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Story of Our Lives, Love

and Dreams

Lynn Z Ngidi

A Sudden Twist: Sanele’s Story


I am running late and mom is not making it any easy, she wakes up early
these day because the babies are always kicking. Can you believe it, she
is pregnant with yet another set of twins. I took my car keys and ran
downstairs 2 steps each and i almost miss a step. Damn it!
Dad: " Stephany Evans! No running in the house" i walk over to dad and
give him a kiss on his cheek.
Mom: " Leave my baby alone, hey baby" she kissed my dad and the kiss
turned deep and i wanted them to stop. Luckily my younger brothers
came running. Can you believe that we have 2 sets of twins and this one
will be the third one.
Sinaye: " Daddy stop eating mommy" they pulled back laughing. I just
rolled my eyes.
Mom: " Thoba, please give back Steffi her card? I am getting tired of you
always wanting to control her" i saw dad's face change. He seemed
pissed but mom glared at him so he just looked down taking his wallet
from his pocket. He gave me my card and walked away. I looked at mom
and she rolled her eyes. She gave me my food and i kissed her cheek. I
ran to the door and got in my car. Its a white polo tsi . My friends usually
ask why i don't drive a Mercedes but my answer is always the same
which is "You will buy the car of your dreams with your first pay check".
That is what dad always tells me.
I drove to aunt Amanda's house and called Ndu when i was outside. Ndu
and i we are almost the same age, we practically grew up together. He is
a year older. He is my dad's sister's son. His dad is retired soccer player.
Ndu also played soccer in high school. He went on a tour last year but
later decided that he wants to study medicine like me. I am taking after
my father and its what i love, Medicine. There were many times when
dad would ask me if i was sure and my answer has always been the
same, i was born for this. Dad was so worried that maybe he is the one
who tried to force it on me but honestly, he has never even suggested a
career choice to me so this was all me.
Ndu came out wearing black jeans and white t-shirt and black sneakers.
He looked really good, which is why the girls around campus were
always around him. He climbed in and kissed my cheek. I drove away.
Ndu: " Hey sis." i nodded smiling.
Ndu: " You can't speak no more" i nodded again holding a laugh.
Ndu: " Your breath stinks anyways" i burst out laughing and he followed
The rest of the drive was filled with us joking and laughing. We finally got
to campus and luckily i found a spot to park. He turned to look at me and
i knew what was coming next.
Ndu: " Take care of yourself. God First"
Me: " God First" we fist bumped. We actually copied that from our
parents. He walked out leaving me in the car. I sat there for bout 20
minutes since i was early. See the reason why i said i was late was
because i hate being late. I always want to be 30 minutes ahead. My
phone rang as i was seated in the car. It was Clinton, my boyfriend since
the 11th grade.

Me: " Hey baby" i said in a cheery voice.

Clinton: " Hi, when are you coming over?" he asked in a chilly voice.
Me: " I was thinking tomorrow, since i don't have any classes" he
chuckled coldly.
Clint: " Get here now." he half shouted and he hung up.
See I love this guy but he is a bully. He abuses me and sometimes has
sex with me even if i don't want to. Yep, i am no longer a virgin. I looked
over at Ndumiso and he was so deep into conversation that he didn't
even notice when i drove out. I rushed to Pinetown in high speed
because i didn't want to make a mess of things. I am always apologising,
for what i don't know. I got to his place and drove in. He already opened
the gate for me, i got out of the car and i was already shaking. I got in
and he was seated on the couch watching soccer, topless. He turned his
head and looked at me then he looked back at the tv.
Clint: " You just going to stand there all day?" he sounded really angry. I
walked slowly towards him and sat near him. We sat quietly for a while
before he stood up. I thought that he was going somewhere but he
actually straddled me. He took a fistful of hair in his hand and i screamed.
That earned me a punch on my rib cage, i felt the air leave my body.

Clint: " Shut the fuck up" he hissed near my ear.

Me: " I am sorry. I am so sorry." i don't even know what i was apologising
for but i got a beating of my life, just like that one last month. He finished
hitting me and then after that he started undressing me. I tried to fight him
but he was so strong. It then came gain, he had his way with me while i
was laying on that bed tears rolling down my face. He spilled his semen
on my face and hair. He stood up an left me there. As soon as he was out
of sight, i curled up in a ball and sobbed.
I heard footsteps approach and i tried to quieten down. He lifted me up
and took me to the tub. The water was warm and i welcomed the sting on
my body. He also took me out of the tub and put me on the bed. He
applied lotion on my body and dressed me in his t-shirt. He got in and
pulled me to him.
Clint: " You have to stop making me angry. I hate doing this to you baby.
Me: " Okay" i whispered. I don't even know what i did but i just said okay
for the sake of peace.

My name is Stephany Evans, daughter of Thoba and Aphiwe Evans. I am

18 years old doing my 2nd year in medicine. Welcome to the show.

Insert 1

I woke up later to someone touching and rubbing my thigh, I then

remembered what had happened in the morning that I quickly jumped out
of bed. I stood on my feet and looked at him. He had that alarmed
expression on his face. He always does this, he always hits and makes
feel bad for him laying his hand on me.

Clint: “Baby, what’s happening? Why are you running from me?” he had
tears in his eyes. Man I tell you, Clinton is a darn good actor.

Me: “I need to get home, it’s getting late plus i have to fetch Ndu from
campus” his face suddenly changed, he stood up and walked to me
causing me to also walk backwards.

Clint: “ Ndu huh, its always about fuckin Ndu. Are you fucking him?” he
walked closer as my back hit the wall.

Me: “What, NO! You always ask me that and I always tell you the same
answer. I don’t know what you want me to say now Clinton. “I tried to
walk past him but he pulled me back and pushed me forcefully to the

Clint: “That is not how you talk to me bitch!” I chuckled shaking my head.

Me: “Why don’t you just kill me?” I asked and his eyes widened.

Clint: “What?” he seemed shocked. He took a step back holding his

chest, you see? Actor.

Me: “Why don’t you just kill me Clinton because what you are doing to me
is going to get me killed by either you or me” I asked with so much anger
plus I just didn’t know where I got the courage from.

Clint: “Baby, are you saying that I abuse you? That I don’t treat you
right?” fucking hell.
Me: “You think I am happy? You hit me, you force yourself on me. You
embarrass me in front of our friends and on top of that you cheated on
me with my best friend who now has your child. Now tell me, if that was
me would you stay with me?” he shook his head countless times.

Clint: “Baby i…”I cut him off.

Me: “Would you stay with me?” I asked again but with a hard voice.

Clint: “No but please listen to…” I put my hand up.

Me: “Goodbye Clinton” I took my clothes and walked towards the house

Clint: “Stephany, if you leave. I will kill myself” I turned and he had a gun
pointed at his head. I nodded.

Me: “Rest in peace” I attempted to open to door when I felt this buzzing
sound. I looked on the wall 2 centimetres from me ad there was a bullet
hole there. I turned and looked at him.

Clint: “ If you leave me, I will kill the both of us now” I nearly peed on
myself because he nearly shot me.

Me: “ Why did you hit me today? I know you always have a reason and
excuse for doing it so what was it today?” I had to ask. I was really tired
of him treating me this way.

Clinton: “ Are you really going to stand there and ask me that stupid. I
saw you yesterday; I saw you with that kid you call your cousin. How do
you think that made me feel? My friends saw me as this stupid boy who
has a cheating girlfriend and she is busy with boys.”
Me: “ Clinton Siziphiwe is my cousin. I don’t know how many times I have
said this to you. I can’t and will not sleep with my cousin. If that’s your
style don’t think the rest of us are into that shit.” I saw his face go red and
he charged for me but I quickly opened the door and I slipped out. I ran
for the car and got in quickly. I reversed and got drove out in high speed.
I nearly got hit by another car.

Clint really is stupid. How could you accuse me of cheating with my own
cousin. See the thing is my mom; Aphiwe. She had a very tough growing
up. She never knew her parents; she thought they were dead. Along the
way she found them together with her sister Aunt Sne who was adopted
by the Zulu family. That is where she met Aunt Sihle and she is Sizi’s
mother. My mom’s sister.

I drove to the beach and received a call from Ndu.

Me: “ Yes Ndu?” I spoke softly just so he’ll say what he wants quickly.

Ndu: “ I will catch a lift with a friend.” There was noise on the background
and I let out a deep breath of relief.

Me: “ That’s good then. I will see you tomorrow” I hung up and continued
with my drive towards the beach. I got there and walked down ton sea. I
sat down and looked at the horizon. I thought about how messed up my
life was. I wanted to get out of the relationship with Clinton but I love him.
I also hoped that one day he would change and never lay a hand on me.

Growing up I watched how dad loved mom. He worships her and I want
that. I always told Clinton about the love my parents share but he really
didn’t care. He believed that for a woman to respect you; you have to lay
a hand on her and she will straighten up. I was just tired of all that. I
wanted to be happy.
It was very late when I left the beach and I drive straight home. Upon
arrival the door opened and mom rushed out. She opened the door and
engulfed me in a hug, I winced because of the pain I was feeling. Dad
followed slowly behind. She was now crying and we broke apart.

Mom: “ I thought something had happened to you. Why didn’t you answer
your phone?” I took my phone out if my bag and I had countless missed
call. I realised that I must have put it in silent.

Me: “ I’m sorry mom. I lost track of time” all this time dad was just looking
at me with hands in his pockets. Mom took my hand and we walked right

Dad: “ I am running out of patience with you Stephany. If you no longer

want to live with us, tell me and I will set you free. The disappearing acts,
you are stressing my wife Steffi. Please…” I felt tears roll down my face
and he pulled me in his arms.

Dad: “ You know that I love you and I want what’s best for you. If you feel
like you need space let us know”

Me: “ I don’t want to leave. I would die if I left. He would find me and kill
me” dad’s hand froze and he pushed me back.

Dad: “ Who would find you? What’s going on?” he looked panicked and I
had to think of something fast.

Me: “ I had a call last week. He’s back and he said he will get me.” I had
to lie because dad was going to find Clinton and kill him.

Dad: “ Why didn’t you tell me?” he scooped me up in his arms and
rushed me inside.

Years ago; more like 4 years ago my dad’s ex best friend started to
become obsessed with me. He said I developed nicely and he couldn’t
touch mom because dad would skin hi alive. So he started touching me
and I became scared. I was too scared to tell dad but it was only one day
when mom asked me what had happened and I told him how he would
ask me to take off my clothes and touch me. Dad looked for him and he
damaged him so badly I doubt he could walk again. I never heard from
him again.

Dad rushed me to his bedroom and placed me in the bed with mom’s
heavily pregnant self right behind him. I felt really bad for lying but I had
to do something.

Dad called his friends and my aunt Sihle to come over. I heard from Sizi
that aunt Sihle was a gang leader of this gang with politicians and high
profile people. I fell asleep on the bed and was woken up by mom trying
to take off my clothes I jumped. She looked alarmed.

Mom: “ I was just trying to get you comfortable” I gave her a weak smile.

Me: “ Where is dad?” I got out the bed.

Mom: “ he’s downstairs with your uncles and aunt. They want to talk to
you when you wake up so I suggest you head down there.” I nodded and
walked to the door.

Mom: “ Baby?” I turned and looked at her

Me: “ Yes mommy?” she smiled.

Mom: “ I love you” I got out and walked downstairs. I wanted to get this
over and done with. I got to the lounge and found Aunt Sihle; Uncle Sbu
and Uncle Langa. I was so scared of uncle Langa. He never smiled. I
greeted everyone and sat down.

Aunt Sihle: “ Tell me the truth; who gave you the bruises on your body?”
my heart nearly stopped and I almost peed on myself.

Me: “ What are you talking about?” I laughed nervously. I looked at dad
and his eyes were very dark.
Aunt Sihle: “ I hate repeating myself. I want to know who hit you? Who
gave you those scars on your body?” I shook my head.

Me: “ I took Karate classes and…” she banged the table and Uncle
Langa just smiled and crossed his legs.

Aunt Sihle: “ I could hang you on the ceiling by your hair. Tell me what I
need to know. The sooner you do it; the sooner you can go to rest”

We kept going back and forth with her until she said I could leave. As
soon as I got to my room I called Clinton.

Clint: “ Where have you been? I have been so worried about you?”

Me: “ My family knows that someone hits me but I didn’t tell them it’s
you.” I spoke so fast I thought he wouldn’t hear me.
Clint: “ You did what? You want to get me killed?” he shouted at me.

Me: “ No; that’s not true. I was cornered and its only a matter of time
before they find that its you”
Clint: “ You better make sure that you keep that mouth shut or else I will
shut it out for you, permanently.” He hung up after that. I was in trouble
and I had to think of a way to get out of it; fast.
Insert 2

I was panicking that day but I somehow managed to get my family off my
back. Clinton was also behaving so I was very happy because it has
been 3 months since he laid a hand on me. Ndu had a girlfriend now and
his parents finally bought him a car so we didn’t ride together anymore.

Clinton’s cousin was getting married in a few days so I had to go look for
a dress with Zinhle, aunt Sihle’s daughter. We shopped the whole day
looking for a perfect dress but when we found it we were very impressed
and satisfied. I got home and slept.
The day of the wedding, I woke up to Clinton’s call. I was excited,
wedding always excite me. Hoping that maybe one day Clinton would ask
me to marry him.

Me: “Morning my love” he chuckled. His voice was very deep and it
sounded sexy.
Clinton: “Morning baby, I wanted to tell you to wake up and I will meet
you at the church” I frowned.

Me: “I thought you were going to fetch me” he groaned.

Clint: “I have to drive the groom to the venue so I can’t fetch you but I can
send my cousin over to fetch you” I knew which cousin he was talking
about and I really hated the guy.

Me: “Oh no babe, I will find my way to the church so don’t worry about
me. Go be with your family”

Clint: “Thank you baby, I will see you later. I love you”
Me: “I love you too. Bye” I ended the call and jumped out of bed. I went to
take a long soothing shower, humming. Today was going to be a good
day, I could feel it. I finished the shower and dried my body together with
my hair because I had gotten in the shower without the shower cap.
When I walked into the bedroom my clothes were laid out on the bed plus
mom’s favourite necklace I screamed. I ran towards the door and
bumped into dad. I fell on my bum, luckily I was wearing my gown.

Me: “Ouch!” I stood up and rubbed my bum while dad was busy laughing.

Dad: “I told you that you should stop running in the house” he chuckled
and walked past me. I continued running towards my parent’s bedroom, I
got in and found mom seated on the bed. She saw me and revealed her
beautiful smiled. I jumped to her bed and hugged her.
Me: “Thank you so much mommy, I love you so much. Thank you Thank
you Thank you” I kissed her all over her face and she giggled.

Dad: “Leave some kisses for me as well” I turned and looked at dad my
eyes narrowed.

Me: “Dad please, this is mother daughter session. Yours is coming old
man” we all laughed and I got out of bed, I gave mom one last kiss and
skipped to my bedroom.
I got dressed in my very sexy body hugging dark peach thigh length
bondage dress with nude hells. I applied make up and curled my hair. I
looked like a million bucks. At the time Clinton wouldn’t stop calling.

Me: “Yes babe?” I answered sweetly.

Clint: “Where the hell are you? The service is about to start.” He shouted
and I jumped a little. It’s been a while since I heard him that angry.
Me: “I’ll be there in 20.” I quickly hung up because I was not in the mood
for his shouting. I took my clutch and overnight back. I headed downstairs
where everyone was. The minute I landed on the last step everyone had
stopped eating and was looking at me. I looked at my dress then back to

Me: “What? Why is everyone looking at me like that?” mom was crying
while the guys were checking me out. I forgot to mention that the quads
were here for 2 months because their parents were travelling but they
have been gone for almost 6 months, so much for 2 months but I wasn’t
complaining because it was nice having them around.

Mom: “Oh my baby, you look so beautiful” she walked towards me wiping
her tears.

Me: “Really?” I looked at my dress again and back to everyone. They all
nodded. I smiled and gave everyone kisses before walking out.

I put my things in the car and drove out. I drove towards the venue in
record time, I finally got there and the service had already started. I was
dead meat. I parked my car and rushed inside. My heart was beating so
fast. I walked in and I was shown a seat next to Clinton. His jaw dropped
and so did the other guys jaws dropped as well. I sat next to him and
kissed his cheek. He linked our hands together and gave a very tight
squeeze, it was so painful I had tears in my eyes. He leaned over to me
and wiped them before whispering;
Clint: “What the fuck are you wearing?” he then looked up front and
enjoyed the service while I had this lump on my throat. The service finally
finished and I was not in the mood for it at all. I wanted to go home but
Clinton wouldn’t leave my side. He even offered to drive my car to the
reception area, i asked about his car, he said his cousin would take care
of it.

The drive to the reception was rather painful because I kept receiving
punches on my ribs. By the time we arrived my eyes were blood red. We
got out and he made me wash my face. The people who were asking me
what was wrong he would tell them it’s the eyeliner that I am using, it
does that to my eyes.

I finally got to breathe when he was called by his mother. That just made
everything worse because everyone of this cousins asked me to dance,
my feet were killing but I had so much fun. I lost track of time because the
next thing I knew I was sharing a dance with his mother.

Clint’s mom: “You need to get out of here baby, Clinton is going to hurt
you so bad” I tried turning and look at him but she shifted and made me
look at her.

Clint’s mom: “Don’t look at him but rather listen to me, I know that look
and I also know that he has been laying a hand on you. With the family
you have, I had hoped that you would have left him by now.”

Me: “How did you know?” I wanted to know if it was that visible.

Clint’s mom: “I know my son; he is just like his father. You are young my
baby so run while you can, tell your family love. They will sort him out but
let me tell you one thing, if you don’t leave right now you are going to
die.” She let go and kissed my cheek, she walked away after that.

I turned and looked at Clinton; he looked so angry that his veins were
popping out of his forehead and hands. He was clenching his jaw and
eating the inside of his mouth. I walked to my seat and took my bag. I
walked outside and rushed to my car, as soon as I opened the door I felt
someone push me so hard that I hit the car. I instantly had a sharp
headache and I screamed.

Clint: “Shut the fuck up and give me your car keys” I dropped my bag and
he took it. He pushed me inside the car and came in after me. He started
the car, not caring that I was crying. The route that he was taking, I knew
that he was driving us to his place. He was shouting and swearing at me,
saying that I was seducing his cousins. I shouldn’t have worn the dress
as looked like a prostitute.

We arrived at his place and he pulled me out by my hair. I was screaming

all the way to the car, when I got in he pushed me to the floor and started
tearing up my dress. I was begging him to stop but he just kept kicking up
until I lost my voice. He finally stopped hitting me and he opened my
thighs. He stripped naked and he pulled me to him. He got me on his
knees and he raped me. This time he raped me so hard that I bled so
hard. He finally got off and he went upstairs leaving me on the floor.

I laid there on the floor for hours until I fell asleep. I was woken up by a
slash of water on my face.
Clint: “Get up, I am going home, when I come back you better have
cleaned up and don’t think about running because I will find you and I will
kill you” he clicked his tongue.
I sat for 10 minutes just to make sure that he was really gone, I limped to
his room and wore his t-shirt, I walked outside and slowly made my way
to the gate. As soon as I stepped out I saw his car speeding towards me
that I jumped in front of a car that was going the other way, I heard a hoot
and landed on my head after that it was darkness.

I know that most of you think i brought this to myself but the thing is, i feel
like i owe Clinton for building me back to life. As you all know that i was
molested by my dad’s friend. When i first met Clinton i was this ugly fat
person who had no friends. I kept to myself mostly plus the clothes that i
wore were outrageous. When Clinton came along he brought back the
smile on my face; he made me love myself again and for that i will forever
be grateful.

I woke up at a hospital bed; in a very fancy hospital room. I lifted up my

head and it was pounding; i groaned putting my head back on my pillow. I
heard footsteps approaching very fast. My vision was very blurry, that is
when i realised that my eyes were swollen from the beating i got from
Clinton. He has hit me before but this time it was worse. It was as if he
wanted to kill me.

Mom: “ Oh baby; you’re awake” i couldn’t see her face clearly but from
the sound of her voice she was crying. It hurt a lot that i let this go on for
so long but what else would i have done? He would tell me that nobody
could love me the way he loved me. I believed him but it was actually a
lie, my parents loved me more.

Dad: “ honey; how are you feeling? Can you see?”

I tried to speak but i ended up giving a dry cough and i realised that my
voice wouldn’t come out. He had strangled me. Dad got me water and
helped me sit up. He went to get a straw for me because i couldn’t even
hold up a glass. I felt so stupid because i could have asked for help
sooner but i thought i could save him, thought i could save us but that
was just not possible.

Dad came back with the straw and he helped me drink. It was really
painful as my throat was burning. I was crying the whole time and dad
kept wiping the tears. I also heard different sniffs so it must have been
the both of them. I finally laid back on my pillow. I had enough to drink.

Dad: “ You scared me Stephany. I thought i had lost you. You have been
asleep for so long that i thought you’d never wake up”

Me: “ How.......long........was........was.......i....” i was talking slowly and

dad met me halfway.

Dad: “ You have been here for 3 weeks. Baby, who did this to you?” his
voice was now hard.
Mom: “ Thoba; now is not the time. She needs to rest; she will tell us

Dad: “ Damnit Aphiwe this is MY daughter. She is mine so butt out” i

heard mom gasp and dad cursed under his breath.

Dad: “ Baby; i didn’t mean it like that. I am just...” mom cut him off.

Mom: “ It’s okay. Let me leave you and your daughter” she gave me a
kiss on my forehead and whispered “I don’t care what he says; you are
mine. You have always been mine” she pulled back and squeezed my
hands. I wanted to see her beautiful smile clearly.

Me: “”

Mom: “ I love you baby” i heard her leave and i was now left with dad. He
was quiet the whole time. I felt bad because all my crap is now making
my parents fight. Even though i couldn’t see him; i could feel his

Dad: “ Talk Stephany. Talk now before i beat you up and kill you myself.”

Me: “ will type it for you” i really wanted to

type it out to him. My throat was too painful to speak.

Dad: “ Get some rest. Hopefully your voice will be much better later. I
need to hear you; i need you to tell me everything” i nodded and he
kissed my head before leaving. I soon fell asleep afterwards.

I woke up to someone covering my mouth with a gloved hand; my eyes

shot up and i saw that it was Clinton. He had a beard and he looked so

Clint: “ You are going to keep your mouth shut or else you will die.” His
voice was also rough, i didn’t recognise him.

Me: “ My family know so i suggest you start running because once they
start looking for you; you are as good as dead” chuckled and his hand
went to my throat. He started to strangle me. I tried to scream but he was
really pressing on my wind pipe. I was kicking and hitting his arms but his
laugh just got louder and louder until i felt someone shaking me. I woke
up with a start and realised that i had been dreaming. It was dad and the
minute i saw him i just threw myself in his arms.

Dad: “ It’s just a dream. I’m here. No one is going to hurt you” i couldn’t
even breath properly it was as if he was really there. I asked for some
water and he gave me some.

Dad: “ I’m here okay, nothing is going to happen to you. No one is going
to touch you. I promise” i nodded and he pulled me in his arms. Moments
later mom walked in with coffee cups. She gave me a cup.

Mom: “ It’s lemon and honey, to help with your throat” she gave the other
cup to dad. I guess they made up. Dad tried to kiss her but she turned
the other way. I spoke too soon.

Me: “ I am hungry” i was speaking very low. I didn’t want to risk my throat
hurting more.

Dad: “ I’ll go get you some soup. As soon as i come back, you better be
ready to talk” he looked at mom and mom just gave him attitude. He
huffed and left.

Mom: “ He thinks everything is just easy. Just because he is good looking

it doesn’t mean that he has to be rude” she was pacing and turning red. I
wanted but i hurt everywhere.

Mom: “ I mean i raised you, you are mine. Hell i gave birth to you. Thoba
should get over himself. I love you and i have a right to say what goes on
in your life” i nodded.

Mom: “ You have to get better and get on out of here” she paused for a
few minutes before turning to look at me.

Mom: “ What happened baby? Who did this to you?” i looked at my

hands and took a deep breath.

Me: “ It was Clinton. He...” the door opened and Dad walked in with aunt
Sihle and uncle Langa. They took a seat and looked at me. I guess now
was the time for me to tell them the truth.

Dad: “ Start from the beginning, your food is on the way” i nodded before
taking a huge deep breath. I looked around the room everyone was just

Me: “ His name is Clinton Matthews from Pinetown. I first met him after
the uncle Msizi incident. I was so alone, i felt alone and i felt like nobody
could help or understand me. You remember mom, how i gained weight
and not minding what i wore but a few months later you notices change?”
mom nodded. She was already crying and dad hand her hands on his.

Me: “ He picked me up. He cleaned me out and taught me how to love

myself only to bring me back down again. I started minding what i wear, i
gained back my confidence and challenged him. He hated it; he didn’t
want me to challenge him. It started with a slap; after that it was roses
and chocolates. Later on it was slaps and punches on my ribs. The gifts
got more expensive after that i got used to it. Its actually funny because i
could see the love around me yet i stuck with him. The last straw was
when he hit me so hard after that he forced himself on me. I told him the
next day that i would report him but he said no one would believe me
because we were boyfriend and girlfriend so they would think we were
fighting. Why didn’t i leave? I loved him or rather i was scared to leave
because i would go back to that dark place but i didn’t realise that i was
already in the dark place” mom was long gone by the time i was done.
Dad was crying non stop and aunt Sihle was sobbing.

Dad: “ Why didn’t you tell me?” i shook my head as i now had hiccups.

Me: “ I was stupid dad. I was really stupid. I got used to it that i thought
he would see that what he was doing was wrong and stop it”

Aunt Sihle: “ In other words, you thought you could change him?” yes.

We were interrupted by a Dr who asked everyone to leave but i asked

dad to stay. I asked mom to come in as well.

Dr: “ Mr and Mrs Evans; Miss Evans. How are you feeling?” he said
checking my vitals.

Me: “ I’m okay.” He nodded before going to look into my file.

Dr: “ You were lucky to have been brought here in time; you lost a lot of
blood and we had to transfuse some to you but you seem to be
responding well. We took some samples from your body and your body
shows signs of sexual violation.” Mom just cried loudly and dad held her

Dr: “ I am so sorry Miss Evans but you lost the baby” my eyes shot up; i
felt light headed.
Me: “ The baby?” it came out as a whisper.

Dr: “ Yes, the baby. You were 2 months pregnant and you lost the baby. I
am so sorry. I will get the nurses to come and start cleaning you out.” He
patted my leg and left. Tears were falling uncontrollably. I couldn’t feel or
hear anything. I was numb. Clinton had killed me. I will never be the
same again.


Hey there, it’s been a while hasn’t it. Well i only came to sort out one
thing or rather one person then i will go back home. I have always hated
abusers because they always had power over women. They made them
prisoners and i hate that. Ever since i have met Sbusiso; 18 years ago i
have never had to cry because of him hitting me.

After hearing Steffi say all those things that Clinton did to her i was
shattered. I mean i knew that something was going on with her but i didn’t
want to push her further away because i know her history of closing off. I
really thought that she would come to me when she was ready but things
got worse and she lost her baby.

The drive home was very silent and tense. I could hear loud breathing
and sighs. We were headed to Kwa Mashu where my parents are. Yerr
speaking of my parents; my dad was so old now. Ever heard of a saying
“Uphelelwe ushatini?” that’s how he was. I took out my phone and made
a phone call. He answered breathing heavy; sies.

40/40: “ Mrs Dlamini” he was trying to catch his breath.

Me: “ Get the guys ready; i need a meeting in 5 hours” i heard coughing.
40: “ But boss i am Kwa Zulu. I can’t come” i chuckled bitterly.

Me: “ That is why i am giving you 5 hours to get your ass here.” I hung up
the phone after that. I looked over to Sbu who gave me a chilled look i
just shrugged.

40 was married to his mother and it has been 15 years now. They were
happy in their own way and up until now Sbu didn’t approve. I was happy
because it got Nina off my dad’s back. We finally got home and Langa
was the first to go out; banging the door behind him. Sbu turned on his
chair and looked at me.

Sbu: “ I thought you were done with that life?” he looked pissed and i
didn’t give two shits about his feelings. All i know is that i wanted justice
for Steffi; justice in my own way.

Me: “ I am done with that life but i seriously need to set this boy straight.
You know i haven’t been doing anything irresponsible for years but he
messed with my niece Sbu. He raped her; over and over again. She even
lost her baby. Tell me Sbu, how do you move on from that? How do you
let someone like that love freely as if he didn’t destroy MY niece’s life?” i
was shouting and crying. He unbuckled our seatbelts and pulled me on
top of him. I straddled him and just cried. It hurt; it hurt so badly i wanted
to kill him but death was waay too easy for him.

Sbu: “ What are you going to do to him?” he asked after an hour of us

sitting there. I pulled away from him and wiped my face with the back of
my hand.

Me: “ The less you know; the better” i tried getting off his lap but he pulled
me right back.

Sbu: “ I want to know” he said looking at my eyes and i glared at him.

Me: “ Rather not. Let me go i need to prepare to leave for the safe house”
i chuckled before shaking my head.

Sbu: “I don’t like that look; i know that look. It’s very dangerous. You had
that look when the boys stole and crashed your car.” I smiled sweetly.

Me: “ Those brats deserved it” he also laughed.

Sbu: “ To have them hanging on the ceiling by their legs” i burst out.

Me: “ That ought to teach them not to mess with my things. Come lets go;
i don’t want the butcher to kill me now” he shook his head before letting
go. I got out the car and headed inside the car. Langa had a bottle of
Hennessey in front of him and it was half drank. He was playing around
with his glass. He was seated next to dad who was drinking his bottle of
Balvenie 50 YO single malt Whisky. He hardly drank that; must have
been really pissed. I greeted and walked past them to my parents
bedroom. Mom was doing her yoga.
Me: “ Hey mom” she quickly turned and rushed to me. She engulfed me
in a hug. I wonder what happened.

Mom: “ You okay? How is my granddaughter?” my face softened. Mom is

panicky so i really understood where she was coming from.

Me: “ She will pull through. I just need to deal with that asshole” i was
now pacing up and down.

Mom: “ You need to calm down baby. It’s not good for your blood
pressure. You know how you get when you get so angry baby” she
touched my shoulder and i tried to calm down.
Me: “ He raped her mom. Not once but all the time. She stayed because
she felt like she owed him. She is so young to have gone through that. I
mean who does that mom? She is just a baby, my baby and she lost her
baby. How will she carry on now mom?” i sighed and sat down on the

Mom: “ She has amazing parents and aunts. She has her siblings and
cousins; she has grandparents. She has her family baby. She will lean on
us for help” i shook my head as tears made their way down my cheeks.

Me: “ I will find him mom. I will find him and i will make him feel like how
he made her feel. After that i will kill him softly. He will want to enjoy his
death but it will be so painful” mom shook her head. I am sure she was
trying or thinking of stopping me but i just wasn’t having it.

Mom: “ Sihle that is just too brutal. I wonder who you take after” i gave
her the “really” look and rolled my eyes. She threw a pillow at me. I
laughed and walked out after that. I found dad and Langa seated in silent
just as i left them. At the far end of the table was Sbu with his own bottle
if vodka. Heeee i am being tested. What the hell am i going to do with
drunk men?!

Me: “ I am headed to the safe house” dad and Langa sprung on to their

Langa: “ Whooa princess. Have they found him yet?” i looked at him and
his eyes were red. He was now getting drunk. I really hated this; my
brother hates alcohol but this just made me so angry.

Me: “ I am sure i will have them there before the day ends. If you guys
are staying then by all means stay but i am not going to sit around here
getting drunk because i feel sorry for myself” i walked to the door but dad
called me back.
Dad: “ Nosihle!” he more like shouted. I turned and gave him attitude.

Me: “ Yes daad” i wanted to roll my eyes but i knew better.

Dad: “ Seat your ass down. My boys are on to him. As soon as they get
him we will all leave together so seat down” i shook my head and started
crying again.

Me: “ It’s easy for you to say. I cannot seat and wait for him. I also need
to get an outfit for the occasion so i will see you guys later” i walked
outside and as soon as i got in the car i got a call from 40.

Me: “ Talk to me” he sounded out of breath yet again.

Me: “ Don’t tell me you are fucking again?” he chuckled.

40: “ Actually no. We found the boy and boy did i chase him around but
the boys have him now. We are headed to the safe house”

Me: “ Good work. come you got here so early?” he chuckled

40: “ I am here for a few weeks. You were lucky i was around”

Me: “ Yeah whatever. See you soon” i hung up and walked back inside
the house.

Me: “ They found him. They are in their way to the safe house as we
speak.” They all ran after me and Langa took the wheel while dad took
the passenger. Sbu and i took the backseat. The drive there was very
rushed and fast.
Dad: “ Langelihle; relax before you lose your mind.” He looked so angry
and he didn’t even listen to dad. I think he was in a rush to get to this guy
and end his life. We got to the warehouse in record time. As soon as we
parked 40 also came in followed by 2 cars. He got out the car carrying a
suit cover. I opened it and it was a white body hugging knee length dress.
He also got me shoes. He knows me well.

Me: “ Thank you. Where is he?” he motioned for the guys to open the
back of the car and out came this good looking man and he was crying.
Poor baby.

Clint: “ Please. Please don’t hurt me. I am so sorry. I will never hit her
again. Please” he was crying like a bitch. I wonder why because i had not
even done a thing to him. Langa went to him and punched him. He fell on
the ground. Dad asked the guys to pull him back. I went to him and
crouched next to him

Clint: “ Ma’am please. Please don’t let them kill me. I will disappear i
promise. I really do. I am sorry” he was really screaming and that just
made me very angry but i just smiled. I caressed his face nicely.

Me: “ I won’t let anything happen to you okay? I will protect you. I
promise; okay?” he nodded very quickly.

Clint: “ Thank you. Thank you so much” i nodded and brushed his head.

Me: “ Now lets get you inside and cleaned up. After that i will take you
straight home” he stood up quickly and the guys laughed. They dragged
him inside and Sbu came to me.

Sbu: “ Are you really taking him home?” i nodded and held up my dress.
Me: “ I got this dress especially for him. I am sending him straight to hell”
i walked inside the house whistling. Let the games and fun begin.

I walked inside the house with Sbu on my tail goodness, this one has to
go back home. I walked to one of the bedrooms and stripped naked. This
entire time dear husband was just quiet. I went to take a nice soothing
shower. After I was done I walked back to the bedroom and started to
lotion my body.

Sbu: “What are you going to do to him?” I rolled my eyes this time.

Me: “I am going to inflict the same amount of pain that he ever put my
niece through and I doubt you want to hang around to see that Sbusiso.
When I am life this, I am sure to God that you will fall out of love with me
and divorce me” he chuckled and stood up. He walked to me and gave
me a mind blowing kiss.

Sbu: “Make sure you don’t come home smelling like blood. I love you” he
kissed my nose and walked out after that. I sighed. Seriously though.

I got dressed in red lace underwear; I then wore my white dress and
nude 6 inch heels. I styled my weave and then applied perfume. I walked
out and fund the guys chilling in the kitchen.

Me: “Where is our guest?” I took out an apple from the fridge and I heard

40: “What are you going to do to him?” he wiggled his eyebrows. I looked
at my brother and he was fuming. He was red turning green.

Me: “where is dad?” I went to seat opposite my brother. I looked at him

dead in the eye and waited for him to answer.
Langa: “He went home with your husband. Can I now please deal with
this boy so that we can move on?” his voice was very icy.

Me: “Have you ever lost a child?” he shook his head no.

Me: “Have you ever been shot in the stomach and missed on the
opportunity to hold your baby? Have you ever longed for him yet you
knew that it was not possible because that chance was stolen from you?”

Langa: “This is not about you, it’s about MY niece. I have to do right by
her so pleas you Highness, can I pleas have the key to where the boy is
being held so that I can be done with him?”

Me: “You ain’t getting shit and suggest you also take a chair and join the
other guys because today I am running the show. Trust me big brother, I
will make you proud.” The guys laughed and I just smiled. I stood up after
finishing my apple. I straightened my dress.

Sphiwe: “Give me a 360 boss lady; you look too good for us to miss out
on the show.” I did a 360 and the guys whistled.

Me: “Young blood...” looked at Sphiwe, I always call him that.

Sphiwe: “Boss Lady Your Highness” I laughed.

Me: “Take me to him and make sure you announce me” the guys were in
stitches. I followed Sphiwe and he led me to one of the rooms
downstairs. There was a table in the middle that was nicely set. This idiot
really did announce me, I giggled and sat down.

Me: “Please join me” poor guy was shaking. The other side of the room
was made or a mirror/glass and I am sure everyone was looking in on us.
He got up and sat o the chair opposite mine. I turned and looked at

Me: “Give me a raw stake, nice and juicy with a big bone. Also bring me a
drill please” Clinton’s eyes shot up.
Me: “No, you need to relax. It’s the way I eat my stake. Now, let’s talk and
then I will take you home” he nodded quickly and swallowed spit.

Me: “Okay, let us get well acquainted shall we. Okay, my name is Nosihle
Dlamini. I am King Sibusiso Dlamini’s wife. I am Stephany’s aunt you
know. I love that girl with my whole heart. Her mother is my little sister. So
when I found out that you hit and rape her, I mean I was angry. I was livid
baby boy and what made it even worse was that she lost the baby that
she was carrying you know” his eyes shot up and he just sobbed.

Clint: “She was pregnant? I didn’t know. I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to

hurt her like that. I didn’t mean to…” I interrupted him.

Me: “Why did you? Why did you hurt and abuse her like that?” he kept
quiet for so long I just yawned.

Me: “The sooner you talk, the sooner you can go home” he cried once
again. Mxim pussy.

Clint: “I guess it made me feel like a man, I knew that she loved me and I
had an upper hand. She always came back, she has a big heart and she
forgave me all the time. I took advantage of that because somehow I felt
like she would always come back to me.”

Me: “So you felt powerful, you felt like a macho man and…” the door
opened and 40 walked in dressed like a chef I laughed out loud. He kept
a straight face. He placed in front on Clint a nicely cooked plate with
stake and chips. He placed in front of me a place with a big juicy raw
stake. He also gave me the small drill.

Me: “Enjoy your food dear, this one it’s called “THE LAST SUPPER”. 40
just chuckled and Clinton’s eyes shot up.
I took the drill and drilled right to the bone. The nose it was making, 40
kept coughing and I shot him a look. Clinton kept choking on his food I
asked for water. I finally stopped playing with my food and laid back on
my chair.

Me: “You know Clinton, that was a nice juicy stake and it could have
made a nice meal but I guess it will go to waste. Just like you, you look
young and promising but I guess your family will find you in a body bag. I
do a nice clean job so I will make sure that I don’t torture you much.” I
stood up and looked at his crying self. I looked at the glass wall.

Me: “Sphiwe, cuff him and bring him downstairs.” I walked out and was
met by my brother by the hallway.

Langa: “I am going home, I can see you have everything under control” I
curtsey and he laughed. We fist bumped and I walked down to the
basement. I took my big white Givenchy bag and I smiled at myself. It
had my butcher knife in there and my gun. I took the knife wand waited
on the guys to bring Clinton.

They were taking so long and he wouldn’t stop screaming. I really hated it
because he now was behaving like a girl whereas he started all of this.
They finally sat him down and strapped him. I took my butcher knife and
sat in front of hm.

Me: “So you have a dick that rapes women, not just any woman but my
niece huh?” he shook his head.
Clint: “Please forgive me, I will never ever hurt her. I will d anything you
want me to do” I slapped him.

Me: “Shut the fuck up, I have had with your whining. You will take this
punishment like a man okay? First I want your pants off. Sphiwe?” he
nodded and went to take of his pants and boxer briefs. He was nicely

Me: “If your dick wasn’t a raping one, I would give you your last blowjob
but naah I’m good. So now, can we start?”

The guys said “HELL YEAH” Clinton was in lots of tears but this was my
fun time so I gagged him with an apple.

Me: “So we are going to have a sliced Dick” he was shaking and kicking
non-stop but I got the guys to hold him down. I took his dick in my hand
and my butcher knife. I cut the tip of his dick and it was very neat. The
sight and smell of blood was out of this world. He bit so hard on the apple
that it fell out, he spit the remaining and he screamed. I looked at him and
smiled. I was on my knees now and my dress was getting nicely
decorated. I cut yet another piece of his dick and it was also clean, now
can you imagine a 10 inch dick having to be cut in cheese slices. Yep, I
did him like that. By the time I got to his balls he was no longer conscious
so I woke him up. I poured ice cold water over his head and he woke up
with a start.

Me: “That’s it. Wake up pretty guy, you have to be awake for this next
part” I lifted up my dress and straddled him. I took the knife and sent it
right to his guts. His eyes were all out ad I felt life leave his body. I heard
40 say “Damn” after I was done with that I stood up and wiped the knife
on my dress.

Me: “My work here is done, now I got to go see my niece. See to it that
his family get his body. Okay?” they nodded and I walked out. I felt
something in me move and that something was satisfaction.


I woke up the next day and my dad was next to me reading the news
paper. I shifted and he lifted up his head. He looked at me and smiled.

Me: “ Morning daddy” i sat up and groaned. I looked at my arm and the
drip line was no longer there. Yesterday dad made the cleaning process
go faster and the pain was unbearable so he gave me sleeping pills
which made me sleep through the pain. I am glad he is here and i know i
disappointed him but him being here made me better but i am a
mommy’s girl.

Dad: “ Morning honey. Your mom stepped out for a minute. She will be
back shortly” i nodded and smiled. I guess he knew that i was going to
ask where she is.

Me: “ Thanks for being here dad” he took my hand in his and kissed it. He
gave me a faint smile but i could see that he was hurt. I put my hand on
my stomach and rubbed it. I didn’t know that i was pregnant and i would
never get a chance to hold my baby. How i hate Clinton.

Dad: “ You’ll get through this; your mom and I are here for you. Don’t shut
us out please” i nodded and tears made their way down to my cheeks.

Me: “ Thanks dad” i wiped them with the back of my hand and mom
walked in. She looked at me and frowned.

Mom: “ Why are you making my daughter cry Caleb?” dad just shook his
head and stood up. He kissed mom and walked out.
Me: “ I’m so sorry mom. I know i disappointed and hurt you. I am
ashamed and...” mom put a hand over my mouth
Mom: “ What happened?” she sat down on the chair that dad was seated

Me: “ Dad can’t even look at me. He just walked out as soon as you
walked in” she just laughed and waved her hand dismissively.

Mom: “ Your dad is on call. He just came to see you and stayed with you
while i stepped out. Trust me; if he could he would stay with you the
whole day” i let out a deep breath.

Me: “ Oh..” mom just laughed.

Mom: “ Would you like to bath?” my face lit up.

Me: “ Can i?” i really needed to bath and get Clinton’s smell off my body.
She stood up with a bit of difficulty.

Mom: “ Come i’ll help you” i already had the drip line taken off so i just got
out of bed with lots of difficulty because my body ached all over.

Me: “ When are you and dad going to stop having babies; 7 kids now
mom” she blushed.

Mom: “ I will have my tubes tied after this. I am tired. I only worked for 2
years all my life; i have bee taking care of you guys, not that i am
complaining but i am tired of being pregnant all the time.” She huffed and
hooked my arm around her neck. We took a walk to the bathroom;
everything hurt. Especially my nana but i was glad to be alive.
I got to the bathroom and mom made me sit on the toilet seat while she
loaded the bath tub. She put in bath; bath oils and foam bath. It smelled
heavenly. I got in and sighed as soon as my body made contact with the
hot water.

I sat in that nice soothing bath trying to block all thoughts but it was just
impossible because everything just hit me hard and i just sobbed. Mom
was seated right on the seat and she looked very worried. She tried to
kneel but she couldn’t. I was having difficulty breathing. I was holding on
to my chest and in the water; bad combination. Mom ran out calling dad’s
name. Seriously but to my surprise she came rushing in with dad behind
her. He pulled me out and covered me in a towel. He rushed me to the
room and put an oxygen mask on my face. I caught my breath after that it
started to get better, little by little. After that i fell asleep.

I woke up and no one was there except for my aunt Sihle. For someone
in her 40s she looked like she was in her 20s and she was extra
beautiful. She looked at me and came to my side.

Aunt S: “ I asked Sbu to get you pizza and some ribs” my eyes shot up
because i knew that if dad found out he would freak. She just laughed
and i smiled.

Me: “ Don’t let dad catch you” she smiled and rubbed my hand.

Aunt S: “ How are you feeling baby?” she rubbed my arm and scooped
closer to me.

Me: “ Honestly, i am scared aunt Sihle but most of all i am sad that i
disappointed my parents like that. I can see mom is trying to put on a
brave face but she is hurt by all of this.”

Aunt S: “ What about dad?” i shrugged my shoulders.

Me: “ I don’t know, i mean he hates me so its cool” she pulled me for a
hug. I stayed in her embrace for a very long time.

Aunt S: “ Speak to your parents baby. They love you. Just talk to them.
Okay?” i nodded and she kissed my lips. She stood up and straightened
herself. Uncle Sbu got in; gave me my food and left.

Aunt S: “ I have to go now baby. I love you okay?” she kissed my head.

Me: “ I love you too aunty” she walked to the door and turned before
heading out.

Aunt S: “ Don’t worry about Clinton. He will never bother you ever again”
she said that and walked out; leaving me shocked and confused but i just
didn’t even mind that. I ate my food; i couldn’t believe i was so hungry.

My parents walked in as i was finishing my ribs. Mom smiled while dad

frowned. Luckily aunt Sihle had left.
Dad: “ I told her not to get you this kind of food” he sighed and say next to
me. He held my hand and kissed it. Mom took a seat right on the bed
near my feet.

Mom: “ Honey, we love you and what happened to you was unfortunate. I
am very sad that you endured this pain for so long because you were
scared to come to us. I thought we talked about everything, i am not
trying to make this about me but babe i am hurt at how much hurt and
pain was inflicted on you. I love you. I want to know that we will move on
from this?” i nodded and wiped my tears. I was really tired of crying.

Dad: “ I love you. You are my princess and you mean the world to me”
mom shot him a look and we laughed.
Dad: “ Well after your mother *mom smiled* you mean the world to me. I
don’t want you to hurt again and i want you to be happy. From today
onwards we will put everything behind us. Yes?” we all nodded.

Dad: “ You will go to therapy yes?” i nodded.

Mom: “ You’ll be okay?” i nodded laughing.

Dad: “ You will tell us if anyone hurts you, right?” i nodded and i was in
Mom: “ No boyfriends till you start working”

Me: “ No boyfriends; ever!”

Dad: “ It will pass babe. You will get through this, you’re an Evans and we
fight till the very end.”
I was discharged 3 days later and i went home. Things were hard for the
fist few months but my parents were with me every step of the way. I got
the hang of things, i barely made it for my 2nd year but i did pass. I never
heard from Clinton again. So i could safely say that i was healing. I was
ready to take on the world or was i ..

5 years later.

Insert 3

Sanele Mngomezulu

Ever since my father resigned from work i had to take over from him.
They got married with mom years ago. When i was old enough to take
over, they left. They said they had to travel the world. Well a recap of
everything. My sister is still married to Nqubeko and they have 3 children,
1 boy and 2 girls. Nqoba married Xoli and they have 5 kids and Xoli was
also expecting another one. Their plan is to have at least 10 kids; yep at

We met our father’s family and it wasn’t pleasant at first because we later
found out that the grandpa wanted to kill us. So dad cut all ties with his
family and we moved in as a family. I have never seen mom so happy. I
haven’t seen them in 8 months and I missed them. I think it’s safe to say
that my relationship with dad was out of this world. For starters when he
asked to be in my life, I gave him a chance just like that and he was
surprised that I did but I was setting him out to fail but he did the
opposite. He turned out to be the best father ever.

So a few years ago I was driving home on my way from work when a girl
ran in front of my car. She was being chased by this other car but luckily
there were many on lookers that the car drove away. I took her to the
hospital. I really wanted to know about her progress but I had to attend a
conference for 3 weeks on behalf of dad. I never got her name and where
she stays. I somehow felt connected to her because when I touched her
that dad she ignited some fire inside of me.

I am now driving home from work yet again; I always take the same route
hoping to see her. I was driving home, not to MY place; I will get to that. I
drove up the driveway when I noticed dad’s car. I chuckled; they must
have ran out of clothes. I took my things out the car and walked inside
the house only to be welcomed by giggled and chuckled. I grunted. I
followed the laughs and found my parents watching tv.

Me: “ Hello family” mom got out of dad’s lap and ran to me. She jumped
and I caught her; she always does this. I finally put her down and hugged
dad too.
Mom: “ Oooh my baby, you look so grown” I chuckled.

Me: “ I’m like how you left me mom” she pulled me to the couch.

Dad: “ How are you son?” I nodded.

Me: “ I’m really good dad” he looked at me really carefully and I sighed.
Now I get why they came back.

Me: “ Dad I am okay really. I promise, work is keeping me busy so I am

good.” He nodded.

Mom: “ If I see that Denise, if I see her I will kill her with my bare hands.” I
patted her hand giving her a faint smile.

Me: “ Let it go mom. I have” dad stood up and asked me to follow him.

Well I am sure you are wondering what happened between Denise and i.
Well we got together at a very young age, she was my first everything
and I loved her. I asked her to marry me when I turned 21 and she
agreed. We told each other that we wanted to try for kids and boy did we
try. She really wanted the kids or so I thought. It took months and one
day she came back saying that she had been to the Dr and she was told
that there was nothing wrong with her. I knew that instant that it was me
who was the problem.

We started drifting apart only to find out later that she was already
pregnant. I asked her to come with her to the Dr and she told me that the
baby wasn’t mine. She moved out and sued me for half my things. She
told the court that she was used to a certain lifestyle so I had to take care
if her. The judge was about to disagree when I stopped him and said I will
do it.
She left and I never saw her again. Since that day I never let a woman
near me up until I saw that woman on the road. I am still sending her
money and taking care of her but I am also keeping tabs at her. I knew
for a fact that her baby daddy was cheating on her and it wouldn’t be long
before he leaves and that is when I will take away the allowance from
her. She hurt me a lot and I was going to hurt her where it hurts the most,
to her that’s being broke.

I followed dad to his study and he poured himself some whisky. He

always says that even if we are surrounded by big business guys I must
not drink in front of him, not that he us against me drinking but he still
sees me as his little boy and he doesn’t want me to grow. He hates it.

We sat down, me opposite him and I looked at him. He probably wanted

to tell me that they would leave for another year.

Dad: “ This is business related and don’t worry, we are still around. Well
we came back to spend Christmas at home” I chuckled.

Me: “ Its only August dad” he shot me a lot and I chuckled.

Dad: “ Your mom missed you so I thought we should come home plus
your sister is graduating in a few weeks” I nodded.

Dad: “ What I also wanted to talk to you about is you becoming the
hospital’s major shareholder and general manager. I know how much you
love the hospital so I thought I would give you my 80% share of it” I
beamed. I couldn’t believe it.

Me: “ You are going to give me your 80% share of the hospital? I will
practically own it.” He stood up and went to his safe to take out some
papers. He gave them to me.
Dad: “ You own it. The whole damn thing, you have owned it for months
now” I was really surprised.

Me: “ Why dad?” It was starting to sink in and I couldn’t believe it.

Dad: “ I see myself in you and I know you will do great. I will be here if
you need any help but if you don’t I will also be here. You run the ship
now captain; my time has expired. Good luck my boy” and I cried. I was
happy to know that dad was proud of the way I had become in business
but it’s all him. He taught me how to run the business.

Me: “ Thank you dad. It means a lot coming from you”

After dad left his family; he left without a cent and the only thing he had
was the house he bought mom. I was already in Crawford and we asked
him to get something cheaper but he refused. He said he could take care
of us. The first 2 months were the hardest because we had to depend on
mom for everything but on months 3 dad came through for us and he
never looked back. I admire him as a business man because he didn’t
allow himself to stay down. .

I asked him what drove him and he said “ I promised your mother a trip
around the world and I had to fulfil that”

The love my parents share is very rare and special. I wanted that too but
I doubt I would ever find it. The day continued and mom cooked a 5
course meal, if there is such. My sister and her family came and Siphe
was now in grade 10. His sisters were in Grade 8, they looked so alike.

Kwazi: “ I hear congratulations are in order” she winked and I chuckled.

Me: “ Thanks sis. It’ll all dad. He has faith that I will make this a success”
we fist bumped.

Nqubeko: “ I’m happy for you man. I am also resigning and Kwazi is
taking over” we all looked at him shocked and Kwazi blushed.

Mom: “ How come?” that’s a very good question.

Nqubeko: “ Well she is graduating and she is going to take over the firm. I
am widening my horizons. I am going in the water business” I didn’t even
ask what that was because knowing Nqubeko that involved something

The dinner came to an end and everyone went their separate ways. I
went to my place and went over the paperwork that dad gave me. That
opened up a lot of doors for me but it also meant a grate deal of work
which I was so ready for. I retired to bed after taking a shower.

I woke up the next morning and went for a job. It’s something that I am
used to because I have been running since high school. After my job I
went home and made breakfast for 1. I live in bachelor pad with 4
bedrooms hehe; I know. After making breakfast I went to take a shower
and got dressed for the day. I went to eat and washed my dishes leaving
everything neat and tidy.

I drove to work and it was super early but I just wanted to get a head start
in everything. I got to work and Kwanda was there. Kwanda is my go to
girl when I need something but most importantly she gave good head.
We weren’t in a relationship but we bonked from time to time. I found her
in my office sorting out my stuff and she tried to initiate something but I
pushed her saying I have a lot of work to do. She gave me attitude but I
just continued with my day.
I had to meet up with investors and tell them that I was now running the
show. I went out to lunch and on the way out I bumped into this Dr and
she spilled coffee on my shirt.

Dr: “ Oh my word I am so sorry” she put down her bag and started wiping
my shirt.

Me: “ It’s okay” I said in a defeated tone but did she listen, nope
continued up until I held her hands. The moment I did I felt this electric
shock go through my body.

Me: “ It’s okay really. Now look at me” I had her hands in mine and she
shook her head no. Her hair smelled so nice and soft.

Dr: “ I erm I am sorry. I should get going.” She took her bag and ran
away. Leaving me there confused. Who was that and why did my body
react like that.

Insert 4

I am now a qualified Dr and what makes it nicer is that Dad gave me his
20% share in the hospital. That sounds good to me now I can build up my
name and get somewhere without his help. It’s been touch these last few
years have been very tough but my family has been nothing but amazing.
I stopped seeing my therapist 3 years ago. I felt okay but not okay
enough to go back to dating.

I have officially moved out of home to a gated community at La Lucia. It’s

all dad’s idea saying he wants to keep me safe and Clinton never
bothered me. It’s like he vanished into thin air. I once ran into his mom
and she also didn’t know where he went but she was happy he left
because she was no longer abused by anyone. She killed her husband
by the way, self defence.

Today was Tuesday and I was feeling blue. I really wasn’t in the mood for
anything so I woke up and had breakfast. Afterwards I went to shower
and took out laundry because the housekeeper was coming to clean
today. I showered in my peaches and cream body bath and my shampoo
had the same fragrance and scent. I wore my navy pants with Navy and
white striped shirt and nude stilettos.

I drove to work and I was just feeling under. I got to work and did my
rounds. After that I did some paperwork. I was going to meet with the
hospital executive on Friday. I was very nervous because I had so many
plans for the hospital and I hoped that they at least hear what I had to
say. I heard its old men who don’t want to reason or listen. When I asked
dad he said he wasn’t getting involved.

I took a break and went to get coffee. I wanted to stick around but I got a
call from my assistant that I had a patient in my office so I took the coffee
with me. I was rushing to my office when I ran into this hard hot body and
unfortunately I spilled the coffee on him. I put down my bag and took out
tissues from my bag to wipe his shirt but he just held my hands. My
whole body froze and I suddenly felt hot all over, I felt tingles down my

Man: “ Look at me” I shook my head no and I ran away. I don’t even know
why I ran. All I know is he smelt good and I have never felt like that in all
my life. I got to my office and Ina looked at me weirdly. I hurried to my
office and I looked at my face. I was freaken flushed. I was so
embarrassed. I should not have ran because I ruined that guy’s shirt and
now he must think I am a psycho. I composed myself and I saw my
patient. I tried so hard to concentrate on work but his scent was all over
my body. I received a call from one of the executive’s assistants.
Me: “ Stephany Evans” I didn’t even refer to myself as a Dr.

Girl: “ I am looking Dr Evans” she had a cheeky tone.

Me: “ Speaking” I said calmly.

Girl: “ Mr Mngomezulu said I should remind and confirm your meeting on

Friday at 10 in the west wing” she sounded so fake.

Me: “ Yes thank you Miss. I will attend. Is there anything that I should…” I
heard the toot sound. Bitch hung up on me.

It was finally after work and I went straight home. The minute I got to my
bedroom I ran to the shower. I wanted to get this captivating smell off me.
I took a long shower and I felt very refreshed. I headed to the kitchen and
heated some left over pizza. Can I be honest and say that I can only
make breakfast. I can’t cook to save my life. I made coffee and made my
way to the lounge. I wanted to go over the notes that dad gave me. The
door bell rang and I groaned. I went to open and it was non other than Dr
Ndumiso Ndlovu.

Me: “ What are you doing here Ndu?” he got in with his overnight bag.

Ndu: “ I need a place to stay. I am having my place renovated” I rolled my

eyes following him.

Me: “ Why didn’t you go to your parents house?” I found him in the
lounge helping himself to my coffee and pizza.

Ndu: “ I needed a place where I won’t hear constant nagging plus

Liyanda is coming over” I got really mad.
Me: “ I can accommodate you, I don’t mind but don’t think for a minute
that I will let your bitchy girlfriend walk all over me” I took my coffee from

Ndu: “ When are you guys going to let go of this feud between you?” is
this guy for real.

Me: “ When she stops assuming that we are sleeping together. What
msoonery is that?” he burst out laughing and I just eyed him. I went to the
kitchen and placed an order for dinner that was big enough for 3. I sat
down and the bell rang again. Ndu stood up.

Ndu: “ I will get it” seriously. I rolled my eyes 3 times before I got myself

They came minutes later and you could see that they were making out.
Liyanda was wearing jeans and a peach shirt with peach shoes. She
always looked nice but her attitude always stinks. She didn’t even greet.
She just sat down on a couch and stared at her phone. Ndu cleared his
throat and she just looked at him. He gave her a hard look before

Liyanda: “ Hi Stephany” she said in a very bored tone I just chuckled. I

stood up and bumped my shoulder on Ndu’s and he grunted. I took my
wallet and the door went on as I was nearing it. Just in time. I opened
and took the plastics. I paid the guy giving him a good tip before
retreating to the kitchen. I found the happy couple in there. Liyanda had
the fridge open and she looked at me blankly while her boyfriend was
seated on a high chair.

Liyanda: “ What are we supposed to eat? Why isn’t there any food in
here?” I kept my cool.
Me: “ I haven’t had time to do grocery shopping but I ordered some
dinner. Help yourselves” she scrunched her nose.

Liyanda: “ Well you probably ordered things that I don’t eat. Why didn’t
you ask me. I mean I might…” okay that was enough.

Me: “ If you don’t like what I ordered please by all means eat Ndu’s dick. I
am sure it fill you up. When you are done drink his juices, it will definitely
go well together” I took my food and drink and went to lounge. I put my
feet up on the table and started eating. I heard them arguing and I didn’t
give two shits about them. They finally quietened down. I took my plate
and glass. I went to the kitchen and washed them I found miss thing
stuffing her face I just laughed.

I continued with my work and the lovers came to seat and watch tv. Now I
love my cable guys so I have premium installed and Netflix. When she
saw that I have Netflix she went crazy. I took my phone and switched it
off and you should have seen the look on her face. Ndu flat out laughed
and she stood up and walked out.

Ndu: “ You’re mean” I gave him an ugly look.

Me: “ I love you man you’re my family and there is nothing I wouldn’t do
for you but please keep your woman in line. I will not be uncomfortable in
my own home because of her. If she fails to be civil please leave me in
peace. Both of you” his eyes widened before going back to normal. I
guess he understood that I meant it.

Ndu: “ I will speak to her and I am sorry she is making you

uncomfortable.” I nodded and he sighed.

Me: “ It’s okay. We family. Please activate the security system. I am going
to bed.” I took my things and left. He shouted before I got in my bedroom.
Ndu: “ Goodnight” I smiled. I changed to my pyjamas and got into bed but
I quickly got out of bed and went to get the shirt I was wearing today. I
smelt it and it was heavenly. I got in bed holding it, I fell asleep instantly.

I woke up the next morning and I was waay to early. I looked at my clock
and it was 4h15. What woke me up was moaning sounds, aah hell. I
placed a pillow over my head but bitch got louder so I decided to wake
up. I took a long soothing shower. By the time I got to my bedroom they
were done. I took my time getting dressed. After that I went to the
kitchen, I took an apple and left. I looked at the time and it was 5h30 so I
drove straight to my parents house. Mom should be awake by now.

I got home and yep, mom was up and so was Awonke. Awonke was the
last born and he was 4. I opened the door; walked in and mom peeped
her head from the kitchen. She seemed surprise to see me.

Mom: “ Fancy seeing you here so early” she said disappearing and I
followed her. The aroma just made me moan so loud.

Me: “ I am happy to be home. Thank you for being equally happy mom” I
took a pancake and stuffed it with eggs and bacon. I took a bite and

Mom: “ You must have been hungry” she laughed and hugged me. She
kissed my cheek and let me go when she heard me protest.

Me: “ Thanks mom. Where is dad?”

Dad: “ Right here” he said yawning. He was dressed in pyjamas. He went

to mom and gave her a mind blowing kiss.
Me: “ I am right here. Right here” they pulled apart because Awonke was
pulling on dad’s leg wanting to be picked up.

Dad: “ What brings you here so early Stephany?” I rolled my eyes.

Mom: “ I also asked her the same thing” I rolled them more.

Me: “ Ndu’s place is being renovated and he brought his girlfriend” the
both laughed and that was it we had breakfast and soon they joined me.
We had breakfast and I had to dash. I got to work and Ina was already at
the desk. She followed me right after I put on my coat.

Ina: “ Morning Dr Evans. There has been a change of plans. Mr

Mngomezulu would like you to open up space for him today if you could
because as from tomorrow he will not be available for 2 months” I huffed.

Me: “ His rude assistant called?” she giggled.

Ina: “ No he called personally and he apologised” I rubbed my forehead.

This was just stressful but luckily I had my notes and I had marked

Me: “ Fine. I will see him an 11h00. After I am done doing my rounds. Let
him know.” She nodded and left. I went to do my rounds and 11h00 came
very fast. I rushed to my office and changed. I took my bag and notes
and rushed to the west wing boardroom. I got outside and composed
myself I was a sweaty mess. I knocked then rolled my eyes. I mean who
knocks at a boardroom. I went in and I just froze. He’s the guy that I ran
into; the cologne gave him away. He lifted his head from the notes he
was reading and our eyes locked and all I could say was” damn”

Insert 5

Today it’s Wednesday and unfortunately I have to leave for Kenya; one of
dad’s associates party. I had to go on his behalf so I had to move the
meeting to today; hopefully the person I am meeting won’t bite my head
off. I was seated at the boardroom going over some notes when I heard a
know and the door opened. I felt like time stopped as soon as she
entered the boardroom. Beautiful round face, grey eyes; beautiful crazy
afro and that Peach dress with a black coat over it. Our eyes locked and
no one breaking the contact until I cleared my throat and looked down.

She made her way to a chair next to mine and sat. She smelled like the
lady from yesterday and judging by the hair it was her. I was a little
shocked but I’d ask her about it later.

Lady: “ I am sorry I’m late. I had to do my rounds so that is why I came

late” she took a deep breath because she was talking fast.

Me: “ It’s okay. I just got here plus I am the one who messed up your
plans and day” I turned and looked at her. She was really beautiful.

Lady: “ I don’t make a habit of being late. I just…” I put my hand on her

Me: “ Relax. No need to panic. I should be the one apologising for mixing
up the dates. Thing is I have to go to a business meeting on behalf of my
dad. So I am sorry for the inconvenience” she looked down and blushed.
Lady: “ It’s okay. Apology accepted” I nodded and looked at her.

Me: “ You’re really beautiful” she turned crimson.

Lady: “ You don’t look bad yourself” I chuckled and really looked at her.
Me: “ Excuse my manners; Sanele Mngomezulu” her eyes shot up.

Lady: “ You’re the hospital’s executive?” I smiled .

Me: “ Yes, in fact its Dr Sanele Mngomezulu”

Lady: “ Really? You’re a Dr?” how I wanted to laugh. She looked so cute.

Me: “ Yes. I am a Dr as well. So what do I call you Miss…”

Lady: “ Evans, Stephany Evans. Dr Stephany Evans. The other 20% of

the hospital.” We shook hands and that electric wave shot again. We
stared at each other and time stopped. I wanted to kiss her. What the hell
was wrong with me, I was drooling.

Me: “ Well I’m the 80%” her eyes shot up yet again and i chuckled.

Steph: “ I thought you’re representing someone. You look so young to

own a hospital. According to my notes and understanding it has never
been sold to anyone. Well except for the 20% that was giving to my dad
which gave to me”

Me: “ Just like you, my dad gave me the 80%. You are right on that, he
passed it on to me. So can we start with work please?” i was rather
annoyed because she sounded like i didn’t deserve to be here. I felt a
hand on my shoulder and i gave her a blank look.

Steph: “ I’m sorry. It’s just that you make me so nervous and i am being
rude to you” i softened and smiled a little.
Me: “ It’s okay. You’re freaking me out as well” she giggled and it
sounded so good.

Steph: “ I guess we freak each other out” i turned on my seat and looked
at her.

Me: “ Can i cook lunch for you?” she was taken aback and i was also
shocked. I don’t know where that came from.

Steph: “ What about work?” she surprised me even more.

Me: “ We’ll talk over lunch. Come.” I stood up and gathered my things.
She had a smile on her face and looked as if she was debating herself.

Steph: “ You sure we’re supposed to be doing this?” she also stood up
and took her things. I walked to the door and opened it for her. She
smiled and walked out. I had to start at my office before we leave.

Me: “ Can we start at my office? I have to drop off some things” she
nodded and followed me. We walked to my office and we were busy
laughing. I got in and Kwanda gave us a look and i frowned.

Me: “ Come, i’ll only be a minute” she followed me a seat opposite me. I
had to move my golf and poker meetings. I had to know this woman
across me. When i was done we walked out again.

Kwanda: “ Mr Mngomezulu, a word?” i held Steph’s hand.

Me: “ I’ll meet you outside; just give me a minute” she nodded and left.

Kwanda: “ Who the hell is that?” i am being tested.

Me: “ She is non of your concern so i suggest you watch your tone”

Kwanda: “ You bring women in your office now. How am i supposed to

feel?” i laughed very loud.

Me: “ You’re supposed to be a good assistant and do your job. Who i

bring in MY office is MY business. You do what i pay you to do or else
there is the door. Am i clear?” i asked through gritted teeth.

Kwanda: “ I was just...” i cut her off.

Me: “ Am i clear?” she nodded and i gave her a squeeze on her cheek.

Me: “ Good girl. I have to go, you can reach me on my phone if its about
work if not i will see you tomorrow” i walked out of my office whistling. I
found Steph walking towards the exit and i ran towards her calling her

Me: “ Steph...hey. I thought we were going to have lunch” she turned and

Steph: “ Come on then” i pulled her hand and we walked to my car.

Me: “ I thought you had left” she raised a brow as i joined the road.

Steph: “ I was about to. I didn’t want to cause trouble for you” i chuckled.

Me: “ Nah. I was clearing out my diary” i flashed her a smile. I drove
straight to my apartment and parked there. On the way i found out that
she is 25 years old and she just started working. She loves her family but
she seems closed off. We got out and walked up the steps.

Steph: “ I don’t know why i trust you so much. Especially after i have
been through” i froze on the last step and turned to look at her.

Me: “ What have you been through?” she shook her head.

Steph: “ Nothing. Let’s go in” i just put the key in my pocket and sat
down. She looked at me and sat on the steps as well.

Me: “ If you are not comfortable with being here with me i can take you
back to work. I don’t want you being here when you don’t want to” her
eyes glistened with tears and i wiped them.

Steph: “ I don’t mean to be difficult i just ..” i wiped her eyes and stood up.
I opened the door and pulled her up.

Me: “ Let me make you something scrumptious and you tell me all about
it. Okay?” she nodded and took off her shoes. I took off my coat and
rolled it up my sleeves. She came and took out my tie. I smiled and she
kissed my cheek. What’s going on? I don’t know. It was this energy that
was pulling us to do such things. I just met her today but it feels right.

Steph: “ So what are you making?” i looked around and chuckled.

Me: “ I have noo idea” we both laughed.

Steph: “ What can you make?” i laughed very loud.

Me: “ I don’t know how to cook but i can make a mean omelette” she
Steph: “ Order lunch for us. Will you?” i nodded and ordered pizza and
some ribs with wings. I went to the couch that she was seated on and
pulled her feet on my lap.

Steph: “ So tell me about you” i took a deep breath and smiled.

Me: “ Sanele Mngomezulu; formerly known as Kheswa but my parents

are now married. There’s 2 of us. Me and my older sister Nokwazi who is
married to Nqubeko Msomi”

Steph: “ And?” she smiled. I knew what she wanted to know but she had
to ask me.

Me: “ And what?” she giggled and covered her face.

Steph: “ Where is your girlfriend?” i looked at her and winked.

Me: “ I had a girlfriend. 5 years ago but she decided to leave. Not before
she tried to suck me dry.” She inched closer and her thighs were over

Steph: “ What do you mean?” that is when i narrated the whole story to
her. By the time i was done she was pissed mad.

Me: “ I got over it. I’m okay now. So tell me about you” before she could
answer my phone rang. It was my mother.

Me: “ Hey mom” she was crying and i panicked. I quickly stood up.

Me: “ Mom talk to me; what’s wrong?” she couldn’t get a word in.
Kwazi: “ Come home Sanele” she sounded broken.

Me: “ What are you talking about? What happened?” i was already
getting dressed.

Kwazi: “ Come home. Dad has been in an accident” she hung up after

Insert 6

I let go of my phone and it fell on the floor. For some reason I felt like he
is gone. Why should I go home, instead of the hospital. I felt someone
hug me from behind I took a deep breath. I held her hands and turned

Steph: “ What’s going on?” I shook my head and remembered I had to go


Me: “ I have to rush home. Something happened to my father”

Steph: “ Oh God; are you okay?” I nodded but my mind was buzzing.

Me: “ I’m sorry about our lunch. I will make it up to you” she just hugged
me and honestly I felt like home for the very first time in my life.

Steph: “ Don’t worry about it. We’ll do it some other time” she pulled back
and looked at me.

Me: “ I need to hurry home but I am scared Stephany. I really am” her
eyes watered.

Steph: “ You want me to come with you?” I shook my head and wiped her
tears yet again.

Me: “ I will call you. I need to take your number but could you please take
one of the cars in my garage and drive yourself home. We will talk on the
phone” I went to my bedroom and changed to jeans and a sweater with
some sneakers. I found Steph standing by the door with her bag. I took
her hand and we left. I don’t know why but I felt like taking her with me
everywhere. She was my calm. We got to the garage and I led her to the

Steph: “ You can go. I’ll be fine. I promise” she smiled as she slid in the

Me: “ I will call you. Drive safe” I strapped her in and closed the door. She
started the car and drove out after hooting. I ran to my car and got in. I
drove the other direction home. My heart was now beating fast and I was

I drove home in record time and when I got there the yard was full of
cars. My heart broke in a million pieces. Tears just fell from my face
uncontrollably. I took my phone and called Steph. She answered
immediately. Her voice was so calm and sweet.

Steph: “ Sanele” I heard shuffling sounds and I sniffed.

Me: “ He’s gone Steff. My father is gone. I just found him” I was crying
like a bitch but I didn’t care because I was talking to someone who I
wasn’t afraid to be vulnerable to.

Steph: “ I’m so sorry. Have you seen your family? What happened?” I
almost groaned.

Me: “ I haven’t been inside but the yard is filled with cars. I can feel it
inside me that he left us. I don’t know what to do. What will I say to my
mom? To my sister?” I was going crazy.

Steph: “ Do you want me to come there? I can come over now if you
want me to.” I just smiled.

Me: “ I will tell you when to come. I just wanted to hear your voice” she

Steph: “ Call me if you need me. Now go be with your family” I said
goodbye and I hung up. I felt a little better. I stepped out of the car and as
soon as I locked it; The Rain Fell. I just fell on my knees and cried. I felt
someone stand over me.

Nqubeko: “ Come on dude. You need to get inside” I just sat on my butt
and my back on the car.

Me: “ How am I going to look at mom? Nqubeko they just found each
other and now he is gone” Nqubeko sat next to me and the ran fell on us

Nqubeko: “ You mom seems better than she looks. Kwazi on the other
hand; she is a mess and I had to get a Dr to give her a sedative” I

Me: “ What happened man?” he stood up and pulled me up.

Nqubeko: “ Let’s get inside and I will tell you everything but for now you
need to get out of those wet clothes and see Miss K” I chuckled at the
Miss K part.

We walked inside the house and the rain stopped as soon as we were
sheltered. I didn’t even pay attention to that. The first thing I saw when I
walked in was mom seated on the mattress and next to her was aunt
Senamile. I walked over to them and everyone just fell on their knees
bowing. These people better stop this shit. My father stopped being a
king because he wanted to live his life freely so I will not be anyone’s
King plus my grandfather was here.

I got to mom and knelt before mom. She looked at me and she had aged.
I wanted to know what happened. It seems like it has been hours.

Me: “ Mom” I held her hands and kissed them.

Mom: “ He’s gone Sane. He left me. He…He…He…” she just cried and I
kicked off my shoes. Aunt Sena made way for me and I pulled her to me.
I let her cry. I heard someone else cry and when I looked up it was Kwazi.
I stretched out my hand and she ran to me. She threw herself in my arms
and cried. The people that were on the mattress and made space for us. I
kept kissing their heads until mom fell asleep. I gently placed her on the
pillow and got up. Kwazi followed me. We got to the kitchen and sat in

Me: “ What happened Kwazi?” I asked after 10 minutes of silence.

Kwazi: “ I don’t know. All I know is that mom told me that dad received a
phone call last night. Said he had to leave he’ll be back later. She waited
till she fell asleep. She was woken up by a call this morning and she went
to the hospital. When she got there it was already late. I got a call from
her when she asked us to fetch her” she cried again and I felt my chest
tighten but I had to be strong now.
Me: “ I will need to talk to mom when she wakes up. Something doesn’t
add up here” she sighed and looked at me while wiping her tears.

Kwazi: “ That’s what Nqubeko said. Sanele what about mom?” she
whispered the last part but to be honest Kwazi had became a daddy’s girl
and she seemed so lost. Nqubeko walked in and hugged his wife. I
walked out the kitchen door leading outside. I took out my phone from my
pocket and I had 2 missed calls from Steph. I called her.

Steph: “ I can’t help but worry about you” that warmed my heart.

Me: “ I am fine. I will be fine but I will call you when thing have settled. I’ll
come see you”
Steph: “ You don’t know where I live” I smiled.

Me: “ You will send me your location after this call” she giggled. Jesus!
Steph: “ I will send it”

Me: “ Good. You have no idea how much you being here for me means to
me” we continued talking until Nqubeko knocked on the glass door and
we bid each farewell. I went inside and my cousin Sihle and her husband
was there with another couple and Sne. She introduced the couple as
Thoba and Aphiwe; apparently they are family.

Thoba: “ I’m sorry for you loss. If there is anything you need, let me
know” we shook hands.

Me: “ Thanks man. I appreciate it” I walked inside the lounge and I saw
mom making way to her bedroom and I followed her. I found her in the
closet putting on dad’s sweater.
Me: “ Mom?” she turned and looked at me. Her cheeks were wet with
Mom: “ I want him back. I want him back Sanele. I want him back” I
walked to her and she backed away.

Mom: “ Don’t come near me. Go out there and look for my husband.
Bring him back to me Sane” my eyes filled with my own tears.

Me: “ He’s gone mom. Dad is gone” she cried harder.

Mom: “ No! Please Sane, I want my husband back. Please. Please bring
my butter back to me. Please Sanele; beg God for mw. Maybe if we pray
he’ll come back; can we pray?” I was defeated. I have never seen mom
like that.

Kwazi: “ Mom..” I turned and she was standing by the door. Dad, why did
you leave?

Mom: “ Kwazi; baby. Come, let us pray. God will give us dad back if we
beg him. Kwazi I need Busani; I can’t. I can’t….” I ran to her before she
hit the ground. I picked her up and placed her on the bed. I rushed out
the door and went to dad’s medical room. I took an injection to help her
sleep. I mixed everything and went back to my parent’s bedroom. I got to
there and injected her. I hushed her till she fell asleep. I then took my car
keys and went outside. I drove out and went to my place. I took off all my
clothes and got on bed. My head was pounding from mom’s screams. I
could here her. She wanted her husband back and he was gone. My
father was gone.

Insert 7
I was woken up by loud banging on my door. I groaned and stood up. I
pulled on my shorts and a t-shirt. I got to the door and Sbu was standing
there with Nqubeko and Nqoba. They pushed past me and got in.

Me: “ Well; hello to you too. You may come in please” they laughed and
went to the couch.

Me: “ What brings you here?” they looked at me and frowned.

Nqubeko: “ You need to go home. Everything is a stand still since you’re

not there. You need to do everything, you’re the head of the family now.” I
scoffed and went to my bedroom. Nqubeko obviously followed me. Over
the years we grew stronger than before and i can say that he is my best
friend and brother.

Nqubeko: “ I know this is hard on you man but you have to take over but
for you to do that you need to go see his body” i felt a shiver go down my
spine. I turned and looked at him before shaking my head.

Me: “ Man; i am not sure i am ready for that” i went to look for something
to wear. Nqubeko was right behind me.

Nqubeko: “ You need to do this. We need to start preparing for the

funeral.” I walked back in my bedroom and he was still following me. My
phone rang and it was Steph. I looked at it and I sighed before

Me: “ Steph” she breathed out loud.

Steph: “ Hi erm you don’t sound okay so we will talk when you can” she
immediately hung up. It must have been the cold tone. I sighed and threw
my phone on top of the bed.
Nqubeko: “ Who was that?” I gave him a look and he chuckled.

Me: “ Steph. She’s this amazing woman that I met today. She’s been here
dude. Calling and asking hoe I am” he smiled and I looked at him.

Me: “ Dude, why are you smiling?” I chuckled and headed for the shower.
It was already night time so I would go see if dad really is dead tomorrow.
I took a long needed shower and got out. Nqubeko was still seated on the

Me: “ Get out I want to get dressed” he chuckled and stood up.

Nqubeko: “ Well you want to hide your willy?” he laughed and went to the
other room. I dressed in jeans and a long sleeve black sweater with black
suede shoes. I took my phone; wallet and went to the lounge. The guys
stood up and we left.

Sbu: “ Sanele, I’ll drive.” He took the keys from me and got in the driver’s
seat. The cars followed each other out and raced to my parents house.
These idiots were racing and enjoying it. We finally got home and I
prayed it doesn’t rain again and it didn’t. I got inside the house and went
straight to mom’s bedroom. I found them in bed with Kwazi. I walked in
and sat on the foot of the bed. Their eyes were swollen.

Mom: “ Where have you been Nele?” her voice was hoarse.

Me: “ I had to get away mom. I had to gather my bearings before I start
preparations. My head was just all over the place plus I had to be strong
for you and everyone else. I’m sorry” she gave me a faint smile.
Mom: “ It’s okay. Kwazi please excuse us?” she nodded and got out of
bed. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. I went to sit next to mom.
Mom: “ I heard what happened when you arrived earlier.” I huffed.

Mom: “ Your father worked hard for you and your sister to want for
nothing. You know it because you have 80% share of the hospital and
60% of all his other businesses. Nationally and internationally” I was
shocked about the 60%.

Me: “ The airline business” she nodded.

Mom: “ The other 40% went to your sister. So what I want is for you to
relax, you need to plan the funeral and we’ll get on. Do not let your
grandfather tell you shit about being a king. If he wants it, his old ass can
take it.” I chuckled. My mom has always been like this.

Me: “ Did you see him mom?” she was playing with my hand and she
stopped when I asked her. She sighed and sniffed. I guess she was
crying now.

Me: “ I’m sorry mom. I don’t mean to make you cry I just have to know”
she nodded.

Mom: “ Yes I saw him. Kwazi has also seen him. You need to go see him
my boy” I nodded.

Me: “ I will go see him tomorrow” she shook her head countless times.

Mom: “ No. No. No. You need to go tonight. He has to be buried in 2

days” my eyes shot up and I tried standing up but she held me down.

Mom: “ Your father is of Royalty. All of you are royalty. You need to go
see him and start preparing tomorrow my love. Please Sane” I shook my

Me: “ I’m not ready mom. I just…” she stopped me.

Mom: “ I am in hell. I am not functioning well. I hate this; I need my

Busani Sane but he is no longer here. You need to go say goodbye. I
have” I looked at her with that “really” expression and she gave me a low

Mom: “ You always know how to make me feel better. Please my boy
don’t let this stupid family talk you into being King.” I chuckled and stood
up. I took my things and kissed her head.

I walked to the kitchen and I found my old grandfather in a heated

argument with Uncle Bheki. As soon as they saw me they kept quiet and
Bheki walked out. Grandfather asked me to come to him.

G.father: “ Have you been to see your father?” I shook my head no.

Me: “ I haven’t but I am on my way there” he looked at me.

G.father: “ When you come back I need to talk to you about taking over

Me: “ With all due respect; I am not going to be made King. My father
didn’t want it. I also don’t want it” his mouth hung open.

G.father: “ You saw what happened when you got here. It rained, just like
it rained when you were born” I chuckled.

Me: “ Where were you when I was born? You wanted me dead but now
you know about the day I was born? Stop being a hypocrite. You want
this kingdom to go on, get one of your stupid sons. I am not doing it”
G.father: “ Your father would have wanted you to take over from…” I cut
him off.

Me: “ I already took over his businesses. Anything else beside that, I am
not getting involved.”

g.father: “ You don’t know what you’re doing, you’re ruining everything” I

Me: “ I am ruining nothing but your plans. I need to go see my father. If

there is nothing else, I would really like to go” he tightened his jaw before
nodding. I turned on my heel and left. I went past the lounge and the
guys stood up, followed me outside.

Sbu: “ What did he say?”

Me: “ You couldn’t wait to hear that huh?” they all gave me looks.

Me: “ seriously? He wants me to take over” the nodded knowingly.

Nqubeko: “ I knew it. I so knew it. So Sanele you will drive with Sbu and
he knows what to do when we get there”

Me: “ How?”

Sbu: “ I also lost my royal father who was King at the time” I nodded and
we got in different cars. The drive to the mortuary was very long and
stressful because I didn’t want to accept that he really was gone. I hope
that it will be some sort of mistake or dream. I hope that when we get
there it’ll be someone else and that my phone will ring and get a
message that dad is home.
We finally got to the mortuary and there were people outside with
candles. As soon as I stepped out the knelt and I groaned, seriously. I
am not a King and I don’t plan on becoming one. When I got inside it was
so quiet. An old man made way to me.

Old man: “ My King” he bowed.

Me: “ Please take me to my father and stop this charade please” he


Old man: “ Please follow me your Highness” I looked at Sbu and he told
me to go.

I walked behind this guy, I was expecting him to come with me but he
stayed behind. We got to this cold room; I expected to see a lot of bodies
but it was only dad who was there. He showed me the body then he left.
Me being a Dr, I put on gloves and walked to him. When I got to him I got
the shock of my life. My knees failed me and I fell on the floor.

I must have puked out all the food I ate that day. When I finally gathered
myself I stood up and walked to the other side. I couldn’t believe it. Why
would they lie to me like this? Why wouldn’t they tell me. I examined his
body and touched him. He was ice cold. That wasn’t my father, he
couldn’t be dead. I fell on my knees again and let out the loudest cry.

I stood up and again. I wanted to feel it. I wanted to see if this wasn’t a
joke. I put my hand on the bullet hole on his right shoulder and pushed
my index finger in the hole. He didn’t flinch nor did he move. I went to his
stomach and put the finger in that bullet hole. He still didn’t move. I then
moved to the one on the side on his head, right next to his ear and put it
in. He didn’t move yet again. I got to the last one, right in the middle of his
forehead and I just fell on the ground.
It hurt so bad, my whole body hurt. My guts, everything hurt. I heard
something or someone lift me up and it was Sbu and Nqubeko. They
dragged me outside because I didn’t want to leave. They made me sit on
the pavement and I just cried. Call me a bitch nigga but what I saw made
my insides turn and how cruel people can be.

When I gathered myself I got up and got in the car. I didn’t want to talk to
anyone. I wanted to go home, I wanted mom to tell me why he hid it from
me. Why didn’t he tell me that dad had been killed. He said it was an
accident but what I saw was something different. What I saw was a man
with 4 bullet holes in his body; what I saw was MY dead father who was
shot dead.

I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings, I was numb and I wanted all

of it to go away. Come to think of it I could see how everyone was looking
at me. They looked like they were hiding something. I groaned and fell on
the car seat. I put my arm on my face and rode home. The car stopped
and I walked out. I seriously had no energy for anything. The minute I
walked in everyone looked at me. I just carried on went to look for my
mother and sister.

I knocked and she told me to come in. I walked in and their eyes
widened. Mom’s bottom lip started to tremble. I looked at her shaking my
head; I was defeated.

Me: “ Why? Why did you hide it from me?” Kwazi made her way to me.
She tried to touch me but I moved away.

Me: “ Mom, why didn’t you tell me?” I was looking ay her, my vision was
getting blurry.

Kwazi: “ We are sorry Sane. We wanted to tell you. We…” I interrupted

Me: “ I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to my mother”

Mom: “ Sanele!” she shouted and I just looked at her.

Kwazi: “ You watch how you talk to me you brat. I am older than you” I
chuckled and looked at mom.

Me: “ Can we talk mama? In private please”

Kwazi: “ Sanele; I don’t think that’s a good Idea.” She was shaking. I just
smiled and nodded.

Me: “ I take it you’re not going to tell me what happened Ma?” she shook
her head no.

Mom: “ I don’t know what happened Sanele. I promise you. I don’t know
what happened!” she shouted the last part and I felt something inside me

Me: “ Why is everybody lying to me? Why are you guys lying? I mean it
makes me wonder how long dad has been dead!” they both gasped and I
walked towards mom.

Kwazi: “ Sanele stop it. You’re upsetting mom. Just stop it!” I stepped
back and looked down.

Me: “ I gotta go. I will see you” I turned and walked out. Kwazi was on my

Kwazi: “ You are being selfish Sanele. Mom needs you right now and you
are being a brat” I stopped at my tracks and turned around. I charged for
her and Nqubeko stepped in front of me.

Nqubeko: “ Go man. Go be with yourself. Go calm down and come back

tomorrow.” I nodded and I left. I slammed the door on my way out. I got in
the car and drove out. I had to get some air because there is not telling
what I might do.

I found myself outside Steph’s place. At 11h45pm. I called her and she
didn’t answer the first time but when I called again she answered on the
third ring.

Steph: “ Sanele” she said in her sleepy voice it was too gorgeous.

Me: “ Hey. Please open up for me” I heard shuffling.

Steph: “ What?” she sounded alarmed I just chuckled.

Me: “ Open up. I’m outside” I saw the gate open and the lights coming on.
I got in and parked behind a Coupe. She got out tying her gown and
came to my door. I opened it and turned to her. She got in between my
legs and I pulled her in my arms. I lifted her from the ground and pulled
her on my lap. She straddled me and I got back in the car.

Her head on my neck and I felt home yet again. I felt myself relax. We
stayed on that position for a long time I even thought that she was

Me: “ Babe?”

Steph: “ Mmmm?” she said in a sleepy tone I chuckled.

Me: “ You sleeping?” she pulled away and looked at me with those
beautiful grey eyes.

Steph: “ I’m not sleeping but what I want to know is why did you wake me
up so late at night? Some of us have to work you know” her eyes were
dancing and she had that smile on her face I just squeezed her to me.

Steph: “ You are holding me too tight” I pulled away and cupped her face.

Me: “Thank you for waking up and seeing me so late. I know I behaved
like a total jerk and I am sorry”

Steph: “ It’s okay; I understand.” I looked at her pouted lips and I wanted
to kiss her but I decided not to. Not yet.

Me: “ Can we go sleep?” she was taken aback.

Me: “ I’m sorry. I mean I overstepped. Let me get going”

Steph: “ Come; my room smells girly though” she got off my lap and got
out the car. I also got out and followed her.

Me: “ Nice car” she laughed as I followed her inside the house.

Steph: “ That’s my cousin’s car. Already complaining to have parked

outside. Your car is in the garage. I love it” I smiled and she locked the
door. When we turned there was this guy standing by the hallway in his
pants and he was topless. I kinda froze but I waited for Steph to explain.

Steph: “Oh Ndu you’re up. Sorry to have woken you. This is Sanele.
Sanele this is Ndumiso my cousin. By Ndu, we’re going to bed.” She
pulled my hand and we walked to the bedroom. She opened her
bedroom, we got in and she locked. Her roomed looked good in ivory
white with a touch of gold and cream white. It was a spacious bedroom
with a very big king bed.

Steph: “ Welcome to my dungeon” she took of her gown and I felt like this
was the biggest mistake of my life. I wanted a friend, I needed a friend
and I a busy getting a hard on. She got under the covers. I kicked off my
shoes. Emptied my pockets and switched off my phone. I took off my
pants and t-shirt. I heard her gasped I just smiled. I then went and sat on
the bed.

Me: “ I would like a glass of water please” she couldn’t look at me. She
jumped out of bed and went to get water. I got under the covers and
waited for her. I heard her speaking to her cousin. After a while she came
back. She gave me the water and she looked angry.

She slept and turned to face the other way. I finished drinking my water
and lay down. I pulled her to me and our bodies made contact. She
seemed so tense.

Me: “ I’m not going to do anything. I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to
hold you in my arms; okay?” she nodded and she relaxed. I kissed the
side of her face.

Me: “ Now tell me; what’s got you so worked up?” she breathed out loud
and snuggled closer.

Steph: “ Ndu is being an ass. Says I shouldn’t bring strangers in my

house and he has the nerve to bring his rude girlfriend in my freaken
house.” I chuckled and I pulled on her ear.

Me: “ He’s just looking out for you” she turned and looked at me. He legs
were between my legs and her head on my chest.

Steph: “ I understand but he’s not my father. He should just butt out!” I
rubbed her back.

Me: “ Relax okay? Try and get some sleep. We will talk in the morning”

Steph: “ So in other words I should shut up? I talk too much?” I chuckled.

Me: “ No no. I want you to sleep before I do something you might regret
in the morning” she lifted her head up and looked at me dead in the eyes.

Steph: “ What’s that?” I raised a brow and looked at her.

Me: “ I might kiss your lips, drink on them till I have my feel but that won’t
be enough so I’d take off your oyjamas and kiss you all over but that also
won’t be enough so I’d go down to your beauty and drink till you pass out.
Now, sleep” she turned around so quickly

Steph: “ Goodnight” she sounded breathless I laughed out loud.

Me: “ Goodnight beautiful” I kissed her head and slept.


I was woken up by moaning and banging sounds. When i turned Sanele

was sitting on the bed with his back on the headboard. He looked at me
and smiled. There was a scream and i groaned. I also sat up and
yawned. When i looked at the time it was 5h23. At least, its wasn’t that
Me: “ You’re up” he chuckled.

Sanele: “ I’ve been up for a while now” his voice was so deep and sexy. I
felt my body get warm.

Me: “ I’m sorry. I just. .” Liyanda screamed louder than before and Sanele

Sanele: “ He’s really giving it to her. Like pouncing in there” i giggled. He

turned his head and looked at me. After that he winked.

Me: “ Morning” he wiggled his eyebrows.

Sanele: “ Morning beautiful lady” i got out the bed and stretched. I wore
my gown and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed
my face. I noticed the spare toothbrush was used and i smiled. I walked
back to the bedroom and Sanele was still sitting as i left him.

Me: “ Aren’t you getting out of bed?” he shook his head before frowning.

Sanele: “ Wait; are you kicking me out?” my eyes widened.

Me: “ What? No! I am not chasing you out” I got back in bed and we
cuddled. The sex sounds had now died down.

Sanele: “ You never really told me about you”

Me: “ Well all you had to do was ask” he pinched me and I jumped.

Sanele: “ Miss Stephany Evans. Please tell me about you” I giggled and
covered my face.
Me: “ Well my name is Stephany Evans. Daughter of Aphiwe and Thoba
Evans. I have 6 siblings. 3 sets of twins. 4 brothers and 2 sisters. My dad
Is or rather was a Dr. Mom is a qualified teacher but I don’t remember her
working. Dad had always provided and she was always pregnant” he

Me: “ Ndumiso is cousin. His mother and my father are siblings. So yeah;
that’s me”

Sanele: “ How did your parents meet?” I took a deep breath because this
was just a big complicated story.

Me: “ Mom was dad’s maid. She came when I was 4 and she became my
mom ever since” that got his attention. That made him sit up.

Sanele: “ So your mon is not really your biological mother?” I shook my

head no.

Sanele: “ Elaborate” I sat and tucked my feet underneath my legs.

Me: “ Listen and please keep up okay? *he nodded* okay. Here goes. My
mom came to us when I was 4; she was 18 at the time. My biological
mother died; Nicole. I don’t remember her. When mom came she took
over everything. When she came to us she had her grandmother and her
parents died when she was younger. Only to find out that her parents
were alive and her grandmother was only her caregiver. She was to look
after her because her parents were on the run. They couldn’t stay in
South Africa. She then found out that she had a sister, aunt Sne. Aunt
came with her adoptive family the Zulus. So we are now a big gigantic
family “ he shook his head chuckling.

Sanele: “ That is too much information you are making my head spin”
Me: “ Tell me about you” he just smiled.

Sanele: “ Sanele Mngomezulu, Stephany Evans boyfriend…” I laughed

out loud and he smiled.

Sanele: “ Good to see that I have your attention. So; its Sanele
Mngomezulu. I have a sister Nokwazi Msomi. I was raised by my mother
Londiwe maKheswa Mngomezulu who was a manager of a hotel. I only
met my father when I was in grade 10. At first he didn’t want us but we
later found out that it was all an act. He wanted to get us to leave
because grandfather had put out a bounty for us. After fighting and
mom’s near death accident. We fixed things and they got married. We’ve
been tight ever since. Dad took mom to an around the world trip until a
few days ago. Yesterday he turned up dad. The end.” I shifted and
crawled to him. I sat on his lap and looked into his eyes and they were
very dark.

Me: “ Let’s talk about your love life” I wiggled my brows and he smiled.

Sanele: “ I had a girlfriend; her name is Denise. When I first met her she
had lost her family and she was thrown out by her family. We got so close
that my family took her in. We grew together and we promised to stick
together you know. We planned on having kids. We tried for months
before she told me that she went to the Dr and checked. She found out
that there was nothing wrong with her, so the problem was with me. I was
so scared I didn’t even go to check. A few months later she was pregnant
and the child wasn’t mine obviously. Turns out that she was on
contraceptive this whole time. When we broke up she took me to court
and said that I had to take care of her. She was used to the lifestyle and
money so I let her be” I was fuming. I wanted to meet and punch her.

Me: “ That bitch! I wish I could get my hands on her” he smiled and
brushed my cheek.
Sanele: “ I’m okay. Don’t worry about it. I am just waiting for the right time
to take it all away from her.” That put a smile on my face.

Sanele: “ You’re so evil. Now tell me; what about YOUR love life” I knew
he was going to ask me.

Me: “ So I had a boyfriend too, his name was Quinton. Well firstly I was
molested by my dad’s best friend. So after that I just let myself go and hid
behind food and baggy clothes. Clinton saw and put me back together.
He loved me and made me smile again. I went back gym and I smiled
again. When I was doing my first year it started. He started hitting me, it
started with a slap and after that it was punches. When all of that was
done he later started forcing himself on me. Saying that I’m his. The last
straw was when we were at his cousin’s wedding. I was wearing this
body hugging dress, he got so jealous when his cousins hugged me. His
mom saw how angry he was and she told me to run. I tried but he caught
up with me. He took us back to his place. He took off the dress and
shredded it into pieces. He hit me so hard that I blacked out. That day he
raped me till I bled.” I was now crying, well both of us were crying.

Sanele: “ I am so sorry” I shook my head.

Me: “ It’s okay. I’m okay now. After he finished I woke up and he told me
to pick myself up. He left and went back to celebrate the wedding. I
waited for a few minutes before I stood up and looked for his t-shirt and
boxers. I ran out and opened the gate. When I looked to my right his car
was driving right to me, I threw myself in front of the car that was coming
on the opposite direction and I fainted. When I came to; I was at a
hospital. I was brought in by some guy. I never got to meet him. To thank
him for saving my like” he gasped and I looked at him. His eyes were all

Sanele: “ It was you!” I looked at him confused.

Me: “ It was me who did what?”

Sanele: “ It was you. It was in Pinetown. I took you to the hospital but I
had to leave quickly. I had to go away for a few weeks. When I came
back they discharged you long ago” I was so shocked.

Me: “ You, you’re the one who saved my life that day?” he cupped my
face and looked into my eyes.

Sanele: “ I have been looking for you for a very long time. I am glad I
found you” he kissed my forehead and pulled me in for a hug. Our heart
beats were beating fast but they were also in tune with one another, It felt
like home.


I woke up that morning and my wife wasn’t in bed which meant breakfast
in bed. It was just the 2 of us and sometimes our children would come
over but it just wasn’t the same. How i miss my daughter, things were not
the same since she left.

I have done a lot of bad, I have killed and stole from people and families.
I always cover my tracks and make sure I never leave a trace but
recently we’ve had someone bugging and poking their nose in our
business. I have worked hard to put my children through school and
taking care of my wife; giving her everything she needs so I won’t have
some dumb shit get in the way of my success.

Today I was woken up by a phone call from the man who taught me
everything so we will call him boss.
Boss: “ Silencer” I hated that name, him calling me that name reminded
me of who I was before.
Me: “ Stop calling me that. Call me by my name or Jay” he chuckled.
Boss: “ You don’t tell me what to do so I will call you silencer if I want to
call you Silencer, I will call you that” I clicked my tongue.

Me: “ I will drop this call if you continue being an ass” he kept quiet.

Me: “ Now what do you want so early in the morning?” he cleared his
throat before speaking.

Boss: “ This man keeps poking and poking. I think it’s time to take him
out” I sat on my ass and rubbed my eyes.

Me: “ Yeah sure; I will get my boys to do it” I yawned.

Boss: “ Nooo. You have to do it. You have to meet with him and make
sure you kill him. He is so close to finding the truth you’ll wake up dead
tomorrow.” I huffed and got out of bed. I am too old to be going around

Me: “ Like I said I will get my boys tonight and…” he cut me off and

Boss: “ You have more to lose than me now get off that fuckin bed and
find him. I want this done by tonight or so help me Jay you’re on your
own” he hung up after that. The door opened and my wife walked in. I
instantly calmed at the sight of her.

Its amazing that after so many years I love her more each passing day
and I told myself that I will do everything in me to protect her and our

Wife: “ Morning baby” she walked in with a tray filled with food.
Me: “ Morning my love. You look like a dream” she blushed and I
chuckled. She gets beautiful every second.

Wife: “ Oh stop it! Here’s your breakfast and stop messing with me” I
made space for her to seat and gave it a pat for her. She came and
joined me.

Wife: “ The kids are coming over tonight” she said eating on my plate. I
shook my head.

Me: “ I can’t tonight. I need to be somewhere” she raised her brow and
looked at me. I just knew that she was about to give me hell.

Wife: “ I thought you weren’t about that life anymore. Hell you have
people to do things for you but instead you are running round leaving
dead bodies. I can’t believe you right now” she got out if bed and put on
her gown. I held her hand and she yanked it from me. I was just in deep
trouble so I had to make her understand. So I stood up and followed her.
I found her in the kitchen banging the cupboards.

Me: “ Honey please listen to me?” I turned her around and held her
hands in mind. She looked at me her face filled with attitude.

Me: “ You need to listen to me okay? I am doing this one last job and I will
be done. This guy that keeps poking us going to bring me down. If I don’t
take care of it we stand to lose everything. Please baby, just this one last
time I beg you” she had tears in her eyes and they fell. My heart just
broke. I didn’t want to do this but I had to.

Wife: “ You come back to me. I lost you before; I don’t want it to happen
again please” I nodded and pulled her in for a tight hug. I let go of her
and went to take a shower. I had to go out and make arrangements so
that I could meet with the guys.

I got dressed in my casual clothing and said goodbye to my wife.

Me: “ I will see you tomorrow okay?” she nodded with tears running down
her face.

Wife: “ Come back to me” I pecked her lips and left with the bag that she
packed for me. I drove all the way to the Durban Harbour. I parked my
car somewhere safe and got in a boat ride to where my yacht was. I got
off and jumped in the yacht. I called the guys and waited for them to
come. I was losing my mind because it’s been a while since I have done
this. Boss called again.

Me: “ What?” I heard hard breathing.

Boss: “ Don’t talk to me like that. Things are going accordingly and he will
be at the harbour at 22h00” he hung up. The guys finally came and went
on with the plan. I kept drinking shots of whiskey because I had a really
bad feeling about this.

Time finally came and we had to go back. We got off and waited for the
guy to come. The guys left me alone to wait for him. I heard him
approach and when I turned around I got the shock of my life. It was

Me: “ Busani!”
Busani: “ Bheki!” we both said at the same time with our eyes wide open.

Me: “ What the hell are you doing here?” I got closer to him and tried
shoving him off but he didn’t budge.
Busani: “ You’re the corrupt guy, Bheki I trusted you with my sister but
you are a criminal!” I tried shoving him but he didn’t budge.

Me: “ You need to get out of here. It’s not safe to be here. You need to
leave!” the guys got out of nowhere.

Busani: “ I am going to expose you Busani. You have ruined so many

lives!” something just snapped in me. I don’t take lightly to threats.

Me: “ 40/40, Kill him!” he got the shock of his life as he came to stand on
front of me.
Busani: “ How will you look at your family, my family?”

Me: “ The same way I have been looking at my wife after killing our son.
40, kill him!” I said that and walked away.

Insert 8

We held each other for a long time after that we let go. We stared at each
other, now would be the perfect time for us to kiss but Sanele just cleared
his throat and got out of bed. I looked at his body and he looked amazing.
He didn’t have that visible 6 pack but you could see that he works out
because he body was nicely toned with that v leading down his guy. I was
busy drooling I didn’t even hear him call my name.

Sanele: “ Earth to Steph” I finally snapped out of it and looked at him. He

looked so cute with his pink pouted lips.

Me: “ Oh sorry. I was just thinking of something” he just smiled.

Sanele: “ Can I use your shower?” he asked stretching his body. I nearly
moaned. I wanted him to touch me or rather I wanted to touch his body.

Me: “ Oh yeah, sure. Will you need anything?” he shook his head.

Sanele: “ No thanks. I’ll go get my bag from the car.” He pulled on his
pants and walked out topless and barefoot. I sighed. He is just like a

I got out of bed and started making the bed. He got in as I was
straightening the cover. He put the bag down and quickly went to the
other side and helped me. He looked at me and smiled.

Me: “ That’s nice of you to help. Thank you” he chuckled and

straightened up when we were done.

Sanele: “ We’ll be doing it for the rest of our lives together” he came to
my side and pulled me in his arms. He lightly bit my ear and I moaned.

Me: “ When will you kiss me?” I just had to ask. I really wanted him to
kiss me.

Sanele: “ You’re not ready” he whispered before pulling back. He went to

take his bag, leaving me stunned. I went to the kitchen and found the
couple in the kitchen.

Me: “ Oh good. Both of you are here. You need to leave” I opened the
fridge and took out milk.

Ndu: “ Huh? Why?” he asked with his eyes all out.

Liya: “ I have already unpacked; why should we leave anyways?” she
asked folding her arms.

Me: “ You are disrespectful. For the past 2 days I have been woken up by
you having sex with Liyanda screaming her lungs out. I can’t be
uncomfortable in my home because of you.” Ndu shifted uncomfortably.

Ndu: “ I’m sorry sis. I didn’t realise that we were making you
uncomfortable we’ll…”

Liyanda: “ It’s not our fault that she doesn’t have a boyfriend. It’s also not
our fault that she is lonely so if we want to…” I slapped her before she
could finish. She held her cheek and Ndu was also surprised because I
have never in my life hit someone or been in a fight. I was so angry at her
for always ranting out her mouth.

Me: “ shut the fuck. I have had it with your bitchy attitude. Ndu is my
brother; our parents are brother and sister. I will never sleep with him,
that’s disgusting unless you’ve done it before; with your own cousin?” she
rubbed her cheek and looked down on the floor. Ndu glared at her.

I took out 2 bowls and made cereal. I put the bowls on a tray and a fruit
salad as well. I made 2 cups of coffee. I couldn’t wait for the water to boil
fast enough so I turned to them.

Me: “ I have been patient with you from the word go Liyanda. From our
tertiary days till now but you have your head filled with nonsense.” I
turned to Ndu.

Me: “ I tried getting along with your girlfriend and you never said shit to
put her in line. I hated that so please you guys; leave my house. I’m done
being nice to you” I poured boiling water in the coffee mugs and took the
tray. I walked angrily to my bedroom. When I got there I slammed the
door shut.

Sanele: “ Whoa what got you worked up so early in the morning” I

opened my eyes and gave him a look.

Me: “ Nothing” I took the tray and put it on top of the bed. I gave him his
cup and sat on the bed. He came and knelt in between my legs.

Sanele: “Hey, what’s wrong?” he looked deep in my eyes and I just

looked at him. I guess I was too pissed off.

Me: “ Just eat your damn breakfast and leave” he chuckled shaking his
head. He stood up shaking his head. He stood up and put on his t-shirt.
He sat on the bed and put on socks and his shoes. All this time I was
looking at him. He then put his dirty clothes in a bag and closed it. He
came and kissed my cheek. He took his bag and opened the door. My
tears just fell. I quickly stood up and followed him. He was loading his
bag when I got outside. I stood in front of him and looked deep in his
eyes. We connected but he just pulled back.

Me: “ I really wish you’d kiss me” I linked our hands together and leaned
closer to him. He smiled and kissed my nose.

Sanele: “ Why are you in such a bad mood?” I frowned. I tried pulling
back but he pulled me closer.

Me: “ Its Ndu and his girlfriend. I ended up slapping her. Imagine slapping
someone so early in the morning” he chuckled.

Sanele: “ That’s sexy. I wish I could have seen you do that babe” he
kissed my forehead and I groaned.
Me: “ Why won’t you…” my question was cut off when he took my hand
and placed it on top of his dick and I gasped.

Sanele: “ I want to make love to you so bad but allow me to bury my

father. After burying him I will kiss you till you have had your fill baby. If I
kiss you now I will burst.” His eyes were turning red and small I just

Me: “ You don’t want to come in for breakfast?” he chuckled and shook
his head.

Sanele: “ I have to get going.” He kissed my hands and let me go. He

hugged me and got in the car. He rolled down the window.

Sanele: “ You are so sexy when you sleep. Especially when you turn;
your boobs jiggle soo good I want to put them in my mouth and just
hmmmm” he closed his eyes and groaned causing me to giggle.

Me: “ Bye Sanele” I said covering my eyes.

Sanele: “ Bye baby” he hooted and drove out leaving me looking after his
car. He turned and joined the road. I walked back inside the house and
went straight to my bedroom. I took off my clothes and had a shower. I
got out and started getting dressed. When I looked on the floor Sanele
had left the t-shirt he was wearing last night. It was navy and I was
wearing white pants so I put on the t-shirt and nude stilettos. I took my
bag and walked out with my car keys and phone. I put the tray on the
kitchen sink and washed everything. I heard someone clear his throat. I
turned and it was the couple.

Me: “ Ahh the happy couple” Liyanda couldn’t look at me. She was
twiddling her thumbs and looking on the floor.
Ndu: “ Liyanda has something to say” she lifted up her head and she
looked like she was crying. That is when I saw the hand marks on her
face. I was livid. I went to Ndu and punched him. I gave him his bag and
threw him out.

Me: “ Get the fuck out you animal!” I shouted and I locked the door. He
was banging and asking me to open up. I went to the kitchen and pulled
Liyanda by hand to the lounge. She was stunned.

Me: “ How often does he hit you?” she gasped and looked at her hands.

Liyanda: “ Not much. Only when I piss him off and it just a few slaps.
Nothing big i…” I cut her off because she was talking nonsense.

Me: “ He shouldn’t ever lift a finger at you. You should never allow it
Liyanda!” I half shouted and she jumped.

Liyanda: “ I can’t disobey or leave him. I…” I stopped her again.

Me: “ Why the hell not?” I’m sure I was red all over. I was even sweating
but the smell of Sanele’s cologne calmed me.

Liyanda: “ He put me through school Stephany. Everything I have its

because of him. I tried leaving and your family is well connected. Said he
will have me fired. He said I should leave if I want to. There is nothing
special about me. He can have any girl he wants, including you and…”

Ndu: “ I didn’t mean all that Liyanda. I wanted you to stay and not leave
me.” He was standing by the door.

Me: “ How the hell did you get in here?” he moved closer and I saw
Liyanda flinch.
Ndu: “ Baby please. I am sorry.” He went to kneel in front of her I just
pushed him off.

Liyanda: “ I’m sorry Steph. I don’t mean to be bitchy but I just felt like Ndu
would leave me and want to be with you. On to of that I would be jobless.
My family, I am the only one working. My father is in a wheelchair. I am
so sorry” she broke down and Ndu pulled her in for a hug I punched him.

Ndu: “ Take it easy there Mayweather.”

Me: “ You hit her Ndu after all that shit I went through with Clinton you
still have guts to hit on a woman just because you put her through school.
Sies Ndumiso. Sies! Ay voetsek man!” I stood up and went to take my
belongings and left. I got in the car and drove to work. On the way I got a
call from Sanele.

Me: “ Sanele?” he huffed.

Sanele: “ Are you driving?” he sounded annoyed.

Me: “ Yes dad I am driving. It’s connected to the speaker you ass” he

Sanele: “ I am going away for a week or 2 for the funeral. When I come
back you better have washed your mouth because I will straighten you
out you will wish we never met”

Me: “ Boo Hooo. I am scared; you need to chill.” He chuckled again.

Sanele: “ Okay. Have a good day at work lady. I will kiss your nana when
I come back” my breath caught and he laughed before hanging up.
Sanele was driving me crazy and the 2 weeks apart was going to be
difficult but some distance would do us good because I needed to cool

Insert 9

I drove home from Steph’s place feeling calm. Spending the night with
her; in her bed holding her was blissful. Her body was soft and smelled
nice. I stayed up half the night just looking at her. She was so damn
beautiful. I wanted to kiss her so bad but I didn’t want to lose it so I put a
bit of distance between us. When I got home everyone was relieved to
see me. I guess they had been worried that I wasn’t going to come back
but I had to be home so that we can continue preparing for the funeral.

I made sure that I stay out if mom and Kwazi’s way because I somehow
knew that they were hiding something from me. I went to the parlour
again just to say goodbye to dad before leaving for Nongoma. When I got
there the place was heavily guarded but as soon as I stepped out people
started running around like headless chickens; wanting to serve and be
around me but I wasn’t here as a prince but I was here as a son.

I asked the room and pulled down the sheet. He was now dressed in his
favourite charcoal suit. I took a chair and sat next to him holding his

Me: “ You have to wake up dad. I have so much to tell you” but he didn’t
move. I spoke again this time poking his arm.

Me: “ Dad, please wake up.” I begged shaking him. He was so cold, I
started sobbing. This didn’t feel real; its like I was in a dream and my dad
was going to wake up. I felt a hand on my shoulder, when I turned it was
mom and my sister. I just wiped my tears and stood up. I made my way
outside and Nokwazi was following me.

Kwazi: “ Will you just wait?” she shouted and I stopped. Not because of
the shouting but because of the scene that she was about to cause.

Kwazi: “ Stop being selfish and let us share the pain of our dad’s death.
Mom needs you and I know you need us too. Let it go Sanele” I chuckled

Me: “ You seem to forget that I stand alone most of the time so I sure as
hell don’t care what you guys do I’ll continue not to care until you tell me
what happened to dad…..” she interrupted me.

Kwazi: “ I…” I cut her off as well.

Me: “ Don’t lie to me Nokwazi. I know you and mom are hiding something
from me and it has to do with dad’s death and why he died. Unless you
tell me that, please stay out of my way and I will stay out of yours” I
turned and walked to my car. When I looked at the street there were
police escort so I sat on the car until the brought dad out followed by
mom and a crying Nokwazi. They went to their cars and together we
joined the convoy going to Nongoma with dad’s body inside. The funeral
was to take place early in the morning before the sun rise.

The drive home was long and I didn’t dare call Stephany because if I
hear her voice I’d turn the car around and shoot straight to her place so I
avoided any phone call coming through. We finally arrived after 6 hours
of torture. They were driving so slow I sometimes felt like I could cut it but
I just endured it. When we got home there were people standing on both
sides of the gate holding candles dressed in black and white. We drove
further in and there was an even bigger audience of people who fell on
their knees as soon as the Herse carrying dad parked by the doorway.
We got out and stood by dad’s car. It opened, as soon as the coffin was
taken out I heard a sharp cry and it was my mother. She was really
hurting. I went to her and held her, she just let go. I had to lift her up put
her in the house. I made a note that I should sedate her till later. I took
her to dad’s wing and the minute we walked in his cologne filled the
room. Mom’s head shot up with a smile on her face. She jumped out of
my arms and ran towards the bathroom.

Mom: “ Busani! Come out baby I’m home” she was screaming in
excitement my heart broke.

Me: “ Mom, he’s not here” she ignored me and ran to the other rooms
screaming his name. She finally came back and looked at me with her
trembling lips.

Mom: “ Where is he Sane? Where is my love?” tears fell from her eyes. I
walked towards her and she backed away.

Me: “ Mom please. You need to rest” she shook her head and backed

Mom: “ I told him Sane. I told him not to take that CIA job that was given
to him but he felt like he could be superman. Look what happened now.”
She cried harder but I wanted to know what she’s talking about.

Me: “ What are you talking about mom?” she sighed and went to sit on
the bed.

Mom: “ You know that we were travelling the world right, Busani ran into
his old friends who are in the police force in the USA. They were looking
for a Caleb Evans; have been for years but he was like a ghost because
he was nowhere to be found. They later found that he had connections
here in South Africa. They tried linking him to this Evans family in Durban
but there was no relation. So they decided to try a different approach by
looking into his businesses. They linked it to someone here in South
Africa. The night he was killed he was called by one of his contacts for a
meeting but he turned up dead 3 hours later” she broke down afterwards.
I felt this sharp pain in my heart. My dad was killed yes I knew that but
the reason why he was killed was maddening.

Me: “ Why didn’t you tell me mom?” she looked at me with her swollen
tear filled eyes.

Mom: “ I know how impulsive you are. I also know that your anger is too
much for me and Kwazi to handle. I had to tell you when you were much
calmer” I nodded.

There was a knock on the door and Kwazi opened.

Me: “ I didn’t say come in” her eyes lit up. I guess she knew that mom
finally told me.

Kwazi: “ Shut up brat” she smiled when she heard a tint of amusement in
my tone.

Me: “ You should have told me sis” she looked down on her hands. I can’t
get over how much my sister respects me.

Kwazi: “ It wasn’t my place to tell you”

Me: “ Come here” I opened up my arms and she ran in to them.

Kwazi: “ I’m sorry. I hate it when we fight.” I kissed her cheek and we
turned to mom who was fast asleep on top of the bed. My heart broke.

Me: “ Lets go out there. We need to get things done and bury dad. I keep
hoping and praying that he would come back and say that it was all a
joke but now that mom has told me what happened I really doubt he is
coming back” she nodded wiping her tears.

Kwazi: “ Let’s go. We’ll come back later for mom”

We went to join the others. I changed to my navy coveralls and black

suede boots. We started with the slaughtering of cows. After that I went
to take a bath and got dressed in navy pants and a white shirt with brown
loafers. I went to check on mom and she was on the mattress.

We had the night vigil and it was actually funny because dad’s friends
from all over the world were there. People from the village didn’t even
bother speaking in English they just stuck to umageba. I wanted to laugh
so bad because they were clueless. Sbu made it worse when he said “
Asbabulale bonke” (lets kill them all) I just laughed so hard I had tears.
After the vigil I went to bed only to be woken up at 3am. We had to go to
a stream to bath before the funeral. The water was so cold I was pissed
mad we went back home at 4h30 and the funeral started. By 7am we
were done. Mom was so broken even in her speech she said it.

Mom: “ I have never met a man who spanned my world around like you.
He has been the one for me since “Hello”. The last few years with him
were filled with bliss. It was as if he knew that he was leaving. I love you
Busani and thank you for showing me the world. You leaving me means
that I am now incomplete. I seriously want to die because you have taken
a huge part of my heart if not all with you. I can’t….i can’t…..i can’t…..” I
stood up and went to her. I went to put her on her seat and we continued.

We had the funeral and unveiling. All this time I haven’t checked my
phone. I felt really bad. It was now later in the afternoon when we were
called in a meeting. The whole family with close relatives was there. I sat
down next to mom. I held her hand and she gave a faint smile. She had
shaved her hair and was now in black attire.
G.father : “ I won’ t be wasting anymore time. Sanele your father is no
more so you have to succeed him.” I chuckled.

Me: “ Excuse me mkhulu but my father wasn’t a king anymore so

whoever was the ruler will continue. Nothing has changed” he shook his
head getting angry.

G.father: “ He was supposed to hand over to you but now I am doing it..
anyways this is your future wife Noxolo” this curvy girl stood up and I just
glared at her until she shifted uncomfortably.

Me: “ I told you am not doing anything. I am not going to be king and I
sure as hell am not going to marry her.”

G.father: “ Enough! You will be king and you will marry Noxolo. Am I
clear?” my hands were shaking and mom tried calming me down but I
was very angry.

Me: “ Uyanya” I said that and walked out of the room. I got in my car and
made a phone call.

Steph: “ Sanele?” her voice always does things to me.

Me: “ Times up. I am coming for my kisses” I hung up after that and drove


I have been very moody since yesterday morning when Sanele left and
after finding out about Ndu’s abusiveness. I got to work and called
Liyanda. When she answered she was surprised to hear from me.
Me: Liya, how are you?” I asked pacing around my office.

Liya: I am okay thanks, how are you Steph?” she sounded really nervous
and I understood why.

Me: “I am okay, I just called to ask if you could do lunch at 13h00, if you
don’t have any plans”

Liya: “I would love to have lunch just tell me when to meet and I will be
there” I told her our meeting place and hung up. I started doing my
rounds and told myself that I would call Sanele when I am done.
Everyone kept giving me looks and after some time I saw that they were
looking at the t-shirt that I was wearing. Sanele’s t-shirt. I was in such a
good mood that when I called Sanele and he did not answer my mood
just went a bit down but I told myself that it’s okay because he must be
busy with the funeral arrangements plus he mentioned something about
driving a very long distance going home. Before I knew it was 12h30 and
I rushed to where I was meeting Liyanda for lunch. I found her already
there and I was 10 minutes early. We greeted each other and sat down.
She couldn’t look at me in the eyes so I decided to break the ice.

Me: “I am sorry that you had to go through what you are going through
with Ndu but why keep it a secret?” before she could answer a waitress
came and gave us menus plus took our drink orders.

Liyanda: “ I am the youngest of 4. I have 2 big brothers and 2 big sisters

all of them married. They have always been people who were greedy and
not sharing. Mom was a nurse and when she got her package she made
me come to Durban and study. I met Ndu when I was doing my 1st year
and him his 3rd year. He was so kind and gentle, we immediately hit it off.
The week before writing our exams I got a call that mom had died, I
travelled home with Ndu driving us there. He booked into a nearby
guesthouse and told me that he will be there whenever I needed him. We
prepared for the funeral nd she was buried. I stayed for 2 more days but
Ndu was still there. We travelled back to Durban and we wrote our
exams. I went back home and had the festive season with Ndu next to
me because he travelled to see me on Christmas day, we ended up
spending new year together. When it was time to go back to school I was
told that there was no more money so I had to stay at home. Dad was in
a wheelchair so there was nothing he could do or say. My sisters were
back home, divorced with their husbands. School reopened and I decided
to turn off my phone because I knew that Ndu would call but little did I
know that he would come to MY house with his dad. They begged dad to
let me go back to school and he finally agreed. Things were good and
lovely until I started doing my in service training. He complained about
the way I dress, how I want to attract men and how foolish I look. When I
talk back he would hit me until he told me to continue whoring he could
have any girl including you” by the time she was done she was a weeping
mess I just moved closer to her and hugged her.

Me: “you have always hated me though, ever since college, why?” she
laughed wiping her tears. Liyanda was freakishly beautiful that when
women saw her they took a look and guys would drool, she looked good
with her very light complexion and long black hair.

Liyanda: “I never hated you, I was just jealous of the relationship you had
with Ndu, something I never had with my own siblings plus he told me
that I am not your friend I shouldn’t treat you as such. You are so
beautiful and I wanted to know you but Ndu never allowed it.” I shook my

Me: “That sneaky bastard, I will get him for this but tell me, why you don’t
leave him?” she just laughed but it was a sarcastic laugh.

Liyanda: “You are from a very powerful family, which means that he is
powerful as well. I can’t risk losing everything plus I love him Steph. I love
him so much that…” her eyes widened as she looked at the entrance and
there was my jerk cousin with his high school friends. They got a table
and went to sit.

Liyanda: “We should leave” she was very nervous and kept looking round
the restaurant. I called the waitress and when I asked for the bill she said
Ndu had already taken care of it. I could see the tears build up in
Liyanda’s eyes I got mad. Just then Ndu came to our table with a huge
grin on his face but as soon as he saw Liyanda he instantly frowned and
his face filled with worry as her tears fell.

Liyanda: “I am so sorry for going behind your back, it will never happen
again Ndu I am sorry”

Ndu: “Baby, I am not mad at you. It’s…” I had to cut in

Me: “Please wait for me outside Liyanda I would like to speak to my

brother please?” she nodded and wiped her tears, she took her bag
hurrying outside. I turned on my chair and looked at Ndu.

Me: “You are disgusting; I am going to do everything in my power to get

her to leave you. Don’t even think about threatening her because I will tell
your dad. It will be all over for you, asshole” I took my bag and walked
outside; I found a shaking Liyanda and calmed her down. I walked her to
the car and made sure that she was safe. I drove back to work and I was
grumpy because Sanele never returned my calls. I finished work and
went home.

The next day it was the same thing from Sanele and I just said to myself
that I should stop calling him and will see after that 2 weeks is over. I was
going through some work when I received a call from Sanele. My heart
started beating faster than usual.

Me: “Sanele?” he breathed out loud.

Sanele: “Time is up, I am coming for my kisses” he hung up after that. My
body instantly heated that I took my things and went home. I took a very
long shower. After my shower I went to the kitchen and found Liyanda
already started on dinner.

Me: “You okay?” I asked because she looked flushed.

Liyanda: “I am okay, we spoke and he made some but he knows that I

can and will leave him. I have you to thank. Thank you Stephaney” we
hugged each other and I helped her with dinner. I went back to my
bedroom and started reading. I was woken up by my ringtone, I must
have dosed off.

Me: “Hello?” I did not even check who it was.

Sanele: “Open up, I am outside” I quickly sat up, shocked. He really

meant it.

Me: “You really meant it?” he chuckled and I stood up. I went to ring him
in. I waited for him outside the house, he go out dressed in shorts, a t-
shirt cap and flops. Hehe this guy even has sexy feet. The minute he
stepped out I jumped at him and he held me. I circled my legs around his
waist and he held my butt. I buried my face in his neck and he groaned.

Sanele: “Let’s go in?” I shook my head no causing him to chuckle. He

walked us towards the house and went straight to my bedroom. He gently
placed me top of the bed and pulled up my top. I was wearing a white
loose top and grey sweatpants. Sanele lifted up my top and kissed my
stomach. He went down to my navel and kissed it. His tongue and mouth
danced around my stomach and rib cage. After sometime he finally came
up and kissed my forehead I frowned.

Sanele: “I missed you” he kissed my left eye.

Me: “You’re the one who hasn’t been answering my calls” I pouted and
he baby kissed me my heart nearly stopped at the tingling sensations all
over my body.

Sanele: “I am sorry, I will tell you all about it later but right now I need to
kiss you” he inched in closer and baby kissed me again but this time it
was longer. After some time he pulled back and looked at him, his eyes
changed to golden brown before the darkened. He shifted between my
legs and he kissed me. All I can tell you is that, it was MAGICAL.

Insert 10

Seeing Steph and having her in my arms made me feel alright, after the
shitty day or rather last few days I had I needed to be around her
because she brings calmness in my life. After kissing for a very long time,
she took a nap. I was laying next to her with her pink pouted swollen lips I
kind of felt bad but her lips are very addictive. She stirred a little and I
pulled her on top of me and she snuggled closer. My phone rang and I
answered. It was my grandfather.

Me: “What do you want?” I was whispering, careful not to wake my

Stephaney up.

G.father: “You have to come back here and get your wife” he shouted. I
felt Steph shift on top of m e but I held her in place.

Me: “I am doing you a favour by just talking to you and seeing you. You
never wanted us in the first place but now you want to control me now
that dad is gone. Listen here old guy, I have a woman and I love her; if
you think of threatening her, I will end you” I hung up and Steph lifted up
her head smiling at me.
Me: “What are you smiling at?” I frowned and she giggled.

Steph: “You said you have a woman and you love her.” She wiggled her
brow and I put my arms around her. She settled in between my legs.

Me: “Yep, I love her shame yena” she giggled some more blushing.

Steph: “Vele isho ngoba ngiyabona uyafuna (just say it because I can see
you want to)” I chuckled and kissed her nose. I looked deep into her eyes
and kissed her. The nice and juicy lips just drive me crazy because I
always want to be kissing her. We kissed until we ran out of breath. We
pulled back with our foreheads touching; we were breathing the same air.

Me: “I love you Stephaney Evans” she blushed and covered her face. I
removed her hands from her face.

Me: “I love you” I kissed her nose and eyes.

Steph: “I love you too Sanele. Please don’t hurt me” her eyes glistening
with tears.

Me: “I wouldn’t dream of it baby. Both of us have been hurt very deep.
The best we can do for each other is to make each other as happy as we
can an keep falling deeper in love with each other.”

Steph: “Would you like to join us for dinner?” she was blushing this whole

Me: “ Us who?” I had to ask in case her parents were around.

Steph: “ Ndu, Liyanda and myself” she gave me a puppy face and I just

Me: “Well in that case I am very hungry, I would love dinner but first let
me wash up and I will join you in the kitchen, okay?” she nodded and
jumped out of bed. She walked out and I went to wash up. After that I put
on my flops. I walked out and followed the voices. I got to the kitchen and
she was standing by the stove dishing out food and passing it to the
woman next to her. She looked so beautiful. There was also the guy
from last time I was here. I greeted and sat down.

Guy: “Who are you and what are you doing here?” he asked with I a
voice laced with annoyance.

Steph: “Ndumiso!’’ she shouted and I just chuckled.

Me: “It’s okay baby. My name is Sanele Mngomezulu, I am 30 years old.

I am a Dr/ owner of Goodview Hospital and Medical Centre, well co-
owner with this beautiful lady over there who happens to be my girlfriend.
She invited me to join you guys for dinner. I hope that it’s okay with you
sir?” I returned the attitude but much worse. I saw him shift and he just
took his plate from his girlfriend. I looked at Steph and she had a huge
grin on her face. She gave me a plate and kissed my cheek. She went to
take her plate and the ladies joined the table.

We had lovely lamb curry with rice and salads, it was so delicious I asked
for seconds. Luckily they cooked a lot of food I was even licking my
fingers. I had a glass of juice after that.

Me: “Compliments to the chef, you deserve all nice things in life” the
ladies giggled and I saw Liyanda look down frightened. My eyes landed
on this Ndumiso guy and I just shook my head.
Steph: “Want to take a walk?” she reached out her hand to Liyanda and
they walked to the door, Steph turned and looked at us as we were still

Steph: “I trust you guys will wash the dished, right? Okay, thank you. See
you soon” she walked out followed by a giggling Liyanda.

I stood up and started clearing the table. I cleared the dishes and put
them in the sink. Ndu huffed and came to stand next to me. I started
washing the dishes and kept chuckling shaking his head. I was really
annoyed I turned and looked at him.

Me: “Dude, what’s your problem?” I had now stopped washing the

Ndumiso: “My problem is you being here, you are disrespectful. Sleeping
at a girl’s place with her family there. It’s actually disgusting and you
coming here thinking that you can take over is actually surprising but hey
we are from different families. I wonder how your father taught….” I didn’t
even let him finish because I had my hand on his neck.

Me: “Listen here you piece of shit, I am not your friend and I doubt I will
ever be. Don’t come here talking about my father as if you knew him. I
will wipe the floor with your cheesy ass you bitch. You hear me?” he
nodded and I pressed harder.

Me: “am I clear?” his eyes were double its size and he was running out
of breath.

Ndumiso: “ yes, loud and clear” I let go and he coughed I continued

washing the dishes. As soon as I was done.

I went outside and got in my car and drove away. I went to my place and
found my grandfather parked outside. I opened the gate and his car
drove in behind me. I actually laughed, the main reason for coming here
was to get my pyjamas and a change of clothes. I even left my phone at
Steph’s place. I got out the car and went up to my apartment. I got in and
left the door opened. I went to pack in my closet and when I was done I
went to the lounge and found grandfather seated with Noxolo next to him
looking down on the floor. I put down my bag and went to sit on the couch
opposite them.

Me: “I thought I made myself clear.” He raised a brow amused.

Grandfather: “I don’t give a shit what you said you will take Noxolo in or
so help me God.” I chuckled shaking my head.

Me: “what are you going to do? I mean you are good with threats I am
shaking in my boots. What are you going to do?”

Grandfather: “I will ruin you boy. I will…” I stopped him.

Me: “Uphelelwe ushatini. I am the one who will ruin you, take this trash
and leave my place” Noxolo gasped and looked at me wide eyed.

Me: “ what, aren’t you the one who was sucking dick at 58, 3 weeks
ago?” her eyes widened some more and she looked down.

Me: “Leave mkhulu, I have somewhere that I need to be” I stood up and
took my bag. I walked to the door and stood there waiting for them to get

Grandfather: “This isn’t over my boy, I will make sure that you are
miserable” I sighed in defeat.
Me: “Please excuse us miss whoever your name is” she hurried out the
door and I crouched next to him.

Me: “I am trying to understand why are you doing this, you are old yet
you feel the need to control everything. Grandma died, it’s okay to let go
but don’t go about it the wrong way trying to control us. Especially me,
as much as you and dad didn’t see eye to eye he loved you. Let me go
grandpa, ;et me leave my life because if you keep pushing I will end up
hating you.” He was brushing his thigh this whole time his hands shaking.

Grandfather: “You are all I have left, your father was willing to reconcile
and let me in his life but now he is gone. Right now I just want someone
who will be there with me all the time you know, it gets so lonely without
my children and wife. I know I am the one who ruined things but this is
the only way I know how to be, this is how I was raised. My mother hated
me and my father was a monster, I found my beautiful wife and she was
my light you know. I am sorry Sanele for everything, I didn’t mean it. I just
want someone to care for me” he was crying and I couldn’t help but cry

Me: “ We will work it out, right now I have to go. I will come and see you
tomorrow now take you jezebel and get out of here” he looked at me and
we laughed.

Grandfather: :”You are a stubborn ass” he wheeled himself outside.

Me: “I wonder which ass I take after” we laughed and got in the elevator. I
walked him to his car and made sure he was safely in before going to my
own car. I drove out in high speed and went back o Steph’s place. When I
got the she was outside pacing. She opened the door as soon as I
parked my car.

Steph: “where have you been?” she threw herself in my arms.

Me: “I went to get a change of clothes but I have to ask…”she pulled
back and looked at me.

Me: “can I sleep over?” she just laughed throwing back her head.

Steph: “come on. You know I thought Ndu chased you out.” I just laughed
as we walked in the house hand in hand.

Me: “I would like to see him try. In case you haven’t noticed, I am here to
stay” I dropped my bag and pulled her in my arms, I kissed her deeply. I
ended up lofting her up and placed her on the bed. I pulled back when I
felt myself harden.

Me: “We have to stop baby, you are not ready for me trust me” she
groaned and rolled on her side.

Steph: “Forever the gentleman. I am ready Sanele please” I looked at her

and shook my head.

Me: “Let’s go shower” I got out the bed and started taking off my clothes.
By the time I got to the bathroom door I was left in my boxer briefs. I
turned and looked at her, her mouth was wide opened.

Me: “come on” I took off the boxers and threw them at her. She jumped
off the bed and screamed in excitement. I laughed and went to open the
shower. I felt her holding me from behind, I held her hands and closed
my eyes.

Me: “I am glad I found you Stephaney Evans” I whispered.

Steph: “I am glad I found you Sanele Mngomezulu”

Insert 11

Sanele and I shared a shower. It was pure torture because he kept it

strictly pure. Even though I tried rubbing my body against him he would
just chuckled and continued with his shower until I gave up. Can I just
mention to you that he has a nicely carved guy, he looks suckable but
Sanele being him I won’t even get a taste.

We finished and dried our bodies, well he dried mine and when I tried
drying him he stopped me. He was rock hard yet he was depriving both
of us of such goodness. We got out the shower and headed to the
bedroom. We helped each other lotion. He put on his pyjama bottoms.

Me: “Do you have an extra t-shirt, I would like to wear it please” he
chuckled whilst opening his bag; he looked inside it and came back with
a crisp white t-shirt that was covered in his scent.

Sanele: “Why do you want my t-shirt?” he gave it to me and I dropped the

towel. I heard his sharp intake of breath I wanted to laugh.

Me: “I love the smell of you on my body. I was even wearing the t-shirt
that you left to work yesterday” he smiled and walked to the bed. He
pulled back the covers and waited for me to go in. He remained standing
when I got inside the covers, I looked at him and he swallowed hard.

Sanele: “Aren’t you going to wear panties?” I lifted the covers and his t-
shirt on purpose. I exposed my nana and shook my head. .

Me: “Nah, I think I am good” I placed my head on my pillow. Seconds

later I felt him slip in behind me. He had taken off his pyjama shorts. I
stuck out my butt and it made contact with his guy I gasped. He scooted
closer and our bodies touched. His head on my neck and he sucked on it.
He was breathing hard and I was a mess myself.

Sanele: “Are you sure you want to do this?” he was breathing heavy on
my ear I just moaned.

Me: “Yes, please baby. I am sure” he turned me around so fast that his
mouth landed on my. He got in between my legs taking off my, well his t-
shirt. He groaned at the sight of my boobs, it was as if he was seeing
them for the first time. He immediately started kissing and squeezing
them, I felt a pool in between legs. His kisses trailed down to my
stomach and his tongue twirled around my navel.

He went down to my cookie and his tongue started to move. It felt so

good my body got hotter. His tongue was stroking me up and down in a
slow rhythm he then started picking up the pace but with the same
gentleness i moaned louder. His fingers separated my folds and he dove
in more i felt myself going crazy that i got hold of the sheets and pulled
on them.

I pulled them so hard that the corners of the sheet got pulled off the bed
and Sanele was there with his fingers and mouth. I felt going over the
edge and i just let it go. I screamed out hoping he would let me catch my
breath but his tongue just went deeper and toes curled. I licked my lips
and enjoyed the intense feeling. He rubbed furiously on my clit that the
next wave hit very hard that i squirt. He pulled back and placed his palm
on my cookie rubbing on it.

Sanele: “That’s it. Cum for me baby” he said rubbing his palm on my
cookie. I was shaking and trying to get his hand off me but as soon as the
squirt stopped he went back in giving me long satisfying licks. I was going
out of my mind. I have never been done this good.

His tongue was doing crazy things to my body. My hands flew to my

breasts and pinched my twins. The whole experience was too out of this
world. Sanele wouldn’t let me breath. He did me so good that I no longer
had it in me to moan; I just hung my mouth open and received.

After what seemed like forever he finally had his fill and came up to kiss
me, his mouth filled with my juices, he just made me taste myself. He got
in between my legs and I locked my feet behind his waist. He sat on my
baby and he started to grind. His guy was rubbing nicely on my nana. He
pulled away and went to his bag. I laid back and looked at his nice firm
butt. He turned around and he was putting on a condom.

He got in between my legs and kissed me again, he lifted up my leg and

entered me. I broke the kiss and moaned very loud. It’s been 5 years and
it felt so delicious but a bit uncomfortable. He saw this and he rolled his
hips I closed my eyes with my mouth wide open. The slapping and
moaning sounds filled the room..

Sanele: “You’re too tight…too tight….to tight” he groaned at the back of

his throat it was a joyous sound. He went all the way in and we both
stopped moving. He breathed out loud and collapsed on top of me. His
face on my neck and he sucked on it, I am very much sure that he was
going to leave a mark. He tucked his hands underneath my butt and he
gave me long deep strokes. You know tongues, well I created my own
language because everything that I was saying was nonsensical but
Sanele loved it.

He started going faster and I felt his body tense. I was on my 4th orgasm
and suddenly we climaxed together. He collapsed on top of me letting his
whole body go. He felt deliciously heavy on top of me. his guy finally
stopped twitching and he pulled back. I winced and he went down and
kissed my nana. I thought that he will leave it at that but his tongue just
went deep inside I nearly jumped because my body started vibrating.

I called out his name countless times and he just gave me humming
sounds that added to the pressure on my nana. He gave me a messy yet
mind blowing kiss on my nana that I exploded and he licked me clean. He
got out the bed and went to the bathroom; I heard the toilet flush and he
appeared with a towel. He opened my legs and looked my nana. He
smiled shaking his head. I giggled covering my eyes. He wiped me and
went to get rid of the towel. He came back and slept behind me.

I was woken by Sanele brushing my cheek. I opened my eyes and he just


Me: “ Is it morning already?” he shook his head no with a smile on his


Sanele: “ I am hungry so i wanted to tell you that i am headed out to look

for some food.” I looked at the clock at it was 23h12. I was so tired from
all that sexing that i just dosed off. I woke up again when i heard keys
and shuffling around the bedroom. I raised up my head and he was
carrying a box of pizza and 2 litre juice with 2 glasses.

I got out the bed and headed to the bathroom. I freshened up and went to
join him in bed. The pizza smelled delicious.
Me: “ Thank you baby” i leaned in for a kiss and he pulled my bottom lip. I
didn’t want the kiss to be deep but Sanele just deepened it. I felt him
shift. He pushed me to bed and made me lay on my back. He kissed me
so deep i could feel my mouth swelling.

He pulled back and took his clothes. I couldn’t even talk because i was
surprised at how quickly he got turned on. He put on a condom and he
came to kneel in between my legs. He slid in a finger and he groaned
while i moaned.

Sanele: “ You feel so warm and snug, i just love it!” he entered me and
we both screamed. Pizza and juice forgotten. We were at it for hours
before we called it quits. When Sanele came back from the bathroom her
just chuckled. He took the pizza from the couch and poured us Juice.

Sanele: “ Cold pizza and warm juice” we laughed and ate. After eating we
went to brush our teeth with Sanele carrying me to and from the
bathroom. We turned of the lights and slept.

Sanele: “ I love you baby” i sighed.

Me: “ I love you too” i replied and drifted to peaceful sleep.

I woke up next morning and Sanele wasn’t next to me but his bag was
still here. I took a quick shower just to freshen up and went to the kitchen
to get started on breakfast but what i saw shocked the living daylights out
of me. Ndu and Sanele were making breakfast over a light conversation. I
quickly ran to Ndu’s bedroom and found Liyanda fresh out of the shower.

Liyanda: “ Oh good morning” she went to sit on the bed.

Me: “ Forget the morning but Sanele and Ndu are making breakfast!” and
she just laughed.

Liyanda: “ He woke him up 2 hours ago and they went for a jog” my jaw
dropped and i just went back to my bedroom. The guys called us for
breakfast and it was actually nice.

Ndu: “ Sis, i am really sorry for the way i have been acting but from now
on i will be the best big brother you could possibly have.” I rolled my eyes
and he chuckled.

Ndu: “ Baby, i am so sorry. I am so ashamed of the things i did to you but

please don’ t leave me. I don’t know what i would do if you were to leave
me” Liyanda was busy crying. He pulled her to his lap and we just slipped
away to our bedroom. We went to take a shower.

Me: “ How did you pull that off?” i asked as we were washing each
other’s fronts with him pinching my nipples.

Sanele: “ I have my ways. Stick with me and i will show you” he winked
and i giggled. We finished our shower and we went to get dressed. I
dressed for work and he dressed to head back to his place. I was now
driving his car all the time.

Me: “ When will i see you again?” i asked him putting his bag in the boot.

Sanele: “ Tonight, you are coming to my place vele its Friday today so
you will spend the weekend yeah?” i nodded eagerly with a huge grin on
my face. We hugged and kissed. I got in the car and rolled down the

Me: “ See you later baby”

Sanele: “ Get some rest. I am going to tire you out tonight. Tonight i am
breaking your virginity” i frowned.

Me: “ But i am not...” he placed a finger on my mouth hushing me.

Sanele: “ Last night we fucked, tonight we will make love and i will show
you just how you virginity breaking should have been now go.! Oh and
make sure you change them panties when you get to work” he walked
away chuckling and i smiled. It feels good to be loved; i could finally say
that i was in a good space.

Insert 12

I got to work and quickly rushed to change my panty liner. The talk I had
with Sanele was just too much. I washed my hands and walked to my
office. As soon as I sat down he called me.

Me: “ What’s up?” he just kept quiet. I heard him breath.

Me: “ Baby?” he chuckled.

Sanele: “ That is how you answer the phone my love. You are at work
now?” his voice always sounded deeper on the phone. I laughed.

Me: “ What can I do for you Sanele? I mean some of us have work to do.”
He laughed out loud.

Me: “ I have a boss and he owns 80% of the hospital and he might walk
in any minute so please hurry” he just laughed harder.

Sanele: “ I wanted to ask what you want to eat for dinner?” he was still
laughing I just smiled.

Me: “ Who is cooking?” he chuckled before clearing his throat


Sanele: “ Yours truly now hurry, I don’t want your boss to fire you
because of me” I giggled.

Me: “ Surprise me” he chuckled.

Sanele: “ I love you baby”

Me: “ I love you too babe” we hung up after that. I went over my notes,
test results and the patients I had to see. I also saw that I had new
patients so I had to get a move on. I put on my coat and took my tablets. I
went to the wards, greeting people as I walked. When I got to the 1st
ward they were already waiting for me so 2 nurses followed me and I
took a seat next to the patient. We spoke about a lot of things and she
started forgetting about her pain so I checked her out and after that I
gave her something for the pain.

I went on to the next patient, repeated the same thing. The last patient for
the day had lost her baby due to her husband being abusive. That hit
home. I attended to her and rushed out of there. I ran to my office and
locked myself in it. I started crying, I was screaming and sobbing. My
phone rang. I didn’t even check who it was.

Me: “ Hello” my voice was breaking and I wouldn’t stop sniffing.

Sanele: “ What’s going? Why are you crying?” I just cried some more and
he hung up. I knew he was coming here. My assistant wouldn’t stop
knocking. I threw myself on the couch and cried some more until I fell

I woke up later in a bed but not just any bed, Sanele’s bed. I was dressed
in his t-shirt. I inhaled it and turned to sleep the other way. I was really not
feeling well. I have been doing so well these last few years and now I feel
like dying because it hurt so bad. I couldn’t help but think of how big
would my child be. Would it have been a girl or a boy.

I started crying again and the door opened. I knew it was Sanele. He
came and cuddled me from behind I cried more. He turned me around
and pulled me in his chest. I buried myself and cried. He didn’t say
anything. He just kept rubbing my back. I cried until I quietened down. I
pulled back and looked at him. He looked so worried. I’m sure I looked

Sanele: “ What happened?” his voice was very low you could see he was
very worried.

Me: “ I’m sorry” I whispered and looked down. He sat up and pulled me to
his lap for me to straddle him.

Sanele: “ Talk to me baby?” I couldn’t tell him, what will he think of me.

Sanele: “ Talk to me sthandwa sami, this morning we were fine. The next
thing I call you and you are crying. I rushed to the hospital and you had
locked yourself in your office. Even your assistant was worried about you;
you slept all the way home. What happened?” he was so emotional and
tears just went down my face.

Me: “ I was..” I cleared my throat. He reached on his side of the bed and
gave me a glass of water. I drank it and made him drink as well. He just
smiled at me.

Sanele: “ You hungry?” I shook my head no with my trembling lips.

Me: “ Please don’t go. I want to talk. I really need to talk” I broke down
again and I felt him tense.

Me: “ I am so sorry Sanele. I should have told you; I thought I could put it
past me but seeing that woman today just brought it all back. I am so
sorry” I buried my face in my hands.

Sanele: “ What happened Stephaney?” his voice was stern, you could
hear he was starting to lose patience.
Me: “ The day you saved me was the day I lost my baby. I didn’t know I
was pregnant. They told me I was a few weeks pregnant and when I saw
that woman today, my new patient. She lost her baby, her husband beat
her till the baby died. I went back to that dark place I was in and I am
sorry I didn’t tell you about the baby.” I was speaking very fast.

Sanele: “ I knew about the baby” my head shot up and I looked at him

Me: “ When I went back to the hospital that day I told them that I was
your boyfriend and they told me you lost the baby, I didn’t bring it up
because you never spoke about it so I figured it’s a hard limit for you.”
Me: “ You don’t hate me” he looked at me like I grew a third eye.

Sanele: “ You are stuck with me and I love you okay? You need to tell me
if something or someone bothers you okay?” I nodded and he kissed my

Sanele: “ Now, are you hungry?” I nodded and hid my face in his chest.
He chuckled. He stood up with me still in his arms. He walked out to the
kitchen and placed me on top of the counter.

Me: “ What are we eating?” he turned away from the stove and rubbed
his hands together before blowing air in them. He repeated that a few
times before he sighed. He came and pulled me in his arms. He walked
us to the lounge and we sat with me on top of him.

Sanele: “ Keep an open mind; okay?” I nodded nervously.

Sanele: “ I was thinking that we could have an intimate ceremony, just us.
For you to say goodbye to our daughter” I smiled through my tears.
Me: “ Who said it was a girl?” he chuckled and rubbed my cheek. I leaned
in his hand.

Sanele: “ So we will have an intimate ceremony for her and we will say
goodbye to her. After that we will go to beach and throw away the ash of
the papers that we wrote our letters in okay?” I threw myself in his arms
and just cried.

Sanele: “ I am here now and I really want you to be okay, stop crying
baby” I pulled myself together and kissed him.

Me: “ Thank you.” He kissed my swollen eyes and placed me on the side.

Sanele: “ Start writing. I’ll be back” he took his car keys and left. I huffed
and went to look for the pen and paper. I opened the drawer in his
bedroom but when I looked up there was a digital photo frame and only
my pictures appeared I just sat back on my knees and cried. Sanele, he
has been so good to me I don’t want it to stop.

I took the pen and paper and began writing. In the middle of my writing
he came back with shopping bags.

Sanele: “ Come” I stood up and followed him to the bedroom. He pulled

out clothes and shoes. Underwear the works; all in black.

Sanele: “ I thought I’d get us outfits for the funeral” I rolled my eyes. I
went to take a shower. He followed me and we showered quickly. We got
out and dried. We wore our matching black outfits. He wore a black slim
fit suit with a white shirt and a black tie. He got me a black lace knee
length dress and black open toe heels. We went to the sea with the
ashes that we burnt after reading our letters. There was one part where I
laughed so hard.
Sanele: “ We give you the name LweNkosi; LweNkosi Mngomezulu, I am
your father. Don’t let no stupid coloured ass boy confuse you there saying
you’re his daughter, I am daddy” he was so serious I couldn’t help but

We scattered the ashes and we stood there as we watched the sun set.

Me: “ Thank you for doing this for me” he winked and pulled in his arms.

Sanele: “ We had to do this so that she will rest in peace. Now I think we
had enough tears for today, I still wanna make love to you till morning” he
scooped me up and placed me on his shoulder. He ran towards the cars
with me laughing uncontrollably. He placed me down by the car and
looked at me.

Sanele: “ I love you” he whispered.

Me: “ I love you too” I whispered back. He laughed.

Sanele: “ Why are we whispering? Next thing sonyonyoba” we both

laughed and hugged. It felt good being in his arms and I feel deeper in
love with him then I was before.

Insert 13

I drove us home from the beach after saying goodbye to

ThandoLweNkosi, Steph seemed happy. She didn’t want to let go of my
hand so I drove with my other hand. On the way I asked her something
rather too personal.

Me: “Babe, can we stop using protection? Well can I stop?” she seemed
shocked by my request.
Steph: “Why would you want to do that?” her voice sounded so unsure.

Me: “Well If you don’t want to do it it’s okay. I don’t want you to do
something you are not comfortable with” she shrugged her shoulders.

Steph: “You are not answering my question baba ka Lwenkosi, why

would you want to do that?” I cleared my throat.

Me: “Apart from wanting to get you pregnant, I would really love it if there
were no barriers in our relationship, especially our sex life. We could get
tested and you would probably get some contraceptives but only if you
want to” she shifted on her seat and looked faced me.

Steph: “You think we are ready for a baby, don’t you think that we are
moving too fast?” I chuckled.

Me: “We are not moving fast enough, if only you knew how far we are in
my head you would run” she giggled and turned red.

Steph: “We will talk about it later, right now I am hungry and I would like
you to feed me. it’s a bit late for you to cook now so we should get take

Me: “Or go get dinner somewhere, like a date. We haven’t been on a

date yet I know your beautiful cookie in and out” she screamed covering
her face.

Steph: “You just had to be extra and say that, didn’t you” I chuckled and
upped the speed. I wanted to take her somewhere she has never been
I drove us to Kwa Mashu, I wanted us to get some nice meat from a
Shisanyama there.

Me: “Can you cook pap?” she scoffed.

Steph: “what do you take me for, I was raised by Aphiwe Evan, I know my
way around the kitchen.” I laughed at the way she said it was filled with
so much attitude.

Me: “Okay, scratch the date part we will go tomorrow evening. Right now
we will get some braai meet and we will go home. You will make Pap and
Chakalaka while I put my feet up and watch soccer.” She just smiled and
leaned her head on the head rest. She sighed and giggled.

Me: “What’s funny?” I gave her the side look.

Steph: “I just cannot believe how happy I am. Even my assistant told me
that I am glowing this morning” I smiled at her.

Me: “Well I am glad I make you happy” She kissed my cheek as I was
finding a spot to park my car. It was filled with so many people since it
was Friday and month end. She looked scared when we got out of the
car. She slipped her hand around my arm and jumped a little when she
felt my gun.

Steph: “Sanele, you are carrying a gun” her eyes widened. I almost
laughed when I saw how angry she was.

Me: “We will talk about it when we get home” she tightened her mouth
and nodded. She looked pissed but I just pulled her inside and got us
chicken, beef ad wors. We took our meat outside and I braai’d it. She
was still angry I just sighed. I finished doing everything and packed the
meat myself. I took their things back inside and got my money. I took her
hand and marched to the car. She was half running as she couldn’t keep
up. I opened her door and walked the other way to my side.

I place the meat on the rear seat and started the car. Both of us were
silent all the way home. As soon as I parked my car she jumped out and
walked inside. I walked in after her and locked the doors. She had locked
herself in the bedroom so I started with making the pap and chakalaka.
She came out 30 minutes later and she was surprised when she saw me

Steph: “I don’t understand why you’re mad” I just looked t her and carried
on stiring my pot. I closed the lid and turned to look at her.

Me: “I also do not understand why you are mad, I said we will talk about it
when we get home but you decided to behave like a brat” she was taken
aback by what I just said that I saw her eyes change.

Steph: “A brat? Are you fuckin kidding me? You are carrying a gun
around and you didn’t even tell me that you had it” I chuckled and looked
at the floor.

Me: “Do not shout at me” she clapped her hands.

Steph: “Are you even going to answer me? If you don’t want to answer I
might as well go back to my place” I chuckled again.

Me: “By all means, be my guest but before you leave. If you walk out that
door leave and never come back, I will not be in a relationship with
someone who questions and doubts me without hearing what I have to
say. I was going to tell you everything about me tonight, my deepest
secrets but I can see that you are too full of yourself to even want to be
patient” she was crying this whole time and I just huffed. I walked closer
to her and hugged her. I scooped her in my arms and we walked to the
couch yet again.

Me: “ Let me go lower the heat then we will talk and if you still want to
leave I won’t stop you” she nodded and I went to lower the heat on the
stove. I walked back to the couch and pulled her in my arms.

Me: “My father was a king and he was killed. He was shot 4 times, that is
how he died. He wasn’t in a car accident so since that happened I had to
carry a gun around just to keep us safe, especially you. I am sorry I
shouted and called you a brat. I can’t handle you being made at me so I
got agitated. I am sorry”

Steph: “why didn’t you tell me about you dad? I am so sorry, I really am a
brat” she hid her face in my chest and I laughed.

Me: “It’s alright, as long as you don’t leave me. don’t ever leave me” she

Steph: “I don’t even know how I was going to function without you plus I
wasn’t going to leave you. I was going to lock myself in and go on food
and love making strike” I threw my head back and laughed hard.

Me: “I love you” I said looking deep in her eyes, she started grinding on
my rock hard guy I just groaned. She pulled my bottom lip in her teeth.

Steph: “I love you too” She asked me to unzip her dress and she pulled it
over her head. She was now left in her black underwear. She unzipped
me and pulled out my member. She put it inside of her and we both
gasped, she even had tears in her eyes. Her mouth hanging low.

Me: “What are you doing?” I whispered and she kissed me, he gave me
that hungry kiss and started moving, I groaned loud and tore my moth
away from her. I stood up and walked to the window, the window
overlooking the city and the busy street. I pinned her to the window and
started moving. She wouldn’t stop moaning. She pulled back and
unbuttoned my shirt, the vest followed.

Steph: “You have a beautiful body” she moaned kissing my chest.

I continued moving inside her and my pants were long gone, I was left in
my shoes and socks. I looked ridiculous. I picked her up again and we
moved to the bedroom, as soon as we got there I threw her in the bed
and she bounced giggling. I sat on the bed taking off my shoes and
socked while she kissed my back, it sent shivers all over my body. I
turned around and she was in her panties but she pulled them to the

I went to kiss her on her cookie, she tasted exquisite. She moaned as I
sent my tongue deeper inside her. Her sweet nectar was just out of this
world but I wanted her to come with me buried deep inside her. I knelt in
between her legs and she widened her legs opening up her nuna’s lips. I
pushed inside her slowly that her back ached, perfect. I started going in
and out her slowly and that is the pace I kept all night long.

Insert 14

I woke up the next morning feeling blissful but my joints hurt. Last night, I
smiled shaking my head about the events that took place last night. First
Sanele made love to me like no other person has ever done; he really
treasured my body and made me feel good.

Sex was so good that we forgot the food, it was only after the 3rd round
that he remembered that the stove was on and our food was just burnt
but thank God for him lowering the stove to 2. Well third I only slept 2
hours ago but my body is now used to waking up at this time I woke up
and Sanele wasn’t next to me.

I got out of bed and went to pee. My cookie was burning and swollen. I
then took a shower, after my shower I went to his bedroom and wore his
t-shirt as per usual. I made the bed and went back to bed, I was just
falling asleep again when the door opened and in came Dr S
Mngomezulu. I lifted up my head, I groaned and slept again. He just

He was from jogging. He came to my side and kissed my head, ruffling

my hair. I tried to pull the covers but he just pulled them off completely
exposing my butt as I was lying on my tummy. He licked his lips and
placed kisses on each of my butt cheeks.

Sanele: “Morning beautiful lady” I just nodded my head and moaned.

Sanele: “We can’t talk now?” he kissed my head again.

Me: “Mmmm” he laughed out loud and stood up. He went to take a
shower and I just slept.

I woke up much later and Sanele was seated on the bed next to me
doing some work, he looked at me and smiled.

Sanele: “You sure can sleep, will tell my uncle to minus 1 cow because
you sleep till the sun goes down” he had this stupid smile on his face.

Me: “Whose fault is that?” I sat on my butt and checked the time, it was
16h43 I gasped and he laughed.

Me: “Why didn’t you wake me?” he grinned.

Sanele: “I was letting you rest for tonight’s session.” He wiggled his brow.

Me: “Please, no more. Not tonight Sanele I am tired.” He chuckled and

got out of bed. He handed me a glass of water and some pills.

Me: “What is this?” I knew what it was I just wanted him to tell me so I
can put him in his place.

Sanele: “Morning after pills”

Me: “who said I needed any pills? “ I wanted to make him squirm a little.

Sanele: “I figured since we didn’t use protection last night you might need
them” I rolled my eyes.

Me: “Well I do not need them, I have an implant” he looked at me


Sanele: “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked as he sat down next to me.

Me: “Well you never asked me, you just wanted to get off condoms so we
will go take the tests and you will get off condoms” I kissed his cheek and
went to the bathroom with him on my heels. He was following me around
so I just peed and brushed my teeth.

Me: “I am so hungry” he frowned.

Sanele: “Do not even think that I am a bad host, I woke you up 3 times
for you to eat but you kept telling me to leave you alone” I rolled my eyes
again and he just smiled.
Me: “Well I am hungry ke” he chuckled as he followed me out.

Sanele: ‘’ You want to eat now or we’ll eat at Dinner?” I smiled.

Me: “I can wait but I would love a cup of coffee please” he kissed my
nose and went out. I took out my phone and paged through it. I saw 2
missed calls from my mother. I gave her a call.

Mom: “You are trying to send me to an early grave Stephaney Evans.” I

giggled because her tone wasn’t that serious.

Me: “Hello mommy, what happened?” she huffed.

Mom: “Your sister was turning last night, I thought I was giving birth and
when I tried to call you I couldn’t reach you” I didn’t even hear everything
else, I just heard the word sister and I screamed.

Me: “Did you say sister?” she giggled.

Mom: “Yes baby, we are having a girl” I jumped on the bed and bounced,
Sanele got in as I was jumping on the bed.

Sanele: “What in the world….”I signalled for him to keep quiet but it was
too late.

Mom: “Who was that?” her voice clear and loud but with a bit of teasing.

Me: “Who was who?” Sanele shrugged his shoulders and I mouthed
“Mom” he smiled and said sorry before placing the cup of coffee on the
night stand.
Mom: “You are with a boy! Stephaney are you having sex?” she giggled
and I just blushed.

Me: “That was the T.V mom and…”

Mom: “Oldest trick in the book, I also used that one so try something

Me: “I will come and see you on Monday, got to go. Bye!” I quickly hung
up and Sanele just burst out laughing. I gave him a side look and sat
down. I decided to give him the silent treatment. He finally stopped
laughing and sat next to me.

Sanele: “Come on baby, I was only joking. Why don’t you want your mom
to find out?”

Me: “it’s not that I don’t want her to find out, I wanted to be the one to tell
her on Monday so that she can break it nicely to dad. He is still very
protective after…” I didn’t even finish. He nodded and kissed my cheek.

Sanele: “Finish your coffee, we have to go shower so that we will make it

in time” I nodded and finished my cup. After that he took it to the kitchen
and came to join me in the shower. We really did have an innocent
shower and we were joking around playing with water.

After that we went to get dressed. He was dressed in black chino pants
with a light blue slim fit shirt. He wore black suede shoes and a black
belt. I settled for a thigh high lime green dress and brown block shoes.
He came and stood behind me kissing my neck.

Sanele: “We are goals kodwa yabo?” he asked with his hand going up
my thigh right to my panties. I moaned closing my eyes but as soon as he
moved my panties aside my eyes shot up and I got away from him.
Me: “I missed Dinner last night and you want me to miss dinner again?
No way Satan. No” I moved back and he laughed loudly.

Sanele: “You look beautiful baby. One of these days nc nc nc..” he smiled
shaking his hand. He took my hand in his and kissed it; he then took his
wallet and keys. We walked out with him locking the place. I raced down
the stair with him shouting behind me.

Sanele: “You are going to fuckin fall!” he was so mad I just giggled. He
gave me a straight face and he opened the door for me. He went all the
way around; he got in and drove. I looked at him and he was really

Me: “You really need to relax, I wasn’t going to fall. I promise” he looked
at me briefly before concentrating on the road again.

Sanele: “You need to be careful, what if you fell? What was I going to tell
your parents?” he really sounded frustrated.

Me: “I am sorry. I won’t do it again” he drove us to Olice&Oil in Glenwood.

He parked his car and we went in. we got our table and we placed our
orders. We had our drinks over light conversation, this whole time he was
holding my hand. We had our dinner and it was time for dessert but I told
him that we should wait a little so we refilled our drinks and chilled.

Sanele: “I love you so much” he leaned over and gave me a kiss. I kissed
him back we pulled apart and he wiped my mouth and I wiped his.

Me: “I love you too” I heard someone clear their throat and Sanele
immediately got angry. His face was filled with so much rage. I turned
and saw this nicely dressed beautiful white woman with blue eyes and
from Sanele’s reaction, this must be the famous Denise.
Denise: “Sane, I thought that was you” she looked at me and turned back
to look at Sanele.

Sanele: “It’s Sanele. What can we do for you, as you can see I am having
dinner with my lady” he looked at me and gave me a genuine smile. I
winked at him.

Denise: “I was wondering if we could talk” Sanele just signalled the


Sanele: “Can you bring us another chair, we have another guest joining
us.” I was a bit surprised but I kept my cool. I saw the bitch smile. They
brought the chair and she joined us

Denise: “So Sane...” Sanele just interrupted him.

Sanele: “It’s Sanele and please spare me the chit chat and say what you
want to say, I still have to go make love to my beautiful lady” I saw her
cheeks redden.

Denise: “I remember how good you used to do me” Sanele just chuckled.

Sanele: “That was sloppy sex, I am even better now. Ask her, she will tell
you; Right babe?”’ he leaned over and kissed my cheek. It was now my
turn to blush. Denise cleared her throat.

Denise: “I wanted to talk to you about our son” he head snapped so fast I
also jumped.

Sanele: “What son?” she shifted uncomfortably because his voice was so
Denise: “The baby that we made, he was yours. I forged the results so
that I could run away, I want you back Sanele.” I tried standing up but the
grip on my hand was very hand that he pulled me down and gave me a
very ugly look.

Sanele: “You sit down, I need you to hear this” he said to me and then
turned to Denise.

Sanele: “Continue” he said coolly and took a sip of my water.

Denise: “Well I was selfish to keep him away from you and now I want to
come home” Sanele looked at her blankly before breaking into laughter.
He laughed so hard that he even had tears rolling down on the side of his
face. He laughed for a long time before he wiped his tears.

Sanele: “Whoa, Denise what do you really want?” he was still gathering
himself ad he drank water again.

Denise: “I want our son to…” there was a sudden loud bang on the table
and I jumped screaming a little. Sanele was so angry that he had a vein
in the middle of his forehead.

Sanele: “Don’t fuck with me Denise because if you continue with this
stupidity I am going to put a bullet through your skull. I told you that if I
ever see you again I will kill you. You and I don’t have shit except for a
very bitter ugly past. I had tests of my own done and I saw that Shane
really isn’t mine. So now tell me before I lose my cool in front of my girl.
What do you want?” he asked the last question through gritted teeth.

Denise: “I need money. You cut me off and I want money, that house is
too big and school fees” Sanele chuckled but it sounded so cold.
Sanele: “I told you that I would make you suffer, well this is only the
beginning. I am going to make you pay that the only thing that you will be
left with are those clothes that you are wearing. I will then make sure that
they take Shane away from you and I will make your life hell that you will
want to kill yourself”

Those words sounded so cold that she just stood up and took her bag,
she ran out of the restaurant wailing. He called for the bill and he gave
me a very sexy cool smile. He leaned over t the table and gave me a
rough deep kiss. He pulled back and looked deep in my eyes.

Sanele: “If you try half the shit that she did, I will kill you and set fire to the
house killing myself as well. You understand?” I nodded so fast and he

Sanele: “I love you” I breathed out and smiled.

Me: “I love you too” I kissed him.

He paid the bill and helped me stand. We walked outside and I stopped
on my tracks. He also stopped.

Sanele: “What?” he looked worried.

Me: : You just threatened me” he threw his head back and laughed.

Sanele: “You really think I would kill you, I will just get my cousin to do
that for me” he said still laughing and I gave him the hand.

Me: “Well your cousin has got nothing on my aunt” he just chuckled and
pulled me to his arms.
Sanele: “We shall see” we walked to the car and he opened the door for

Me: “Where to next?” he just gave me a sly smile and started the car.

Sanele: “P*ssy all night, oooooh hooooo” he sang in the Drunk in love
tune I giggled. What a nice end to our date that was almost ruined by
Denise but I am happy that Sanele had my back.

Insert 15

I woke up the next morning with Sanele’s arms wrapped around me. I
turned around and he was wide awake. It looked like he had been up for
sometime because his eyes were clear and not red. He gave me that
heart warming smile and i also smiled. Its contagious, when he smiles I
also have to smile. We got lost in the moment, looking at each other’s

Sanele: “ Morning beautiful flower” I blushed and he kissed my nose.

Me: “ Good Morning my love” he took a deep breath in closing his eyes.
He opened them and they carried such seriousness.

Sanele: “ I love you Steph and I am not letting you go. No matter what” I
tried sitting up but his arm was holding me down.

Me: “ What’s going on? Are you okay?” I ran my hands all over his chest
and kissed it.

Sanele: “ I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen and it

might effect our relationship but I need you to be strong okay?” this time I
did sit up and tears started pouring out.

Me: “ Your family still wants you to marry Noxolo?” he looked at me like I
am crazy.

Sanele: “ Steph, baby listen. I told you that we are not moving fast
enough. If it was up to me I would have married you by now and you’d be
pregnant with my daughter but I am not rushing you. So to answer that
marriage thing with Noxolo, that is never going to happen. I love you and
only you”

I nodded and he cupped my face. He gave me a slow sweet kiss that I

found myself underneath him naked again, my nana was still sore from
last night. He did a number on us because he also told me that his guy
was throbbing in pain and he needed to rest. I am surprised he wants to
go again.

Me: “ Baby I am really sore” he gives me a bored look.

Sanele: “ who said I want sex?” he got off me and I laughed. I know he
wanted sex.

Me: “So what’s the plan for today?” he wiggled his brow and smiled.

Sanele: “ Well I want you to come with me to visit my sister and her
family. She has been dying to meet you” I started to panic.

Me: “ What if she doesn’t like me or thinks I am not good enough or

maybe think that I will do you kike Denise did. Oh God what am I going to
wear” I got out the bed and went to his closet where my bag was.
Seconds later he came in and pulled on boxers. He pulled his t-shirt over
me and pulled me in his arms.
Sanele: “ It’s just a simple Sunday lunch; a braai so relax okay?” I
nodded and breathed out.

Me: “ Okay, let me go make you breakfast Sthandwa sami” he smiled and
walked towards the bathroom. I quickly slipped away and went to prepare
him breakfast. I was going to take a bath right after finishing breakfast.
Sanele came in dressed in peach and white short shorts and a black t-
shirt with flops. He kissed my head and dished up for himself. I rushed to
the bedroom and sighed when I got in. He changed the bedding and it
smelled clean. I took of his t-shirt and stepped in to the shower. I washed
all over before going out. I wore my knee length ripped faded jeans and a
black vest with dusty pink Stan Smith’s. I did my hair and found Sanele
washing the dishes.

Sanele: “ For someone who can’t cook; you make a mean 5 start
breakfast” he said with a raised brow. I laughed.

Me: “ You really thought I couldn’t cook hmmm, Mom taught me

everything plus with Clinton I had…” I trailed off and he instantly rushed
to me. Sanele thinks that every time I talk about Clinton I break.

Me: “ I am okay. I promise” he nodded with his jaw hardening.

Sanele: “ Let me finish up here so we can go” I wanted to spend at least

an hour cuddling.

Me: “ Do we have to leave now?” he threw the dishcloth on top of the

counter and walked towards me.

Sanele: “ What do you wanna do?” he picked me up, I wrapped my legs

around his waist.
Me: “I was hoping that we would chill until it’s time to go to lunch? Just
chill but only if you want to.” I shrugged my shoulders as he moved us to
the couch. He licked his lips.

Sanele: “ Okay, let’s chill here. We will leave when the time comes but I
have a condition” this man always bargains.

Me: “ okay, let’s hear it” he chuckled and I already knew that I lost.

Sanele: “ Strip poker” he had this one in the bag because I sucked at
card games. I laughed out loud and he joined me.

Me: “ You are sneaky, you know that I can’t play cards to save my life” he
wiggled his eyebrow and we t to get the cards.

Me: “ What are does the winner get?” he stopped on his tracks and
turned with a smirk on his face.

Sanele: “ I get to lick you all over” he narrowed his eyes and his voice
deep. I immediately flushed and let’s just say that he did lick me all over.

So now we were outside his sister’s house. Let me just say that its
absolutely gorgeous. I couldn’t get over their land scalping and that touch
of gold on the walls was wow. Whoever did this deserves an award.

We walked inside hand in hand. We were welcomed by kids running to

Sanele. They all jumped at him and he pretended to fall. They all got on
top of him; I couldn’t stop laughing. This lady came to us and she looked
so much like Sanele.

Lady: “ Steph, it’s nice to finally meet you. Sanele wouldn’t stop talking
about you”
Sanele: “ Lies, I see you two have met. This is my lady; my love and
future Stephaney. Babe this is my sister Nokwazi” he kissed my cheek
after wards.

Nokwazi: “What an introduction but I was just given a “this is my sister”

instead of saying that I am your day one” they laughed.

Nokwazi: “ It’s really nice to meet you Stephaney, please come through.
Everyone is waiting this side” Sanele held out hand and I held it very
tightly. I was a nervous wreck wondering who was also there.

We passed their beautiful lounge all the way outside to the garden. There
were 2 identical coloured guys and this beautiful pregnant lady seated on
the chairs. Sanele gave everyone hugs and I just stood there like a

Guy 1: “ Hello Miss; I am Nqubeko. Nokwazi’s husband” I gave him my

hand to shake but he hugged me almost lifting me up. I ended up
laughing. When he put me down Sanele was right next to us.

Sanele: “ Don’t lean to close to her body Msomi; this one is mine”
everyone laughed.

Guy 2: “ My name is Nqoba Msomi, Nqubeko’s brother and I am that

pregnant and gorgeous lady’s husband” I giggled and shook his hand but
he kissed my cheek. Sanele groaned and we all just laughed.

Lady: “ My name is Xolile Msomi, its nice to meet you” I nodded because
she was seated but I was picking up bad vibes from her.

Me: “ Its very nice to meet you all. I’m Stephaney Evans and I am
Sanele’s woman” this idiot had a huge grin on his face.
We sat down enjoying nice conversation but Xoli would throw in rude
remarks whenever I said something. You could clearly see that she
wasn’t happy about me being here.

Nokwazi: “ I am glad my brother found you. We were so tired of him

always moody like he was eating dick meat” the table erupted in laughter.
The kids were inside with their big brother Siphe and the twins.

Me: “ He rescued me, he actually saved my life”

Xoli: “ Yeah he did, he opened up his bank account just so you can start
digging his money” she said taking a sip of her water.

Nqoba: “ Xolile…” I could see that Sanele was pissed. Nokwazi placed a
hand over Sanele’s calming him down. I have never see him that angry.

Sanele: “ If you want me to be part of this lunch and your life Xoli; I
suggest you watch how you speak to Stephaney” his other hand was on
my thigh drawing patterns with his finger tips.

Xoli: “ No Sanele can’t you see that I am looking out for you, when
Denise ruined you we were the ones picking up the pieces for you and
now you are bringing home another bitch, no man Sanele” Sanele
chuckled and stood up.

Nokwazi: “ Sanele No” she was already crying.

Sanele: “ We have to go. This is your husband’s house and I respect

Nqubeko so much to disrespect his home but I would like to state that I
will no longer be coming to your houses. We will only meet and mom’s or
Sihle’s place. For now I am leaving before I do something really bad”
Nqubeko stood up and blocked Sanele.
Nqubeko: “ You know you’re my brother and I don’t want you leaving here
on this state. Come on man, please” this whole time my head was bowed
and Nokwazi was now seated next to me rubbing my back. The way she
was doing it I was going to burst out in tears very soon.

Sanele: “ Get Xoli to apologise to Stephaney first” Xoli just laughed.

Xoli: “ I am not doing that. Sanele I am looking out for you. I am your
sister” Sanele turned so quickly and charged for Xoli but the guys pulled
him back. I also stood and ran to stand in front of him.

Sanele: “ Fuck you Xoli and your bitchy self; if you must know. She is
nothing like Denise; hell she even owns the other percentage of the
hospital on top of that she is a Dr. She has her own house and money;
she loves me and she healed me. She has been through a lot and I am
not going to sit here listening to you bad mouthing my woman. So like is
said; I am done with your ass Xolie.” He was so angry, the vein was
straight ,right in the middle of the forehead. I was rubbing his chest all
this time. He finally looked at me and he gave me a smile.

Nokwazi: “ Don’t be like that, give us another chance please Sanele” he

shook his head and kissed her forehead. He pushed me back a little and
took my hand.

Sanele: “ I am sorry for ruining your lunch with my gold digger girlfriend
but I love her; I love her so much that I would give all of you up for her”
Nokwazi cried shaking her head.

Me: “ Sanele don’t talk like that”

Sanele: “ Kwazi; you are my number 3 woman *he laughed when she
gave him a look* but you know where I am, where I work and live. I love
you” he kissed her cheek and shook the guys hands. As we were about
to walk out Nokwazi pulled me in for a hug and whispered.

Kwazi: “ He will fight for you till the very end. Don’t give up on him” we
pulled apart and she walked is outside. She couldn’t stop crying. Sanele
hugged her till she calmed down.

Sanele: “ Okay tell you what, invite us for dinner during the week with
only us. Then we will talk and we’ll have fun okay?” she nodded with a
huge smile on her face and red puffy eyes. We said goodbye and got in
the car. At least she packed us some food. The drive home was very
silent and I was worried about Sanele. We finally got home; he got out
and came to open the door for me. I looked at him and he came me a
weak smile. He took the Tupperware dishes from me.

Walked inside and I went to sit down taking off my shoes. Sanele came to
join me and he sat next to me. We sat in silence until he cleared his

Sanele: “ Let me make one thing clear to you, I would give up everything
just to have you in my life. I love you Stephaney and I don’t think you
know how much I love you. I am so sorry about what happened today” I
shook my head and straddled him.

Me: “ It’s okay. I love you, as long as you love me. I am happy with you
and I am here until the very end. I love love love you” he chuckled and
buried his face on my neck. I could tell that he was really worried but I
just kept assuring him that we will be okay, he fell asleep in my arms. I
got off him and helped him sleep comfortably on the couch. I went to our
bedroom and received a call from aunt Sihle.

Me: “ Hey aunty” she giggled. My aunt is so sweet.

Aunt S: “ You don’t love me anymore” she said in a low tone.

Me: “That is not true. I miss you”

Aunt S: “ Come visit on Tuesday, I know that you have a boyfriend and I
want us to talk about him all night” I smiled. At least she was happy. I was
yet to tell my parents. I know mom told dad but I was going to have to tell
them officially.

Me: “ Okay, I will come spend the night on Tuesday” we talked some
more and said goodbye. I changed taking off my bra put on Sanele’s t-
shirt. I went to squeeze myself on the couch next to him and he made
space for me before we fell into comfortable sleep.

Insert 16

We woke up later and chilled in front of the tv. We ate in front of the tv
and i could see that Sanele was deep in thought, he wasn’t really well.

Me: “ Babe?” i placed a hand over his and he snapped out of it.

Sanele: “ Hmmm” he gave me his dimpled smile and kissed me.

Me: “ I’m sorry about earlier, the fight you had with your sister and me
being the cause of it” he sighed and pulled me to his arms.

Sanele: “ I am sorry you had to go through that. I don’t know what’s up

with Xolile because she wasn’t even there for me when Denise
happened. What pissed me off more was that she said she was there for
me, she wasn’t there. Only my parents, Kwazi and Nqubeko was there.”
Me: “ It’s okay. She was just looking out for you” he kissed my head.

Sanele: “ I doubt you have noticed but i get very angry quickly and she
knows it. She should have tried a different approach but to call you a
bitch, i am not sorry for the things i said to her. Can we talk about
something else?” i sighed and snuggled closer to him.

Sanele: “ You’re still sore?” his hand travelled down to my nana.

Me: “I am very sore baby” i knew that once he starts he won’t stop and
we had work the next day plus he was also going back work.

Sanele: “Let’s take a walk around the complex” he held out his hand and i
put on his Adidas push ins. I am a size 5 and he’s a size 9. Imagine.

We went out and the sun was setting, some people were seated in
groups with kids playing around the complex. We walked and he gave
me a ride on his back. We had so much fun. We went back and he was
chasing me. I fell and grazed my knee.

You should have seen the worry on his face. I kept telling him that i am
okay. He carried me the rest of the way home and my knee was
throbbing now.

Sanele: “ Stay here; i will take care of you just now” i sat there trying not
to cry. I really thought it was nothing but now its starting to hurt real bad.
Sanele came back with his medical kit. He placed my leg on top of his
thigh and had a look on my knee.

He first applied disinfectant and waited for it to work, after that he

massaged it so that it won’t swell and be sore in the morning. The
massage was so good i found myself moaning because of it. He kept
looking at me and i felt his guy stand but i just ignored it.

He finally applied ointment and tighten a bandage around my knee. He

made me stand, actually walk around the place so that my muscles won’t
tighten and hurt.

Me: “ The joys of sexing a Dr” he burst out laughing.

Sanele: “ I’m only good for a nice fuck aren’t i?” he gave me a side look
helping me to walk.

Me: “ Making mean breakfast and fixing up my knee” i kissed his chin and
he wrapped his arms around me.

Sanele: “ You smell really good hey.” He bit my ear and i yelped. He
chuckled and said “Ave uphaphile”

We stood like that in each other arms, our hearts beating as one. I could
have stayed like that forever my knee needed me to sit down. We retired
to the bedroom and we hired out movies on Box Office. It was all action
movies and he was frowning when i picked one.

Sanele: “ Action? I thought you would go for those romantic ones” i shook
my head.

Me: “ I love action. Let me slip into something more comfortable then we
will watch our movie” i placed a long baby kiss and limped to the closet.

I brought my sleepwear but i always had to put on his t-shirts. I went

through his t-shirts and took a light peach one. I took off my panties,
washed and hung them. I brushed my teeth, i kept making funny faces on
the mirror until i heard him laugh.

Sanele: “ You are such a baby” i looked at him up and down before
continuing with the task at hand.

He joined me and we brushed our teeth together. It was actually funny

because i did what he did. He brushed twice and spit, i also brushed
twice and spit. He rinsed with water, i also rinsed with water. He wasn’t
even paying attention until he looked in the mirror, i wasn’t even watching
him from the mirror. I was facing him and copying him. He laughed and
pushed me lightly. We finished brushing our teeth and i hopped on to his
back. He walked to the kitchen and placed me on the counter.

Sanele: “ I am very sorry you got hurt baby” he stood in the middle of my
legs and kept rubbing my thighs.

Me: “ I’m the one who was careless; i’ll be fine. As long as you drive me
to work” he groaned and walked to the fridge.

Sanele: “ I have water, coke, dry lemon and orange juice” he was
bending a bit looking inside the fridge.

Me: “ Dry lemon sounds good” he took one out and bottled water. He took
some snacks as well.

Sanele: “ Stay here” he rushed towards the bedroom. He was gone for
about 5 minutes. After that he came back and carried me to the bedroom
yet again.

Me: “ How is my knee going to heal if you keep carrying me around like
Sanele: “ You feel good in my arms.” I snuggled closer and we went into
the bedroom. The room had transformed and it looked really nice. There
were cushions on the floor, he dimed the light with soft music playing in
the background.

Me: “ This is beautiful Sanele” he placed me on the floor. I moved my leg

a little at it wasn’t so bad it just stung a bit.

Sanele: “ You okay?” i smiled.

Me: “ I am more than okay baby, i am perfect” he winked and he helped

me seat. I sat on one cushion and he took another one to elevate my leg.
His t-shirt hiked up to stomach.

Sanele: “ Why aren’t you wearing any panties?” i looked at him and he
was staring at my nana. I wanted to tease him but i knew that was not
going to end well. Even though i wasn’t sore anymore, i was going to get
so tired tomorrow and i have work to do. So i closed my legs and pulled
down the t-shirt.

Me: “ Sorry” i smiled sheepishly and he chuckled. He sat down next to

me and we watch a movie but i doubt i knew what was going on because
we were busy talking and kissing.

Sanele: “ How does your leg feel?” now that the pills were wearing off it
got so painful. I turned and looked at him and i cried. Don’t ask me why i
was crying, i was just being a baby. Sanele’s baby. He panicked and
picked me up.

Sanele: “ I need to get you to a hospital Stephaney” i shook my head.

Me: “ I will be fine, i just need something for the pain that’s all.” He gave
me the most intimidating look and i looked down.
Sanele: : Okay but tomorrow i am going to check on your patients” i

Me: “ Why would you do that?” he stood up and went to the bathroom. He
was gone for 2 minutes, leaving me with the thought of him checking on
my patients for me. He came back with a glass of water and pills. He
gave me 2 painkillers to drink. After that he took the glass and went to the
bathroom again.

He came back and slipped behind me. He put his arms around me and i

Me: “ Aren’t you going to answer me?”

Sanele: “ No because you are not going to agree, forget i said anything” i
turned and looked at him.

Me: “ Please tell me” he sighed and pulled me closer to his chest.

Sanele: “ I was thinking of driving you to your parent’s house in the

morning and you go rest your knee there because i know your mom won’t
allow you to over work your knee. I was going to leave you there and go
to the hospital, take over your shift and patients for you” i smiled and
kissed him all over his face.

Me: “ Why didn’t you say so?! I would really like that?!” he chuckled and

Sanele: “ Well i am glad you agree baby.” He leaned over and gave me a
kiss, he deepened it only to pull back and kiss my forehead.
Me: “ You’re going to fetch me later aren’t you?” he chuckled.

Sanele: “ Of course i will fetch you. I just can’t be without you baby” he
got in between my legs and started kissing me. This was pure joy,
happiness and love.

Insert 17

I woke up the next morning with my injured leg on top of Sanele’s naked
thigh. Yep my knee is badly bruised and it started to turn green. Sanele
was already up looking at it. I sat properly on my butt being extra careful
with my knee.

Me: “ Good Morning?” he gave me a faint smile rubbing his thumb over
my knee.

Sanele: “ Hey baby” he leaned over to kiss me. He put his hand on my
neck and pulled me closer, he kissed me hard and deep i moaned. He
pulled and placed me on top of him; directly to his guy. We were already
naked so he rolled us over and got in between my legs. He pulled up my
injured knee and pushed it to my chest. It was aching but it wasn’t as bad
as it looks, that’s the thing with yellow bones, a slight scratch turns into
something big.

He held my knee in place and took hold of his guy. He started rubbing
going up and down. My body was shaking and i wanted him inside me.
He slowly pushed himself in and i met him half way but only to pull back
because he was pushing non stop and deep inside my nana.

Sanele: “You’re so tight baby” i shook my head no thinking that he is the

one who is damn big.
He started to stoke and i felt like i was losing my mind. He rocked my
body deep and hard. I started to meet him stroke for stroke. He was still
holding up my knee and he was really going deep inside; it was as if he
was digging something inside me. It was breath taking that i even had
drool. I felt myself build up, he slapped my nana and told me to come. I
came really hard with his right behind me.

He collapsed on top of me breathing hard. I didn’t even want him to

leave. I was feeling emotional for some reasons. I wanted to stay in bed
the whole day so i started to cry. He pulled back and looked at me

Sanele: “ What’s wrong? Am i hurting you?” he tried getting off but i held
him in place. I didn’t want to let him go.

Me: “ I don’t want you to go” i hid myself in his chest and he chuckled.

Sanele: “ You want to play hooky?” i nodded and he laughed.

Me: “I do. I don’t want you to leave” i sniffed.

Sanele: “ One of us has to go baby” i nodded and sniffed, i was taking in

his manly smell.

Me: “ I know. I love you” he got off and pulled out. I missed him as soon
as he pulled out.

Sanele: “ I should stop sexing you. You always cry, i do you so good” he
got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. He turned and came to the
bed, he picked me up and walked us to the bathroom.

Me: “ I cry because i get very happy when you get off, you groan and
groan but i hardly feel a thing” he started moving towards me and i
laughed pushing him off. I adjusted the water since it was lukewarm and i
made it a bit hot. Sanele stepped away, he always complains that i am
making him a dead chicken with feathers.

Sanele: “ So you’re saying that i don’t sex you well?” he has a smirk and
he pulled me closer helping me wash. I grinded on him and he groaned. I
pulled back and kissed his cheek. He narrowed his eyes and we
continued with our shower. After we were done he dried our bodies and
kissed my nana. He put a towel around my waist and he did the same
with him. I limped to the bedroom and sat on the bed only for him to lift
me uo again. He placed me on the couch and made the bed.

He disappeared to the closet and came back with my panties and his t-
shirt. He applied lotion on my body and dressed me in my panties and his
t-shirt. He was still wearing the towel when he walked out. I reached for
my phone and called my assistant telling her that i won’t be coming in but
Sanele will be standing in my place. He came back after 30 minutes with
eggs, bacon and toasted bread.

Me: “ I thought you’re taking me home” he shook his head and went to
the bathroom. He came back again and started to get dressed in the
beige slim fit pants, tan shoes and a white shirt with a tan belt. He looked
at the mirror and caught me looking at him.

Sanele: “ Thank you baby. I am not taking you home, not after you cried
your eyeballs out after that good loving i gave you not so long ago” i
giggled choking on my coffee. I coughed very hard. He looked at me with
eyes full of concern and i waved him off.

Me: “ I’m fine, wrong pipe” i said wiping my tears. He gathered his things
and went out. Probably to put them in his car. He walked back in, took the
comforter and 2 big cushions and walked out again. He then came and
picked me up. He placed me on the couch and kissed my knee. He went
up to my thigh and he opened them up. He sniffed my panties and ran his
tongue over them. I pushed out his head and quickly stood up.

Sanele: “ Give me 5 hours max and then we will continue to play” he

winked and kissed my nose. He went back to the bedroom and came
back with my handbag and phone. He kissed me again, that hungry
rough kiss and pulled back. I am sure my lips were now swollen.

Sanele: “ I love you” he touched my cheek.

Me: “ I love you too” he took his car keys and walked out.

I sat on the couch and caught up on the tv programs. He called to let me

know that he was now at work.

Sanele: “ It feels really cold without you here with me” i laughed.

Me: “ We don’t even work around the same space”

Sanele: “ I know but knowing that you’re around makes it all better. I miss
you now” he groaned.

Me: “ You’ll be okay” he sighed.

Sanele: “ I don’t want to lose you Stephaney, i can’t lose you. I don’t
even know what i would do if i lost you Steph” i immediately got alarmed.

Me: “ Is everything okay? Should i be worried?”

Sanele: “ No, i just have this bad feeling that i can’t seem to shake it”
Me: “ Nothing bag is going to happen, i am here waiting for you to come
home” he let out a shaky breath.

Sanele: “ I will see you later” he ended the call leaving men worried,
hoping that he comes home safe. I was really bored and was starting to
fall asleep when i heard a knock on the door. I wanted to ignore them but
they were not giving up so i stood up to open. I got the shock of my life.

Me: “ Aunt....Aunt.....Aunt Sihle” she seemed surprised to see me. She

pushed her way inside.
Aunt Sihle: “ Why are you here and where is Sanele?” i limped to the
couch to get my gown. I put it on and she gave me a dirty look.

Me: “ He is not home, he went to work” she chuckled but you could see
that she was very angry.

Sihle: “ What are you doing here Stephaney and you’re not even
dressed” i looked down embarrassed. Me: “ Sanele is my boyfriend” i
said in a low voice.

Sihle: “ He is your what??? Tell me you’re joking please” her eyes wide. I
shook my head.

Sihle: “ That is not fuckin possible. You are not fucking my brother
Stephaney, your fuckin uncle” i laughed but i could see that she wasn’t

Me: “ You are lying” my lips were trembling. She was lying.
Sihle: “ He really is, what do you think i am doing here? I came to check
on how he is since his father passed away but he has been fucking his
niece!!” she shouted and i couldn’t stop the tears.
Me: “ That is not true. He is not my uncle” i wailed wiping my tears. She
slapped me.

Sihle: “ Shut the hell up. Go get your fuckin things and leave.” She
barked and i left but she called me back before i went to the bedroom.
She took out her phone and showed me pictures of them. It was true. I
wouldn’t stop crying. She tossed me my car keys and threw me out.

Sihle: “ Get the fuck out if here before i hurt you. Go!” she closed the
door. I rushed down the stairs hurting myself even more. My phone rang
and it was Sanele. I ended the call and switched off my phone. I drove
straight to my parents house and i was crying non stop.

I parked the car and got out leaving the keys inside. I rushed in and my
parents were cuddling in the lounge. As soon as i saw them i cried
harder. Dad quickly stood up and rushed to me but i ran past him and
threw myself in my mom’s arms.

Dad: “ angel what happened? Why are you crying? Who hurt you?” i
couldn’t even get a word out. I cried so hard until i had a headache. Dad
gave me pills to drink to calm me down but instead they made me drowsy
and i fell asleep.

Insert 19

I drove straight to Sihle’s house and when I got there Nqubeko and
Nqoba’s cars were there. Good, that means that Xoli is also here so I will
be killing 2 birds with one stone. I parked and got out of the car. I made
my way inside; I got in without even knocking. I followed the voices and
they were all seated in the lounge watching idols repeat.

Kwazi: “Hey, you are here” she got up and came to hug me but when I
didn’t return it she let go of me and looked at me frowning.

Kwazi: “What is going on? Why are you so closed off and called?” I
shook my head, my eyes were on Sihle the whole time, and we went on a
staring contest until she broke eye contact. I went to sit next to Nqubeko,
I greeted and Sbu came to shake my hand.

Sbu: “How have you been man?” he put his arm around his wife and
kissed her head.

Me: “I have been okay. I last saw you at the funeral” he nodded and Sihle

Sihle: “Can I get you something to drink?” I nodded.

Me: “A glass of whisky please” everyone turned and looked at me. They
were all surprised because I don’t drink.

Nqubeko: “Sihle No, get him a glass of juice; a very cold glass” she stood
up and walked to the kitchen.

Nqoba: “What is going on man?” I just shook my head.

Me: “Sbu, can you take the kids away from here? Somewhere safe

Kwazi: “I will call mom and tell her that the kids are coming over” she
stood up and walked away quickly. All this time Xoli hasn’t said a word
and you could see that she was shitting in her pants. Sihle came back
and gave me the glass of juice. I drank half of it in one go, it was very
refreshing. Kwazi came back.
Kwazi: “Mom said we should get the drivers to take them with their

Sihle: “what is going on?”

Sbu: “Grownups confrontation” she nodded and sat right next to her
husband tightening her mouth. We then heard noise and chaos, the kids
were leaving but they all came to greet before they left. Sbu stood up
and took his beer.

Sbu: “Let’s move outside, we will be able to breath there” we all stood up
and followed him. At that time I could feel my heart beating very fast, I
was so angry but I just kept it together. My phone rang and it was Steph
calling but I rejected the call after that I put it on silent. I was going to get
to her but right now I needed to do this quickly.

Nqubeko: “So Sanele, tell us what got you so mad?”

Me: “Well first of all I am the youngest one here and hopefully we will
reach and understanding without fighting. So yesterday I went over to
Nokwazi and Nqubeko’s house to introduce her to them but when I got
there Xoli started calling her names saying that she is going to hurt me” I
turned on my chair and looked directly at Xoli.

Me: “First of all Xoli you don’t know her from a bar of soap, who and what
gave you the right to talk to her like that?”

Xoli: “I was just looking out for you” I chuckled.

Me: “Even after saying that she makes me happy, you didn’t even give us
a chance to hear our story. You didn’t give her a chance but you…”I did
not even want to get started on her and how many chances she has
given Nqoba. Even after we thought that they were divorcing, she came
back and begged us to accept them again.

Xoli: “I am sorry Sanele, I was wrong in so many ways and I would really
like to apologise to Stephaney if I can” Sihle laughed out loud and I gave
her a smile.

Me: “Don’t worry, I am still getting to you” I said to her. I looked at Xoli
again and narrowed my eyes.

Me: “If you do it again, I will cut you off completely and you know that I
mean it Xolile. You are my sister, I would hate to choose her over you but
believe me I would”

Kwazi: “Sanele…” she shook her head, tears threatening to fall. I put my
hand under the table and I found the revolver right across Xoli’s seat. I
took it and put it on the table. Everyone jumped and I chuckled.

Me: “Don’t worry, I am just checking something.” I removed all the bullets
and put them in my pocket. I put the gun on top of the table and one
bullet next to it. I pointed at Sihle.

Me: “You, you think you can come into my home and chase away the
woman that I love away just because we are “related” what the hell was
that about?” she was looking at the gun and I am sure that she was
thinking of ways to get her hands on the gun.

Sihle: “She is my niece, you are my cousin. What kind of sick twisted love
is that?” I chuckled and my insides were boiling.

Me: “Your family adopted her aunt; you are not blood related with Steph.
You adopted her mother’s sister. How am I related to her?”
Sihle: “You cannot be together” she shouted banging the table.

Me: “We cannot be together because you say so but I spoke to her
parents and they gave us their blessing so now tell me who the hell are
you to actually say that we can’t be together?”

Sihle: “She is my niece; I have known her since she was a kid Sanele”

Me: “And you just found me and my mom just a few years ago together
with Kwazi so what is your point” she stood up and she was angry but not
as much as me.

Sihle: “You will break things off with her, whether it’s by blood or not you
guys can’t be together. You are related.”

Me: “I am sorry but I cannot do that. I love her and I plan or taking her as
my wife” her eyes widened and she charged for me. She got to me and
gave me a punch; she throws a mean punch I could actually taste blood.

Me: “Hold your woman Sbu, all of you here know that once I start I will
not stop so tell her not to start again” she hit me again and I stood up fast
kicking my chair. She stepped back a little but she stopped. That is what I
liked about my cousin; she was so very brave but also very stupid. I took
the gun from the table and loaded it with one bullet. Everyone stood up
from the table and said “Whoa”

Me: “So Sihle the Queen, I want to play a game with you. You know this
one very well; it’s my favourite one to play. It’s called Russian roulette.
This gun has 8 round and we might get to 8 with you long dead.”

Sbu: “Sanele don’t do this” I fired the gun and it just clicked. Everyone
screamed covering themselves except for Sihle. I told you, she is brave.
Kwazi: “Sanele, don’t do this please. You have come so far, please don’t
do this” I shook my head and my body started to shake.

Me: “I love that woman Sihle and I will do anything to be with her and that
includes killing you so stay away”

Sihle: “No, you need to let her go” I fired again but it clicked yet again.
They covered themselves shouting.

Sbu: “Damn it Sanele you are going to kill her”

Me: “Get her to back off” Sihle shook her head violently.

Sihle: “Never”

Me: “Me and you are through” I threw the gun down on the floor. I turned
and walked away but I stopped at my tracks when I heard the clicking of
a gun behind me, I turned and Sihle had the gun in her hand. She must
have picked it up. I smiled at her and she began shooting non-stop but
nothing came out of the gun until I showed her the bullet in my hand.

Me: “I knew that you were going to do something like that so here is the
thing, me and you are through. If you come anywhere near my
relationship with Steph I will kill you but before killing you I will torture you
so bad, you of all people know what I am capable of. Goodbye Sihle” I
walked out the door and when I reached the last stairs she was right
behind me, she tried hitting me but I ducked giving her a backhand slap. I
crouched in front of her with a bleeding nose.

Me: “I will end you Sihle and after that burn your body. You will never be
found again, your parents, husband and kids won’t bury you” I stood and
went to my car. I drove straight to Steph’s house and her mom opened
for me.

Mrs Evans: “would you like to join us for dinner?”

Me: “No, I would like to talk to Steph please” she nodded.

Mrs Evans: “TJ please Sanele to Stephy’s room” a boy who looked like
Mr Evans came and I followed him up the stairs. He stopped by the
second left door and left me there. I opened and went inside. There she
was in bed with my t-shirt on. Her nose was pink and puffy, she even had
hiccups. I wanted to wake her up and pull her in my arms but instead I
roughly shook her. She opened her eyes and looked up at me; I was
standing with my hands inside the pockets.

Steph: “Sanele” she whispered my name rubbing her eyes. She looked
so cute, if I wasn’t so mad would have kissed her by now but I was livid.
How could she just leave like that and to top it all off she switched off her

Me: “Get up, we need to talk” she looked confused.

Steph: “HuH?”

Me: “Get up!”

Insert 20

I quickly sat up on my bed and saw that I wasn’t dreaming. Sanele really
was in my bedroom but he looked nothing like my Sanele. This Sanele
looked closed off, angry and cold. The look that he was giving me made
my insides turn cold. I made space for him to seat but instead he went for
the couch. He sat down and sighed, his head hung low and in his hands.
He suddenly looked up and his eyes were red, the vein popping but what
caught my attention was his swollen hand. My Dr instincts kicked in and I
went to him, I tried to touch his hand but he moved away, I felt tears
threatening to fall.

Me: “Sanele” I whispered shaking my head and tears just fell. Normally
he would be on his feet comforting me but he just stared at me like I am
crazy. I took his hand again and he let me. I opened it up because he
tightened it in a fist. I saw him shift uncomfortably so I quickly stood and
went out the door. I rushed to my parent’s door a knocked. Mom was
laying on her back and dad massaging her feet.

Me: “Hey guys, dad can I have one of your hand brace, Sanele’s hand is
hurt really badly” mom tried to sit but she just couldn’t.

Dad: “Get him to my office, call me when he is there and I will attend to
his wound. I will also use that time to talk to him” I nodded and headed

I went back to my bedroom and he was still seated in the same position I
left him but now he was flexing his hand. I walked slowly to him and sat
next to him.

Me: “I am sorry Sanele.” He chuckle shaking his head, you could hear
that the laugh was laced with so much coldness and sarcasm.

Sanele: “I am hurt and very disappointed in you” fresh tears made their
way down my face.

Me: “ I am so sorry” he held up his hand I just stopped talking. He then

turned to look at me.
Sanele: “ I told you that I need someone who will fight for us no matter
what, who will always stand by me and be there for me, with me but at
the first sign of trouble you decided to run but what made it even worse
was that you switched off your phone. Had it not been for the car tracker,
I wouldn’t know where you are.” He stood up and damn it this man was
sexy gorgeous but now he looked very dangerous.

Sanele: “I couldn’t function well at work so I cut my day short just so that I
can g o home to check on you but you had fled. I know what happened
and yes Sihle is my cousin. Our parents are siblings. What I fail to
understand was why didn’t you drive to your place ad call me from there
to sort this out? Do you know that I nearly died today thinking that I might
have lost you?” he wasn’t shouting but his voice also carried so much
anger but most importantly disappointment. I was so ashamed.

Me: “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I wasn’t thinking straight Sanele I am

sorry” he shook his head and started pacing up and down my room and
he suddenly stopped.

Sanele: “I come from a large royal family with people much worse than
Sihle, I need a strong woman by my side but I doubt that you are ready to
be fully mine” I let out a sob.

Me: “Sanele I am sorry, please don’t break up with me; please”

Sanele: “I am not breaking up with me but I am just thinking that I have to

fight of all these people alone because you’re a runner . I love you so
much Steph it hurts but what you did today made me question if you are
ready and want to be with me fully. I understand that you are scared of
Sihle and she is you ‘aunt’ but why didn’t you call me Stephaney why did
you shut me out?” my heart broke because he was also crying now,

Me: “I am so sorry please forgive me” he took his keys and phone and
walked towards the door. I jumped in front of him blocking him from

Me: “Where are you going?”

Sanele: “I am going to our home that you left, I am tired and my hand
hurts like hell. I want to sleep off the physical and emotional pain.” He
said in a low tone I just cried. He wasn’t even touching me.

Me: Dad said that I should take you in his office. He wants to talk to you”
he nodded.

Sanele: “Lead the way” I opened the door and walked to dad’s office. My
whole body was shaking with fear that this is the last time i am seeing
Sanele. My heart couldn’t take it. I kept wiping my tears with my hand.

Sanele: “Please stop crying baby” my heart jumped for joy, he called me
baby. I sniffed and opened up the door. To my surprise dad was already
there so I just left him there and rushed to mom’s bedroom. Mom was
now seated on the floor doing breathing exercises, I rushed to her.

Me: “Mom are you in labour?” she opened her eyes and smiled.

Mom: “I am not in labour. What’s up?” I sat on my butt and just cried.
Me: “He hates me mom” she pulled me I her embrace and I cried. She
hushed me rubbing my back.

Mom: “He doesn’t hate you baby he is just angry baby” I sniffed.

Me: “He said that he can’t be with someone who runs at the first sight of
trouble. He is from a big royal family and he needs a strong woman.”
Mom nodded.
Mom: “That Is correct, he does need a strong woman and you ran here
instead of listening to his side of the story that is very frustrating
considering how much the man loves you” I frowned.

Me: “How do you know that he loves me?” mom just giggled.

Mom: “’He was here earlier when you were asleep” my eyes shot up.

Me: “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

Mom: “He wasn’t here to see you, he was here to see your parents. So
he is the TV guy?” I nodded and blushed while she giggled.

Mom: “Damn, that is a nice piece of meat that one” we laughed throwing
our heads back.

Me: “How do I get him to forgive me? I cannot lose him mom I love him”
she nodded wiping my tears.

Mom: “I know you love him baby, I know but what you should know first is
that your aunt is against this relationship and she will try breaking you up.
Just know that you have your father and I’s blessing so screw everyone
else. If you love Sanele and you are sure that he is the one, then be with
him but you also need to toughen up because I have a feeling that this
isn’t over yet” I nodded.

Mom: “Your father was so angry when Sanele told him that Sihle slapped
you, he wanted to mess her up” I sighed.

Me: “I have always noticed that there were these bad vibes between
Mom: “Sihle just made it worse” this was so messed up.

Me: “I need him to forgive me mom, what am I going to do?”

Mom: “You are going back to your place and pack 2 weeks of clothes
and drive straight to his place. You are going to apologise to him every
day until he feels bad, then treat him like a king that he is with lots of sex
and food” I covered my face with my hands giggling.

Me: “Mom!” I shouted and the door opened. Dad walked in and smiled. I
stood up quickly and looked at him.

Me: “is he still here?” he shook his head.

Dad: “he left 5 minutes ago” I nodded and rushed to the door but dad
called me.

Me: “yes dad?” he had a knowing smile on his face.

Dad: “He really loves you” I smiled and rushed out the door. I went to my
room and put on pants. I wore my push ins and ran out. I did like mom
said, I rushed to my place and packed a huge suitcase. Liyanda and Ndu
were fucking as per usual so they didn’t even hear me leave. I was
shaking as I parked my car behind his. I went up the stairs with the heavy
bag. I knocked, I had my own key but I knocked. He opened the door, he
was dressed in black sweat shorts and white socks. He was shirtless. He
looked at the suitcase and me. His face still cold.

Sanele: “What are you doing here Steph?” tears made their way down
my face.
Me: “I would like to come Home Sanele” he closed his eyes and took a
deep breath. I stood on my toes and kissed him, the minute our lips
touched his hand went behind my neck and kissed me with so much
hunger. We were kissing and touching each other all over, I am sure
people were watching, we finally pulled back; both of us breathless.

Sanele: “If you ever leave me again…” I didn’t give him a chance to
continue because I kissed him again and pulled away quickly.

Me: “I won’t leave you again, I promise. Please forgive me Sanele, I can’t
take it when you’re this mad at me” I pleaded him and his eyes started to
soften. Our foreheads touched with each of our hands at the back of
each other’s heads.

Sanele: “I love you”

Me: “I love you so much more” he pulled the bag and me inside. He
closed and locked the door before picking me up.

Me: “You are going to hurt your hand”

Sanele: “I am fine; right now I need to make love to you. Just to make
sure that you are really here but after that you will receive your
punishment for thinking that you could ever leave me” my whole body
shivered but I was truly happy, this is where I belonged.

Insert 21

Sanele led us in the lounge and sat on the couch with me on top of him. I
thought he said he will make love to me but the way he was going on I
knew that wasn’t the case. He opened his thighs and there was space in
between causing me to rely on him for balance. He pulled and laid back
on the couch, his arm went behind his neck. He looked so relaxed while I
was a mess. I wanted him to touch me, to kiss me all over like he always

Sanele: “I am still angry at you Stephaney” okay, he never calls me by my

full name.

Me: “Baby i…” he stopped me.

Sanele: “I am angry for loving you to a point where I cannot imagine my

life without you but trust me by the time this night ends; you will be my
number 1 girl again”

Me: “I was no longer your number 1?” he chuckled.

Sanele: “You are now number 1.8. Make me happy and you will be my
number 1 lady” I giggled and kissed him. He sat up straight and pulled
me closer landing me directly on his crotch. I started to grind against him
but he furiously pulled away from the kiss, he had a smirk as he stood up
with me in his arms. He walked towards the kitchen and placed me on
the counter. He then proceeded to kissing me, he was using his tongue a
lot and I was moaning non-stop. He wasn’t even touching my body, I
wanted him to touch me but his hands stayed on my face and neck.

He pulled again and looked at me smiling. He licked his lips, his hands
made way to underneath the t-shirt. He made contact with my skin and I
heard the sharp intake of breath while I moaned. I wanted more of his
touch, I wanted him. His hands went up and touched on my breasts, my
nipples were hard and standing for attention.

He took off the t-shirt and smiled when he saw my bare breasts. He
leaned closer and ran his tongue on each nipple. It felt so good, I wanted
more but it seemed as if Sanele was up for teasing and torturing me. He
slapped my thighs a little and I lifted up my bum from the counter. He
took off my pants; I was now left in my panties only. He gently made me
lay back on the cold hard granite counter top. He stepped back from my
legs and held my legs firmly in place.

Sanele: “Hold on to the other end of the counter, do not let go until I tell
you to” I nodded and he smiled.

Sanele: “I would like an answer my love” I moaned as his hands were

rubbing on my inner thighs.

Me: “Yes, I will not let go” I held on the other end of the counter tightly but
I quickly let go when I felt my favourite pair of panties tear. I almost
jumped up but he gently pushed me down again.

Me: “Sanele! Those were my favourites” his was now face to face with
my pussy.

Sanele: “That is a good thing because I plan on having you panty less.”

His hands went behind my knees and he gently lifted my ass up from the
counter. I almost jumped when I felt his tongue make way to my anus, he
licked me from it to my cookie. I moaned and my hand involuntary made
its way to his hand. He quickly pulled away and lifted up his head to look
at me.

Sanele: “I said hold and not let go” his voice hoarse and deep.

He went back to the task at hand, he started again and I moaned. His
tongue going up and down in between and on my 2 holes.”
Sanele: “You have such a beautiful pussy” he blew on it and my clit
vibrated. My whole body started to shake.

Sanele: “Don’t come!” he gently pushed his finger inside and he curved it
a little. He started digging in furiously and I was moaning nonstop. I
wanted him to make me cum and he made things worse when he added
his tongue to it. I felt myself nearing my climax but he quickly pulled out
his finger. I cried in frustration.

Me: “Sanele please” I begged touching his arms.

Sanele: “Hold!” he said it a little higher and I held on the counter top. He
blew air on my pussy and then he attached it. His teeth grazing on my clit
but he kept at it until I felt the wave hitting me hard. I pulled head in my
pussy, locked him in my thighs and grinded on his face. The wave went
on for a long time before I let go of his head. He lifted up his head and he

Sanele: “I told you to hold and not let go, didn’t i?” I nodded. I was still
enjoying the now passing wave. He licked his lips and stood between my
legs. He pulled me up; I circled my legs around his waist before he
walked out of the kitchen. He led us the bedroom and he laid me gently
on it. He took of his sweat pants and socks. His dick looked so hard and
standing for attention I wanted to pull him in my mouth but I knew better
than to do that. He knelt on the bed and turned me around. I lay on my
stomach but he pulled me to my knees.

His one hand went to my pussy and the other one opened up my lips. His
tongue went deep in my pussy and I lost all my senses. I was moaning
very loud and my body was giving in to him. He was in total control of it
and I loved it. He pushed in his tongue while rubbing my clit, I felt another
orgasm approach but I knew that this one was different, this one was too
Sanele: “Let go baby” he said softly but I was enjoying this too much, I
did not want it to end so he turned me around quickly and slapped my
clit. I came so hard I was rolling on the bed until he held me down but his
tongue made it worse because the wave continued for a long while. It
was too much I was even crying, what was this man doing to me.

I finally calmed down and he smiled. He got in between my legs and lifted
my ass from the bed. He gently pushed in his dick inside my silk walls
and he groaned loudly. Yes, that is what I wanted. For him to feel as
much pleasure as he was giving me. he started giving me slow strokes
but he was furiously rubbing my clit. I had to apologize because I could
see that he wasn’t planning on having mercy on me.

Me: “I am sorry” I screamed crying< why was I crying I don’t know.

Probably ubufebe nje.

Sanele: “Shhhhhhhh…” he pulled out and his tongue made way to my

pussy. He sucked on the juices that I had released and it made that
sound like I was drinking hot tea. I was now moaning like a little
wounded puppy. He then turned me around and my head made contact
with is headboard. Jesus it was pure bliss. He was now moving faster
than before. I wanted him to stop and go deeper as well. He was driving
me crazy.

Me: “I will never leave you again Sanele NGIYAXOLISA” I screamed but
he was going in and out with his measured strokes. Oh God, make him

Sanele: “That’s it. Come for me baby, that’s it my baby” I had my orgasm
but my voice no longer came out. I was shaking with my ass in the air, his
tongue deep in my pussy.

Me: “Sanele I am sorry” I whispered, I was slowly losing my voice

because it was very low.
Sanele: “What was that?” the timbre o his voice vibrated against my clit
and my body wouldn’t stop shaking.

Me: “I am sorry; I will never do it again. I will never leave or disrespect

you Sanele. I love you, I love you so much” I was drunk in love and too
much sex.

Sanele: “Why did you leave?” he licked his index finger while I looked at
him over my shoulder as I was still lying on my stomach.

His finger made its way to my pussy; he rubbed it twice and slid up to my
anus. He gently started pushing it in and I screamed. I tried getting away
but his other hand held me in place. He got in between my legs. Chest on
the bed, ass in the air with his finger making way slowly but surely in my
anal hole.

He pushed in his dick in my pussy and I felt like it was going to come out
of my mouth, I felt so full my eyes widened. Sanele was close because
his breathing picked up and so did his strokes.

Sanele: “Why did you leave?” I couldn’t answer him as my mouth was
wide open and I was enjoying what he was doing and giving to me.

Sanele: “Why did you leave?” he shouted and pushed one last time and
he was balls deep inside me with his fingers that I also came.

Me: “I DON’T KNOW” I passed out after that.

I came around and found him looking at me with his head probed up on
his hand, balanced on his elbow.
Sanele: “Are you okay?” his face filled with worry and concern that I just
cried. He pulled me in his chest.

Sanele: “I am sorry; I didn’t mean to hurt you”

Me: “I am sorry Sanele. I won’t leave again, I am so sorry baby. Please

forgive me” he cupped my face and looked at me.

Sanele: “It’s okay, it’s okay. I love you okay, I love you so much” he wiped
my tears and kissed my nose.

Me: “I love you more” I said in my low and teary voice. I held on to him
tightly, I did not want to let go.

Sanele: “So you are now back to being my number 1” I giggled.

Me: “I am happy to be your number one lady again” we laughed.

Sanele: “So I spoke to your dad” I pulled back and looked at his face.

Me: “What did he say?”

Sanele: “He said he gives us his blessings and that I should not hurt you
or else he will have me killed.” We both laughed.

Sanele: “That is not all, he also gave me his blessings to marry you” I
gasped and he looked at me casually, kissing my fingertips.

Insert 22
What Sanele said left me shocked i mean we haven’t been dating for
long but i also want to be with him. I love him, he completes me and sex
me good. Speaking of sexing, my whole body hurts while he woke up and
went to work today. I also had a call from dad telling me to take some
time off work. So i planned on sleeping the whole day.

I just doses off when the house phone rang. I reached next to me and

Me: “ Hello”

Sanele: “ You’re sleeping baby?” voice sounded so good and velvety.

Me: “ I was just about to, what’s up?” i stretched sitting on my bum.

Sanele: “ I need you to get up, shower and get dressed. Mom heard
about what i did yesterday so she wants to meet you” i was immediately

Me: “ What did you do Sanele?” he chuckled.

Sanele: “ You’ll hear all about it when we go see mom. I love you, i’ll be
there in an hour” he hung up and i frowned. I took my phone and called
Liyanda. She answered on the 2nd ring.

Liya: “ Stephaney ka Sanele” i giggled.

Me: “ Hey Ndu’s woman. You guys love sex though, i came home
yesterday to get a change of clothes but you didn’t hear a thing. I got
there you were screaming, when i left you were still at it” she gasped.
Liya: “ Oh my word Steffi i am so sorry. We didn’t mean any disrespect.” I

Me: “ Its okay Sanele dished it up for me too last night. My joints hurt” i
groaned as i got out of the bed.

Liya: “ Haha that’s how it should be”

Me: “ So i am meeting his mom today. What should i wear?” she kept
quiet for a second before snapping her fingers.

Liya: “ Your silk maxi dress with sandals and a denim jacket” that
sounded nice and not too much.

Me: “ Oh Thank you Liya. I will see you; i need to take a quick shower”

Liya: “ Okay, goodluck with mom in law” we said our goodbyes and
ended the call. I rushed to the bathroom and took a shower. When i was
done i stepped out and Sanele was seated on the bed.

Me: “ Oh hey baby” he smiled and stood up walking towards me.

Sanele: “ Hello my love” he circled his arms around my waist and kissed
me. He leaned in too much that i had to break the kiss because if i let him
we’d end up in bed. I pulled away and he groaned.

Sanele: “ I will be quick” i got out of his arms and walked towards the

Me: “ You are never quick.” I shouted from the closet and got dressed in
my undies after i lotioned. He walked in as i was putting on my dress.
Sanele: “ Mom said she invited Kwazi and Nqubeko only. They all want to
meet you without any disturbance plus they want to shout at me” he
groaned. I laughed.

Me: “ Babe, what did you do?” he sighed. I wore my sandals and took my
bag; jacket and sunglasses. He took my hand and lead us to the
bedroom. He sat me down on the bed and kissed my hand. He does that
a lot, kisses my hand a lot.

Sanele: “ I want you to hear it from me before mom scolds me in front if

you” i nodded and swallowed hard.

Sanele: “ I got in a physical fight with Sihle. She doesn’t want us to be

together, so she punched me as you can see. I tried to get her to stop. I
got so angry and pointed a gun at her. We argued and i put down the
gun; she picked it up and started firing. Luckily i took out al the bullets” he
was talking fast and finally breathed. I stood up and he tried to touch my
hand but i yanked it.

Me: “ So you’re telling me that if there were bullets in the gun you would
be dead right now?”

Sanele: “ There wasn’t any bullets, i removed them and i am okay babe”
he stood up but i backed up.

Me: “ Does she hate us that much, to want to take you away from me?
What kind of human being is she?” i was so angry my whole body was

Sanele: “ Hey look at me” he turned me around to face him. He smiled

and i rolled my eyes.
Sanele: “ You are beautiful when you’re angry but i am fine. Nothing
happened. I know how my cousin’s mind works so i am fine. I will be fine,
no need to worry. Okay?” he was rubbing my arms.

Me: “ I love you” he smiled and kissed me.

Sanele: “ I love you more than you’ll ever know. I should sex you like last
night mire often, you still have a stinking attitude so i have to fuck it out of
you” i narrowed my eyes and he chuckled.

Me: “ As if i would let you” i stepped back.

Sanele: “ wanna bet?” he stepped closer and i pushed him away.

Me: “ Fine! No more attitude” i turned and went to take my bag from my
bed, he spanked and grab my ass tightly i stood on my toes.

Me: “ We have to gooo!” i elbowed him and he let me go groaning.

Sanele: “ You are abusive wena” he followed me to the lounge. He

already had his keys so we went out, i locked the house and went down
the stairs. He had opened the door for me, i got in and he put on my
seatbelt before closing the door. He went around and got in.

Me: “ So where are we going?” i asked as he drove towards the north


Sanele: “ Ballito” i don’t know why but my hands started to shake and
beating fast. I was thinking what would his mom think of me. I haven’t
been in Sanele’s life for long. Xoli already thinks i am here for the money.
I wonder what his mom is going to think. I guess he must have sensed
that i was nervous because i felt him hand on top of mine.
Sanele: “ Relax, mom is the coolest person ever” i nodded tightly giving
him a fake smile.

We drove to Ballito listening to Paperwhite and Jhene Aiko. He was

singing along and he had an incredible voice. While me on the other
hand sang like a goat being slaughtered.

We arrived at this big beautiful nicely fenced house. Sanele opened the
gate with his remote and he drove out and wow. The house was purely
beautiful, not too much but it was perfect. What freaked me out though
was the amount of security around the house. Sanele parked outside the
garage and stepped out, the guards bowed to him and that is when i
remembered that he is a prince.

He walked all the way around and opened the door . He held out his
hand and i shook my head.

Me: “ Mmmhh mhmmmm” he chuckled.

Sanele: “ Come on baby please; nothing is going to happen”

Me: “ Sanele you’re a prince. I am meeting a queen, i am going to faint. I

am so scared” he laughed

Sanele: “ Baby please” he pouted and i giggled.

Me: “ No!” i folded my arms and chuckled.

Sanele: “ I guess i haven’t made my intentions clear to you. Your father

said i could marry you when you’re ready and i am waiting for you to get
ready. I am with you till death and i don’t plan on letting you go. If there
ever there comes a time where i have to choose, just know that i will
choose you. Always” i nodded and hugged him. He stood up and pulled
me out with him. He took my bag and locked the car. His one hand was
holding my hand and the other was holding my bag. He walked inside
and shouted.

Sanele:” Mah! Mah! MANAA! Mah mfethu! I am home” he sounded like a

baby. I laughed. This strikingly beautiful lady wearing a black dress and a
black coat with black 6 inch court shoes appeared from the stairs.

Woman: “ Stop it man! You are embarrassing yourself in front of this

beautiful lady” he looked at this lady and let go of my hand. He rushed to
her. I’m guessing that is his mom but when he got to her she pushed him
by his face and passed him.

Sanele: “ Maaah!” he dragged it and followed her. She didn’t just walk.
She glided with such grace. Her head held high with her bob weave
bouncing. She looked incredible, i was even drooling. She finally stopped
in front of me and looked at me. She turned and looked at Sanele and he

S Mom: “ You are beautiful and sexy. These hips and thighs will carry
Sanele’s sons well” i frowned while she laughed.

Sanele: “ Mom..” she held up her hand.

S. Mom: “ Shut up brat and get us juice.” She hooked her arm in mine
and walked us to the lounge it was freakin gorgeous but what caught my
attention was the gigantic piano. She led us to the couch and we sat.

S. Mom: “ How are you?” i blushed. She turned my face gently to look at
S. Mom: “ I am his mom but you can call me Miss K. Sanele’s
husbandless mother” i looked down feeling sad.

Me: “ I am sorry for your loss mam”

S. Mom: “ Miss K my love”

Me: “ Miss K. I am so sorry for your loss” she leaned back on the couch
and shrugged her shoulders

Miss K: “ Babe, that man did a lot of good. Including sexing me so good i
still shiver when i think about it” i blushed.

Sanele: “ Mom, stop talking to my girlfriend about sex please!” he walked

in with 2 glasses of juice and gave them to us. She looked at me till i
blushed so bad.

Miss K: “ I am guessing he already sexed you senseless. Don’t worry

child it runs in the family. Nice to meet you Miss Evans and welcome to
the family” she lifted up a glass looking amused and Sanele groaned.

Miss K: “ Stop it Sanele. This one we should send cows over at her
house as soon as i get out of these style less black clothes. I want to look
sexy for your wedding. Your father left with his dick, i am left here with
my...” Sanele interrupted her.

Sanele: “ Okaaay. Baby come, let me show you around.” He took my

hand and led me outside leaving Miss K dead in laughter.

The minute mom pushed me away to go to Steph I knew that she loved
her. I mean, what’s not to love. Steph is MY breath of fresh air but when
she started running her mouth about sexing Steph I knew that I had to
get her away from her.

We walked outside and I showed her around. She absolutely loved the
place. It’s not over the top but it is home. We were now seating around
the table with Kwazi and Nqubeko. They were with Siphe, he was 15.
Doing grade 11. He us aa braniac like his father. I was seated next to my
baby, I was eating with 1 hand and the other hand was holding hers on
top of the table. Mom kept looking at us and smiled. The conversation
was flowing until mom stopped laughing and looked around the table.

Mom: “ Siphe baby, excuse us. We want to talk about grown up stuff” he
just smiled and bowed.

Siphe: “ Okay gran-gran” that’s what they call mom, gran-gran. Siphe
took his plate and his glass of juice. Kwazi wanted to help him but he
made her sit. She was embarrassed and I laughed at her.

Kwazi: “ Shut up brat” she punched my shoulder.

Mom: “ Cut it out you 2” I turned on my seat and we started hitting each
other. She gave me a light but stinging slap while I hit the back of her
head. She punched me on the ribs and I slapped her next.

Mom: “ Enough you bitches!” Kwazi and I turned and looked at her. She
gave us her sweetest smile.

Mom: “ Right, now that I have your attention I would like to know what
happened between you, Xolile and Sihle.” She asked looking at me. I felt
Steph squeeze my hand and I smiled.
Me: “ On Sunday I went to Kwazi’s place to introduce Steph to the guys,
we didn’t even get to eat because Xoli started calling Steph names, she
went as far as calling her a gold digger.”

Mom: “ A gold digger, Stephaney baby aren’t you Thoba’s daughter?”

Steph: “ Yes Mah, Thoba is my father”

Me: “ How do you know her father mom?” she rolled her eyes.

Mom: “ Your father co owned the hospital that both of you now own with
Thoba so I knew him because we would have business dinners and
lunches together. We would meet in places”

Steph: “ Oh my I didn’t know” mom smiled and turned to look at me with a

raised brow.

Me: “ Why you gotta be like that mom?” she continued to look at me until
I cleared my throat.

Me: “ Yesterday morning I went to work leaving Steph home when…”

Mom: “ Sanele you cannot be staying with her at your place. Its totally
disrespectful, especially to her parents. You haven’t even given them a
cent for ilobola but you are living together”

Steph: “ We don’t live together mah, I was there for the weekend and I
hurt my ankle. I couldn’t go to work so Sanele went in and left me
sleeping.” I nodded.

Me: “ Right mama wama Lobola; as I was saying before you interrupted
me. Sihle went to my place, I don’t know but she found Steph there and
threw her out” she nodded and turned to look at her.

Mom: “ Tell me about your relationship with Sihle maEvans” I chuckled.

Steph: “Mom can to work for my dad when she turned 18 as a maid. She
was separated from her parents when she was 2 or 3. She was raised by
her grandfather. Her parents came back when she was already working
for dad, her parents that is and then her sister also came to look for her.
Aunt Sne was adopted by the Zulus so when they came, the adoptive
family considered mom as their own.” Mom laughed.

Mom: “ That’s it? Sihle is being a bitch for all this?” she sighed and shake
her head.
Mom: “ I will fix it. Sanele can we talk for a few minutes please” she stood
up and excused herself. I stood up and kissed Steph before following her
upstairs to the study. I found her seated on the couch. She pat the seat
next to her, I went and sat next to her.

Mom: “ How are you baby?” this woman knows me through and through.

Me: “ I’m okay mom. I won’t lie and say that it has been easy but mom,
Steph has made me a whole lot better. I love her mom; she makes me so
happy. I wanna marry her and have kids” she laughed.
Mom: “ The kid is coming sooner than marriage” my eyes shot up.

Me: “ What do you mean?” I was shocked because Steph has an implant.
Mom: “You keep sexing her like you do and the baby will come” I
breathed out loud, I am so not ready for a baby.

Me: “ I thought that she was pregnant and that would have been
Mom: “ Is it?” I frowned.
Me: “ What are you trying to say?”

Mom: “ Did you check if she is related to Caleb Evans?” I nodded.

Me: “ I checked and there is nothing. She doesn’t seem related but mom
even if she was, she had nothing to do with dad being killed.”

Mom: “ I know and if there ever is a link, we keep her out of it but I have a
feeling Sihle might know something”
Me: “ Why do you say that?”

Mom: “ Bheki was trained by a Caleb Evans, probably why she doesn’t
want you and Steph. She knows that there might be a link” I laughed.
Me: “ You watch too much TV mom. Let me go join others” I kissed her
cheek and walked out chuckling. Mom actually thinks Sihle knows
something about dad’s death or does she?

Insert 23

When Sanele came back he seemed a bit off after talking to his mother.
He was no longer in the conversation and i let him be. I had a really good
time with his family, Miss K packed some food for us and saw us out.

On the drive home it was filled with silence and i wasn’t going to ask him
again what’s troubling him because he told me he was fine.

Sanele: “ Do you need anything?” he asked as he was filling up the tank

and i shook my head no. He nodded and got out of the car. I received a
call from miss K.
Me: “ Miss K, is everything okay?”

Miss K: “ Yes honey but i need you to stay with Sanele tonight. Don’t
leave him alone” that alarmed me that something was really wrong.

Me: “ Why? What happened?” my heart raced.

Miss K: “ He will tell you when he is ready but for now just stay and don’t
leave” i sighed.

Me: “ Okay, i will try” Sanele emerged with a plastic bag.

Miss K: “ Thank you baby” she hung up, Sanele got in the car and placed
the plastic on my lap. He sighed.

Sanele: “ I need you with me. Don’t leave me okay?” his eyes glistening
with tears, it was the very first time.

Me: “ I’m not leaving you, ever babe” he nodded and sniffed.

Me: “ You want me to drive?” he shook his head and smiled.

Sanele: “ I love you baby” he kissed the back of my hand.

Me: “ I love you too my love” he started the car and drive away. Our
hands were joined together all the way home.

We finally arrived home and he came to open the door for me. He pulled
me out, pulled me in his arms. We stood like that for a long time. We
finally pulled away and he kissed me senseless. I was on my toes and he
was giving me real good. We pulled away and walked inside the house.
I went straight to the shower, its been a long day because we ended up
playing volleyball at Sanele’s home. I finished the shower and found him
barking orders on the phone. As soon as he saw me, he ended the call.

Sanele: “ You okay?” i nodded and he came to me. He took off my towel
and looked at my body he was really looking at me i blushed. He
chuckled and put back my towel. He spanked me and walked out of the
bedroom laughing because i screamed.

I got dressed in my white thong and his black shirt. I needed to get some
work done. I have been away for long and i had to look at patients notes.
I went to the lounge and Sanele was seated with this guy, i immediately
turned away because i didn’t button the shirt. I went back to his bedroom
but opened the door leading to the balcony.

I sat down and started working. I got lost in my work that I lost track of
time. Sanele came out rubbing his eyes. .

Sanele: “ Come to bed please. You’ve been out here the whole night” I
looked at the clock and it was close to 00h23. I was shocked.

Me: “ I am so sorry, I lost track of time.” He nodded and yawned. He held

out his hand to me and I took it. I gathered my things with my other hand,
he was also pulling me inside. Took off his shorts and was left naked. He
also took off the shirt and thong that I was wearing and pulled me to bed.
We cuddled and slept.

I woke up with him on top of me, I was about to ask what he was doing
and he entered me. We had a very long morning glory that we left for
work late. We were using 1 car. He drove us to work and we both hurried
out. He walked me to my office.
Sanele: “ Come by me for lunch.” He kissed me then walked away. I went
inside my office with a huge smile on my face. I got there and Hlengi was
already seated on her desk. She is standing in for my assistant who has
gone to maternity leave.

Me: “ Morning Hlengi, how are you?” she stood and came to hug me.

Hlengi: “ Hey Doc, how are you feeling? Dr Mngomezulu told me that you
hurt your knee on Sunday. The stand DR haibo sisi” she put both her
hands on her head and I laughed.

Me: “ That is his best friend. Any messages for me Hlengs?” she rushed
to her desk.

Hlengi: “ Your father said to tell you that he is going to be seeing his old
patients so you have 3 patients in 1 ward today. The 2 for consultations” I

Me: “ Dad rocks. Can I get a pot of tea?” I bounced to my office because I
didn’t have a busy day. Hlengi bought my tea and the 1st patient came.
She came for her results about her pregnancy and she was indeed
pregnant. The 2nd one was about the blood culture. I finished all those
patients and walked to the wards. I got to the 2nd floor and walked in
after the nurses buzzed me in.

As soon as I got in the nurse’s station I started dancing. I always dance

when I see the staff. Especially the matron since she couldn’t dance.

Matron: “ It’s been a while Dr E. Your father was here.” I nodded going
over the notes she gave me.

Me: “ He is seeing his old patients so he did me a favour. Let me get

going I have a lunch date”
Matron: “ Hmmmm” I giggled and went to check on my patients. The
diabetic lady, her blood pressure was high and her sugar was sky high.

Me: “ mah, what did you eat last night?” she just giggled and hid her face
with her wrinkled hands.

Sick lady: “ I had yoghurt, I was so hungry” she giggled again and I

Me: “ Mah you are not going home, your blood pressure and sugar levels
are really high. I will get a drip on you to flush out the sugar but the
nurses will take your sweet things your children bought.”

Sick lady: “ But I get hungry” I smiled.

Me: “ I will tell the nurses to bring you food. I will ask the kitchen people
to make you lots of meals for us to store here but it’ll be food that will be
filling yet it won’t raise your pressure okay?” she nodded.

I went back to the desk and wrote her notes that was on the foot of her
bed. The nurses were there and I prescribed a few meds for her and
went on to the next patient who had improved so I discharged her. The
other one was sleeping so I wrote her a note “ I was here, I will come
check on you later. Dr S. Evans”

After I finished my rounds and went to put on the system and checked
results for other patients. I called Dr Cele for the patient that was
sleeping. She has a headache so Dr Cele is a neurologist.

I went back to my office and worked through a few files before going to
Sanele’s office.. I took my bag and headed over there. Bitchy assistant
was seated on her desk with 2 patients out front. One of the patient’s
face was sweaty and swollen. I got to her desk and asked where Sanele

Her: “ He is in a meeting and will be back in 20 minutes.” She popped

gum and I was taken aback. I turned to the patient and she looked like
she was about to pass out. I took her hand and led her to one of the
consultation rooms. Miss thang followed me.

Her:” What the hell are you doing? Sanele will kill you if he heard that…”

Me: “ Oh fuck you. Can’t you see that there is something wrong with

I turned to the lady and tore her t-shirt. Her whole body was turning
green, her tongue swollen and her eyes were starting to close.

Me: “ What did you eat?” I shouted trying to locate the adrenaline shot.

Lady: “ I had fish. Iodine. I am allergic to iodine” fuck!

I gave her the shot and put on gloves. Sanele got in as I was looking for a
line. He mixed some meds. When the line was running he injected the
mixture to the line and flushed with water so that it won’t sting. She finally
calmed down and fell asleep. Sanele breathed out loud.

Sanele: “ You saved the day” I rolled my eyes discarding the gloves.

Me: “ She could have died had. Your assistant didn’t even check what
was wrong with her.” He raised a brow and walked out. I followed him
and he went right to her desk.
Sanele: “ Kwanda, how could you be so careless? The minute she
walked in you should have called me”
Kwanda: “ But Baby you were busy” she pouted.

Me: “ Baby?” Sanele just chuckled.

Sanele: “ I am nothing but your boss. Just because we fucked it doesn’t

make us friends. Wena nje just be a good girl and do your job or I will find
someone who will do it for you.” He took my hand and walked towards his
office after telling her to call one of the wards to come fetch the lady as
he was admitting her.

Me: “ Your bitches” he shook his head.

Sanele: “ Please don’t start” he went all the way around and sat on his
desk. He put me on top of his lap.

Me: “ Long morning?” he nodded rubbing his eyes.

Sanele: “ Lunch is on the way. I am hungry. After lunch I plan on sexing

you on the couch” I turned and looked at it. It looked accommodating. I
giggled and he winked. Our lunch arrived and we ate with me on his lap.
In the middle of us eating someone knocked.

Sanele: “ Come in” his one hand was on my stomach. Sihle walked in.

Sanele: “ Fuck no!” she chuckled and walked in. What the hell does she

Insert 24
When Sihle walked in my office, the Hard on I had just deflated. Steph
tensed on top of me and she tried to move away but I tightened my grip
around her waist. Sihle walked around the office before turning to look at

Me: “ Yazi uyaywisa induku Sihle” she chuckled shaking her head.

Sihle: “ Aren’t you going to offer me a seat?” she asked with a raised
brow looking straight at Steph.

Me: “ I would offer you the couch but I just made love to my woman on it.”
Her face changed and Steph shifted.

Steph: “ Sanele…” she whispered but I pinched her a little and a giggle
escaped before she could stop herself.

Sihle: “ You need to stop this, what you’re doing is not healthy. Even dad
doesn’t agree”

Me: “ It’s good because he is not my dad, mine is dead. He was killed”
her face heated and she cleared her throat. That is what I have been
looking for, her reaction showed me that she knew something about
dad’s death.

Sihle: “ I am sorry about your father, he was my uncle and…” she was
starting to piss me off.

Me: “ Tseg man Sihle! What the fuck do you want?” Steph jumped
because I shouted.

Sihle: “If you don’t end this relationship, I will make sure you are not

Me: “ You want me to tell her all about you? What kind of person you
are? You want me to tell you what kind of a cold hearted bitch you are”
Steph gasped.

Steph: “ Sanele please” she stood up and looked at me with eyes filled
with fury. I chuckled.

Me: “ Go seat on the couch babe, I will handle this”

Sihle: “ You are letting him dictate to you so early in the relationship?” she
smirked. I looked at Steph and she went to sit. Sihle’s face turned sour. I
went around my desk and leaned on it with my hands in my pockets.

Me: “ What do you want?” she fixed herself.

Sihle: “ Your relationship is going to destroy lives. Please..” she is such

an actress.

Me: “ Please leave. I do not want to fight you in front of my woman. She
respects you so I would rather not call you any more names. She is not
used to this. So please leave and call me when you’re ready to tell me
the truth” she was taken aback, shock written all over her face.

Sihle: “ I don’t know what you’re talking about” I chuckled and nodded.

Me: “ Get out Sihle” she was starting to annoy me.. she turned to look at

Sihle: “ Stephaney, if I ever meant something to you, you will end this and
come with me” I turned and looked at Steph but she just shook her head
no. I breathed out loud. Sihle just shook her head and walked out. I
looked at Steph and she was playing with her hands. I cleared my throat
and she looked at me.

Me: “ Come here” she stood up and walked slowly to me. Like a kid that’s
about to be scolded. She stood in front of me.

Me: “ Closer” she came and stood in between my legs. I pulled her to me.
I lifted up her chin.

Me: “ I need you to be tough, things are about to get hard and I need to
know that you are with me all the way” she shrugged her shoulders.

Steph: “ I am here, with you. Aren’t i?” she said it with attitude.

Me: “ No one is forcing you to be here Stephaney, I love you but I am not
going to have a fight with you every time Sihle comes around. If you want
to be on her side go ahead.” She huffed.

Steph: “ Why are you guysfighting? Sanele I have known her since I was
very young. I met you and I fell deep and hard for you. I am not letting
you go Sanele. It doesn’t feel less painful that I had to choose you over
her.” Tears fell down her face and I wiped them before pulling her in my

Me: “ I understand baby, I really understand and I am sorry. You are the
one hurting the most and I was being selfish”

Steph: “ Very selfish” she said against my chest and chuckled.

Me: “ You wanna go home?” she shook her head no.

Steph: “ Thought we would christen the couch unless you did it here with
your baby there in the front desk” I frowned.

Me: “ Don’t be crazy. I will never disrespect my work space like that.” She
stepped back and started unbuttoning my shirt.

Steph: “ Well won’t it be disrespect if you…” I didn’t let her finish. I kissed
and pulled her in my arms. I lifted her up and walked to the door to lock it.
I walked to the couch with Steph still in my arms and took off our clothes.

I tried to make it as quiet as possible but Steph was screaming and

moaning loudly. We wee catching our breath when she spoke.

Steph: “ I am hungry and sleepy” I looked at her underneath me. I got off
her and she winced. I kissed her stomach and went to the bathroom. I got
a towel and went to wipe her. I pulled her up.

Me: “ Let’s go freshen up and I will feed you.” She groaned because she
was starting to fall asleep.

Steph: “ Nooo Sanele. You go get food and I will sleep.” We went to
freshen up, much to her disappointment. We got dressed and headed out
the office but I stopped by Kwanda’s desk.

Me: “ Nokwanda” she lifted up her head and looked at Steph in a cheeky

Me: “ I am your boss, this is my woman. We slept together twice that

doesn’t make us friends nor does it make you my girlfriend I am still your
boss. If you can’t be professional I suggest you quit”
Kwanda: “ No non no Sir. I am sorry Dr Evans, it won’t happen again. I
will be professional Dr Mngomezulu, please don’t fire me” tears were
glistening in her eyes. Steph squeezed my hand and shook her head.

Steph: “ It’s okay. Just don’t do it again” she nodded and we left. She
gave me a look on the car.

Me: “ What?” she rolled her eyes. She got in the car and I drove us
straight to my apartment. We were going to cook while I talk to her.

Steph: “ Sanele you should have told me that we were going back home,
I would have went and seen my last patient before we go” I smiled.

Me: “ Your dad said I can whisk you away. He wanted to talk to Sihle as
well” I said taking off my shirt. I also took off my pants and out on jeans. I
walked out of the bedroom with her following me.

Steph: “ How do you know that?” she was buy taking off her clothes 1 by

Me: “ Me and your daddy talk. I wanted to talk to you about something
important” she nodded and walked out. She came back a few minutes
later in my t-shirt and she smelled fresh. Quick shower she loves water
this one.

Steph: “ What did you want to talk about?”

Me: “ How much do you know about Sihle and her father?” she shrugged
her shoulders.

Steph: “ Except that they look and seem shady. Also dad never wanted
us to stay at her house for too long plus they always fought. Why?”
Me: “ Keep an open mind okay? I think they know who or what happened
to my father. Why was he killed and your father & I think that your great
grandfather was part of it” she shook her head.

Steph: “ So you’re saying that your father was killed by people that were
hired by my family?”

Me: “ No. I am saying that my father was killed by Sihle, her father and
your great grandfather”

Insert 25

When Sanele said my aunt and grandfather may be behind his father’s
death my whole body froze, I didn’t want to believe it. I know my aunt;
she would never hurt a fly.

Me: “That is impossible Sanele, aunt Sihle wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

Sanele: “You should ask your dad, he also agrees with me” I got away
from him and went to sit on the chair.

Me: “Why would they kill your father Sanele?” he shook his head.

Sanele: “I also don’t know but I intend to find out” I breathed out loud.

Me: “This doesn’t make sense” he chuckled.

Sanele: “You’re saying that I am lying” my eyes widened. I shook my


Me: “I would never think that but I need to go see dad Sanele. I have to
go confirm it with him” he chuckled and switched of the stove. I rushed to
him and stood in front of him.

Me: “I believe you, ever since we got together you have been truthful and
I know that you wouldn’t lie about something so serious” he sighed and
pulled me in his arms. My favourite place to be.

Sanele: “We can go see you dad so that he can confirm it, okay?” I
nodded and he kissed my forehead, he cupped my face and made me
look at him.

Sanele: “I know that this is hard on you but it is much harder on me

because I want to know why would they do what they did. Why did they
kill my father?” He sounded angry and an angry Sanele usually needs air.

Me: “Let us go see my dad, he will know what to do” I went to the
bedroom to change. He followed behind and put on a t-shirt with olive
sneakers. I wore jeans, pink sneakers and a grey t-shirt. He took my
hand and led us outside.

He got in his Vrr pha. It was the first time I ever saw him drive it. Its royal
blue with black leather seats and the seats are personalised as “Masah” I
looked at him and he winked putting on his shades.

Sanele: “Buckle up” he reversed and when the gate opened he drove out
in speed I nearly peed on my pants. He looked at me and chuckled
before he lowered the speed. He then drove at a medium speed. On the
way home we were listening to some music, Immortal Technique to be
precise and he was really enjoying it but I decided to surprise him with
the lyrics at the end of the song.
‘So when the devil wants to dance with you; you better say never
because the dance with the devil might last you forever” he looked at me
shocked and I just winked.

Sanele: “You know technique?” I nodded.

Me: “Yep, it’s mom’s favourite underground rapper” he nodded. We finally

arrived home and it looked like dad was home because his car was
parked up front. He parked behind his car and came to open for me. All
this time I was a nervous wreck.

Sanele: “I do not know how I feel about this but if talking to your dad
confirms everything then I am sorry baby but things are going to get
worse from here onwards” I nodded because I knew that he meant it and
I knew that I had to accept that our family will never be the same.

He took my hand and we walked inside, I was about to shout for mom
when dad appeared. He looked at our joined hands and frowned. Sanele
quickly let go and wiped his hands. Dad just chuckled and shook his

Dad: “The Royal Highness Sir Mngomezulu”

Sanele: “You see now? I will get you for this trust me.” they then laughed
and fist bumped. I frowned and dad dismissed me.
Dad: “Come this way” He turned and asked Sanele to join him, I was
about to follow them.

Dad: “Where are you going Stephaney Evans?” I looked at Sanele

hoping he would come to my rescue but he had an amused look on his
Me: “I though you guy might want me to sit in and..”

Dad: “and what? Take notes Miss Secretary? Well sorry princess but we
will call if and when we need you” I looked at Sanele and he shrugged. I
opened my arms for him to hug me and he came.

Me: “I was going to give you a blow job on our way home and let you fuck
me at the balcony outside with everybody watching but I will not do that
anymore. You don’t deserve my warm tight pussy” I let go of him and he
groaned. Dad was long gone so he tried to pull me back but I stepped

Sanele: “Come on baby what was I supposed to do?” it was my turn now
to shrug my shoulder. I did that and I turned around shaking my ass. I
heard him mutter a “Fuck” I giggled and made way to my parent’s

I found mom seated on the floor, sweating and doing some breathing
exercises. I rushed over to her and she had her eyes closed.

Me: “Mom; are you okay?” she just breathed in and out ignoring me.

Mom: “I think that the baby is ready to come but don’t tell your father yet.
Give me 30 minutes and you wil…aaaaawww” she screamed holding on
to her stomach. I stood up and ran towards the door. I stood by the stairs
and shouted for dad.

They appeared in seconds and they both looked alarmed.

Me: “The baby is coming” they both ran up the stairs. I ran to mom and
she was now standing with a water puddle on her feet. Her water broke.
Dad and Sanele got in seconds later and they both froze at the sight of

Mom: “for fuck’s sake, there are 3 doctors in the room and all 3 of you are
standing there looking at me. Do you want me to pop this baby here, on
the floor, now?’’ that is when we started to panic. Dad went to get the
bags while Sanele ran to get the car around. Dad tossed me the bags
and we rushed out with his carrying mom.

We ran down the stairs and out the door.

Dad: : You have got to be kidding me, you want us to take her to the
hospital with this beauty?” dad was totally drooling over the vrrrr Paaa.
Sanele just beamed and mom screamed. We all hurried to the car, I took
the front seat and dad placed mom in the back and entered as well.

Sanele drove out in speed but he was careful that it was not too much.
We got to Umhlanga hospital in no time. They took mom quickly and dad
also went with them.

Sanele: “Don’t you like want to join them?” I shook my head no and we
went to find seats.

Me: “What did you and dad talk about?”

Sanele: “we hadn’t even started yet when you called your dad but I am
guessing that whatever it is that he wants to tell me is very dangerous
because he first checked for any cameras in his office and disabled the
mics” he sighed.

Me: “Sanele I am scared of all this. This is getting more complicated and
all of you are my family but one thing is for sure, I will choose you over
everything Masah” he smiled revealing his dimples. He was just too
gorgeous but our moment was ruined when Sihle came running in with
aunt Sne. The got to us and greeted.

Sne: “Where is my sister?”

Me: “She left with that, I am sure they are in theatre” she nodded and
looked at our joined hands.

Sne: “Why are your hands joined like that?” trust Sanele to put on a
performance because he kissed the back of my hand.

Sanele: “We are together as in like boyfriend and girlfriend” aunt Sne just

Sne: “Are you happy Steph?” I nodded with a stupid smile on my face.

Sne: “I am happy for you” she giggled and clapped her hands.

Sihle: “They are family, stop condoning it” Sne turned and looked at her.

Sne: “They are not blood related so please just chill Sihle”

Sihle: “You need to stop this you guys, please I beg you. I will even kneel
if I have to, you guys need to break up” she even had tears rolling down
her face.

Sanele: “Why?” he shifted on his seat and looked up at Sihle. I squeezed

his hand.

Sihle: “Its for the best, before any more bloodshed. Plus Steph you need
to think about your child” I frowned and looked at her.
Me: “what child?”
Sihle: “The one that you are carrying” Sanele and I looked at each other;
we looked at aunt Sihle again and burst out laughing!

Insert 26
The very beginning

The moment I heard that my uncle was killed I just had that feeling that
dad had something to do with it because he seemed relaxed for someone
who just lost his brother in-law. Mom was devastated and I was
shattered. Uncle Busani was my favourite and I really loved him.

He was very cool for someone who just lost his brother in-law. The day of
the murder his disappeared and I followed him to the safe house. I found
him drinking his cognac and I just knew that he was celebrating

Me: “ You killed him didn’t you?” he looked at me then back to his glass.

Dad: “ It doesn’t matter now, its done” my heart broke. This is not my
father, this is not the man who raised me.

Me: “ How could you dad? Your wife’s brother dad?!” I cried and he
looked at me annoyed.

Dad: “ Would you rather have me dead? Huh? You rather it was me who
died and not him?”

Me: “ That’s not what I mean dad; i..” he held up his hand.

Dad: “ He is dead and you better not breath a word to your mom. If this
comes out Sihle I go down with you, your brother Langa and Caleb. It’s
him they want” I took a seat next to him.

Me: “ Why don’t you let them have him dad? Why don’t you let them take
him away?” he looked at me like I was crazy.

Dad: “ You sure are stupid for a lawyer my girl. If he gets arrested we all
go with him. I could have killed him but I don’t have his location so when
Busani started snooping around I had to kill him”

Me: “ You should have told him to leave, you could have given him a
chance but you just had to kill him” he threw the glass across the room.

Dad: “ I tried to get him to leave but he was adamant to getting us to jail.
He had to go my baby. I am sorry that you are hurt but I did it for us” I
shook my head no as tears fell on my face.

Me: “ Mom is devastated. You should have seen her dad and Aunt Londi
is losing her mind and you don’t even care”

Dad: “ I care! Why do you think I left? I can’t just sit there and watch them
go through the pain. It wasn’t supposed to go down like that but princess
it’s already done. Let it go, okay?” he stood up and headed out leaving
me in that cold house.

That night I lay in bed with my husband and I wouldn’t stop crying. Poor
guy was devastated because he didn’t know what happened.

Sbu: “ Talk to me sthandwa sami, what happened? Why won’t you tell
me?” my heart just ached.

Me: “ I am so sorry Sbu but after the funeral can we move back home. I
am tired of this place please?” I pleaded as tears rolled down my face.
He nodded.

Sbu: “ Anything for you my baby.” He pulled me in his arms and I found

The following days were hard on me; especially knowing who caused the
family so much pain. Sanele was a mess and umkhulu just wanted him to
marry some bitch.

The next few days I had people watch over Sanele and Nokwazi but the
problem with those people they report to me AND my father. They are too
loyal to him. This one evening I was at home, having dinner with my kids
when I received a call from dad. I excused my self from the table and
went to answer because he called me on my private line. I walked to the
study, locked the door and answered the phone.

Me: “ Hi dad” I tried to sound cheerful but things have been hectic for us.

Dad: “ What is this bullshit I hear about Sanele and Stephaney being in a
relationship?” I was taken aback because they are kids and their
relationship has nothing to with us.

Me: “ Haibo baba, it’s their lives and relationship. They are not even
blood related, if they want to be together I support them” he chuckled

Dad: “ You realise that if they get too close, our secret comes out?” I
rolled my eyes.

Me: “ Who is going to tell them? No one else knows dad so chill”
Dad: “ Caleb is already threatening to kill Sanele.” I groaned.

Me: “ Why don’t you deal with Caleb baba? I am tired of this old man
dictating to us. It’s tiring daddy. Leave the kids be”

Dad: “ He doesn’t want Sanele with his family. He wants nothing to do

with Busani’s family. He is not dictating but I am trying to keep Sanele
safe. Tomorrow you will go over and see to it that they break up” he hung
up and I sighed. This was more complicated than ever. Why did dad have
to kill uncle Busani.

I went to bed and woke up very early next morning since I had to travel
from the palace to Durban. I drove straight to Sanele’s place and when I
got there Steph was there. I had to scare her and I didn’t mean to hit her.
When I left after she ran away, I drove straight to dad and I cried.

Me: “ I hit her dad, she is hurting because of me. Let me talk to Caleb
please let me talk to him”

Dad: “ I didn’t raise you to be a pussy, I raised a warrior so stop acting

like a sissy” I cried harder.

Me: “ That’s the problem dad you raised a boy but I am a woman. Please
don’t do this. They are very happy. Just please let them be I beg you” he
then slapped me. He was very surprised that he did that.

Dad: “ Look at what you made me do; you will make sure they break up.
Understand?” I nodded.

The next few hours were hell, I went to see Kwazi and the kids but
Sanele ended up coming over. He was so angry, I have never seen him
so angry.
Like dad said, he raised a warrior. If I was another person I would have
peed on my pants but truth be told. When Sanele had that gun to my face
I kept praying that it goes off, that he actually does kill me so that there
will be peace but when it went off the second time without shooting I
realised that there wasn’t any bullets in the pistol.

He threw down the gun and I picked it up. I don’t even know why I started
firing but I did. That’s when he left but I had to talk to him. I followed him
outside and he thought I was attacking him so he slapped me. See I have
been slapped before but Sanele slapped me and I swear I saw stars.
This boy is so younger than me but he slapped me and he threatened to
kill and bury me where no one will find me.

I went back home but dad kept pushing. I was starting to get tired.

Me: “Do it yourself” I said one day as we were in his studies. He froze
and turned to look at me.

Dad: “ Excuse me?” he walked slowly towards me but I just didn’t care
anymore. Let him kill me if he must.

Me: “ I am done trying to ruin these kids lives and they hate me dad it
hurts so do it yourself” he chuckled and stepped away. He walked over to
his desk and made a call.

Dad: “ I want you to kill someone for me. He..” I ran over to him and took
his phone.

Me: “ I will try harder just don’t kill them. He is my brother dad don’t kill
him. I will do anything I beg you” I fell on my knees and I sobbed. He just
stood there and looked at me. I wailed and he didn’t care. Who was this
I went home and I slept. I was woken up by a phone call, it was aunt

Me: “ Hi Aunt Londi” she scoffed.

Miss K: “ I know what you have been up to, meddling in Stephaney and
Sanele’s business. If anything happens to my grandchild Sihle I will kill
you with my bare hands” I felt air leave my body.

Me: “ Grandchild?” I whispered and she sighed.

Miss K: “ She doesn’t know it yet but she is pregnant and she doesn’t
need the stress. Leave them alone. I have warned you” she hung up. I
blew out air. I was in deep shit so I went to see Sanele at the hospital to
beg him again but I found her with Steph. I was becoming a nuisance I
also felt it. I spoke to Thoba and told him EVERYTHING. I was tired
really. He said he will talk to his grandfather.

On the way to the hospital with Sne I got a call from Caleb.

Me: “ Yes?”

Caleb: “ I see you failed to destroy my granddaughter’s relationship with

that bastard.”

Me: “ That bastard is my brother” he laughed, a very evil laugh.

Caleb: “ Back off..tell your brother to back off or I will make him back off
permanently” he hung up afterwards.
We got to the hospital and they were both seated holding hands.

Me: “ You guys need to break up before any more blood is shed. Steph
you have to think about your child”

Steph: “What child?”

Me: “ The child that you are carrying?” they looked at me as if I am crazy
and then they both laughed. Sanele laughed until he had tears in his

Sanele: “ You’ve got jokes; try something else”

Me: “ I know who killed your father, I need your help Sanele. Please” I
knelt in front of him and I cried. I looked up and he gave me the blank
expression while Steph was crying.

Sanele: “ Who was it?” he asked in a low tone. I continued to cry and he

Sanele: “ WHO THE FUCK WAS IT?” I was startled and so was Sne. I
was about to tell him the truth when Thoba appeared.

Thoba: “ My grandfather, my grandfather killed your father Sanele”

Insert 27

I could feel myself going crazy, I didn’t want anyone to touch me. I just
wanted my father’s killer and I wanted him dead. The fact that it’s
Thoba’s grandfather makes it worse. I just wanted to find and kill him.
We were seated outside the ward, Aphiwe had given birth and she gave
birth to a boy and girl. I could see the excitement in everyone’s faces. My
heart wasn’t even in it but I had to be here for Stephaney.

Aah my poor baby; she has been through so much and now with this
“pregnancy” I was even more scared to lose her because I can’t imagine
my life without her in it.

Sihle: “ I am sorry Sanele but I had to keep you away from each other
because Caleb threatened to kill you. I have tried everything in my power
to make it all go away but he insists you guys break up” Thoba groaned
and he took out his phone. He made a phone call.

Man: “ Caleb” he sounded so English. We kept quiet and listened.

Thoba: “ Granddad; i am with the son of the man you killed. You are on
speaker” he laughed. Like really laughed very hard.

T’s granddad: “ Oh son, you are brave. I am guessing that Bheki’s bitch
told you that i had him killed” Sihle’s face changed.

Sihle: “ I am nobody’s bitch you old asshole” she hissed.

T’s granddad: “ Son listen; i don’t know why you called me with all those
people there but Stephaney and that dog cannot be together. I will not let
my great granddaughter marry that low life” Thoba got angry and banged
the table.

Thoba: “ Listen Grandfather. You will leave these children alone if not you
will never see us again” he chuckled bitterly.
Me: “ Hello Mr Evans, it’s Sanele here. Who did you send to kill my

Caleb: “ Aah you have grown balls, you think you can just talk to me.” I
grinded on my teeth and Steph rubbed my hand. I looked at her and i felt
my heart squeeze. Damn it i love her.

Me: “ I don’t give a shit who you are, you had my father killed and i am
coming for you”

Caleb: “ I am the world’s most wanted criminal. They have been looking
for me for years but non of the found me. What makes you think YOU
can find me boy?”

Me: “ My father was close to finding you, infact he knew all about you and
your shady deals. He trusted the wrong people and he winded up dead.
Me; i know you now and i am sure i am going to find you sleep with one
eyes open because if you don’t i will kill you in your sleep”

He hung up after i said that. I was so angry at Sihle.

Me: “ Who killed my father Sihle?” she started to shake. I stood up and
walked towards her. She started to cry.

Sihle: “ Caleb killed him. I don’t know who the actual killer is” i shook my
head and looked at her.

Me: “ I need some air but when i come back you better have an answer
for me. Mr Evans can i borrow your phone?” he looked at his iPhone and
turned it over. He gave me a “ what do you want with it” look.

Me: “ I want to trace the call” he shook his head smiling.

Thoba: “ He is long gone”

Me: “ I will find him. Trust me.” He gave me his phone, i thanked him and
walked out. Steph was right behind me.

Me: “ Where are you going?” i asked marching out the hospital.

Steph: “ I am coming with you, wherever you’re going” i chuckled.

Me: “ It’s not safe where i am going plus we need to do the test to check
if you’re really pregnant” we approached the car and i opened the door
for her before closing it.

Steph: “ Please stop with that Sihle crazy talk plus i have an implant” i
smiled and drove out the hospital.

Me: “ Hmmmm” i continued driving and she turned on the seat.

Steph: “ What? Say what you want to say Sanele”

Me: “When did you had the implant installed?”

Steph: “ 5 years ago” we stopped for the robot. I looked her and she was

Me: “ How long was it for?” and the reacting on her face said it all. She
might be pregnant.

Steph: “ How can we be so careless?” she punched my arm causing me

to laugh.
Me: “We haven’t done the test yet babe. Relax.” I laughed louder when
she screamed.

Steph: “ I can’t be a mom Sanele. I just can’t” her voice quivered so I had
to park on the side if the road.

Me: “ Whatever the results may be; we will be okay. You have so much
love to give baby, you are going to be a great mom my love” she just
cried. I pulled her in my arms. I kept rubbing her back as she cried.

Steph: “ I am scared. What if I lose her like I lost LweNkosi.” Her cries
tore me.

Me: “ Hey look at me. You are in a good place now and nothing or no one
is going to hurt you. I love you and I will protect you no matter what. I
promise okay?” she nodded.

Steph: “ I am hungry now” I chuckled and helped her get to her seat.

Me: “You want meat?” she nodded hiding her face and I laughed. I
started the car and drove to the nearest place where I can buy her food.

The minute she saw ribs she went crazy. She was looking at the ones
that a couple next to us was eating.

Steph: “ I cannot wait any longer. I need to succulent ribs in my mouth”

she whined and I chuckled.

Me: “ And you say you’re not pregnant?” she gave me a look and I
We waited for our order and when it came she ate. I smiled because she
looked so adorable. We ate over light conversation. After we were done
we left.

I drove to RoseHill and the house was as beautiful as before if not more. I
parked by the gate and looked at the camera. Sleazy mother f#*@r. I
waited for the gate to open. I drove up the driveway and it was like
peeling off layers of greatness. The house was awesome.

Steph: “ Who Lives here?” she was in awe as I was.

Me: “ A friend.” I parked and he was already standing outside carrying a

baby girl.

Steph: “ Who is that?” she pointed at him and I chuckled. Completely

understandable. He looked very intimidating.

Me: “ That is the friend. Come, let’s go” I opened the door and went
around to open for her. I took her hand and walked up.

Him: “ Your Royal Highness” he bowed and I pushed him.

Me: “ Don’t be an…” he pointed at his daughter and I sighed.

Him: “ To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” he smiled looking at

the very nervous Steph.

Me: “ I need your help man. I need help locating the guy that killed my
father” he frowned.

Him: “ Come in” we followed him inside and he led us to the lounge. His
wife appeared as soon as we sat.
Her: “ Oh hello. I didn’t know we had visitors. Sanele how are you? I am
so sorry you lost your father” I nodded.

Me: “ I’m okay. Thank you for that. It hit us hard but we’re getting there.”

Her: “ Who is this beautiful lady you have here” Steph blushed.

Me: “ oh Sorry. This is my girlfriend Stephaney Evans. Babe, this is Sazi

Ngonyama and his wife Zekhethelo Ngonyama”

Insert 28

After aunt Sihle confessed that my great grandfather killed Sanele’s dad
he was so angry. Even dad said he killed him. We left the hospital. I didn’t
even know where we were going but i followed him because that is what i
will do; i will follow him till the very end.

We ended up going to Rosehill, to his friend’s place. Can i just say that i
have seen houses but that house takes the cake. The security and the
way it was built. You could see that it was recently renovated it was
awesome. We went inside and Sanele introduced me to Mr and Mrs

Zekhethelo: “ Stephaney Evans as in Aphiwe and Thoba Evans

daughter?” i was shocked that she knew my parents.

Me: “ Yes, you know my parents” she nodded her head with her lips
tightened. You could see that she wasn’t pleased.
Me: “ If my being here in a problem i can go outside and wait in the car”
her eyes widened in question. I am sure that i saw she wasn’t pleased.
Her husband looked at her and shook his head.

Zekhethelo: “ I am sorry. I didn’t mean to come across as unwelcoming. I

apologise” i nodded and Sanele shot me a look, i rolled my eyes.

Me: “ It’s all good Mrs Ngonyama”

Zekhetheko: “ Please, call me Zekhethelo or Zee” i nodded.

Sazi: “ And you can call me bhut Sazi or Malume” everyone laughed.

Me: “ Why must there be a title before your name?” he chuckled.

Sazi: “ I am older than you so you will address me as Bhuti, okay?” i

nodded my head and he winked.

Sanele: “ Stop scaring my woman Ngonyama”

Zee: “ Can i get you anything to eat or drink?” Sanele looked at me and i

Me: “ I would love something to eat and drink” Sanele just smiled.

Zee: “ Come with me then” she held out her hand and i followed her.

We went to the kitchen and she dished up mac and cheese for me. It
looked so scrumptious i immediately dug in. I kept groaning and she
Zee: “ Must have been hungry hmm?” i nodded.

Me: “ I don’t know why because i ate not so long ago” she looked at me
and smiled.

Zee: “ I am sorry about earlier. Its just that your parents and I; its a painful
story but now that you guys are here; we are going to fix it.”

Me: “ Fix it how?” i asked drinking juice. She sat down on the chair next
to me and held my hand.

Zee: “ If Sanele really wants Caleb then he will make sure that he kills
him. If and when he really wants him; he will find him” i frowned.

Me: “ How?” i finished eating and pushed my plate.

Zee: “ I was molested by my grandfather. He took away my twin brother

and made me believe that he was dead. He suppressed/wiped my
memory so that i wouldn’t hate him. So when he came back 10 years
later; my father told me that he had killed my aunt because she left with
her husband. They were always on the run because....”

Me: “ They had files that could bring down a whole lot of people all over
the world. Wait; i know that story. My mom told me a similar story and
that she can’t meet with her aunt because my great grandfather wouldn’t
allow it because...”

Zee: “ We would uncover the truth about him and that your father will
finally know him for who he really is. So when my grandfather came back
things started to change. He tried to have me kidnapped but he didn’t
succeed so he kidnapped my new born babies instead. I had enough and
followed him to the airport and killed him” i gasped.
Me: “ How did you find him?”

Zee: “ Sazi managed to trace his phone in 10 seconds and my brother

already injected them with micro tracking chips and i have a feeling that
you will need them” i was taken aback.

Me: “ Why me?”

Sanele: “Judging by your healthy appetite i really think you are pregnant
baby. I need those Chips in your body so that i will be able to find you” i
turned to look at him because last time they were in the other room; he
got in with Sazi.

Sazi: “ Knowing Caleb he will have some disablers but these chips work
even in places where there are highest signal jams because they flow
through your blood” Sanele came and sat next to me. Sazi next to his

Sanele: “ It was too late for him to trace the phone so i think that his next
step would be to take you”

Me: “ Why would he take me? I don’t even know him” my eyes all round.

Sazi: “ Your father loves you very much but Sanele is a whole different
story so he will want to hurt Sanele. When he takes you, that is when we
will have him.”

Sanele: “ That is when i will kill him and everyone else that had a hand in
killing my father” my head was buzzing but there was something
Me: “ How come Zekhethelo’s story is the same as my mother’s story?”
Zee sighed.

Zee: “ That is because the woman that my grandfather killed; his

daughter was my aunt. My dad’s only sister.”

Me: “ Wait; that woman that MY mom was talking about was Nobuhle
Miller; her mom so that makes you my...” i looked at Zee and she had
tears in her eyes and i looked around.

Everyone: “ Aunt!” we all looked at each other and laughed.

Zee: “ You’re my niece and that is why Sazi said call him Malume.” He

Sazi: “ So we need to inject you with the chip and you go back to the

Me: “ What about aunt Sihle”

Zee: “ That one knows more than she is letting on but that’s okay.”
Sanele shook his head and groaned.

Sanele: “ Man can you sort her out, there is something that i need to take
care of” Sazi nodded.

Sazi: “ Come Mshana” i got off the chair and followed him to where he
was going. On the way we met with his son. He looked like he was in
high school or 1st year student.

Boy: “ Hey dad. Bye dad” he tries getting away but his father pulled his

Sazi: “ Don’t be rude. This is Stephaney your cousin. Say hi” he waved.

Me: “ Hi.”

Boy: “ Hi; I’m Emihle Ngonyama and i have to rush somewhere” Sazi was
still holding his arm.

Sazi: “ My kiss please” Emihle groaned and i chuckled.

Emihle: “ Really dad? Really?” Sazi just glared at him until Emihle kissed
him on the lips and hugged him.

Emihle: “ I love you dad”

Sazi: “ I love you son” they let go and He walked away.

Me: “ Wow; reminds me of me and my dad” i said following him to his


Sazi: “ I nearly lost him; i make sure that he knows that i love him and i
will always be there for him” i nodded.

Me: “ I also went through a traumatic experience”

Sazi: “ You came out strong. Okay; let’s put these chips in you. It’s
gonna sting for a few minutes but you’ll be fine afterwards okay?” i
nodded and he sat me down on the couch. He went to the fridge and took
out a box. He mixed this substance that sparkled in greyish. He swapped
on the arm and injected me. I nearly screamed because it stung like hell.
I kept scratching and he kept hitting my hand. It was so itchy i wanted to
cry but in a few minutes it went away like nothing happened.

Sazi: “ Stay there.” He sat behind his desk and typed before turning the
screen to me. I saw lots of white dots moving around.

Me: “ What’s that?” i got closer to him.

Sazi: “ Those are the chips in your body” i gasped. They looked very

Me: “ Wow. That looks awesome”

Sazi: “ They are still spreading around your body but as soon as they
settle they will run along with your blood”

Me: “ So that means that you will be able to find me anywhere in the
world?” he nodded and switched off his pc. We got out and he led me
back to the kitchen. As soon as Sanele saw me he stood up and came to
me. He kissed my forehead and he hugged me.

Sanele: “ You okay?” i nodded.

Me: “ Yes, i am tired now. I wanna sleep”

Sanele: “ Mr And Mrs Ngonyama; it’s always a pleasure” they walked us

Sazi: “ Take care of my niece wena sgebengu” they fist bumped and Zee
hugged me.

Zee: “ I will see you soon.” She kissed my cheek and let go. Sanele led
us to the car and i got in. As soon as he drove out i yawned.
Me: “ Where are we headed now?”

Sanele: “ To the hospital” he looked at me briefly before looking at the

road again.
Me: “ Oh yes, to see mom and the twins” he nodded.

Sanele: “ That as well but first we need to take a pregnancy test”

Me: “ A what?” i was shocked that he actually thinks that.

Sanele: “ A pregnancy test, to confirm to you that you are carrying our

Insert 29

The drive back to the hospital was filled with silence. Both of us lost in
our thoughts. I was thinking about what Zekhethelo said to me that if i
wanted Caleb i’d let lose of the security that i put on Steph. Yes; i have 2
cars following her around but in different lanes and routes. She doesn’t
know and she will never know. I am pulling out one car and leave just one
so that i can pull Caleb closer.

I had a feeling that Sihle knew more than she was letting on and i was
going to find out. We finally arrived in hospital. I switched the car off and
turned to Steph who seemed far away.

Me: “Baby?” she snapped out of it and looked at me with a faint smile.

Steph: “ Oh we’re here already. Let’s go in” she unfastened her seatbelt
but i locked the doors. She seemed troubled and i wasn’t going to let her
Me: “ What’s wrong? Talk to me” she shook her head and sighed.

Steph: “ What if i am really pregnant? What am i going to do Sanele?” i

frowned looking at her.

Me: “ What do you mean?” i held her hand and kissed it. I wanted her to
relax because her voice was shaky. She must have wanted to cry.

Steph: “ I mean that what if the damage caused by my accident prevents

the baby from growing and i lose her again?” her tears fell and i felt really
bad. I opened the door and went around to her side. I opened the door
and pulled her in my arms. She held on for dear life.

Me: “ I am here, everyone is here including your parents. I will do

everything in my power to keep both of you safe” she breathed out loud.

Steph: “ You sound so sure that there is a baby” she pulled out my t-shirt
from my pants. She ran her hands underneath my undershirt and i

Me: “ What are you doing? We are at a hospital parking babe; you
cannot turn me on like that please” she unfastened the 2 buttons on my t-
shirt and kissed my chest. I inhaled deeply.

Steph: “You sound so sure that there is a baby” she stood on her toes
and kissed my jaw.

Me: “ I already know that the baby is there. Just that you are the one who
is unsure” i spoke very fast because i was now very much turned on. I
pulled her to me and made her feel my erection and she gasped moving
Steph: “ Come; let’s go in. I want to see my siblings before doing test”
she started walking away but i pulled her back to my chest and she

Me: “ Where do you think you are going? You turn me on and leave me
like that?” she shook her head with that cute smile on her face.

Steph: “ I didn’t mean it” she hid her face on my chest and i felt it swell. I
think that my love for her grew stronger everyday and i doubt it was
possible for a person to love that much. I had to have next me or hear her
voice. When she is sad i am also sad because she is my heart. I pushed
her back and looked deep in her eyes. Her eyes told me what i always
wanted to hear or rather they showed me what i always wanted to see.

Me: “ I love you” i sank my fingers in her soft fluffy hair. I pulled her to me
and kissed her. I poured all my love into that kiss. I wanted her to take it
all in and feel that my love for her multiplies each second and that she
was the only woman who could ever be loved this deeply by me. We got
lost in the kiss that when we finally pulled back we looked at each other
and smiled. I hugged her again and it was bone crashing.

Steph: “ I love you so much more” she gave me a long baby kiss before
pulling away. I closed the door and locked the car. I fixed myself and we
walked inside. We went to look for Thoba and we found them in a
secluded ward with his wife and new born kids. Steph ran to her mom
and hugged her.

Thoba: “ Easy sweetheart. She is tired from the surgery” Steph just rolled
her eyes. He looked at me and i indicated with my head that i want to talk
to him outside. I walked out and sat on the couch that was right outside
the ward. He came minutes later and he had taken off his scrubs. He
came and sat next to me.
Thoba: “ Talk to me” he placed his elbows on his knees, hands on his
cheeks and looked at me.

Me: “ I went to see them. Why didn’t you tell me that Zekhethelo is her
aunt?” he breathed out loud and rubbed his face with both his hands.

Thoba: “ Its very complicated Sanele but i trust that you took care of
everything?” i nodded.

Me: “ I did but i am sceptical about this. As much as i want Caleb dead; i
have to think about her safety. How sure are you that when he has her he
won’t hurt her? I don’t want not even a single scratch on her body.” He
chuckled and looked at me.

Thoba: “ Man; you’ve got it bad. So bad” he sat back looking at me


Me: “ I really love your daughter. Ever heard of a “There is no me without

you?” yep. That is how i feel and that’s why i don’t like losing up the
security Mr Evans”

Thoba: “ I told you to call me Thoba or dad. Anyways; we need to let

Caleb think that he has won. Look; i don’t know what went down between
my grandfather and your father but if you feel like killing him will bring you
closure i won’t stand in your way. I just want you to be careful; Caleb has
been around for a while now” i nodded in agreement because as much
as i wanted Caleb; i also know that anything can happen as the man has
been at this for a long time.

Me: “ Well his time is up” he looked at me for a long time before standing
up. I also stood up and we shook hands.

Thoba: “ Be careful man. I don’t want my grandchild to grow up without a

father” my eyes widened and i choked. He laughed at me.

Me: “ How did you know?” he wouldn’t stop laughing at me.

Thoba: “ I am a Dr and i am also a father. Steph is not much of an eater

plus lately she eats things that she has never liked.” I nodded and looked

Me: “ I am sorry for disrespecting your home like that”

Thoba: “ Yeah well you have to do the right thing” i nodded.

Me: “ I will. I love your daughter and i will not play with her heart. I
promise” i really do love her and i plan on making her my wife.

Thoba: “ Okay then; i have to go back inside and speak to her mother but
you; you have to go and have that test done to put both your minds at
ease and also know what are you going to do from here” i nodded and he
gave me a pat on my back before walking back inside.

I sat on the couch yet again and thought things through. I wanted to see
Sihle and find out what else she is hiding but i also had to hide it from
Stephaney because she wants to go everywhere i go; even when its
dangerous. Steph came out and stood in front of me.

Steph: “ Come; let’s go” she held out her hand and made me stand. I
stood and pulled her in for a hug.

Me: “ It’s going to be okay. Whatever happens; always know that i am

here for you. You want to do a blood test or should we buy?” she shook
her head quickly.
Steph: “ No no; i have had enough of needles for the day” i chuckled and
we walked out of the hospital. I led her outside to the car and helped her
settle in. I drove a short distance to Gateway. Both of us got out and went
to Clicks to buy tests. We just took 2 clearblue tests and went to pay.

Me: “ Do you need anything else?” she shook her head no and blushed.

Steph: “ I would like some Marshmallows please” i smiled and went to get
them for her. I stood in the line again and paid. I found her standing
outside. I took her hand and we headed to the car. As soon as she got
inside the car she opened the pack of mallows and started eating.

The drive home was silent yet again. When i arrived i looked at her and
she was asleep with her hand inside the sweets. I smiled at woke her up.
She wiped her mouth and looked at me sheepishly.

Steph: “ Sorry i fell asleep” i nodded.

Me: “ It’s okay. You were tired” we got out the car; i locked and we
headed inside. She took the tests from the plastics and looked at me.

Steph: “ Please come with me” she seemed really nervous.

Me: “ Okay come.” I led her to the bathroom and she peed on the stick
after we read the instructions. She finished and washed her hands
before sitting on the toilet seat. Both of us were lost in our thoughts
waiting for the tests. 20 minutes passed but neither one of us made a
move to check on the results. We looked at each other until she took the
test and looked at it. She gasped and put a hand over her mouth. I
quickly stood up; took the test and looked at it. It was written “5 weeks”. I
felt very emotional. It must have been the first time we didn’t use
Me: “ I’m sorry” she was now crying. I placed the test aside and hugged

Steph: “I am scared Sanele” i wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

Me: “ I’m here baby. I’ll always be here. We are going to be parents
Stephaney” she cried harder. I held her to me and kept soothing her. I
scooped her in my arms and went to put her to bed. She had quietened
Steph: “ I am sorry for being such a cry baby”

Me: “ It’s okay. Are you happy?” i know that it’s too soon to ask but i just
wanted to see how long will it take for her to accept it. She breathed out

Steph: “ We are going to be parents. I love you” she turned her face and
looked at me. Her eyes red and puffy together with her nose.

Me: “ I love you too beautiful” and we kissed.

Insert 29

That night Sanele made love to me like he never had before. It was filled
with so much love and emotion. He was even crying. We made love and
cuddled afterwards. We sat in silence just listening to our heartbeats until
we fell asleep.

When i woke up he wasn’t next to me. I thought that it was morning but
when i looked at the clock it was 2h47 am. The balcony door was opened
so i put on his t-shirt and went to look for him. He was seated on a chair
with his legs wide open. He was dressed in his jeans only. When he felt
movement his head shot up and he looked at me. He smiled when he
saw me.

I walked to him and settled on his lap. I hid my face on his neck and
inhaled. He always smells amazing. His body was so cold indicating that
he had been out here for a while.

Me: “ You okay baby?” he put his hand under the t-shirt and placed in on
my tummy. He sighed before kissing my head countless times.

Sanele: “ I’m okay. I was just thinking about how to keep you and our
child safe. I am so scared Stephaney. I am very scared that something
might happen to you and that i will lose you” he tightened his grip around

Me: “What makes you say that?” I knew that it was this think with Caleb,
it was really bothering him.

Sanele: “Caleb is a very dangerous man and as much as he is your

family, he might take you from me just so that he can hurt me but just so
you know, Sihle knows more than she is letting on” thought I was the only
one who noticed.

Me: “Yep, she does seem a bit edgy like she is hiding something or
someone” he sighed and rubbed his chin.

Sanele: “That is why you have to be always safe because I no longer

know who to trust. I would probably die if something were to happen to
you and our baby” he sounded so stressed , I had to reassure him.

Me: “ Hey; we’re okay. I am sure you won’t let anything happen to me.
You can even add 3 more cars to the 2 that are already following me
around” he tensed and looked at me.
Sanele: “ How did you know about that?” i smiled.

Me: “ I was raised by a very quick and observant man. Its very easy to
pick up a tail plus your boys aren’t very discreet” he cursed and i giggled.

Sanele: “ I am going to fire their asses” i cupped his face making him look
at me.

Me: “ I have a quick eye so relax. I love you.” I kissed his lips.

Sanele: “ I love you too. Come; let’s go to bed” he got up with me in his
arms. He walked inside and placed me on top of the bed before he went
back to close the door. He came back, took off the t-shirt and joined me
in bed.

Sanele: “ I have a feeling that we are having a baby girl” i looked up at

him and he smiled down at me.
Me: “ What makes you think that?” i ran my hands down his chest.

Sanele: “ Don’t get me wrong baby but you get more beautiful everyday
AND you have this glow. I am not sure now because i treat you good.” I
laughed. This guy is full of himself.

Me: “ Its a natural glow. Has nothing to do with how you’re treating me” I
giggled when he raised a brow.

Sanele: “ Oh is that so?” he moved away from me and stood up. He got
out of bed and took off his boxers. I licked my lips and he just smiled.

Sanele: “ You love nice things” he wiggled his brows and i laughed.
Me: “ If by your dick you mean nice things then yes! Yes i love nice
things” I raised up my hands in the air and he chuckled and he settled in
between my legs. His hand travelled up my boobs and he gave them a
squeeze. I moaned closing my eyes, the hands were soon replaced by
his tongue curling around my very erect nipple.

Ever since I fell pregnant my senses have been 10 times alert and he
knows it. He touches me once and I am a goner. He moved up to my
jawline and planted soft kisses there; he then claimed my mouth in this
very sensual slow kiss that made me melt against him. Sanele took his
time when making love but I had a feeling that this time around he was
going to be extra slow.

He pulled away from the kiss and moved to my neck, leaving soft kisses
up until he got to my stomach. He paused there for a while until I opened
my eyes and looked at him. He was looking at my tummy with such
emotion and I knew right that moment that this baby was going to be so
much loved, spoiled and protected. He looked up to me and he smiled.

Sanele: “Our creation is in there. I cannot wait to meet her” I rubbed his
head feeling emotional. He smiled when he saw tears threatening to fall.

Sanele: “Thank you for making me the happiest man on earth and I
promise to be the best father and partner to you. I love you, I love you so
much” tears fell from my eyes and he moved down.

As soon as hos tongue made contact with my womanhood I tried to move

away but he held me down and he started digging deep in my walls.

It was so good that I didn’t know what to touch and what to feel first but
my body decided for me because I felt an orgasm approach but he just
moved away from my womanhood after giving me a long lick. I groaned, I
wanted to come but he decided to play games.
Sanele: “Patience is a virtue” I frowned and gave him a bored look
causing him to laugh. He moved up and settled in between my thighs. His
manhood was directly on my cookie so I started to rub but he wasn’t
moving at all.

Me: “ You cannot have me all hot and bothered for you to leave me
hanging. I need you inside me Mngomezulu, please” the idiot grinned.

Sanele: “I get to be called by my surname, I must turn you on more often

because it is something I don’t hear everyday” I tried putting him in but he
swatted my hand away.

Me: “The problem is you talk too much, I need you inside me…”

I didn’t even get to finish the sentence because he pushed deep inside
me in one go. I screamed and he swallowed my screams with a kiss. I
was moaning and scratching him but he just kept at a very slow but deep
pace. He was hitting all the corners I wanted to call his mom and
congratulate her for this wonderful guy who sexes me like crazy.

He was doing me good that we switched positions, I was on top and he

was at the bottom. He held me seat stead as he placed his hands on my
hips before helping me to move. Once I got the hang of it I started to
move on my own, my hands went to my boobs pinching my nipples.

His thumb went to my nub and started rubbing furiously but the pace was
still slow. He licked his lips, his eyes were half closed and I knew that he
was close but my orgasm came first and I collapsed on top of him

His manhood was still deep inside my cookie. He got me off him and
placed me aside. I just lay on my tummy but soon he pulled me to my
knees. I thought that he was going to penetrate but instead he started
eating me out again. His tongue going from my cookie to my other hole. It
was so good I couldn’t stop moaning.

He knelt and eased in again. It was so good that we came together right
after that. We fell asleep after that love making scene it was awesome.

I woke up the next morning and he was seated on the bed fully dressed, I
sat on my bum rubbing my eyes. I yawned and checked the time.

Sanele: “Morning my love” he leaned in to kiss me but I pulled up the

sheet and placed it on my mouth. He raised a brow.

Me: “Morning breath” he scoffed and pulled down the sheet. He pulled
my head and kissed me.

Sanele: “ I made you breakfast, I have to dash out for a few minutes but I
will be back shortly okay?” I nodded and rubbed my nose.

Me: “Where are you going?” he looked really nice but very casual for the

Sanele: “ I am going to get you your vitamins okay?” I nodded and he

stood up looking at me.

Sanele: “Do you need anything?” I shook my head because my mouth

was filled with food. He kissed my head and dashed out.

After he left I finished eating my breakfast before taking the dishes to the
kitchen. I went to make the bed and took a shower. I got dressed in my
mini short dress and long thigh high socks. I was just about to sit down
when there was a knock on the door. I went to open and there was this
old man on a wheelchair. Next to him was this beautiful lady and next to
her was a very large travelling bag. The old guy cleared his throat.

Old man: “Can we come in, do you mind?” the woman looked at me up
and down with so much attitude.

Me: “If I may ask who you are and who are you looking for?” he chuckled
and coughed.

Man: “Isn’t this Sanele’s house?” he was so intimidating I cleared my


Me: “Yes this is his house but I asked who you are?” my voice was now
stern and icy, my heart was beating fast but I wasn’t backing down.

Man: “I am Sanele’s grandfather and this is Noxolo, Sanele’s wife”

Sanele: “ The fuck she is” we all turned and looked at him. He had a
pharmacy paper bag but what I noticed more was his face, he looked
really angry. He stalked to us and cam to kiss my forehead. He turned
and looked at the guests.

Sanele: “Didn’t I tell you to never set foot in my house ever again
because I would kill you?” he barked and that is when I knew that trouble
was about to come.

Insert 30

When i got back home from the pharmacy i knew by the cars parked by
the gate that my grandfather was there but the scene that i found made
my blood boil because there was Noxolo and my grandfather harassing
my woman. I was so angry i wanted to kill someone. I walked over to
Steph and pulled her in my arms. I kissed her head and turned to ask
what is it they want.

Granddad: “ What is this girl doing here Sanele?” he shouted and i

chuckled and closed my eyes. I grinded my teeth and opened my eyes
again. I felt Steph tense and i kissed her head.

Me: “ I am not even going to let you in my house but i am going to ask
you to leave. Both of you” Noxolo looked down and i had a chance to
look at her. She was really beautiful but she looked like she had slime all
over i just did not like her at all. She seemed like a nuisance.

Granddad: “ Stop being rude and let us in” i turned and looked at Steph.
She turned and looked at me giving me a smile.

Steph: “ I am going to go inside and leave you to sort this out” she gave
me a weak smile before going in the house. I was so mad i had trouble
steading my breathing.

Me: “ I am going to ask you one last time; leave and don’t come back”
Noxolo was busy blushing i wanted to slap her bitch face.

Granddad: “ We can’t take her back to her parents house; she is

pregnant and her parents thinks you’re the father.” I laughed for the
longest time thinking about how stupid these people are. I didn’t even
direct the question to my grandfather but to her.

Me: “ Who is the father of you baby?” i looked at her and she jumped a
little because my question was filled with iciness.

Granddad: “ That is non of your business! What i want is for you to

accept her as she is with her child; i will leave you alone after that” i
wanted to go back inside and close the door on their faces but at the
same time i wanted to know the whole story.

Me: “ You are in no position to make demands; i want to know!” he looked

uncomfortable before Noxolo answered.

Noxolo: “ It’s your grandfather’s child. It wasn’t supposed to happen. The

pill must have not worked because i...” she was rambling but granddad
shut her up when he shouted at her.

Granddad: “ Shut up. I told you not to say a word!” he seemed angry

Me: “ So you guys are fucking and now you want me to take the fall for
your old ass. I don’t know why you want to hide it because you are a
widower so take her as your wife”

Granddad: “ You don’t understand Sanele. You have to marry her” i

sighed before turning back.

Me: “ You guys need to go and stop wasting my time; i have to give
Steph her meds”

Granddad: “ i can take her home. She can be safe you know; if she goes
home and you take Noxolo” i saw red right that moment. I quickly turned
as my hand made contact with his neck. His eyes widened.

Sanele: “ That’s what this is about?! Caleb got to you and now you want
to take her away from me!” I tightened my hold and Noxolo jumped on my
back and started hitting me.

Noxolo: “ Get off him! Let gooo!” i looked at him and his eyes were rolling
so i let go. He started coughing holding his throat.

Granddad: “ Are you fuckin crazy?” he coughed but i didn’t give him a
chance to recover because i knelt infront of him and pulled him by his

Me: “ Where is he? Where the fuck is Caleb?” his eyes widened with
realisation that he let things slip.

Granddad: “ I don’t know what you’re talking about” i hit his chest pretty
hard and left him short winded. He saw that i wasn’t playing but i was
interrupted by my very own.

Steph: “ Babe; stop it you’re hurting him” she said it so softly but i heard
her. I immediately let go because i would hate for her to see me like that.

Me: “ Babe; i thought you were inside” i walked to her and kissed her on
the lips giving Noxolo a chance to attend to her sugar granny.

Steph: “ I heard noise and came to check, you shouldn’t let people get to
you so easily” she caressed my cheek and i smiled.

Me: “ Go back inside. I need to take care of this before coming. Get into
something comfortable; we’ll go out afterwards” she nodded and i kisses
her head. She walked back in. I turned my attention back to the couple.

Me: “ If you don’t want me to kill you now you will take all your shit and
leave right this moment” granddad gave me an ugly look.

Granddad: “ Don’t say i didn’t warn you; Caleb is coming for you” i clicked
my tongue and walked back inside. As soon as i closed the door i
punched it so hard i felt my knuckled crack.
Me: “ Fuuuuuuck!!!” Steph came running and as soon as she saw my
hand she rushed to me. She held my hand and blew on it.

Steph: “ What did you do Sanele!?” she sounded so irritated.

Me: “ I am so angry baby. I am fuckin angry that everyone thinks they

have a say in this relationship. I am fuckin pissed.” She touched my
knuckled and i groaned it was so painful.

Steph: “ I am not sure if anything is broken but you are swelling very
badly” she was panicking and turning pink.

Me: “ Babe; i’ll be fine but i want you to please stop stressing okay? It’s
not good for the baby my love” i kissed her but deepened it when she
tried to pull away. I pulled her to me and made her feel my growing
erection. She pulled back and smiled.

Steph: “ You are a freak and as much as i want to we need to go get your
hand checked.” I sighed. I didn’t really want to but i had to because of

Me: “ Okay; come let’s go.” I took my things and she put on shoes. I
locked the house and when i looked around i noticed that the cars were

Steph: “ I am driving” she snatched the keys from my hand and went to
the car before opening it. I followed behind like a puppy. I got in the
passenger seat and she started the car and drove out.

My hand was throbbing and i felt it was a good idea going to the hospital.
We got there and she had me attended by her father imagine.
Dr Evans: “ Aah my son in law; what brings you here?” he asked looking
at my file before placing it down.

Steph: “ He punched the wall because he was...” her father interrupted


Dr Evans: “ Dr Mngomezulu; what brings you here?” he asked with an

amused smile and Steph huffed.

Me: “ I punched the wall a little too hard” i answered chuckling because
Steph was now mad.

Steph: “ That is what i also said but Dr extra here shut me up” both her
father and i just laughed.

Dr Evans: “ He is my patient right now and i needed to here from him

what happened”

Steph: “ Yeah well you shouldn’t have shut me down like that” she pouted
and i wanted to kiss those juicy lips.

Dr Evans: “ I am sorry princess. I didn’t mean to sound like an ass” she

rolled her eyes.

Steph: “ Yeah yeah yeah” he chuckled and kissed her cheek before
turning to me.

Dr Evans: “ Let’s have you checked out” i went for a hand x-ray then back
to his office.
Dr Evans: “ You broke 2 fingers right at the root and i need for you to
have a hand brace on for 7 weeks. After that we will see how it goes; i
have given you something for the pain. It should knock you out in 2

Me: “ Thank you sir” he nodded and wrote my prescription before moving
on to put on the brace. It was so tight and painful; black in colour. We
said farewell to her father and she drove us back home again.

We got home and she made me soup before tucking me in. I immediately
slept afterwards.

I was woken up by Steph shaking me very hard. I woke up with a start

but soon realised that the house was filled with smoke and Steph was
coughing non stop. I got out the bed and rushed to the bathroom. I got a
towel and put it in water. I ran back to the bedroom and put it on Steph’s
face so that she can breath but as i was doing that i felt a stinging pain on
my arm; someone shot me. When i turned around 2 men walked in with
guns and shot me on the leg. Steph was screaming and that was heart
breaking because i was in so much pain. I fell on the floor but i saw that
they were taking her. I tried to get up but they hit my head with a gun i felt
it crack before i was consumed with darkness.

Insert 31

Its been weeks since I have been here. I remember the night they took
me away from Sanele; I don’t even know if he’s dead or alive but I
remember that they shot him. I also saw the house going down in ashes.
I cried so much until I fainted.

When I came to I was in a house that I didn’t know and I was chained on
my foot. The chain was long enough for me to get to the bathroom. The
balcony doors wouldn’t open but from what I saw I knew that we were
somewhere around the beach because of the breeze and the smell of the

It was so lonely that I would cry everyday but would think of my baby. I
would open the door and walk till I am at the top of the stairs, that’s how
far I could go in the house.

I woke up today and it was raining. There was a peach onesie on top of
the bed with socks, underwear and some slippers. I sighed and went to
take a bath.

Ever since I got here I have never seen my kidnapper. This house is filled
with housekeepers who have shown me great respect but they make
sure not to make conversation with me. My bump is slowly growing and I
had a Dr come to check on me and to give me pills as well.

I miss Sanele and I need him. I have screamed and cried until I couldn’t
anymore; I have begged the workers here to tell me where we are but
they won’t budge. They just smiled, greeted and kept moving.
After taking my bath I found breakfast waiting for me. It smelled so
scrumptious and delicious plus I did not suffer from morning sickness. I
lotioned and got dressed in the clothes given to me.

I figured its my great grandfather because there were pictures of my

family all over this house. From my grandfather up till my youngest sibling
but the funny thing is that I do not know this man and we have never met.

I ate my breakfast with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice with a bit
of mango. My tablets were there in the tray with some calcium pills as
well. I finished eating and stood up to take the tray and put it on the stair
I opened the door and dragged my chained left foot. The chain was very
heavy and made a lot of noise. I put down the tray and when I lifted up
my head I saw this old white man standing at the bottom if the stairs. He
had a smile on his face and I just looked at him.
He was dressed in a slim fit dark purple suit with a white shirt; a black tie
and shoes. He looked so much like my grandfather I just knew who it
was. I turned on my heel and started walking back to the bedroom.

The more I thought about him being here, the angrier I got because I am
here without my consent and I was worried if my baby was alive or dead
but truthfully speaking I hated this man.

I tried closing the door but he stopped it with his foot. I opened it quickly
and I punched him causing him to groan holding his nose but I didn’t give
him a chance to recover I slapped both his ears and he screamed
holding them too.

I knocked on his nose again and it bled furiously. That is when I dusted
my hands and walked on the bedroom. I sat down and his guys rushed to
him. He was screaming in agony I just didn’t care.

After sometime he gathered himself and came to use the bathroom. This
ugly looking man came in following him. He waited for the old man
outside and gave me an ugly look.

Me: “ What are you looking at ugly face?” I frowned when he growled.

Ugly guy: “ Shut up you stupid bitch” his voice was deep and scary.

Me: “ Who are you calling a bitch?” I asked with such confidence but my
heart beating out of my chest. He started walking towards me but the old
man stepped out and he stopped.
Old man: “ Stephaney; you sure know how to kick ass. You could have
busted my ears” he chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

Me: “ Who are you and why am I here? I want to go home. You have to
let me go” my voice was trembling.

Old man: “ My name is Caleb your great grandfather. You will go home
very soon” I got angry and launched at him but the ugly guy stepped in
front of me. He back slapped me but seconds later he was on the floor.
This Caleb character had hit him.

Caleb: “ Don’t you ever and I mean ever put your filthy hands on my
baby; do you understand?” the man nodded with his eyes wide.

Caleb: “ Do you fuckin understand?” he pressed his foot on his chest and
he started coughing
Ugly: “ Yes boss. I understand. I am sorry Miss Evans” I nodded and he
got us running out the door.

Caleb came and sat next to me; he touched my cheek and it was painful.
I then started crying; he tried pulling me in his arms but I pulled away and
just cried harder.

Me: “ I want to go home; I want my Sanele. I hate you; I hate you so

much” I cried holding on to my tummy. I was so worried with the amount if
tears I was shedding it was going to affect the baby.

Caleb: “ You need to calm down; you will go home in due time”

Me: “ Why did you kill Sanele? I hate you!” he kicked the base and I
Caleb: “ He wouldn’t let go. He kept digging and digging just like his
father and now look, you are left with a kid without a father.” I just cried.
My heart was so broken and in so much pain. I wanted and needed
Sanele but the fact that he was dead was breaking me little by little.

Me: “ You are so evil and I hope you rot in hell. Why would you kill them?
Huh? Why?”

Caleb: “ I have worked so hard to build this empire. I killed people,

destroyed families. I have a lot of important people answering to me. The
Russian president; the UN and every important person you can think of
in my pay check. I wasn’t about to let them take everything away from

Me: “ That wasn’t Sanele; that was his father and you didn’t have to kill
him. The moment you killed him; you killed my child’s grandfather hurting
Sanele as if that wasn’t enough you killed Sanele!” I screamed.

Caleb: “ He was supposed to stay out of my way. Like I said I wasn’t

about to lose everything because of those Mngomezulu’s”

Me: “ What about my aunt Sihle?” he tensed and his face turned even
more red.

Caleb: “ ENOUGH! Just stay here and be the little girl that you are; its
almost over” he got out and banged the door. I fell on my knees and just
cried so much. I was careful not to hurt my baby but it was hard not to. I
started having cramps.

I stood up; I ran towards the door and screamed for help. I started
opening the doors upstairs in hoped that I would find at least one helper
but when I opened this one door I had the shock of my life. I screamed so
hard that I am sure the whole house heard me. The person moved and
my eyes doubled when I saw their face after that I fainted.

I woke up much later with a throbbing headache but I was in a different

room than I was in before. I had machines all over me plus an oxygen
musk. I sighed deeply when I felt my tummy; my baby was still there and
I could feel his heartbeat. I tried getting up but my head hurt so I just lay
there with tears streaming down my face.

How cruel was my dad’s grandfather. I am sure you’re wondering what or

who I saw. Well…

The door opened and I quickly turned Caleb walked in and rushed to the
bed I was on. He tried to pull me in his arms but I screamed causing him
to back up a bit. He looked at me with eyes so wide.

Caleb: “ Oh God don’t do that again; I was so worried about you. I

thought you had lost there baby; there was so much blood Stephaney.
There was so much blood. I am so sorry” he was crying. Mcim crocodile

Me: “ I hate you Caleb and if I lose this baby I will never forgive you and
the chance that I was willing to give you; I will not give to you” he ran his
hand over hair clearly frustrated.

Caleb: “ Tell me what to do and I will give it to you. Anything you want…” I
was just about to tell him to let me go when he spoke again.

Caleb: “ Except to let you go home. Anything within these grounds” I was
so angry and the baby wouldn’t stop moving. According to the Dr I was
almost 4 months pregnant which meant that I had been here for more
than 2 months.

Me: “ I am your prisoner so you might as well unchain my leg. Its painful
and it swells. I fell like a prisoner and a slave” he huffed and walked
towards me. He took out the keys from his pockets and unchained my
foot. I moved it around and it felt so good. I looked up at him and he had
a smile on his face.

Me: “ I have one more request?” he smiled and nodded like an idiot.

Caleb: “ Anything for you princess” I chuckled.

Me: “ I never want to see you again, I hate you and if you could leave me
alone I would be happy” he frowned.

Caleb: “ You don’t mean that, you really don’t mean that” he half shouted
and started pacing. I sat on my but and swung my legs to the side. My
foot was red and swollen where the chain had been.

Me: “ I have been here for over 2 months and not once have I ever seen
you. I was perfectly fine but as soon as you appeared I nearly lost my
baby. So Caleb leave and go back to the whole you were hiding in. I don’t
need you” tears were streaming down my face. His blue eyes had
darkened and were shining.

Caleb: “ I am sorry for the pain I am putting you through but it will be over
soon and you will go back to your family”

Me: “ What’s the use because you killed Sanele? I love him! I live for him,
how am I supposed to carry on with my life when you have killed the only
man I have ever loved so deeply” I was screaming and crying.

Caleb: “ I am sorry my child but it was either me or him; I chose me” he

walked out banging the door yet again. This man wasn’t a fan of closing
the door nicely. I got off the bed and went to the bathroom. I freshened up
and wore the dress that was laid out for me. After that I went searching.
I wanted to make sure that what I saw it is what I saw. I started to look
around and I finally found her. I quickly rushed to the floor. She looked
really banged up and covered in blood. She seemed so weak.

Me: “ Aunt Sihle. Wake up please” I lightly shook her slapping her lightly.
She stirred and opened her swollen eyes.

Sihle: “ Steph; you’re okay?” tears ran down the side of her face.

Me: “ How are you here and what happened to you?” she coughed so
badly. I quickly stood up and rushed to get her a glass of water. I quickly
rushed to her on the floor and helped her drink. I couldn’t help her up
because she was chained to the floor. I stood up and ran towards the

Me: “ Caleb! Caleb you old monster!” I ran down the stairs and shouted
for him. I went to the lounge and I saw that he was seated with 3 old men
outside. I ran outside and started pushing him.

Me: “ You are so evil. You are a monster and I hate you!” tears were
streaming down my face. He quickly stood up and pulled me in a tight

Me: “ Let me go!” I tried getting off but he held me tightly him trying to
calm me down.

Me: “ You said you will give me anything I want; except to let me go
right?” he pulled away and gave with a look.

Caleb: “ That’s what I said yes” I sniffed and wiped my nose.

Me: “ Okay; I want you to unchain my aunt and make sure that she gets a
Dr to look at her wounds”

Caleb: “ That one is a crazy bitch. I am not going to unchain her. Forget
it” I went down my knees. My aunt was slowly dying and I had to do
something. His friends looked at me and he also turned.

Caleb: “ Get up. What the hell are you doing trying to hurt the baby?!” he

Me: “ Please grandpa. I am begging you please; at least chain her foot
like you did to me. Don’t let her die because if she dies I will kill myself”
he took in a deep breath and he face turned red.

Caleb: “ You don’t mean that. Stephaney you do not mean it” he shook
his head and walked to me but I quickly stood up and stepped back. He
stopped. He looked so heart broken.

Me: “ Please do this for me. Please don’t let her die grandpa. I am
begging you” I was trying to manipulate him. He thought I was trying to
get closer him but I hated him with every fibre of my being. He called one
of his men.

Caleb: “ Go untie Sihle and get Dr Dlamini to attend to her” my eyes

widened at a Dr Dlamini. Where were we? He turned to look at me.

Caleb: “ See? Done now stop crying” he came and wiped my tears. The
way this man disgusted me I couldn’t even acknowledge how nice he

Me: “ Thanks” I turned and ran back into the house. I went up the stairs to
the room where Sihle was. When I got there the guys had just finished
unchaining her. I ran to her and pulled her up with me.
Me: “ Don’t just fuckin stand there; help me get her to the bathroom and
don’t fuckin think of giving me attitude.” They rushed to me and got her to
the bathroom. I went to open the door in the tub. They placed her on the
seat. I flipped.

Me: “ I said fuckin hold her up!” I shouted and they held her. I filled the
tub with water and bath salts.

Me: “ You can leave. Aunt Sihle come; let’s get you inside the water and
give you a nice bath” I took off her clothes and she was so badly bruised.
She wouldn’t stop crying. I helped her bath; after that I drained the water
and helped her dry. We went back to the bedroom; a middle age man
was there. I assumed it was Dr Dlamini. I excused them and went to get
her some food.

I asked for some food in the kitchen. I saw a Cell phone on top of the
counter and stole it. I waited for 20 minutes for the food; afterwards I
went back upstairs with the food. I found Aunt Sihle seated and she
looked so much better.

Me: “ Hey, I got you food” she nodded and sniffed. She was crying. My
heart went out for her.

Sihle: “ Thank you” she whispered and started eating. She was eating so
fast I was so surprised. She was even choking.

Me: “ Slow down. Have something to drink” she nodded shyly and
downed her food with juice. This wasn’t the aunt Sihle that I knew. She
finally finished eating; I took the tray and put it by the passage. I walked
back inside and got in bed with her.

Sihle: “ I am so sorry Stephaney; for all the pain I put you through with
Sanele and trying to break you guys up”

Me: “ What happened? How are you here?” she wiped her tears.

Sihle: “ I overheard a conversation between my father and Caleb. They

were planning on killing Sanele; they sent their guys to kill him. By the
time they got there I had already told my guys to be on standby. I didn’t
know that they were going to burn down the place”

Me: “ So they killed Sanele?” she shook her head.

Sihle: “ They managed to get him out of the house but after that I couldn’t
get an update because they found me. I was hiding inside the car that
you were in. They found me and here I am. I wanted to help you but I
was drugged. I woke up chained in this room”

Me: “ So they managed to get Sanele out of the house?” a little bit of
hope came back.

Sihle: “ Yes they did but I don’t know if he made it out alive.” She sniffed.

Me: “ Have they been treating you alright? Why does your body have so
many cuts and bruises?”

Sihle: “ The first few weeks I used to fight the guys a lot but that all ended
when Caleb started to…” she let out a sob.

Me: “ When he started to what?”

Sihle: “ When he started to rape me. He raped me everyday. Dr Dlamini

did some tests; I seem to be pregnant. 3 weeks pregnant”
Insert 32

Yes, I am alive. I am grateful to the people who found me because I

would have died. I do remember people taking Steph and being shot.
When I came to, I immediately wanted to find her but mom locked me
down. She sent me back to training and today I can say that I thank her
for that because I am stronger than before plus I am filled with so much

I want to find her and kill Caleb once and for all. Today it’s Sunday and I
decided to go to church. I haven’t been to see Sazi to give me
Stephaney’s location. So the reason why I am going to church is to ask
for forgiveness because I was about to go on a killing spree. I was
planning on killing everyone and anyone on Caleb’s yard.

Mom knocked on the door and she entered, I was just putting on my coat.
She got in dressed in a peach with silver detail dress. She had a
brownish purple weave that was just below her shoulders, she looked so
young and really good.

Mom: “you look mighty fine young man.” I gave her a weak smile. Ever
since Steph was taking from me I hardly smiled and I hated being on the
outside but today I just had to go so that I can do my job in peace. I
haven’t been to work and Thoba has been going out of his mind. He calls
me everyday asking about my condition and also if I had heard anything
about Steph.

Me: “Thanks mom” I walked over to her and gave her a light kiss on her
cheek. She placed her hands on my arms and looked at me in the eyes, I
guess it was to assure me that everything will be okay.
Mom: “ I trust that everything is in order?” her voice was icy now, she
actually blamed me for not beefing up security around the house but
what’s done is done.

Me: “Yes mom, everything is underway. I just need to get to church and I
will be on my way after that” she nodded before giving me a very hot and
stinging slap. She turned and walked away leaving me to nurse my

I took my duffel bag and followed after her. I looked around my bedroom
one last time before walking out with lots of thoughts in my mind. I didn’t
care if I was going to die or not but what I was mostly concerned with was
my woman and our baby that she was carrying. I wonder how she looks
now, I smiled at the though.

I got downstairs and joined everyone for breakfast. The whole family was
here, except for Sihle and her father. Sihle has been missing for 7 weeks,
just like Steph has. I heard from one of her boys that she is the one who
sent help for me but she immediately disappeared. It made me wonder if
Caleb didn’t get to her and hurt her as well.

Me: “Morning family” I greeted and everyone turned to look at me. I

guess they were surprised at my mood. These last few weeks, I have
been grumpy and an ass so I am sure that is why I was getting weird

Kwazi: “You okay baby bro?” I nodded and she tapped my hand that was
on top of the table.

We all had our breakfast over a light and fun conversation but right now I
was very scared. Was my baby okay? Did they touch her, was Caleb
treating her right? I felt mom wipe my cheek, I didn’t realise that I was
crying. I looked at her and gave her a weak smile.
Me: “I am okay, I promise.” I got up and cleaned my plate. Mom also got
up and came to hug me from behind.

Mom: “I am here if you need anything okay? You don’t have to do this.
We can send people to go look for her” I turned around and hugged her
before pulling back and cupping her face.

Me: “I want to find her but most importantly I want to kill Caleb. I want to
look at him in the eye when I send the knife straight to his guts” she
shivered. I walked around her and went to pick up my bag. When I turned
around everyone was on their feet.

We got outside and the guards already had the cars opened. The kids
had a really cool personalised mini bus that had 4 cars escorting it. The
bus left first and soon we followed afterwards. I was in the car with mom
and my sister, each of them on my sides holding my hands.

Mom: “Come back to me Sane” her voice was trembling and she was
about to cry. We finally arrived at Kwa Mashu G2, our church was there.
The Methodist church. The kids were already outside running around,
when we got out everyone stopped moving and looked at us. Mom
flipped her weave causing me to chuckle. This woman loves attention.

We got inside and Rev Shinga was there holding the summon. He was
going on and on about forgiveness and moving on. When it was time for
the sacrament I had to leave. Mom had gone up front when I left. I
couldn’t get in the car fats enough when she came running in her 6 inch

Mom: “Sanele” she shouted waving her hands on the air. I inwardly
cursed and turned to look at her. She looked really spooked.

Mom: “Come back to me baby, you, Steph and my grandchild” her eyes
were shining with tears.

Me: “I will come back mom I promise and I will bring them home, together
with Sihle”

Mom: “Sanele I have already lost your father, I cannot lose you too.”

Me: “Do not worry mom, I will come back and I will bring you Caleb’s
head” she nodded tightly and turned to go back inside.

I got in the car and started it. I looked at the church entrance and mom
was standing there. Her shoulders were shaking and she was crying, I
nearly got out the car and went to her but I decided against it. I drove out
and straight to Sazi’s house. I had already sent him a message in the
morning that I was going over to see him.

I drove in high speed and I rolled my eyes when I saw 2 cars following
me, mom wasn’t going to let me do this without any help.

I finally got to Sazi’s place and I ran my thumb in. He said he had done
the biometrics when I was there the last time. Sazi was a sneaky bastard
that one.

I drove in and was met by Zekhethelo who ran down the stairs. I had
barely parked when she opened my door and pulled me in for a tight hug.

Zee: “Oh my word, I am so happy you’re okay. You had us so worried” no

sooner than she said that Sazi also appeared and he moved out of the

Sazi: “I am so glad you’re okay old friend. Come. We have work to do” I
got out the car and Zee was holding my hand this whole time. When I got
inside the house I was welcomed by so many faces that I did not know.
Zee took me to a double couch and sat next to me.

Sazi: “Sanele, I am sure you are wondering who all these people are.
Well that is Khethelo, Zee’s twin and next to him is Sli, his wife. The other
gentleman is Nick Miller, Stephaney’s grandfather and his wife
Nomthandazo. We are all here to help you”

I looked around the room and none of these people were smiling to show
that they were here for me.

Me: “Nice to meet you all. Sazi, can I talk to you for a second?” he stood
up rubbing his hands.

Sazi: “yeah sure, follow me please” is stood up and pulled Zee with me.
We got to Sazi’s office and closed the door.

Me: “Yoh man I appreciate all the help but right now I need to find Steph.
I would really appreciate it if you showed me where she is” he chuckled
and sat down. He pulled his laptop and motioned us to come look.

Sazi: “See this place that Caleb is in is highly guarded and almost
impossible to get into. As soon as there is a foreign body in his land he
gets and alert so by the time you get to where he is he would have fled
by then.”

Me: “So what happens now?” I looked at him and rubbed my face

Sazi: “We are coming with you” the door opened and the guys from the
other room walked in filling the office.
Nick: “We are also coming with you. Caleb took people from us and we
are not going to sit around and wait for you to come back. We are going
to war with you as well”

Me: “As long as I get to kill him, I am good” they all nodded and Sbu
walked in.

Sbu: “Don’t tell me that you were about to party without me” I smiled and
walked to him, we hugged for a long time before letting go.

Zee: “As nice as this is to watch, we have to move. We don’t have much
time” I turned around so quickly.

Me: “What do you mean we do you mean we don’t have much time?”She
stood up and turned the computer around.

Sazi: “Caleb is planning on going to Russia tomorrow morning” I stepped

closer and looked at the location.

Me: “Well where is he now?” Sazi just chuckled.

Sazi: “He is right here, in East London”

Insert 33

We gathered our things and I called mom for the Jet; yep. She kept dad’s
jet. She made sure that she had it ready for us when we got to the

Sazi rushed up the jet and I ran right behind him leaving the other guys to
put everything inside. When I got in he was seated and this cabinet had
opened. It had a computer with satellite details. I was in awe that the jet
had all this.

Me: “ Where did you find all of this?” he briefly looked at me then back to
the screen chuckling.

Sazi: “You’ve always had it; I guess your father didn’t want you playing
with his toys” I frowned.

Me: “ How did you know that this was here?” he smiled as this green light
came on.

Sazi: “ Your jet is one in 3 in the world that were made. There are only 3;
2 of them in Russia and the other one here. I am actually surprised and
floored as to how rich was your father?” he stood up and walked to the
head of the plane. Probably to talk to the pilot.

The guys started filling in bit by bit. I took a seat and took a deep breath
in. Sbu came and sat next to me. Him and I shared the same pain; both
the women we love were taken from us and we were out for blood, well at
least I was.

Sbu: “ You feel alright man?” he patted my shoulder bringing my attention

back to him. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him.

Me: “ I am shitting on my pants right now man. I just want my woman hey.
I need her back” he nodded in understanding.

Sbu: “ Caleb won’t harm Steph, it’s my wife that I am more worried about
man; she likes to fight back and I am scared that I will find her dead” he
looked down shaking his head.
Me: “ When we come back from all of this I am going to kill Bheki and his
friends. I am so angry at him Sbu; why did he kill my father?” his eyes
widened. I am guessing it’s the first time he’s hearing of this.

Sbu: “ Please tell me it’s not true. Did Sihle know?” as much as I would
love to throw her under the bus but she is my family; she helped me out,
saved my life and possibly saving my family’s lives as we speak. I owe
her my life.

Me: “ Nope; she only found out much later. Just like me” he eyed me
suspiciously and I cleared my throat.

Sbu: “Why don’t I believe you?” I wanted to roll my eyes but that’s a no. I
smiled thinking about hoe Steph is forever rolling her eyes. I am guessing
that she is giving them hell with that eye roll of hers.

Me: “ Why would I lie? She didn’t know; I promise” I looked at him in the
eyes. I wasn’t going to be intimidated by him; not now.

Sazi: “ As much as I would like for the staring contest to continue; Sanele
you are needed up front” I looked at him with a questioning look.

Sazi: “ In order for this plane to go anywhere we need some things that
only you can give; answers; eye sensor and biometrics of course. I
sighed. I just wanted to get out of here and find my Stephaney. I stood up
and went to the pilot’s cabin. When I got there; there were a whole lot of
things. I was shown a chair; I sat on it and it adjusted on its own.

Pilot: “ Your highness please place your hand on the table directly to the
handprint” I sighed. I forgot I was a prince. In cases like these it doesn’t
apply though. I was desperate to find my family.
I placed my hand on the print and it vibrated. A few seconds later the
print turned green. I sat back when he gave me a thumbs up.

Pilot: “ I need you to look into that blue light so that we can have an eye
scan please” I groaned; this was taking too long.

I inched the chair closer and my eye looked into the blue light. It was so
bright I couldn’t keep my eye open.

Pilot: “ Please keep still sir, just for 5 seconds” I kept still and the plane
engines went on. I looked at Sazi and he smiled.

Sazi: “ Its about damn time.” I stood up and headed out but quickly
turned to ask.

Me: “ Will I need to do this when it’s time to come back? I don’t think we
will have much time to do all this” he nodded.

Sazi: “ It’ll be the handprint only. We won’t have much time so I have
programmed the handprint to be the main and only source go unlock for
at least 24 hours” I nodded curtly and went to join the other. I sat next to
Sbu again who had his eyes closed.

Khethelo: “ If I had met your father Sanele I would have saluted him” I
chuckled and turned to look at him. He had a beer in hand.

Me: “ Why is that?” he came and sat opposite us.

Khethelo: “ Well for starters this jet shows how filthy rich he was, plus the
technology is mighty fine and of course the most priced jewel” I raised my
brow looking and waiting for this jewel to be mentioned. Even Sbu
opened his eyes to look at him.
Khethelo: “ Your mother bro. I don’t know how your dad scored her but
she is a fine young woman. I am sure she still has guys chasing after her
plus she….” I lifted up my hand to shut him up.

Me: “Whooa okay; we heard you so relax. Mom is off limits; you can talk
about everyone else”

Sli: “ And I will put bullet through his skull” we all erupted in laughter.

Sazi: “ Everyone please be seated; we take off in a few seconds. Make

sure that you fasten your seat belts. Thank you” those who were standing
took a seat and the plane took off.

Sazi came to join us once we were safely in the air. We had to discuss
the strategy as to how we’ll get in the yard.

Nick: “ Sli; I need you outside. 400 metres away on standby for my
orange light. Wherever I shine it; you shoot. Sazi will open up for us and
make Caleb’s system recognise us. Zekhethelo you’re with Sanele and
Nomthi you’re with Sazi…. Any complains?” he asked with his cold stare
going around. We all nodded in understanding and we took our seats
once again.

Khethelo was busy drinking and dancing it was actually funny as he was
entertaining. Suddenly Sazi stood up and went up front. It was time to
land; we landed in a private stream and when we headed out we had
cars waiting for us.

We got in and drove to Caleb’s place. It was a pretty tight convoy. Only
the car in the middle had headlights on. The rest it was dark. We stopped
to drop off Sli, Sazi and Nomthi. We drove again with Nick; Zee and K.T.
We parked and waited for our watches to turn white so that we can be
able to open the small gate leading inside. When it opened we rushed
inside making sure that we aren’t seen. As soon as we turned the first
corner we saw Caleb seated with some men in the porch, the light from
the porch made it clear as to who was there. It was really dark now.

I started walking towards them when Nick pulled me back.

Nick: “ Don’t act crazy; you’ll be dead before you can even say Cal…” I
nodded tightly.

He flicked his light and Sli took a shot in those 2 men that were seated
with Caleb. That’s when the fun started. Obviously the old man ran inside
giving me a chance to go after him but I was met by his men by the door.
I drew my other knife from my jean pocket and started fighting them in in
but soon after bodies started to drop so I am guessing Sli was taking care
of it.

I hurried up the stairs and kept opening doors. The 4th door nearly made
me faint. There laying on the bed was my cousin and Steph. My baby
look looked so beautiful my eyes started to water.

Nick: “ We don’t have much time Sanele” I rushed in and went to seat
next to Steph.

Me: “ Baby. Babe…wake up” I rubbed on her cheek and she woke up but
closed her eyes afterwards. I chuckled.

Me: “ Open your eyes baby we’re going home” she opened her eyes and
screamed causing Sihle to also wake up. She sat on her butt and threw
herself in my arms. She then started to cry.

Me: “ Shhhhh…now now. I’m okay; I’m here and I am taking you home.
Sazi I have them” soon after I said that Sbu appeared from the door way.
Sihle got out the bed and threw herself in his arms.

Sazi: “ As lovely as that reunion is; Sbu has to get the ladies out of there”
he said in the mic. I pulled away and kisses Steph deeply before pulling

Me: “ You have to go with Sbu. I will meet you soon afterwards” she
screamed and cried because she didn’t want to leave me but they
managed to pull her away. I took a deep breath after Sbu said they are
safe and secure. I stood up and went to check on Caleb. Every bedroom
was opened except for one that was locked.

I picked on the lock and as soon as it opened I walked in. I hadn’t even
turned on the when he jumped at me. I fell down on my knees. That gave
him a chance to pull back and kick me on my injured leg but I quickly
turned and pushed him down. We both stood up; it was dark and neither
one of us seeing each other. He threw a punch and I cursed. I also threw
a punch but the one that he threw back threw me on the floor.

Me: “ Fuuuuuuck!” I felt my jaw move.

Person: “ That ought to teach to never put your hands on your parent” I
froze and he took off his mask. My eyes widened with shock; I couldn’t
even get off the floor.
Me: “ Dad?”

Insert 34

When the guy that punched me and removed his mask i saw my father. I
thought i was dreaming until he gave me his hand. He pulled me up and i
looked at him spooked. He had that twinkle in his eyes that he always
had; just like i knew him. I didn’t want to believe it; my father was dead.

Me: “ You’re supposed to be dead” i stepped back.

Dad: “ Clearly i’m not.” He said in a bored tone walking around the room.

Me: “ How are you here and alive? Why did you leave?” my voice was
suddenly laced with so much emotion. I cannot understand and i doubt i’ll
ever understand why he did what he did.

Dad: “ I would love to tell you all about it but my guys are waiting and i
have to kill Caleb; get this over with so that i can go home to my wife” i
scoffed and picked up my gun. I started for the door but he pulled me
back inside.

Dad: “ Hey; i know that your mom will be pissed mad at me but eventually
she will forgive me and so will your sister. I am more concerned about
you. Don’t be mad at me too long. I did what i had to do to protect you” i
suddenly got mad and yanked my arm.

Me: “ Can we get this done so that i can go home to my family?” he


Sazi: “ Sounds like a good idea. Nick has Caleb in the basement” i

Me: “ You guys have been listening in on my conversation?” i headed out

with dad on my heels.

Sazi: “ Nah; i cut everyone off you. They didn’t hear the conversation
between you and your father”
We headed to the basement which seemed creepy. When we got there
Caleb was on his knees. Nick had done a number on him. When he saw
dad his eyes widened.

Dad: “For the world’s most wanted criminal you sure are stupid. You got
comfortable that you have so little men surrounding you” he coughed out
blood before speaking.

Caleb: “ How come you’re alive?” dad chuckled and took a chair to sit
right in front of Caleb.

Dad: “ Why is everyone asking me this question? Why not; welcome

home Busani, we missed you.” Caleb spit on his feet.

Caleb: “ You mother fucker!” he shouted.

Me: “ I know you guys have unresolved issues in your life long
relationship but we have to leave this place. Could you hurry Mr
Mngomezulu?” i saw dad’s face change and it was now Caleb’s turn to

Caleb: “ Your son hates you! He can’t even address you as dad or father.
Your wife might as well hate you; which makes me think that you might
as well have died! Your family no longer needs you.”

Dad stood up quickly and punched him. He fell right on his butt laughing.

Caleb: “ What are you waiting for Busani? Go ahead and kill me!” dad
say back on his seat and smirked.

Dad: “ I will get to that shortly. Don’t worry Caleb; in a few minutes you’ll
be dead but i want to bust your operation open but you need to tell me
what i need to know so that i can spare....”

Caleb: “ I ain’t telling you shit so you don’t have to spare my life”

Dad: “ Actually i meant Caleb junior; remember him? Your grandson? You
didn’t care about me so i won’t care about your grandson so you tell me
what i need to know.”

Caleb: “ You don’t mean that, you will not hurt my grandson!” he shouted
and i shifted on my feet. I was starting to get uncomfortable because this
conversation was getting heated. I’m all for killing Caleb but Thoba; no.

Dad: “ You think i won’t be able to reach your grandson? Caleb i found
you and you are kneeling right in front of me. Tell me what i need to

Caleb: “ It was John! He helps me run the operation but the guns and
weapons is not mine. That’s entirely his. I am no longer in charge of that
operation. The night that you met Bheki; you weren’t really after me but
your father. He is the one who has the ropes here” i saw dad tense. He
stood up and kicked Caleb.

Dad: “ You are fuckin lying!” he kept kicking him the stepped back a little.

Caleb: “ If you don’t believe me open that cabinet behind you Sanele.
There is everything you need to know. That bullet that you took was
actually from your father Busani. Not me”

Dad took out his gun and shot Caleb in the head. He threw the gun down
and looked at Nick.
Dad: “ Burn his body” he walked out and i took out the tapes from the
cabinet; put them in the bag before heading out. Nick threw the lighter on
Caleb and we left.

Sazi: “ You have 5 minutes to get out of there Sanele. We are taking
down the place” i ran out with Nick right behind me. I looked around and i
couldn’t see my father.

Me: “Sazi my father, where did he go?” i asked running towards the gate
alongside Nick.

Sazi: “ Just get here and we will take care of that” we hopped inside the
cars and drove out. My mind was going crazy with thoughts of my father
running wide but most importantly my Stephaney. We picked up a tail and
we were rushing to where the plane was. Sli and Khethelo managed to
lose the guys.

We got to the plane and i ran in. Steph was seated on the chair with her
eyes all out. As soon as she saw me she jumped in my arms and cried.

Steph: “ You’re okay! You’re alive; i was so worried!” she cried and i
carried her to the seat. She buried her face in my neck and she cried.
Me: “ I’m okay baby. I am home. Please stop crying” she shook her head
no. I looked around the plane. Sihle was in Sbu’s arms and i could see by
her shaking shoulders that she was also crying. Sazi came in and he
looked exhausted.

Me: “ Can we go home? I’ll go upfront and get the plane started” dad got
in right that moment. I wanted to punch his ass. He looked so confident
like nothing happened.

Dad: “ No need. I’ll get the plane to move” he went upfront and seconds
later the engine came on.
He came back and took a seat opposite me. Sazi and Nick came and
stood next to him, they introduced themselves. I was so not interested.

Dad: “ Sanele can we talk?” Steph was starting to fall asleep.

Me: “ Dad please; i am trying to get home. I haven’t seen my woman in

months so please. Could you please give me some space? Please?” his
eyes glistened with tears.

Dad: “ Son please; i am sorry Nele. I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt
you and your mom. Please forgive me” i looked down shaking my head.

Me: “ Dad please. We will talk about it at home” he shook his head no.

Sazi: “ Can we please buckle up? The plane is about to take off” Steph
tried to move but i held her to me. I pulled the belt over us.

Dad: “ If you’re not by my side by the time we get home i might as well be
dead Sanele your mother is going to kill me. Please” he looked so
desperate i wanted to laugh.

Me: “ You are the one who decided to play dad; tell me dad, who did we
bury?” he shifted uncomfortably and sat back.

Dad: “ I’ll tell you when we get home but for now i need you to forgive me
or better yet don’t leave my side when your mom sees me”

Me: “ I am not a human shield baba.” Sazi laughed, dad gave him a look
and he kept quiet. The rest of the way was filled with dad begging me.
We finally got to Durban and the guys got off. We went the rest of the
way to park the plane. We got off with dad and Steph. The cars were
already waiting and when the guys saw dad they rushed to him and
hugged him; forgetting that he is boss and king.

We got in and drove home. Steph was going to spend the night at my
parent’s house. Since my place burned to ashes, i was living with mom.
We finally got home and dad stayed in the car.

Me: “ Come out. You need to face the music you dirty old man” he looked
so scared i actually laughed. Steph was asleep in my arms.

Dad: “ Go in; i’m right behind you” i laughed louder and walked in. Mom
rushed to us and grabbed Steph waking her up in process.

Mom: “ Oh my God; i am so happy that she is safe. Thank god she...”

she stopped mid sentence and looked at the door. I am guessing that she
saw her husband.

Mom: “ Who the fuck is that?” dad walked in but mom stepped back.
Kwazi just wailed.

Dad: “ Baby i...” he tried to reach for her but she screamed.

Mom: “ Who the fuck are you?” dad tried to reach for her again but mom
took the vase next to her and threw it at dad. It hit his forehead and he
immediately bled. He fell on his knees.

Mom: “ Mother fucker” she walked out after that.

Insert 35
I knew something like this was going to happen, even worse than this. I
know that this was only the beginning. She was going to give me hell and
i deserved it. Nokwazi screamed as soon as her mom hit me with the
vase; she rushed to the kitchen and came back with a cloth. I put it over
my forehead; my other arm held Kwazi to the side.

Kwazi: “ You’re alive daddy. How?” i wiped her tears and kissed her head.

Me: “ I will explain later. Right now i need to talk to your mother please”
she nodded. I looked at Sanele who still had Stephaney in his arms.

Me: “ Go rest. We’ll talk in the morning” they nodded. I hugged Kwazi
once again before heading upstairs. The door to our bedroom was wide
open. My heart skipped a beat. When i walked in Londiwe was seated on
the bed and she was crying. I wanted to pull her in my arms but i had to
give her time.

I closed the door and locked it. I stood leaning against the door waiting
for her to calm down.

Londi: “ Why? Why did you make me go through so much pain when you
knew that you weren’t dead?” her voice was hoarse from all the crying.

Me: “ Baby i am sorry. If i could go back i would and tell you what
happened.” I moved away from the door towards her but she held up her

Londi: “ Don’t; don’t come anywhere near me. I just want to know why
would you leave me in bed after our world tour, why wake up at night and
pretend to be dead?” she sniffed. I went and sat down on the floor with
my back against the bed.
Me: “ My father wanted to kill me. The night i left i was supposed to meet
with Caleb but instead Bheki came and..”

Londi: “ Wait; Bheki as in your brother in law?” i nodded and she sighed.

Me: “ I really did go except it wasn’t me that met Bheki but Mlungisi” she
gasped and put her hand over her mouth. I am sure you’re probably
wondering who Mlungisi is. He is my father’s legitimate child; we were the
same age; a month apart. My father didn’t want him at all. We found each
other a few years ago and if you saw us together you wouldn’t have been
able to tear us apart. Even Londi would sometimes get confused.

Londi: “ You had your brother killed” she accused and i looked at her
crazy ass.

Me: “ Hey! Hey! Hey! I am trying to explain what happened and all you
care about is fuckin Mlungisi!! He got me in this mess in the first place so
don’t you fuckin dare!” I felt my anger rising and I could see that she was
shook but she quickly recovered.

Londi: “ Don’t yell. You’re the one who is in deep shit so explain” she
folded her arms and looked the other way.

Me: “ After dad rejected him; he joined the navy and when he got so good
that the FBI recruited him. When he found out that Caleb was connected
to dad he started contacting me to help him get inside information. All the
paper trail led us to Caleb but all along it was dad’s operation. On the
night that I left like I said; I wanted to confront Bheki but seeing that Mlu
and I looked so alike he said he would go. He knew everything there was
to know and when he started to talk Bheki saw it fit to kill him.”

Londi: “ You could have indicated that you were alive? Do you know how
many times I’ve cried? Why didn’t you tell me or at least send me a
message that you were alive.”

Me: “ Things were better that way because people have been watching
your every move. If I told you that I was alive you would have relaxed and
be happy. That would have raised suspicion. I couldn’t bring that much
trouble to you than I already had” she shook her head crying. She came
and knelt in between my legs.

Londi: “ I thought I lost you. Don’t you get that? The pain you put me
through. I had made peace with your death but now you’re back I have to
be scared that I might lose you again and my heart will break again.”

Me: “ I am sorry i….” she used her inner palm to hit my nose. I felt myself
bleed immediately. I thought she was softening up but she had just

Londi: “ You are selfish! You said you loved me but you hurt me in the
worse possible way” I groaned rubbing my eyes. I had a long day; the
last few months have been really hard and I missed my woman. She
must have seen that I was frustrated for she asked to prepare the shower
for me.

Me: “ Thank you; I really need a shower and to rest…” she just walked
away leaving me on the floor. I really had a lot to make up for. I stood up
from the floor and followed her. She had opened the shower and placed
my things on my sink. She was throwing and banging everything. I took
off my clothes. When I looked in the mirror I saw that she was checking
me out. When she raised up her eyes she swallowed and went to adjust
the shower. I walked in and I screamed as soon as the water touched my
skin. It was boiling hot.

Me: “ Fuuuuuuck!!!” she giggled and ran out the bathroom.

I had to run out of that bathroom because I was drooling over Busani. I
mean he looked so delicious and had more muscle than before. I ran to
the bedroom and sat on thinking about my next move. Yes I was pissed
mad at Busani but a huge part of me was very happy that he was alive.

He was home. I changed to my sleepwear because I had already taken a

bath before he came home. I had just pulled up my beige silk&lace short
when he walked in with a towel around his waist; water dripping down his

I felt my whole body vibrate but I wasn’t about to give in. I was planning
on giving him hell. He used another towel to dry. He applied lotion and
dropped the towel. I swallowed hard and I had to put my thighs together
because I was now dripping. He pulled on his boxer shorts; since when
does he sleep in boxers? He must have noticed the frown.

Busani: “ Why are you frowning?” I looked at him and shook my head. I
got in bed and switched off my side lamp. He also got in next to me and
switched off the lamp. He must have stayed like that for 30 minutes
before he moved. He snaked his hand on my waist and I moved.

Me: “ Do not touch me Busani. You are still in my shit list” he groaned and
turned me around so quickly I gasped. He pushed my legs apart and got
in between them. He looked deep in my eyes and smiled. I gave him a
blank stare and he chuckled.

Busani: “ Forgive me my wife” he kissed my nose and I rolled my eyes.

He smiled and kissed my cheek; when he came for my mouth I looked
the other way. He went straight for my neck and he attacked it. His
opened my legs wider and settled between them. He then started to grind
on me causing me to moan. He came back quickly and claimed my
He kissed me so deeply; our tongues dancing in that deep connecting
kiss. His hand went down and settled in between us. He started rubbing
my cookie and I rode his hand. It has been a while and only Busani can
drive my body so wild.

He pulled back, he had a smirk on his face and I felt like punching him.
He took off my top and pants quickly followed by his boxers. He sank
inside me and I screamed.

Busani: “ I’m sorry…so sorry. I needed to be inside you.” He pulled out

and he pushed in right again I screamed; it was soo gooood. I bit his

He pulled out one more time and moved in between my legs. His tongue
made contact to my cookie. He pulled on my nub long and hard; it was
breath taking. He pushed his tongue deeper and started loving me with it.
I was grinding and enjoying. He suddenly pulled back and looked at me.

Busani: “ Forgive me maKheswa” his eyes shining with tears, I didn’t care
about that. I just wanted my orgasm.

Me: “ Please make me cum; we’ll talk about that later” he shook his head
and pushed in his index finger. My ass flew off the bed and he pushed
me back to the bed.

Busani: “ Forgive me?” I shook my head and he came up to kneel in

between my thighs. He pushed in right again and my back arched. He
placed his hands on my back and pulled me to him. He was kneeling on
the bed with me on top of him. He looked at me and removed the hair
from my face.

Busani: “ I am so sorry for hurting you baby. Please forgive me?” his
strokes were deep and very short. He hardly gave me time to catch my
breath. I could feel the orgasm approaching when he pulled out.

He got off the bed and pulled me to him. He walked towards the wall and
pushed me to it. He lifted my one leg and entered me. He licked my neck
when I threw my head back. He sexed me against the wall until I felt a
cramp. He pulled back a little.

He lifted me up; both legs on his arms. I started bouncing on him I felt like
a star. Then suddenly his strokes quickened and my orgasm approached.
I came soo hard that I saw starts. He came right behind me and threw me
on the bed. He was dripping wet with his hands on his waist. His guy was
still standing tall.

Busani: “ We’re gonna do this until you forgive me….”

Insert 36

I woke up the next morning with Sanele next to me; looking at me. His
eyes were reddish and he looked like he didn’t get much sleep. When he
saw that I was awake he smiled and leaned over to kiss me. He gave me
lots of baby kisses before pulling back. He was frowning and scanning
my face. He removed the hair from my face and looked at me.

Sanele: “ Are you okay?” he whispered and I knew exactly what he

meant by that. I felt my eyes water; he quickly pulled me in his arms and I
straddled him. I couldn’t help myself I just cried. I cried hard and very
loudly but most importantly was that my cry was filled with so much relief.

Sanele: “ Stop crying baby. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there these last few
weeks. I was trying to regain my strength to come get you. I am sorry I
didn’t come get you sooner” I pulled back and looked at him. He was
Me: “ It’s okay. I was so worried that you didn’t make it out alive. I am so
sorry” I cried and buried my face on his neck. He groaned.

Sanele: “ Don’t lean on too much. I have missed you. Its been a long 2
months” I giggled and pulled away.

Me: “ I love you Sanele and I am happy you came for me. For us” he

Sanele: “ I had to come and find you; I am not complete without you. I am
happy you’re home.”

Me: “ What happened Sanele? How did you get out?” he sighed and
cupped my face.

Sanele: “ Let’s just say that my cousin Sihle came through for me;
speaking of Sihle I need to go and see her but right now I want to bond
with my family.” He rubbed my tummy.

Sanele: “ She is growing” he was grinning non stop.

Me: “ She? Who said it’s a she? This one is a boy” he scoffed.

Sanele: “ It’s a girl; my baby girl” he kissed my stomach and gently laid
his head on it. I started rubbing his head but we had a knock on the door.

Miss K: “ Sanele; maEvans, come breakfast is ready” I jumped out the

bed and went for a quick 5 minutes shower. Sanele just came and
brushed his teeth. He said something about having a lazy day. I got out
the shower and wore a lose fitting knee length dress and socks. It was
now winter so I had to wear socks. Sanele was in socks; sweat pants and
a black t-shirt. I put on sleepers and we went down to join the others. The
kids in this house; just like at home.

There was Miss K, Sanele’s dad who had a plaster on his forehead,
Nokwazi, Nqubeko, Nqoba and Xolile on the table. As soon as I sat down
Miss K stood up and took my plate. She dished up for me, her husband
and herself. Everyone turned to look at her.

Miss K: “ What?” she asked with attitude and a raised brow.

Kwazi: “ You didn’t dish up for us” she laughed out loud until she had

Miss K: “ This is my husband whom I thought was dead, he was gone for
months so the least I can do is to give him breakfast.”

Xolile: “ What about Stephany?” I sighed. This woman really hated me.
There was a loud thud on the table. Miss K threw the fork down.

Miss K: “ I think it’s time I address this issue that you have with
Stephaney Xoli, carry on eating baby” she patted my other hand. Sanele
gave me a gentle squeeze on my thigh.

Miss K: “ I heard how rude you were when you first met her. Comparing
her to Denise. Sanele is a 30 year old man who can take care of himself.
We all trusted Denise but that’s what happens sometimes when you get a
big head. You tent to shift away from the ones who helped you, think
you’re better. That was Denise. Stephaney comes from money; I think
now that her great grandfather is dead she will inherit billions but you can
never tell. I get that you care about Sanele but back off their relationship.
She is pregnant with my grandchild so cut her some slack. Okay?” Xoli
nodded with shiny eyes. She stood up, excused herself and walked out.
Sanele’s dad: “ Was that necessary baby? At breakfast?” the look she
gave him.

Miss K: “ Until you are no longer a ghost, I will be the one calling the
shots around here so do you have a problem with that Busani?” I saw his
eyes darken and I was amazed at how much he looked like Sanele.

Busani: “ No problem Miss Kheswa” he gave that lazy smile.

Sanele: “ Where have you been dad?” we all turned to look at him this
time and he shrugged.

Busani: “ No it’s okay; you guys deserve to know. After Mlungisi died and
he was buried I went into hiding. I couldn’t tell anyone that I was alive
because you guys would have gotten into trouble so I left. I had people
watching over you but the night that Sanele was attacked was the night I
was to go confront Caleb but things changed. I had to see that you guys
were safe. I am sure you noticed the extra security from “The counsel”
that was me.”

Kwazi: “ You’ve been around this whole time?” she was crying.

Busani: “ Not always. So I had to wait until Sanele regained his strength
but little did I know that he was also planning on going to rescue his wife.
I made my way inside Caleb’s place with a few of my men covering me. I
went straight to his bedroom and waited for him there. That’s when
Sanele came in. Luckily we managed to track him down.”

Me: “ So my great grandfather is the one who tried to kill you?” he shook
his head and he chuckled.

Busani: “ Caleb was a pawn in this game actually. The mastermind

behind everything Is someone else” I nodded and finished my breakfast.
Miss K: “You don’t want anymore food? You’re okay?” I nodded and
rubbed my stomach.

Me: “ We are full thanks. Thank you Miss K, breakfast was delicious” I
yawned and Sanele chuckled. He stood up and helped me up.

Sanele: “ Come lets get you to bed.” He pulled me up and I bid everyone
farewell. By the time I got to be I couldn’t keep my eyes opened. Sanele
helped me out my clothes and tucked me in. Tucked me in, planted a kiss
on mu forehead and I slept.

I woke up with the urge to pee so I stood and ran to the bathroom. As
soon as I sat down Sanele walked in with his eyes wide. He sighed in
relief when he saw me on the seat.

Sanele: “ I thought you were sick” he turned and walked away. I frowned.
I finished, flushed and washed my hands. When I walked in he was
already in bed with a tray filled with food. I ran and threw myself in bed.

Sanele: “ Don’t hurt yourself Steph” I smiled and pinched his cheek. I sat
up and started on my lunch. After I finished I went to take a shower.
When I came out there was a peach dress on top of the bed with nude
shoes. Not too high just as I was about to go ask Kwazi got in with 2
women. I smiled when I saw her. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

Me: “ Where is your brother and why is this beautiful dress here?” she
giggled and hugged me.

Kwazi: “ These ladies will do your hair and make up. After that help you
get dressed; I am taking you out” she hurried out the room giggling and I
just smiled. I had a seat on the chair and let the ladies work. They did my
face and hair; luckily for me I had washed my hair the previous night so
they just straightened it.

After that they helped me put on the dress and shoes, it was now a bit
chilly so I put on a light jacket. They left me alone and I decided to go
look for Kwazi. When I walked out there were white rose petals on the
floor. I followed them. When I got to the lounge everyone was there
including my parents but I couldn’t see Sanele. I didn’t even greet
anyone, I was looking for Sanele. I finally found him, he was standing by
the garden carrying a red rose.

I kind of froze because he looked so good. He smiled and beckoned me

to come to him. I slowly walked to him and took a deep breath. He held
my hands and kissed my cheeks.

Sanele: “ You look beautiful” I smiled.

Me: “ So do you” he chuckled before taking a deep breath.

Sanele: “ I am grateful to God that he gave me you. I am truly blessed;

you have been so strong baby and you went through a lot. You could
have went for another guy but you gave me a chance instead. I’m sorry
you got caught in the cross fire of this whole mess and I thank God you
came back to me. Both if you came back to me. I love you Stephaney
and I cannot imagine my life without you. I would kneel but…” he took out
the ring from his pocket and I gasped. I just sobbed because I was
already crying.

Sanele: “ I love you my love and I want to spend the rest of my given
days making you happy and showing you just how much I love you so
Stephaney, would you do me the honour of being my wife?”

I heard people gasp and some saying I should say yes but I just smiled
and looked at Sanele.
Me: “ You could have went for someone else as well but you chose me. I
love you and it’s not your fault that we got hurt by Caleb. I nearly lost you
Sanele and I am happy that you personally came to get us. So would
YOU do ME the honour of being my husband?” everyone laughed
including him. He shook his head.

Sanele: “ You first have to answer me before I answer you” I giggled and

Me: “ Of course I will marry you” he smiled and pushed the ring in.

Sanele: “Well in that case I would love to be your husband” we laughed

and kissed.

Insert 37

I have been losing my mind these last few days. I keep seeing Caleb in
my dreams forcing himself on me. Well first let me just say that I told Sbu
about the baby as soon as we got home and I told him to book a Dr so
that I can terminate. I did terminate and to be honest it felt like I was
never pregnant. I don’t even think about it but I do dream about Caleb.

We are at kwaZulu with our kids who are now in Matric. Sbu has been by
my side the whole time; I haven’t seen my parents. Especially my father. I
doubt I want to see him. I have suffered enough because of him. I woke
up today and Sbu was seated on the couch catching up on some work. I
say on my butt and he took off his glasses.

Sbu: “ Morning” he smiled and I looked at him. Really looked at him and
he was starting to age. The slight grey hair looked good on him. Probably
took after his father because he wasn’t that old.
Me: “ Hey. How are you?” he stood up and stretched. This man was
absolutely gorgeous.

Sbu: “ I’m okay. Are you okay? How did you sleep?” he got in bed and
pulled me to his chest.

Me: “ I’m okay. It’s you who was up all night tossing and turning” he

Sbu: “ I am sorry I kept you up. There’s just so much to do here; I have
been away from home for so long. Plus mom doesn’t have much time for
all of this” I sighed and looked up at him. He had his eyes closed. Sbu is
not a violent person but when he came to get me at Caleb’s I knew that
he really loved me.

I have taken so much from this man and it was time I gave back to him.
He has always been there supporting my life and dream, no matter how
big they were. I’m grateful to him.

Me: “ Why don’t we move here for good?” his eyes shot up and he looked
at me. They were so red and he really was tired.

Sbu: “ What do you mean?” I sat up and so did he.

Me: “ We’ll talk about it when you wake up from your sleep” I tried getting
out of bed but he pulled me back and laid on my back. I giggled and my
hair went to my face. He removed the hair and looked at me; really
looked at me.

Sbu: “ There my beautiful wife. I will die for you Sihle and you’re still my
soulmate. I am so sorry baby. I am sorry you got hurt but I am never
letting you out of my sight. Ever” I smiled as tears rolled down the sides
of my face.

Me: “ I am glad you came to get me” he nodded and wiped my tears
before wiping my nose.

Sbu: “ So what did you want to talk about? What did you mean about us
moving?” I cleared my throat and rubbed his face.

Me: “ Well we could all move here and make this our permanent home.
By that I mean we sell the houses and move straight here because there
is really nothing left for us in Durban” I saw the corners of his lips break
out into a smile.

Sbu: “ You mean that maZulu?” my eyes filled with tears.

Me: “ Yes, I really do mean it.” He wiped my tears and placed a kiss on
my nose.

Sbu: “ Get your pretty ass out of bed. I want to sleep please” he groaned
and I laugh. I got out of bed and pulled on my gown. I went to the
bathroom and freshened up. I walked back to our bedroom and put on
shoes. Sbu called me before I opened the door.

Sbu: “ We’ll be okay my love. I will make it all go away and you’ll be
happy again” I wiped my tears and gave a weak smile.

Me: “ You already are making it better Sibalukhulu” he smiled and

dropped his head on the pillow.

I went out to the dining room. I found the Quads eating breakfast. As
soon as Zinhle saw me she rushed to me and hugged me. She sniffed
my head. She always does that, says my hair is her favourite smell. It
smelled of Citrus and Honey. The guys followed and pushed her away.

Zipho: “ Get away you brat; we also want to see mom” they all hugged
me. They pulled me to the lounge while Zinhle fixed me a plate.

Zibu: “ How have you been mom?” they all looked at me. Sizi was even
holding my hand.

Me: “ I’ve been okay. I am sorry I haven’t been around for so long” Zinhle
appeared with a tray filled with breakfast. It had a bit if everything in it.
She took a seat on top of the table facing me. My children have grown so

Zinhle: “ Make sure you finish it. Dad said we should take care of you; he
is just resting a little” I nodded as my mouth filled with saliva and I held
back a sob. I wasn’t crying because of Caleb but I was crying because of
I had such a wonderful family.

Me: “ Thank you and I am sorry that I am such a weeping mess” they
looked at me with grins in their faces and I frowned.

Zinhle: “ We’re just happy you’re home mama” I chuckled and I dug in.

The conversation was flowing, they were updating me about their lives
and everything that happened while I was away. Zipho had an ego, just
like his father and Zibu was the weed smoker. Sizi was just a nerd and
Zinhle a daddy’s girl. After I finished with my breakfast they took away the
plate and we played Monopoly. After that we watched a movie; Wonder

The guys kept saying that she is sexy; much to Zinhle being annoyed.
After a while we passed out on the floor laughing and sharing childhood
memories. Sbu appeared looking delicious in his pyjamas. He stretched
and I could see his torso.

Zinhle: “ We are right here mom. No need to drool” they all laughed
including Sbu.

Me: “ Shut up asshole” they laughed more. Sbu came and sat next to me.
He draped his arm around me and kissed my head before sniffing it. He
also was obsessed with sniffing my hair.

Sbu: “ Guys could you do what I asked you to do for me earlier?” they all
jumped up in excitement. They suddenly took their things and started to

Me: “ Where are you guys going?” they all mumbled something and left. I
looked at my husband and he shrugged.

Me: “ you look well rested” I said straddling him. He pushed back my hair
and kissed the corner of my lips.

Sbu: “ I rested yes…how about we go and shower?” he closed his eyes

afterwards. I cupped his face and kissed him.

Me: “ Let’s go shower” he looked surprised but I pulled him up with me

and headed outside. We headed to our bedroom and when we got there
it was freshly done and clean. We took off our clothes and I could see
that he was turned on. I tried to service him but he held my hand.

Sbu: “ You need to heal my love please?” I nodded but he just pulled me
in for a mouth watering kiss. I shuddered. He then pulled back.

Sbu: “ I want to be inside you more than anything in the world but you
need to heal okay?” I nodded and he smiled. We finished taking our
shower and went to the bedroom. He helped me dry and I helped him dry
as well. On top of the bed were matching outfits in grey and navy. We
wore that and we looked good.

Me: “ You and your kids” he just zipped his lips and threw away the keys.
I laughed and he pulled me in his arms.

Sbu: “ It makes me happy that you are laughing again” we headed out
and when we approached the lounge I saw that my parents were there.
Dad stood up and made his way to me. I backed away as tears fell from
my eyes.

Me: “ Get away from me” he was also crying. He tried to step closer but I

Dad: “ Hlehle; I am so sorry baby girl. Please; please can we talk?” I

turned and looked at Sbu.

Me: “ Please ask them to leave? I don’t ever want to see them ever
again!” he pulled me in his arms and hushed me.

Mom: “ Nosihle please…” I just shook my head and cried harder. We

stood there for a long time before I pulled back. They were no longer

Sbu: “ You okay baby?” I nodded as he gave me tissues to wipe my face

and blow my nose.

Me: “ I look ugly now” he laughed and kissed my eyes.

Sbu: “ Well you’re my ugly queen” I pushed him off laughing.

He led us outside and we walked all the way to this biggest tree in the
palace. Under the tree our kids were there; wearing matching outfits. In
each t-shirt was written; WELCOME TO YOUR ANNIVERSARY.. and I
just cried!!!

Insert 38

I finally gathered the courage to ask Steph to marry me, her father gave
me permission months ago but I did it much later. I couldn’t waste
anymore time. I nearly lost her so I just had to make her my wife plus we
had a baby on the way.

The next day we woke up and she had an appointment with the Doctor
just so that they can check if everything was going accordingly. I woke up
and went to take a shower leaving her in bed sleeping. After my shower I
wore jeans, a black t-shirt and black sneakers. I went out leaving her in
bed so that I could organise breakfast for her. I got to the kitchen and my
parents were kissing, like really kissing. Hands all over each other, I
cleared my throat but they didn’t seem bothered they just continued until I
coughed. That is when they pulled away from each other.

Me: “Morning family” I walked to the fridge and I heard mom giggle. I
nearly rolled my eyes. When I turned around dad was all over her again.

Me: “Dad, you should have stayed dead nje. Uhlale kwabafileyo” mom
threw an orange at me while dad chuckled.

Dad: “Leave him be, he is just jealous of this love” mom giggled again
and kissed him. I just groaned.

Me: “What I am trying to say is get a room”

Mom: “We are in the room, in fact the whole house belongs to us Nele

Me: “Is this your way of chasing me out?”She frowned.

Dad: “Shut up boy, it’s too early in the morning for you to be stressing out
your mother”

Mom: “You can leave but I want Stephaney here” I took the tray filled with
food and walked out.

Me: “I wish Caleb killed me” I shouted on my way out and another orange
hit my head causing me to chuckle.

I walked upstairs and got into our bedroom. Steph was still sleeping. I put
the tray on the couch and went to sit in bed. I took my time looking at her,
she was damn beautiful with her curly hair falling into her face. Her pink
pouty ruby lips and her perfectly shaped nose. I felt my heart tug thinking
about how lucky I was.

I shook her a little and she moaned. She turned and slept on the other
side and I smiled. I shook her again and she groaned before turning her
head back to me. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me, she
seemed annoyed at first but as soon as I smiled she also smiled.

Me: “Morning sleepy head” she yawned and sat on her butt. She
stretched before looking at me.

Steph: “Morning, what time is it?” I looked at my wrist watch.

Me: “A little after 9h00” she nodded and I made way for her because she
wanted to get out of bed. She walked to the bathroom giving me time to
make the bed. I quickly made the bed and by the time she came back I
was seated on the freshly made bed. She frowned and yawned again.

Steph: “Oh I am so tired!” she covered her mouth.

Me: “You will get all the rest you need when we get back from the Dr
baby, okay?” she nodded and smiled. She got in bed and I leaned over to
kiss her. She pulled me to her and I pulled back laughing.

Me: “Until I know for sure that you are okay, I ain’t touching you like that”
her eyes started to shine with tears and they fell.

Steph: “You no longer want me” I just smiled and gave her the tray. I am
going to rerun the bath for you since I am sure it’s super cold now.

Steph: “I don’t mind, it’s really hot” I gave her a look because I knew that
it was winter so it was not hot at all.

Me: “You are getting a warm bath and that is final” she huffed and folded
her arms.

Me: “That breakfast better be finished when I come back or else I will go
crazy” I walked to the bathroom and I decided that since we have a few
hours before we go to the Dr I would create something romantic for
Steph so I stepped out and went to mom’s garden for fresh rose petals. I
walked straight to the bathroom and she was still eating. I filled the tub
with water, put in bath oils and put on nice music for her. I rushed out and
put together a fruit with cheese platter. I got in as she was getting out of

Me: “I will come get you just now, rest for me please?” she nodded her
head. I guess she was mad, I chuckled and finished up everything. I went
to the bathroom and she was seated on the bed looking so cute. I took
her hand in mine and led her to the bathroom. We walked in and she
gasped, she turned quickly and hugged me,

Steph: “This is so sweet baby thank you, even though you’re a jerk
sometimes but thank you so much my love” she kissed me then lifted up
her hands. I stepped back and helped her out of her clothes. I helped her
inside the tub with a huge bulge but I was not going to give in until I got
the go ahead form the Dr.

I walked out of the bathroom as soon as she relaxed in the tub.

Me: “I am giving you 20 minutes, after that I am coming to get you” she
kept quiet. I sat on the bed and took my laptop, it was time for me to go
back to work. As soon as Steph is cleared she can also go back to work if
she wants.

I went over my emails and some documents that needed signing. I

decided to send all that to my lawyer and to go over it as I did not have
much time on my hands. I replied to emails that I could and to some I just
sent them to Mmeli, a lawyer that works under Sihle. Speaking of Sihle I
had to make time to go see her. She had done a lot for me and my family
so I had to thank her somehow plus Steph told me that she was pregnant
with Caleb’s child. That one was a sick bastard.

Steph emerged from the bathroom, I looked at the time and she had
been in the tub for 45 minutes. I closed my eyes and sighed.

Steph: “It’s okay, you had to get on with some work” she dropped her
towel and I coughed, this was really hard because ever since she came
back her hips got fuller, her breasts were a dream come true and her
stomach was super sexy with that black line in the middle of it. She
looked at me and giggled.
Steph: “I can help you” she wiggled her brows and I chuckled.

Me: “You are dangerous” she giggled and started to lotion. I wrapped up
everything and by the time I was done she was trying to put on her
shoes. I shot up and rushed to her.

Me: “Easy my love, you don’t want to hurt yourself” she gave me an ugly

Steph: “I have been calling you for ages” she rolled her eyes.

Me: “I am sorry my *kiss*beautiful*kiss* wife” she smiled and I helped her

with her bag. We walked out down the stairs, I helped her down and she
was protesting.

Me: “Next time I will carry you if you continue being this stubborn, okay?”
she tightened her lips and nodded. I kissed her lips and we walked out to
the car, I opened the door for her and she went in. I rushed quickly to the
house and took the container with her fruits, she was already mad at me
so I didn’t want to anger her more. I ran to the car and gave her the
container before sitting. My leg started to hurt with all that running plus
walking up the stairs.

She touched my shoulder and I looked at her. It hurt like hell.

Steph: “We don’t have to go today, we’ll go some other time” then there
was a knock on the door and it was my parents. I rolled down the window
and looked at them.

Mom: “We are coming with you” Steph and I looked at each other.

Dad: “I suggest you step out because I will drive, your mother and I are
taking you to see the Dr” they had stupid grins on their faces I wanted to
punch them.

Me: “We’re okay mom, you’ll come with us to the next appointment” they
looked at each other and laughed before looking back at us.

Dad: “Naah, we are coming today so move” I groaned. Now how was I
going to ask the Dr if it’s safe for us to have sex yet, I love my parents but
nabo nje bayaywisa induku.
I love my parents but they are cock blockers.

Insert 39

I could see that Sanele was pissed but he was also in pain but his
parents were in their own element. They were singing along to songs and
kept kissing each other on every stop sign. We finally got to the hospital
and Sanele just sat there. His parents turned to look at us.
Miss K: “ Aren’t you guys coming with?” she said with a smile.
Sanele: “ Why did you come? We didn’t need escorts” Miss K just rolled
her eyes.
Miss K: “ Well we came to see how our grandchild is doing but most
importantly to see if I can still have a baby. Your father and i….”
Sanele: “ What the fuck mom? A baby?” his father turned so quickly and
gave him a look.
Busani: “ Boy, don’t swear” I placed a hand on his shoulders. He looked
at me and closed his eyes before sighing. He opened them and looked at
Sanele: “ Let’s go” he gave me a weak smile before getting out of the car.
He went around and opened for me. He kissed my cheek and we started
walking away. His mom got out the car and shouted:
Miss K: “ Yey Wena Sanele you brat; with your broken leg. Don’t piss me
off you little snake!” I wanted to laugh but Sanele kept walking so I
Me: “ Babe, your mom is talking to you.”
Sanele: “ I came here to check on OUR baby. I don’t have time for them,
if they want to check if they can still have kids they must count me out. I
am not in the mood for their nonsense” he really was mad. I kissed his
cheek and smiled at him. He still was mad; I stuck out my bottom lip and
batted my eyebrows, he smiled a little and looked on the floor. He lifted
up his head and chuckled.
Sanele: “ Stop being cute” he kissed me and we pulled back. I looked
back and his parents were a few feet away from us. They got to us and
Miss K huffed.
Busani: “ Londiwe” he said in a stern voice.
Miss K: “ I am sorry Sanele. We are not trying for a kid; we just wanted to
be with you guys. You have been through a lot, both of you and I wish I
could put you in a cage so that no one would get to you” Sanele sighed
and pulled her in for a hug. She started crying and Busani came to me;
took my hand and we walked away.
We went to the canteen as we still had an hour to kill. He led me to the
comfortable chairs and went to buy something. He came back with water
and a fruit salad. He placed them in front of me, I grabbed it and started
to eat.
Me: “ Thank you” I said an almost full mouth.
Busani: “ You’re welcome Makoti” he smiled and his dimple appeared. I
almost choked, seeing him up-close made him look so much like his son.
Busani: “ How are you feeling maEvans?” I giggled. He is the only one
who calls me that. It sounds weird.
Me: “ I am okay. Its getting better but Sanele keeps having nightmares
and he waked up not remembering but he usually dreams about the night
in the fire and he shouts my name. Its always the same dream”
Busani: “ Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” he frowned.
Me: “ He said he’s fine so i didn’t want to overstep”


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