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NAME: _______________________________________DATE: _______ SCORE: _________

GRADE: ____________________________ TEACHER: ______________________________

Test I. Circle the verbs, then label the type of verb: A = action or L = linking.

_____ 1. The bird ate the worm.

_____ 2. My mom looks beautiful.

_____ 3. Michael is a lawyer.

_____ 4. My parents are American.

_____ 5. The boy and his friends played soccer during recess.

Test II. Select the correct pronoun from the word bank.

she it her mine their

6. Sally was sure ________ would have to go to school on Friday.

7. My parents thought ___________ dog was going to run out the door.

8. That is not your cup. It’s ____________.

9. My fish was happy to get food. ____________ swam quickly to the surface.

10. Marie fell off ____________ bike on the way to school.

Test III. Choose the right word. Underline the correct adjectives or adverbs.

11. My (poor / poorly) family can’t afford a new car.

12. Jonathan performed (poor / poorly) at his concert.

13. Peter is (calm / calmly) under pressure.

14. Mom (calm / calmly) removed the boiling pot from the stove

15. Mika (quiet / quietly) walked to the kitchen.

16. The (quiet / quietly) children listened to the teacher.

Test IV. Rewrite the sentence adding a prepositional phrase from the list.

17. I hide my secret journals.


18. The principals are having a meeting.


Prepositional phrases:

in my room
with my teachers

Test V. Write the conjunctions.

F _____
A _____
N _____
B _____
O _____
Y _____
S _____

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