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Assessment Nursing Scientific Planning Implementation Rationale Evaluation

Diagnosis Background
Subjective data: Emergency After 8 hours of  Admitted a 29  To gave After 8 hours
 “Naut-ot Acute pain CS nursing years old, birth safely of nursing
paylang related to interventions, the female for for the baby interventions,
atuy abdominal patient pain will emergency CS the patient’s
nagdaitan incision Abdominal be relieved and pain was
da ittuy secondary to incision and controlled.  Assisted and  To lessen relieved or
tiyan ko” surgery. uterine proper the pain she controlled.
as incision positioning was
verbalized done suffering
by the
patient. Acute pain on  Evaluate pain  Provides
abdominal regularly information
Objective data: wound. noting about need
 Patient characteristics, for or
looks pale location, and effectiveness
 Facial intensity (0- of
expression 10)
of the
patient is
in pain  Recommend  Promotes
planned or return of
 BP – progressive normal
130/80 exercise function and
mmHg enhances
 PR – 76 feelings of
bpm general
 RR- 20 well-being.
 TEMP:  Schedule  Prevents
36.7 adequate rest fatigue and
degrees periods. conserves
Celsius energy for
 02 STAT: healing.

 Encourage use  Relieves

of relaxation muscle and
technique like emotional
deep breathing tension.

 Administer
pain reliever  To relieve
medicine for the pain she
the patient. was feeling

Submitted to: Mrs. Fritchy P. Forneas, RN

Submitted by: Rey Lourence G. Halagao

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