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We, JOSE NOEL C. RAMIREZ, of legal age, Fi.4Rino, a resident of 83 L9

Cattleya St. Camella Classic Subd. Better Living Paranaque City, an~ the General
Manager of GRUPPO EMS , INC. located at .Lot 102 West Avenue Laguna
Technopark Annex Dinan, Laguna; and MA. ~ .'J'. VILLANUEVA of legal age,
Filipino, a resident of Blk 2 lot Mt. Claire Village San _Rafael Sto. Tomas, Batangas
and the appointed/design ated 'Pollution Control Officer (PCO) of GRUPPO
EMS,IRC., after being sworn to in accordance with law; do hereby depose and say
that: ·

1. We undertake 1to perform the following duties and responsibilities:

a) To ensure compliance with ,th~ re~~~en\s of Pr~idenilitl Decree 1586,
Republic Act (RA) 6969, RA 8749, RA 9003, RA 9275, their respective
implementing rules and regulations, and other pertinent rules and
regulations including Board Resolution 1996..33 for establishments
under the Laguna de Bay Region·where ·approl)riate; · ·
b) To identify and/ or cause the identification of significant environmental
aspects and impacts of the establishment's 'op'e rational activities and
recommend possible mitigatihg measures ·in' the •foimulation'/ preparation
and/or ·review of the Environtnental ·Mana'.gemen't Plan and Contingency
Plan; - ' . -
J if i'' f) '

c) To attend to and/ or cause the securing of all permitting and registration

requirements'• of the establishment prior · to the construction or
installation of pollution conttoi: ·facilities including, but riot limited to,
securing bf necessary pen:nits·and renewal the:reof;1 •
'' • ' ' ' ' I

.~) ':\'Q ensure the p:i;~per performanqe, operation, and maintenance of

environmental management facilities or systems of the establishment
• 1 such as •the following:

• Wastewater treatment facilities

• 'Air pollution control devices referred 't o iri D'ENR Administrative Order
(DAO) 12000-03 .
• Hazardous· ·waste management storage areas (permanent or
temporary) ·
• ,Solid waste .~egregation/man agement facilities(i.e. , MRFs, sanitary
landfills, composting facilities, ietc.) .
• EJ:1.v ronmental.-~onit oring devices such as the Continuous Emission
Monitoring Systems, Air Monitoring Stations·, effluent flow
metering/measur ing devices, groundwater monitoring wells, and
other e11,vironmental monitoring devices; - -
e) To ensure that hazardous waste disposed 'offsite are covered by a
hazardous waste manifest, duly signed by the transporter and Treatment,
Storage,. and Disposal ,(TSD) facility; and with corre,sponding Certificate of
Treatment (COT) duly signed by .tb,e iSD facility. Copies of -the signed
hazardous waste manifest and COT shall be submitted to the concerned
EMB Regional Office in accordance with DAO 2004-36;
f) To ensure that transport vehicles are properly operated and maintained
(applicable only f~r ? ~~o:u~ w~stes tr,a psporter);
g) To ensure that hazardous wastes TSD are properly operated and
maintained (applicable only for hazardous wastes TSD facility);
r ~

h) To monitor and/ or cause compliance to the requirements specified in the

Environmental Compliance Certificate and the commitments stipulated
in . the Environmental Management antl Monitoring Plans or
Environmental Performance· ~eport and Management Plans, and report
the same in the Compli~ce Monitoring Report (CMR);
i) To. monitor and/or cause the monitoring of activities -pertaining'to·the
installation or construction of pollution source and control facilities to
ensure compliance with the National Emission Standards for Source
SpeGific Air Pollutants and National Ambient Air Quality Standards and
report monitoring results to the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources·(DENR) as part of the SMR;'
j) To monitor and/ or cause the monitoril:;l.g of activities pertaining to the
OP,eration and mainten~ce of pollution control facilities to ensure
compliance with the Eftl4-ent Standards ~d report monitoring results to
DENR as part of the SMR;
k) To' monit<>r and/or cause '$e monito$.g of the use of chemicals,
.especially those listed under the pri<>rity Chenµcals List (PCL) and those
, ~th Chemical c;:ontrol Or~ers . ,(G90) and ,the generati()n of solid and
hazardous wastes. Monitoring data shall be submitted as part of the
SMR and the PCL Compliance Certificate;
1) To. monitor and/or cause .1 the , monitoring of the importation or
, , .distribution !Jf ch~cals, esP,ecially those listed under the PCL and those
with CCO and the generation of solid and hazardous w~~tes. Monitoring
data shall be submitted as part of the SMR and the PCL Compliance
Certificate·(applicable only for importers or distributors of chemicals);
' ' '
m) T~ promptly submit and/ or cause the submission of duly accomplished,
signed, and validated CMRs and SMRs;
~). Jq 1:i:epo~ and/ or cause .the i;eyorting _within ~enty-four ~24~ hours from
the occurrence of any of the following enVIronmental mc1dent to the
c,oJ~~emed EMB Reg!.onal. Office and the Laguna Lake Development
Authority· (LLDA) , as the~ case may be:
• ·'Breakdown ·lof any pollution source and/or control facility or
monitoring instruments; or
• Releases (e.g. leaks, spills, etc.) of chemicals er hazardous wastes
(listed in Annex 1 ofiDAO 20AA-BB as well as · the Priority List of
Hazardous Substances as published by ·the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry of the"' Department ,of Health &
Human Services of the United States of America) to environmental
media; ·
o) To report and/ or cause the reporting within twenty-four (24) hours from
securing of the results of laboratory analysis or from onlirte monitoring
instruments any exceedance to effluent and/or emission standards;
p) To submi t and/ or cause the submi ssion to the Pollut ion Adjud
Board / LLDA Public Hearin g Comm ittee copy of the SMR duly receiv
al Office /LLDA (applic able only for
by the concer ned EMB Region
establ ishme nts with pendin g case);
q) To attend and/ or cause appea rance of respon sible person
nel in techni cal
confer ences, hearin gs, and meetin gs especi ally on matte rs pertain ing
pollut ion cases of the establ ishme nt;
r) To keep oursel ves abreas t with the requir ement s of the DENR;
s) To coordi nate regula tory progra ms and activit ies with
city/ provin cial/ munic ipal govern ments (if applic able);
t) To initiat e and intens ify and/o r cause initiat ion/in tensifi cation
enviro nment al manag ement activit ies includ ing aware ness campa
within their organi zation ; and
u) To partic ipate and/or cause partici pation in multi- partite monit
team activit ies and meetin gs, where applic able

and to
2. We are execu ting this affidav it to attest to the forego ing statem ents,
to DAO
compl y with the DENR requir ement s for PCO accred itation pursu ant
2014- 02.


Done this __day of _ _ _ in_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Affian t

1 2 2028
CITY OF ~ ~ E D AND SWOR N to before me this _da y oPEC
their Passp ort
_ _ _ _ _ _ , affian ts person ally appea red before me exhibi ting
and Licens e
Licens e / ID No. Issued on/at
N 14-81 -0144 57 Septe mber 13, 2033
Jose Noel Ramir ez
P3195463C DFA Batangas
Ma. Irene Villan ueva

Notary Public
Doc. No. t/lf Y. B!NSD IOTO I JOii
Notary Publlo for the Oily~ ihi, ~eig
Page N o . I ; UntH Otcernb ■r 31, 2023
Book No. Notaria l Comml11lon A.N,e, No, 0047-S RCL
Series of -1- - 2F Cardl■z Building, PNrl Road,
SRCC, Ballbago, Sta. Rosa City Laguna
~LE Compllance No. Vll-0025591 . 01 16 23
R ~o. 4568782; 01.03.23; Sta. R~sa ·cit.
IBP Lifetime No. 011555· 02.11 2013 y
Roll No. 43868 ' .

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