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Introduction to IoT Devices

IoT (Internet of Things) devices are physical objects embedded with sensors, software, and other
technologies that enable them to connect and exchange data over the internet. These devices can
communicate with other devices and systems, enabling them to collect and share information for
various applications.

Components of IoT Devices

1. Sensors and Actuators: Devices equipped with sensors to gather data from the environment
and actuators to trigger physical actions based on received information.
2. Connectivity Modules: Components that enable communication via wireless protocols like
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular networks, allowing IoT devices to transmit and receive data.
3. Microcontrollers or Processors: Integrated hardware responsible for controlling device
operations, processing data, and managing communication with other devices or the internet.
4. Embedded Software: Includes firmware and operating systems specifically designed to
manage the functionality and operations of the IoT device.
5. Cloud Infrastructure: Provides essential storage, processing, and analysis of IoT data,
enabling scalable and accessible data management for IoT devices.
6. Security Protocols: Implement encryption, authentication, and access control measures to
secure IoT communications and protect the integrity of the data exchanged by IoT devices.

Life Cycle of IoT Devices

1. Design and Development: Initial concept, hardware and software development, and
integration of connectivity modules.
2. Deployment: Installation, configuration, and activation of IoT devices within the intended
3. Operation and Maintenance: Continuous monitoring, software updates, and performance
optimization to ensure proper functioning.
4. End of Life: Retirement or decommissioning due to end of service life or technological

Working Procedure of IoT Devices

1. Data Collection: Sensors capture environmental data such as temperature, humidity, or
2. Data Processing: Microcontrollers process the collected data, making it suitable for
transmission or triggering actions.
3. Data Transmission: Connectivity modules send the processed data to cloud platforms or
other devices.
4. Data Analysis: Cloud infrastructure processes and analyzes the data, deriving insights and
triggering automated responses.
5. Feedback or Action: Based on the data analysis, IoT devices may trigger actions, alerts, or
Operating System (OS):
• Definition: An Operating System (OS) is a software that acts as an intermediary between
computer hardware and user applications. It manages computer resources and provides a
platform for running software programs efficiently.
• Example: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android

Need for Operating System (OS):

1. Resource Management: Efficiently allocates and manages system resources like CPU,
memory, and peripheral devices.
2. Process Management: Facilitates multitasking, process scheduling, and coordination.
3. Memory Management: Handles memory allocation, access control, and optimization for
program execution.
4. File System Management: Organizes and manages file storage, retrieval, and data security.
5. User Interface: Provides an interface for users to interact with the computer system easily
and effectively.

Real-Time Operating System (RTOS):

• Definition: A Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) is an OS designed for time-sensitive
applications where tasks must be completed within strict timing constraints to ensure
predictable and deterministic behavior.
• Example: FreeRTOS, VxWorks, QNX, RTLinux

Types of Real-Time Operating Systems:

1. Hard Real-Time OS: Ensures critical tasks are completed within strict and guaranteed time
bounds. Example: Aerospace control systems.
2. Soft Real-Time OS: Gives priority to critical tasks but allows flexibility in meeting
deadlines. Example: Multimedia applications.

Need for Real-Time Operating System (RTOS):

1. Predictable Response Times: Ensures tasks are completed within defined timeframes
without delays.
2. Task Scheduling: Prioritizes critical tasks for efficient execution.
3. Interrupt Handling: Efficiently manages and responds to interrupts in real-time
4. Reliability: Provides fault-tolerant mechanisms for critical systems to operate reliably under
varying conditions.

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