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» "NESTERNSHIPIM Nestlé Indonesia Virtual Internship Program 2021. ~ 5 J S (Ss UPDATE| UPGRADE| UPSKILL Kickstart your career without borders AON ACA cry © Available Streams Engineering | Supply Chain Finance | Marketing | Legal RFCM MT ge-9 PN) elite te ear | LY ENV a} Application Portal Nestlé Indonesia Virtual Internship Program 2021 S Active students who have completed minimum five semesters of bachelor's degree program (S1) Passionate young talents with leadership experience in student organizations who possess adaptive and initiative skills Excellent verbal and written English communication skills Able to work independently and in a team, as well as staying productive in a virtual working environment Available to participate three to six months full- time virtual internship program starting July 2021 Nestlé Indonesia Virtual Internship Program 2021 Ss We are looking for active students who have completed minimum five semesters of their bachelor's degree program (S1) Marketing, Sales, and Lala Taso Co Naar) (ole alr Tae ee aoe ialiiale} memes students only Supply Chain & Engineering Engineering students only Legal Law students only Nestlé Indonesia Virtual Internship Program 2021 Please make sure you select only one of the starred streams below Ro oa a 4 STEPS TO JOIN OUR Nestlé Indonesia Virtual Intemship Program 2021 APPLY & COMPLETE ma ere ROCK THE ESSAY CN aa ad OU) Submit your application ¥ Shortlisted candidates Jf selected candidates Successful candidates through the Nestlé aillescanizsise to will be invited for Ricca) Beene ucn ce complete an application | panel interview with Cee Pe CR Te CIT Dimitar AM Ul a Poe este ec okie meni eriInty cma ccs Pierce Sooo a Deena Sol mesic! Ean cscs PO marc APPLICATION PERIOD: May 3 - 14, 2021 Nestlé Indonesia Virtual Internship Program 2021 SONNE APPLY NOW! =~ \ Ls)

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