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Name: Pamela A. Ayoso Course:BSED Yr.&Sec.

: 3-A




 Application

Make a web of the important events in the story, Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan. Add more
boxes if necessary.
 Assessment

Choose an admirable character from Pilgrim’s Progress and list the qualities that you admire best
from him/her. Make a brief discussion of your answer

I choose Faithful, because his name is a precious and a sacred. Based on his role in the story, his
the one who encourage his friend to have faith in God. He's just a guy who, like Christian, escapes his
past and pursues the straight and narrow path of Christianity. Righteous, ridiculed, tortured, and finally
burnt at the stake, Faithful lives up to his name and is the martyr of The Pilgrim's Progress—the one who
suffers and dies for what he believes in. The devotion of Faithful has to his religion is evident when we
first see him, as he is unwilling even to slow down and let Christian catch up with him. As the two share
their stories of the way so far, having both come from the same town, it becomes clear that Faithful's
earnestness is at least equal to Christian's. His resistance to Wanton, Adam the first, and Moses differ
from Christian's encounters, but you might say that this represents the variety of obstacles one can face
on such a journey.

 Enrichment Activity (To Do)

Write a reflection based on the story of any part of the Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan. What
is the implication of the story in today’s situation?
The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan, is an allegory about the idea of Christian salvation. In the
novel, Bunyan chronicles the journey of a pilgrim named Christian who travels from the City of
Destruction to the Celestial City. He narrates about Christian whom faces distractions, challenges, and
perils at every turn of the way. But ends victorious, with helpful guides, as he stays on the narrow path
to the distant Celestial City. I know his journey is difficult, but finds victory in the end of all his
sacrifices, with helpful guides together with his friends. Like most of Bunyan’s works, he writes about
God and His love, healing, mercy, and grace. Bunyan also writes about having faith and following God,
against all odds. His life was full of trouble based on what he wrote about, but that he didn’t stop. He
knew that the only way to get peoples attention to try and help them with their life after death was to
capture his audience through his writing talent. Bunyan’s talent develped with event that occurred in his
life and his writing became stronger and deeper than what it was previously.

There is something I could also learnt about the story's characters since it gives me some clear
roles in the story. While reading about each character's role in the story, I realized that not everyone in
my environment is capable of making my journey a success. As a result, I must be wary of what Christian
and Christiana did. Well, the character's distinct role teaches me the proper attitude in life, which brings
me closer to the Prince (Jesus). And, I am blessed with a wonderful and accurate plot description. It
transports me to the world of the story. That is why I can sense the heroic adventure and am inspired to
continue my journey to the Celestial City. Furthermore, the story is unique in that it relates to real
spiritual life. Well, it gives me a good and focused perspective on the real lives of believers, such as
dealing with problems and growing in Christ's like character. It also aids my understanding of God's will
for each Christian's journey. The belief that God always gives each believer a different portion based on
their ability and willingness.

As a reader, I believe God will guide me along His paths. Whatever difficulties I am facing or happening
today, God gives me hope through this book. This book has provided me with a better solution that is in
accordance with God's will and guidance of Him.

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