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1- It is a book written by Rupert Morgan for educational purposes.

this book tells the story of a young Irishman who wants to join America but does not have any
money he passes more illegal means. This happened during Prohibition in the 1920s, when
drinking and selling alcohol were illegal. So he goes to work for Owney Madden, a famous
gangster who held a buisness in alcohol. It also tells the story of the prince of England, in search
of a new adventure that wishes to have fun and be free. It helps students understand more about
this era through characters like these.

2- Bootlegger : refers to a liquor smuggler. Appeared during the American Civil War, the term is
also used for smugglers during the prohibition period that had developed in the United States and

3- The young Irish boy named Patrick Bailey, is on a boat on his way to the United States. On
this boat there is alcohol that will be sold to gangs in the United States. This is an illegal alcohol
entry. Patrick is anxious when they meet another boat and the guy that welcome him on his boat
take a gun. But everything and well regarding the fact that they are on international sea and they
can not be arrested.


1- McCoy packed bottle in sack instead of wooden crates because it is easier to handle. He also
put salt with it because with it the sacks will drown and by the time de Coast Guards arrived
there is no alcohol left so everyone is innocent.

2- Because Saint Pierre and Miquelon is an island very close to the state of New York but is
under French legislation so alcohol is allowed.

3- The police is looking for him that is why he took the job on the ship named the Galway Rose


1- Patrick Bailey

2- Prince Edward of England

3- Speakeasies are type of American clandestine bass, particularly prevalent during Prohibition.


1- By the sea or by the roads but roads are more dangerous because the Prohibition agents strops
trucks on the highway.

2- Because McCoy thougth Pat was going to need a job and figured out he could work for Mr

1-It was put in danger by some barmen in speakeasies that thought Einstein was not a real
Prohibition agent.

2- ''The Killer'' and ''The Duke Of The West Side''

3- Izzy Einstein was a successful Prohibition agent. He told the truth about who he was as soon
as he walked into a speakeasy. But the owners and drinkers thought he was joking and welcomed
him in with roaring laughter because they didn't think someone could be so stupid.

4- He was very powerful but less famous just because he was more intelligent to not draw
attention to him or his buisness


1- Pat had to retrieve the bottles from the given addresses and load them into the truck

2- The gin was for the speakeasies, but it was a dangerous alcohol if it was not well made.


1- He wanted to meet pat because he had heard of him by the man who had welcomed Pat on his
boat to make the crossing and that according to his sources he had the skills sought by Madden


1- Because he is wanted by the Brtish governement

2- Pat's skills were interesting because back in Ireland he used to fight for Ireland Independence
and he used to kill people so he knows how to do this kind of job and Madden wants to crush the
Italian gangs






1- Pat decided he didn’t want the job because he didn’t want to be a killer.

2-Madden offered him a more honest job while thinking that later Pat would definitely want to
change his mind.

1- It takes place a party hosted by the British Consulate at New York

2- He meets Franklin Roosevelt, Mrs Wallis Spencer of San Diego


1- Prince Edward went to a speakeasy. He met a lady called Texas Guinan. He learned that she
manages several buisness.

2- The other person who was present was Pat and when he knew that Prince Edward was in
speakeasy because Texas Guinan announced it, he wanted to take the opportunity to kill him to
venge the honour and defend the values of his country


1- So he decided to come forward to the prince to kill him with the gun that madden had given
him before and that he had kept in his coat but the police arrived when Pat was standing in front
of the future king so he could not kill him. But no one saw him so he didn’t get caught

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