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Legal system is a procedure or process to interpreting and enforcing the law.

A world
without law is impossible, unimaginable and dangerous as it helps to control people from doing
something wrong such as murder, steal and violence. By improving the legal system, it will bring
us a lot of benefits. So, Legal systems should be improved often as it can reduce crime rate and
provide legal assistance for the non-wealthy people around the world.
First and foremost, crime rate can be reduced by improving the legal system. Every
illegal action made by the criminal, there will be punishment. The crime rate can be reduced by
providing harder punishment. According to David R. Francis, sentence enhancement has become
a way to fight crime. California's Proposition 8 is the law that requires courts to lengthen the
sentence of repeat offenders in cases of willful homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated
assault with a firearm, and burglary of a residence. This law requiring longer sentences has been
effective in lowering crime. Within three years, crimes covered by the law fell an estimated 8
percent. Seven years after the law changed, these crimes were down 20 percent. The fact that the
impact of the law's change continued to grow steadily over time suggests that incapacitation also
helped to reduce crime. Because convicted criminals were serving longer sentences, years after
the law's change they were still locked up, rather than out on the streets committing crime.
Therefore, law can be improved to provide harder punishment for the criminal to decrease the
amount of crimes happened in our country.
Besides, improved legal system can be more specialize and productive and it can prevent
crime getting away from legal charges. This is due to the increase number of evidence such as
newspaper, radio, websites, email and more and sometimes the information of the evidence has it
as every field such as doctors, engineers, has its own vocabulary, terms and methology.
According to Roberta Reiff Katz (2004), the current legal system is no longer the same as before.
Back in 1950, legal system represents as the protector of justice. Evidence of a crime is very
important and it is very different nowadays compared to 1950. In 1950, there were lesser
duplicates of potential evidence such as carbon paper with typed documents. So, the court must
deal with the information more specialized. The change in the volume and character of
evidence is a key reason why trials drag on for months and even then do not
always lead to just results. By improving the legal system, the courts can have
more specialist to investigate the evidence as soon as possible to prevent the
criminal get away from legal charges.

In addition, upgraded legal system can provide legal assistance for the non-wealthy
people. This is because most of the people is unaffordable to bring their rights which happen due
to the expensive legal system’s procedures. According to Justice Strathy, “it strikes me that we
have built a legal system that has become increasingly burdened by its own procedures, reaching
a point that we have begun to impede the very justice we are striving to protect. With the best of
intentions, we have designed elaborate rules and practices, engineered to ensure fairness and
achieve just results. But perfection can be the enemy of the good, and our justice system has
become so cumbersome and expensive that it is inaccessible to many of our own citizens.” Based
on Justice Strathy’s speech, we can know that the cost for legal system’s procedure is very
expensive and unaffordable for poor. By reducing the price for the procedures of the legal
system, everyone can have the opportunity to take down the crime even if the criminal is
However, update the law system required a lot professionals in this field which is
difficult to recruit and the cost to hire the professionals will be very expensive. Other than that,
the criminal will try to find more legal loopholes to obtain more benefits. Although hiring the
professionals in this field is very expensive, there are still a lot graduates that are going to
become a great leader in the future and they can be trained to become the professionals for the
future. By hiring the graduates, the legal system is not going to be in perfection in short amount
of time. A long process and procedure is needed to produce an effective and detail legal system
as the graduates need to go through many decisions and experience many different situations.
After years, the graduates will surely become the professional required to enhance the legal
system. Our country will have lesser criminal and legal loopholes can be reduce year to year.
In conclusion, improved legal system can reduce the crime rate, prevent crime getting
away from legal charges and provide legal assistance for the non-wealthy people around the

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