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Education: The Liberating Force

Today I will be discussing education as a liberating force, today I will take you all to
the journey, of my personal experiences and practical solutions of the problems faced
by students especially due to lack of required education The Oxford English
Dictionary defines education as "the process of receiving or giving systematic
instruction, especially at a school or university". This definition, though precise, only
skims the surface of what education truly embodies.

Education, in its essence, is not merely about the acquisition of facts and figures. It is
the cornerstone of freedom, empowerment, and development, both for individuals
and societies. It is a force that liberates the mind from the shackles of ignorance and
prejudice, and a catalyst for unlocking human potential.
I started my journey from a small village school, I always dreamed inside, to see
actually what is taught at big schools , later I joined big school but I find the insistent
was missing , you may be thinking what I am taking about, actually no body make me
realize what is education and why should I get educated .
Some told me education is the way to get job ,some told me world knowledge is not
important ,some told me education makes you slave to do job, but what is education
actually ? I started researching finally I came to a solution through my little canvas.
Education is reality of universe that is we get to know Allah.
Education is financial education if you are financially educated you will not die poor.
Education is the tool to liberate your thinking from narrow thinking.
Education is akin to the artistry of a carpenter, who shapes wood into a beautiful
piece of art.
Education is the reason I am who I am today.
Education is far more than the accumulation of facts and figures; it is the bedrock of
freedom, empowerment, and societal progression.
Education is an ongoing journey, a never-ending process of growth and discovery. As
I bring my thoughts to a close, I encourage each one of you to ponder what education
means to you. Ask yourself, how has education shaped your life, and how can it
continue to liberate you?

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