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Vicente Aleixandre’s house modernisation


The main aim of this proposal is to outline why the Vicente Aleixandre’s house should
not be demolished and is worth conserving. It could be developed into a great point of
interest for Madrid and in what ways it could be used for the students of our
Complutense University.

Historical interests

One of the reasons why this house should be preserved is because its poignant history.
It was the headquarters of the Generation of’27. Its localization so close to the
University city, would allow it to be another centre of our college life.

Benefits for Madrid

Taking into account the advice of Association of Vicente Aleixandre, it could be

transformed into a museum about the Generation of’27. If the previous
recommendation were taken, incredible benefits would be obtained so that Madrid
would not lose one of the greatest riches of our literature: the memory of the
Generation of '27.

Benefits for our University

It is clear from the students’ feedback that cultural meeting points are needed near the
campus. Notwithstanding the above, our architecture students could develop their
F.D.P. directing this restoration.


I trust you will take into consideration my proposal regarding the restoration of
Vicente Aleixandre’s house because there are plenty of reasons why it should be

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