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MENS HEALTH Pathology:


Prostate Diseases:
- Typical Locations of Prostate Disease:
Enlargement: Disease: Aetiology: Morphology: Clinical:
Diffuse (All Lobes) Prostatitis Infective Red, Oedematous & Rectal Pain, Dysuria,
(Inflammation) Inflamed Obstructive Uropathy
Median Lobe BPH Hormone- Smooth, Firm & Nodular Urinary Voiding Symptoms
(:. Obstructs Urine) Mediated Hyperplasia. (Nocturia, Urgency,
Hyperplasia Median Groove is Hesitancy, Dribbling,
Preserved. Incomplete voiding).
PSA Usually Normal.
Lateral/Posterior Lobe Prostate Ca. Neoplasia Adenocarcinoma. Usually Asymptomatic.
(:. No Urine Obstruct) Hard, Stony, Irregular, No Urinary Voiding Syx.
Fixed Masse/s. Late Osteoblastic Lesions,
Loss of Median Groove. Weight Loss, Metastatic
Elevated PSA.
o Aetiology:
Non-Neoplastic Hormone-Induced Hyperplasia
Old Age – (75% among men aged 70-80years)
o Pathogenesis:
Hormone-Induced (Androgen) Hyperplasia (NB: Castration no BPH):
o Morphology:
Smooth, Firm & Nodular Hyperplasia.
Median Groove is Preserved.
Encroaches Into Bladder *Ball-Valve Mechanism* Urinary Retention
Bladder Wall Hypertrophy & Hydronephrosis

o Clinical Features:
Lower Urinary Obstruction Symptoms – (Urgenc Freq enc Dribbling Noc ria Flo )
o Treatment:
Finasteride (5-α-Reduct. Inhibitor)
Surgery (TURP) = Trans-Urethral Resection of the Prostate (NB: Can Impotence)
o Complications:
UTI Cystitis Inflammation.
Bladder Diverticuli (May even rupture Uroperitoneum).

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