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College Of Education
Estancia, Iloilo

UNIT 1: General Concepts and STS Historical Developments

Lesson 1: Historical antecedents in which social considerations changed the course of Science
and Technology.
Lesson 2: Intellectual Revolutions that Defined Society
Lesson 3: Science and Technology and Nation Building

Science and Technology have created an undeniable impact on society influencing
people’s lives and way of living. There might be several misconceptions and negative
contributions, but we still cannot deny the fact that the advent of technology and scientific
discoveries manage to fix various dilemmas and problems that exist coercively.
As a pre-service teacher, it is salient to create a positive impact with the existence and
use of science and technology to our career and to the society.



Learning Objectives:
At the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the general concepts of STS
2. Know the development of STS in the old ages and the modern era.

Understanding the General Concepts of STS

Science is our way of understanding the world – its wondrous structure, natural events,
interrelated elements and systems, and processes. It is an exciting and, at the same time, a
useful endeavor that benefits our community and society at large. During the past decades,
another salient goal of science is to find a way to responsibly and ethically use natural
resources to guarantee their continuity and that of humanity itself; an endeavor and advocacy
that is referred to as ‘sustainability’ (Alata and Alata, 2023).
Science is the methodical pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of
the natural and social worlds using evidence-based techniques. The word Science is derived
from the Latin word ‘scientia’, which means ‘knowing’. It’s a methodical and systematic
process of accumulating and organizing knowledge about how the universe works through
observation, experimentation, or both (Calimlim, 2023).

College Of Education
Estancia, Iloilo
In its broad definition, technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the
practical aims of human life or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of
the human environment (Britannica, 2024).
Moreover, it is concerned with figuring out how information is creatively applied to well-
organized tasks involving people and equipment to achieve long-term goals. Technology’s
importance and influence in our personal and professional lives are developing all the time.
Understanding how people shape technology and how technology shapes people’s interactions
with each other and the natural world is important not only for those who research, develop,
and implement new technologies but also for everyone who has to use those technologies in
their professional and personal lives (Calimlim, 2023).
Science and technology play an important role in your day-to-day activities. It inspires
people to take on complicated activities and allows them to do more with less effort and time.
The advancements seen are not the only outcome of people’s ingenuity or a one-time cycle of
thought; they are frequently the consequence of gradual changes to prior works from diverse
eras of time.
Thus, STS, or Science, Technology, and Society is an interdisciplinary field of study that
seeks to explore and understand the many ways that modern science and technology shape
modern culture, values, and institutions, and how modern values shape science and
technology. STS examines how science and technology emerge, how they enter society, how
they change through social processes, and how society changes in response to science and
technology (NC University, 2024).
In so doing, the Science, Technology, and Society program is the place where science
and technology are examined with the tools of philosophy, history, sociology, anthropology,
and cultural studies. It equips students to understand where science and technology come
from, how they changed over time, how they are embedded in society, and how they in turn
affect society. In STS, students explore what scientists do, how this sometimes differs from
what they say they do, and how scientific findings impact various publics. STS considers the
question of what counts as science, and how science is different from other forms of knowing.
Whether the public, at large trusts or mistrusts, science can have grave consequences for
both. With its interdisciplinary approach to studying science in society, STS prepares students
to work across disciplines and different ways of knowing and to build bridges between them
(Media and Technology Studies-University of Alberta, 2024).
Given the above definition, Calimlim (2024) defined STS as an interdisciplinary
discipline that analyzes the conditions under which scientific knowledge and technical systems
are produced, distributed, and used, as well as the effects of these activities on various groups
of people. STS draws on science and technology, history and philosophy, sociology and
anthropology, policy analysis, and cult studies.
In addition, STS is based on all disciplines which influence the techniques of analysis

College Of Education
Estancia, Iloilo
The Development of STS in the Old Age and the Modern Era
The urge to improve people’s quality of living is the driving force behind this ongoing
growth. Over three historical periods, you will learn how science and technology influenced
and molded social settings. Through the introduction of historical antecedents of science and
technology, this investigates the complicated relationships between numerous social forces
and science and technology.
Historical science and technology backgrounds are then factors that paved the way for
today’s complex and sophisticated breakthroughs in science and technology. In today’s
evaluation of such breakthroughs, knowledge of science and technology history is beneficial.
By understanding how earlier generation were affected by scientific and technological
achievements, today’s generations will be able to make informed decisions on how science
and technology should be applied in everyday life.
Transportation and navigation, communication and record-keeping, mass
manufacturing, safety and protection, as well as hygiene, aesthetics, and architecture were all
important in ancient times. People desired to go places and discover new vistas at the period,
so transportation was crucial. They moved in search of food and better locations for their
settlements. They even traveled in exchange for products they needed to sell their excess
merchandise. Navigation aided them on their excursions to far-flung corners of the globe.
Communication was also crucial in their attempts to explore and occupy new locations.
To increase trade and avert future wars, they needed a way to interact with the residents the
areas they were visiting. They needed to keep track of where they’d gone and what
transactions they’d made with each other, so record-keeping was essential.
Exploration and the formation of new partnerships with other tribes have both been
aided by guns and armors. When people met with others of different cultures and
orientations, there was a risk of confrontation. Conflicts were attractive, especially when
cultures and orientations were at odds.
Several ailments and disorders, both natural and man-made, hampered a person’s full
potential. Science and technology have aided in the discovery of therapies for, if not the
prevention of, many diseases.
People moved into what is now known as the engineering sector to combine their
objectives for improved transportation, the creation of systems to fight against human attacks
and natural disasters, and the construction of larger and stronger infrastructures.
During the ancient time, elaborate architectural constructions served as indicators of a
civilization’s technological progress. In future generations, architecture will be considered as
status symbol among nations, indicating how advanced their technology is. This can also help
define a country’s identity.
People in ancient times were able to discover and invent things that would undoubtedly
touch the lives of present people.
In this module, you will learn about the ancient technological advancement like the
Sumerians, Babylonians, and Egyptians, as well as some of the first civilization achievements
of the latter. It describes how the information has been applied incrementally till now.

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Estancia, Iloilo
Ancient, Middle, and Modern Ages

Ancient Period
Cuneiform. One of the Sumerian’s most important accomplishments was the creation
of the earliest writing system known as cuneiform. It’s a gadget that uses word
representations and triangular symbols that are carved on clay with wedge implements and
dried. Cuneiform allowed the Sumerians to record important historical events as well as their
daily lives.
Wheel. Due to complex technologies needed to make the wheel already accessible, the
Sumerians were ablet o invent it later in their history. The early wheels were not intended for
transportation but rather to mass production using the wheel and axle. Farmers were able to
grind grain in less time and with less labor than before.
Paper of Papyrus. The discovery of a paper or papyrus is Egypt was a significant step
forward. Papyrus was a plant that grew abundantly along the Nile River in Egypt. They were
able to turn the plant into tiny sheets that could be used to jot down notes. Papyrus was
easier to transport and store than clay tablets because it was lighter and thinner.
Hieroglyphics. The Egyptians, like the Sumerians, developed a symbol-based writing
system known as hieroglyphics. Some argue that hieroglyphics evolves from Mesopotamia’s
early writing system, which was established as a result of trade between civilizations. The
Egyptians claimed that it was their gods gave them this writing system. Hieroglyphics was a
language that communicated the ancient Egyptian’s history and culture to the modern world.
Their papers were well-preserved since they were carved into Egyptian pyramid walls and
other significant monuments.
Watermills. Watermills were regarded as one of the world’s greatest gifts by Greek
culture. They were commonly employed in agricultural activities.
Newspaper. Newspaper is one of the Roman’s greatest contributions. People’s report
of the Roman empire was published in the earliest articles known as gazettes.
Codex. With the invention of paper, civilizations were able to record everything that
occurred throughout their period. Civilizations were fond of maintaining records, particularly of
past occurrences and newly enacted legislation. The first books or codexes, were produced by
the ancient Roman Empire, with papyrus pages tied together and coated with animal leather.

Medieval Period
PRINTING PRESS. After the invention of woodblock printing by the Chinese, a more
efficient method of printing using cast type, Johann Gutenberg was able to invent the printing
press. He employed wooden machinery to extract fruit juices, attach a metal letter impression
to them, firmly press the cast metal into a piece of paper, and then make a precise impression
on paper.
MICROSCOPE. Significant migration and urbanization have occurred through this time
as a result of growing number of immigrants. Individuals are increasingly flocking to filthy,
congested urban areas, resulting in an increase in number of people becoming ill and needed
medical attention. To determine the needed medications for ailments, experts must first

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Estancia, Iloilo
understand the issue through an examination. They needed an instrument that could magnify
items that were too small to see with the naked eye. Zacharias Janssen was able to develop
the first compound microscope using the same methods that he used to develop eyeglasses.
TELESCOPE. The invention of the telescope, an optical equipment that aids in the
viewing of distant objects, has been extremely beneficial to navigators. The high demand for
maritime improvement due to vast and barren waters that separated kingdoms, ship
commanders needed to see far and wide to navigate or avoid danger at sea.
WAR WEAPONS. The Middle Ages saw an increase in the number of conflicts the
reason why gun technology has advanced significantly. All forces must develop weapons that
can be used not only offensively but also for defense. For open-area wars, people constructed
cross bows and long bows so they could attack the enemy at long ranges while remaining
sheltered by walls and fortifications.
MODERN PERIOD PASTEURIZATION. People must develop better production methods
to suit the population’s needs, and food security and safety have become a concern. The issue
of keeping processed food from decaying was greater with dairy products, particularly milk,
because they degraded more quickly. To prevent illness such as diptheria and food poisoning,
such things had to be consumed relatively immediately after delivery. Louis Pasteur, a French
Biologist, Microbiologist, and a Chemist, discovered a solution the problem. He invented
pasteurization, a method of heating dairy products to kill unwanted germs and make them
more prone to spoilage.
PETROLEUM REFINERY. The supply of animal oils could not keep up the demand. As a
solution to that, Samuel M. Kier developed kerosene by refining petroleum. Since it was first
used to give home illumination, kerosene was later dubbed “illuminating oil”. After a period of
time, it was used for heating reasons. The petroleum refinery industry began with the
manufacturing of kerosene.
TELEPHONE. The more individuals met through trade and discovery, the more they
desired a method to keep these connections safe and converse in real time. Governments also
needed some kind of communication technology to help them better run their states. Day-to-
day choices must be discussed and resolved as quickly as feasible. As a result, Alexander
Graham Bell’s development of the telephone was one of the most significant at the time.
CALCULATOR. A calculator had previously been created, and current conditions
necessitated a faster method of solving more complex problems. Since computing tools are
utilized on a daily basis, they must be simple to use. Modern calculators not only cleared the
door for easier arithmetic calculations, but they also generated more complex processing

In the Philippines
Filipinos have become accustomed in converting transportation vehicles into something more
useful. Adding a sidecar to a vehicle, making it into a tricycle with more passengers to handle,
is an example of conversion of American Military jeeps used in World War II to jeepneys.

College Of Education
Estancia, Iloilo
Salamander Amphibious Tricycle. During the rainy season, flooding is a common
occurrence in many places of the world. The streets are quite difficult for tricycles to navigate.
Victor Llave and his team at H2O technologies were able to solve the problem by developing
the salamander. This can also be used to go from island to island since the Philippines is an
Salt Lamp. Aisa Mijeno, a young scientist from the Philippines, built a lighting
apparatus that made use of a plentiful resource in the Philippines – the seawater. Shw was
the creator of the Sustainable Alternative Lighting (SALt) Lamp, a light source that is both
functional and does not release toxic gases. Apart from people who live near the coast, it can
also aid people who live in remote places since they may produce their own saltwater by
mixing two tablespoons of salt with a glass of tap water.
Medical Incubator. High infant mortality rates are a serious problem in the Philippines.
One reason for this difficulty in the 20th century was the shortage of incubators due to a lack
of resources and energy, especially in rural areas. Dr. Fe del Mundo, a Physician from the
Philippines and the first Asian woman admitted to Harvard Medical School, created an electric-
free medical incubator using locally available materials. Dr. del Mundo constructed the
incubator by encasing a native laundry basket inside a larger one. Hot water bottles were put
between baskets and an improvised cowl to promote ventilation and facilitate oxygen
circulation. Its main goal was to keep newborn, usually a preterm baby, under safe settings.
Mosquito Ovicidal/Larvicidal Trap System. The Mosquito Ovicidal/Larvicidal Trap
System, commonly known as OL Trap, was introduced in 2010 by the Institute for
Development of Science and Technology-Industrial Technology (DOST-ITDI). The said
mosquito trap was made out of naturally occurring components that were deadly to mosquitos
yet harmless and to the environment.
E-Jeepney. Jeepney ruled the Philippine streets and was the principal mode of
transportation for the majority of Filipinos. Nonetheless, the diesel-powered jeepney creates
massive amounts of black smoke and is the major contributor to noise pollution due to its poor
exhaust system. To remediate such issue, the electric jeepney (E-Jeepney) was created.
Rather than the more expensive fuel, this innovative mode of transportation relies on
electricity. It is environmentally friendly since it does not emit smoke or noise.

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Estancia, Iloilo


DIRECTION: Make a graphic organizer with pictures and descriptions regarding technological
contributions on each era: ancient period, medieval period, and in the Philippines.

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Estancia, Iloilo


Learning Objectives:
At the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
1. Know the different revolutions that defined society.
2. Identify the individuals responsible for defining society.

In the understanding what happened during the scientific revolution, one must consider
a numerous individual whose ideas challenged and questioned the established theories and
concepts of the day – the reality of their time. Throughout history, scientists have been
inspired by curiosity, critical thinking, and invention to examine the physical and natural world.
Their enthusiasm for science stems from a profound desire to learn and discover new things,
scientists aren’t motivated by a desire for fame and honor. They’re just regular people going
about their daily lives.

A. Copernican
The father of modern astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish astronomer. He was the
first modern European scientist to propose the Heliocentric Theory of the Universe, according
to which the Earth and other planets orbit the sun. Most ancient thinkers and biblical writers
believed that Earth was at the center of the universe before the publication of his principal
astronomical treatise, “Six Books Concerning the Revolutions of the Heavenly Orbs,” in the
year 1543. Moreover, to correctly postulating the sequence of the known planets from the sun
and the estimating their orbital periods pretty accurately, Copernicus postulated that Earth
rotated daily on its axis and that gradual modifications in this axis accounted for the changing

B. Darwinian
Charles Darwin is pivotal in the development of scientific and humanist beliefs. He was
the first to proposed the idea of evolution by natural selection in ‘On the Origin of Species’,
published in 1859 and is still widely considered as the best possible explanation for how life on
this planet evolved.
Darwin claimed that species can evolve over time, that new species emerge from
existing species, and that all species have a common ancestor. Each species has its own set of
heritable (genetic) derivations from its common ancestor, which have accumulated over
lengthy periods of time. Repeated branching events, where new species split off from a
common ancestor, produce a multi-level “tree” that links all living organisms.
He also coined the phrase, “descent with modification” to describe the process through
which groups of animals modify their heritable features across generations. Its now knows as

College Of Education
Estancia, Iloilo

Natural selection states that organisms create more offspring than can survive in their
environment. Those who are physically more capable of surviving, maturing, and reproducing.
On the other hand, those that lack this level of fitness either do not reach the age of
reproduction or generate fewer children than their counterparts.
Natural selection is commonly referred to as “survival of the fittest” since the fittest
organism – those who are most suited to their environment are the ones to reproduce
successfully and pass on their traits to the following generation.
This simply shows that if an environment changes, the features that help people
survive in that environment will change, or evolve, as well. Natural selection became a
scientific theory because it was such as powerful idea in describing the development of life.
Natural selection has influenced evolution in countless ways since then, according to
Biologists. It is currently recognized as one among the ways via which life progresses. A
mechanism known as genetic drift, for example, can lead species to evolve. Genetic drift
occurs when certain species produce more offspring than would be predicted by chance.
Those organisms may not be the most fit of their species, but their genes are handed down to
the following generation.

C. Freudian
Sigmund Freud was Physiologist, medical practitioner, Psychologist, and prominent
thinker in the early 20th century. He is known as the “Father of Psychoanalysis”. Freud
developed the hypothesis that the mind is a complex energy system, whose structural analysis
is the province of psychology, originally in close collaboration with Joseph Bruner. He defined
and refined the concepts of the unconscious, infantile sexuality, and repression. He then
proposed a three-part account of the mind’s structure, all as part of a radically new conceptual
and therapeutic framework for understanding human psychological development and treating
abnormal mental illnesses. Despite of many variations of psychoanalysis that exist today, it
can be traced back to Sigmund Freud’s initial work in practically every basic way.
The foundations of Psychology were shaken by Sigmund Freud. He achieved this
through influencing a number of different schools of thinking. These schools of thought are
still used by many Psychiatrists. In this sense, Freud’s perspective on us and our minds was
Freud’s groundbreaking treatment of human actions, dreams, and even cultural
artifacts as invariably containing implicit symbolic significance has proven extremely fruitful,
with far-reaching implications in fields as diverse as psychology, anthropology, semiotics, and
artistic creativity and appreciation. However, Freud’s most important and frequently repeated
assertion, that he had developed a successful science of the mind with psychoanalysis,
continues to be the source of much critical dispute and disagreement.
Relating to or influenced by Sigmund Freud and his Psychoanalysis Methods,
particularly his ideas about how people’s hidden thoughts and feelings influence their
behavior, specifically with respect to the causes and treatment of neurotic and psychopathic
states, the interpretation of dreams, and so on.

College Of Education
Estancia, Iloilo

D. Information
The information revolution is a time of development that could have a profound impact
on people’s lives. Computer technology is at the heart of this transformation, and continued
improvements in that technology appear to guarantee that this revolution will have an impact
on people’s lives. Computers are one of-a-kind machines that aid in the expansion of brain
power. Computerized robots have already begun to supplant blue-collar workers; they may
eventually supplant white-collar ones as well. Computers are simply devices that execute sets
of instructions known as computer programs, or software, which are developed by computer
Computers have a lot of advantages, but they also have a lot of drawbacks. They could
assist others in invading one’s privacy or fighting a war. They might transform one of them
into a button pusher, resulting in enormous unemployment. Untrained persons can use user-
friendly technologies with ease.
The discovery of microprocessor chip by Intel in 1971 was a crucial development that
made personal computers conceivable.

E. MesoAmerican
Mesoamerica is a phrase that comes from the Greek word that mean “middle America”.
It refers to a physical and cultural region that stretches from Central Mexico through Central
America, and includes the land that is today occupied by Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El
Salvador. As a result, it is seen as partially located in North America and comprising a
considerable portion of Central America.
Paul Kirchoff, a German-Mexican archaeologist who developed the phrase in 1943 and
was helpful in defining it, was the first to use it. His description was based on the conquest’s
physical boundaries, ethnic composition, and cultural traits.
Mesoamerica is a word used mostly by cultural anthropologists and archaeologists, but
it is useful for tourists to Mexico to be familiar with while trying to get an understanding of
how Mexico developed over time and the various ancient civilizations that started here. Many
people only know about the Aztecs and the Maya, although the region was home to a number
of other notable civilizations.

F. Asian
The global information revolution is having a significant impact on economies,
communities, and politics.
Improved access to information is critical for development because it allows for the
necessary improvement in an economy’s knowledge base, as well as more transparent and
accountable governance. Information and communications technologies, which are the
primary vehicle for better access to information, connect countries and help them integrate
into the global economy.

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Estancia, Iloilo

Asia has long been a major manufacturer and user of information technology products;
the impact of the information revolution has been larger in Asia than elsewhere. Asia has long
been a fertile ground for information-based endeavors. China invented paper and printing
years ago and spread a Confucian culture that prioritizes education to its neighbors. And the
modern information revolution occurred at a time when China’s economy was reopening and
Asia as a whole was seeing the most rapid period of economic progress in human history.
Rapid advances in information technology, as well as investments in critical
infrastructure, has been important drivers of Asia’s information revolution, which has fueled
rising levels of affluence and education throughout the region, particularly in East Asia.
Even though many big innovations like the internet, Google, Facebook, and Twitter
originated in the United States, Asian economies such as Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, and Thailand are becoming important hardware
makers. Samsung based in South Korea, is now a global leader in a variety of product
categories, including smartphones.
The importance of youth is the Asian story cannot be overstated. Thanks to a mix of
technology and improved education. Asia’s “tech-savvy” young generation is substantially
more informed, connected, and powerful than its parents. China and the Philippines had made
headlines for their active usage of social media, with the Philippines having the highest rate of
social networking in Asia in 2010 (according to one report).
The information revolution has aided in the transformation of citizen-government
relations. As democracy has gained traction in some countries and civil society has asserted
itself, a growing number of emerging Asian economies, including Bangladesh, India,
Indonesia, Mongolia, Chinese Taipei, and Thailand, have passed laws allowing citizens to
request and receive government-held information.
Im short, the digital revolution has radically altered Asia, with far-reaching
consequences for the global economy. Though, there is no room for complacency. Education
and bridging digital divides remain issues, and several countries still require reforms to
improve efficiency and access to services, specifically telecommunications and power.
Asia has been the success story of the last 50 years, with a flood of knowledge,
innovation, and advancement sweeping the continent, beginning with Japan in the 1960s and
1970s and now with China forging a new route forward. In fact, the next century will
undoubtedly be remembered as Asia’s century.

G. Middle East
The rise of nationalism, imperialism, efforts to westernize and modernize Middle
Eastern Society, and the Ottoman Empire’s decreasing authority in the Arab world all
contributed to revolutions in the Middle East. The Ottoman Empire was defeated in World
War I, leaving a large political vacuum that was only partially filled with French and British
Furthermore, Jewish nationalism, or Zionism, fueled further transformation in the
region, and the interwar years witnessed the historical origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

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Estancia, Iloilo
Modernizing tendencies in Turkey and Persia (known today as Iran), as well as Arab
nationalism, fueled revolution, as well as backlash from those opposed to such quick change.
The presence of European powers, the discovery of wealthy oil riches, and the distinct
national aspirations of new Middle Eastern states all contributed to the instability. The
foundation of the state of Israel, the growth of Arab Socialism in Egypt and surrounding
states, Palestinian nationalism with its quest for independence, and the Iranian Revolution of
1979, which resulted in the rise of political Islam, all occurred in the years after World War II.
Furthermore, the West’s rising reliance on oil, as well as the Cold War struggle between the
US and the Soviet Union, would make the Middle East a focal point for foreign intervention. All
of these changes produced a yearning for quick change, which was matched by a desire for
the stability of old civilizations. While Asia has been influenced by the same factors that have
led to revolution in the Middle East, the role of oil, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the growth of
political Islam have been distinct aspects that have contributed to the Middle East’s
revolutionary nature.

H. African
Early African-Americans made incalculable contributions to science and technology
despite the atrocities of slavery, sharecropping, and the Jim Crow era. However, this bloodline
and culture of achievement originate in Africa at least 40 000 years ago. Unfortunately, few of
us are aware of these achievements because Africa’s history, outside of ancient Egypt, is
rarely discussed.
Nevertheless, the vast majority of debates on the beginnings of science are dominated
by Greeks, Romans, and other whites. However, most of these finds occurred thousands of
years after African advancements. While Egypt’s magnificent black civilization remains alluring,
ancient sub-Saharan Africa had complexity and impressive achievements as well. There are
only a few experts in this field. Ivan Van Sertima, an associate professor at Rutgers University,
was the most prolific. “The nerve of the world has been deadened for ages to the vibrations of
African genius,” he once poignantly remarked.
Throughout ancient Africa, many improvements in metallurgy and tool production were
developed. Steam engines, metal chisels and saws, copper and iron tools and weapons, nails,
glue, carbon steel and bronze weapons and art are only a few examples.

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Estancia, Iloilo

DIRECTION: Answer the following questions accordingly. Use the answer sheet provided.

1. Describe the Copernican (you may do further research as to the details of it).

2. Are you amenable with the contribution of Charles Darwin to the society? Why or why not?

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Estancia, Iloilo

3. Describe the implication of Sigmund Freud’s contribution to the society.

4. How does the various revolutions defined society?

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Estancia, Iloilo

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:
1. Know the Philippine Government S&T
2. Identify the major development programs and personalities in S & T in the Philippines

Science and technology (S&T) capabilities are critical for developing nations’ social and
economic success, for example, scientific research contributed to the creation and adoption of
oral rehydration therapy, which became the cornerstone of international efforts to combat
diarrheal illnesses. According to research, giving children two cents of vitamin A every six
months could reduce child mortality by more than one-third in several nations. Rice-wheat
rotation techniques in agriculture have considerably increased food output in South Asia. In
central America, scientifically-based natural resource management has been critical to the
growth of the tourism industry, which is a key source of foreign cash.
International programs based on science and technology, particularly foreign assistance
efforts, are key components of US foreign policy. Foreign assistance, more than any other
international endeavor, provides opportunities for representatives of the US government and
its partners to engage in ongoing. Constructive dialogues and concrete projects with political
and economic leaders, intellectual, and activists from dozens of countries to improve the
quality of life of hundreds of millions of people. S&T is frequently the cornerstone of a
project’s success. The political and economic benefits that these initiatives can provide can be

How Science and Technology Are for Society

The key to future progress for mankind lies in the realization of “science and
technology” for society, and in society. The essence of how science and technology contribute
to society is the creation of new knowledge, and then utilization of that knowledge to boost
the prosperity of human lives, and to solve the various issues facing society.

Relationship Between Science and Technology and Society

Scientific and technological activities refers to the elucidation of unknown phenomenon,
and to the creation of new knowledge through the discovery of new natural laws and
principles, and the new knowledge obtained is then utilized in the real society. The essence of
how science and technology contribute to society is the creation of new knowledge, and then
utilization of that knowledge to boost the prosperity of human lives, and to solve the various
issues facing society.
The relationship between science and technology and society, can be described by the
example of rain falling on a mountain. Rain that has fallen on a mountain does not
immediately wash away downhill. First, it is captured and stored by forests, giving life to trees
and other vegetation and creating a verdant landscape. This can be compared to the
accumulation of scientific knowledge and the continuing search for truth, obtained through

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Estancia, Iloilo
basic research, and perhaps demonstrates that science has intrinsic value in itself. Meanwhile,
the rainwater stored in the forest bubbles out from springs and flows downhill in a steadily
widening stream. A single stream flow can separate into a large number of sub-flows, and
sometimes the flow can go underground into a subterranean network.
This situation can be compared to the diversity of research and development that can
arise based on scientific knowledge, leading to the planting of various new technologies seeds.
Eventually, the river reaches farming communities and urban cities, where it is utilized for
drinking water and other household purposes, for agricultural or industrial uses, and for
various other needs, universally benefiting all aspects of society. This is equivalent to research
and development resulting in practical technologies that boost the prosperity of the people’s
society and lives, and to the utilization of science and technology in response to various issues
facing society. If the forest fails to capture a sufficient amount of the falling rain, society will
quickly be faced with drought and people will not be able to live. In the same way, realization
of societal progress through science and technology requires a sufficient accumulation of
scientific knowledge. In short, science can be considered to be the foundation of society.
However, this foundation strength is not something that can be acquired in a single day or
night, but instead requires a steady, continuous build-up.

The Philippine Government Science and Technology Agenda

The Philippine Government Science and Technology Agenda is a comprehensive plan
developed by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) to guide the country’s
research and development efforts. The agenda is designed to address the Philippines’ most
pressing challenges and promote economic growth and social progress through the application
of science and technology.
The current Science and Technology Agenda covers the period from 2017 to 2022 and focuses
on the following areas:
1. Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources
• Improve food security and increase agricultural productivity
• Develop sustainable aquaculture and fisheries
• Enhance conservation and management of natural resources
2. Health and Medical Research
• Develop innovative health technologies and solutions
• Improve access to healthcare services
• Strengthen research and development in the field of biotechnology and
3. Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology
• Promote the development of high-value products and services
• Enhance the competitiveness of industries
• Encourage the adoption of clean and renewable energy sources
• Develop emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and

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4. Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
• Develop strategies to mitigate the impact of natural disasters
• Enhance the resilience of communities and critical infrastructure
• Promote sustainable development practices to address climate change
5. Education, Science and Technology Culture, and Human Resource Development
• Strengthen science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
• Promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship
• Develop the skills and competence of the workforce to meet the demands of the
future economy.
The Philippine Government Science and Technology Agenda is aligned with the country’s long-
term development goals and aims to build a strong and sustainable science and technology
ecosystem that can contribute to the nation’s growth and development.

Major development programs and personalities in S&T in the Philippines

1. Department of Science and Technology (DOST) – the primary government
agency responsible for the formulation and implementation of S&T policies, plans, and
programs in the Philippines.
2. Balik Scientist Program – this program was established by the DOST to encourage
Filipino scientists and researchers working abroad to return to the Philippines and
contribute to the country’s S&T development.
3. National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) – it is an annual event that aims
to showcase the latest advancements in S&T in the Philippines and promote science
awareness and appreciation among the public.
4. Science Education Institute (SEI) – SEI is a unit of the DOST that is responsible for
the development and implementation of science education programs and scholarships.
5. Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) – the national nuclear research
center of the Philippines and is responsible for research and development in the fields
of nuclear science and technology.
6. Dr. Jose Rizal – although not an S&T personality per se, Dr. Jose Rizal is considered a
significant figure in the Philippine S&T history. He was a polymath who made significant
contributions to fields such as ophthalmology, ethnography, and linguistics, among
7. Gregorio Y. Zara – known as the “Father of Philippine Invention,” Zara was a
physicist and inventor who made significant contributions to the fields of engineering
and technology, including the development of the first videophone.
8. Angel C. Alcala – Alcala is a marine biologist and environmentalist who has made
significant contributions to the study and conservation of marine ecosystems in the
9. Dr. William Padolina – Padolina is a chemist and former Secretary of the Department
of Science and Technology. He has been recognized for his contributions to the
development of the chemical industry in the Philippines.

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The Philippine Government S&T Agenda
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is the country’s premier science
and technology body, with the dual mandate of providing central direction, leadership, and
coordination of all scientific and technological activities, as well as formulating policies,
programs, and projects to help the country develop.
Dr. Jaime C. Montoya, Executive Director of the Philippine Council for Health Research
and Development, presented the National Health S&T Agenda (PCHRD). The S&T agenda was
a consolidation of DOST’s health research priorities, with input from health professionals and
public and private sector stakeholders. Diagnostics for priority diseases, herbal drug discovery
and development, functional foods from local species, affordable hospital equipment and
biomedical devices, ICT for health policymaking, dengue trends, nutrition and food safety,
disaster risk reduction, and health and climate change adaptation are all high on the list of
health research priorities.
During the afternoon breakout session, current concerns, trends, and possibilities in
health research were also reviewed. Dr. Montoya also went over the PCHRD’s proposal
application and evaluation processes in details. He promised the group that PCHRD would help
them in every phase of their research as long as it was in line with the S&T agenda for health

Science Education in the Philippines

In the Philippines, the secondary science education curriculum has been changed to
provide students more opportunities to see how the principles they learn in class apply to their
daily lives.
Under the theme, “Science and Technology”, the proposed curriculum integrates local
and relevant technologies and their environmental impact with science concepts. Value
formation in the context of scientific and technological activities is included whenever
The proposed curriculum can be summarized as learner-based, multidisciplinary to
some extent, and relevant to national development goals. It is flexible to suit the separate
needs of the college-bound and the students who would drop out of secondary schools in
different communities. The curriculum includes core textbook, which introduces the basic
concepts and its relevant applications, and supplementary materials, both theoretical and
The new secondary science curriculum intends to improve teacher competencies as well
as generate teaching resources. Beginning in March 1988, training programs will be held.
These skills, values, attitudes, and dispositions are likewise useful to the community
that an individual student belongs to, and are further useful to the country that he lives in. the
learning of science is also important for the nation’s cultural development and preservation of
its cultural identity. Science is most useful to a nation when it is utilized to solve its own
problems and challenges, keeping a nation’s cultural uniqueness and peculiarities intact. Thus,
in many countries, science teaching and learning is linked with culture.

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All of this is beneficial to the individual student’s personal growth, future jobs, and life
in general. These abilities, beliefs, attitudes, and dispositions are also beneficial to the
community in which a student lives, as well as the country in which he resides.
When science is used to solve a country’s own problems and challenges, the country’s
cultural distinctiveness and characteristics are preserved. As a result, science education and
learning is intertwined with culture in many countries.
However, the achievements of a few individuals are eclipsed by Filipino students
continuously dismal performance in international and national evaluation studies. According to
studies, Filipino pupils have poor comprehension, reasoning, and analytical skills, as well as
poor communication skills. Furthermore, in some schools, a high percentage of Grade 6and
fourth year learners are unable to apply concepts to real-life problem-solving scenarios or to
create an investigation to address an issue (UP NISMED, 2005). Several reasons have been
recognized by educators and graduate student researchers as contributing to Filipino students’
poor science performance. These are quality teachers, the teaching-learning process, the
school curriculum, instructional materials, and administrative support (DOST-SEI, 2006).

Selected Indigenous Science and Technologies

The Filipino Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICCs) are a group of people who share
shared links of language, customs, traditions, and other distinctive cultural qualities, and who
have occupied, possessed, and used land under claims of ownership since time immemorial.
They are also recognized as having lived as community bounded and defined territory sharing
common bonds, language, customs, traditions, and other distinctive cultural traits, and as
having become historically distinct from the majority of Filipinos through resistance to colonial,
political, social, and cultural inroads.
Filipino Ips, which number around 12 million, can be found in many sections of the
country, mostly in sensitive habitats such as uplands and coastal areas. ICCs have managed to
survive as local managers of their resources, applying their indigenous knowledge systems
and practices, despite the vulnerability of these locations. Indigenous knowledge is described
as knowledge produced overtime by members of a community. Information, practices, and
technologies, beliefs, techniques, materials, local experiments, biological resources, people,
indigenous education, and communication systems are all examples. It is founded on centuries
of experience, which has been tailored to local culture and environment, which is dynamic and
Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSPS) have been shown to contribute
to the sustainability and productivity of many ecosystems, including the Ifugao’s rice terraces
and muyung (private woodlot), the Hanunuo’s traditional biodiverse swidden, the Dumagat’s
fish conservation practices, and many Filipino ethnic communities’ traditional herbal medicines.
Certainly, communities have made valiant efforts to safeguard their indigenous
knowledge systems and practices, but with rapid development around them (such as the
World Trade Organization, the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement, the Asia-Pacific Economic

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Cooperation, and the East Asia Growth Area) and the resulting massive degradation of natural
resources, those efforts are insufficient.
The ICCs know more about the local ecosystem’s complexities than anyone else. They
are familiar with every aspect of its structure and operation, as well as many of its
applications, to the point where many of their requirements are met by such a resource base.
It’s no surprise that these people have managed to survive in these regions for so long.

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DIRECTION: Answer the following questions accordingly.

1. Give the functions of DOST using a diagram.

2. Research the other major development programs and personalities in Science and
Technology in the Philippines. Describe and explain briefly.

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Estancia, Iloilo

College Of Education
Estancia, Iloilo

Calimlim, Jhared C. Science, Technology, and Society 2nd Edition. 2023

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia. "technology". Encyclopedia Britannica, 13 Mar. 2024, Accessed 11 April 2024.


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