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Levi Nicole V. Saludes

Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting
BSMA 1-7

Answer the following questions briefly. Use the idea of proponents discussed above.

1. How important are peer groups to socialization? In what ways do they influence individuals
throughout the life course?

Peer groups are the people we usually interact with. And there’s a high

probability that we are greatly influenced by these people, it is not impossible as we

socialize with them a lot of times. They help us cultivate the character, principles, and

values that we believe in throughout our life course. By establishing people the

standards and expectations of a social group, peer pressure gets people ready to take

part in it.

2. Have you ever observed someone experiencing a self-fulfilling prophecy? Explain. If you
have not personally observed this, use an example from the media, books, movies, or TV.

I think I would describe myself as someone who’s experiencing a self-fulfilling

prophecy. I overthink a lot of times no matter what the situation is, and that’s also the

driving force that made me run away from some decisions and/or be wise about it.

Negative thoughts sometimes eat me up, it leads me not to face those challenges

because I’m scared of the “what ifs'” and possibilities. However, as the time goes by, I

am slowly using my anxiety as an opportunity to make better actions. Those possible

worst scenarios that could happen can be avoided as I’ve already thought about it in the

past. So I can be proactive whenever I overthink.

3. Have you ever experienced role strain or role conflict? Describe the different roles and
how they were strained or conflicted. How did you resolve this?
Yes, I think it would be unavoidable to experience these kinds of things in our

society today. Their perceptions and stereotypes are immensely putting pressure on the

things that we do and we all have experienced this ever since we were born, whether we

like it or not. For instance, those times that we were constrained with our actions just

because of our sexual identity. Women are expected to wear clothes traditionally

feminine, according to society, while men are meant to be more assertive. Men are

typically presumed to be confident and tough, whilst women are frequently anticipated to

be understanding and emotional. These are called gender role expectations. And the

only way we can resolve this is to get out of their heads. Break the chains of societal

issues that we should be like this and that. We were imprisoned for how many years

because we want to always satisfy them with what they think of us, and it’s time to stop it

with us.


Identify the correct answer in each statement:

Lewis Morgan 1. He presented the theory of social evolution.

“I” 2. It is what is out there, acting, being spontaneous, doing things in the world. What is it?

Self-Efficacy 3. It is the people’s belief about their capabilities to produce designated levels of

performance that exercises influence over events that affect their lives. What do you call this?
Collective Representations 4. It is the symbols and images that come to represent the ideas,

beliefs, and values elaborated by a collectivity and are not reducible to individual constituents.

What is it particularly?

Generalized others 5. When you have internalized the widespread cultural norms, mores, and

expectations of behaviors, what is it?

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