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Article Introduction

write an article intro in 2 paragraphs - like a guy who knows 80% English. use very
easy-to-understand English words, and give them nuance. do not use normal AI words,-
“Article Title”

Full Article
1. Use this prompt for “ like a guy who knows 80% English” and correct the grammar after
creating it
2. Rewrite using very easy to understand simple words. Give it nuance. Use conversational
tone 30%

I used the above prompt and create a small article

# Can Dogs Munch on Biscuits?

Have you ever been snacking on a biscuit and seen those big, begging eyes from your dog?
Makes you wonder, can dogs have a bite of my biscuit? Let's dig into it!

## What's in a Biscuit?

Alright, when we talk about "biscuits," what are we meaning? The sweet cookies with your
afternoon tea, those soft rolls at dinner, or the special "dog biscuits"? If we're talking dog
biscuits, well, no problem! They're doggy-approved. But if it's cookies or rolls, we gotta think a
bit more.

## It's All About the Stuff Inside

Here's the thing. It's not about the biscuit itself, it's about what's in it. Some things found in
biscuits might not sit well with dogs. Like chocolate and a certain sweet thing called Xylitol.
These can mess with your dog's tummy and be downright bad news.

Also, biscuits often pack a bunch of sugar and fat. Too much of this stuff can lead to your pup
packing on the pounds and feeling lousy. A dog's meals should be balanced and healthy, and
biscuits often don't meet the mark.

## Don't Go Overboard

Now, even if the biscuit doesn't contain any no-nos, don't go tossing a handful to your dog.
Biscuits aren't a meal replacement. They can be a fun little reward or a training tool. But they
should only make up a tiny part of your dog's diet.
## Biscuits to Avoid

Not all biscuits are created equal. Here are some you definitely shouldn't feed your dog:

- Chocolate biscuits: Chocolate is a big no-no for dogs.

- Biscuits with nuts: Certain nuts, like macadamias, are doggy dangers.
- Biscuits with raisins or grapes: These can cause kidney issues in dogs.
- Biscuits with artificial sweeteners: Specifically Xylitol, which is bad news for dogs.

## Dog-Friendly Treats

Looking for a yummy snack for your dog? There are plenty of safe options. Here are a few:

- Dog biscuits: Tailor-made for dogs, these are a safe bet.

- Carrots: Crunchy and healthy!
- Blueberries: Sweet, tasty, and packed with vitamins.
- Pumpkin: Good for the belly and the taste buds.

So, it's okay to treat your dog to a biscuit now and then. Just make sure it's free from anything
that might harm them. And remember, treats are just that—a treat! They should be just a small
part of your dog's diet. When in doubt about food, check with your vet.

The Result
Now we need to check the content with
Remove the highlighted content and rewrite the words using the same prompt.
Final Result

This prompt only works on chat GPT 4

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