haven’t seen him for so long that I probably Although she did the work, her supervisor
can’t recognize him. took all the credit.
The 200-mile offshore fishing zone is You can buy the car on credit.
internationally recognized. This is a required, three-credit course.
Do you credit all his wild stories?
connoisseur (n.) [͵kɑnəˋsɝ] 鑑賞家,專家
The character James Bond is portrayed as a accredited (a.) [əˋkrɛdɪtɪd]
connoisseur of fine wines. 檢定合格的,獲得認可的
【衍】accreditation (n.) 檢定,認可
diagnosis (n.) [͵daɪəgˋnosɪs] 診斷 This Medical School is accredited with the
【衍】diagnose (v.) 診斷 AMA and all major hospitals in the U.S.
diagnostic (a.) 診斷的
What’s the doctor’s diagnosis of your credential (n.) [krɪˋdɛnʃəl] 資歷,證件
stomach ache? This candidate has excellent credentials for
the kind of work we do.
prognosis (n.) [prɑgˋnosɪs] 預後 You must show your credentials before you
【衍】prognosticate (v.) 預測 can enter.
The economist’s prognosis of the coming
year is quite optimistic. creditor (n.) [ˋkrɛdɪtɚ] 債主,債權人
This bank is our company’s major creditor.
ignore (v.) [ɪgˋnor] 忽略
【衍】ignorance (n.) 無知 creed (n.) [krid] 信條
ignorant (a.) 無知的 The Ten Commandments are important
The man ignored the “No Trespassing” sign Christian creeds.
and pressed ahead.
I’m quite ignorant about computers. incredible (a.) [ɪnˋkrɛdəb!] 令人難以置信的
There is an incredible amount of coal in these
incognito (adv., a.) [ɪnˋkɑgnɪ͵to] 隱藏身分 mountains.
The superstar likes to travel incognito.
The best-selling author remains incognito. credulous (a.) [ˋkrɛdʒʊləs] 太輕易相信人的
【衍】credulity (n.) 輕信,易受騙
Don’t be so credulous.
There’s an incredulous look on his face.
fid (fed): faith

confident (a.) [ˋkɑnfədənt] 有信心的

【衍】confidence (n.) 信心
I’m confident that I can win.
My sister is a shy, diffident girl.

fidelity (n.) [fɪˋdɛlətɪ] 誠信,忠實

The most important principle in translation is
“fidelity to the original.”
Sexual fidelity is essential to a happy

confide (v.) [kənˋfaɪd] 信任,透露

You can confide in John completely.
May I confide something to you?
The information is confidential.
The CEO has made his confidant a manager.

federal (a.) [ˋfɛdərəl] 聯邦的

【衍】federation (n.) 聯邦
The federal government operates on a huge
The U.S. is a federation.
The Olympic Committee is under the
National Sports Confederation.

infidel (n.) [ˋɪnfəd!] 異教徒,不信神者

“Death to the infidels!” cried the Islam


imperceptible (a.) [͵ɪmpɚˋsɛptəb!] 覺察不出的

capt (cept, cip): take 【衍】perceive (v.) 覺察,看待
perception (n.) 觀察,認知
deceptively (adv.) [dɪˋsɛptɪvlɪ] 不可信地 Small, imperceptible changes may accumulate
【衍】deceive (v.) 欺騙 to make a large difference.
deception (n.) 欺騙
Some of Picasso’s later drawings look inception (n.) [ɪnˋsɛpʃən] 開始
deceptively simple. 【衍】incipient (a.) 剛開始的
The company has been highly successful ever
captive (n., a.) [ˋkæptɪv] 俘虜;囚禁的 since its inception.
When the war was over, the captives were A stuffy nose is one sign of an incipient cold.
Captive animals sometimes demonstrate intercept (v.) [͵ɪntɚˋsɛpt] 攔截
abnormal behavior. 【衍】interception (n.) 攔截
Animals in captivity often live longer than Army intelligence has intercepted an
those in the wild. important piece of enemy communication.
The superstar captivated the Shanghai The last-minute interception of the ball
audience. changed the result of the game.

capacity (n.) [kəˋpæsətɪ] 容量,能力 receptionist (n.) [rɪˋsɛpʃənɪst] 接待員

【衍】capacious (a.) 容量大的 The receptionist at the front desk told the
capable (a.) 有能力的 visitor to wait a while.
The auditorium was filled to capacity. I was a recipient of the Microsoft scholarship.
That suitcase is truly capacious.
Both assembly lines are running at full susceptible (a.) [səˋsɛptəb!]
capacity. 易受影響的,容許…的
I am capable of going two days without Minors, with their susceptible minds, should
sleep. not watch this violent movie.
The fees in this brochure are susceptible to
capsule (n.) [ˋkæps!] 膠囊,小容器,太空艙 change without further notice.
【衍】encapsulate (v.) 封裝,壓縮
Drug capsules are sometimes hard to
swallow, but they do make drugs less bitter.
Every pupil was told to put together a time
capsule to be buried somewhere on campus.
The life capsule in a spacecraft is where
astronauts live and work.

presume (v.) [prɪˋzum] 假設,假定
sum (sumpt, empt): take 【衍】presumption (n.) 假定
presumptive (a.) 假定的,很可能的
The court must presume innocence until
redemption (n.) [rɪˋdɛmpʃən]
there is proof of guilt.
【衍】redeem (v.) 救贖,挽救,贖回
resume (v.) [rɪˋzjum] 恢復,重新開始
The movie deals with a sinner’s search for 【衍】resumption (n.) 恢復,重新開始
redemption. Normal services will be resumed in the
The interview greatly aided the redemption spring.
of his reputation. Negotiations will resume after the long

sumptuous (a.) [ˋsʌmptʃʊəs]

tain (ten, tin): hold
That was the most sumptuous feast I had
ever enjoyed.
content (n., a.) [kənˋtɛnt] 內容;滿足的
Check the contents of the wallet for clues
exemplary (a.) [ɪgˋzɛmplərɪ] 模範的;警示的
about the owner.
The officer was cited for exemplary service to
I feel content with my current situation.
the community.
Activists decry public execution as an
sustain (v.) [səˋsten] 維持,承受
exemplary measure.
【衍】sustainable (a.) 永續的
The economy is expected to sustain its
exemplify (v.) [ɪgˋzɛmplə͵faɪ] 例證,舉例說明 growth the whole year.
【衍】exemplification (n.) 舉例說明 The house sustained major damage in the
I’ll use one novel to exemplify the genre. earthquake.
The farmer grows only enough to sustain his
exempt (v., a.) [ɪgˋzɛmpt] family.
免除,豁免;被免除,豁免的 Sustainable development is the principle
guiding the reclamation project.
【衍】exemption (n.) 豁免,免除
The conscientious objector was exempted
detain (v.) [dɪˋten] 逗留,拘留
from military service.
【衍】detention (n.) 逗留,拘留
The retired judge was exempt from jury duty.
The police have the right to detain suspicious
people for a short period of time.
preempt (v.) [priˋɛmpt] 防止,阻止 I am late because I was detained by an old
【衍】preemption (n.) 防止,阻止 friend on the way.
preemptive (a.) 先發制人的 The student is under detention because he
The contract preempts lawsuits by the didn’t do his homework.
company's clients.

maintenance (n.) [ˋmentənəns]
維持,維修,堅稱 propr: one’s own
【衍】maintain (v.) 維持,維修,堅稱
The maintenance of living standards is very proper (a.) [ˋprɑpɚ] 恰當的,合適的
difficult if prices keep rising like this. 【衍】propriety (n.) 恰當性,合適性
I’m taking my car to the garage for I would have done the job myself but I didn’t
maintenance. have the proper equipment.
The suspect maintained that he was
innocent. property (n.) [ˋprɑpɚtɪ] 財產;屬性
This land is government property.
obtain (v.) [əbˋten] 取得,獲得 An important property of gold is that it
You have to obtain the teacher’s permission doesn’t rust.
before you can leave early.
proprietary (a.) [prəˋpraɪə͵tɛrɪ] 私有,專利的
retain (v.) [rɪˋten] 保留,留下 【衍】proprietor (n.) 業主,擁有人
【衍】retention (n.) 保留,留下 This is proprietary software.
The company finds it hard to retain its
market share under severe competition. appropriate (v., a.) [əˋproprɪ͵et]
tenacious (a.) [tɪˋneʃəs] 頑強的 【衍】appropriation (n.) 撥款,挪用
【衍】tenacity (n.) 頑強 appropriateness (n.) 恰當性,合適性
These tenacious farmers refuse to give up Congress will appropriate money for the
their traditional livelihood. research program.
What would be an appropriate response to
tenant (n.) [ˋtɛnənt] 房客 the query?
The tenant is being evicted because he hasn’t
been paying his rent.

tenet (n.) [ˋtɛnɪt] 信條,守則 pos (pon): place

One basic tenet of modern science holds that
any valid experiment must be duplicable. compound (n., a., v.) [kɑmˋpaʊnd]
tenure (n.) [ˋtɛnjʊr] 任期,終身制 The military compound is fenced in with
During his tenure, the Minister completed a electric wires.
number of major projects in public Life on earth is based on organic compounds.
construction. The deposit account offers compound
Justices in the Supreme Court have tenure. interest.
She’s a tenured professor at this department. High winds compounded the difficulties of
the firefighters.

opposition (n.) [͵ɑpəˋzɪʃən] 反對 juxtapose (v.) [͵dʒʌkstəˋpoz] 並列,對照
【衍】oppose (v.) 反對 【衍】juxtaposition (n.) 並列,對照
The legislator is in opposition to the tax hike. In his retrospective, the artist juxtaposed his
The Opposition is loudly condemning the early and late works to highlight his progress.
Ruling Party’s latest legislation.
pose (v., n.) [poz] 提出,造成,擺姿勢;姿勢
deposit (v., n.) [dɪˋpɑzɪt] The depletion of petroleum poses a
儲存,存放;蘊藏,存款 challenge to us all.
Flood waters deposited a thick layer of mud The reporter asked the interviewee to pose
for a cover picture.
I’m going to the bank to deposit some money.
There are rich deposits of precious metals in The interviewee assumed a casual pose.
these mountains.
There’s not much money left in my bank posture (n., v.) [ˋpɑstʃɚ] 姿態;擺姿態
You should always maintain an erect posture.
The models are posturing for the media.
dispose (v.) [dɪˋspoz] 處理,廢棄
【衍】disposal (n.) 處理,處置
The gangster told his men to dispose of the
proposal (n.) [prəˋpoz!] 提議
【衍】propose (v.) 提議
The proposal to legalize marijuana has won a
It is very convenient to have a waste disposal
lot of support.
in the kitchen.
Did Helen accept John’s proposal?

disposable (a.) [dɪˋspozəb!]

可拋式的,可自由運用的 composition (n.) [͵kɑmpəˋzɪʃən]
Disposable diapers are convenient but not
【衍】compose (v.) 創作(音樂、文章),組成
environmentally friendly.
composite (a.) 合成的
His disposable income is about half his salary.
The students were told to write a
composition on capital punishment.
expose (v.) [ɪkˋspoz] 暴露,揭發
Critics highly commend the unique
【衍】exposure (n.) 暴露,揭發
composition of the painting.
This magazine specializes in exposing
You shouldn’t be exposed to direct sunlight
around noon.

exposition (n.) [͵ɛkspəˋzɪʃən] 說明文,展覽會

This article is a detailed exposition of
Japanese wedding customs.
The next World Exposition will be held in


fertile (a.) [ˋfɝt!] 肥沃的,有生育能力的

fer: bear, carry 【衍】fertility (n.) 肥沃,生育能力
fertilize (v.) 施肥,授精
suffer (v.) [ˋsʌfɚ] 受苦,罹患,承受 The soil is kept fertile by the annual flooding
When hyperinflation occurs, everyone of the river.
suffers. He has a fertile imagination.
The woman suffers from lung cancer. Women are fertile before menopause.
Two died in the train wreck, and many I need to fertilize the land, but haven’t
suffered minor injuries. decided on the fertilizer yet.

ferry (n., v.) [ˋfɛrɪ] 渡船,渡口;擺渡 infer (v.) [ɪnˋfɝ] 推論

Let’s take the ferry to Kowloon. 【衍】inference (n.) 推論
There’re many people waiting at the ferry. I can infer from the article that the author
This is a car ferry, so you can drive on. has had first-hand experience in the matter.
The boat ferries people and goods all day The party leader, and by inference the whole
long. party, opposed the bill.
We can ferry across in 10 minutes.
refer (v.) [rɪˋfɝ] 提及,轉介
conference (n.) [ˋkɑnfərəns] 會議 The speaker referred to her wartime
【衍】confer (v.) 會商 experience several times.
The meeting will be held in the conference The doctor referred the patient to a heart
room. specialist.
The President will make an important
announcement at the press conference. reference (n.) [ˋrɛfərəns] 提及,參考,推薦
I need to confer with my lawyer. I can find no reference of the new theory in
this paper.
defer (v.) [dɪˋfɝ] 延後,順從 You can find the book in the reference room
【衍】deferral (n.) 延後 at the library.
deference (n.) 順從 You need to provide three references for
deferential (a.) 順從的 your application.
You may choose to defer your admission for
one year. referee (n.) [͵rɛfəˋri] 裁判
The girl deferred to her father’s wishes and The referee blew the whistle and nullified the
stopped seeing the man. goal.
Her deferential attitude pleased her father.

transfer (v., n.) [trænsˋfɝ] 轉移,傳遞 congestion (n.) [kənˋdʒɛstʃən] 阻塞
After a year the student transferred to 【衍】congest (v.) 阻塞
another department. Traffic congestion is a real problem for
The internet greatly facilitates the transfer of commuters.
information. The main roads are badly congested during
rush hour.

digest (v., n.) [daɪˋdʒɛst] 消化;文摘

port: carry 【衍】digestion (n.) 消化
Stomach acid helps digest food.
portable (a.) [ˋportəb!] 可攜式的 I need some time to digest the lecture.
A laptop is a portable computer. The institute publishes a monthly digest of its
research findings.
portal (n.) [ˋport!] 門戶,入口 You may have indigestion if you eat too
I want to take a photo at the portal of the much.
Lincoln Memorial.
What is your favorite internet portal? ingest (v.) [ɪnˋdʒɛst] 吞嚥,吸收
【衍】ingestion (n.) 吞嚥,吸收
import (v., n.) [ˋɪmport] 進口 Liquid food is easy to ingest.
This trading company imports hi-tech
gadgets and exports raw material.
It is in the import-export business.

transport (n., v.) [ˋtræns͵pɔrt] 運輸

Good public transport helps reduce pollution
and traffic congestion.
Pipelines and tankers are used to transport

gest: carry

gesture (n., v.) [ˋdʒɛstʃɚ] 姿勢,表態;打手勢

The man shrugged and opened his hands, in
a gesture of helplessness.
The small donation was a gesture of
humanitarian concern.
He gestured for me to follow.


tribute: give

contribute (v.) [kənˋtrɪbjʊt] 貢獻,捐獻

【衍】contribution (n.) 貢獻,捐獻
The winner of the lottery contributed large sums to charity.

distribute (v.) [dɪˋstrɪbjʊt] 分配,分佈,分發

【衍】distribution (n.) 分配,分佈,分發
Donated foodstuff was quickly distributed to the stricken areas.

tribute (n.) [ˋtrɪbjʊt] 貢品;敬意,禮讚

In the ceremony, artists and musicians paid tribute to the famous composer.

attribute (n., v.) [ˋætrə͵bjʊt] 特性,特質;歸因於

【衍】attribution (n.) 歸屬,屬性
Both candidates possess the attributes we want in a leader.
The media attributed the success of the expedition entirely to one man.

tributary (n., a.) [ˋtrɪbjə͵tɛrɪ] 進貢國,支流;貢獻的

This stream is a tributary of the Ohio River.
The Han Dynasty lorded over many tributary nations.

retribution (n.) [͵rɛtrɪˋbjuʃən] 報復,報應

The killer acted without fear of retribution.


repel (v.) [rɪˋpɛl] 擊退,排斥,使產生反感

pel (puls): push 【衍】repulse (v.) 擊退,排斥,使產生反感
Are we able to repel enemy attacks?
compel (v.) [kəmˋpɛl] 強迫 Similar poles of magnets repel each other.
【衍】compulsion (n.) 強迫
compulsory (a.) 強迫性的 repellent (a., n.) [rɪˋpɛlənt]
Incontrovertible proof compelled me to 令人厭惡的,有排斥作用的;驅蟲劑
admit mistake. I find such cruelty utterly repellent.
Anyone over 65 must go into compulsory This jacket is water-repellent.
retirement. Spray some insect repellent on yourself.

expel (v.) [ɪkˋspɛl] 逐出,排出 repulsive (a.) [rɪˋpʌlsɪv] 令人厭惡的

【衍】expulsion (n.) 逐出,排出 At the repulsive sight, she averted her eyes.
The koala bear has a digestive system that
assimilates the nutrition but expels the
poison from eucalyptus leaves.
The student was expelled from college
tract: pull, draw
because he cheated in exams.
distract (v.) [dɪˋstrækt] 轉移,使分心
dispel (v.) [dɪˋspɛl] 排除 【衍】distraction (n.) 分心,分散注意
The sun came out and dispelled the fog. The magician distracted his audience with a
The scientist tried to dispel superstition with lot of sound and smoke.
scientific proof.
extract (n., v.) [ɪkˋstrækt]
impulse (n.) [ˋɪmpʌls] 衝動 精(油),選文;抽出,拔出
【衍】impulsive (a.) 衝動的 The shampoo has herbal extracts added.
On an impulse, I asked the girl her phone This is an extract from the new bestseller.
number. Oil is extracted from underground reserves.
Items such as chewing gum and batteries are
The dentist decided to extract the tooth.
placed near checkout counters to attract
impulse buying.
protract (v.) [proˋtrækt] 拖延,延長
propel (v.) [prəˋpɛl] 推動,推進 【衍】protraction (n.) 拖延,延長
【衍】propulsion (n.) 推動,推進 There’s no need to protract the discussion;
propeller (n.) 推進器,螺旋槳 we can make a decision right now.
The boat is propelled by a 30-horsepower
engine. subtract (v.) [səbˋtrækt] 扣減,減去
The hit song propelled the singer to stardom. 【衍】subtraction (n.) 減
A propeller plane flies much slower than a jet You can calculate profit by subtracting cost
plane. from revenue.

reduce (v.) [rɪˋdjus] 減少

duct: lead 【衍】reduction (n.) 減少
Warning signs were installed along the curve
abduct (v.) [æbˋdʌkt] 挾持,綁架 to reduce accidents.
【衍】abduction (n.) 挾持,綁架
The woman was abducted at gunpoint. ductility (n.) [dʌkˋtɪlətɪ] 延展性
The police quickly cracked the abduction case 【衍】ductile (a.) 有延展性的
and rescued the missing children. The characteristic ductility of copper makes it
highly versatile.
seduction (n.) [sɪˋdʌkʃən] 引誘,誘惑
【衍】seduce (v.) 引誘,誘惑 conduct (n., v.) [kənˋdʌkt] 行為;領導,指揮,
The official succumbed to seduction and 表現
stole classified information for the woman. The club has a strict code of conduct.
He was seduced by the woman. The experiment was conducted by scientists
in New York.
conduit (n.) [ˋkɑndʊɪt] 導管,管道 The orchestra was conducted by a great
This pipeline is the main conduit for Alaskan
I hardly know how to conduct myself in the
presence of the King.
The internet has become an important
conduit of information.

deduce (v.) [dɪˋdjus] 推論

sequ (secu, su): follow
【衍】deduction (n.) 推論
From these premises, several conclusions can
be deduced. consequently (adv.) [ˋkɑnsə͵kwɛntlɪ]因此,所以
【衍】consequence (n.) 後果,結果
deduct (v.) [dɪˋdʌkt] 扣除 You have more money; consequently, you
【衍】deduction (n.) 扣除 should pay.
The player had points deducted for arguing
with the referee. inconsequential (a.) [ɪn͵kɑnsəˋkwɛnʃəl]
induce (v.) [ɪnˋdjus] 歸納;誘導,引起 What I think is inconsequential; it’s what you
【衍】induction (n.) 歸納法,誘導 feel about the matter that counts.
From these observations, we can induce that
most mammals are equipped with hair. subsequent (a.) [ˋsʌbsɪ͵kwɛnt] 後續的,後來的
You can induce vomit by sticking a finger Let’s wait to see the subsequent
down the throat. developments.
Francis Bacon advocated induction and
deduction. sequel (n.) [ˋsikwəl] 續集
Have you seen the latest sequel to the Bond

consecutive (a.) [kənˋsɛkjʊtɪv] 連續的
The Chairman served for three consecutive

execute (v.) [ˋɛksɪ͵kjut] 執行,處決

【衍】execution (n.) 執行,處決
The relocation was executed according to
The criminal will be executed early tomorrow
The execution of the plan went on schedule.

executive (n., a.) [ɪgˋzɛkjʊtɪv]

She is now a senior executive, having worked
her way up through the company.
His executive skills are what can save the
company now.

pursue (v.) [pɚˋsu] 追逐,追求

【衍】pursuit (n.) 追逐,追求
The police pursued the criminal across the
The man went abroad in pursuit of higher


ven (vent): come it (i): go

eventually (adv.) [ɪˋvɛntʃʊəlɪ] 到最後,終於 itinerary (n.) [aɪˋtɪnə͵rɛrɪ] 行程

【衍】eventuality (n.) 可能的結果 【衍】itinerant (a.) 巡迴的,流動的
If you persist, eventually you’ll succeed. You can find a detailed itinerary of the tour in
this brochure.
avenue (n.) [ˋævə͵nju] 大道,通道 There were many itinerant preachers in
Boutiques line both sides of the avenue. colonial times.
Satellites opened up new avenues of
initial (a., n.) [ɪˋnɪʃəl] 起初的;首字母縮寫
advent (n.) [ˋædvɛnt] 到達,來到 The man’s initial reaction to the news was
With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, one of surprise.
manufacturing was revolutionized. Your initials—J.F.K.—are just like Kennedy’s.

convention (n.) [kənˋvɛnʃən] 傳統,習俗;會議 initiate (v.) [ɪˋnɪʃɪet]

【衍】conventional (a.) 傳統的 開始,使了解,接納(新成員)
The saying “Do in Rome as the Romans do” 【衍】initiation (n.) 開始,了解,入會
means you should follow convention. The Chairman initiated a program of reform.
Our annual conference will be held at the At 10, he was initiated into the art of golf by
convention center. his father.
The Presidential candidate is officially New members are initiated into the
nominated in the quadrennial Republican fraternity in a riotous ceremony.
initiative (n.) [ɪˋnɪʃətɪv] 倡議,主動精神,主動
venture (v., n.) [ˋvɛntʃɚ] 冒險;冒險活動,企業 The governor has proposed a new initiative
The explorers ventured into the Amazon to improve conditions in urban schools.
jungle. This worker is responsible but lacks initiative.
If you want to start a business there, you If you want to know her, you must take the
must form a joint venture with a local firm. initiative and introduce yourself.
Our hike in the mountains was quite an
adventure. transition (n.) [trænˋzɪʃən] 轉型,過渡
The transition from strong-man rule to multi-
revenue (n.) [ˋrɛvə͵nju] 營收,稅收 party democracy is usually difficult.
The retail chain doubled revenues this year We’ve completed the transition from a labor-
by opening 20 new shops. intensive to a hi-tech form of economy.
The Internal Revenue Service is responsible
for tax collection.
transient (a., n.) [ˋtrænʃənt] accessory (n., a.) [ækˋsɛsərɪ]
短暫的,路過的;過境旅客,候鳥 配件,共犯;附屬的
【衍】transitory (a.) 短暫的 This designer handbag is an excellent fashion
Many transient laborers work in these farms accessory.
in summer. The murderer’s confidant was charged as an
Hotels come in three kinds: transient, resort, accessory to the crime.
and residential. The investigation revealed accessory details,
Swallows are transients; thrushes are but did not affect the conclusion.
He turned to religion when he realized the excessive (a.) [ɪkˋsɛsɪv] 過度的
transitory nature of fame and wealth. 【衍】excess (n., a.) 過度;過量的
exceed (v.) 超出,超過
Capital punishment would be excessive for
this case.
ced (ceed, cess): go You should be careful not to eat to excess,
with your weak stomach.
I have to do something about my excess
proceed (v.) [prəˋsid] 進行,前進 weight.
Proceed to the next window when you have The camera will be triggered if you exceed
the speed limit.
finished here.

inaccessible (a.) [͵ɪnækˋsɛsəb!]

process (n., v.) [ˋprɑsɛs] 過程,進程;處理
The process of evolution never ceases.
【衍】access (n., v.) 接近,通道;存取
This mainframe computer processes
The classified information is inaccessible to
information at lightning speed.
the general public.
The projected blacktop will provide easy
procedure (n.) [prəˋsidʒɚ] 程序
access to this remote scenic spot.
What is your standard operating procedure
You cannot access the data unless you have
in the event of a hijacking?
the password.

concede (v.) [kənˋsid] 承認,讓出

intercede (v.) [͵ɪntɚˋsid] 仲裁,調停
On election night, the loser conceded defeat
【衍】intercession (n.) 仲裁,調停
in a televised speech.
The archbishop interceded on behalf of the
I concede the point, but your argument is condemned prisoner and obtained a pardon.
flawed in other ways.
predecessor (n.) [ˋprɛdɪ͵sɛsɚ] 前任
concession (n.) [kənˋsɛʃən] The new CEO outdid his predecessor by
承認,讓步,特許權 doubling revenues in his first year.
The negotiator is prepared to make some
small concessions to get the deal done.
Before the movie started, they went to the
concession stand to get some popcorn.
successor (n.) [səkˋsɛsɚ] 繼任者 aggressive (a.) [əˋgrɛsɪv] 積極的,暴力的
【衍】succeed (v.) 繼任 【衍】aggression (n.) 暴力,侵略
Who was Caesar’s successor? The candidate launched an aggressive
The young man succeeded his father as campaign, determined to win a seat.
President of the company. Mice demonstrate aggressive behavior when
they are crowded close together.
recede (v.) [rɪˋsid] 退卻,後退
【衍】recession (n.) 後退,(經濟)衰退 upgrade (n., v.) [ˋʌpˋgred] 升級,升等
After the typhoon, the flood waters gradually A computer requires a major upgrade every
receded. three years.
His receding hairline indicates his age. It happened to be my birthday, so I was
upgraded to business class.
recess (n.) [rɪˋsɛs] 休會,下課時間,壁凹
The judge called a recess. digression (n.) [daɪˋgrɛʃən] 離題
The children are playing at recess. 【衍】digress (v.) 離題
The author digressed to tell an anecdote.
successive (a.) [səkˋsɛsɪv] 連續的,接連的 The lecturer made so many digressions that
【衍】succession (n.) 連續,繼承 he couldn’t finish on time.
Our team has won the championship for the
fifth successive year.

via: way

grad (gress): step convey (v.) [kənˋve] 運送,傳遞;表達,表示

【衍】conveyance (n.) 運送,傳遞,表示
graduate (n., v., a.) [ˋgrædʒʊ͵et] They conveyed the goods by ship.
畢業生,畢業,大學畢業程度的 It’s impossible to convey how sorry I feel.
【衍】graduation (n.) 畢業
I’m a college graduate, and plan to go to deviate (v.) [ˋdivɪ͵et] 偏離
graduate school. 【衍】deviant (a.) 有偏差的,不正常的
I graduated last year. deviation (n.) 偏差,偏離
My undergraduate major was in physics. Recent weather patterns deviate from the
norm for this time of year.
gradient (n.) [ˋgredɪənt] 坡度,斜度
The road leads up the mountain at a steep via (prep.) [ˋvaɪə] 取道,經由
gradient. I'll let her know via one of our friends.

degrading (a.) [dɪˋgredɪŋ] 丟臉的,有失身分的 trivial (a.) [ˋtrɪvɪəl]

The clerk found it degrading when her boss 瑣碎的,不重要的,微不足道的
sent her out to buy cigarettes. 【衍】triviality (n.) 瑣事,無足輕重
Let’s not worry about trivial problems now.
trifling (a.) [ˋtraɪflɪŋ] 瑣碎,不重要的,微小的
【衍】trifle (n., v.) 無價值的小事;取笑,輕視
Deciding what you want to do for a living is
no trifling matter.


intersection (n.) [͵ɪntɚˋsɛkʃən] 交叉,十字路口

cis: cut 【衍】intersect (v.) 交叉
This is a busy intersection.
indecisive (a.) [͵ɪndɪˋsaɪsɪv] 猶豫不決的
Critics say Hamlet has an indecisive bisect (v.) [baɪˋsɛkt] 分割為二
character. The river Seine bisects the city of Paris.

concise (a.) [kənˋsaɪs] 簡潔

【衍】conciseness (n.) 簡潔
This is a concise English-Chinese dictionary.
her, hes: stick

precision (n., a.) [prɪˋsɪʒən] 精準(的) hesitate (v.) [ˋhɛzə͵tet] 遲疑,猶豫

【衍】precise (a.) 精確的 【衍】hesitant (a.) 猶豫不決的
Precision is of utmost importance while one hesitation (n.) 遲疑,猶豫
tunes up a piano. The woman hesitated before opening the
The hi-tech factory is equipped with a lot of door to the salesman.
precision instruments.
The experiment requires precise coherent (a.) [koˋhɪrənt]
measurements. 一致的,連貫的,有條理的
【衍】coherence (n.) 一致性,連貫性
The coherent argument convinced the jury.

sect (seg): cut cohesion (n.) [koˋhiʒən] 凝聚力,團結一致

【衍】cohesive (a.) 凝聚的,團結的
section (n.) [ˋsɛkʃən] 段,節 Rewarding individuals may break the
This section of the road has not been paved cohesion in the group.
over yet.
adhere (v.) [ədˋhɪr] 黏附;固守,遵守
sector (n.) [ˋsɛktɚ] 部分,部門 【衍】adhesion (n.) 黏附,遵守
The service sector is now employing more adhesive (a., n.) 有黏性的;黏著劑
workers than the manufacturing sector. The stamp failed to adhere to the envelope.
These people adhere to Judaic law.
segment (n.) [ˋsɛgmənt] 部分,切片
【衍】segment (v.) 切割,分隔 inherent (a.) [ɪnˋhɪrənt] 內在的,固有的
The population segment from 50 to 59 These aborigines have an inherent concept of
comprises prime customers for the high-end justice.
market segment.

junct (join): join

joint (n., a.) [dʒɔɪnt]

The tennis player injured his elbow joint.
This company is a joint venture.

adjoining (a.) [əˋdʒɔɪnɪŋ] 相鄰的

【衍】adjoin (v.) 靠近,毗鄰
The two couples checked into adjoining hotel

junction (n.) [ˋdʒʌŋkʃən] 連結點,系統交流道

The town is located at the junction of two
In five minutes you’ll come to the junction of
Route 30 and Route 45; take the first
interchange after that and you’re there.

juncture (n.) [ˋdʒʌŋktʃɚ] 連結點,重要關頭

Ahead is the juncture of two rivers.
At this juncture it appears they are going to
get a divorce.


elite (n.) [ɪˋlit] 精英

opt: choose 【衍】elitism (n.) 精英主義
Doctors and lawyers are social elites.
adopt (v.) [əˋdɑpt] 採納,領養
【衍】adoption (n.) 採納,領養 illegible (a.) [ɪˋlɛdʒəb!] 無法閱讀,無法辨識
I’m glad the manager has adopted my The rain-soaked letter is quite illegible.
The couple decided to adopt a child. intelligence (n.) [ɪnˋtɛlədʒəns] 聰明才智,情報
The unmarried mother decided to give up 【衍】intellect (n.) 聰明才智
her child for adoption. My kid brother is a child of extraordinary
opt (v.) [ɑpt] 選擇 The spy has been leaking army intelligence
In the election the people opted for change. for years.

option (n.) [ˋɑpʃən] 選擇,選項 intellectual (n., a.) [͵ɪnt!ˋɛktʃʊəl]

【衍】optional (a.) 選擇性的 知識份子;智力的
I don’t like manual work, but I don’t have College students are young intellectuals.
many options. Intellectual development is every bit as
This is an optional course; you don’t have to important as physical development.
take it.
legend (n.) [ˋlɛdʒənd] 傳奇
【衍】legendary (a.) 傳奇性的
The war hero’s exploits have become a
lect (lig, leg): choose, read, legend.
The man is a legend in professional wrestling.
predilection (n.) [͵pridɪˋlɛkʃən] 嗜好,偏好
eclectic (a.) [ɛˋklɛktɪk] 兼容並蓄的,折衷的 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had an obvious
As a nation of immigrants, the U.S. has an predilection for music.
eclectic culture.

eligible (a.) [ˋɛlɪdʒəb!] 有資格的

【衍】eligibility (n.) 資格
All citizens over 20 are eligible to vote.
The woman stayed single because there were
too few eligible young men around.


intermittent (a.) [͵ɪntɚˋmɪtnt] 斷續的,間歇的

ject (jet): throw
There was intermittent rain all night.

eject (v.) [ɪˋdʒɛkt] 逐出,彈射,退出 emit (v.) [ɪˋmɪt] 發出

The drunken patron was ejected from the 【衍】emission (n.) 排放
bar. All living organisms emit heat, which can be
The pilot ejected when his plane caught on picked up by infrared sensors.
fire. Taking public transportation helps reduce
carbon dioxide emissions.
injection (n.) [ɪnˋdʒɛkʃən] 注射,注入
【衍】inject (v.) 注射,注入 permission (n.) [pɚˋmɪʃən] 允許,許可
This drug is administered by injection. 【衍】permit (v., n.) 允許;許可證
The staff needed an injection of hope to I have the author’s permission to quote from
boost morale. his article.
Smoking is not permitted in this restaurant.
adjacent (a.) [əˋdʒesənt] 附近的 A foreigner needs a work permit to work
My car is at the adjacent garage for here.
remit (v.) [rɪˋmɪt] 匯(款);緩解
projectile (n.) [prəˋdʒɛktl] 【衍】remission (n.) 緩解
拋投物,子彈(砲彈、飛彈) remittance (n.) 匯款
【衍】project (v.) 投射 The young man remits half his monthly salary
The cannon fired its projectile directly into its to his parents back home.
target. The cancer is currently in remission.

trajectory (n.) [trəˋdʒɛktrɪ] 軌道 transmit (v.) [trænsˋmɪt] 傳送,傳播

The trajectory of a Frisbee is rather different 【衍】transmission (n.) 傳送,傳播
from that of a rock. The message is transmitted over short-wave
Malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes.
miss (mit): send
submit (v.) [səbˋmɪt] 呈遞,屈服
mission (n.) [ˋmɪʃən] 使命,任務;傳教團 【衍】submission (n.) 呈遞;屈服,順從
The mission of the space probe was to You must submit your application package
explore Mars. before the deadline.
The church sends missionaries all over the The witness submitted to pressure and
world. refused to testify.

intermission (n.) [͵ɪntɚˋmɪʃən] 中場休息時間

The man went out to have a smoke during
the intermission.


que (quis): ask, seek quest (n.) [kwɛst] 追求

The young man went to the big city in quest
acquisition (n.) [͵ækwəˋzɪʃən] 取得,購入 of fame and wealth.
【衍】acquire (v.) 取得,購入
The museum’s latest acquisitions cost a
The MBA student is interested in mergers
and acquisitions.

conquer (v.) [͵kɑŋkɚ] 征服

【衍】conquest (n.) 征服
conqueror (n.) 征服者
Alexander the Great conquered most of the
Western world.
Alexander was a great conqueror.

exquisite (a.) [ˋɛkskwɪzɪt] 精美的

I bought an exquisite crystal figurine at the
gift shop.

prerequisite (a., n.) [͵priˋrɛkwəzɪt]

【衍】require (v.) 要求
Does the candidate have all the prerequisite
To study in the US, a sufficient command of
the English language is a prerequisite.

inquire (v.) [ɪnˋkwaɪr] 詢問

【衍】inquiry (n.) 詢問,調查
I’m calling to inquire about your new
Please inquire after your father for me.
The committee is inquiring into the cause of
the disaster.
The trading company sends out dozens of
letters of inquiry a month.
The inquisitive child is always asking “why.”


nomin, onym: name

nominate (v.) [ˋnɑmə͵net] 提名

【衍】nomination (n.) 提名

The winner in the primaries will be

nominated as the party’s presidential

ignominious (a.) [͵ɪgnəˋmɪnɪəs]


【衍】ignominy (n.) 恥辱
The investigation ended in the chairman’s
ignominious abdication.

nominal (a.) [ˋnɑmən!]

The British monarch serves as nominal head
of state.
Agricultural workers get a cottage either free
or for a nominal rent.

misnomer (n.) [͵mɪsˋnomɚ]

“Grand Hotel” is a complete misnomer for
that cheap place I stayed.

pseudonym (n.) [ˋsudn͵ɪm] 假名,筆名

Many authors like to use pseudonyms.

Reading: Leda and the Swan

You may have seen a painting or sculpture of a After Zeus—disguised as an innocent swan—
woman holding a swan in a cordial embrace. If effectively seduced Leda, the Queen of Sparta
you are a connoisseur of art, you will know gave birth to two eggs, from which were
that it is a version of Leda and the Swan. Such hatched two daughters: Clytemnestra and
masters as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Helen.
Rubens and Cezanne have each exercised their
creative faculties to produce at least one Helen grew up to be the most beautiful woman
variation of the theme to commemorate the ever—hers was the face that “launched a
affair. They have done so for good reasons. thousand ships,” if we credit Christopher
Marlow’s description in Dr. Faustus. Besides,
Leda was the probably fictitious Queen of she was the princess of mighty Sparta, the
Sparta, and the swan was Zeus the conqueror greatest military power in the Greek world.
himself in disguise. The encounter between These facts encouraged all the eligible young
Leda and the swan was either a rape or an and not so young princes—elites of the ancient
extramarital affair, depending on the version world—to come and court Helen.
of the story.
The suitors soon grew discordant. In order to
In Greco-Roman mythology, Zeus the sky god avoid conflict, the princes signed a pact—in
was an energetic male who had a predilection effect forming a confederation—in which they
for extramarital affairs with eligible goddesses vowed not only to respect Helen’s selection
or mortal women. He could be very creative but also to come forward should Helen and her
and proficient in his techniques. Once he spouse ever need help. And help they did
turned himself into a golden shower, another need, for soon after Helen was married to King
time into a bull, to facilitate taking the woman Menelaus, she was seduced by Prince Paris and
by force, incognito. taken to Troy.

Thanks to Zeus’s numerous feats of infidelity, As the legend goes, Menelaus made an appeal
his wife Juno was constantly cleaning up the to all those who had subscribed to the pact
mess he left behind. As a result, Juno became and required them to form an expedition force
the goddess of the hearth, promoting concord to sack Troy. The group put Troy under siege
in the family and discouraging divorce. for 10 years. Homer’s Iliad picks up the
Western women like to get married in June, description of the siege in its ninth year and
because that puts their marriages under the ends with the funeral for Prince Hector of Troy,
efficacious protection of Juno. the inevitable fall of Troy implicitly recognized.

After the fall of Troy, Odysseus—a hero of
superhuman intelligence and courage—went
on a tortuous journey home. Along the way
Odysseus and his men were detained by one-
eyed giants and other incredible monsters, so
the journey took another decade to complete.
In the misty, nondescript land of the lotus
eaters, for example, some of his men ingested
lotus seeds, forgot all about home, and gave up
on their quest, but Odysseus kept reminiscing
and never lost the urge to see his home again.

Meanwhile, back in Ithaca, his wife Penelope

was running out of feasible plans to ward off
the numerous suitors who confidently
presumed Odysseus dead and wanted to take
his place. They knew Penelope was stalling,
and they no longer credited her numerous

The homecoming of Odysseus is the theme of

Homer’s other epic, The Odyssey. The two
epics have preserved the quintessence of
classical learning for Western intellectuals. As
such, they are the fountainhead of Western
civilization. Therefore, in a sense, the seeds of
Western civilization were sown by the swan
into Leda. That is why graphic representations
of Leda and the Swan have been such an
important tradition in Western art.


㷸欰 殗噠㷸吥 ꏗ《㷸吥 ꏗ《猰禺 栁㷸ꆄ 殆㷸罌鑑

繡㕜⽓Ⰹ㛇繡ꥑ㣐㷸 ꨶ舡猰㷸繡䱖そ痧

㸢ㅷ颩 繡㕜⸈䊝㣐㷸翱㖒暆ㆥ吥⼦ 50&'-

〵㣐须䊨 ꨶ舡猰㷸繡䱖そ痧

繡㕜⽂⸈䊝㣐㷸 ꨶ舡猰㷸繡䱖そ痧

繡㕜ㆥ⧍嫲❏㣐㷸⽈㡦棵 ⻋㷸椕䱖そ痧 겙栁㷸ꆄ

〵㣐⻋㷸 (3&
繡㕜蓐⸈ㆥ㣐㷸⽈㡦棵 ⻋㷸椕䱖そ痧 겙栁㷸ꆄ

繡㕜〷⚸⡱㣐㷸 ꨶ堥䊨玑繡䱖そ痧

〵㣐ꨶ⥌ (3&
繡㕜㺙銯呏㣐㷸㸞㫫㜄吥⼦ ꨶ堥䊨玑繡䱖そ痧

鿓䒊㕜 〵㣐頿ꆄ 繡㕜⽓Ⰹ㛇繡ꥑ㣐㷸

ꨶ舡猰㷸 㫨坿䊨玑 繡䱖そ痧 (3&

㉂䑞僈 繡㕜⸈䊝椚䊨㷸ꤎ⽈㡦棵 50&'-

〵㣐ꨶ堥 ꄴ㷸䊨玑繡䱖そ痧

꤫⟃㸞 〵㣐橇䊨 繡㕜⸈䊝㣐㷸翱㖒暆ㆥ吥⼦ ⽈㡦棵

堥唒䊨玑繡䱖そ痧 겙栁㷸ꆄ (3&

⸈䭭㣐㢵⧍㢵㣐㷸 ⸈䭭㣐䱖そ痧

繡㕜㋮屛❏椚䊨㷸ꤎ 㕼加䊨玑繡䱖そ痧


〵㣐㕼加 (3&
繡㕜㺙銯呏㣐㷸㸞㫫㜄吥⼦ 㕼加䊨玑繡䱖そ痧

繡㕜螠渿갾㣐㷸 㕼加䊨玑繡䱖そ痧 겙栁㷸ꆄ


繡㕜⸈䊝㣐㷸翱㖒暆ㆥ吥⼦ 㕼加䊨玑繡䱖そ痧

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