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Name : Vansh Ralli

Roll number : 23/BT/111

Submission Id : 253282474

In envisioning a developed India in 2047, good governance and robust security mechanisms play pivotal
roles in shaping a prosperous and harmonious nation. Achieving this vision necessitates a multifaceted
approach encompassing transparency, efficiency, inclusivity, and technological advancements.

Firstly, good governance entails transparency and accountability in every aspect of administration. A
viksit Bharat should prioritize open communication between the government and its citizens. Digital
platforms can be leveraged to ensure real-time information dissemination, fostering a sense of trust and
participation among the public. Implementing strong anti-corruption measures and establishing
independent oversight bodies can further bolster the integrity of governance structures.

Efficiency in service delivery is another cornerstone of good governance. Streamlining bureaucratic

processes, leveraging technology for e-governance, and promoting a merit-based system would enhance
the effectiveness of public services. A responsive and citizen-centric approach should guide policy
formulation and implementation, ensuring that the government addresses the needs and concerns of
diverse segments of the population.

Inclusivity is integral to the idea of good governance. A viksit Bharat should prioritize social justice and
equal representation. Implementing policies that uplift marginalized communities, ensure gender
equality, and bridge regional disparities is imperative. Inclusive decision-making processes can be
facilitated through mechanisms such as citizen consultations, participatory budgeting, and decentralized
governance structures.

Moving on to security, a viksit Bharat must embrace a comprehensive approach that safeguards its
citizens from diverse threats. National security should extend beyond traditional military measures to
encompass cybersecurity, environmental protection, and public health resilience. Technological
advancements, including artificial intelligence and surveillance systems, can enhance the effectiveness of
security measures while respecting individual privacy rights.

Collaboration and information-sharing among intelligence agencies, both domestically and

internationally, are vital components of a robust security framework. Strengthening border security,
investing in modernizing defense capabilities, and fostering international cooperation on counter-
terrorism efforts contribute to a safer and more stable nation.
Community involvement is crucial in ensuring the security of the nation. Initiatives that promote
community policing, public awareness on safety measures, and disaster preparedness can empower
citizens to actively contribute to their own security. A viksit Bharat should prioritize the well-being of its
citizens by investing in public health infrastructure and ensuring timely responses to health crises.

In conclusion, a viksit Bharat in 2047 must embody the principles of good governance and security to
thrive and prosper. Transparency, efficiency, inclusivity, and technological advancements should guide
governance practices, fostering a sense of trust and participation among the citizens. A comprehensive
security framework, addressing both traditional and emerging threats, ensures the safety and well-being
of the nation. By embracing these principles, India can forge a path toward sustainable development,
resilience, and prosperity in the years to come.

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