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The Magic Pot

Cue Card 1

Narrator : Once upon a time, there lived a farmer named Gopi. One day farmer Gopi
went to his field unhappily that day because even though it was summer,
his field was still not yielding any crops.

Gopi : Huh…. My field has not yielded any crops today either! What am I going to
do now?! If I don’t deliver crops to the kingdom, I’m gonna be in trouble!

Narrator : One day, just as Gopi was about to give up digging on his barren field, his
shovel hit a hard object.

Gopi : Huh?! What is that?

Narrator : As he continued digging, he realized that a pot.

Gopi : What’s a pot doing in my field? And it’s empty inside! Huh…

Narrator : Gopi was very unhappy that he had spent so much effort with no reward.
He dropped his hoe in the pot and lay under a tree to rest.

Cue Card 2

Narrator : After a while, when Gopi wanted to take his hoe to return home, he
realized that there were 100 more hoes in the pot.

Gopi : What? How can this happen? I only had one hoe?!

Narrator : Gopi emptied the pot full of hoes and this time, put shovel in it but what is
that? Another 100 shovels immediately appeared in the pot.

Gopi : or is it this pot…. A magic pot? Who would have thought!

Narrator : Gopi was both amazed and thrilled. He brought the pot straight to his
house. He excitedly tried a chicken egg in the pot. Soon the pot was over
flow with eggs.

Gopi : Ha….Ha..Ha.. ha…. I can’t believe my eyes.

Narrator : Then he put his apple and bread in the pot. The magic pot gave Gopi
hundreds of apples and bread.
Gopi : Now I don’t have to deal with this barren field! I can sell this multiplied
products in the kingdom market.
Cue Card 3

Narrator : Everyday Gopi took the pot’s multiplied goods to the kingdom and tried a
new product everyday! One day clothes, the next day vegetables and
another day beans.
Whatever he put in the magic pot it multiplied. Other sellers were jealous of
his success and complained about Gopi to a soldier of king.
The next day, the soldier secretly followed Gopi. Gopi took the magic
pot that morning and put a chick in the pot to sell to the kingdom market. A
little later, hundreds of chicks came out of the pot. The soldier couldn’t
believe his eyes. Hundreds of chicks running around Gopi’s house. One
accidentally fell in the pot producing another hundred chicks.
Gopi even had a chick on his head, under his chair and dinner plate.
The soldier immediately went and told the king what he had seen. The
king ordered Gopi and his magic pot be brought to him immediately. Gopi
went before the king and the king confiscated the pot from him for the king
treasure. Gopi was very upset.

Cue Card 4

King : Let me take a closer look at his magic pot that will enrich my wealth.

Narrator : The king approached the magic pot and bent down into it.

Gopi : My king be careful, please!

Narrator : But just then, the king slipped and he could not keep his balance and fell
right into the pot.

Gopi : Oh noo! The king has fallen into the cauldron! Oh ooo…
Cue Card 5

Narrator : In just a few minutes, 100 more of the king had formed in the hall. The
soldiers were confused about who to obey. The kings were fighting each
other for throne, each claiming to be the real king.

King 1 : I am the real king.

King 2 : No.. I am the real king.

King 3 : No.. it’s the real king!

King 4 : When Gopi realized how dangerous the magic pot could be, he sneaked
out of the palace during the confusion and took his pot with him. He went
straight to a cliff and threw the magic pot off the cliff. The pot disintegrated
into pieces and disappeared, from that day on Gopi’s field began to grow
crops once again and Gopi understood that the land became fertile not by
magic but by labour and he lived in wealth forever.

Cue 6

Narrator : This story conveys a strong message that no one should be envious of
anyone and should always remain happy with what they have and there is
no shortcut to succeed in life. Hard work is definitely the key to success.

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