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The Everybodies-Universal Design

Fairness and development

Global Context:
Key Concept: Relationships Related Concepts: Ergonomics, Evaluation

By Nishtha kaushal
Class: IS10c
Ai. Justify the needs.

What is the problem?

The problem is that many people with certain disabilities or anyone, in general, have trouble
with opening jars. This problem not only affects people with disabilities but many people in
general also experience whisht not even having a disability because all the jars that we see are
often air-tight meaning they are very tightly closed. Many jars that are made of glass are often
airtight making it very difficult to open and sometimes opening something tight can cause you
to lose a grip on that object making it slip out of hand. My grandma, for example, has muscle
problems meaning she has trouble opening things once she tried opening a glass jar but due to
the tightness of the lid, it caused it to slip out her hand to only end up having the glass
shattering. This is one example but there would be millions of other examples that experience
the same problem as her. This was the reason why I decided to make a product specifically
designed for people with disabilities to have it easier when opening jars.

These were some of the notes that I took into consideration when deciding on a product.
"Accessible can openers are crucial for individuals with disabilities for several reasons:

- Ease of Use: Those with limited hand strength, dexterity, or mobility benefit from
can openers with ergonomic features, enabling them to open cans
- Independence: Opening cans independently fosters a sense of self-reliance and
control over daily activities, contributing to a person's overall independence.
- Nutrition and Meal Preparation: Accessible can openers allow individuals with
disabilities to access a variety of nutritious canned foods, especially if they face
challenges with other food preparation tasks.
- Reduced Dependence: Having a suitable can opener empowers individuals with
disabilities to rely less on others for assistance in opening cans.
- Safety: Accessible can openers prevent potentially unsafe attempts to open cans
using alternative methods, reducing the risk of injury.
- Inclusive Design: Universal accessibility in can opener design benefits everyone,
irrespective of physical ability, making the tool easier for all to use.
- Enhanced Quality of Life: Something as basic as effortlessly opening a can
significantly improve overall well-being, eliminating potential frustration and
allowing individuals to enjoy their meals.
- Promoting Inclusion: Accessible products send a powerful message of inclusivity
and value for all individuals, regardless of their abilities, fostering a more
inclusive society."
In summary, can openers designed with accessibility in mind are pivotal in empowering
individuals with disabilities, and fostering independence, safety, and inclusivity in their
daily lives.

Aiii Analyzing existing solution.

The product ACCESSFM
Aesthetics: In general, the aesthetics of this jar opener
is well throughout because not only is the color catchy
but also the design of it is very functional. Based on
this product, it is noticeable that this product was
inspired by an object that requires a fair amount of
grip to be held on and that could benefit the people
who have trouble with holding objects with a smaller
handle compared to this product. Through the small
observation, this product not only opens jars but also
has a small part that can open bottles with those steel

Consumer: The consumers for this product specifically

would-be people who have trouble opening jars and in
general anyone who might want to make their life
easier. I have also noticed that older people like
grandparents, have trouble with opening tight jars so
this product would come in beneficial for them.

Construction: Based on my observations, I believe that

this product was firstly made from plastics and some
products with similar designs were made of metals.
This product design in general seemed to be made of
recycled plastic and the circle in the middle however
obviously has steel in it so that would work as a
functional bottle cap opener.

Environment: This product can be used in almost every

environment since it is made from plastic, and this
material has the durability to work in many types of
environments. In my opinion, this product should be
able to work in every situation to make up its purpose.

Function: The function of this product can be easily

seen from the product picture, but the main purpose
is to make opening jars and bottles much easier for
people with disabilities or anyone in general. I know
people that would find the function of this product
very beneficial for them because someone I know has
muscle problems and experience daily life problem of
not being able to open jars and using this would be a
very useful product in their daily life.

Aesthetics: In general, the aesthetically this product

doesn’t seem that appealing to me and personally the
color choice didn’t really help with make the product
much interesting to look. However, the product does
look like a functional product that can be useful for
many and it’s noticeable that this product was inspired
by the tool that pulls out the nails from the wood.

Consumer: The consumer for this product will

obviously be someone who may experience trouble
with opening tins cans, and this could be useful for
them to use. The consumer can be other people
beside the people who struggle with opening it but
can be used for the people who often are too lazy to
open it.

Construction: Based on my observation, this product

had been made with the use of hard plastic because
since we would have to open the tins and that requires
a lot of force, in other for this to be strong enough for
that force, it must have been important to design and
build it with good quality plastic

Environment: This product is a long-term product

because of the material and the process of making it.
Making this a product that can be functional in every
environment most importantly.

Aiv: Design Brief

Design Brief: Jar Opener for Individuals with Limited Hand Mobility
“According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 15% of the global population
lives with some form of disability, with a significant portion experiencing limitations in
hand mobility, particularly those with conditions affecting grip strength” (World Health
Organization) This designs project aims to create a user-friendly and ergonomic jar
opener tailored to individuals with restricted hand mobility, enabling them to
independently and safely open jars. The primary audience includes individuals dealing
with conditions like arthritis, muscular dystrophy, and other hand mobility impairments.

User Needs:
- An opener that is easy to use for those with limited grip strength.
- Ergonomically designed to fit different hand sizes and shapes.
- Safety features to prevent accidents during operation.
- Compatibility with various jar lid sizes.

Design Specifications:

“An estimated 1.3 billion people experience significant disability. This represents 16% of the
world’s population, or 1 in 6 of us.” (World Health Organization) The opener should securely
grip lids of different sizes. The product should be able to apply controlled force for
twisting and opening jars. The jar opener should enable single-handed operation. The
handle of the jar opener should have ergonomic contours for a comfortable grip. The
opener needs to be operable with minimal hand strength or dexterity. This product
must include various features that prevent slippage or sudden release of pressure
during use. When making the product, ensure using material that non-toxic materials to
ensure safety and hygiene for the user and the environment.
The design product should have a contemporary, visually appealing look that avoids
stigmatization. The jar opener should exhibit outstanding adaptability in securely
gripping lids of various sizes and thicknesses, ensuring consistent performance for a
wide range of jars. When designing having precise engineering is crucial for applying
controlled, evenly distributed force during the twisting motion, reducing strain on both
the opener and the user. An easy-to-use mechanism should allow for one-handed
operation, enhancing user convenience and accessibility.

The handle design should prioritize ergonomic comfort and accommodate different
hand sizes, shapes, and grip preferences within the target user group. Incorporating
advanced materials like soft-touch polymers or textured surfaces will improve tactile
feedback and ensure a secure grip, even in challenging conditions. Maintaining
simplicity in operation and user interface is essential, making it easy for people with
varying levels of hand mobility to use the jar opener effortlessly.

Safety features should include fail-safes to prevent sudden pressure release or slipping
during operation, instilling user confidence in the product's reliability and minimize
potential risks. Exploring friction-reducing coatings or materials can reduce the chance
of skin abrasions or discomfort during extended use, further enhancing the safety of the
jar opener. It is also important to carefully select material that would have
hypoallergenic material that suits individuals with skin sensitivities or allergies.

When it comes to choosing materials, this topic should prioritize user well-being,
focusing on non-toxic polymers that are safe and hygienic for food preparation.
Advanced composite materials may be considered to find the right balance between
durability, weight, and environmental impact, demonstrating a commitment to

The design should seamlessly blend form and function, combining modern, minimalist
aesthetics with the utilitarian purpose of the product, resulting in an object that's
visually appealing and sophisticated. A subtle but distinctive branding approach, like
embossing or subtle textures, will convey quality while maintaining an unobtrusive,
inclusive design philosophy.

Prototype and Testing:

Develop a functional prototype for user testing, incorporating feedback from individuals
with limited hand mobility for design refinement.
Production and Manufacturing:
Considering sustainable materials and manufacturing methods for affordability and
environmental responsibility.

People with restricted hand movement can significantly increase their independence and
general quality of life by using a well-designed jar opener. This fits with the notion of developing
products that are open to all customers. This opener demonstrates a commitment to user
comfort and safety through meticulous engineering, ergonomic features, and the use of cutting-
edge materials. No matter their level of hand mobility, a wide spectrum of consumers may use it
thanks to its simple design. This jar opener combines practicality and aesthetic appeal in
addition to performing a necessary function. With this all-encompassing strategy, we hope to
develop a product that not only satisfies customer demands but also improves their daily lives,
ultimately fostering a more welcoming and empowered community.

Works Cited

“2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.”, 15 Sept. 2010,


Rath, Linda. “What Is Arthritis?”, 9 June 2022,


World Health Organization. “Disability and Health.” Who, World Health Organization: WHO, 7

Mar. 2023,

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