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// © MANNU


study(title="MANNU MATRIX", shorttitle="MANNU MATRIX", overlay=true)

ShowTrendIndi = input(true, title="Show Trend Indicator")

PACLen = input(50,minval=2,title="EMA ")
src = input(close,title="Source for Wave centre EMA")

// --- CONSTANTS ---

DodgerBlue = #1E90FF

// === /INPUTS ===

// Constants colours that include fully non-transparent option.
lime100 = #00FF00FF
blue100 = #0000FFFF
aqua100 = #00FFFFFF
darkred100 = #8B0000FF

// === SERIES SETUP ===

// Price action channel (Wave)

pacLo = ema(low, PACLen)

pacHi = ema(high, PACLen)

// === /SERIES ===

// === PLOTTING ===


// Show trend direction indication on the bottom

wcolor = high>pacHi and low>pacHi? color.lime : low<pacLo and high<pacLo ? : color.gray
,title="Trend Direction")

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