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Topic 1.

viết tin nhắn ngắn mời bạn thân tới dự sinh nhật

Hi John! How’s it going? I’d like to invite you to my birthday party on next Tuesday at Rio
Restaurant. It would be great to have you there to share in the joy on this special day. Please let
me know if you can join as soon as possible. If you have any questions or need help with
anything, don't hesitate to reach out. Looking forward to seeing you there!


There is no denying the fact that excessive screen time has become a major concern. This
addiction to technology is adversely affecting the health and mental well-being of young
individuals. Consequently, parents should strictly limit the amount of screen time their
teenagers spend on these electronic devices.

Spending too much time on screens is not good for your health. Excessive use of smartphones,
social media, and video games can lead to obesity, eye strain, headaches, sleep disorders,
anxiety, depression, and stress. Moreover, it can impact social skills and hinder communication
skills, which are crucial for their future.

Parents must be vigilant and set strict rules for their children's screen time, ideally limiting it to
two hours per day. Encouraging outdoor activities, hobbies, and face-to-face communication can
help develop social and communication skills. By doing so, they are safeguarding their
children’s physical and mental well-being and ensuring that their children become responsible
digital citizens.

Topic 3:

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