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He looks at me , and he really wants to ask

this . You can see it’s written all over his

And if he really wants the answer , he

should just be a man and ask me

I won’t deny , I won’t shy away from the

truth . I’ll come out straight and say it
Dad : she’s not getting better

Me : I told you to take her to a home ,

you’re not equipped to take care of her .
Nor have the money to be hiring a nurse for

He shakes his head

Me : she’s a burden you can’t deny that

Dad : this is your mother , and it’s not like

you cannot afford

Me : she’s nothing of mine , and right now

I’m taking my wife and Mihla to school .
That doesn’t come cheap , second years are
more expensive than the first . And I have a
new born , babies are expensive

My baby is only a year old , I don’t have

money to spend on the same woman I hurt

Dad : don’t you care ?

Me : do you really want me to answer ? We

both know what I’m going to say , so you
want to hear those words come out of my

Dad : whatever she did to you , just let it go

Me : no

Dad : then let me take care of her , she’s my


Me : then don’t ask me to help , because I

won’t . And stop asking me to come here

Voice : just take a new wife , I’ve been

telling you this

We both look at her , I’m quick to get up

and help her with her bag

Me : Makhulu (grandmother)
She smiles , I put her bags down

Dad : ma , not this again . I won’t be

ditching my wife , not when she needs me
the most

Makhulu : she’s a wife with what ?

Ouch !

Makhulu : you have two options , take her

to a home or return her back to her family.

Dad : I won’t do any of that

Makhulu : then stop bothering the kids with
her , Nqobizitha is a family man now . He
has his own family to worry about , not your

And she’s finished this , I just hope my

father hears her

Clearly , there’s no way that my mother will

ever recover and be herself again

Me : my wife is busy now , she needs me

supporting her the most with her gift . Your
wife’s health problems are not mine

I don’t know what Roy what did to her , and

I don’t care to know
He did one marvellous job , and that’s
fucking remarkable

Dad : did you really let her issues with your

wife go ? After she disrupted her ceremony

Me : I didn’t

Now he’s getting to where he’s been

wanting to go

Dad : you’re my son , and I thought I knew

you . But I have to ask this , do you have
anything to do with your mother’s
Makhulu : what are you asking this child ?

Dad : he knows what I’m asking him

Me : and yes I did , I had her crippled like

this . And I would do it again , I told her
many times to leave my wife alone . Poke
me with anything , just not my wife

He gets up angry coming towards me , his

mother stops him

Makhulu : I don’t have a hooligan of a child

Dad : did you hear what he said ? We’re in

this mess all because of him
Me : and….

Makhulu : Nqobizitha please

I will only respect her in this matter

Me : let him beat me , it’ll make him feel

like a man and revenge his wife

The look he gives me , I would be dead by

now if looks could kill

Makhulu : you’re not helping the situation

Me : I’m leaving , don’t call me here again

for this
I get up and walk out heading to my car , it’s
already late but I’ll drive through the night
and go back to Joburg
I look at Nobuhle sleeping , we’re finally

It happened 3 months ago , it wasn’t easy

getting her to agree

Or even trust me again , but I was

persistent. And seeing how devoted I was to

It kind of helped the situation , and she

finally agreed

Marriage life with her has just been okay , I

don’t want to lie and say it’s perfect
I look at my brother and Zamabongwa , and
every time I can’t help but wonder

How life would have been if she was mine

and not his

She’s in love , and she doesn’t shy away

from that

But I loved her , and probably still does .

Which is why I can’t let go

And I don’t mind the child , she’s my

brother’s child which makes her my blood

I won’t die if I were to take care of her

It’s true what they say , the heart wants
what it wants . After a whole year , I still
long for Zama

My phone rings , and it’s Thami . I get up

and walk to the window , answering the call

Me : this better be worth my time

Thami : we have eyes on your brother

I sigh , taking a minute to think

Thami : are you still there ?

Me : yes
Thami : what should we do ?

Me : finish him

I drop the call , and switch off my phone . If

he doesn’t die , I’ll probably be the one
I’m so worried , the way I am feeling it’s like
something is wrong

I tried praying , taking my candles and

water. But it didn’t work , I still can’t shake
your feeling off

Now I’m even crying , I’m sad to a point that

I can’t stop nor hold myself

Mihla : please call bhuti again (brother)

She’s leaning against the door , it’s been

amazing having her stay with us . Right now,
she even looks worried and that’s not what
I want
Me : where is Asamukele ?

Mihle : sleeping

I nod , wiping my tears off

Me : you said you’re meeting Khuzani

Mihle : I can’t leave you like this

Me : I’ll be fine , you can go

Mihle : but…

Me : baby it’s okay

She nods

Mihla : call if there’s anything

Me : I will

She leaves , I get up and check on my baby .

Even she’s not sleeping peacefully ,
something is really wrong

I pick her up , and she’s awake in a second .

I go to our room , I lay down on the bed

Taking my phone calling Nqobi again , and

it’s the same thing voicemail
He left the village , he called when he was
leaving . Even his grandmother told me ,
he’s coming back home

It’s not 18 hours to Joburg , even with a car

driving and not flying

He should have long been here this

morning, but it’s almost midday now

I make a call , first ring he answers

Roy : Mrs Ngema

Me : find my husband
Roy : on it

I drop the call , and a picture of a car rolling

over a cliff plays in front of me

I place a hand over my mouth , muffling my

cries . I pick my baby and hold her in my
I’ve been looking at this phone , more like
staring at it for a while now

Impatiently so , Roy has to give me

something to work with

I need to know where my husband is at ,

what I know is that he’s not okay

The car rolling like that , that wasn’t

nothing. And it has happened

It’s not something that’s going to happen ,

that I know for a fact . Asamukele is not
sleeping either , and I can’t ignore her . My
baby loves attention , she hates being
ignored with all her being
My phone rings and I answer right away ,
without even checking who it is

Me : hello

Roy : we have a lead

Me : where ?

Roy : on the N1
Damn !

Me : meet me by the T-junction now

I drop the call , I get up place Asa in the
middle of the bed

She’s one busy baby , she might fall down

following me . She just can’t stay still

I take blue ripped boyfriend jeans , put then

on with a black vest and black sneakers

I pick her up , and walk out heading to my

car . I don’t see MaSylvia anywhere

We get to the car , I strap her in . Making

sure she’s tightly in , I can never make a
mistake . That would be me , wanting Nqobi
to finish me off . I get into my seat and drive
I’m not okay being here , Zama and her
husband have kind of become my big
brother and sister

I know she’s not okay now , worried about

him . I should be home

But I know better , when she says she’s fine

she wants to be left alone . And we
shouldn’t pester her , that’s why I left with a
heavy heart though

Khuzani : you’re not okay

I don’t know what we are , or what are we

But since I moved to Joburg , we’ve been
spending a lot of time together

And he’s like some sorts of a boyfriend , he

calls himself that

But he hasn’t even courted me , so I have

no idea where to stand from my side

Me : I’m just worried about Sisi Zama

Khuzani : is she not okay ?

Me : something like that

He takes my hand
Khuzani : does she know you’re out ?

I nod

Khuzani : and I’m sure she’s okay with that?

Me : she is , well she said she is so

Khuzani : then stop worrying , just an hour

with me and I’ll take you back home

Me : okay

Khuzani : and you still owe me a visit to my

I laugh

Khuzani : come on its been a whole year

Me : so ?

Khuzani might be from the village like me ,

but he’s a city guy

I don’t trust him , he looks like he’s a ladies

man . And if he looks like it , then he’s
probably it

I’ve never been in a relationship , I’m scared

to get my heart broken
I see love between Zama and her husband ,
and I’m like this is the kind of love I want

If it’s not that one , then thank you I don’t

want it and definitely don’t need it

Khuzani : I’ll cook for you

Me : you and cooking ?

Khuzani : yes me , just not today cause I can

see you’re worried

Me : as soon as things are back to normal

home , then we can talk about this
He chuckles

Khuzani : you mean we can do it

Me : Kanti what did I say ?

Khuzani : we’ll talk about it

And I did

Me : oh ?

Khuzani : you’re so sneaky

He says laughing shaking his head


Asa is asleep now , we got here in less than

an hour

I get out of my car , locking all doors . Roy

gets out of his

Roy : this is far from….

Me : I saw his car rolling here , let’s go over
the cliff

He looks at me , and he knows I would

never say something unless I’m sure and
certain about it

He leads the way , and as we look down

there is the car

Roy : shit , take the baby home . Let me deal

with it

I’ve shut down all emotions , there’s no way

I’m leaving here
Until I know what’s going on , one look and
he knows I won’t listen to him

He will listen to me , that’s just how it is .

That’s what Nqobi pays him for

Me : we need to get down

Roy : it’s too deep

Me : find a rope or something

Roy : I have some metals in the car , let me

get done and you stay here

Me : okay
I won’t say no to that , Nqobi will kill him if I
dare go down there

He walks back to his car , and comes back

with two small steel poles

Me : don’t fall

He laughs

Roy : I won’t , pray I don’t

He goes over , and slowly goes down . I

watch him , until he gets to the car .
I heave a sigh of relief , he walks around it
for a bit . Inspecting it , looking inside as
Me : he’s not there

He looks at me , and it’s written all over his

face . I motion for him with my hand to
come up

He picks something from the floor , and

comes back up

Roy : he’s not there , it’s too bloody though.

So he bled , very badly . Here
He hands me a piece of his shirt , it’s ripped

Me : let’s go

We walk back to our cars , before I drive off

I open the wonder

Me : my house

He nods , I close the window and we drive

back to my house

If something dragged my husband out of

there , they will reap what they sow
I’ve never done something , thinking I’m so
sure of

Yet be scared as I am , I can’t even eat nor

do anything

I went to the office and came back ,

because I couldn’t even focus

And Nqobi not being there , just made

things worse . Knowing very well that I’m
responsible for that

Thami walks in , I’ve been calling him since

last night
He said he couldn’t talk , I wonder what
that nonsense was all about

Me : I’ve been waiting

He sits down

Thami : I got held up , I have to stay low . It

won’t be long until someone finds your

Me : you said he went over the cliff

Thami : he’s dead alright , you can be rest

That should make me happy , but it’s not .
I’m very much unsettled right now

Me : okay , you’ll get the rest of your money

Thami : you’re a dangerous man , I fear you.

People do crazy things , but they never hurt
family . Never mind your own brother ,
that’s basically your other half

He gets up , right after making me feel like

shit . What an idiot

Thami : it was nice doing business with you

He walks out , I look at him until he’s out of
sight . I sigh downing the glass

This doesn’t feel right

Marriage is a good thing right ? I mean I
look at Zama and Nqobizitha

And I see what marriage is all about , or

rather at least what it should look like

And I look at what we have with Nqobimpi ,

and it’s nothing even close to that

Not that I’m comparing or anything like

that, but just taking a look at it

Our marriage is so cold , we’re like just two

people living together and married on
There’s no love here , I do love him so very
much but he just doesn’t see him

I don’t want to think that , I was just an

escape for him to get over Zama

Clearly that didn’t work , am I even wrong

to think that he’s still hung up on her ?

Maybe he’s found someone else , someone

close to the love he had for her

Because that person is not me , we’ve been

married for a short while I know
And I should probably keep some faith , but
I can already see this is not the kind of life I
want for myself

There’s money yes , a good home and I

have everything I need

But the marriage itself , there’s nothing to

be happy about or even gloat about

I’m trying , it’s not like I’m just folding arms.

I’m trying to put some effort

But it’s one sided , even the love is one

sided . He doesn’t give a damn about us
In public we look like perfect couple , but at
home it’s something else

We hardly even talk to each other , his

conversation towards me is never that of a

If I had means and ways , I would get out

now before it even goes any far

But it’s safe to also say that , I’m scared of

my own husband

He hasn’t done anything , to make me feel

this way
But then , after he once put me on a
hospital bed . I doubt I can ever fully trust
he won’t hurt me again

I’m supposed to be happy , this marriage is

supposed to be my happy place

But it’s not , I don’t even have friends . I

have no one I can talk to

Zama is the last person I would vent to

about my marital problems

As much as I can see she’s happy , and she

loves her husband
Still my own husband loves her , how can I
be comfortable with her ?

We used to be friends , we had our happy

times . But that ship long sailed , a long time

My whole life is just sadness , I can’t even

go back home

There’s nothing left there for me , even the

house is all gone

I’m stuck here , in an unhappy and loveless

With a man that’s in love with his brother’s
I could ask Sfiso , to check this out for me .
But the less people I involve in this the

I do trust Thami and his men , but

something is just off about this

I haven’t heard anything all day , since

yesterday . It’s been two days now

There should have been anything said about

the accident

Even though the car went over a cliff ,

someone must have spot it
Even Zama hasn’t said anything , which is
what’s even more worrying

Her husband hasn’t been home for two

days , surely as a wife she’s worried and

Can it be that she knows I had a hand in it ?

And that’s why she hasn’t told us anything

I take a deep breath and knock , if there’s

something else I’ll see it

MaSylvia opens the door with Asa in her

Me : sawubona MaNgema (hello)

That’s how we call her here at home , her

grandfather’s instructions

MaSylvia : Ngena baba (come in)

Me : how are you ma ?

MaSylvia : I’m good , and how are you ?.

Me : I really cannot complain

I take Asa from her

Me : is my brother home ?.

I ask as Zama comes down , and she looks

so fine

Like there’s not even a single worry on her

face , now I don’t know what to make of

Me : Sisi (sister)

Zama : Bhuti , unjani ? (Brother how are


Me : I am well , and how are you ?

Zama : I’m good

We sit down

Me : is Nqobi home ? I haven’t seen him at

work , for two days now . He’s not available
on call

Zama : oh , he’s away on business to China .

He didn’t tell you ?.

What ? This is is some fucking confusion ,

like who is lying to who ?

Me : no he didn’t , when did he leave ?

Zama : exactly two days ago

Me : but I know nothing about a business

deal in China

Zama : it’s just something he’s doing on the


Now I’m even more confused , could it be

she knows and she’s trying to fool me ?

Or Thami straight up lied to me , but what

reason will he have to lie to me ?

Me : oh okay , no I came to check on him

Zama : he’s not available at the moment ,
maybe in a month or so he’ll be back

Nqobi will never leave his family for that

long , like I said something is not right here

Now is he dead or not ?

Voice : I’m done

Says a male voice I know very well

Me : Roy

He stands in front of me
Roy : yes

This fucker is so disrespectful he doesn’t

even hide it

Me : you’re in my brother’s house , with his

wife and child . While he’s away on business

Roy : you’re a much worse fool , than I

thought you were

He looks at Zama

Zama : I’ll be in touch

Roy : alright
He walks out , I look at her

Zama : this is my house , mine not yours .

I’m the one married to Nqobizitha not you ,
understand that very well . In this house
you have no say , don’t disrespect me like
that again Nqobimpi . And you can leave

Something changed in this girl , she’s no

longer that Zama I once had mini dates with

On top of the hill , by the river bank . She’s a

whole woman now , who can hold her own

Me : I meant no disrespect
Zama : okay , I’ll tell Nqobi you passed by
when he calls

I hand Asa to her

Me : take care

Zama : thank you for coming by , he will

appreciate it . Don’t be a stranger now ,
we’re left alone . Come check us once in a
while when you can

Me : okay

I leave , so frustrated and confused . Not

knowing what’s what exactly
If Thami crossed me , he will never live to
tell the story

As soon as he walks out , I click my tongue

annoyed as hell
Roy walks back in from the kitchen door , he
takes Asa . She knows him very well

Me : and ?

Roy : some amateurs he found

Me : Nqobimpi just doesn’t know when to


Roy : what do you want to do ?

Me : I’ll deal with him

Roy : now I’m scared for him

Me : worry not , I won’t even go all spiritual
on him . I’ll deal with him myself , Roy find
my husband . Do it on the low , if any of his
enemies find out he’s gone missing blood
will spill . No one can know he’s not known
where he is , just find him

Roy : I will , I can assure you that

Me : I’ll do my bit

Roy : I trust you on that

Me : give me that shirt piece

He gives me on inquiring look , I laugh

Me : I won’t bewitch it , I want that blood

Roy : and what do you call that ?.

Me : nothing , I just want to help you . So

help me to help you

He sighs shaking his head

Me : Roy

Roy : yes

He takes the plastic from his pocket , I take

Roy : I should get going , will you two be
fine ?

Me : I can take care of us

He nods , handing me Asa

Roy : bye

He waves and she waves back

Asa : ta ta (bye)

He leaves , I look at my daughter . I will spill

a Ngema blood , just for her
I won’t be raising a child without a father ,
all because of a man who just can’t accept
that he’s not loved

He’s not Nqobizitha Ngema and he will

never be

Being married to that man , has changed

me in so many ways I never thought I would

There’s nothing he does I don’t know , and I

don’t even bother to find out myself

Because he tells me himself , there’s no one

he deals with I don’t know
He’s dragged me in too deep on his
business , willingly yes .

And I stand with my husband no matter

what , I will kill for that man if it ever
comes to it

I would do it , without even thinking twice .

There’s nothing special about Nqobimpi

And he needs to know that

Been trying to reach Thami , but I can’t find

I’ve called a few of his guys , but they seem

to have no idea where he is

Now I’m stressed , seems like I’ve been

played here

The fuck am I going to do , if Nqobi is still

alive he’s going to kill me now

That much I know very well , and if Thami

has disappeared
Then it means my brother knows , I’m the
one behind his accident

I fucking messed up , after a whole year

mending out relationship

I just couldn’t let go of Zama , how does he

get to have her and live my life with her

While I’m stuck with Zobuhle , and we seem

to be failing miserably in making our
marriage work

Like she’s just not Zama , and I’m just

having trouble being a husband to her
I do love her , but it’s not that deep . And
now I do believe the saying that , love is not
always enough

Zo : hi

I just look at her

Zo : I cooked

Me : I’m not hungry

She sighs

Zo : but I took hours cooking , you could

have just called and told me not to bother
Me : excuse me

I get up

Zo : Mpi I’m talking to you

Me : don’t raise your voice at me

My voice is stern she moves back a bit , I’m

annoyed and angry . And her poking me ,
will not help either of us

Zo : I’m sorry

She tries to walk away , I hold her hand

Me : Baby I’m sorry

Zo : it’s….okay

Me : don’t be scared of me

She looks down

Me : please dish up , just a small portion . I

do feel bad now . I’m just stressed , I’m
dealing with a situation

Zo : it’s not a must that you eat

Me : I will eat , please

She nods , and tries to yank her arm off my

Me : please give me a kiss

She laughs

Me : baby please , and thank you for


Zo : can you just tell me next time

Me : I promise , I’ll communicate better

Zo : that’s all I ask

Me : okay , my kiss now

She gets on her toes , cups my face and we


It’s been almost a week even having sex , I

won’t even say making love because that
would be a lie

As much as we’re apart , but sometimes it’s

nice when she’s happy

That’s why I tried to ease the mood right


Roy hasn’t given me any update , as much
as I know he will pull through

I just wish there was something to make

things go faster

I’m worried , as much as I know now that

Nqobi is alive

I want to see him , and know where he is . I

can’t help but be worried

Me : sawubona MaNgema (hello)

Asa : ngena (come in)

I laugh , she always misses the words and
just says whatever she hears and wants to

Me : unjani ? (How are you)

Asa : njani ? (How are you)

Me : mina ngiyaphila , Wena unjani ? (I’m

well , how are you)

Asa : wena (you)

Me : ngisho Wena mina (I mean you)

Asa : Wena (you)

Me : ah this is not going anywhere

I pick her up , we walk into the lounge . Her

nanny is off today

And MaSylvia seems to busy , so I’m a

mother today there’s no running away
I called Thobani to come through today , I’m
at the office

Trying to get my mind off things , I’m too


This whole thing is a mess , and I created

this mess

As always , nothing I ever do plays out the

way planned

Thobani : I need to leave

Me : give me a minute
I’m still wrapping up

Thobani : you called me , knowing you’ll be


This boy

Me : where is your brother ?

I’ll just ask him straight out

Thobani : I haven’t been there in a while

He moved out this year ,because of

Olwemihla and the baby
He wanted to give them some space , and
Nqobi was fine with him leaving

He’s been tamed though , hasn’t been

anything bad following him

Me : oh , and you haven’t spoken with him?

Thobani : he calls like once a week , I mostly

call Zama when I want to talk to MaNgema

Me : I see

Thobani : why ?

Me : I was just asking

I close the laptop

Me : let’s go

Thobani : you called me here for that ?

I look at him

Thobani : you could have just called Mpi ,

I’m busy

Me : busy with what ?

Thobani : nothing that concerns you , don’t

waste my time for nothing next time just
He gets up and walks out , not pleased with
me of course

Me : that went well

I guess , if I have to know what really

happened to my brother

I have to find him myself , no one is helping

me at all

And I can’t go where the accident took

place , I’ll just be implicating myself in a
mess of things

I decided to bring this small person to do

her hair , they take good care of it

She has one huge afro for a baby , just like

her mother

She took that on me , everything else is just

her father
I thought she’ll change as she grows up , but
it’s like she’s him everyday

They just treated it , and styled it nicely . I

don’t want it relaxed . And I prefer less hair
piece used on it

And she doesn’t like plaited her at all , she

loved pulling her hair

One crazy baby I know , she cries when it’s

plaited and she can’t reach it to pull it

Me : now that’s done , semhle ke (you’re so

She laughs , hiding her face on my chest
sucking on her thumb

I so badly want her to stop , but she just

loves it . I don’t even know how to make
her stop

Voice : Zama

I turn , after paying . And it’s Zobuhle , you

can never say we used to be friends

We hardly see each other , never mind

being sister’s in-law

Me : how are you ?

Zo : I am well

Me : glad to hear that

I’ve known her for a while , and right now

she’s just masking pain with a smile

Me : well it was good seeing you , miss here

is done with her hair . We were just leaving

Zo : we should meet sometimes , it’s been a


Me : I’ll see

Zo : we’re family after all

I chuckle

Me : indeed , I’ll call you

I walk out heading to my car , strap Asa in

her chair . Get into my seat and drive home

When we arrived , she’s asleep . I take her

to her room , and put her in her cot

I walk back down , only something catches

my eye as I pass the study room

The other door is slightly opened , and no

one in this house besides me knows about
that door
A computer is flickering in there , I look
around and there’s no one

I walk inside and lock the door , going into

the other room

I get in and close the door as well , I

approach the computer

There’s just small letters moving around , I

can’t make out what they’re saying

It’s not consistent , I pull a chair and sit

down . A few minutes , trying to make out if
they’re saying anything
Me : come alone

I look around and spot nothing , I look

closely and there’s GPS coordinates on top
of the computer

I take my phone out and punch them in , I

have no idea where this place is at

And by the look of things , it doesn’t look

like one safe place

I switch off the computer , like who could

this be ? . If word got out Nqobi is nowhere
to be found , could be an opening for his
I could go there , only to find out I’ve been
lured to a trap

I dial Roy , and only drop on the first ring . I

can’t take chances , maybe my husband’s
life is hanging by a thread

I get up , and walk out . I go into the kitchen

and find MaSylvia with Mihla

Mihla : are you okay ?

I mask all those emotions

Me : I’m fine , I need to go out for a bit .

Please watch MaNgema for me
Mihla : okay

Me : she’s sleeping now , I’ll leave some

milk if I take long you can give her when she
wakes up

MaSylvia : don’t worry

I smile

Me : thank you

I walk back to my room , I change into black

sweatpants black t-shirt and a black
baseball jacket . With grey sneakers
I walk out , having to take any of my cars or
his I debate with myself

And it might be a bit of a problem , if Mpi is

anywhere watching he might follow me

I cannot trust him at all , especially knowing

this is all his doing

He’s asking around for Nqobi hoping that he

can get something

I call a cab , and it’ll have to drop me a bit

far from where I’m going
I can’t take any chances , already I’m risking
going there . Not knowing who’s calling me

I’m home late today , just had things to do

at the office and I took longer

I’m so not up for a fight , I didn’t call Zo and

tell her that I would be late

She’s probably in her usual sour moods ,

and I’m not in the mood today
I sit down on the couch , she walks in and
looks at me.

Me : before you even accuse me of fucking

around , I was at the office . You can even
check my phone , that’s where I’ve been the
whole day

I say as annoyed and tired as I am , she

places one hand on my shoulder

Zo : are you bathing first , or eating ?

Okay , she’s calm . Maybe it’s because of

what I said
Me : I’d like a plate

Zo : okay

She walks into the kitchen and I’m

surprised, I take my phone out and I have a

It’s from Olwemihla , strange she’s asking to

see me

I don’t know what’s the deal with this kid ,

but there’s just something about her

I just can’t put my finger on it , but I’m

staying away from her
Zo : here you go

I put the phone away and smile

Me : thank you

She nods

Me : are you not eating ?

Zo : I ate a while back

Me : please join me
I say , as she walks away . She turns and sits
down opposite me

Me : next time please just join me

Zo : okay , I won’t eat until you get home

Me : just have a snack if I’m too late

Zo : I will

Me : so how was your day ?

Zo : great , I went to the salon . Saw Zama

and Asa
Me : you mean MaNgema

She rolls her eyes

Zo : her parents named her Asamukele

Me : and my father says we call her

MaNgema , that’s that . Don’t be

Zo : I don’t wanna fight with you about this

Me : I wasn’t fighting , just don’t call her by

name in front of anyone . They might not
take kindly to that
Zo : noted

Me : it’s just the tone

I put the plate on the table

Zo : I’m sorry

I shake my head

Me : is Zama okay ?

She gives me an evil eye

Me : forget I even asked

I get up , walking upstairs to our room . I
text Olwemihla back , that I’ll see her

I wonder what she wants

This place is creepy and scary , I don’t even
want to act all brave

I’m scared no lies , I shouldn’t have left my

gun coming here

That was one hell of a mistake , but I have

to brace myself

I’m already here , so it’s no use to run or

turn back

Whoever called , might be watching me .

And well I’m Nqobizitha’s wife . I cannot be
a coward , even in such situations . He
always tells me , you never crumble no
matter what
I finally open the door , and it’s dark inside .
I can’t even see a single thing

Voice : there’s a light on your left

It’s his voice , I just follow where the sound

came from

Forgetting the light he spoke about , he’s

wearing the same white shirt

And it’s all bloody and torn , but you can

still see it

I crouch down , breaking down . I can’t hold

back the tears
I just can’t stop them , he’s still bleeding .
On the cut , it’s wet

And my hand just had to be there , I slowly

move it after he groans in pain

I wasn’t aware he’s hurt , I didn’t see the


Me : I’m sorry

I say through my tears , he slowly moves

and holds me

Nqobi : stufuza wami (my chubby lady)

I smile , the very same shirt is now wet from
my own tears

Me : who did this ?.

I need to get a hold of myself , but it’s okay .

In front of my husband I can be weak and
break down

Nqobi : my brother

I pull back , and he’s smiling

Me : I am going to kill him

I figured , that he has something to do with
this . The way he came around snooping

Nqobi : I don’t want blood in your hands

Me : I wasn’t asking you , I was telling you .

In case you missed that

Nqobi : let me…..

Me : you need to come back home , Mpi is

nothing to make you live in a place like this

He chuckles , and I know he gets what I

Nqobi : I wasn’t sure it’s him , I got out
when the car was rolling . Broke a few ribs ,
and got this but from a metal piece . I had
to make a run for it , because I had no idea
who wanted me dead . It could have been

Me : but now you know it’s him ,there’s no

need for this

Nqobi : yes , there isn’t . But I want to come

back when I’ve fully healed

Me : that can be a while , and you can’t be

staying in such a place
Nqobi : worry not , I’ll move tonight . And
I’ll make sure you have my location , bring
my daughter to see me tomorrow . I’m not
hiding from Mpi , I just want to be fine

I sigh

Nqobi : I love you

Me : and I love you Ngema

He holds my hand

Me : I don’t wanna leave you here alone

Nqobi : as soon as you leave , I’m leaving

Me : who else knows where you are ?

Nqobi : just you

Me : then how are you going to move all

alone ?

Nqobi : I got this far all alone , have some

faith Stufuza . What kind of man do you
think you married ?

I laugh

Me : I know exactly who I married , and

screw me over with Mpi . I’ll show you a
snakes breasts
He laughs , and the way he’s in pain hurts

Nqobi : you can’t be here for long , it’s

already late . I want you home with our

Me : give me that new location as soon as

you move

Nqobi : I will

I get up

Nqobi : so no one round before you leave ?

I laugh

Me : you’re so nasty

Nqobi : come on , it won’t hurt anyone

Me : last time you said that , I carried a

whole human being for 9 months

Nqobi : she’s old now , she needs siblings

Me : wait right there , that’s not happening

Nqobi : we’ll see phela

Me : nje

I crouch back and give him a kiss , one he’s

hesitant to

But he finally gives in

Mpi just doesn’t know when to stop , and I
can give it to him this time around

But it was the first and the last , he will

never and I mean ever get to do this shit

I will kill him with my own bare hands , and I

will mourn him

I didn’t see the car , I was not paying

attention to it

It came out of nowhere , they were not

tailing me because I would have long
spotted them
He knew what he was doing , and he
wanted me dead

Too bad for him , I will die in my own time

and on my own terms.

Not by a man’s hand , especially my idiotic

twin brother

He tried to kill me , and he failed . Well I

won’t try to kill him , I will definitely do it

And I won’t fail , not like him . Because I am

definitely not him
I managed to get away from there , running
by the hill until I got here

And it was just hell , because the metal cut

through my lower stomach

I managed to stitch it up , but it wasn’t done

properly . So it’s still bleeding a bit

But I’ll be fine , I can’t go back home this

weak . Then he will definitely feel like he
has some power over me

Just because he managed to hurt me , I can

never give him that satisfaction
I managed to move , and get a cheap motel
room in Rosebank

It’s on the far side , he can never think that

I’ll be in such a place

I managed to get a phone , just so I can call

my wife and daughter

I miss my little female version , my very

own human stranger

A day just not seeing her is hell , and the

past three days were the worst . I video call
her , and she takes a while before she
Me : stufuza wami (my chubby lady)

She laughs picking MaNgema up

Me : MaNgema ka baba

She smiles , and she’s so damn sleepy

Asa : baba (dad)

Me : sawubona (hello)

Asa : abona (you see)

I chuckle , it’s just the things my daughter

Me : she looks sleepy

Zama : she’s been restless the past few days

Me : I’m sorry

Zama : she’s happy now , I’m sure she’ll

sleep well

Me : breastfeed her so she can sleep

She sighs
Zama : I want her to stop

Me : I told you when she’s two , she’s still

young now

She sits down on the bed , and the second

her breast is out . MaNgema doesn’t waste
time , sucking on it

Zama : umntanakho (your baby)

I laugh

Me : ngiyak’thanda stufuza wami (I love you

my chubby lady)
Asa : fuza

She says with the nipple inside her mouth ,

this baby talks too much

And I just laugh , Zama hates it when

MaNgema copies that

Me : don’t be angry

Zama : uyaphapha (she’s too forward)

I just smile , watching this moment .

Wishing that I was there with them . She
closes one eye , while forcing the other to
She ends up just picking the phone , and
holding it like she’s comforting a doll or

I laugh

Zama : don’t drop it , she might not fall


Me : I won’t , ngiyak’thanda MaNgema (I

love you)

I can’t even see anyone right now , because

the phone is pressed against her

Asa : thanda (love)

This is just too sweet , I can’t be away from
my two people any longer

I need to get proper medical care , so I can

go back home

I called Roy over , and in an hour he was


He didn’t waste any time coming , knowing

that he’s been busy looking for me

I know he didn’t get to have any rest , this is

one loyal man I have
That I have literally taken as a brother , it’s
because of how he is to me and my family

He’s just that one man I can trust with their

lives , without any fear

Roy : you look better though

Me : right ? I don’t even know how I

managed to get out of that car

And I really don’t know how I got out of


Roy : that’s done

Me : thanks

I pull my t-shirt down , he’s here to patch

me up

I couldn’t bare staying with a wound that’s

not properly stitched

That was just me calling for infections , and

causing more health problems for myself

Me : where is my brother ?

Roy : around
Me : I see , so he’s just living his life out
there . With minds that he killed me ?

He smiles

Roy : your brother is an idiot

Me : the worst kind I know

I pour myself a glass of water

Me : keep my wife away from him , I’ll be

home in a few days

Roy : and how do I do that ?

I look at him , not believing that he even
asked me that

Me : Roy what do I pay you for ?

He laughs

Roy : anything and everything you says

Me : like saying keep Mpi away from my


Roy : I can’t do that

Me : what ?
Roy : wait , don’t get me wrong

Me : is this you handing in your resignation?

Roy : hell no

Me : I pay you

Roy : you sure do , but I fear your wife more

than I fear you . She wants Mpi herself

This I cannot believe

Me : you fear her ?

Roy : I do , I won’t even lie . You can laugh
at me if you like , but it’s the truth

I shake my head

Me : Roy leave

He laughs

Roy : on this one , you’re alone . I’m with

the Mrs

Me : ad she’ll pay you this month , so leave

He takes his bag

Roy : you’re sour it’s okay , call if you need

Me : I’ll call my wife

He laughs leaving , and I know he wasn’t

kidding saying that he will side with her

I better get out of here , before things go

sour out there
Mpi walked out of here , without even
saying where he was going

I’m worried about us , I don’t even want to


I doubt we’ll last in this marriage , we might

not even make it to a full year of marriage

And having no one to talk to doesn’t help , I

feel so alone with no one by myself

I’m even scared to talk to Zama , as much as

I know she’ll listen
But things have changed , and so has she

She’s no longer that Zama I knew , before

she got married and moved to Joburg

She’s totally different now , she’s like a

whole wife and it’s on full mode

But now I’m out of options , I don’t know

who to turn to anymore

So here I am calling her , and her phone is

ringing she’s not answering

I’m sure she’s shocked that I’m calling her ,

out of everyone
Zama : hello

Me : hey , how are you ?.

I’m so glad that she answered

Zama : I’m good , and how are you ?

Me : I’m well

We have one awkward silence moment

Me : uhm , I was hoping we can meet and

talk ?
Zama : talk about what ?

See the old Zama would have never asked

me such

Instead , she would have asked when and


Me : I really need an ear

I say honestly , hoping she can hear my

sincerity and meet me

Me : please , I know we’re not the best of

friends anymore . But I’m really asking here
She heaves a sigh

Zama : okay , maybe later on during the

week . My husband is out of the country
now , you know how his daughter is like . I
have to pay heed to her

Me : okay , I understand . Thank you

Zama : if things changes and I can meet you,

I’ll definitely call

Me : I’d appreciate that

Zama : alright , was there anything else ?

Me : no , that was all

Zama : okay

Me : bye

Zama : bye

I drop the call , and I hope she can give me

some advice

I don’t know who to turn to , if there was

anyone I would definitely not be bothering

She walks in , looking so ever so beautiful .

This girl is beautiful , yes she’s no Zama

But in her own way , she’s beautiful and I

can’t take that from her

I can’t help how I sometimes look at her

with lust
But she’s a child , and the relationship with
Zama and my brother makes thing difficult

Mihla : hi , sorry to keep you waiting

She says pulling a chair and sitting down

Me : really ?

She looks at me confused

Me : now I feel like not a man enough

She squints her eyes , I smile

Me : you should have let me pull the chair
for you

She laughs

Mihla : you’re really that kind , or the type ?

Me : I’m whatever you think I am

She looks down

Me : can I order for you ?

She lifts her head , we lock eyes for a

second . Before she breaks off the intense
Mihle : yes please

I call a waiter over , and just order a bottle

of wine and a platter

We’ll share the platter , and I don’t want

any drinks today

Me : I don’t even know why you called , but

am I allowed to go off course a bit ?.

She looks at me very much so curiously

Mihle : I guess you can ?

Me : do you have a boyfriend ?

The shock , she really wasn’t expecting
anything like that from me

But why torture myself , I’m just dying to

know . And it’s no crime to ask

Mihla : I have no direct answer to that


Me : right , meaning there’s someone

you’re just not sure if he’s a boyfriend yet
or what ?

She nods shyly

Mihla : something like that

I can just come out straight , and ask some
more but I’ll rather leave it here

Me : why did you ask to see me ?

The waiter brings our food , and I pour the

glass for her

Mihla : thank you , but I don’t drink alcohol

Me : sorry my bad , I didn’t know

Mihla : it’s okay , I thought it was yours

Me : this is for women , I drink hot stuff

She laughs

Mihla : understood

Me : this is no worry , nor a bother . Don’t

mind it , so do tell me

Mihla : it’s soon to be Zama and bhut

Nqobi’s anniversary

Me : oh that

I wish she didn’t , whatever she wants to

talk about
Regarding those two being happy , I really
don’t want to hear it

Mihla : I don’t know them that well , so I

don’t know what to get them

Me : I’m very bad with these things , you’re

asking the wrong person

Mihla : I actually want to have a surprise

anniversary celebration for them

Me : oh !

And she just keeps going on , I just wish she

can stop
Me : you need money for that ?

Mihla : don’t offend me , I’ve been saving

Me : my bad

I say with a smile , just so she can move

from that offence

Mihla : I just need to know the kind of

things they would prefer

Me : and like I said , I’m the worst person

when it comes to such things
I won’t even waste my time , I’m not
interested in helping her not even by one

Meeting with Mpi didn’t help me with

anything , instead he was just a pervert

I cannot deny him his looks , but I don’t see

him like that

Besides he looks old , like way too old for

me to even get involved with
Not that I would , I consider bhut Nqobi as a

There’s no other way I can look at his

brother , besides seeing him as a brother as

But clearly that’s not the point with him , he

just looked at me and saw a woman

That time the man is married , I wasn’t

really pleased by him at all

And he thinks so low of myself , just

degrading to be honest
I got home , and didn’t even say anything to

I just took a shower and got into bed , now I

don’t even know what I’m going to do

Maybe I can buy Zama a present , it’ll be

something like for both of them

I’m really out of ideas , I can’t think beyond

Mpi got home very later last night , I don’t
think I should even be saying last night

Because it was in the wee hours of the

morning , I was still awake

Because I couldn’t shut eye , worried sick

about him . He was smelling of a bar , and
cheap women perfume

I wonder where he gathered that from ,

maybe from the bar he was busy getting
drunk at
I’m just annoyed by this man to be honest ,
Mpi doesn’t regard me at all

This is one shitty marriage , and if I could

get out I would

I get up , take a quick shower . Put on just a

summer floral dress with flops

I walk downstairs , and clean around a bit .

When I’m done , I make myself a cup of tea

He walks in , looking so ugly . I don’t know

why he didn’t shower first
He comes to my side , and tries to peck my
lips I move my face away frowning

Mpi : what ?

I just look at him

Mpi : I can’t kiss my wife now ?

Me : you stink

He just stares at me , and now I feel like I

can swallow those words back

Mpi : I’m hungry

Me : please go shower

Mpi : Zo I’m hungry

Me : I’m still yet to make food

Mpi : you have an hour since you woke up ,

what have you been doing ?

Me : cleaning

Mpi : and you couldn’t cook , while doing

that ?

I only have two hands

Mpi : mxm , what’s the point of being
married if you’re being starved in your own

He walks back upstairs , I get up and start

making breakfast

Just when I’m about to finish he comes

back, all showered now and he looks like
he’s leaving

Me : food will be ready in 5 minutes

Mpi : don’t bother

He says already heading for the door ,
walking out leaving me as I am

I sigh sitting back down , sure my life wasn’t

anything back in the village

But damn it was better than this

My phone ringing wakes me up , I don’t
even bother looking at who’s calling

Thinking that maybe it’s Khuzani , this is his

style to call me this early

Me : babe

Mpi : my love

Shit ! Within seconds I am wide awake , the

sleepiness is all gone from my eyes

I sit up straight , still not comprehending

what his reply was . Okay , maybe it was
just to mock me and what I said
Me : uhm…..

Mpi : isn’t that how we call each other


Is he kidding me ? I keep quite

Mpi : can I see you ?

Me : uhm why ?

Mpi : so we can talk about your thing ,

maybe I can help . I thought it through the
Me : really ? Wow thank you so much ,
when can we meet

He laughs , I feel like an idiot now . I’m just

too excited

Mpi : we can do breakfast , maybe an early

lunch . Cause I tell , I woke you up

Me : early lunch it is

Mpi : choose a place and tell me

Me : alright

Mpi : bye
He drops the call , and for some reason I am
happy he’s changed his minds

I could tell yesterday , that he was just off

and didn’t look interested in helping me

But I’m glad he’s changed his mind now , I

really want to do this for Zama and her
Mihla left , didn’t even say much about
where she’s going

And I wasn’t in the mood to eat alone ,

Thobani arrived and took MaNgema left
with her

She’s was only to happy to leave as well ,

that baby loves the males in her life

I called Zo and said we can meet , I just

didn’t want to be alone

I plan to go see my husband later in , I could

have gone now
But it’s best I go late , I don’t know who
relaxed is Mpi

I need him to let his guard down , and

believe that no one knows anything

And that we’re not even looking at him , I

don’t want him looking at us anyhow

So we have to tread carefully with some

things , like seeing Nqobi while he’s still not
back home

Zo : hi

Me : hey
I get up , and give her a hug . And the aura
that I just guard from her

This girl is broken , like she’s carrying so

much emotionally

She’s a mess , and my heart goes out to her.

I wish I can hug her some more

But I pull back , and we both sit down

Zo : you look good

I just smile , not being able to control my

own emotions
Me : he’s hurting you ?

She looks down

Me : Zo ?

Zo : he knows he’s all I have Zama , and

there’s nothing I can do

See me , as much as I have nothing as I am .

I will never let Nqobi use me as his doormat

I will leave his black ass , without even

thinking twice
Taking my baby with , she will suffer with
me in the caves or mountains

I will drag my fat black ass back to that hell

village if I have to

I will humble myself , kiss the ground my

evil step mother walks on

Just so she gives me roof , I can even make

my own small mud house there

Me : why do you give him so much power ?

She wipes her tears

Zo : what am I supposed to do Zama ? He’s
all I have and he knows this , I have no one .
There’s nothing left back home for me.

When a woman starts talking like this , it’s

time I pull myself back

This is the same thing that happened with

these two , he beat her up

She ended up loving him for real , and they

got married

Now she’s enduring shit , all in the name of

besides him I have nothing
Me : forgive me , forget I even said anything

I call a waiter over and order food for us

both , since she doesn’t look like she’s
ready to order for herself

If she doesn’t want this one , I’ll take a

doggy bag for myself

Zo : you know I am trying…

Me : I doubt , and I’m done talking about

you two . You’re not ready to hear the hard
truth , and next thing I’ll be the bad guy . I’ll
become your pillow talk with your husband,
and he’ll say I’m influencing you .
Remember what happened last time , a
leopard never changes its spots . This is
Nqobimpi Ngema we’re talking about here ,
and one day I will bury you my friend .
Because you will die in the hands of that

All of a sudden I don’t feel okay at all , I get

up take out my purse

Zo : Zama are you okay ?.

I take a few R200 notes and place them on

the table

Me : I have to go
Zo : but …..

Me : I can’t withstand this , Mpi will kill you

and that’s just the sad brutal truth

I leave heading to my car


The way Zama left , it left me wondering

and with a lot of questions

Like what did she mean , Mpi will kill me ?

Does she mean he will literally kill me
Now her words are worrying , because
Zama is a seer

Her words cannot be heard in passing , and

not taken into account

Mpi once put me in hospital , who knows

maybe this time around he will kill me.

Can I really stand for this ? But if I leave

where will I go ?

I have nothing , absolutely nothing . I live on

what he hands me . I’ve been trying to calm
Zama , her state worried me
But she’s not answering my calls , maybe I
should give her some space

I call Mpi , for quite a few times he doesn’t

answer . And he ends up switching his
phone off

I should leave him alone , he’s probably

with his whores and doesn’t want to be
I thought it would be so awkward seeing
Mpi , especially after that call

But we’re okay , and I guess he’s not even

there anymore

It’s a whole relief for me , he’s like family I

cannot imagine how he took my answering
of the phone

Mpi : so you have a babe now ?

Guess I spoke too soon.

Me : not really

He chuckles

Mpi : okay , I won’t make you


Me : thank you

Mpi : you need something else ?

Me : a coke will do

He calls a waitress and orders it for me ,

we’ve already eaten
I see Khuzani walking in , with some of his

He looks at me , and he doesn’t look

pleased at all

I raise my hand to greet him , but he just

ignores me . I don’t know what’s that all

Mpi : Is that him ?

I turn my attention back to him

Me : him ?
Mpi : babe ?

I smile shaking my head

Me : I really don’t know

Mpi : this is confusing , and a beautiful lady

like yourself shouldn’t have such confusion .
A man must make his intentions clear with
you , from the beginning . If he’s playing , or
busy fooling around . By the time he wakes
up , a real man would have taken you

He says all this looking at me intensely , and

it’s just how he’s saying all this
Mpi : have you figured out where you want
to have this celebration ?

And just like that , he’s moved from what

he was saying

Me : uhm not yet

Mpi : what exactly do you have ?

I look down a bit ashamed really

Me : nothing

Mpi : this is just a thought , that’s not even

planned ?
I nod

Mpi : okay …

His phone rings , I’m sure for the 7th time


Me : you can take it

Mpi : no I’ll just switch it off

That’s his business and not mine , when

he’s down he puts it back inside his pocket
Mpi : we’ll have to meet more than this ,
seems like I have to guide you through

Me : will you have the time ?

Mpi : for you I’ll make it

He says with a smile

Me : thank you so much , I don’t know how

to thank you

He shakes his head laughing

Mpi : you’ll figure it out , worry not

Now I feel like we’ll get somewhere

A knock comes at the door , and I know it

very well
I’m in the shower , I’m even lazy to get out .
But the door is not locked

After a while she walks in , and it’s all quite

I’m not hearing any movements

Me : I’m in the shower

I hear her coming , she opens the door .

And the second I lay my eyes on her

I can tell she’s not okay , I step forward and

hold my hand out . She just walking in , and
getting some water on her . I switch the
water off , but it doesn’t matter she’s wet
She lays her head on my chest , and cries .
Now I’m getting upset

Not even knowing why she’s crying , but I

can tell something got her this worked up

And I can only hope that it’s not Mpi , I will

snap his neck without a second thought

I let her cry , until she’s done . Sometimes

her guides do get the better of her

And make her react out of place , or just cry

out of space without even knowing why
And right now , I know she’s not reacting
alone . I’ve made it a point to know her

Beyond her normal self , and to know when

her ancestors have taken over

She’s even shaking a bit , and it’s not

because she’s crying . That’s why she’s not
reacting alone

Her emotions are all over the place , I don’t

even want to disturb this

I hold her , in silence until she’s done crying.

She looks up and pecks my lips
Me : talk to me

She smiles , her eyes all swollen

Zama : you’re not killing anyone

I just stare at her blank

Zama : let’s shower together , I’m wet now

Me : I’m done showering

She laughs taking her clothes off , throwing

them outside
Me : you’re making a mess

Zama : this is not your house

She says opening the water , it’s been a

while seeing this naked body

I can’t help but get hard , she chuckles as it

pokes her lower belly

She places her hands on my chest , I lean

down holding her waist

I pull her into a deep kiss , she welcomes

I pick her one leg up , over my wait to my

She takes my dick and slowly slides it inside

of her , and it’s a bit of a struggle at first

I know my wife has been starving like me , a

few days not being penetrated she closes

Me : must you always make me struggle ?

She laughs pulling out of the kiss

Zama : come on , help me

I push my dick further it goes in , she winces
in pain a bit

Me : I’m sorry

Zama : I’ll never get used to this

I settled fine , and start moving in slowly .

Just to accommodate her , and not to hurt

Zama : oh my word…

I start picking up my face , as she moans .

It’s pain and pleasure
She starts enjoying , placing her hands on
my neck

Me : I love you

She slowly opens her eyes , and find me

staring at her

Zama : I love you

I pick her up , my hands resting on her ass

cheeks she kisses me I kiss her back

She starts moving her waist , driving me

insane . I balance her with the wall
Zama : Ohhh yeahhh , right there

I go in deeper , she locks her legs behind me

as she cums

Causing my dick to tighten , a few strokes

and I cum

I hold her for a bit , not saying anything .

She’s resting her face on my neck

Zama : I’m sad

Me : I know
Zama : I saw Zo dying at the hands of your

Shit ! This I did not expect . He’s fucked up I


But to kill his own wife ? Now I know

there’s nothing I can put past Mpi

Zama : and the sad thing is that , she thinks

she’s at his mercy . I cannot help her

Me : she’s an adult , you can’t be

responsible for saving everyone . She made
her choice , it’s her bed let her lie on it . If
she asks for help , I know you will do that
without even thinking twice . But don’t
offer your help unless she asks for it ,
because you cannot force a donkey to drink
water if it doesn’t want to

She hugs me so tight

Me : shit you’re heavy get off me

She laughs

Zama : you said you can handle all this , it’s

your portion sir

I chuckle , kissing her neck


I knew that seeing my husband I will feel

And I feel a whole lot better now , I just

knew that I had to see him

I was just a mess after meeting with Zo , I

really don’t understand why she’s doing this
to herself

But I won’t get involved , I still have Mpi to

teach a lesson

More especially about what he did to my

husband , it’s not even about Zo
I don’t care much , she’s a grown woman .
Who can make her own decisions

Good or bad , she’s not a child . And so I

cannot treat her like one

Me : I have to leave

Nqobi : let’s get Roy to bring MaNgema


I look at him

Me : what ?
Nqobi : why are you acting like you have a
problem with understanding English ?

I chuckle

Nqobi : fuck ! I’m going home I miss my


Me : you’re what ?

I ask laughing

Nqobi : my bag is packed

Me : since when are you going home

Ngema ?
Nqobi : now Stufuza (chubby)

Me : let’s go

I won’t even argue , he wants to go home

that’s fine

Who am I to stop him ?

Nqobi : let me get it

And he’s not kidding , I don’t mind . My

daughter will be happy to see her father

I know Thobani has brought her back home,

it’s already way too late now
He can only take her for a few hours , she’s
slowly growing up

And doesn’t mind being away from home ,

as long as it’s with her uncle she’s all fine

Or of it’s her dad of course , she doesn’t

mind that

And she knows the difference between

Nqobi and Mpi


Again he came home last night smelling of

that cheap perfume

I didn’t even bother asking him anything , I

just kept quite

It’s not like he was going to tell me

anything, so why bother
I tried calling Zama again this morning , but
again she didn’t answer

I’m guessing she doesn’t want to talk to me,

and I’ll let her be

When she’s okay , she’ll get back to me .

That’s if she ever will

Me : morning

Mpi : give me a kiss

So he’s happy today

Me : I haven’t brushed my teeth

Mpi : I don’t mind baby

I don’t want a fight , so I walk close to the

bed and lean down

He just pulls me down , I fall on top of him

Mpi : I miss you

He takes my t-shirt off

Me : please…..

Mpi : I’ll be quick

I sigh

Me : use a condom

Mpi : since when ?

He brings my face done , and we kiss . I

missed him , even though I’ll never admit to

Mpi : shit

His hand trails down to my ass

Mpi : one round

He mumbles through the kiss

Me : condom

He pulls out of the kiss

Mpi : you saying I’m sleeping around ?.

Me : I did not say that , those are your own

words . I just asked that you use a condom

Mpi : since when do we use one ?

I keep quite
Mpi : I’m talking to you

His expression , and tone changes

Mpi : so if you’re not saying , nor assuming

that I’m sleeping around . That means
you’re the one sleeping around

I will not stand for this , because he knows

exactly what nonsense he gets up to

I try to get up , and he grabs my arm so

painful . I feel his grip

Me : you’re hurting me
I cry out in pain , he’s just ignorant to that

Me : Mpi…..

Mpi : I’m talking to you , where are you

going ?

I say nothing , and a slap lands on my face . I

cry out , he just shoves me off

I fall down , on my back . And he’s too quick

to get on top of me , before I can even get
away . Punches follow

This stranger is too much , she’s busy all

over this bed

I’m even fearful that she’ll fall down , she

can crawl and is starting to walk now

Me : MaNgema
Asa : Ngena (come in)

I laugh , and it’s so painful . She’s sitting on

my stomach

Me : you really need to start talking proper ,

ayikho lento yakho (this is not on)

She giggles , as if she heard me

Zama : one thing that’s going to annoy me ,

is how she’s sitting on top of you like that

Me : come on
Zama : you come on , you’re hurt and still
healing . Don’t be playing no superhero

She’s really annoyed

Me : she doesn’t know that

I say smiling

Zama : I’m not joking with you Ngema

Me : okay

I pick MaNgema up , and she lays on my

Me : this is better

Zama : she’s still heavy

I laugh , and she also laughs . Perks of being

a baby , and not knowing anything

Me : we can thank you for that

She walks out , after giving me one evil eye

Me : umamakho (your mother)

Asa : makho
I don’t even know what’s that , but yeah

I’m happy to be back home , and having this

stranger I took from the hospital in my arms

She just brings out the best , and the worst

in me

That’s why I won’t let this slide , she will not

grow up without me in her life

And no man , will ever be a me in her life .

Not even my brother

It feels good having my husband home ,

now this feels like the Ngema home

It was kind of empty without him , and

someone is even more happier than me
But it’s okay , she’s a favourite no one can
fight her for her place

I’m so not in the mood to be talking to Zo ,

and I woke up feeling that she’s not okay

I’m even scared , like my whole body is

shaking . And I keep getting that slight fear

I know something is wrong , and it has to do

with her

After seeing what I saw , I don’t want to

believe that it could be
I want her to live , and get out of that
nonsense she calls a marriage

I have my ups and downs , in my own


I am not saying it’s perfect , and it can never


I wish something better for Zo , and that

something is definitely not Mpi

Mihla walks in , and looks like she’s going


Me : where are you going ?

She wasn’t even seeing me , she gets
startled by my voice

I’m busy making breakfast , my husband is

home he needs food made by myself

Mihla : morning sisi (sister)

Me : answer me

Mihla : oh , I’m just going out

Me : is there a boy involved here ?

She looks down

Me : you’re my husband’s responsibility ,
we cannot have you getting pregnant in our
care . And we don’t even know , you have a
boyfriend . He’s a man , you cannot talk to
him , but I’m a woman . And almost your
age , so you can talk to me

Mihla : I think we’re not on good terms ,

and we haven’t even slept together . I
promise there won’t be any babies , and I
really am just going out

Me : okay then , do you need any money ?

Mihla : no , I am good

Me : okay , enjoy
Mihla : thank you , see you later

I nod , and she leaves . I’m not trying to be


But if she’s dating , it’s just best that I know


She’s living under my roof , under Nqobi’s

care . On some things , I just have to step up
for him

I look at her , I don’t even have any tears to


I don’t know how we got here , but here we

I take the shovel and start covering the
hole, right behind my backyard

There was no way that I can leave with a

corpse inside my car , and risk being caught

I just had to think fast , realising that she’s

dead and I’ve killed her

I dug a hole , and just covered her in a

blanket and threw her inside

I won’t risk loosing my now life because of

this , it wasn’t intent to kill her
But once I started beating her , I just
couldn’t stop until there was blood

And she was gone , there was nothing I can

do . I couldn’t even call an ambulance for

What was the use ? That would have been

me signing my way in to jail

When I’m done covering up , I leave the

shovel there and go inside the house

I still have to clean the blood in my room ,

maybe I should just sell this house
And one thing I need to do is stay clear of
Zama , without a doubt she will know what
I’ve done

Shit or not shit between them , Zo was her

friend . I’m sure they still cared for each

My phone rings , I just answer without even

looking at who’s calling

Me : what ?

My voice is too aggressive

Voice : sorry….is this a bad time ?

Hearing her voice somehow soothes me

Me : no , no it’s not . Sorry I didn’t see it’s

you calling

Mihla : oh okay , are you well ?.

Me : I’m fine

Mihla : okay , was calling to tell you that I’ve

found a venue

Me : oh ?

Mihla : yes , I’ll be going to see it later

today, are you keen on joining me ?
Me : sure , just text me the time and place

Mihla : okay

Me : bye

Mihla : have a bath , have something to eat

and get some sleep . You’re too grumpy

I laugh dropping the call , maybe this is just

what I need

A distraction to all this nonsense that’s

happening in my life
I can never just seem to catch a break ,
there’s always just shit happening

Maybe I should go home , see my parents .

And I’ll come back refreshed

My phone rings again and it’s Nqobi , the

fear that’s strikes me

I answer , just out of curiosity if it’s really

him or someone is using his phone

Me : bawo (brother)

Nqobi : ndoda , unjani ? (How are you)

Just hearing his voice sends me sitting down
flat on my ass

Me : I’m good , you’re back from China ?

Nqobi : as it seems , any chance you can be

seen ?

Fuck no ! Take myself to my own grave

Me : I’m held up today

Nqobi : right then , when you can let me


Me : I will , good to have you back

He chuckles dropping the call , I swear I’m
cursed or bewitched

Thami disappeared without a trace , and

now Nqobi is back

What the hell am I supposed to do now ?

My wife has been down all day , spending
most of the day in bed

Since I can’t do much myself , I’ve just been

next to her

She’s not sick per se , but emotionally she’s

taking strain

Only she knows over what , and I won’t

pester her about it . I know she will talk
when she feels like it

Me : should I bring you anything ?

Zama : not your daughter please

I laugh

Me : we should have another baby

She pops her eyes , I just want to distract

her from whatever this is

Zama : are you going to carry him yourself ?

Me : a him ?

She nods laughing

Me : who said I want a son ?

Zama : every man wants a son , someone to

carry their legacy

Me : MaNgema is there for that , whether

there’s a son or not . Ngu mafungwase it’s
her birth right (first born)

Zama : the same MaNgema that’s going to

marry into another surname

Me : marry who ? Who will be that brave to

even come near my daughter ?

She laughs
Zama : she’s not going to get married ?

Me : wait until you can answer me , and I’ll

give you an answer to that

She sits up and takes my hand , I’m just

sitting on the bed

Zama : Zo is dead

Oh , that’s why . And the sad thing is that

she saw this

That’s why that idiot refused to see me ,

he’s also scared knowing what he did to me
Zama : she’s in a dark place , she feels so
trapped . I bet your brother has buried her
somewhere , I can’t reach her spirit . She
comes forward all bloody , and still in her
human form

Never say you know a person , this is my

very own twin brother .

We shared a womb , we grew up together .

And today he’s just a cold hearted killer

Not that I’m any better , but my killing is

justified . Even if it’s not for work

I’ll never kill a person for nothing , but in his

life how many women has he killed ?
And all for what ? Zo was his damn wife ,
and in the end she died in his hands

Me : what do you want to do ?

Zama : I can’t report this , it’ll be useless .

More especially because I can’t see where
she is , if only maybe I could see where he
buried her . But your brother has gone too
far , and he doesn’t need to be reported .
That would seriously be a slap on the face
to the victims , jail is too easy

Me : you scare me when you talk like this

She slaps my shoulder

Zama : I hate him

That much I know

Zama : Roy has that Thami guy , the one

who drove your car off the cliff . Pay him a
visit , and send your brother a message

I nod , now I get why Roy would defy me

and listen to my wife
This place is beautiful , just everything
about it . I really do love it

Mpi is here with me , but his mind is not

here he looks to be far away

Me : if you’re bored you can leave you


He laughs

Mpi : don’t be silly

Me : no seriously , or if you have
somewhere to be . It’s fine you can go

Mpi : I thought I’m helping you

Me : just tell me whether the place is good

or not , and you’re done

Mpi : it’s perfect

Me : I thought as much , I guess we’re done

Mpi : what a way to get rid of me

I laugh
Me : I’m also looking to head somewhere ,
before I go home

He just nods , but you can see there’s more

to that nod . His expression has changed

He’s no longer smiling , he actually just

looks pissed off

Mpi : can I drop you ?

Me : it’s not far , just a 10 minutes walk

Mpi : well until next time

Me : bye , and thank you once again for this

I say giving him a hug , and he hugs me
back. It’s one tight hug , and it takes way
longer than anticipated

Mpi : take care

He pulls out , we stare at each other for a

minute . Until he clears his throat

Me : you too

He walks away , I take a moment to gather

myself . I take the walk to Khuzani’s place ,
and since I can’t call him . I don’t know if
he’s blocked me or what
I find him home , I thank my lucky stars . I
was just taking a chance

Me : hi

He standing at the door , leaning against the

for frame

Khuzani : what do you want ?

That’s accompanied by a sigh

Me : did I do something wrong ?

Khuzani : you know I so appreciate honesty,

all you could have done was tell me this
won’t work . Because you are in love with
someone else

Me : wait what ?

Khuzani : I saw you , what can you even

deny ?

Me : saw me where and with who ?

Khuzani : don’t act so shocked , it’s fine

Mihla . I got the message loud and clear

Me : Khuzani….
And the I remember , I shake my head

Me : I am not dating that guy , he’s bhut

Nqobi’s brother . And he’s just helping me ,
to plan for their anniversary

Khuzani : right , I’m not an idiot

Me : of course you’re not , and I would

never play you or lie to you

Khuzani : it’s only a matter of time , before

you sleep with that guy . If you haven’t
done that already …
I slap him so hard across his face , it actually
hurts my hand

Me : is that how cheap you see me

Khuzani : leave , we’re done . I’m not going

to wait until you hurt me , I’ll move on .
You’re not the only yellow bone around

He shuts the door on my face , I cannot

believe him right now

And I actually feel so sad , heart breaks

hurts no lies
Tears escape my eyes as I walk away from
his door step , I reach for my phone

I call Mpi , hoping that he’s still close by and

he can answer and he answers

Mpi : Mihla

Me : please come fetch me

Mpi : where are you ? Wait …are you


I keep quite , of course I’m crying he can

hear that . So why ask
Mpi : okay , I’m coming send me your

I drop the call , sending him the location . I

sit down outside the gate crying

I wonder what happened ? I could just let it

be but I won’t

I want to know , not that I’ll do anything

about it . If there’s anything to be done
I just want to know , just for the sake of
knowing nothing else

Mihla : your house is beautiful

Me : thank you , you need something to

drink ?

Mihla : just water

I get her a glass of water

Mihla : thanks

I wait until she’s done drinking her water

Me : so ?

We’re sitting on the couch , next to each


I brought her to my house , because I didn’t

want to take her to my brother’s house

And she also didn’t say anything , about

where to take her

Mihla : he…dumped me

That alone makes me happy

Me : why ? I’m sure he had a reason , he
wouldn’t just dump your for nothing

She looks at me for far too long , she leans

forward and kisses me

For a second I return the kiss but I move

back , and pull out

Mihla : what ?

Me : you don’t just do that , avoiding me

like that

She sighs
Mihla : shouldn’t I do exactly the thing I’m
accused of ? So I know I’m accused of
something , that I am doing . Because now
it hurts

I hold her hand , she doesn’t pull away

Me : he said you’re sleeping with me ?

She nods

Mihla : whoever knows what nonsense is

going on , in men’s head

Me : hey
I chuckle

Mihla : but this was just unfair

Me : I get it , but you’re hurt now .

Mihla : just make me forget please

She gets up and straddles me , I place both

my hands on her waist

Me : when I sleep with you , I want it to be

a relationship . And not just some sex
arrangement , or a casual thing you might
even regret after doing it
Mihla : a relationship ?

Me : yes

She’s shocked

Me : I love you , I’ve always loved you since

the first day I saw you . It was just awkward
for me to express all these feelings , just
because of how close you are with people
in Waterfall

She smiles
Me : in a way , that made you family . But
the feelings didn’t stop , even now they’re
still the same if not more

She places her arms around my neck

Mihla : but you’re married

Me : my wife left me

I knew that was coming

Mihla : she what ?

Me : the marriage wasn’t working , we both
saw and felt it . I wanted to try , but she
wasn’t having any of that . So she left

Mihla : wow

Me : please don’t tell anyone this , I’m not

ready yet for them to know my marriage

Mihla : okay I understand , I won’t tell them

until you’re ready to tell them

Me : thank you , so do we have one mutual

agreement ?
She smiles

Mihla : yes we do

Me : of a relationship

She laughs

Mihla : of a relationship

Me : and not because of sex right ?

She hides her face on my neck

Mihla : slightly
Me : damn

I chuckle

Mihla : you can’t blame me

She cups my face , taking my lips into hers .

Her lips are so soft and so warm

I welcome the kiss , returning it with the

same passion and pace

I swear I’m about to swallow my own

words, I don’t know if I a kiss is capable of
causing one to fall in love or what
But damn , this one has given her a path to
my heart

Can it just work out for the better this time

around ? Or is it too early to even ask such
There’s nothing as disturbing as knowing
and sometimes seeing what the naked eye

I decided to take a nap , and I woke up from

it feeling like hell

I love my gift , but sometimes not so much .

Especially when it’s about people I care

I was sweating like hell when I woke up ,

even got Nqobi so worried

Even now , he hasn’t left my side . And you

can’t miss his worry
I swear one would look at the Ngema
family, and just see a whole perfection

Not knowing the inside , I don’t want to lie

this family is rotten

Like the dealings , the scandals the secrets .

It just never ends

Me : what is Mpi doing with Mihla ?

I don’t know what else to say , or how to

explain what I saw

Nqobi : what do you mean ?

Me : exactly that

Nqobi : stufuza wami ima , now why are you

throwing stones at me when I’m merely
asking ? (My chubby lady wait)

Me : I’m…

Nqobi : you asked a rather vague question ,

explain to me what you’re talking about

I sigh , because I’ve just been put in my own


I love Mihla , now more than ever after

knowing she’s my sister
And I know Nqobi knows this , and he didn’t
tell me . But I felt his fears

We share a sister and we’re married , as

much as that doesn’t say much

But to some people , it says quite a lot . He’s

protecting his heart and what’s his

Me : if anything , and I mean anything at all

between those two . I want Mpi dead , and
her out of my house . Do I make myself
clear ?

Nqobi : anything like them being together ?

That has irked something

Me : I know the truth about Mihla Ngema

He runs his hand on his head , shaking his

head slightly

Nqobi : let’s talk about this , I….

He sighs

Me : you could have told me

Nqobi : and risk you leaving me ?

Me : we’ve slept together countless times ,
we even have evidence of that . In a
marriage of two years , do I still leave you ?
Man you’ve killed for me , you’ve done the
worst kind of things for me . And even after
all that , I still leave you ?

He looks at me

Nqobi : I was scared okay , and even now

that scares me

It’s written all over his face

Me : I’m not going anywhere , I’m here and

unless you’re tired of me I’m not going
I remove the sheet on me , and move closer
to him

Me : I’m nothing of yours blood related ,

except the fact that we share a sister . But
Mpi that’s a different story , Mihla is her
sister . Same as for you and me , they just
cannot be together

Nqobi : I’ll talk to him

Me : go deal with Thami , before he

becomes a liability . And go to your brother,
Mpi is just a disaster that’s just waiting to
happen , if it hasn’t happened already

He nods

I feel so bad about spending the night out ,

but it was so nice here . Like I swear , I
wouldn’t mind being in this man’s arms all
day everyday

Mpi is such a gentleman , he kept just

kissing me . Holding me in his arms the
whole night
He didn’t even initiate sex , it was just
cuddles and kisses

I never thought I would see him in this light,

but I have and it’s an amazing feeling

Mpi : stop thinking too much

He says pecking my cheek , I smile placing

my hands over his

Me : good morning

Mpi : morning babe , you slept well ?

Me : like a baby
Mpi : as you should , so is the baby hungry ?
I feel like cooking today

I turn my head and look at him

Me : you can cook ?

Mpi : I can do a lot of things

I laugh

Mpi : come help me

Me : okay
We both get up , going down to make
breakfast . And he really can cook

I am just helping him where I can

Mpi : this is nice , I must say I love having

you around

Me : I love being around

His expression changes

Me : what’s wrong ?

Mpi : I don’t want trouble with Zama and

I know exactly what he means

Mpi : but I also don’t want to lose you

Me : let’s not tell them for now , we can

keep this between us . They don’t know
about your wife as well , this will just be
fuel to the fire

Mpi : and you’re okay with that ?

Me : it makes perfect sense

He smiles
Mpi : okay , but I still get to see you . And
you sleep over when you can

Me : that goes without saying

We continue cooking , and I’ve never felt so

right in place with a man

The second she walks the door , I can smell

Mpi’s scent all over her

And I just feel like throwing up , I don’t

want to keep quiet

But for the sake of peace in this house , I’ll

just keep quite and watch
If I say something about this , Mihla will
hate me

But can I also just let her , walk into this

blindfolded ?

I don’t know if I can , maybe I’ll just burst

and she’ll know exactly how I feel about a
relationship with Mpi

Mihla : molo Sisi (hi sister)

Me : hi

Mihla : uhm…
Me : where are you coming from ?

The more I look at her , the more annoyed I


Mihla : from….a friend

It’s the lies that just tick me off , I’ve never

given Mihla a reason to believe it’s okay to
lie to me

Or that she can’t tell me the truth , a few

seconds heated relationship with Mpi

And she’s already turning , and just for the

Me : next time I ask you something , just
think of what could happen if you dare lie
to me again

Mihla : I …

I get up and walk into MaNgema’s room , I

really don’t want to exchange words with

I don’t have the energy for that , we’re

sitting on huge things and they’re weighing
on us

Mpi killed his own wife , and dug a hole and

threw her inside
And yet we’re living like all is well , aren’t
we all just fucked up human beings ?

Now I feel so bad , I’ve never had to lie to

Zama and she saw right through me
What was I thinking ? I should have maybe
at least called last night

This wasn’t cool at all , as much as it was so

nice for me to spend the night with Mpi

I shouldn’t have worried her , she doesn’t

need all this

And I hope bhuti Nqobi , doesn’t get on my

case as well

I would crumble at his presence , he’s

nothing like Zama and I’m scared of him
My phone rings , and it beings a smile on
my face

I sit down on the bed and answer

Me : babe

He chuckles

Mpi : missing you already

I know exactly what he’s talking about , the

second I was away from him I was missing
him already

Me : and I miss you too

Mpi : when am I seeing you again ?

Me : soon I hope

Mpi : definitely , did you get onto trouble ?

Me : not really , but Zama is not happy

He goes quite , it’s an awkward silence

Me : but don’t worry , I doubt she knows

about us . Just that I slept out , and didn’t
tell her . And she saw right through me that
I lied

He sighs
Me : babe it’s okay , don’t worry

Mpi : are you sure ?

Me : yes

Mpi : okay , I love you

That leaves my stomach in a funny way ,

and I so love it

Me : I love you too

Mpi : wish I can see you telling me that

I laugh

Me : I doubt it would be easy

Mpi : you love me , it comes off naturally

Me : okay then

Mpi : let’s talk later , and have a great day


Me : thanks babe and you too

He drops the call , I lay back down . And just

reminiscing about our time together
The way he handled my body , how his lips
captured mine . Just everything was perfect

And I can’t wait for more

I look at his bloody face , my hands are
dripping of his blood it’s dropping to the

He coughs , and coughs blood spitting some

of it on the floor

Just the sight of him sickens me , and to

think he thought Mpi was better than me

That’s a fucking insult , we might be twins

born from the same womb

But he’s not even half of me , and this

Thami has learnt that
Roy : I can just finish him off

He says eye siding me

Roy : you know how your wife gets , when

you’ve gone and killed . Give her some

It’s a battle with her guides , and she has to

be away from me for a certain period of

Also I have to cleanse , before we can even

be intimate . To avoid taking the souls of
the people I’ve killed into her
Me : no traces left

Roy : I’ll deliver

I nod , walking to the sink . I wash my hands

off his blood

I take a cloth and dry , grabbing my car keys

Thami : I’m ….really sorry , I have a

child….please don’t kill me

Me : I have a child too , and a wife . Yet you

killed me , remember ?
He looks down , with shame I walk out
heading to my car

I don’t know where these feelings I have for

Mihla come from
This wasn’t supposed to turn out like this , I
just wanted to sleep with her

But now I’m feeling a certain , attraction to

her and I can’t even ignore it

It’s no longer about wanting to use her ,

now I want her . And to be with her

I know Nqobi will never accept this , more

especially Zama

But I can’t lose Mihla , maybe I should

create a havoc between them in that house
And maybe , just maybe she’ll choose me
over them

I just have to lure her in , be all romantic .

And be the man that she wants and needs

I will support her with everything , be there

for her when needed and necessary

She might be conflicted when I strike , and

shit hits the fan and she’s told to choose

But she’ll remember my value , and I’ll

come first . In the end she will be fully mine

Not Nqobi nor Zama , will they have any say

There’s nothing they’re doing for her I can’t
do for her as well

I take her to school myself , I’ll give her a

place to stay

She’ll still be secured with me , so that one

is not even a bother nor a worry
*Ngema Homestead*

Makhulu walks in the kitchen hut , and finds

her son busy having tea . She sits down ,
looking at him for a while that he even feels
her stare
He lifts his head and looks at his mother , he
finds her looking at him

Ngema : ma what’s wrong ?

Makhulu : everything

He’s lost by her response

Ngema : what do you mean everything ?

And what exactly is everything ?

She looks around , and he also looks

around. But he doesn’t see what she’s
looking at
Makhulu : this is no longer a home , look at
this hut is falling down . And yet ….

She sighs shaking her head , he can hear his

mother is talking from a broken place

Ngema : what do you want me to do ?

Makhulu : take her back to her home , I

don’t believe how you choose a woman
over your own kids

He scoffs

Ngema : the same kids that have turned

their back on their own mother
Makhulu : with a reason , this is no longer a
life son and you know it

He looks down , it’s what everyone has

been telling him as of late

But he feels guilty , he took years of his

wife’s life . How would her family view him
now ?

If he returns her the way she is , not being

able to do anything for herself

She’s a burden , and for a whole year and

few months he has felt it
Makhulu : put your kids first , don’t lose
your relationship with them over her

Ngema : what kids ? They have their own

life’s how , and they don’t care about any of

Makhulu : only Nqobi has a home , and I

know for a fact that he cares about you

He says nothing , she gets up

Makhulu : I am leaving , I’ve been here for

far too long . And I refuse to help you take
care of that woman
She walks out ,leaving him defeated and
lost in thought

The fear that strikes me , when I open the

door and find my brother standing
I move back , the shock that I have . I never
thought I’ll see him this soon

He walks in , looking around . I wonder

what is he looking for

Maybe he’s checking if I’m alone or what ,

he will kill me perfectly and there won’t be
any witnesses

Me : brother

He looks at me

Nqobi : I heard you’ve been looking for me

I let him sit down , I stand for a bit before
sitting far from him

Me : you have been scarce

Nqobi : work

He just says , I can’t quite read him . But I

refuse to believe , he doesn’t know I’m
behind his accident

He doesn’t even have a single scratch ,

which makes me now question if he was
ever even in that car
A few days , I went to check on it . Not with
my car of course , and the car wasn’t there

But anyone could have removed it , maybe

his men . I believe it’s them actually

Because if it was anyone else , those news

would have made waves

Nqobi : where is your wife ?

Why is he asking me about her , could it be

he knows what I’ve done ? . With Zama
around , I know I can never be too safe .
Maybe she’s already seen
Me : she left

This is me now testing him , if he knows he

will give me a reaction

Or he will tell me I’m fucking with him ,

then I’ll know that I’m fucking screwed

Nqobi : left as in?

Okay , maybe he doesn’t know

Me : that she would always come second

place , because she was never my first
choice . Those were her words , walking out
of here leaving
He just looks at me

Nqobi : when did this happen , and why

have you been quite ?

Me : a week ago maybe , I thought this time

around Zo and I were going to work . I did
my best , to show her my love and
appreciation . I guess it just wasn’t enough ,
maybe she had found a better man . Who
knows ?

And that’s even better , planting that seed

that she might have cheated

And that’s why she left , it clears me and

paints her as the bad person
Nqobi : I hear you , so you two are done ?

I nod

Me : yeah , and I won’t run after her again

Nqobi : understood

He gets up

Nqobi : I’ll be on my way , it was good

seeing you

Me : likewise , thank you for stopping by

He walks towards the door , I get up he
turns back I stop on my tracks

Nqobi : I’ll be back at work Monday

Must he ?

Me : perfect

He smiles and walks out , I heave a sigh of


My brother is full of shit and he knows it ,

he thinks he’s all that right now

Thinking he can fool me , guilt stroke him .

And he was scared as hell seeing me
Mpi is a piece of shit , I’m even ashamed of
the fact that I shared a womb with him

The mere fact that the same blood that

runs through my veins , runs through his

It’s true when they say , you can choose

your friends but you can’t choose your own

Zama : you’re tense

I clench my jaw

Me : now I regret going there

She sighs , crawling getting on her knees
behind me

Me : it took everything in me , not to rip his

heart out

Zama : Ngema

Me : I was so thirsty , just the sight of him


She turns my face and makes me look at

her, she cups my face

Zama : I hate what he’s making you turn

Her voice is soothing , but I’m so pissed it’s
taking a its own damn time to register

She’s just trying to get me to calm down ,

she’s capable I don’t doubt that

Me : he lied straight to my face

Zama : that’s what he does best , please let

this go . We can’t do much , we always do
the best we can with everything

He holds my hands

Zama : even with this , we did . Mpi will

never change , I think it’s time we get into
our heads . This is who he is , you’re who
you are . He’s nothing like you , in all
aspects and he never will be . That’s why he
wants you dead , because that’s the truth
we all know and he knows it

I don’t know how I’m going to handle

myself around him

I just want him dead and nothing else , he

fucking repulses me
I’m running away from seeing Zama or her
husband , I’ve been in my room all day

I don’t want to see her , I’m so ashamed of

myself and my doings

I know being with Mpi will look so wrong to

everyone , and maybe I feel like it’s wrong
But I love him , and I think we’re worth a
shot of a chance

And he calls , I smile seeing his call . We last

spoke in the morning

Me : baby

Mpi : my love , how are you ?

Me : I miss you

Mpi : I miss you too

Me : are you okay ?

Mpi : yes

Me : what’s wrong ?

There’s just something that off in his voice ,

and I hope he’s not breaking up with me

Me : baby ?

Mpi : I told Nqobi , that Zo left

I heave a sigh of relief , at least he’s not

breaking up with me

I wouldn’t be able to handle it , in just a few

days I’ve fallen hard for him
Me : and what did he say ?

Mpi : what could he possibly say ? But I’m

glad it’s out there now

Me : you and me both

Mpi : even though , it’s still a pity we can’t

tell them about us yet

I sigh

Me : I know

Mpi : but we’ll get there

Me : definitely , with time we will

Mpi : okay , I love you . I’ll call you later , if

you haven’t fallen asleep

Me : okay baby , I love you too

He hangs up , I wonder how things will be

when our relationship comes out

I’ve been standing at the door for a while ,

watching Mihla smile to herself
Looking at her phone , she’s so taken by it
that she can’t even feel my presence

I wonder what happened to her ? She’s no

void to anything and everything as of late

And I have it’s because she’s occupied her

mind with Mpi , couldn’t it be another guy
and not him

Me : is that Khuzani ?

I ask loud enough she hears me , and she

gets startled by my voice
She places her phone inside her pockets
and looks at me.

Me : the smile

She looks down embarrassed

Mihla : it’s….not him no

Me : oh I see , I just thought that maybe it’s

him . Seeing how you were so hooked

Mihla : it’s just a friend

Me : okay
I take a bottle of water from the fridge

Me : and you two still well?

Mihla : no , we’re done

Me : why , what happened ?

I pretend to be all shocked

Mihla : maybe he lost interest , I don’t

know. He didn’t tell me

She’s so pathetic and whack , she can’t even

cook up a simple lie
Me : he just broke things off , without any
say nor an explanation ?

Mihla : it’s not like we were together ,

officially or anything

She’s being rude and defensive right now

Mihla : sisi I’m….(sister)

I walk out of the kitchen to my room , she’s

never been rude .

Yes she was quick to catch what she’s done,

but she’s changing and I don’t like this
If I say anything , about Mpi I would be
calling on her to hate me

It’s when I saw her facial expression and I

knew I messed up
I was just annoyed , that she was asking me
about Khuzani

Yes she doesn’t know what happened , but

he’s someone I just want to forget and put
behind me.

She just took me there , and reminded me

of that . That’s why I kind of lost it in a way

But I feel so bad right now , and just how

she dismissed me

Just when I wanted to apologize for how

rudely I responded . She must have been
hurt , by my words and my response
Me : I hate the lies , and now things are
getting out of control

I’m with Mpi , I just had to get out of the

house then

Me : we used the share everything , and I

mean everything

I wipe my tears

Me : and now , I’m busy behind her back .

And I’m lying to her , just what kind of a
person am I turning into?
He looks at me , and he sighs . He might not
get why I’m reacting the way I am

I just hate what’s happening right now , I so

wish things were different

Mpi : but you know , you can’t tell her

about us

Me : I know , I just wish this whole situation

was different

He kisses my cheek

Mpi : me too babe , but we agree with time

we’ll tell them the truth
I nod

Mpi : we both need to be sure , that when

the time comes . We’ll choose us , I love you
and I don’t want to loose you . I know Zama
and Nqobi won’t accept this relationship ,
and they’ll give you many doubts about us .
If you’re not sure , that you’ll stand with me
then . We might as well stop now , before
we ruin anything . I’m willing to loose my
brother , over you

I don’t know where this is suddenly coming

from , and I don’t even know if I’m ready for

Me : will things go so far ?

Mpi : they will , and that’s the reality we
need to prepare ourselves for

Me : maybe we don’t have to , maybe they

will understand that we love each other .

He shakes his head , clearly deeming me to

be naïve

Me : they’ll see we love each other …

Mpi : they won’t , and you need to get rid of

the mentality that they will . For both our
sakes , that’s why I say if you’re not ready .
Let’s call it quits now , before this even gets
to them
I can’t lose him , this is my one fear right
now . I feel so stuck , between a rock and a
hard place

The family I have , and the man I love . I

hope to live and never regret my decision

Me : I’m ready

He looks at me , not believing me

Me : when it comes to it , I’ll choose you . I


He smiles , bringing my face closer . He cups

my face , and smashes his lips on mine

Mihla getting her emotions all over the

place , will just ruin my plans

If she suddenly starts feeling bad , about us

being a secret
And having to lie to Zama , then she will
mess up

That’s why I have to plant that seed into her

as early as now

She has to believe that , at the end of the

day . When everything comes crumbling

I’ll be all she has , and not Zama nor Nqobi .

Because those don’t wish her any happiness

Everyone needs love , they have each other.

And she has me , she will have to choose
I look at her , she’s sleeping so peaceful .
And I so wish , it was just us

Far away from here , from everyone and

everything else

Wouldn’t life be so perfect ? Just me and


Maybe that’s what best , for us to run away

from this

I know she wouldn’t like that idea , but

maybe I can convince her. Where there’s no
Zama , no Nqobi even Zo’s dead body
I could use a fresh start , and maybe we
both could use one together

Me : I love you so much , I don’t know how I

missed you all this while . And you were just
in front of my eyes

I lean down and kiss her forehead , she

moves a bit . I soothe her back

Me : it’s okay , get the rest you need it my


I watch over her as she’s sleeping , I vow to

lose it all but just not her

Once again , I’m woken up . Struggling to

sleep , and it’s for 7th time this week

I sigh sitting up , looking at these two

besides me
And they’re sleeping , so peaceful .
MaNgema sleeping on her father’s chest

I wonder how does he sleep , facing up like

this ?

This baby is separating me and my husband,

this week he slept in her room three times

And today I put on a strike , seconds later

she was at the door knocking

More like banging it , crying for her father .

And of course , he let her in
And now here she is , I can’t live like this .
The having to share him now

It doesn’t sit well with me , being a mother

I’m having a hard lesson

She grabs her beard with her tiny hand ,

and I laugh . This is just so cute

And he doesn’t even feel it , but if it was me

he would have groaned

I get up , taking my robe and slippers . I

walk outside , it’s just after 3 Am . It’s
raining a bit , but it’s not that bad . I walk to
my roundavel , taking my slippers off
I walk inside , and grab my leopard print
cloth . Taking the robe and night dress off

I wrap the cloth around myself , light three

white candles . And I walk outside barefoot

Getting to the back of the roundavel , I

kneel down . And the rain starts pouring , in
just seconds I’m wet

Me : Zo , you never listened and this is what

it has come to . I told you Mpi , was going to
kill you . If it was someone else , they would
have ran . But you stayed and waited for it
to happen , and now it has . He’s an animal ,
and he always was . You didn’t listen to me
alive , and now dead I hope you listen to
me. Had you come earlier , I would have
helped you get away from him . And now
it’s too late , and I can’t help free your soul .
You need to avenge yourself , you’re still in
a dark place . You can still do as much
damage as you can do , and ask for
forgiveness . Have a spirit cleansing when
done , so don’t just sit around and cry for
me . I’m useless and can’t do anything for
you , help yourself

My own tears mixed with the rain , I’ve let

out my cry

I can’t be bothered in my sleep by her ,

when she now has the power to help
Zo was useless in life , she can’t be useless
in death too

A visit from uMakhulu , it’s a pleasant one
but also working a bit

Like what could be bringing her here ?

When she’s been at the village for a while

I don’t mind her being here , but I’m also


Something tells me it’s not just a visit for no

reason , she’s here for something
Me : it’s good seeing you

She smiles , laying MaNgema on her chest .

My baby loves being babied

And now she’s sleeping on her chest , she’s

so peaceful and I know she’s satisfied
where she is

Makhulu : it’s been a while

Me : indeed , but it’s always good seeing


Makhulu : you’re having it hard child

See what I meant ? She’s no longer on what
we were talking about

Me : Makhulu ? (Grandmother)

Makhulu : some things are just a disaster

destined to happen , it’s a pity even the
innocent get affected . And there’s no
redeeming them

She’s started with a riddles , and now I have

no idea what she’s talking about

Makhulu : don’t place too much guilt on

yourself , you’re not God so therefore you
cannot place judgement on yourself
Could this be about Zobuhle , or is it about
Mihla ?

Makhulu : where is Mihla ?

Me : in her room I’m sure

That’s where she always is now , getting

away from me

But she lives in my house , funny how that is

. But I just let her be

Makhulu : please call her for me , and take

this pure child to bed
I get up

Makhulu : some energies kids don’t need

This woman ! She’s deep in today and not

having any mercy whatsoever
Makhulu being here , and calling me . I’m
really scared

I know she’s no ordinary person , and it’s

possible she knows what I’ve been getting
up to

Or maybe Zama just told her , I doubt she

would hold off on that

I sit down , and she just looks at me . I’m

even scared to greet her

She doesn’t look happy at all , and I know

she’s heard something about me
Me : molo Makh….

Makhulu : if I knew you would get here and

turn this way , I would have refused when
Nqobizitha asked for you

Me : I don’t understand

She leans forward

Makhulu : you have shamed your guides to

a point , you don’t even see when you’re
naked and all alone
Oh it’s about that , honestly I haven’t been
paying any attention to my spirit since I got

Makhulu : When was the last time you have

a vision ? When last did you pray ?

Me : it’s been a while

Makhulu : have you no shame ? A gifted

child saying such , all those things should be
your daily bread

I can always start afresh , there’s no reason

for her to go off at me as if I’ve killed
Makhulu : You live with a person that’s
spiritually inclined , everyday her guides
work through her . You need to work for
you own so they don’t leave you , because
two spirits into one place can sometimes be
chaotic . You’ve let me and yourself down ,
and you think all is well

I look down

Makhulu : you’re living in shame , and my

child if you don’t open your eyes or listen .
You’ll perish I tell you , leave me alone

Wow , this is a first . She has never talked to

me like this
Nor has she asked me to excuse her this
way , I’m really hurt to be honest

I get up going back to my room , and I’m

already crying

I lock the door taking my phone , I call Mpi

and thankfully he answers

Me : baby

Mpi : what’s wrong ?

Me : Makhulu is here , and she was just so

mean to me.
I sit down on the bed

Mpi : my grandmother ?

He’s making things worse , saying his

grandmother . Because I also see her as

Now it’s like we’re both grandparents to

her, and we’re together romantically

Me : yes

Mpi : wait…what did she say ?

I tell him what she said , he just sighs I guess

Me : I thought maybe Zama told her


Mpi : and ?.

Me : she didn’t , maybe Makhulu was

shown all this

He chuckles

Mpi : Makhulu as no gift , so how can she

be shown ?
Is he just mocking me or what ?

Me : I lived with her for years , I know what

I’m talking about

Mpi : I don’t know about all this , but baby

please don’t let it bother you much . We’ll
be okay at the end of this all

He’s taking this lightly , but maybe that’s

just how he is

Me : you promise?

Mpi : I promise , I love you

Me : and I love you

Mpi : okay , let me work we’ll talk later

Me : okay baby

We hang up , I lay down on the bed . Seems

like my life is about to get tough
I had to leave work early , because my wife
called saying uMakhulu is home

I couldn’t stay at work , not knowing if all

was well or what

But I’m glad to find her well , and she

doesn’t even seem sick

She hasn’t said anything bad , so I don’t

want to jump into conclusions
Me : this is just a visit ?

I ask looking at her

Makhulu : ask your wife here

I guess it’s not , I get up but she walks in

already . I open a chair for her

Makhulu : I want to say this to the both of

you , I know you both know the truth about
your parents . And this child Olwemihla ,
that she’s both your half sibling . She’s a
Ngema by blood , we cannot change that
Me : isn’t that why I took her in , to take
care of her because she’s my sister ?

Makhulu : and you have done that , no one

can question it . What you both need to
know is that , you can only do so much .
You’re not a saviour Zamabongwa , and
therefore you cannot save everyone

My wife looks done

Makhulu : this has gone too far , forces are

now involved . Even we immortals there
isn’t much we can do

Now I’m totally lost

Zama : can’t we …help her ?

Is her maybe Mihla ?

Makhulu : don’t make a mistake , I just said

you can’t save everyone

She gets up

Makhulu : take heart child

She walks out leaving us alone , and my

wife breaks down

It really frustrates me , when she goes

through things and I have no idea what is it
Or how I can help her , I feel so useless and
just powerless

I just hold her against my chest , giving her

comfort . At least I hope I am

I know when she’s okay , she will explain all

this . And tell me in a way that I will be able
to understand

For now I’ll just burst my head , because I

don’t get what Makhulu was talking about

But clearly my wife did , she wouldn’t have

interjected if she didn’t
And she certainly wouldn’t be crying right
now , for nothing

uMakhulu must be very busy , to have her
come to my house this early

I was not expecting her at all , even though I

heard she’s around

And clearly having a mouthful of things to

say , I heard what she said to my father

I really don’t want to get involved , with the

situation of my mother
Because it’s very clear , she won’t ever get
better . I don’t know how he does this

Taking care of her , because even I wouldn’t

be able to have done it for so long

I would have long sent her to a home ,

where she would get proper care

But he doesn’t want that either , so what

can I say about that ?

Next thing if she dies , he will be making us

feel guilty
For making him take her there , so he can
decide on his own on what to do

We’re all occupied with our lives , and

therefore cannot help going to the village to
nurse her

Me : can I get you anything ?

Makhulu : you would have offered and not

asked , so leave it

I’m a man , what do I know about the

hospitality of a guest

Makhulu : where is your wife ?

This will tire me , I just wish they would stop
asking me this question

Me : she left Makhulu , the marriage didn’t

work . I think she’s seeing someone else

What can I say ? It’s best they all think ,

she’s busy whoering around

Makhulu : and the shadow that’s following

you , that’s clearly her busy with other men

What shadow is she talking about ?

Me : I don’t think I understand

Makhulu : I’m not a child like Mihla , you
can fool and lie to her but not me

I move a bit and lean back , she’s making

me uncomfortable

I don’t think Mihla told her about us , she

wouldn’t be that foolish to

Makhulu : this will haunt you , and you will

never know what peace is . Your playing a
dangerous game , and you think you’re
smart . But you’re a fool my child , the souls
around you . They’ll never let you rest , you
think you’ve worn . But you have no idea ,
what you’re bringing to yourself
She’s really scaring me with her words , I
don’t want to lie . But I don’t want her to
see this

Me : I feel like I should know , what exactly

am I being insulted for

Makhulu : if this is what the truth is now

seen as , an insult .

Me : but I have no idea what you’re talking


Makhulu : let me be foolish , and let you be.

But don’t say you were not warned
She gets up

Makhulu : I’ll take my leave now

And she leaves , I’m left battling my mind

with thoughts . Could it be that Zo’s shadow
is following me ?

But how ? I’ve killed before and never had

to have an encounter like this one , if it is so
I’m here to see Mpi , and he doesn’t look
okay at all

Makhulu left today in the morning , she

clearly didn’t intend to stay long

And now I got a chance to leave the house ,

it was hard with her around

Me : babe what’s wrong ?

Mpi : nothing

He’s lying , I can see something is bothering


Me : can we please not lie to each other

He keeps quite

Me : is it because of what I said Makhulu

said ?

Mpi : no , she was here yesterday

He didn’t tell me this , so it’s a shock for me

Me : and ?

Mpi : she said a whole lot of things , that I

didn’t understand

I move and sit closer to him

Mpi : but let’s not worry ourselves about


Me : but it clearly has you worried

Mpi : I’m probably just letting her words get

to me , it’s nothing love

Me : are you sure ?

He smiles

Mpi : yes

He pecks my lips I lean in for a kiss , after a

few minutes he pulls out

Mpi : spend the night

Me : okay

He kisses me back again


I turn and the woman is still here , I turn to

the other side and she’s still here

I have never seen her , but she looks

familiar . Her facial , looks like I know it
But I can’t place where , or with who . She’s
really just scaring me

Me : who are you ?.

She says nothing

Me : what do you want ?

My voice echoes , it’s like I’m inside some


She looks straight into my eyes , and I shiver

from coldness that comes from out of
Her : not with my child , you’re playing with
fire . Stay away , I will not shy away from
doing you harm . She’s not for you , let her
go . Don’t justify holding on , let her go

And she turns walking away , I’m left

stunned by her words

She was full of rage , and certainly not

happy . But I’m so confused

I feel someone shaking me , I come to and

realise it’s Mihla

She looks scared , I wonder why . I lean back

on the headboard
Me : babe ?

Mihla : are you okay ?

I realise , I was just having a dream

Me : did I scare you ? It was just a dream

Mihla : very bad one to say the least

Me : I’m sorry , I’m okay

Mihla : should I get you water ?

Me : no , let’s go back to sleep

Mihla : okay

I lay back down

Me : come here

I bring her close , kissing her cheek she

place both her hands on my sides

Me : I love you

Mihla : I love you too

I hold her until she falls asleep , but I can’t

seem to sleep
The dream now has me thinking hard , who
was that woman ? And what did she mean
by her words ?

I look at the file again , I’m sure now for the

5th time and it’s still the same now

Now I don’t even know how the hell , am I

going to tell Nqobi this

He will have my head on the platter , I know

he won’t go easy on me
Like how the hell did this happen ? I sure
fucked up here

And I have no idea how I did that , like

where did I slip up ?

And the guys don’t want anything to do

with me , they don’t want to hear anything
from me

I get up , taking the file with . As much as I

wish I didn’t have to

I know I have to , he can’t find out on his

And delaying , in the hopes that I can fix this
before he finds out . Will only be a waste of

I go to his office , and the door is slightly


I walk in , he’s with his wife and daughter .

If only I knew they were here

I wouldn’t have come , but I’m here now so

it doesn’t matter

I greet , and Zama just shoots me an evil

eye . I don’t know what’s with that
Me : we need to talk

I say to Nqobi

Nqobi : talk

He will fucking embarrass me , right in front

of his wife

Me : I’ll come back later

I’ll rather he doesn’t , I still have my pride as

a man

Nqobi : I’m leaving now

Shit !

Me : uhm ….we lost the oil deal

I hand him the file , veins pop on his

forehead and I move back a bit

It’s one thing to see his anger , and it’s

another to feel it . And I don’t want to feel it
I thought he would say he’s kidding , but no

I’m even looking at it here in front of me , in

black and white

And I have no problem whatsoever ,

reading and understanding clear perfect

I look at him , I feel like strangling the shit

out of him
Until his soul leaves his pathetic body , I
don’t see how he could have done this

Me : a 3 billion dollars deal Mpi ?

I ask him as calm as I can be

Mpi : I don’t know how this happened

I get up

Me : you’ll fucking do me a favour , get the

hell out of my company

He pops his eyes

Me : Nqobimpi , my child and wife are here.
I’m behaving right now , don’t fucking push

Mpi : this is also my company as much as

it’s yours

Me : with a fucking percentage you got

from me , that I can always take back . And I
can always kick you out , I won’t damn buy
you out in my own damn company

I walk to him

Me : leave
Mpi : this doesn’t have to be like this , I can
fix this

Me : you won’t fix shit , leave

He looks at me with rage and walks out , I

sigh rubbing my head

Zama : I guess Ghosts of the past have come


I turn looking at her , she’s so calm . It

doesn’t even make sense

Zama : worry not , you’ll get the deal back

I shake my head

Me : I doubt

Zama : Mpi is the problem here and not

you, he leaves and you’ll get it back

She sounds so sure of herself , I don’t even

know why I’m hoping she’s telling the truth

Zama : finish up so we can leave

Me : what do you mean Ghosts of the past

have come knocking ?
She smiles , and I must say those words of
hers scared me

Zama : you don’t kill people like flies , and

get to get away with it like your brother
has. Everything has it’s turning point , and
this is his

Now I feel like I don’t even know what she’s

trying to say , but whatever it is . It doesn’t
sound so good at all
I have never seen Mpi this angry , he’s even

Pacing around , going up and down . And I

feel like he’s going to make me dizzy

But I’m even scared to say anything , I don’t

know why he’s this angry right now

Mpi : Nqobizitha must be thinking he’s

better than me
He finally says after sitting down , and
brushing his head

Me : babe what happened ?

I feel like maybe now we can talk

Mpi : just over some mere stupid deal , he

kicks me out of the company like I am

Whoa ! So this is what it has gotten to ?

Brothers turning against each other

Mpi : he has no idea who he’s messing with,

just because he got away with it a few
times. He still thinks I’m his play ground to
play at

He’s really angry , I guess he’s also hurt by

what his brother did

Me : did you talk to him, maybe you can fix

things and….

Mpi : I don’t wanna fix anything , and right

now I’m certain that I don’t even care even
if they know about us

That strikes fear into me , when did he

suddenly decide on that ? Is it because of
what happened between them today ? He’s
really speaking out of turn
And he’s definitely talking from anger , we
agreed this is too soon

Me : babe please calm down

He gets up

Mpi : just know I won’t be keeping you a

secret from now on

He walks away heading upstairs , and I’m

left stunned . He’s just going to cause us
unnecessary problems

*Ngema Homestead*
Mr Ngema’s phone rings , while he’s busy
feeding his wife porridge

And it’s his mother , he’s very hesitant to

take the call

With how her visit was like here , and also

how she left

He feels neglected by his family , and just

how it seems like no one is supporting him

But he takes the call either way

Mr Ngema : ma (mom)
Makhulu : I’m glad you took this call

Mr Ngema : I’m busy , is anything the

matter ?

His mother can hear how he’s not in the

mood to talk to her

And she feels like now , would be the

perfect time to tell him this

Makhulu : you need to take heart son , and

get your house into order . Before taboo
happens into this house , a Ngema sleeping
with a Ngema blood
This gets his attention

Mr Ngema : what are you talking about ?

Makhulu : Olwemihla is your lovers child

Nokuzola , and she’s also your child . And
now that immoral son of yours , is busy with
that child . This is your secret , and your
burden . Zama and Nqobi know about this ,
that’s why they took that child and cared
for her . But this is not their sin it’s yours ,
and it definitely wasn’t their secret to tell
but it’s yours . And now you know it , help
us all before tragedy befall . And know this
that Makeba man will know , you were
sleeping with his wife . And how you later
married his daughter for your son , keeping
a promise you made to your lover .
And with that being said she drops the call ,
the bowl he was holding falls down

I didn’t sleep a wink last night , just thinking

about everything that happened
Mpi was totally rude , and he didn’t care to
listen to me anyhow

It was all about what he wanted , and how

he wanted it

Telling everyone about us , not caring

anymore about what his brother and Zama
will say

I’m really hurt by how he just dismissed me

just like that , like I didn’t have a say in any
of that

But this is also my life , and this is a

relationship it’s equal
He’s not supposed to be my dictator , but
last night he was one

And he just made me wonder if that is who

he really is , and if that’s how he will control
this relationship

It will all be about him , and what he wants .

What he says goes and doesn’t matter what
I want or say

That’s if I’ll even have a say , I don’t think

that’s the kind of relationship I want

I love him yes , and I do want to be with

him. But not this way
We ought to talk , civil at that and not one
over another

And listen to each other , we’re both

important . And this is about us both , not
just him

He’s been calling and I’m ignoring his calls , I

don’t want to talk to him

He can call me childish or whatever I really

don’t care , I didn’t like the side I saw of him
last night

And if we’re to continue with this

relationship , he must never show it to me
Or else this won’t work , now I’m still hurt .
When I’ve calmed down , I’ll meet him and
we can talk

I’ll let him know exactly how I feel ,

hopefully he can hear me out

I really feel like in this way , no one will

support us when this comes out

They’ll condemned us if anything , that’s

why we need to take time first

We’ll be on our own , and that’s not the life

I want for us
Already I grew up without a family , I was
thankful to have found one

I can’t lose it , not when things can be done

in a sane manner and not over rage or
My brother thinks he’s all that , but he has
another thing coming

Let’s see just how he handles , seeing me

with Mihla . While he doesn’t fucking

She didn’t spend the night last night ,

maybe because of my lash

And I wasn’t in the mood to beg her , so I let

her leave

But now I feel I might have messed up a bit ,

I should bring her close
I should have begged her last night , but I
didn’t . And I’m sure she’s not happy right

I’ve been calling , she’s not taking my calls .

But I have a good mind to go there , and
demand her

That will be a fucking slap on Nqobi’s face ,

she’s my girlfriend after all

So I have every right to want to see her ,

and if he refuses I’ll see her by force

She’s not his child , he can kick her out if he

likes . He’s very good at that
It’s fine I’ll take her in , so yeah I’m going
there right now

A knock comes at the door , and whoever it
is sounds like they’re fighting

I’m already annoyed just going to check on

it , some people just don’t fucking know

I open the door , and it’s a fuming Mpi .

Now I’m not shocked

But who the fuck is he fuming for ? This boy

is so full of shit
Me : this is my house , and not a brothel .
What the fuck do you want ?

Mpi : I’m here for my girlfriend

Voice : your what ?

It’s Zama , she’s joined his angry self . And I

don’t want to lie

I’m right there with them , but I can see

right through Mpi’s nonsense

And he came on a wrong day , I won’t

entertain him nor give him the fucking
satisfaction he wants
Mpi : Olwemihla , my girlfriend . Now can I
get her

Zama tries to pass me , I push her back

Me : I don’t have a ratchet wife

She frowns

Zama : Olwemihla

She shouts on top of her lungs , Mihla

comes down and she stops still on her
tracks seeing Mpi

Mpi : Babe
The nerve , I turn and look at a scared and
ashamed Mihla

Me : this is my house , let it be the last time.

A boy or fucking grown ass man , knocks at
my door wanting you . He’s your boyfriend
right ?

She is looking down

Me : I’m not crazy

She slowly lifts her head

Me : now leave with him , and I hope you
heard me . Next time , you’ll find yourself
on the street

She looks at Zama who is ready to kill

Mihla : I’m sorry Sisi

She passes me going out , like a wet dog . I

close the door

My jaw clench , they even hurt . I swear the

day , I kill Mpi he’ll wish he never knew me

And he’s pushing me , he just doesn’t know

when to give up
Zama : really ? She should already be

Me : don’t tell me you didn’t read this

whole situation

She looks at me confused

Me : Mpi wanted a reaction out of me , and

kicking Mihla out is exactly what he wants .
So he can okay hero and alienate her from

Zama : I don’t care , that child is

disrespectful . And they probably deserve
each other
I chuckle

Me : they’re half siblings

Zama : don’t bore me Nene

I laugh , pecking her lips

Me : I love you , now I have to go .

I take my car keys walking out , she’ll cool it

off and be fine

I don’t know how Mpi’s mind works , or if it

works at all

It’s now late at night , and I’m scared to go

back home
What am I going to Zama and her husband ?
How will I look at them now

More importantly , how are they going to

look at me now ?

I really don’t appreciate what he did , he

was just way out of line and that’s that

Mpi : so you’ll be angry the whole day and

night ?

I keep quite , we came to his place and all

day I haven’t spoken to him

Mpi : baby I’m sorry

Me : sorry will fix what you did ?

He sighs

Mpi : it was bound to happen

Me : not like this

Mpi : it doesn’t matter , it’s done let’s deal

with it and move on

Me : easy for you to say , I live with them .

How do I go back home after this

Mpi : you can always come live here

He really doesn’t care , and it doesn’t
bother him what he’s done

Me : maybe I should go , and face my


Mpi : come on really !

Now he’s annoyed

Mpi : everyone we argue , you’ll leave even

in the middle of the night . And act up , isn’t
that why we’re here now ? Because of the
stunt you pulled the day before ?

Yes blame me , he’s really venting right now

Mpi : Babe I’m sorry

Me : it’s fine

I don’t want to anger him , and clear this

will take us that’s

Mpi : I just…..I love you . And I don’t want to

lose you , Nqobi and Zama are a threat to us

I don’t see how , but I guess we don’t see

things the same way

Me : I understand

Mpi : do you forgive me ?

I nod

Mpi : words please

Me : I forgive you

I just force them out

Mpi : thank you , even though you’re still


At least he can see that

Mpi : how far are you with the anniversary

plans ?
I even forgot about that

Me : I’m not doing it anymore

Mpi : what why ? Not because of me I hope

Me : no , I heard Thobani say something

about them going away

Mpi : oh okay

And just maybe it’s for the best , because

now things are messed up between us .
That I know for a fact

My wife hardly slept last night , and I’m

really getting up to here with that girl

I know for a fact it’s because of her , that

she was that restless

Being with Mpi has changed her , or maybe

she’s always been like that
Always hid behind the village persona , now
the big city has brought out her character

My phone rings , and I sigh seeing it’s from

my father . Just so early in the morning

I sit down on the bed , placing my tie on my

thigh . I answer the call

Me : baba (dad)

Dad : when were you going to tell me ?

He’s angry , I wonder what’s with these

Ngema men and anger
Me : tell you what ?

I give him the same tone , it’s too early for

this shit

Dad : that Olwemihla is my daughter

I shake my head heaving a sigh

Me : like you say she’s your daughter , and

not mine . Was it my responsibility to tell
you that ?.

Has he no shame
Dad : this is no time to get smart with me
Nqobizitha , she’s your sister

Me : half sister , and tell me something I

don’t know . I don’t think it’s a joke either ,
having you call me this early in the morning
I’ve your failed family affairs

Dad : you’re married to your sister’s sister

Me : half sister

I think he needs to understand that

Me : and remember how you arranged this
marriage , knowing very well you were
having an affair with your ghost lover

Zama walks in at that moment , and the eye

she gives me

Dad : that marriage is a taboo

I chuckle

Me : what ?

Dad : we need to fix this mess

Me : who is we ? And who’s mess is it ?
Definitely can’t be mine

I say so irritated

Dad : stop being stubborn , you and

Zamabongwa cannot be together

He’s pissing me off right now

Me : listen to me very well , I know you

know I’m capable . Look at your wife now ,
and you’ll have no doubts . Dare use this
daughter of yours , to tear my marriage
apart . And I will kill her , before she can
even say daddy . Then we’ll see what you’ll
use to say my marriage is a taboo
I drop the call on him

Zama : will you ever stop calling my mother

a ghost ?

But she’s a ghost , so why the hell would I

do that ?

I get up and hold her waist , placing a soft

wet kiss against her lips for a few minutes

We pull out , she reaches for my tie and

fixes me up

Me : thank you
She brushes my suit jacket with her hands ,
looking at me.

Zama : you can’t kill your sister Nene

I look to the side , she tilts my head and we

lock eyes

Zama : you can’t

She shakes her head a bit

Me : I can , and I will when forced .

Remember my words to you , when we first
spoke about this
She sighs

Zama : she’s my sister as well

And hearing her say that , pisses me worse

than that fucking phone call

Me : and of course , you must think I don’t

know that

I walk away from her , leaving her there like

that . And for the first time ever , I’m angry
at my own wife

It’s only been a few hours since he left , but
it feels like the whole day

He wasn’t pleased at all with me , and now

that I’ve gathered my thoughts

I don’t blame him , what was I doing using

that line at him like that ?

And over Olwemihla , who’s even full for my

hands at this present moment

I don’t even know what to do with her , she

left with Mpi right in front of us
And here I am fighting my husband over
her, this is not on at all

Maybe what Nene needs is just to think

things through

Who knows ? He might calm down and end

up not doing anything like he said he will

I’m at his company , I just had to come and

see him

What happened this morning is not us , and

it should never be

Voice : mehlo madala (long time no see)

I turn facing him , he walks closer

Ndumiso : if it isn’t the miracle worker

Me : what are you talking about ?.

Ndumiso : I wonder what voodoo you used ,

because that idiot brother of yours lost that
deal for real . But your husband just got it

I shake my head

Ndumiso : it feels good having you on our

Me : Ndu , is Nene available ?

Ndumiso : he’s in a meeting

Me : oh !

That’s sucks a bit

Ndumiso : go wait for him in his office

Me : I….

Ndumiso : better yet , let me tell him you’re

Me : you said he’s…

He shushes me with his finger , I frown

Ndumiso : your wife is here

A few seconds listening , and he frowns

looking at the phone

Me : and ?

Ndumiso : he dropped the call on me

I sigh , I guess he doesn’t want to see me

Me : I’ll see him at home

Ndumiso : don’t be crazy , let’s go

He takes me to his office

Ndumiso : you deserve a bonus for the work

you keep doing

Me : Ndumiso don’t bore me please , I

didn’t even do anything . Maybe those
people made a mistake

He laughs heading to the door , as I put my

bag on the desk
Ndumiso : we both know where Mpi is
concerned , there are no mistakes .

He winks

Ndumiso : see you when I see you , and I’ll

come see my goddaughter soon

Me : Roy will snap your neck

He laughs going out


I couldn’t even focus , on anything I was

doing since I got to work

Sure we’re not a perfect couple , but such

arguments are so not for us

And for the mere fact that we even let it get

to us , that worries me
I left the meeting after getting Ndumiso’s
call , it was of no use anyways

I wasn’t paying attention , and I’ll rather

hear why my wife is here

I open the door to my office , and she’s

standing by the window looking outside

In a tight body hugging high waist black

dress , and a white short sleeve summer
blouse . And back stilettos

She damn sure looks like some woman in

power , holding some high position
I walk in and sit down on my chair not
saying anything to her

She slowly turns and looks at me , I can see

the remorse written all over her face

Zama : I’m sorry Nene

She walks towards me , and lifts her skirt up

a bit sitting down on my lap

Zama : Olwemihla is no factor in our

marriage , and I refuse to even let her be
one . Let’s fight when we fight , but not
because of her again please . I’ll get a hold
of myself , I won’t ever allow what
happened this morning to happen . I’m
sorry , please forgive me Nene

She cups my face leaning down , coming in

for a kiss . I gladly welcome and we kiss

The honest truth is that , I’m at logger

heads with my family

And the last thing , I want is doing the same

thing with my wife

Me : I love you

Zama : I love you too

She slowly pulls out , and smile looking at

Me : I’m sorry too , I lost myself there . But

as for the rest

I shake my head

Zama : I know you won’t apologize for it ,

cause you meant every word

Whatever happens , make sure your wife

knows the kind of man she’s married to

It saves a lot of pretending in a marriage

Zama : I heard you got the deal back

I chuckle

Me : they called this morning , asking for

work to start already

She laughs

Zama : what did you say to Ndumiso ?

Me : that you said I’ll get it back , and I did

Zama : and he says I did some voodoo , how

nice it is to have me in your team
I laugh

Me : stufuza , you know Ndumiso is an idiot


Zama : well I know , I’m glad you got it back.

Make the best of it

She gets off , but I pull her back and I

fucking have a hard on right now

Me : uyaphi ? (Where are you going)

Zama : home , I miss my daughter

Me : I miss her too , but can you take care
of me first

She laughs

Zama : I didn’t come here for office sex

I chuckle , she leans in for a kiss .

Unbuckling my pants , I caress her thighs

Moving her skirt up , I rub on her coochie .

She whispers , stroking my dick slowly

I position her , as she straddles me . I push

her panty to the side , sliding my dick in
Zama : oh my god….Ohhh

I thrust in slowly , holding on her waist . She

moves her waist in the same pace as my

Leaning in for a kiss , to muffle her moans

I left Mihla at my house , she was so scared
to leave

Saying she doesn’t know how she’ll be

looking at Nqobi and Zama now

Actually I really don’t care , because those

two don’t give shit about anyone

Except themselves , and they’ve proved it

over and over
Nqobi doesn’t care about mom , and Zama
doesn’t give shit about her father

Ever since she got married , she’s never

been to the village

It’s Nqobi and Zama this and that , and to

hell with everyone

As for me I’m done living for that shit , they

can go jump to the nearest river for all I

Walking about of the restaurant , I bump

into Zondo . The way he looks at me , he’s
so amused
And the look unsettles me , I try to move
past him but he blocks my way

Me : what is this now ? Police harassment

He chuckles

Zondo : I will get you for the ministers

daughter’s murder , I know very well you
had a hand . You don’t have Ngema on your
side now , his protection is all gone . You’re
exposed , and well my boy …

He pats my shoulder

Zondo : I’m coming hard

He laughs walking inside the restaurant
leaving me there

I panic , like how in the hell did he take over

from Zuma ?

And what does he mean I don’t have

Nqobi’s protection anymore ?

I take my phone out and call Sfiso , it rings

for a while before he answers

Sfiso : sure

Me : I thought you had me covered

Sfiso : what the hell are you talking about ?

Me : that …the ministers daughter

He sighs

Sfiso : dude , that was like a year ago and

you’re still there

Me : because Zondo is still there , and he

knows what he’s talking about . He’s not a
man bluffing

Sfiso : I don’t know what he thinks he has ,

because as far as I know he doesn’t have
Mxm , he’s just useless right now . I drop
the call , and just then my father’s calls
comes through

I ignore it , walking to my car . I don’t know

what the fuck is happening , but whatever it
is . I don’t fucking like it
I decided to leave with my wife , and we
came home just to spend time with

Thobani just arrived , he asked to take her

out for dinner

He’s just full of things , so someone is eating

out tonight

Thobani : I’ll bring her back as soon as we’re

Zama : okay

She hands him her jacket , just incase they

come back much later and it’s cold

Zama : it’s so nice being oMaNgema

Me : please don’t involve me in politics

She laughs , Thobani picks MaNgema up .

She laughs , already waving and saying bye
to us

Her mother laughs as well , this stranger is a

lot to deal with
Me : I don’t know anyone who loves being
spoiled like you do . Give me a kiss

And that’s all she heard , kiss and nothing

else . She brings her whole face forward

Causing everyone to laugh , I give her a peck

and she moves back to her uncle’s chest

Zama : bye-bye Nana

She waves

Asa : ta ta (bye-bye)

And they walk out , I follow

Zama : uyaphi ? (Where are you going )

Me : I just want to have a word with


She looks at me suspiciously , I ignore her .

He’s done strapping MaNgema on her seat

Me : you better not be spending this much

time with my daughter , while you’re busy
with shit on the side . I hope you heard me
last night , I don’t do shit nor lift a finger .
And for your fucking sake , nothing better
happen to her

He sighs
Thobani : I’m not doing anything , I promise.
And I would never put MaNgema at risk

Me : you haven’t been at school , since this

whole year started

He looks down

Me : oh you thought I don’t know ?

Thobani : I can explain

Me : now would be better

Thobani : I got a job at an IT company , the

pay is good . In just three months , I’ve
managed to make investments into
property . So far so good , and I’m still at

I shoot him an eye

Thobani : I left UJ yeah , but I’m at UCT now

He takes out his phone and shows me the

records , I sigh

Me : why didn’t you say ?

Thobani : I don’t know , but I would never

disappoint you like before ever again
I guess I tend to be too suspicious ,
especially having dealt with what I dealt
with in past because of him

But I’m proud and glad seeing this side of

him , and taking such responsible decisions

We both watch her as she walks out ,

pulling her doll and blanket on the floor

As soon as she’s out we laugh , I don’t like

Me : Stop

Zama : you started it

I shake my head , getting off the bed

Zama : really ?

Me : what ?

I take my sweatpants putting them on , it’s

just after 05 : 00 in the morning

And the madam has woken me up , because

she wants to go watch cartoons
At this time , and well I have no choice now
do I ? I can’t even say no

I doubt that stranger even knows the word

no , she’s so used to getting her way

Zama : you’re leaving me in bed , and going

to watch cartoons with her ?

I laugh , dragging my push ins on

Me : yeah

Zama : Nene !
Me : stufuza , uyazi ba uzokhala uMaNgema
(you know that she’s going to cry)

She sighs

Zama : uright kalok , ukhala inyembezi

uAsamukele not igazi (she’s right , she cries
tears not blood)

Me : kwaright kuwe , ukuthi umntu

akhaliswe nje (it’s right to you , that a
person must be made to cry for no reason )

She laughs
Me : ukhaliswa ngubani Wena ? (Who
makes you cry)

Zama : kodwa this is not fair (but)

Me : I don’t know about that

I lean over and give her a peck on her lips

Me : I just know , I’m going to watch


She giggles

Zama : at least tell me you love me ke

I chuckle

Me : ngiyak’thanda stufuza wami

She blushes

Me : and I’ll enjoy myself watching cartoons

She burst out laughing , I head to the door

Zama : what were you talking about with

Thobani last night ?

This woman , just doesn’t let go

Me : nothing serious

Zama : you’re a lying

I turn back and look at her

Zama : that looked way too tense to be


Me : you’ve already made scenarios so…

Voice : baba (dad)

See now she’s back again, and I’m surprised

she’s not crying
Me : bye

Zama : just so it’s clear Nqobizitha Ngema

I pick her up

Zama : lobola was paid for me and not her

I laugh , closing the door leaving with this

stranger . That’s making my wife so jealous
so early in the morning

I woke up two hours later , took a bath and

made the bed . Cleaning around the room

I see walking down passing Mihla’s room ,

that she’s still not back . Maybe she’s
decided she’s not coming back , and with
Mpi involved you can never be too sure
These people are still watching cartoons ,
and with a mess of food on the floor

Asa is starting to be too much , she doesn’t

want to be fed anymore so she feeds

And her hand is not yet steady , she still

makes a mess

And now she’s with the one person who

doesn’t care about all of that

Me : did you eat ?

He shakes his head , I’m just asking knowing
he won’t eat anything that’s cereal

Me : you’re going to work what time ? I

think we can go out , I’m lazy to cook

Nqobi : I’m not going

Me : that’s new !

Nqobi : I don’t think , she wants me away

from her today

This girl is winning , no lies . She gets

Nqobizitha to miss work
Me : wow , take me out

He laughs , his phone rings from the

charger. And not this one who stole him
today getting it

Asa : Bani (Thobani)

This girl , she gives her father the phone

waiting for him to answer

And as soon as he does , she tries to take it

to him

Nqobi : akusiyena (it’s not him)

She frowns , I laugh walking away . It’s so
nice seeing them not agree , cause they
always leave me on the outside

I make myself a cup of coffee , and sit down

on the high chairs

After a while they both walk in , and she’s

not happy

Thobani must buy her a phone , we can’t

live like this because of them

I look at Nqobizitha , and feelings a slight

feeling of a cold breeze
Me : what’s wrong ?

Nqobi : that was Sfiso

Me : who’s that again ?

Nqobi : Mpi’s friend , the one who helped

on the ministers daughter

Me : what does he want ?

Nqobi : says Mpi called last night , and he

was very much rattled .

Me : by what ?
Nqobi : some cop said he’s coming after
him , or something like that I don’t know

Me : why does this bother you ?

He sighs rubbing on his forehead

Nqobi : I helped cover this up , they find her

and I might be implicated

Everything has consequences , even when

you think you’re lending a helping hand to a
brother . Look now , Mpi is about to be
ruined to the core . And no one should be
anywhere near him
Me : you did nothing

Nqobi : I helped him cover all of that

Me : and you’re not getting involved

Nqobizitha , let Mpi be right now

He sighs shaking his head

Nqobi : you don’t understand …

Me : I think you’re the one who doesn’t

understand , nothing will happen

Nqobi : will you do…

Me : I won’t do anything , Nene please get
away from me with your person

He looks at her , and she’s just looking at

him . She’s so strange , I laugh

He smiles taking her hand , and they walk

back to where they coming from

The cold breeze comes again , I close my

eyes and clear my mind

I turn and look behind me , and there she is.

At the back of Mpi’s house . She’s in muddy
bloody clothes , she looks very much beaten
I slowly open my eyes , and turn back . The
sliding door going outside is slight opened

I smile to myself chucking

I haven’t been myself , since yesterday and
today I feel so sick

That has never happened , there’s just this

fear in my heart

Maybe it’s what Zondo said , but Sfiso

assured me I have nothing to worry about

Unless he became another Thami , and

turned against me.

My father has been calling , and I don’t

know what he wants
But I’m so fearful , I don’t know what he
could possibly tell me that makes me so

I take my phone out to call him , Olwemihla

walks in . And I put the phone back

She’s in just my shirt , her ass slightly

exposed . I cannot help , but lust over her

Mihla : morning

Me : babe come here

She walks towards me slowly , my hands go

straight to her thighs
She smiles lazily , I look at her and lock eyes
for a few minutes

My dick is throbbing , and twitching . I don’t

know how long I can try to hold off

Me : can I please taste you ?

She nods slowly , not taking her eyes off

me. I push the shirt higher , exposing all of
her lower part

I kiss her lower stomach , and she places

her hands on my head
I lean down , sniffing on her mound . I let
out a deep groan

I get up and place her on the kitchen

counter , she parts her legs I get in between

I peck her lips , taking her panties off . My

dick so badly wants to be freed

I rub over it , with my one hand . She looks

at him , and swallows

Me : don’t you wanna taste it ?

She shyly smiles

Mihla : it look so big

Me : it’s all your doing my love

I unbutton my pants , lowering my briefs

and taking it out

She gasps bitting her lower lip

Me : it’s not so bad

I pull her closer

Me : let’s just do this , it’s even better than

tasting you
I stroke my dick a few times , and it’s even
twitching. I part her legs

And her pink coochie comes to the view , I

bury my head in between her not helping

But just wanting to taste her , and the way

she moves her waist

I can’t focus on this , not with this painful

dick and her moans are just doing the most

I lay her back a bit , running my dick on her

Mihla : oh baby….

I’m so tempted to just slide it in , but I

doubt she’s ready for that

I rub my dick on her , the more I’m rubbing

the more she gets wet

And by the way she’s moaning , she’s

enjoying herself too

I just want to cum , but I can’t leave her dry.

So I move my dick to her clit . And that’s the
spot , because in just a few minutes
thrusting on her clit she grabs on the table
And just seeing her cum , gets me off .
Some of the cum falling on her stomach

Hers dropping to the counter top , I go

down kicking her coochie cleaning all those
It’s been a blissful day , Mpi went all out
just to spoil me

And I so appreciate that , because now I

know we’re on the same page

I love him , and he loves me too . And that’s

all that matters

Like I know things are not perfect right now,

but I believe with time we’ll get better

More especially with Zama and bhut Nqobi ,

I can’t even go back home because I’m
And I know staying here , is not making
things any easier

Me : I need to use the bathroom

We’re in a restaurant in town , having late

lunch together

Mpi : okay , be back soon

I laugh getting up

Me : it’s not like I’ll disappear

Mpi : you’ll never know

I walk to the bathroom laughing , I get in
and do my business.

When I’m done peeing , I walk out to wash

my hands . While I’m still washing my hands

The mirror infront of me gets all foggy , I

look around but we nothing . And this water
is not hot either

Voice : there can never be happiness on a

path of darkness

I know this voice it’s sounds very much

familiar , but I can’t place it to who
I want to run out of here , but maybe my
visions are back

A shadow appears on the mirror , I can’t see

well who it is

But whoever it is cannot be alive , I move

back screaming my lungs out

As it appears much clear , and it’s Zobuhle .

She looks a creepy ghost from some horror

Zo : get out while you still can , you’ll get

hurt for things you know nothing about
I have my hands covering my ears , but it’s
of no use . It goes all quite , and I slowly
open my eyes

Maybe it was a dream , as I lift my head

she’s right here in front of me

I don’t know what happens , but everything

goes all dark

My phone rings , and I sigh just looking at it.

Because it’s my dad
I really don’t want to be talking to him,
because as of late

We have nothing to really talk about , we’re

just bitting each other off

I’m not interested in anything that he has to


I answer the call anyways , because next

time I’ll be the one that’s wrong to him

Me : Ngema

Dad : where is your brother ?

See now he’s asking me about Nqobimpi ,
as if I care to know where he is

Me : I am not his keeper

Dad : I’m on my way there , I want to see

you two

Me : unfortunately , I’m going to Cape Town

for business

Dad : I wasn’t asking , incase you missed


I shake my head
Dad : get Mpi , avoiding my calls won’t help

He drops the call , why is he bothering

coming now ?

He long knew about those two , so what

does it help right now ?

I’m sure he was busy taking care of that

wife of his , and not wanting to leave her

Awaiting for shit to happen first , I wouldn’t

be surprised if those two have slept
Mpi is a piece of shit , and that Mihla is so
gullible no one can do anything about it

It’s been days now , and she hasn’t

bothered coming back

Clearly Mpi has gotten her , and we’ve lost

her . But I won’t bother myself

Asamukele is still very young , for me to

have grey hairs over someone that knows
right and wrong

If Mihla was a child with morals , she

wouldn’t have fallen for Mpi
She sees me as a brother , why can’t she
see him the same way ?

He’s my brother , so if I’m a brother to her .

My brother should also be a brother to her

She’s not so innocent either , and I think it’s

time we all just stopped making her like she
I wake up , and realise I’m in a room I don’t

I look around , trying to get up . I feel a sting

of pain on my arm

I look at it , and I’m hooked on a drip . So

I’m in a hospital

And I’m all alone in here , I lay back down .

Trying to remember what happened
And honestly , when it all comes back . I just
totally freak out

Mpi walks in , and he somehow looks

relieved seeing that I’m okay I guess

But I am not okay , how can I be okay after

seeing all of that

I don’t know what kind of a vision was that ,

and why was his wife like that ?

Mpi : baby , I’m so glad you’re okay

He plants a soft kiss on my lips , and pulls

back pulling the chair next to the bed
He sits down , I don’t even want to look at

Mpi : what happened in there ?

Should I even tell him ? Or he’ll say I’m


Me : nothing

Mpi : you were fine when you left the table

, yet you were found cold on the floor .
Apparently it’s even a miracle , that you’re
still alive

Me : I believe that too

The look he gives me at that statement

Mpi : is there something you’re not telling

me ?

Me : no

Mpi : baby , we’re on the lies already ?

Me : and are you not lying to me ?

I say raising my voice a bit

Mpi : what ?
That’s one angry what

Mpi : are you accusing me of something ?

I look away from him

Mpi : wow , I should just leave

He gets up and opens his wallet , taking out

a few notes placing them on the counter

Mpi : you’ll find your way back to

Nqobizitha’s home
Is he really doing that to me ? I can’t go
back there , how will I see them after being
gone for days

Me : I thought you said your wife left ?

He looks back at me , I might as well tell

him. And hear what he says

Mpi : she did

Me : then how was it that she came to me ,

through a mirror in the bathroom . Beaten
and all bloody , also having soil like she’s
someone that’s buried
He comes back and sits down

Mpi : what do you mean ?

Me : you asked what happened , well that’s

what happened

Mpi : is that why you were found in there

unconscious ?

I nod , because I don’t even know how I was


Mpi : Zobuhle left , saying a whole lot of

things . That I didn’t think were important
to tell you before , but maybe I should
So there’s things to be told

Me : what ?

He sighs

Mpi : I met Zama long before Nqobi did ,

and yes I fell for her . Misunderstanding the
whole situation , I thought she felt the
same. Only to find out she’s Nqobi’s wife ,
on the day of their wedding . I was obsessed
to be honest , because I felt she played me
and that I was robbed . But I eventually let
go , but somehow Zo got to know all of that.
And she felt like she would always be
second best to me , because I’m in love with
Zama . Which wasn’t true , I don’t even look
at Zama anyhow right now . I explained that
to her so many times , but she wasn’t
willing to listen

He even shed tears saying this , now I’m a

bit lost . Is it because of Zo or Zama ?

Me : I’m sorry

Mpi : it’s fine , I hate what’s happening right

now . I love you , but now it seems I’ll lose
you because of Ghosts

Me : Ghosts ?
Mpi : that’s just how you described Zo right

Me : that’s….but that’s how she appeared .

And there’s no person that’s alive , that can
come like that

Mpi : then I really don’t know what

happened , because she was fine when she

I guess shit happened where she was , but I

don’t get why she’s coming to me

It’s not like I’m in need of her help or

anything like that
And we have never said much to each other
before , except just greeting each other

Me : so you’re really sending me back ?

Mpi : you don’t have to go anywhere you

don’t want to

That’s some relief

Me : okay

He takes my hand and kisses the back of it


Whatever is going on , is not even funny nor

a joke

Why is Zo busy haunting Mihla now ? Can’t

she just stay in there

And now I really need to move away from

this house
I can’t risk to be found here , when it
happens that her remains get found

It seems like a whole lot of shit , is not going

my way

And the last thing I want , is Mihla being

one of those thing

Already she’s chosen me , and that’s

evident to everyone

It was so easy , it didn’t even take a whole

lot of fights between us
Now I have her , and I’m not loosing her .
Not for Zobuhle either

I’m so thankful she’s so gullible , and not

the sharpest of them all

Or else she would have seen how fake

those tears were , and she would have right
through me

But she didn’t , and I need to use this time

we have to my advantage

Get into her head while I still can , so we

can move away from here . Starting a new
life away from this people , and everything
else here

Arriving home , knowing that my father is


And I’m so not in the mood for him , I didn’t

even bother calling Mpi and telling him this
He’s known for just running away , so he
might run away even now

Since he’s been avoiding him , so best we

just go find him when he wants to state his
reasons now for coming here

I so hope he’s not bringing that wife of his ,

because she’s the last person I want to see

Zama : we need to talk

That’s what welcomes me walking inside

the house

Me : is this what….
Zama : Nene you can complain later torho

She takes my hand , and this one watching

cartoons frowns I laugh

Zama : we can mind her later too

Me : what’s wrong ?

Zama : your brother buried Zo , in his


Kodwa how do men who have wives who

are spiritual manage all this ?. (But)
Or maybe is just too much , not so long ago
she didn’t know

And now boom , a whole bombshell on me .

So unexpected

Me : he did ?

She nods

Me : then why are so excited as if you’re

some crime detective and you’ve
discovered a mystery murder ?

She laughs
Zama : because I did , and Zo is up now .
She’s haunting

That’s so fucking disturbing , and that boy

needs a cleansing

Me : you’re creepy

Zama : don’t even save your brother from

this , I told you ghosts of the past will deal
with him

I don’t even know how to react to all this ,

I’m just seriously shocked
I’m saved by the door bell , and not the
stranger getting up to open

The door wasn’t closed fully , because I was

pulled away from him . To be told about

Asa : Khulu (Grandfather)

She laughs hugging his knees , and the smile

on his face . I don’t know when last I saw it

Dad : MaNgema wam

He picks her up , and walks in . I heave a

sigh of relief seeing he’s alone
Zama pinches me , I look at her and she
smiles . I won’t hide that I’m relieved the
wife didn’t come

Zama : molo Tata (evening dad)

He looks at her and smiles

Dad : molo ntombiyam (evening my


And the thought of thinking , about this

whole situation . We’re in for a ride

My father is with MaNgema in the lounge

He’s the one that’s been turned into a baby

tonight , watching cartoons

Zama : can you….

And there’s a knock at the door , she sighs

going to get it

And it’s Thobani , this late . I look at him ,

and I don’t like the look on his face

Thobani : skwiza sam (my sister in-law)

And just at hearing his voice , the stranger is
in here even falling down

I don’t even know why she’s running , she’s

too chubby for these things she does

Thobani : phephisa (sorry)

He picks her up , and she’s not even crying

Asa : Bani (Thobani)

Me : what brings you here this late ?

He sighs
Thobani : I’m going away for sometime

Exactly why I said I don’t like the look on his

face , and he’s about to lie to us

Zama : where are you going ?.

Thobani : the company is sending me to

Cape Town for an assignment there

This boy is full of shit

Me : for how long ?

Thobani : could be a few months

Zama : while you’re at that , get her a
phone before you leave . Because we don’t
live in peace , she wants to answer our
phones and say it’s you

Thobani : please buy her one , I’ll repay you

Zama laughs

Me : I don’t want to

He sighs

Thobani : okay , I’ll buy it and have it sent

Who in their sane mind buys a 15 months
old baby a phone ?

Me : uthe when are you leaving ? (You said)

Zama : he didn’t say , stop being so

suspicious of the boy

Me : oh ?

She shakes her head , I swear if she should

roll her eyes she would

Asa : sambe (let’s go)

This one !
Me : uhamba uyaphi ? (Where you are

Asa : hamba Bani (leaving with Thobani)

Zama laughs

Me : you’re not going anywhere with her ,

go see your father

Thobani : he’s here ? And she wants to go

Me : Thobani !

Thobani : sorry
Zama : utata is in the lounge (dad)

Thobani : let me see him , and get this one

to sleep so I can leave

He walks to the lounge with MaNgema

Me : he’s full of shit you know that

Zama : you’re no longer getting involved in

anything he does , so leave him

I sigh
Zama : you’re worse than he is I’m sure ,
when did you stop and think that Thobani
will turn out to be an upright citizen ?

Me : with a brother like myself ?.

Zama : I did not say that , so don’t even go


Dad walks in , and he looks at me . And his

face says it all

Me : Thobani came here for you , and

you’re leaving him alone

Dad : I asked you to call Mpi here

Not this again , Zama walks out

Me : I don’t want Mpi in my house , we’ll go

find him when you want him

Dad : why do you hate your brother so

much ?

Me : he wants my wife , that’s why

Dad : there’s a lot that needs to be fixed


Me : what ?

Dad : nothing , we’ll go see him tomorrow

Me : and you’ll get to see him cohabiting
with your mannerlessly daughter

The look he gives me , but I’m not even

shaken . It’s not like it’s a lie
I so badly want to ignore what happened ,
but it’s hard

Especially when it’s always at the back of

my mind , and I think I’m going crazy now

I avoid mirrors at all costs , because every

time I pass something like a mirror

I always see Zobuhle , I don’t know . Maybe

my mind is playing tricks on me

But I literally see her , I can look more than

once and she’ll still be there
I’m not okay at all , and now I’m scared of
going back to Zama’s house

I got discharged , and I wish I didn’t .

Because there was no Zobuhle at the

It’s only here at home that I see her , and I

can’t even tell Mpi

I don’t want him hung up on her , or to

think I’m crazy now

I love him , and I want to avoid anything

and everything that can cause us to part
He’s not at home , he left early today . And
he didn’t even say where he was going

I get up to get the door , after a slight knock

takes me out of my thoughts

And the fear I get seeing that it’s bhut

Nqobi and his father

And the shame even , and I’m wearing

Mpi’s clothes

I greet them and they both say nothing , I

guess they didn’t come in peace

Me : uhm please come in

I move out of the way for them , and they
walk in

Mr Ngema : where is my son ?

Me : he…he’s not here

Nqobi : where is he ? That’s what he asked

Me : I don’t…know , he left early in the

morning . And he didn’t…say

Nqobi : I see , we’ll wait for him

Me : I…don’t know when he’ll be back

Mr Ngema : he said we’ll wait

I have never been so scared like I am right


What was I thinking ? Cleary Mr Ngema has

been told what’s been happening here

That’s why he’s so rude towards me , and

well I’m not shocked by bhuti Nqobi

Nqobi : where is your phone ?

I say nothing but handing it to him , and it

doesn’t even have a password or a pin nor
even a pattern
He fiddles with it , while they’re still on their
feet . I should be glad there’s nothing
disgusting on the phone

Nqobi : go get dressed

He says side eyeing me from head to toe ,

and it makes me feel like I’m naked

Nqobi : and dare alert Mpi we’re here

I wouldn’t dare , even if he didn’t say . I

wasn’t going to

And besides he has my phone with him ,

and I guess that’s why he took it

I have been trying to call Mihla , I really

don’t know what’s going on with her as of

Ever since the incident , she’s not the same.

She’s always jumpy
It’s like the whole thing that happened in
stuck in her mind or something

I got worried calling and I couldn’t get a

hold of her

I came back home , and there’s nothing that

seems to be suspicious

Well that’s what I think opening the door ,

and how wrong was I

Here she is looking like a chicken , and here

is my father and my brother
Me : what’s this now ? You called him for
me ?

Nqobi : uzonya , talk to me like that again

(you’ll shit yourself)

Dad : excuse us

She gets up

Me : no , you excuse yourself . She’s not

going anywhere

Dad : we need to talk

Me : there’s nothing you’re going to say ,
that’s going to make leave Olwemihla . I
love her , and best you both understand

I walk to where she’s standing , and I hold

her hand

Nqobizitha chuckles , it’s like I’ve just done

something that’s making him see me like
some idiot

Nqobi : I hope you enjoyed this nonsense

because it’s done , but knowing you . You’ll
probably even like it sick

Dad shoots him and he shakes his head

Me : I think you two should leave

Dad : not before we talk , and Olwemihla

I’m not your age mate

She moves a bit away from me , he’s

intimidating her now and I guess it’s

She wouldn’t disrespect him deliberately ,

hence that’s why she’s moving away from

Dad : when I ask you , to excuse us that’s

exactly what you do . Because I’m even
Mihla : I’m sorry

She walks out

Me : get it over and done with

Nqobizitha gets up , and you can’t miss just

how his eyes are full of rage

He wouldn’t hesitate to kill me now , even

in front of dad

The way Mr Ngema , so badly wanted me to
leave them alone

He was even rude about it , his voice was so


I don’t know if , I’m ever going to get used

to such treatment

It’s clear that no one , will ever support us

at all

And I will never be looked anyhow , besides

how I’m looked at already
I just can’t help myself , I was going to the

But I want to know what’s going on , so I’m

by the corridor listening

Making sure that they don’t see me , I’m

sure they’ll throw me out if they can

Maybe that’s why they’re here , to tell Mpi

to kick me out

Like where will I go ? I’m sure I’m not

wanted back where I come from
And Makhulu has stopped communicating
with me

Maybe she’s disappointed with me , but I

don’t blame her at all

I sit down slowly , I know I’ll get irritated

standing up for far too long

I peek through , and they’re all standing up .

And it’s a bit hard making out what they’re

But it’s not good at all , their faces say it all .

I so badly I was closer so I can hear well

I look at them , no one has said anything

and I want them gone

I don’t even care why they’re here , because

I know it’s nothing good

Nqobi can never have anything good to say

about me lately
Dad : where is your wife ?

Not this shit again , I guess now I should be

glad Mihla is excused

And Zama is not here , and I’m wondering

how is it Mihla saw Zobuhle and Zama
hasn’t ?

By the look of things Zama is more powerful

than Mihla

Not that I’m complaining , it’s not like I

want her to find out
That would be the end of me , Zama hates
me she won’t fucking hesitate to bury me

Me : she left

Dad : left ?

Me : we’re no longer together

He shakes his head , Nqobi chuckles . He

can go fuck himself for all I care

Dad : you’re married Mpi , families

involved. So how is it you’re no longer with
your wife , and we have no idea ?
Me : I didn’t know I had to announce it , can
you stop and spare me the lectures . Just
say why you’re here

Dad : I’ve recently just found out something

Me : need I ask what ?

Nqobi : you’re so…

Me : we all know , so you can keep quite .

Say what you came here for and leave

Dad : Olwemihla is my daughter with

Zamabongwa’s mother
I burst out laughing , like maybe I’m the one
with a hearing problem

Both these girls are younger than us , even


So what he’s saying is so impossible , unless

he cheated

That’s the only logical explanation to what

he’s saying

I look at them , and he’s angry while Nqobi

is smirking
I stop laughing right away , I feel like my
chest is closing up

Me : no !

They just look at me

Me : it can’t be

I raise my voice

Dad : this nonsense you’re doing has to

stop, she’s your sister

Me : stop !
I charge to him , Nqobi stands in front of
him protecting him as a shield

Nqobi : hit him , and it’ll be the last fucking

thing you do . I’ve been way too patient
with you , that will be the last straw . Stop
being a pervert and leave Mihla alone , you
shouldn’t have fucking persuaded her to
begin with . She’s a child to you , but you’re
just a dick bastard . And you like them
young don’t you ?

I stagger back , he’s hitting below the belt . I

didn’t know the ministers daughter was
only 17
And a minor , she was in a club for fucks
sake . My only fault is killing her

And which also was a mistake , because I

don’t even remember how that happened

Me : you’re lying

Dad : I would dare lie , by admitting I

cheated on your mother

I wish he never said that

Me : do you know I almost slept with her

Nqobi : I’m surprised you haven’t

Me : don’t fuck with me.

Nqobi : I wouldn’t dare , have you seen my


Dad : Nqobi I told you about this

Nqobi : enough ! Deal with your son and

leave me the fuck alone . They’re not my
kids , and so therefore not my
responsibility. He knows the truth now , and
by the second we walk out that door . Mihla
should be following , if he really is a brother

Is he fucking kidding me ? Now I wish I

made my plans way sooner
I don’t want to believe all this shit , I’m
taking Mihla and we’re leaving

We’ll go and start a new life somewhere ,

before they tell her this as well

I know she won’t handle it , she will back in

that house within a split second

Nqobi : but then , we’re talking to you . So it

can also be a waste of breath

I shoot him a nasty look

Dad : you two need to stop this nonsense ,

you’re brother’s . You ought to have each
other and not be against each other .
Nqobimpi , please stop embarrassing me .
I’m yet to tell Olwemihla the truth , she
needs to know it

Nqobi : he needs to okay far away from my

wife , and find himself a woman . One he
won’t kill either nor bury behind his

The room stands still , how in the hell did he

find out ?

I can’t believe this , I’m crying and I’m sure

they can’t hear me

Only because they’re at each other throats ,

I don’t even want to hide my cries

It hurts and it’s painful , Mr Ngema is my

father . Mpi is my brother
And I’ve let him get so sexual with me ,
while we share the same blood

I don’t even want to say anything about

Zama , I always thought I’ve found a sister
in her

But she’s really my sister , we share a


This whole thing is twisted and is a mess ,

she’s married to my half brother

And it hurts that bhut Nqobi knee , but he

kept quite
Which makes me believe Zama knows , and
she’s always known.

I run to the spare bedroom , on the far end .

I get in and lock myself inside

Turning the key at the keyhole , so it can’t

be pushed nor can he use a spare key to

I sit down , crying my eyes out . How will I

ever get over this ?

How will I look at Mpi again , after we did

what we did ? And these damn feelings I
have for him
Why didn’t I see something ,or at least feel
something about all this ?

I don’t see how we move past all this ?

These people are my blood
I look around , and it’s like I’m in a hospital .
And in theatre

There’s two small babies , I don’t know but

they look so familiar

Yet I can’t pin who they are , and looking at

them clearly they’re boys

They’re definitely twins , even though not

that identical . But I can’t miss the
How my eyes are showing me what seems
to have happened hours ago , before the

I don’t know , but it seems the heart of the

other baby failed

And they took a piece from the other twin ,

so it’s like the twins now each have a half of
one’s heart

I look at the twin who’s heart failed , he

looks so smaller . And so fragile

My heart goes out to him , I get a strange

feeling towards him
I swear if he wasn’t a baby , I would say I’m
falling for him

Crazy right ! And slowly it feels like I’m

being dragged

I look at the other twin , and I smile

somehow feeling some brotherly love
towards him

And I open my eyes , I feel asleep

endumbeni (Ancestral hut)

I was with a client , and after she left I was

lazy to go inside
I can’t even look at the time , I have no
phone with me in here

I wonder if Nqobi and his dad are back yet ,

I get up feeling a bit dizzy

I sit back down , and my dream or whatever

that was comes back

Leaving my heart , beating so fast and loud

like it’ll pop out of my chest

Me : oh my God !! They share the same

heart , it’s twisted fate
Tears stream down my face , I hold my
chest as I’m having trouble breathing

My father hasn’t taken his stare off at me ,

he’s still maintaining the same look

It wasn’t even a mistake that I uttered what

I said

It’s not like Mpi can kill his wife , and get
away with it . While we turn a blind eye
We didn’t even have proof to begin with ,
things might be different now

Because we know she’s right on this yard ,

and we can report it

But I don’t want to be involved in anything ,

that has to do with cops

With the kind of things I get up to , my own

skeletons might just come up

And I don’t need that , I won’t even risk

putting myself on that platter
Just because I want Mpi punished for his
deeds , fuck no

And I don’t even regret that I said it , it’s

about time worms come out of the can

Dad : Nqobizitha what are you talking


I look at Mpi , he has his head bowed down.

He has no come back for this one

Clearly he didn’t expect it to come it , cause

according to him no one knows

Me : ask him , I….

My phone rings and it’s MaSylvia , I get a
slight shock

She never calls me unless it’s an emergency,

and I’ve left my wife and child so long

Me : ma

MaSylvia : we’re in hospital , your wife has

been admitted

I drop the call , not even waiting to hear

where or right hospital . I head to the door

Dad : we’re still….

I close the door , running to the back
getting to my car

I parked it at the back , to avoid Mpi seeing

it when he was coming in

I drive out in high speed , I track MaSylvia’s


To get their location , because I’m sure my

wife doesn’t have her phone with her
I get startled a bit , as the room gets chilly .
Like there’s wind blowing

I can tell it’s a presence , having had so

many encounters with Zobuhle as of late

I’m even scared to look up , because even

today I’m still scared of her
Voice : you’re so stupid , it’s not even about
being naïve . What did I say to you ? Get out
while you still can , but no just like me you
ignited all of that . You have been warned
so many times , and you turned a blind eye .
Look where that got me , dead and buried
like a dog . Had I listened , I would still be
alive . Now you’re on the same route as me,
because truths are out now . And you’ll
regret for being with him , he will make sure
of that you best believe . I will not let him
kill you , that’s the least I can do . But trust
me when I tell you , you’re yet to see hell
with Nqobimpi . You have become so
useless you wouldn’t even know , when
your third eye is communication . Even
when it hits you in the face , uzenzile
akakhalelwa . You’re so weak , you won’t
survive what’s about to happen to you . I
wish I can say your fate is otherwise

It goes all silent , and the room temperature

goes back to how it was

I look up , and she’s gone . It’s like she

wasn’t even here

What does she mean I’ll regret for ever

being with him ?

Is Mpi going to hurt me , all just because I’m

his sister and I fell in love with him . But it’s
not my fault , and it was never my fault . I
didn’t know either
He should just let me leave , I’ll go start my
life elsewhere in this cruel world

I’ll find my way , because I don’t think

there’s any return back

I don’t even know how I’ll even begin

rectifying my actions

Would even Zama and bhut Nqobi forgive

me , after everything I’ve done ?

Even I wouldn’t forgive myself


He just budges in , I swear you’ll say he was

told I’m dying

And if I was MaSylvia , I wouldn’t have told

him . Nqobi loves blowing things out of
He looks at his daughter sleeping on
MaSylvia’s lap

And he looks at me , a huge relief comes on

his face

He comes closer , and place a soft kiss on

my forehead . Leaning down to my face

Me : relax will you

I smile , caressing his right cheek

Nqobi : what happened ?

MaSylvia : can I put her down ?

Me : bring her here ma

She walks over , I take Asamukele from her

placing her on my chest

And thank God she doesn’t wake up , she

would just sulk

Especially with her dad here

Nqobi : I will take you home ma

She nods walking out , I so respect this

woman . She doesn’t say she’s older than us
When she feels conversations are about to
be serious , she always excuses herself

Me : I’m not sleeping here either , it’s not

like they’ll find anything wrong with me . I
was in the hut when this happened

Nqobi : if it’s your spiritual things , then why

are you here ?

Me : I collapsed

Nqobi : not without a reason , and MaSylvia

knows best I believe that
Me : she’s human , and we sometimes
panic. Reacting on first instinct

He sighs

Nqobi : then talk to me

Me : can I ask you something ?

Nqobi : Stufuza

I smile

Me : Nene
He looks at me for a few seconds and
slightly shakes his head

Nqobi : okay you can ask , but you’re not

avoiding me

Me : the scar on your chest , on your left

how did you get it ?

Nqobi : I don’t know

I stare at him , he laughs

Nqobi : seriously , I’ve always had it . And

growing up I thought I might have hurt
myself , but then Mpi has the same scar .
And so I figured it’s some twin mark , but as
I grew older and doing the things I do . I
know it’s a heart operation scar

Me : so you don’t know anything about it ?

He shakes his head

Nqobi : no , we’ve never had any heart

problems . And well we’ve never been told

Me : like nothing at all ?

Nqobi : no , I would remember

What’s with this family and secrets ? Like I
so wonder to be honest

Me : your brothers heart failed , you were

still babies I can understand why you don’t
know anything about it

He says nothing , but his whole facial

expression changes . And I don’t even know
what to call it

It’s even beyond anger , I sit up straight

making sure not to wake this one

Me : I….Mpi has a piece of your heart ,

while you’re living with the other half .
I’m expecting some kind of a reaction , but
there’s nothing . He’s still maintaining the
same expression

I’m thinking he’ll get up , walk out or maybe

pace around but there’s nothing

Me : please listen to me ….I

I shake my head , hoping I don’t get him

worse than how he is right now

Me : I was never supposed to fall in love

with you , it was supposed to be with Mpi .
That sibling love he misunderstood , when
we first met was supposed to have been for
And even now still nothing , I don’t know if I
should continue or just keep quite

He might just kill me after this , why is he

not reacting ?

Me : but things changed , and fates were

twisted . All because of the piece of your
heart that he has , and so I fell for you . The
problem is that piece of your heart that he
has , that is meant to be loving me and
that’s why he’s the way he is .

I sigh , as tears stream down my face

Me : my guides are water spirits , and

they’re pure . Mpi is the complete opposite
of that , that’s why I couldn’t fall for him as
a person . And because he has your heart ,
it resulted in me falling in love with the
owner of the heart , and not the beholder .
My guides weren’t agreeing of him , and
because he lost his heart . There was no
way I would have fallen for him , because
it’s the one I was attached to . Instead I got
attached to the one he has which is yours ,
and that’s why I’m with you

He gets up and walks to the window , I

slowly place Asamukele on the bed

I get off , and walk to him . I want to stand

at a safe distance , because I’m scared right
But I’m not that scared of my husband , to
make him think otherwise

I hug him from behind , placing my head on

his back

Nqobi : I don’t care , you’re mine and that’s

that .

There’s so much I want to say , but I’m

crying now and I don’t have the strength

Even though I know I have to tell him , and

its what he needs to hear right now
I need to gather myself first , and it doesn’t
help how his chest is rising up

Not to mention his heart , I can feel it

After Nqobi left , after saying all that he
said. My father tried confronting me about

I told him where to get off , and that he

should go ask the person who told him all of
that shit

And I didn’t think he would leave , but he

did . And it’s a good thing that he did

Because then , I would have thrown him

out. I might be tamed down when Nqobi is
But had he continued asking me those
questions about Zobuhle

We would be talking another story right

now , it’s a good thing he left

He can go question Nqobi about what he

said , because I won’t be here for that shit

I’ve been looking for Mihla , and not finding

her anywhere

Until I got to the locked spare room , I’ve

been knocking and she’s not opening up
I know for a fact she’s inside , I’ve been
begging her and now my patience has run

And her doing this , only means one thing .

She must have heard what was said

I kick the door quite a few times , and it

finally breaks down

I walk inside and she runs to the corner ,

she’s a crying mess and she looks so scared

Me : let’s go to bed
I’m angry , and pissed right now . But I don’t
have the time to entertain her immature

Me : babe don’t make me ask again

She walks towards me slowly , clearly

thinking twice having many thoughts

She finally gets to me , and I just pick her up

into my arms

Walking to my bedroom , I lay her down on

the bed . Taking her clothes off
And she’s so uncomfortable I cannot miss it,
I take my clothes off

And we get into bed , I tuck her in cuddling

her closer

And still she cries , I soothe her back

Me : I’m sorry , but we’ll figure all this out .

Please stop crying you’ll get sick , tomorrow
is yet another day . And we’ll figure this out

I kiss her head , cuddling her . Holding her

tight against my chest

My wife really wasn’t admitted , we all
came home together

She’s taking a shower , MaNgema is asleep .

And I hope she sleeps throughout the night

My mind is all over this place , I don’t even

know what’s what

I’m having a hard time comprehending

what she told me

Like a whole piece of my heart , is the

reason why Mpi lives
And he’s doing all this shit now , and I don’t
get how I have to be okay with that

I just have a fucking good mind , to rip that

piece out of him

It’s mine after all , he’s of no use living . Just

a waste

I don’t even care about how he was meant

to be hers

Like none of that shit matters to me , it

really just doesn’t
He didn’t get her from the beginning , even
now there’s no chance in hell that he would

I feel her presence behind me , I close my

eyes for a brief moment as her vanilla scent
graces my nostrils

I chuckle , just for the fact that she used this

lotion now and not the cocoa one

She hugs me from behind , placing her

hands on my chest

Zama : you’re calm now ?

I chuckle , she places her kiss between my
shoulder blades

Zama : I need to tell you something

I turn around slowly , facing her placing my

hands on her waist

She has on just a towel wrapped around

her, we look at each other

Zama : I love you so much , I have no

regrets whatsoever . And if I were to do it
again , best believe I’ll still choose the same
way . I’m so content right here , that
everything feels like home . I’m so glad for
that piece of heart that went to him ,
because I fell for it . And well I couldn’t have
fallen for a better man

I smile

Zama : knowing what could have been

changes nothing , and now even more when
I really do hate your brother . I don’t even
see him otherwise , he just brings the worst
in me

I chuckle , leaning down placing a kiss on

her lips . And she pulls me down ,
deepening the kiss

That tiny small slight knock at the door , I

shake my head pulling out of the kiss
Asa : baba (daddy)

Zama laughs

Me : is the door closed ?

Zama : no

Me : Ngena (come in)

She pushes it coming in , dragging her teddy

bear and blanket

She walks to me , I pick her up and she lays

her head on my chest
Me : yini ? (What is it)

Asa : vukile (I’m awake)

Me : mina ngiyalala (I’m sleeping)

Asa : lala nawe (I’m sleeping with you)

Zama frowns I chuckle

Zama : but this is not fair , why does she

have her own room when she hardly even
uses it

I shrug
Asa : sambe (let’s go)

She goes down , pulling my hand

Me : siyaphi ? (Where are we going)

Asa : lala (to sleep)

So we’re going to sleep in her room , my

poor wife sleeping alone

While I’m sleeping in a pink room , the

abuse from this stranger is just beyond me

Zama laughs , looking at my face

Me : stufuza , I love you . This is not by

Zama : I need to tell you something

Me : don’t be hurt anymore please

She frowns

Zama : she’s going to be a big sister

I wanted that , but I never saw it coming


I look at him , awaiting his reaction in


And I don’t know how he feels , after a few

minutes of silence and saying nothing
He smiles , and walks to me giving me a hug
I don’t even return because now I feel like
maybe he’s not happy

And this is not the reaction I expected from


He might be scared maybe , from how my

first pregnancy was

But now things are different , I know who

and what I am

And I will still attend school , with my

Nothing will stand in my way or stop me , I
just hope he knows that

Nqobi : that’s a nice surprise

He says after pulling out of the hug

Me : you’re not happy ?

He sighs

Nqobi : I’m happy , it’s just I hate what’s

going on right now . The whole situation , I
don’t want it affecting you . I want you and
this stranger safe
Me : don’t call the baby a stranger too ,

He laughs

Nqobi : I have no idea how this came about,

we were supposed to plan for this one to be
called a baby . But now it’s just coming out
of nowhere

I shake my head

Me : please take your stranger and leave

me alone

Nqobi : we’re sleeping with you

Me : no you leave , I’ll sleep with my baby

Nqobi : on the real though , I’m happy . I

swear we’ll distance ourselves from
everyone , if it means keeping this baby
safe. I don’t want you stressed

I laugh

Nqobi : buya (come)

She slowly walks to him , she’s even sulking

no lies

Me : I can’t wait for the day the baby gets

here , it’ll be like boom in your face
Nqobi : don’t be mean

I leave them going to put on my nightdress ,

when I come back they’re in bed already

Me : you’re crowding me really , 4 people in

this space

Nqobi : she’s not even taking any space

And she’s sleeping on he father’s chest , I

wonder how she’ll take the news of being a
big sister

By the time I get to 7 months , she’ll be

much older than now
So she’ll probably understand the concept

I didn’t even want to tell Nqobi when he

came to the hospital

Because that’s when I found out , and the

doctor thinks that’s why I collapsed

I’m only 9 weeks now , my periods are

irregular so I didn’t even suspect a thing
I look at the time , and it’s nearing 01:00 .
It’s just perfect

I get up , taking the syringe . I look at her

and she’s fast asleep
I don’t even know when she fell asleep , she
had been crying for hours and hours

I inject her on her neck , making sure not to

harm anything vital

After a few minutes , I pinch her so hard .

And she’s completely out

I carry her out to the car , that’s parked a

few houses away from mine

I’m not taking anything , we’ll figure

everything when we get where we’re going
I go back to the house , pouring diesel on
everything and anything , I walk out to the

Lighting the matches , and I throw it inside .

As everything goes up in flames

I run to the car and drive off in high speed ,

as the flame only appears behind me
I’m woken up by a call , that Mpi’s house is
on fire

And the way my wife is panicking , this is

what I was talking about

I’m happy she’s pregnant , we’re having

another stranger to take care of

But the whole stress , is not good for her .

And I don’t want her loosing the child
I don’t ever want her to go through such ,
so right now I hate all of this

Because I know for a fact that Mpi is fine , I

don’t know much about Mihla

But as for Mpi he’s totally fine , he’s a lot of

things but he would never kill himself

Not matter what , because he’s too selfish

to do that

Zama : do you think they were inside ?

Me : no , they were not

Dad : you can’t be sure Nqobizitha

Me : yeah well Mpi is alive , and I can find


Dad : then I suggest you find him

Me : for what reason. Exactly ? Because it’s

not like I want him back into my life , he’s
better off gone like that

He looks at me and walks away

Zama : really ?

Me : don’t
I take my phone and call Roy

Roy : hunter

Me : find that idiot , do nothing . I just want

to know where he is and with who

Roy : alright

I drop the call

Me : ungikwatele ? (You’re angry with me)

Zama : cut your dad some slack , he’s going

through a lot and he’s really trying
I sigh

Me : I’ve been a shitty son , okay I’ll do


She places a kiss on my lips

Zama : thank you

Let your wife build you to do better , even

in awkward situations like this

I hardly slept a wink last night , I was wide
awake the whole night

And not wanting to bother Nqobi , or wake

him up

I laid in bed the whole night , not even

moving an inch

Just so he wouldn’t tell that I’m not okay , I

avoided tossing and turning by all means

And when it was morning , I was the first

one to know it
I didn’t even waste time getting off the bed,
and leaving him with MaNgema there

Mpi is really a nutcase , and the sad thing is

that he’s so selfish and doesn’t care about
anyone or anything

Right now his father is busy blaming

himself, that all this happened because of

Was he supposed to keep this a secret

forever ? And have those two continue with
their nonsense

But I’m not worried nor concerned ,

because I know those two are alive
And Roy will find them , it’s only a matter of
time before he died

I’m sure he just took Mihla away , so she

cannot be close to us anymore

And her maybe not hearing the

conversation , she just went on with it

I’m assuming she didn’t hear it , because

Nqobi said she was excused

But after they left , we don’t know what

happened or what took place . I saw the
fear in my husband’s eyes , and heard it in
his voice
When he said he doesn’t want me to lose
this child

So I will not bother myself worrying about

anyone , unless it concerns me

Or my guides say otherwise , anything else

I’m far away from it

He comes down with his father , and they

don’t look so happy

I wonder what happened , this little is even

pouting the way she’s not happy . He comes
closer and leans down giving me a kiss
Me : what happened ?

I ask as he pulls out

Nqobi : I’m trying to help her put her flip

flops , toes are a mess . It’s three on the
other , and two on the other

I laugh , and she frowns passing us walking

into the lounge

Me : she’s a big sister now , we ought to let

her do things she wants to do . She’ll grow
up , and know that it’s four and one
He shakes his head , it’s so nice seeing them
not getting along

Nqobi : how’s this one ?

He places his hand on my tummy , rubbing

it slowly

Me : morning sickness doing the most

Nqobi : any cravings ?

Me : no , nothing yet

Nqobi : sorry about the sickness

Me : he better not drive me crazy

He smiles

Nqobi : she

Me : Nene khame (stop)

He laughs , coming in for a kiss again .

Deepening it this time around

Me : we already had a girl

I pull out , before we do a mess in this

kitchen . And MaSylvia might just walk in
Nqobi : I don’t want boys , a whole soccer
team of girls will do

I laugh

Me : don’t you want an heir , someone to

grow your family name ?

Nqobi : I have one , even though I’m not her

person right now

I laugh , he’s one strange man . Most men

want son’s , and he only wants girls

Me : these girls take you away from me

He laughs

Nqobi : that’s impost , you’re the queen

Me : please , let me have my own man

that’s gonna love me as much

He frowns

Nqobi : I seriously don’t want boys , this

stranger better get herself in order . He can
go back if he’s a he really

I laugh , I’m defeated no lies

*Ngema Homestead*

The seer walks in , finding Mrs Ngema on

the mattress

It’s where she’s been sleeping , since her

husband hasn’t been around
Making it easy , for the maiden that comes
to feed and bath here

So she doesn’t struggle much , having to

move her from the bed

Seer : I can’t believe this is all you , and you

would ensure all this . All because you
refuse to let secrets out

She looks at him

Seer : your daughter in-law already knows

what you did , and it’s only a matter of time
she speaks
She shakes her head

Seer : come on , you’re going to loose your

husband over nothing . Rather speak and
get your life back

He gets a mug and warm water , pouring in

some powder inside

Seer : here , take this .. within a month or so

you’ll be better . But best believe me , the
accident didn’t cause you this much harm .
It’s the Ngema ancestors because of what
you did to their kids , blood is indeed
thicker than water .

She looks at the cup

Seer : just take it , unless you love being a
potato like this and so useless

There’s nothing she hates than being

insulted or mocked

She slowly takes the cup from him , and

frowns and she drinks from it

Seer : remember my words , tell Ngema

what you did . Or else worse will come upon

Mrs Ngema : h…e …wi..ll….lea

Seer : he will leave you either way , so best
you tell him and get your speech and walk
back . This is not a life anymore , you can
always start over somewhere else

She sighs

Seer : I better go , and I was never here

He walks out , she’s left alone finishing the

mixture he’s just made for her

As she hears footsteps from outside , she

quickly hides the mug with blankets
And the maiden that’s been helping her
walks in , she just looks at her and goes on
with making some porridge for her

Mrs Ngema , crosses fingers that this works.

She’s tired living like an invalid

But is she ready to tell her husband what

she did ? Secrets cannot remain hidden

Indeed everything has a time , when it

comes out .

All this trying to save a marriage , that she’s

clearly going to lose right now

I’m with my father , he says he’s leaving .

Even though I can tell he doesn’t want to

Because he’s concerned about the whole

fire nonsense
Dad : can you please look after your siblings

I give him one unbelievable look

Dad : I don’t know where I went wrong with

you boys

Me : nowhere , we made choices in life .

And well we’re living with them now

Dad : choices that tear this family apart

Me : it is what it is

He shakes his head

Dad : Nqobizitha you’re older

Me : and right now I have three people who

depend on me , I will not disturb my peace
with your kids

Dad : this seems right to you ? I don’t even

know where Thobani is right now

He lied , that much I know . I doubt he’s in

Cape Town right now

But I’m so done , trying to play a parent to

him . He’s old enough now
It’s not like he doesn’t know right or wrong ,
so if he’s doing anything he’s not supposed
to be doing

He will definitely reap what he sow , and I

won’t be there

Me : He’s at work , it’s not like he’s lost

Dad : I don’t know what to do , I thought I

did my best

I sigh

Me : you did , but I think it’s time you just

let us be
Dad : that’s what you know best , I’m not
like you

Me : okay , we’re not going there . Because

you’re about to give me a lecture about
your wife as well

He gets up

Dad : will you tell me what they find about

the fire

Me : I’ll tell you where your son is at

He shakes his head , Zama walks in

Zama : she’s still asleep

Dad : you’ll have to say my goodbyes to her

Zama : ewe tata (yes dad)

Dad : I’ll see you

I just nod , he walks out . I’ve called him a

cab to the airport

Zama : you could have taken him

I turn and look at her

Me : so we can kill each other in that car

She laughs

Me : happy anniversary , we’re growing old

She frowns

Zama : stop being dramatic

I hold her , pulling her closer placing my

hands on her waist

Zama : I love you so much

Me : I love you stufuza wami (my chubby

She smiles , I lean down giving her a kiss she

welcomes back
I open my eyes , and my whole body feels
so tired

Like there’s nowhere where I don’t feel

pain, and the most alarming is the one
between my thighs

I look around , trying to move but I can’t . It

feels like I’m chained

And that feeling comes into a reality , when

I lift my head looking at my hands
And my feet as well , I’m tied on both hands
and feet

Spread across this bed , I don’t even

recognise this place

I notice some blood on the sheets , and well

I’m naked

This feels like some dream , I have been

brutally raped

And I don’t even know by who , I don’t even

remember anything being done to me
I can’t help but tear up , what’s going on ? I
clear my throat

Screaming my lungs out calling for help ,

but it deems pointless

As my voice doesn’t even do much , it’s all

scratchy . No one would surely hear me

As confused as I am , the door opens and

I’m beyond hurt when I see him

He can’t be the one who did this to me ,

he’s my brother for goodness sake

Mpi : you’re finally awake

Me : where….what did you…do ?.

He smiles

Mpi : you don’t need to worry your pretty

self about anything , we’re far away . Where
that idiot Nqobi and his wife won’t find us

Me : plee…please take me home

He laughs

Mpi : this is home now sweetheart , there’s

no other

Me : Mpi please….
Mpi : it’s no longer baby now ? Please don’t
piss me off

He’s changed , he’s like some monster I

don’t even recognise him

Mpi : now we’ll have great fun , it was still

good . But you were passed out for days
now , the sex was just useless

Oh my God ! He did rape me

Me : no ….no …no please !

Mpi : and those tears are just turning me on

Me : Mpi please…this is wrong , we’re

And I wish I didn’t say that , because within

a split second he throws one slap that sends
me back down

Mpi : don’t make me angry , I will seriously

hurt you . Don’t tell me you believe that
nonsense , don’t you see they’re just trying
to come between us

I look at him , my face still down

Me : then you wouldn’t have done …this if

you don’t believe that
Mpi : I’m giving us a new start , so don’t be
ungrateful . What you should be doing , is
worshiping this ground I’m walking on .

The fear that creeps in as he takes his

clothes off

Me : please ….don’t

Mpi : no we’ll have fun

Lord no ! Right now it was honestly better

being raped when I didn’t feel nor see it

Not like this please , he gets on the bed .

Just dragging my face towards his dick
I scream , but that earns me another slap . I
bite my lip and it bleeds

He shoves his dick inside of my mouth , I’ve

never been so disgusted like this

Mpi : dare bite me , and I’ll show you hell

What prayer does one even make at this

moment ?

Mpi : there’s nothing wrong with this ,

Nqobi is busy fucking Zama your sister . See
how nice that is , siblings fucking each
other. It’s a norm in this family I guess , and
I’ve always wanted Zama . But seeing that I
can’t , I might as well get you . You’re sisters
after all , and do you know what that
makes? It fills my desires about her

He’s worse than sick , he has my face lifted

up looking at him

My tears , he’s so ignorant to them he

doesn’t even care

And he starts thrusting in his dick inside my

mouth , he’s seriously hurting me.

And he’s so ignorant , busy groaning and all

as more tears stream now
Mpi : don’t fucking dare throw up , I’ll fuck
you so bad

Lord can he please just let me

Mpi : this is so much better , than fucking

you while you were out of it

He pushes it all inside , holding the back of

my head I gag and he cums inside my

Mpi : swallow

He says pulling out , grabbing my neck

that’s already so sore and painful
Mpi : don’t make me tell you again

He raises his voice , I slowly swallow his

cum. Wanting to throw up

Mpi : there we go

He gets on the bed , in between my thighs

Me : p…

My voice is failing me , because my throat is

so sore

Mpi : you’re no longer a virgin , so you

won’t even feel the pain anyway
And with that being said , he just shoves his
dick inside of me

I’m trying to move , but it’s useless because

I’m chained and I can’t do much

He pounds in so hard , I feel like he’s tearing

me apart . So much for saying I won’t feel
any pain

So this is the prince I pay for being such an


Roy walks in , with MaNgema in his arms .
She’s eating a Danone and dirtying his shirt

But he doesn’t seem to mind , as he sits

down with her on his lap

Me : busy already I see

He looks at her and chuckles

Roy : she didn’t waste time

I slightly laugh

Me : where are they ?

He sighs

Roy : Thobani is at some Kingdom in Eastern


I shake my head , I guess I’m not surprised .

I figured he lied about the whole Cape town
work thing

Me : and the lovers ?

He laughs

Roy : in Russia
Mpi is really an idiot and it pisses me off ,
that he’s living off my heart

Yet he’s this stupid , and such an idiot .

Couldn’t he at least take some heart from

Instead of using that piece to fall in love

with my wife ?

Being brave and not an idiot , would have

done him good to be honest

Roy : what do you want to do ?

Me : nothing , I actually don’t give a damn

Roy : oh ?

Me : don’t give me that look , I’m coming

for Mpi , I fucking want what’s mine from

He looks at me confused

Me : don’t worry about it

He nods

Roy : let me go see the Mrs

I shake my head , he gets up and walks

towards the door
Me : MaNgema

She just looks at me , Roy laughs

Me : leave

Roy : she’s not your fan today

Me : I can see that

He walks out , I’m left working


I keep looking at him , and he’s playing with


I can see he’s just trying to avoid me , but

he won’t get away with it

Roy : what ?
Me : where are they ?

Roy : who ?

Me : don’t play fool with me

He sighs

Roy : what’s wrong with you and your

husband ?

Me : nothing

Roy : they’re in Russia

Me : you have a location ?

He gets up and walks to the counter where

I’m staying

Roy : please leave this to Hunter

Me : don’t call him that in my house

He laughs

Roy : still , please don’t do anything

Me : unlike you and him , I’m not capable of

half the things you do
Roy : he will get that idiot when he does , so
just let him

I look at him in between his eyes , he sighs

Roy : you know there’s nothing I wouldn’t

do for you right ?

I keep quite

Roy : right ?

I sigh

Me : I know
Roy : but this time , I won’t compromise
your safety for this . Your hate for your
brother in-law doesn’t mean putting you at

Me : Roy come on

I laugh

Roy : I know you

Me : fine

I go back to what I was doing , I wonder if

Nqobi will tell his father all this
We have our anniversary trip coming up ,
and I don’t even think I’m up for it anymore

But knowing him , if he still wants to do it .

Then it will be done
This is not life at all , I don’t see myself
continue living after all this

That’s if there’s even an after , because at

the way things are going

I don’t see how or when Mpi will let me go ,

and leave this madness of his

He’s really loving every moment of what

he’s doing , having his way with me
however and whenever he wants
I’m even tired of crying , this is all just so
sick . And the idea of being Zama’s sister
feeds him even more

I’m even tired of crying and begging him to

leave me alone

The punishment I’m getting , I don’t even

know what’s it for

I stink like shit , I don’t get to bath . He

keeps raping me on this filth

And he forces me to eat , this is worse than

anything I’ve ever been through in life
Even growing up without parents , wasn’t
anything like this

He walks in , just as I’m lost in thought . Still

chained on this bed

I don’t even care anymore what he does ,

I’m just patiently waiting for the day he kills

There’s no way I can live after having gone

through such trauma

I have literally even given up , of ever

making it out there
Mpi : you’re up , that’s good . I was
thinking, we should leave a message for
Zama . She really shouldn’t be worrying
about you , because I know she hates me

How sick is he ? Even now he’s still

obsessed with her

Mpi : so , what do you think ?

I turn my face and look the other way , he


Mpi : you really do love making me angry

I hear him fiddling with something , like his
pants belt

Mpi : maybe it’s the pain that you love so


With that , he just whips me on my bare

thigh and I feel it

I’m naked day and night , in the same

position with no change

Mpi : and you can just tell me , there’s no

need for you to poke me . I’ll give
More whips come all over my body . He’s
not sparing anything , he’s not having any

I’m even tired of screaming , my voice is all

gone . All that’s left is just silent cries

How I wish I would have listened , I lost a lot

and all for this ?

My gift , my guides and uMakhulu . Zama

and bhuti Nqobi , not forgetting Khuzani

Honestly it wasn’t all worth it , not even by

an inch

I’m in the lounge , we live in just a small

house nothing big

The last thing I wanted was for us to be

easily found

Because I know Nqobi , he’s a piece of shit

of a person yes
But determined he would definitely find
me, and that’s the last thing I need

I left Mihla passed out , she was even

bleeding on some parts of her body

I so hate hitting her , or even hurting her .

But then again I still wish I had Zama

And the fact that I’m left for her sister , that
pisses me off

I always have to imagine Zama when I’m

sleeping with Mihla
And it doesn’t fucking work , hence why I’m
always harsh with her and I don’t care

The more she’s in pain , the more I just love

it .

Something strange happens , I feel the hairs

at the back of my head standing up

We’ve heard stories about such feelings ,

and right now I’m shit scared

Maybe this house is haunted , but could

there be such even in Russia ?
Wouldn’t such things only exist and happen
in Africa ? Because there’s witchcraft

I turn around , and there’s I swear I pee on

myself falling off the chair

She’s even worse than how Mihla described

her , she’s all burnt now and smelling like
rotten meat

Me : this can’t be , so maybe I’m just


I lift my head and fuck she’s still here , in

the same position
Me : Zo….Zobuhle

Zo : you can run , but you can’t hide

Me : fuck ! Leave me the fuck alone ,

damnit you’re dead

She laughs

Zo : and it’s all thanks to you right ?.

I slap myself so hard , hoping this nightmare

will fucking go away
Zo : this is not a dream , look how you
turned out . You’re busy raping your own
sister , your flesh and blood

Me : shut the fuck up

Zo : or else what ? I’m dead remember , you

killed me . So there’s nothing else you can
do , absolutely nothing . And you can’t tell
me what and what not

I get off the floor , trying to brace myself

Me : exactly , you’re dead . I killed you , and

there’s nothing you can fucking do . So your
ghost self can go fuck herself , for all I care .
Try this stunt again , and I’ll show you shit
I turn walking outside , looking at my wet
pants . As soon as I’m outside

I lean my the wall , balancing myself . I’ve

never been so shit scared like that

Me : shit I can’t stay here

Yeah , we have to leave this place . That

Mihla has to tell me if she still sees Zo

Or maybe I’m just going crazy ? But fuck no

! That can’t be


I feel like I’m going crazy , everything is not
making sense at all

Mihla is ignoring me , doesn’t matter how

much I hit her

Or badly I fuck her , she just ignores me .

She doesn’t even cry anymore

I guess she’s so used to the pain now , and

it doesn’t do much

Or maybe she just doesn’t care , and that

rubs me the wrong way
I don’t know , there was just something
about her being in pain that got me off but
now it’s all the same

And seeing Zobuhle at every turn it doesn’t

help at all

She’s just everywhere , I just can’t seem to

block or get her out of my head

It’s driving me insane , I cannot believe I’m

being haunted just like that

If only I was back home , I would go see

someone . But now I’m so far away
And with no solution whatsoever , this is
just a mess
I look at him ,taking his clothes off . I’m not
even disgusted by what he does anymore

It’s an everyday thing now , more like he

just does it whenever he wants to

He gets on the bed , getting in between my


I look on the side , just so he can do what he

wants and leave me alone

Mpi : shit

He rubs himself on me , I’m even tired of

crying . I don’t bother anymore
Because it’s like when I cry , that’s the more
I fuel his disgusting desire

Mpi : what the hell ?

He’s frustrated , and I wonder why . I’m dry,

but I’m dry as always

It was only a few days ago , that I was so

aroused . I was even wet , I hate myself so

My body reacted , that time I was being

raped . I had no control whatsoever over
He slaps my thighs , and so painfully
repeatedly . That tears end up coming out

Mpi : mxm you’re so fucking useless , your

dry pussy can’t even get my dick up

He has got to be kidding me , what does

that have to do with me ?

So he’s failing to get his dick up , couldn’t it

not get up before he started doing this ?

Because right now I don’t care , I’m so

broken beyond repair
He gets off the bed and walks out , dragging
his clothes

He must be so disappointed , not getting

what he wants

The marks on my body , are not even fading

away . He doesn’t even give me time to
heal, before he starts beating me again

I swear if this is how my life was meant to

turn out , I curse the womb that carried me

But if I honestly bright this upon myself ,

then I have no one to blame but myself

Nqobizitha wasn’t so happy that I cancelled

that trip

It really wasn’t because of Mpi or Mihla , I

just wasn’t feeling like myself

And taking a child to a strange and new

environment , in my condition
Felt like such a wrong thing to do , and
definitely not a good idea at all

But I think he’s over it right now , he seems

so much better

We might have not gone , but I tried to

make the day special

And he also did his best , so to me it was an

amazing day

Right now I’m just caught up with school

work , it’s just a lot
But I’m finding my way , this time around I
refuse to sit around

There’s no baby , nor any pregnancy that

will make me put my life on hold

Nqobi : you done ?

I lift my head

Nqobi : we have the doctor’s appointment

I sigh , I don’t want to go there

Nqobi : stufuza , we spoke about this

Me : I know

Nqobi : then let’s go , before we ..

I raise my hands up , getting up but I feel so


Before I know it I’m going , down and he’s a

bit far from me

I doubt he catches me , cause I feel my body

making contact with the floor


This is not a fucking life , I’m just cooped up

in this house now

I’m the same as Mihla , there’s no

difference whatsoever

And I fucking hate it , worse I can’t even do

anything to her
I don’t get why my dick couldn’t get up , I
really don’t understand

Especially because she even cried , when I

was slapping her thighs

But still , it failed to get up . Now I have all

this frustration

And I don’t even know what to do with it ,

or how to take it out

She was my escape , but now it’s failing to

work . I’ll surely burst if things continue to
be this way
Voice : nice

I’m so used now to her presence , I can tell

when she’s around . Even the disgusting

And today it’s just so worse , just gracing

my nostrils I throw up

She laughs , I lift my head so annoyed facing

her way

Me : you think this is funny ?

Zo : isn’t it ? You peed on yourself , you

failed to get your dick up and now you’re
throwing up . Or and let’s not forget , the
bathroom incident

I frown

Zo : you know what’s all this saying to me ,

you’re a pathetic man Nqobimpi Ngema .
And definitely not the man you thought you

Me : fuck off

Zo : I’m here , and not going anywhere . You

can bet your useless self on that , if I were
you I would return back to pay for my sins .
Because even death for you , would just be
torture . There’s no hell nor heaven that can
accept your soul

Me : mxm and who the hell are you ? God

or the devil ?

Zo : no , I’m just the foolish woman that lost

her life at your hands

I get up

Me : fuck up Zobuhle , you’re not the first

woman I killed . So there’s absolutely
nothing special about you , get that through
your head
And I don’t know what’s happening , I
suddenly feel my insides are turning

My head is spinning , I feel this room is


Me : stop….please….just stop

I have no words to explain what’s

happening , but I’m slowly loosing myself
I have never been so scared , like seeing her
fall like that

And I ran like crazy to catch her , so she

doesn’t hit the floor

But I was too late , I’m just glad the baby is

okay . So the doctor assured me.
But I have no idea what’s wrong with my

She’s been out , for the past two days . And

no one has an idea of what could be wrong

I was forced to bring her back home , from

the hospital

Directions from uMakhulu ,but even she’s

not here

And she’s not promising that she will come ,

or anything
Just that she should be taken into her hut ,
and left there she’ll be fine

After I was forced to take her to the doctor ,

because of that fall

I was worried about the baby , but even

knowing they’re both okay

I can’t help but not be worried , like I’m still

trying to understand living with a spiritual

And it’s not an easy thing , because most of

the things that happen I don’t even
Ndu : I have the file you asked for

I’ve been home for two days , there’s no

way I’ll leave my wife alone

I can’t be with her in her hut , but knowing

we’re in the same yard

Makes me feel better somehow , and I

guess that’s fine

Me : thanks

Ndu : what’s going on ?

I look at him , taking the file

Me : with ?

He laughs sitting down

Ndu : I know you

I chuckle

Me : that’s so wrong to say , especially to a

married man like myself

We laugh

Ndu : are your people okay ?

I didn’t tell him what happened

Me : they’re okay , KaMakeba fell two days


Ndu : what ?

I sign

Me : Yeah

Ndu : fell how ?

Me : these things of hers

He shakes his head

Ndu : where is she now ?

Me : she’s out of it , and I’m honestly

getting worried because she’s expecting

Ndu : shit no !

I run my hand on my head

Ndu : but I trust she’ll be okay , we have to

believe that . We can’t be thinking
He’s right , my daughter needs her mother .
And she’s seeing that she’s not here

I don’t even know what to say , and the

worst part is when she’ll call for her when
it’s time for bed

And there’s no person that needs that

woman more than me

So I cannot afford to have anything

happening to her
*Ngema Homestead*

Since Mr Ngema has been home , he’s been

seeing some behaviour from his wife

But he doesn’t want to get his hopes high

for nothing
He thinks maybe it could be , he left her for
a while alone

While she can really feel that the herbs she

took from the seer are really working

Soon she’ll be able to have her speech

perfect , and possibly walk without the help
of anything else

When left alone , she talks to herself out

loud . And it’s not yet perfect

But at least she can talk , and she’s happy to

be feeling her legs
Meaning she’ll get to walk , she’s having so
much hope

It’s been far way too long , living the way

she has been living

Even though she knows , what getting

herself back means

Loosing some parts of her life , she knows

her son’s will never want anything to do
with her

And it will definitely be a miracle , if her

husband could forgive her
She’s done a great deal towards this family ,
and the pain is not something that can just
be erased

She sighs , laying back down thinking about

all this

Soon , she knows her husband will notice

she’s better

So she has to tell him this , before he finds

out on his own

Mrs Ngema : can…a sinner… even

She says stuttering shaking her head slowly

This is it for her , and all because of the

daughter in-law that was brought into her
family without even her permission

Mrs Ngema : Nqobizitha…dealt me…with

that girl . Argh !

She clicks her tongue

*Ngema Homestead*

The shock Mr Ngema woke up with this


His wife walking and talking , and he just

couldn’t understand how come
Because it’s been over a year , and close to
five months now

Suddenly out of nowhere , she’s better and

all on her own

Without even getting any kind of treatment

from doctors , or even seers

Mr Ngema : this doesn’t make sense

They’re both in their sleeping roundavel

Mrs Ngema : please…call the….boys here

She’s still not so perfect in speech , but the
stuttering is so much better

Mr Ngema : I’m afraid I can’t

She sighs

Mrs Ngema : I did them….wrong I know ,

but….I need to…tell you … something

He looks at her with painful eyes ,burning

my tears

She’s recovering , and it’s a miracle to him .

Because he didn’t see this one coming
What if he takes back from progress , by
telling her everything that’s been

Mr Ngema : Mpi ran away , with Olwemihla.

And Thobani is in Cape Town

Mrs Ngema : Olwe…. Olwemihla ?

She asks confused

Mr Ngema : the girl Nqobizitha took from


She just nods , feeling like maybe there’s a

lot she doesn’t know
Or hasn’t been told , she has so many
questions going through her head right now

Mrs Ngema : why….would Mpi…run away

with….her ?

Mr Ngema sighs

Mr Ngema : that’s not important right now

Mrs Ngema : I see…there’s a lot to talk


He says nothing looking away from her , he

doesn’t even know what this is going to do
to their family

Voice : take that heart

I turn my head and look on the side , but

there’s nothing
I’m just met by my cloths , I lift my banging

Voice : tufuza

Umntana ka Nqobizitha ingathi yidimoni

(Nqobizitha’s child is like a demon)

Nqobi : ichathulo (shoes)

Asa : eish

I laugh , she takes the shoes off and runs to

me . I hold her , laying her head on my chest

Asa : vukile ? (Are you awake)

Me : ewe (yes)

Asa : yagula ? (Are you sick)

What did Nqobi say to this child of his ?

Me : hayhiii (no)

Asa : isungu ? (Is it painful)

I laugh

Nqobi : it’s not me

He says walking in , sitting down on the
floor as well

Me : I don’t know about that

Nqobi : are you okay ?

Me : yes

Nqobi : you scared me

Me : I know

He just looks at me , and I’m failing to read

I close my eyes for a brief moment , this
one cupping my face with her tiny hands

Asa : mama bheka (mommy look)

Nqobi chuckles , I open my eyes slowly

looking at her and she laughs

Me : nton ? (What)

Asa : su lala (don’t sleep)

She’s making me all so emotional , my poor

She must have missed me , and not
understood what’s going on with mommy

Why is she sleeping for so many days , and

in that small hut of hers
I don’t even want to let her out of my sight ,
I was really scared

I guess it’ll take me some real time ,

understanding this

And knowing that she will always come

back , and she will be fine

Zama : your brother is so going to be a

problem , you need to rip that heart out of

I look at her , she’s busy lotioning herself

Me : what happened?

She sighs , rubbing her hands together

Zama : families are messed up out there ,

but yours takes the cup

I don’t know how to even feel by hearing


I just laugh , because I know she’s not

dissing me any how

Zama : your mother is awake by the way

Me : how ?
Zama : let it not bother you , because for
her to fully be okay . She needs to tell what
she did

Me : what ?

Zama : wouldn’t you rather wait to her from


Me : fuck no ! Perks of having you as my

wife , is knowing things before they do

She laughs
Zama : she did abortions before you , not
only did she end there . She took Mpi’s
heart and sacrificed it

Me : what ?

Zama : it failed because she gave him

something , the cruelty of that woman . And
that heart was lost at the hospital , the
nurses and doctors couldn’t find it . But
they just let it be , because he was already
given yours .

Me : what are you telling me ?

Zama : she knew about your dad and my
mother , she did everything to keep your
father to her . Hence all these things

I get up , she would go to the extent of

putting our lives at risk

Toying with our health , all because she

wanted to keep a man and stop him from

Zama : she has never even been accepted

by your ancestors , because of what she did
with one of their owns heart

Me : stufuza wait , you said I need to take

that heart
She shakes her head

Zama : Mpi will reek havoc if he continues

to live , and you will reap the fruits of that
because the heart is yours . Don’t just kill
him Nene , take the heart out

I have never seen my wife will this , and I

guess this is one dire situation I need to
attend to

I don’t even know if I should be happy , that
he doesn’t rape me anymore

It’s been quite a few days , but that doesn’t

mean the abuse is also done

He still hits me , for his dick that doesn’t get

up . He blames me for it
He says all kinds of painful words to me ,
and I wish I can say I’m not bothered

But that would be a lie , because I am

bothered . He seems Zama as this perfect
human being

I so wish he had taken her instead and not

me , so he can fulfil his desire

Because clearly no woman can compete

with her , when it comes to him

And it’s just how he said , she’s a woman

ten times better than me
That if this was her pussy , he wouldn’t be
struggling about shit

Something happened , or rather it’s

happening to him

He doesn’t look like himself , and he’s lost

so much weight

Not that I care , but I so wish he would just

drop dead and die

Mpi has made me suffer , more than

anything in this life
And I so wish I never crossed paths with
these people

None of this would be happening , I was

fine with my nothing life back at the village
I open the door , and I’m welcomed by my

I’m already annoyed , waking us up this

early . I was just getting ready for work

And Zama is lazy to get up , so she sent me

to mind the door

Dad : are you going to let us in ?

I turn my attention to him , because I was

busy looking at this woman that’s my
Me : what is she doing here ?

He looks at her and says nothing

Dad : Nqobizitha

Me : baba , I told you I don’t want this

woman in my house

Voice : baba…(dad)

I’m not surprised she’s awake , I turn and

look at her she sees her grandfather and
runs to him

Asa : Khulu (grandfather)

He laughs kissing her cheek

Dad : MaNgema wam

Asa : buyile futhi (you’re back again)

I can’t help but chuckle , I guess we all can

see he’s back again

Me : Ngena (come in)

Dad : thank you

They walk in , you can see she’s still

struggling but hey what a miracle of
Now I really don’t blame my father , for
cheating with the ghost mother in law

Because clearly , he was dealt a shit of a


It’s a pity , the situation didn’t allow him to

leave so he got stuck with her

Me : I’m getting ready for work , suit


I leave them there , not even wanting to

leave my daughter
But I know taking her would hurt him , and
I’m really trying to be a son right now to

Especially after what Zama said , I know he

will be shattered beyond words
*In the lounge*
Mrs Ngema , just can’t seem to take her
eyes off Asamukele

Her fathers photocopy , with everything .

She can’t seem not to be jealous

Of the relationship , Asa seems to have with

her grandfather

Clearly she knows him , and the two get

along so fine
She sniffs , Mr Ngema looks at her frowning.
Feeling slightly lost

Mr Ngema : what now ?

Mrs Ngema : I’m just seeing how much I


He sighs

Dad : you decided that for yourself , had

you not been the way you were towards
KaMakeba . Then Nqobizitha wouldn’t have
any problem with you

She nods
Mrs Ngema : I know

Dad : then wipe those tears off , there’s a

child here

She wipes her tears off

Mrs Ngema : can I please hold…her ?

Mr Ngema : do you want Nqobi to kill me ?

She looks down

Mr Ngema : get a hold of yourself , you

dragged me here . And it better be for a
good reason
Mrs Ngema : it is , I promise . And I so
regret everything and more , if only I can
turn back the hands of time

Mr Ngema looks at his wife , not sure what

to make of her words

Asa : Khulu bani lo ? (Grandfather who is

this )

Hearing such questions from her own

granddaughter , it’s like rubbing salt on the

Mr Ngema : umama ka Thobani (she’s

Thobani’s mother)
She frowns , Mrs Ngema looks at her
husband not believing he just said that

Mr Ngema : don’t give me that look , he’s

the one she’s used to . And we don’t want
to confuse the child , she doesn’t know you

Mrs Ngema : but you…could have said…I’m

her grandmother

Mr Ngema : are you not Thobani’s mother ?

She sighs

Mr Ngema : do let me know , if you’re not

Already her husband has attitude she
doesn’t understand

She wonders if this was a good idea ,

bringing him here for this

He might just lose it , and that will be the

end of her

He doesn’t seem like the husband , who

took care of her all this time

Making sure she’s well , and didn’t leave

her side even when everyone advised him
And today she’s about to break him , can
she really do if ? That’s the question on her
After breakfast , you can’t miss the tension
in this house

And it’s bothering me so much , I just want

to tell them to say something

This kind of aura and energy in this house ,

it’s so not needed

My guides really cannot be bothered , but I

don’t want to look somehow

Knowing this woman already hates me , so

I’ll rather keep my mouth shut
Nqobi : what brings you here , and with
her? After I asked you not to bring this
woman into my house

Mrs Ngema : what happened … happened a

year ago….please just let…go

Ah , so she doesn’t have her speech right .

But I must say , the seer did something

There was definitely no chance of this

woman getting better

Nqobi : I asked a question

His father sighs

Me : I ..

Nqobi : please sit down

Yhoh , I sit my ass down . As I was just about

to get up

Mr Ngema : your mother asked to see all of


Nqobi : us who ?

He sighs

Mr Ngema : your brothers

Nqobi : you left knowing they’re not here ,
so where the hell am I supposed to find
them ?

Nqobi is just annoyed by his mother being

here , he’s a little better on addressing his

But now he’s just worse , and he’s not even


Mrs Ngema : please…this is …. Important

He sighs
Nqobi : don’t think I’m doing this for you ,
it’s just so you can leave the sooner the

He gets up walking upstairs , I’m left in

awkwardness with them

Mrs Ngema : you…have a beautiful..home

and daughter

This woman ! Does she expect me to say

what ?

Me : thank you
I get up , clearing the table walking in the

MaSylvia : that was good of you

I laugh

Me : she’s never been good to me ma , it’s

just so difficult

MaSylvia : it’s almost over

I so hope so , and I wish this wasn’t

happening at my house
They could have gone anywhere , but they
chose here why ?
I hate leaving my wife right now , but this
has to be done

One thing I’m grateful about having her , is

how she always has my back

I make a call , on the second ring he


Roy : Hunter ?

Me : I’ll be needing means to get to Russia ,

under the raider tonight

Roy : okay
Me : and make it quick , this cannot wait

Roy : anything you need ?

Me : a cleaner will do

Roy : alright , I think I’ll avail myself for this


Me : alright

I drop the call

Voice : you’re leaving ?

I turn and look at her

Me : Thobani can come home , but not Mpi

She nods

Me : I love you

Zama : I love you too , and I understand .

It’s for the best anyways

I walk closer to her

Me : I’ll be in and out , you take care of

yourself while I’m gone . And please , be
She smiles

Zama : your mother doesn’t scare me

I laugh

Me : you’re scaring me

She laughs , giving me a kiss I return


It’s the morning after , and Nqobizitha left
with Roy middle of the night

I might say , I don’t condone the killing of


But this one is surely and certainly a must ,

like it needs to be done for all our sakes
And it’s a pity that my husband , is the one
that has to do it

But knowing him , he’s very much fine . But

lord , this is his own brother .

His very own flesh and blood , and I know

this will never be easy on him

But he will do it ,because he knows he has

to do it

And because he’s Nqobizitha Ngema ,

always brave enough to face everything
I walk in the kitchen with MaNgema , and
there’s a box on the table

I look at it , and it’s a parcel . I can’t help

myself , I open it

And what do you know ? It’s for MaNgema

I laugh , seeing what it is . And she just looks

at me confused

Me : aibo uThobani

Asa : phi yena ? (Where is he)

Me : andimazi wethu (I don’t know)

I put her on the counter, taking the phone
out of the box

Me : ukuthengele i'phone (he bought you a


Asa : Bani ? (Who)

Me : uThobani , uthengele wena i'phone (he

bought you a phone)

Some people have money out there I tell


I would never in my existing life , buy a

phone for a 16 months old baby
Asa : founa Bani (call Thobani)

I laugh , she’s already reaching with her


Me : ima , ithi ndifoune (wait , let me call)

I dial his number , and what do you know ?

The phone has all you need . Akusemnandi
(it’s so lovely)

Thobani : MaNgema

Wow , yet I’m the one who called him

Asa : Bani uphi ? (Where are you)

He laughs

Thobani : emsebenzini (at work)

Asa : zothola mali yam (you’ll get money for


Whoever taught this child , that people who

work in this house make money for her

Thobani : yebo , uyazi angithi nawe . (Yes ,

you do know that)

Asa : khona khulu (grandfather is here)

So they gossip as well , this is new . I have a
feeling I’m going to love these phone calls

Thobani : futhi ? (Again)

Asa : abuya futhi (he came back again)

I can’t help but laugh what kind of child did

I give birth to ?

Thobani : sawubona sisi (hi sister)

Me : continue gossiping , and don’t mind


He chuckles
Thobani : she’s telling the truth ?

Me : yes , and you’re needed back home .

I’m even surprised your brother hasn’t

Thobani : don’t tell me this is about Mpi , I

really don’t want to believe that whole fire

I sigh , so he saw it and decided to stay

away still

Nqobi did say , that Thobani won’t bother

himself about that
Me : your mother is here as well , and she’s
the one that asked to see you

He sighs

Thobani : what you mean ?

Me : she’s okay now , she can talk and walk

Thobani : what !

Me : yeah , please do come back home


Asa : tufuza ha.ana (no)

She’s even shaking her head , I guess she’s
not happy I took over now and disrupted

Thobani : we took her time now

Me : just come back home please

I say taking Asa off the counter , she just sits

on the floor . Continuing with her uncle

Voice : where is Nqobi ?

I gather myself looking at her

Me : he left
Mrs Ngema : will…Mpi be here ?

What is she asking me ?

Me : honestly I don’t know , maybe you

should wait until Nene is back

I walk away from her , going back in the


I don’t want my daughter left alone , with

her being in this house

I feel like my heart is slowly failing me ,

maybe it’s because of what Zo is doing

Now without a doubt , I know and believe

she’s haunting me
And everyday it gets worse , I can’t even
seem to run away from her

She’s always here , tormenting me

whenever she can and wants to

I swear killing her , was the biggest mistake

I’ve ever made in my entire life

And now I wish I can turn back the hands of

time , and just leave her the fuck alone

I look at Mihla , still naked and tied on the

I just look at her , and I’m so disgusted . I
honestly wish I can just kill her

But then whenever those thought arise , Zo

is always here

It’s like she’s deliberately stopping me from

killing Mihla

I don’t even know why she would even

bother herself to do that

Me : what was the point of running away ?

Nothing is going as planned and…
I turn back as the door opens , and I
thought it would be Zo

But I get the shock of my life , Nqobi with

Roy. Looking chilled as ever


Nqobi : what a mess

He looks around , and there’s not even a

slight emotion on his face looking at Mihla

Roy : you’re a fucking mess , no kidding

He says looking around the room

Me : what…how ? Like how did you…

Nqobi : don’t insult me

Roy : they don’t call him Hunter for nothing,

he hunts people who bring nations down .
You my son , are small fries to him

I move back a bit

Nqobi : there’s no walking out , kidnapping

your own sister . Burning your own house
down , this is it for you . And I want what’s

Me : what’s yours ?
He chuckles

Nqobi : see your mother sacrificed your

heart , just so she can keep your father .
Who was busy having an affair with her
mother , and well it didn’t work out so well .
So because of that act , you happened to
get half of my heart . Now it’s fucking
driving you crazy , best I rip it out

I don’t know what’s worse , hearing all this

about the heart

Or the news about what my mother did ,

like is she even capable of doing that ?
Nqobi : I could go on all day , but mhm
unlike you . I have a wife and kids , that are
waiting for me . And well , your mother
needs to burp and tell her sins . I’m so not
interested , but for the sake of your brother
and father . I just have to indulge her

He charges for me , and unaware of what

he has in his hand

I feel one sharp pain, I look at him slowly

feeling that I’m loosing myself

Me : what…..

I look at his hand , on my chest where I’m

feeling the pain
And fuck ! He is pulling the slight piece I call
a heart . That I have

My shirt is ripped apart , I don’t even know

when that happened

Slowly I lose it , going down and without a

doubt I fall flat on the floor

The last imagine , is my brother standing tall

over me with blood dripping all over me
I can’t believe this , that finally someone got
here and got rid of Mpi

But now I know for a fact , he didn’t come

all this time deliberately

If maybe he wanted to save me , he could

have gotten here so much sooner
I guess I broke that piece of care he had for
me , and I have no one to blame but myself

This man is brutal , and lord I’m thankful I

never got to feel his brutality

The way he just killed Mpi , seeing that

alone is even worse than what has been
done to me

This other guy he’s with , has cut the things

I was chained with

And now I’m free , but I don’t even feel free

at all . Mpi broke me beyond repair
And I don’t want to live like this , I don’t
even want to try to

Who’s burden am I going to be ? Of the very

same people I turned against all because of
a man

And look how that turned out for me , I’ve

been a fool . And a fool I’ll die as one

I see the knife , and it’s right next to me . I

lean over and get a hold of it

Zo : I told you , your weak self won’t handle

Where was she all this time ? But it doesn’t
matter , everything she said has happened

Mpi made me regret ever falling for him ,

he didn’t kill me . I don’t know if I should be
grateful about that

And well yes , again just like she said . I

can’t handle everything I’ve gone through
I can’t believe this is me , and I don’t fucking
feel like myself right now

The fact that I killed my own brother , I

burnt that piece of heart

It’s not like I could have taken it back inside

of me
I just have to tell myself , that this had to be

Roy : and what about her…

We both turn at the same time looking at

her , and she has a knife in her hand

It’s the one Roy uses to cut some of the

strings she was tied with

Me : Mihla what are you doing ?

She just looks at me , and she looks like an

empty vessel
Roy : should I ?

Me : no

He looks at me , and right there and then

she cuts both her writs at her hands

Roy : what the fuck !

I just stare at her , bleeding holding her

arms out looking at them

Roy : is she crazy ?

He walks towards the bed

Roy : what should we do ?

Me : nothing

He raises his brow

Me : she wants to die , so let her die . I will

not save a baggage here , and take it home
to bother my wife with . She was going to
kill herself either way , we both can see
what Mpi did to her . My wife is pregnant ,
she doesn’t need a suicidal person to be
caring for . It was always going to be one
scandal after another

He shakes his head

Roy : even I have a little bit of heart

Me : don’t fuck with me ,.get rid of all this

and let’s go back home

Roy : right !

I stand by the corner watching him , put

both of them on the bed

Me : I think he should go out , just like how

he planned

He shrugs his shoulders

Roy : we might wanna walk out

Me : passage ready ?

Roy : yeah , we don’t even want to be

sniffed around here

That would be catastrophic , leaving my

country coming to another . Only to murder

We walk outside , and lights the place up .

As we run heading to the passage

I take my clothes off , getting in bed slowly
behind her

She’s sleeping alone , I wonder how that

happened . When MaNgema hates her bed
so much
She’s always in here , that child lacks giving
me and my wife peace

Zama : you’re back

Me : mhm , I thought you’re asleep

She slowly turns facing me

Zama : I don’t sleep when you’re not


Me : I’m sorry I worry you this much

Zama : your safety is what worries me Nene

I chuckle , placing a kiss on her lips

Zama : is it done ?

Me : yes

Zama : and Mihla ?

I sigh , shaking my head

Zama : was it him ?

Sounds like she has a lump on her throat

Me : no
Zama : then what happened ?

Me : it was our negligence , she got hold of

the knife Roy used to cut the ties with . And
she cut her writs , there was nothing I could
do . It was a foreign country , I had just
killed . And had no records whatsoever of
being in that place , I’m really sorry . I let
her die yes , because I couldn’t risk myself
getting caught . And being held a prisoner in
a foreign country

She holds tight on me , I probably should

have just lied and said Mpi is the one that
killed her
But it’s best this way , it’s not like I didn’t
care about Mihla . We shared the same

She was just a kid who made wrong choices,

and well she suffered the consequences of

Zama : you did all that you could

Me : you don’t hate me ?

She slightly laughs

Zama : I could never

Now that’s some relief , although I can tell
she’s in pain

After all she was her sister , and blood is

blood at the end of the day . No matter

Zama : Thobani is here , he called and I got

to talk to him . I asked him to come

I’m not surprised that he did come , my wife

might be younger than him

But one thing I know , is that my brother

respects her
Me : oh ? That’s why you’re sleeping alone

She laughs

Zama : she ditched me for her uncle , I have

no idea what’s that girls obsession with me

I chuckle

Me : it’s good , she will grow up knowing

what love is

Zama : he brought her a phone for real

Me : it’s dirty money , just so we both know

Because there’s no legit job that he’s doing
She laughs

Me : morning , they better say what

brought them here . Because I want them
gone and out of my house

Zama : you’re bitter Nene

I pull her closer , giving her a kiss . She lays

her head on my chest , I cuddle her to sleep
I woke up very early , going into my
ancestral hut

My heart was very heavy , and I just wanted

to offload

I don’t know about this saying , tears can’t

be brought into a sacred place
I cry my eyes out , when I’m in that place
and I feel like crying

I don’t even hold back , and nothing has

been said to reprimand me anyhow

I just wanted to apologize to my mother ,

for failing to protect Mihla

Maybe I could have done better , been a

better sister

But I let Mpi have his way , but all this was
just fear from my side and nothing else
Maybe I’ve been selfish a bit , I chose my
life and my husband over my sister

But before Nqobi , I had no one . My father

hasn’t even seen me since the day I left

He’s never called , it’s just clear just how he

never cared about me

And now that I’m nowhere near him , and

his other family . He’s very happy

Nqobi is my safe place , he’s my peace and

everything else
The father of my kids , my husband . The
one person who always sticks with me

Through thick and thin , he’s never gone

back on any word or promise he’s ever said
or made

That’s why I stood with him now , I couldn’t

afford to lose him

What would I be without this man ? That

thought alone scares me to hell

And I wouldn’t want to know just how the

reality of it feels like
I hope my mother heard me wherever she
is , and that she forgives me

I hope Mihla finds peace , and let’s go of all

the hurt and pain

Overall , I do pray and wish that he forgives

me as well

Maybe if she stuck around , and had found

what I found in Nqobizitha she would
understand my decision

And understand I had nothing against her ,

nor did I hate or wish any bad on her
Nonetheless , I did love my little sister . And
even in the afterlife , I still love her

And I don’t want to live with regrets , I want

to believe we tried our best

Makhulu did say , I’m not a saviour and

therefore I cannot save everyone

Those who are gone , are gone yes but not

forgotten . And life goes on for those who

We’re all in the lounge , it’s early in the

morning . And they didn’t even ask for

They woke up just asking to see us , and

well I just want them to get this over and
done with
Dad : kodwa Nqobizitha wathini , you
disappear middle of the night and you
appear middle of the night (but what is it
with you)

Me : I had things to do , just be glad I’m

here now

Zama looks at me , I sigh . I’m trying my best

not to kill this woman

And her presence just annoys the hell out of

me , it’s hard to even pretend

Mom : thank you for being here , I wish Mpi

was here as well . But I can tell I’ve
overstayed my welcome , I might as well do
this and take my leave

Me : about damn time

Dad : she’s still your mother , have some


Me : wait until you hear what she wants to


He shakes his head disapproving

Me : I’m sorry

That’s addressed to him

Mom : I know after this , you will all lose the
little respect you still have for me . If there’s
even any left , because I have no excuses
for this . But no words can even begin to
describe the pain and shame I felt , as a
woman married . Having my husband love
another woman , a married woman at that .
And a woman that belonged to another

Dad coughs , I guess he’s caught off guard .

Class of her to start off with this

Thobani : ma what do you mean ? (Mom)

Mom : it doesn’t matter , but that affair is

the reason behind everything that I did .
Thinking I’ll secure the man , and he will be
mine alone . But I was wrong , because only
death was able to separate the two .
Zamabongwa I’m really sorry , for hating
you all because of your mother . You knew
nothing , and you definitely did not ask for
them to do what they did . I was an evil
woman , and you didn’t deserve any of
what I did . And I…nor did any of my kids
that I….I aborted just to keep you

Out of nowhere , she looks at him and she’s

welcomed by a slap

One that has Thobani on his feet , while

mom is crying
I’m holding my wife’s hand , I don’t want
her getting involved in any of this

Mom : I’m ..sorry . If I could take it all back ,

I would .

Thobani : dad !

They look at each other , and dad looks

down rubbing his face

Me : hlala phantsi (sit down)

He doesn’t need to be told twice

Mom : I probably deserve even more than
just a slap

Dad : you’re still talking ?

I’ve never seen him this angry , but I guess

it’s all justified

Mom : I….I sacrificed the kids to keep you

Dad : what you’re telling me is utter

nonsense , you’re nothing but a witch and

Mom : I..I know

She wipes her tears , I wish I can shut her
mouth so she doesn’t say more about the

Dad : you might as well know , Nokuzola

and I had a child . And that child is
Olwemihla , and I guess it’s a good thing it
happened . Because you kept killing kids I
gave you , bloody filthy woman

I look at Thobani , he has his head bowed

down . I guess all this is too much for him

Mom : we’ve hurt each other , we both can

admit that Ngema . How is any of what
you’re telling me supposed to make me
feel? Just like me telling you what I’ve done.
And that I took Nqobimpi’s heart , the twins
live with Nqobizitha’s each half of his heart

And she breaks down , my father looks at

me . But just like a person who knew this

I’m not even moved , I don’t even care

about this confession of hers

Dad : whatever I saw in you , I hope you

know this means I never want to see you
ever in my life

He walks out , and we’re just left with her

Me : you can always get up , and go cry
somewhere else

Zama pinches me , I frown looking at her

Zama : really ?

I shrug

Mom : I’m really sorry , about everything . I

hope one day , you all can forgive me . I
love you , you’re my kids and that can never
be changed

She gets up walking towards the door , no

one says nothing or even tries to stop her
A few minutes of silence , and small foot
prints come in

Asa : Bani ? (Thobani)

She crouches in front of him , placing her

small hands on his arms

He laughs lifting his head , with tears

streaming down his face

Asa : Bani yakhala ? (You’re crying)

He picks her up
Thobani : angikhali mina ngi ndoda (I’m a
man , I don’t cry)

Asa : Khulu shayile ? (Grandfather hit you)

He chuckles

Thobani : angaqalaphi nje ? (Where would

he even start)

Asa : askies (sorry)

She pats her chest , and he just laughs . Dad

walks in with his bags

Zama : tata ? (Dad)

She gets up looking at him , and the bag .
Her eyes gets all glossy

Zama : please don’t go

Dad : I’m sorry my child

Zama : please

Tears fall down her face , I get up holding


Zama : please stay for a few days , or a

week even . We’re here , your family is
here. Where are you going leaving us ?
Going back to the village to be all alone ,
while your kids are here

Me : please calm…

She gets away from me

Zama : please don’t go

He looks at her crying for a few seconds ,

and engulfs her into a tight hug

She breaks down on her chest , I don’t even

know when Thobani walked out with
Dad : I always knew , I didn’t make a
mistake with you . You’re my daughter now,
as you’ve always been

This one is full of shit , but it’s whatever .

Me : don’t ever make my wife cry or beg

like that , because even she doesn’t beg me
like that

They both laugh pulling out

Dad : you’ll never understand this , until

MaNgema gets to this age

I shake my head
Me : we have news to tell you

Dad : nothing sad , I think for my last days I

have enough to last me

I don’t like that talk , but I’ll let it slide for


Me : we’re expecting

He sighs hugging her side

Dad : I love my grandkids , but Nqobizitha

please give my child a break
She laughs , I chuckle . The 7 of us are now
what we are left with

But I couldn’t ask for more , I’m grateful for

them all

I will bare oNgema a son one of these days ,

and he will continue this legacy

And probably do better than I’ve done to

my wife , as I hope I’ve done better what
my parents have done to each other

I had to take blood of my own , all because

of a twisted fate . But in the end , I don’t
regret any of it
This was a war of love , Impi Yothando . All
for a woman who took my heart , well a
piece of it

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