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Bahasa Inggeris



1. Tulis nama dan tingkatan pada kertas jawapan anda.
2. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi lima bahagian yang terdiri daripada 38 soalan. Jawab
semua soalan. Baca arahan bagi setiap bahagian dan soalan dengan teliti.
3. Tulis jawapan anda pada kertas jawapan yang disediakan. Anda perlu melengkapkan kertas
jawapan anda dalam masa yang ditetapkan.
4. Sila gunakan pensel untuk menulis jawapan pada kertas jawapan anda.
5. Serahkan kertas jawapan anda kepada pengawas peperiksaan selepas tamat ujian.


A 8

B 8

C 10

D 10

E 4

Total 40

Nama: …….……………………………………………………………………...……...

Tingkatan : __________________________________________
Part 2
Questions 9 – 16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors
For each question, write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Dark ominous clouds loomed in the gloomy skies. A flash of lightning streaked (0) along the
grey sky followed by a distant rumble. Then, a deafening clap of thunder pierced the sky. I
raced outside and grabbed the day's laundry from the clothes line. Mum (9) but Dad were out
of town, so I was to hold the fort till they returned. It (10) were a huge responsibility as I had
never been left on my own before. I was so proud of myself, yet, I was terrified at being left
on my own. As the rain pelted (11) by the roof, I hurriedly locked the windows and doors, as
my parents (12)have instructed me to do so. Then I wrapped a blanket around me as I had
gotten quite cold from being caught in the rain. It was (13) then when I heard a faint
scratching sound at the front door, I could see a dark shadow from (14) beside the gap in the
door. A shiver ran up my spine. I (15) closing my eyes tight and stuffed my pillows to my
ears, I murmured (16) ansilent prayer that the scraping and scratching would go away.
Part 3
Read the text below and answer questions 17 to 24

Mr and Mrs Koo’s Garden

My parents, Mr and Mrs Koo, are proud of their garden. They have 55 bonsai trees

which are over 25 years old. I love watching them sculpt the bonsai trees which they

patiently do once every fortnight. My father says that we need to do it often so that

the trees don’t grow out of shape. Sometimes, they remove the bonsai plants from

their pots to trim their roots. This can be a very messy affair but they insist it is

important so that the roots do not rot.

Other than bonsai plants, there are many fruit trees which thrive under their care. In

the centre of the garden is a 20- year old rambutan tree which my grandfather

planted. Along with rambutan tree, the ciku, pomegranate, and lemon trees also

provide us and our neighbours with may fruits. Sometimes, I help them cover the

fruits with bags to protect them from the birds and squirrels.

My parents’ latest project is a vegetable garden. They plan to grow mint, basil, spring

onions and parsley. Sometimes, I think the garden is too much to maintain but they

say it’s a relaxing pastime and the best stress reliever. Maybe I will join them so that

I can also ease the stress in my life.

Questions 17 – 24
Complete the following table
Choose no more than three words and/or number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided in your answer sheet.

Bonsai plants: Caring for bonsai plants:

(17) Number of plants: (19) _______________________
________________ (20) _______________________
(18) Age of plants:

Benefits of gardening: Fruit trees in the garden:

(21) __________________ (e) rambutan

(22) __________________ (f) ciku

(23) ___________________
(24) ___________________

[ 8 marks ]
Part 4
Read the text below and answer questions 25 to 34.


Bullying is a social problem as it causes harm to the victims. Bullying can happen in school.
It usually starts when a student does things that may hurt another student physically or mentally.
The bully may hit or beat up the victim or use nasty words to frighten the victim.

Why do some students like to bully others? According to school counsellors, some bullies
hurt others to make themselves look tough, while others simply want to get attention. There are
some bullies who may not realise that their behaviour is wrong. Therefore, the counsellors often
talk to the bullies and try to find ways to make them feel good about themselves. They
recommend these bullies to take up games and sports to discipline themselves. After listening to
the advice, some of them get involved in co-curricular activities. When they get to represent the
school in these activities, the bullies will start to feel good about themselves and stop the bullying.

Bullies often target people who are quiet, weak and won’t stand up for themselves. The
victims of bullying often feel scared, sad and unsafe. If these victims are bullied over a long period,
they lose confidence in themselves. They may even end up with mental issues.

Here are a few ways to stop bullying in schools. If someone starts to bully a student, the
student should inform a teacher or a counsellor. Another way is to spend more time with a group
of students. Bullies seldom pick on students who are in a group. Also, the student who is a victim
should be brave for once and tell the bully in the face to stop. After saying that, just walk away.
Bullies are often taken aback by this. Finally, consider taking up self- defence classes like karate
and taekwondo. These classes can help to build up confidence that is lacking in the victims.

Everyone is school should help to get rid of bullying. Put up posters to educate on the
harmful effects of bullying. Only when bullying stops can schools become safer and happier place
for all.
Questions 25-32
Answer the questions below.
Choose no more than five words and /or number from the text for each answer.
25. Bullying is defined as an act where a person hurts another

26. Mental abuse means to _________________________________________ others (1M)

27. What is one suggestion given to make the bullies stop bullying?
___________________________________________________________________ (1M)

28. If a person is bullied for a long time, he or she may lose confidence and even ending up
having ______________________________________________________________( 1M)

29. If a student is bullied, the first thing he or she must do is to _____________________

__________________________________________________________________ (1M)

30. One way that may deter bullies is to surround yourself _________________________
__________________________________________________________________ (1M)

31. Why is it important to take up self-defence classes?

__________________________________________________________________ (1M)

32. It is important to eradicate bullying so that school can be _______________________

________________________________________________________ for students. (1M)
Questions 33-34
Complete the table below with a word from the poster.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Meaning Word
33. aim
34. rarely
Part 5
Questions 35 – 40
You are going to read a newspaper article about sports.
Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences ( A – H) to fit
each gap ( 35 – 40 ) . There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.
For each question, mark the correct answer ( A – H ) on your answer sheet.

Last week, my best friend Kishor celebrated his 15th birthday in Port Dickson. 35.

I thought it was special because his family invited all his friends for an all-expense-paid trip to

a one-night stay at the Lexis Resort. The plan was to meet at his house early in the morning.

36. , we set off in a privately-chartered bus. During the trip to Port Dickson, we

played games and chit-chatted happily. Everyone was excited about this trip, especially Jason

and Lisa as they had never been to Port Dickson 37. before. we did all sorts


exciting activities on land and at sea. Before we got wet, all of us had a try at archery as well


experiencing the “flying- fox “. After that 38. It was fun feeling the ocean wind

and the splashes of sea water hitting our faces every time we hit a wave. Later on, all of us

went snorkelling and had a wonderful time looking at the fish and corals at the marine park.

Later that night after 39. Kishor , we took photos with the birthday boy


and as a group. After that, 40. Kishor . I feel lucky to have been invited to

such a

wonderful birthday party where everyone had so much fun!


A. Once everyone had arrived,

B. we all went for a ride on a banana boat.
C. proceeded to open his presents.
D. On the way there,
E. It was a simple yet special birthday party.
F. went to bed because he was so tired.

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