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Aziz Sancar was born in Mardin in 1946. He was born into a poor, crowded family. He had a very
difficult life when he was a child. His parents had no education but considered education important
for their children. He studied in a small town until university. He successfully graduated from medical
faculty of Istanbul University. He did his medical practice in poor conditions. Then, he won Tubitak
scholarship to study biochemistry in the USA. He studied at the University of Texas, Dallas, where he
received his doctorate in 1977. He specialized in DNA repair. He won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in
2015. Now, he is a professor at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. He is married to
Gwen Boles Sancar who also is a professor in biochemistry and biophysics.

Next week, I am going to visit my grandma. She lives in a small town. We are going to have a
picnic in the park together. I am going to make sandwiches, she is going to bake cookies, and she is
going to make her famous apple pie. It will be a fun day. After that, we are going to take a long walk
and enjoy the fresh air. In the evening, I am going to help her with some gardening. I am excited about
the trip, and I am going to spend the whole day with her.

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