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The Trial – One Act Play

Academic Year: 2023-‘24

Project submitted in partial fulfilment of Practical Examination for Class XII,

All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination

Mr Ashwin Name : Harrish K
Reg No. :
Class : 12-AN1


(CBSE, Affiliation No. 1930213)

This is to certify that Ms./Mr. Harrish K, Roll No. of class

XII-AN1 (Session 2023-24), Suguna Pip School has completed the project
based on the topic “The Trial – One Act Play” as a part of the paper of English.

It is a bona-fide piece of work done under my supervision and guidance to

the best of my knowledge. It is the original work of the candidate and is a result of
her/his effort in partial fulfilment of requirement as per AISSCE curriculum of class



Date of the Examination:


I would like to thank Senior Principal, Dr.P.S MARTIN and

Principal, Mr. POOVANNAN, Coimbatore for his immeasurable direction
towards course of action and support throughout the project.

I would also like to thank my Faculty Guide, Ashwin K, for his valuable
mentoring throughout the project. The interesting lectures of my knowledgeable
teacher has helped me understand the various concepts related to “The Trial – One
Act Play” and see their presence in the actual world.

I got ample opportunity to do research, which enriched and broadened

my knowledge and understanding of this area. I am seriously indebted to

Thanks to my parents, friends and everyone else who have been directly or
indirectly supportive during the course of my project.

Student Name : Harissh K

Register No. :

Class : XII - A

Date of Submission :

Motivated by a profound fascination with the intricacies of human relationships

and power dynamics, the playwright embarked on the creation of 'Shattered
Legacy.' This one-act play serves as an exploration of familial bonds under the
crucible of political intrigue and personal vendettas. The narrative delves into
themes of legacy, morality, and justice, offering audiences a thought-provoking
experience. Through the characters of Lord Robert Rodrikk, Brandon Rodrikk,
and Aurthur Rodrikk, the playwright endeavors to prompt reflection on the
profound choices individuals make when confronted with the consequences of
their actions. The crafting of 'Shattered Legacy' is a deliberate contribution to the
rich tapestry of dramatic literature, aiming to provide a compelling and immersive
exploration of the human experience.

In developing "Shattered Legacy," I engaged in extensive research. This included

delving into classical tragedies and literary works to understand effective storytelling.
Historical exploration was undertaken to provide an authentic backdrop, encompassing
political intricacies, legal procedures, and societal norms. Character development drew
inspiration from both fictional and real-life individuals, while an investigation into
historical perspectives on physical disabilities ensured nuanced portrayals. Detailed
examinations of political structures and legal frameworks contribute to the realism of
the fictional kingdom. This comprehensive approach aims to create a compelling,
historically grounded, and resonant one-act play.


Lord Robert Rodrikk: Regent of The Kingdom, A man closer to his forties than his
thirties. Cold, calculative and practical. Despises his first-born due to disfigurement.

Brandon Rodrikk: Son and heir to Lord Robert Rodrikk. A limp-legged man who can’t
walk straight. Disliked and ridiculed by the common folk and the lords of the kingdoms
due to his appearance. But is as brilliant or more than his father. He equally hates his

Aurthur Rodrikk: Second son and half-brother to Lord Rodrikk and Brandon. Nothing
like his brother, he looks fairly decent and is more suited to ride than to rule however
being the second in-line to his father’s wealth and power, both the brothers have constant
tension between them. However, he looks to up his older brother and respects his

Lord Mace Casswell: A long time and best friend to Brandon. However, he is easily
persuaded by money.

(The courtroom is filled with Lords from all over the kingdom, lesser and greater alike.
Commotion fills the room.)

(Lord Brandon is seated on his seat beside the throne and with Aurthur behind him. The
older Lord expresses nothing but just the preparation for the trial to come. The younger
one however was tense, praying that the outcome of the trial would be favourable for
his brother. Sir Sandor is standing on the stand meant for the prosecutors.)

(Brandon enters, shackled and exhausted.)

(Crowd erupts, calling him ‘villain’, ’monster’, ’killer’. Brandon looks at the crowd,
thinking to himself after all he had done for the kingdom they had the gall to call him
names such as those. He finally stands before the throne. He surely knew the trial was
going to be the end of him as his father hated him so but the murder was a different
matter. He have not any clue as to who could have committed the murder.)

Lord Rodrikk: State your name.

Brandon Rodrikk: My name is Brandon Rodrikk.

Lord Rodrikk: You stand accused of murder of the king and high treason against the
crown. How do you plead?

Brandon Rodrikk: I plead not guilty.

Lord Rodrikk: But it was only you with the king when he had supper.

Brandon Rodrikk: I do admit that I was with the king when he had supper. I met him to
discuss about the roads that were planned to be built but I do not admit to poisoning the
king. I had nothing to do with it.

Lord Rodrikk: Then how did you come into possession of the poison when you say you
played no part in the king’s murder.

Brandon Rodrikk: Like I had said when they dragged away in chains, I do not know of
any poison and how it came to be in my chambers. Someone else has killed the king
and has perfectly shifted the blame unto me.

Lord Rodrikk: Be that as it may but there is witness claiming he knew about your plans
to conspire against the crown. The crown calls the witness.

(Brandon was unamused. He knew about his father. He wonders who his father has
bribed now to falsely testify. Lord Mace walks into the court. What little left of
Brandon’s heart snapped. Mace gives a smile dripping with venom.)

Lord Rodrikk: State your name.

Lord Mace: Mace Casswell.

Lord Rodrikk: Do you swear by all the gods your testimony will be true and honest?

Lord Mace: Yes, I do.

Lord Rodrikk: Do you know the man standing beside you?

Lord Mace: Yes. Brandon Rodrikk. My childhood friend.

Lord Rodrikk: This man stands accused of murder of the king. What do you know of

Lord Mace: I can confirm that he is guilty. He confided in me about his plans to conspire
against the crown.

(Aurthur intervenes)

Aurthur Rodrikk: You say he confided in you. How did he do so?

Lord Mace: He sent me a letter through a bird.

Aurthur Rodrikk: Birds cannot be sent without the help of a birdkeeper.

Lord Mace: He could have bribed one.

Brandon Rodrikk: (whispers) Don’t do this mace. Not you too.

Lord Mace: (whispers) Your family is the wealthiest family after all. The sum was hefty.

Brandon Rodrikk: (looks to his father, loudly says) What is it that I am being put here
on trial for?

Lord Rodrikk: For the murder of the king and high treason.

Brandon Rodrikk: No, it is because you cannot bear to see me and my leg. It is because
your wife died giving birth to me.

Lord Rodrikk: Silence! You are not put on trial for that.

Brandon Rodrikk: Yes, I am! That is why of all the people you could have bribed, you
had to bribe my one and only friend. Just to get back at me for something that wasn’t I
was in control of.
Lord Rodrikk: If any more words come out of your mouth, I will have your tongue cut

Brandon Rodrikk: Sure, what is one more tongue when you have already taken my
dignity, respect and life.

Aurthur Rodrikk: Brother, please stop.

Brandon Rodrikk: (Turns to the crowd) You lot are so happy to see my downfall right?
But remember this, the kingdom would not have been where it is now if not for me. You
all would have been at each other’s neck if not for me. Warring and killing mercilessly.
(Turns back to his father) There is no justice in this godforsaken court. Lady justice died
with the king.

Lord Rodrikk: That is enough! Brandon Rodrikk you are hereby sentenced to death for
the murder of the king and high treason.


Crafting "Shattered Legacy" has been an enlightening journey. Delving into classical
tragedies and one-act plays deepened my understanding of storytelling nuances.
Historical research enriched my narrative with authentic political, societal, and legal
contexts. Developing characters like Lord Robert, Brandon, and Aurthur Rodrikk
became a balance between literary inspiration and real-world intricacies. Investigating
historical attitudes toward physical disabilities added depth to character portrayals.
Collaborating with subject matter experts refined my understanding of specific themes.
Iterative feedback from peers honed the script's coherence. This project affirmed the
importance of thorough research, collaborative learning, and iterative refinement in
creating a compelling and authentic theatrical narrative.

2. The Marriage Proposal and The Boor by Anton Chekhov.
3. The Flying Doctor by Moliere.

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