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For a year and a half, Khalil Rafati lived on the streets, destitute and addicted to heroin.
Rafati said fell into "real homelessness, where your teeth are rotting out of your head and
you have a smell on your body that is so disgusting it is so unbearable."
"The only thing you can do at that point is get high," he said. "And when you're coming
down, pray for death or pray for money for drugs."That was 13 years ago. Today, Rafati is
a multi-millionaire. changed."Once heroin came into the picture, I didn't care," Rafati said.
"There was no fear. There was no anxiety... I literally did not care.”Things got so low for
Rafati, he said, he got into a fight with his girlfriend one night and tried to end his life."I
took everything I had, I put it in a spoon, I drew it up and I shot it," he said, "Hoping to
die."He ended up in the hospital, where he said he was stabilized, released and went right
back to drugs."That's how stupid I was. That's how careless I was," Rafati said. "Cocaine,
crack was introduced to the picture ... now the car is gone, the girlfriend is gone. Every
bridge is burned." Now, Rafati says, he is sober. His fix now is doing daily hot yoga. “I
think the obsession and the addiction have gotten more powerful as the years have gone
by ... channeled into a positive direction," Rafati said. "I'm an addict through and through
and that's never going to change."

A) Scan the article and answer, what drugs was he addicted ?

B) Work in groups of 5 people and discuss following questions. in 3 lines

1. The use of drugs is a bad decision, yes, no and why?

2. Is Rafati a good model to follow, Why ?

3. Is this topic useful for life ?

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