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Most / must Charitable

Suffer from African
One of the kind persons Came to next to the lory
She is holded holding a child More happy happier than
Most of them are selfless persons / people Continue their educational
Someone went there and their school repaired their school One people person
Disease / illness The child is suffering from
He is has no shoes He has needed needs help
This story is about the a woman Visit / window
The Africa continent
Their truck were was On at that time / at the time
The driver… and the mechanic cames came to
Some of the children (It’s the first time you are talking about the They were talking talked about their situation
children in the listening!)
The woman… to show see their school School African school
The woman wanted to see their school.
The women wanted them to show her their school.
They there were not a lot of desks The walls were filling falling
The condition it’s was not good She talked to the headmaster
Came to the her husband They decided to set
Raise money (rise) In the Africa
She’s a writer She’s an elementary school teacher
Her husband is from Spanish Spain Raise / rise
Another her other daughter Is helping to Adelante Africa
The school builded (that) she has built it’s has given hope to the Spent her time to with the children
A lot of photos Photos that her son took to of her
Who’s knows
She recommended to that the host you should to see the website [recommend/suggest + that + sb + should do]

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