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Should we worry about air pollution in Poland?

Autumn and winter in Poland spotlight a grave concern: pervasive air pollution with
profound impacts on humans, animals, and plants. Consistently ranking as the nation with
the worst air quality, Poland faces dire consequences, threatening public health and
endangering ecosystems.

Years of neglect in environmental protection have left urban and industrial hubs like Upper
Silesia, Lower Silesia, Krakow, and Gdańsk Bay severely affected. Smog becomes visibly
rampant in the colder seasons, and elevated ozone levels persist into spring and summer.

The primary culprit behind Poland's air pollution is "low emission," originating from
household boilers and solid fuel stoves. Burning poor-quality coal in non-compliant devices
and the widespread, harmful, and illegal burning of waste exacerbate the issue.
Transportation and coal-based power generation add to the sources of pollution.

The severity of smog in Poland results in over 120 premature deaths daily. Harmful airborne
substances not only impact outdoor environments but also infiltrate homes. Unfortunately,
public authorities have proven ineffective in safeguarding people and the environment from
the adverse effects of pollution.

Addressing this crisis requires immediate action. Wiser consumer choices, reduced
purchases, increased use of public transportation, and the adoption of eco-friendly home
heating solutions, such as infrared heating, present viable strategies. Combating air pollution
demands a collective effort to protect both public health and the natural environment.

Are you a fan of Star Wars? Why?

If not, is there any other movie like Star Wars that you're a fan of?
Personally I am not a big fan of Star Wars. First of all, I think the whole plot is too complicated. The sprawling lore and
extensive narrative feels overwhelming and difficult for me to connect with on a personal level. Secondly, I'm not very
interested in science fiction, and 'Star Wars' falls into that film genre. The battles between spaceships and lightsabers don't
appeal to me.
Ultimately, I believe that 'Star Wars' is overhyped and doesn't deserve such great popularity. While I respect the fans of this
film series, it's just not for me. I prefer watching movies from other genres and different eras that interest me more and
draw me into their stories."
One of my favorite movie series is “Harry Potter”, even though some might argue that it’s overhyped as well. I feel a deep
connection and sentiment to this series, because I have watched for the first time when I was little.
It has a special place in my heart, captivating me with its enchanting narrative and compelling characters. The allure of this
saga extends far beyond mere wizardry; it's a tale that resonates with profound themes of friendship, courage, and the
timeless battle between good and evil.
These movies are not just entertainment but also serve as inspiration and motivation for me. I often rewatch them to relive
the emotions and remind myself of the important lessons that come from Harry and his friends' story.
Witnessing Harry's growth from a bewildered child to a seasoned wizard offers a sense of companionship and inspiration.
His journey, fraught with challenges and triumphs, serves as a mirror reflecting our own struggles and victories, making him
a hero we can truly empathize with.
Moreover, the richly detailed wizarding world Rowling crafted is extremely mesmerizing. The depth of magical lore,
intricacies of spells, and the sprawling Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry serve as a canvas for endless
imagination. Every scene transports me to a realm where the impossible becomes possible, igniting my imagination and
fostering a profound sense of wonder.
In essence, the Harry Potter series has transcended its literary and cinematic boundaries to become a cultural phenomenon.
Its enduring impact lies not only in its magical allure but also in the timeless wisdom it imparts. As a fan, I cherish this series
for its ability to transport me to a world brimming with magic and life lessons, making it an integral part of my journey
through literature and life itself.

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