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 Present continuous
 Structure:

 Spelling rules to add -ing:

 Uses:
- Say what is happening at the moment of speaking. Ex: He is watching TV.
-Expressing a temporal action. Ex: People are talking about the news.
-Describing pictures. Ex: In the picture, the man is reading a book.
 Time expressions:
When using present continuous it is possible to use the following expressions. Now (ahora),
at the moment (en este momento), right now (justo ahora/ahora mismo), today (hoy), these
days (hoy en día), this week (esta semana), etc. They can be located at the beginning or at the
end of the sentence, but they are usually found at the end. Ex: We are working extra hours this

 Contrast between present simple and past continuous:

- The Present Simple expresses habits, while the Present Continuous indicates actions that are
occurring at the moment of speaking.
Ex: I normally study at home, but today I’m studying at my friend´s house.

 Stative verbs:
-Stative verbs are used to express tastes, feelings, desires, activities of the mind, possession
and perception. They refer to states rather than actions, so they are not usually used with the
Present Continuous.
Ex: She wants to go to Mexico.
Ex: I don't know the answer.

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