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Muhammad Atif Raza

Component of IOT and their role
Submitted To:
Mr. Zia
Components of IOT:

 Device/Things.
 Sensors.
 Actuators.
 Connectivity.
 IoT Gateway.
 Cloud Computing.
 IoT Platforms.
 Security.
 Data Analytics.
 User Interface.
 Communication Protocols.
 Power Management.
Role of Components:

1. Devices/Things:
- Physical objects or devices embedded with sensors,
actuators, and communication interfaces.

2. Sensors:
- Devices that detect and measure physical parameters
such as temperature, humidity, motion, and light.

3. Actuators:
- Devices that perform actions or control physical
processes based on data received from sensors.

4. Connectivity:
- Technologies that enable communication between IoT
devices, networks, and systems.
5. IoT Gateway:
- Intermediate device that connects IoT devices to the
cloud, aggregating and preprocessing data.

6. Cloud Computing:
- Remote servers and services that store, process, and
analyze the vast amount of data generated by IoT devices.

7. IoT Platforms:
- Software frameworks that facilitate device
management, data storage, and application development
for IoT.

8. Security:
- Measures and protocols to secure IoT devices,
networks, and data from unauthorized access and cyber

9. Data Analytics:
- Techniques and tools for analyzing and extracting
meaningful insights from the large volumes of data
generated by IoT devices.

10. User Interface:

- Interfaces such as mobile apps, web portals, or
dashboards that allow users to interact with and control
IoT devices.
11. Communication Protocols:
- Standardized protocols governing how IoT devices
communicate with each other and with other systems.

12. Power Management:

- Strategies and technologies for optimizing power
consumption in IoT devices, especially those operating on
battery power.

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