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Life Orientation

Presented by Karabo Chaka

Topic 1: Navigating through tough

Topic 2: Volunteerism
Topic 3: Gender Based Violence
(Rape Culture)

Topic 4: Subject Choice

Navigating through Seeking Assistance: Speak with loved ones, close friends,
or a support system. Talking to people about your

tough times
thoughts and feelings might help you see things from
another perspective and receive emotional support.

The process of navigating through tough times in life is Solving problems: Determine what exact difficulties
referred as the act of coping and managing with demanding you're having and concentrate on practical solutions. It
or difficult situations. These hard times can manifest in a can help to reduce problems' dominating power by
number of ways, including marriage troubles, health breaking them down into smaller, more doable tasks.
problems, financial strain, personal events, and other severe
burdens. A number of practical, psychological, and
Learning from Difficulties: See difficult circumstances as
emotional coping mechanisms are used to assist people in
chances for development and education. Think back on the
getting through difficult times and ultimately overcoming
experiences you can learn from and how they might
strengthen your resilience.

Sustaining Perspective: Strive to keep a realistic viewpoint

Acceptance: Recognize and come to terms with the and refrain from being overly pessimistic. Reminding
situation as it is. Understanding that obstacles are a part yourself that difficult times pass and things can get better
of life and that accepting them is the first step in coming might be beneficial.
up with solutions is important.
Mindfulness: Practice by focusing on the here and now
without expressing blame. Stress and anxiety can be Navigating through
controlled with the use of mindfulness practices like deep
breathing exercises and meditation. tough times
Volunteerism is the act of individuals dedicating
their time, skills, and energy to contribute to the
well-being of communities or causes without
payment. Volunteers engage in a variety of
activities, ranging from supporting social causes to
environmental initiatives.
Types of volunteerism & why is it
Direct service refers to practical tasks like helping those in need directly, lending a hand, or
taking part in community projects.
Activities that assist organizations in their general operation, such as fundraising, advocacy, and
administrative work, are referred to as indirect service.
Volunteers that are skill-based provide their specialized knowledge and abilities to meet
specific needs in a community or organization.
Virtual volunteering involves volunteers contributing to projects, research, or awareness
campaigns from a distance, frequently via online platforms.
Benefits of Volunteering: Personal Development: Developing one's skills, gaining self-assurance,
and finding a purpose are just a few of the personal growth experiences that volunteers
frequently have.
Community Development: Volunteering helps to solve local needs and create stronger, more
cohesive communities.
Rape culture
definition: rape culture is a culture where sexual violence and abuse is normalised and played down and
laughed off and isn't take as a serious problem
There is a lot of rape culture. It affects every aspect of our speech, thought process, and behavior. Rape
culture is always rooted in sexist ideas, power, and control, even though the circumstances may vary.

The societal environment that normalizes and justifies sexual violence is known as "rape culture," and it is
fostered by the widespread disparities in gender and attitudes toward gender and sexuality. The first step in
destroying rape culture is naming it.

We have the chance to check our thoughts and actions every day for prejudices that allow the culture of
rape to persist. We can all make a difference in the policies we support in our communities and the attitudes
we have toward gender identities.
Examples of victim
Blaming the victim (“She asked for it!”)
Trivializing sexual assault (“Boys will be boys!”)Sexually explicit jokes
Tolerance of sexual harassment
Inflating false rape report statistics
Publicly scrutinizing a victim’s dress, mental state, motives, and history
Gratuitous gendered violence in movies and television
Defining “manhood” as dominant and sexually aggressive
Defining “womanhood” as submissive and sexually passive
Pressure on men to “score”
Pressure on women to not appear “cold”
Assuming only promiscuous women get raped
Assuming that men don’t get raped or that only “weak” men get raped
Refusing to take rape accusations seriously
Teaching women to avoid getting raped
Victim Blaming
One reason people blame a victim is to distance themselves from an unpleasant occurrence and thereby confirm their own
invulnerability to the risk. By labeling or accusing the victim, others can see the victim as different from themselves

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