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According to the Writing Center, in an IMRaD report, the goal of the introduction is to provide the readers an
outline/overview of the literature in the field, show the motivation for your study, and share what unique
perspective your research adds.
• This part makes a case for your research.
• The introduction explains why this research is important.
• Overall, this part of your research paper provides all your readers need to know to comprehend the
scope and purpose of your study.
1. Begin by describing the problem or situation that motivates the research.
2. Move to discussing the current state of research in the field.
3. Then, reveal a “gap” or problem in the field.
4. Finally, explain how the present research is a solution to that problem or gap.
For your research paper, here are the parts you need to include for your introduction:
a. Background of the Study/ Problem
b. Reason for Pursuing the Study
c. Current Situation of the Problem
d. Significance of the Study
e. Statement of the Problem
f. RRL and RRS
Here are the explanation and example for each part:
• This is the first section of the paper and establishes the context underlying the research.
• This section provides relevant background information about the study/problem.
• This part presents a general overview of the field or topic.
According to Enago Academy, you may ask yourself these questions when writing your background.
• Are there any theories, concepts, terms, and ideas that may be unfamiliar to the target audience and
will require you to provide any additional explanation?
• Any historical data that need to be shared to provide context on why the current issue emerged?
• Are there any concepts that may have been borrowed from other disciplines that may be unfamiliar to
the reader and need an explanation?

Here is an example background of a study:

The Role of Technology in Preventing Identity Theft of Michaelean IT Employees and ICS Students

By Marcus J. Luiz, Bertice M. Legaspi and Norman L. Cruz

Grade 10 – Saint Michael

1. Introduction
Identity is identifying one’s personal information such as birth date, family history, and financial

information and so on, to give individuality or credentials to every human being as stated by Davos-Klosters

(2018) in his White Paper “Digital Identity on the Threshold of a Digital Identity Revolution”.

In addition, he states that, there are two classifications of identity existing: physical identity and digital

identity. Physical identity, as the author explains, is a person’s information that may only be obtained through

face-to-face transactions—such as driver’s license, company ID etc.

On the other hand, digital identity allows transactions online, electronic attributes such as biometric

templates, online browsing records, and contact numbers can be obtained. It is also said that digital identity offers

improved functionality for the user.

However, as opposed by DIACC Member Consult Hyperion (2018) in the journal “The Economic Impact

of Digital Identity in Canada” assumed that, “Today digital identity is done often badly”. It is explained that, in

the field of business, the use of password may be neglected because it may just be a waste of time and may only

cause a lot of danger. It has been palpable that digital identity requires a lot of trust to the authorities in order to

have a sense of security in using portable technology.

Hence, responsibility for the people who are accountable for the protection of digital identity is vital. In

order to have a trustworthy world, everyone must avoid inefficiencies, risks, and friction associated with the

system we have today.

Furthermore, almost everyone has and should have an identity. Because identity is not only used for a

person, but it may be also used for organization and electronic devices. DIACC Member Consult Hyperion (2018)
mentioned that “The entire economy is impacted” in terms of having digital identity; there are certain fields such

as Financial services.


• This part presents the key issues that led the researchers’ decision to study the specific problem they
have chosen.


(REASON FOR PURSUING THE STUDY) This proves that there is a danger behind neglecting

identity. "Identity theft is the deliberate assumption of another individual's identity, usually to gain access

to a person's finances or to frame that person for a crime", as the University of Pittsburg (2019). Identity

theft may be done in small and big crimes such as spoofing (sending false message to the victim

impersonating as a trusted source), or phishing (sending emails mimicking a trusted source asking for a

personal identity information). Nevertheless, there is also a gap in the side of technology and its developers

in preventing identity theft.

Primarily, it is done for financial transactions, such as obtaining medical insurance and fraudulent

tax returns that will commonly end in blackmailing or framing up the crime to the victims. In small cases,

it is done for accessing medical history, impersonating persons through fake accounts. According to . .

(Add more readings and study/previous researchers)

• When the readers understands the main issue(s) the researchers presented in the background, they
need to fill the readers in more, specifically, on the current state of the field (in basic research) here in
the Philippines or world.

(CURRENT SITUATION) In the Philippines, Zurbano, J. (2017) discusses in his article “Online identity

theft rises” that Mr. Marni Marcos Jr., acting Director of Anti-Cybercrime Group stated that his office

investigated a total of 555 online scam cases from 2016 up to present. “With increasing number of internet

users there is also an increase in the opportunity for cyber criminals to do their illegal online activities”

stated by Marcos. It is perceived that Philippines are equally prone to the cybercrimes, as it has happened

and is still happening up to now.

Despite these laws and actions not all people and especially Filipinos are aware of this crisis.

Campos, O. (2018) an author at stated that Filipino users must raise awareness on

identity theft and phishing because of the incidence of data breach by Facebook last September 25, 2018;

which victimized 750,000 Filipinos. This statement only proves the fact that, identity crisis it is an

epidemic problem and so people must always protect their identity and be attentive.


• This will spark the readers’ interest in your study.
• This part contains the contribution(s) to and impact of your study on a research field.
• The significance also signals who benefits from the research findings and how.

(SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY) The researcher pursued to study “The Role of Technology in

Preventing Identity Theft of Randomly-Selected Michaelean IT Employees and ICS Students AY 2018-2019”;

this study would not only raise consciousness about identity theft but to also avert it and provide solutions to

other emergent issues related to identity theft.


• This statement explains the issue that needs to be studied.

• This part informs the readers what the researchers aims to investigate about their topic.
• It helps the readers to know the purpose and intent of the research.

(STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM) The study aimed to investigate the role of technology in preventing

identity theft among Michaeleans. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. How can technology prevent identity theft?

2. Why identity theft a common computer fraud?

3) How should a technology-user prevent identity theft?

To access the complete example of the introduction, you may go here:

LINK: https://studentsmcledu-
Enago Academy (2022, May 3). What Is Background in a Research Paper?.
Elsevier. (n.d.). What is a Problem Statement? [with examples]. https://scientific-
The University of British Columbia. (n.d.). IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion).
The Writing Center. (n.d.). Writing a Scientific Research Report (IMRaD).
Wordvice. (2022, August 6). How to Write the Background of the Study | Examples.

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