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NGUYỄN LÊ HUỲNH THƯ - 2121005997
HỒ THỊ BÍCH NHƯ - 2121006254
LÊ NGUYỄN QUỲNH NHƯ - 2121006174
VŨ THỊ THÙY DƯƠNG (ST5) - 2121011702
1. 5 phụ tố hình thành động từ:

STT Affixes Example

1 -ify - Simplify: to make something simpler or easier to understand or do.

- Beautify: to make something more beautiful or attractive.

- Intensify: to make something stronger or more intense.

2 em- - Embrace: to accept something enthusiastically.

- Embed: to fix something firmly into a substance.

- Embark: to go onto a ship.

3 -ize - Recognize: to know someone or something because you have seen

or heard him or her or experienced it before.

- Centralize: to remove authority in a system, company, country, etc.

from local places to one central place so that the whole system, etc. is
under central control.

- Theorize: to develop a set of ideas about something.

4 -ate - Activate: to cause something to start.

- Cultivate: to prepare land and grow crops on it, or to grow a

particular crop.

- Collocate: to often be used together in a way that sounds correct to

people who have spoken the language all their lives, but might not be
expected from the meaning.

5 en- - Enmesh: to catch or involve someone in something unpleasant or

dangerous from which it is difficult to escape.

- Enfold: to closely hold or completely cover someone or something.

- Encamp: to make an encampment or put someone in an


2. 5 phụ tố hình thành danh từ:

STT Affixes Example

1 -ment - Measurement: a value, discovered by measuring, that corresponds to

the size, shape, quality, etc. of something.

- Assignment: a piece of work given to someone, typically as part of

their studies or job.

- Agreement: the situation in which people have the same opinion, or

in which they approve of or accept something.

2 -ness - Happiness: the feeling of being happy.

- Kindness: the quality of being kind.

- Darkness: the state of being dark, without any light.

3 -ist - Pianist: a person who plays the piano.

- Journalist: a person whose job is to collect and write news stories

for newspapers, magazines, radio, television or online news sites.

- Guitarist: a person who plays the guitar.

4 -ship - Leadership: the state or position of being a leader.

- Relationship: the way in which two people, groups or countries

behave towards each other or deal with each other.

- Citizenship: the legal right to belong to a particular country.

5 -ian - Technician: a person whose job is keeping a particular type of

equipment or machine in good condition.

-Politician: a person whose job involves politics, especially as an

elected member of parliament, etc.

- Musician: a person who plays a musical instrument or writes music,

especially as a job.

3. 5 phụ tố hình thành tính từ:

STT Affixes Example

1 -ic - Athletic: physically strong, fit and active.

- Historic: important in history; likely to be thought of as important

at some time in the future.

- Fantastic: extremely good; excellent.

2 -ive - Sensitive: aware of and able to understand other people and their

- Supportive: encouraging somebody or giving them help or


- Creative: involving the use of skill and the imagination to produce

something new or a work of art.

3 -ant/ent - Independent: confident and free to do things without needing help

from other people.

- Important: having a great effect on people or things; of great value.

- Brilliant: extremely clever or impressive.

4 - ious/ous - Dangerous: likely to injure or harm somebody, or to damage or

destroy something.

- Nervous: anxious about something or afraid of something.

- Poisonous: causing death or illness if swallowed or taken into the


5 -ary/ery - Dietary: connected with or contained in the food that you eat and
drink regularly.
- Momentary: lasting for a very short time.

- Necessary: that is needed for a purpose or a reason.

4. Tìm compound verbs:

1 Verb – verb - Jumpstart: to start a car engine by pushing the car or by

using jump leads

- Proofread: to find and correct mistakes in text before it is

printed or put online

- Dry-clean: to clean clothes with chemicals, not water

2 Noun – verb - Hand-wash: to wash something such as clothes or kitchen

equipment yourself rather than putting them into a

- Paperwork: to the act of handling or completing

paperwork tasks.

- Daydream: to spend time thinking pleasant thoughts

about something you would prefer to be doing or
something you would like to achieve in the future.

3 Adjective – verb - Fine-tune: to make very small changes to something in

order to make it work as well as possible.

- Shortchange: to give someone back less money than they

are owed when the person is buying something from you.

- Whitewash: to make something bad seem acceptable by

hiding the truth

4 Prepositional – verb - Overcome: to defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing

with something.

- Upgraded: to improve the quality or usefulness of

something, or change it for something newer or of a better

- Withhold: to refuse to give something or to keep back


5. Tìm compound nouns:

1. Football - A sport played with a round ball and feet.

2. Breakfast - A meal eaten in the morning as the first meal of the day.

3. Sunrise - The time in the morning when the sun starts to rise in the sky.

4. Whitewash - A white liquid that is a mixture of lime or powdered chalk and water, used
for making walls or ceilings white.

5. Outbreak - A time when something suddenly begins, especially a disease or something

else dangerous or unpleasant.

6. Truckfull - A pure white colour.

7. Overtime - After the usual time needed or expected in a job.

8. Firefighter - A person who extinguishes fires and rescues people.

9. Washing machine - A machine for washing clothes, sheets, and other things made of

10. Blackboard - A dark surface on a wall or frame that a teacher writes on with chalk.
6. Tìm compound adjectives:

1 Adjective – participle - Fast-paced: something that moves or progresses quickly.

- Cold-hearted: showing no understanding for or not

feeling sorry about another person's suffering

- Hard-working: always putting a lot of effort and care

into work

2 Adverb – past participle - Well-known: This compound adjective combines the

adverb "well" with the past participle "known." It
describes something or someone that is widely recognized
or famous.

- Deep-fried: This compound adjective combines the

adverb "deep" with the past participle "fried." It describes
food that has been cooked in a significant amount of oil.

- Highly regarded: This compound adjective combines the

adverb "highly" with the past participle "regarded." It
describes something that is held in great esteem or
considered of high value.

3 Noun – adjective - Childproof: safe for children because of not being able to
be opened, operated, reached, etc. by a child

- World-famous: known about by many people from most

parts of the world
- Brand-conscious: aware of popular brands and wanting
to buy particular brands rather than others

4 Adjective – adjective - Fat-free: Fat-free food contains no fat

- High-coloured: Having or producing a colour or colours

- Red-hot: Describe a person or thing that is very popular,

especially someone who is very good at what they do or
something that is new and exciting.

5 Preposition – adjective - Overqualified: Having more knowledge, skill, and/or

experience than is needed (for a particular job).

- Underactive: Not working as much or as effectively as it


- Overconfident: Having or showing too much confidence

7. Tìm compound prepositions:

1 two-part - Regardless of: without being influenced by any other events or


- Except for: to introduce the only thing or person that prevents a

statement from being completely true.

- Ahead of: in front of someone or something.

2 three-part - In accordance with: in a way that agrees with or follows (something,

such as a rule or request)

- With reference to: to indicate what something/soneone relates to.

- As far as: to say that an idea, suggestion, plan, etc is satisfactory, but
only to a limited degree
1. Tìm ví dụ vào bảng Closed-system pre-modification:

- All of the students have passed the final exam.

- Both of my friends are mad at me.

- I work half the week in a rehab clinic and half the
week here.

Determiners - Articles:

+ I saw an elephant on TV last night.

+ He met a girl last night.

+ The pretty girl in the corner become angry because you


- Demonstratives:

+ I buy every book from this author.

+ Can you see those buildings?

+ That old bus in the drive.

Identifiers + These books belong to me.

- Possesives:

+ We moved London so that we could visit our friends more


+ My father works at a big insurance company

+ I were delighted to get her letter last week.

- Possessive case/Noun phrase in the genitive case:

+ The highlight of the stamp collection carefully maintained

by her wife’s cousin

+ I don’t think that Reza’s ever been to Luxembourg before.

Indefinite - There are enough chairs for everyone here.

Quantifier - There are other jobs you could try.

- Another reason to reject his offer is…

- Lana is the third child in the family, everyone treats her

like a baby.

- You can get 25% Off Your First Five Purchases

- The first three planes were America.

Numerals/Quantifiers - Unlock a world with plenty of fifty cent coins – our
irresistible deals and discounts await you.

- At least one corgi is a vegetarian.

- A three-legged puppy was found at the corner of the street

last week.
Câu 2: 2 ví dụ cho Noun modifier :

- Bookshelf. In this compound noun, “book” modifiers “shelf”, and in this case, the modifier
describes the function and the head noun represents the object being described. It refers to a
piece of furniture specifically designed to hold books.

- A cotton shirt: In this phrase, “cotton” modifiers “shirt”, and in this case, the noun modifiers
can be used to indicate the material or the origin/source of their following noun. It refers to a
shirt made from soft fibres from a particular plant.

Câu 3 : Tìm ví dụ cho functions của Prepositional phrases:

Prepositional Phrase
Prepositional Phrase Functioning as Adverb
Functioning as Adjective

- The children play in the garden.

- The book on the counter belongs to => In the garden is a prepositional phrase that
my mother. acts as an adverb of place. (where)
=> on the counter is a prepositional - In the morning, I always do exercise.
phrase in a sentence that modifies NP
=> In the morning is a prepositional phrase that
(the book)
functions as an adverb of time . (when)
- The little boy with the blue hat ate the
- Lee raised his small mackerel with utmost
=> is a prepositional phrase in a
=> The prepositional phrase modifies the verb
sentence that modifies NP (the little
"raised." It is an adverb of manner; i.e., it tells us
how he raised it. We could have written "proudly
raised," which proves that "with utmost pride" is
functioning as an adverb.
Câu 4: Optinal Adjective Phrases and Obligatory Adjective Phrases

The house is perfect for a growing family

Prepositional Phrase with its spacious layout and multiple

Optional The company introduced a cutting-edge

Infinitive Clause product, designed to revolutionize the
industry's manufacturing processes

That Clause She is a talented singer that I have ever heard

The company's latest product, known for its

Prepositional Phrase exceptional quality, is gaining popularity in
the market
The team was determined to overcome the
Infinitive Clause
challenges and achieve their goals.

That clause He is fond of that he is talented

Câu 5: Attributive Adjectives and Predicative Adjectives

- 3 attributive adjectives:

+ Emir loves spicy food. (The attributive adjective spicy modifies the noun food.)

+ Silly, spunky simians smiled at Simon. (The attributive adjectives silly and spunky modify
the noun simians.)

+ I thought Paula was waiting for Rick, but she said she was expecting someone else. (The
attributive adjective else modifies the pronoun someone.)

- 3 predicative adjectives:

+ The mission is interesting. (The predicative adjective interesting come after tobe is and
modify the noun phrase The mission)

+ You have been got your priorities wrong. (The predicative adjective wrong come after tobe
have been and modify the noun phrase The mission)
+ She found him admirably thoughtful. (The predicative adjective thoughtful come after
linking verb found and modify the noun “she”.

________________________________THE END__________________________________

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