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Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 63:4 (2022), pp 381–396 doi:10.1111/jcpp.13534

Annual Research Review: Shifting from ‘normal

science’ to neurodiversity in autism science
Elizabeth Pellicano,1,2 and Jacquiline den Houting1,2
Macquarie School of Education, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 2Cooperative Research Centre for
Living with Autism (Autism CRC), Brisbane, Qld, Australia

Since its initial description, the concept of autism has been firmly rooted within the conventional medical paradigm
of child psychiatry. Increasingly, there have been calls from the autistic community and, more recently, nonautistic
researchers, to rethink the way in which autism science is framed and conducted. Neurodiversity, where autism is
seen as one form of variation within a diversity of minds, has been proposed as a potential alternative paradigm. In
this review, we concentrate on three major challenges to the conventional medical paradigm – an overfocus on
deficits, an emphasis on the individual as opposed to their broader context and a narrowness of perspective – each
of which necessarily constrains what we can know about autism and how we are able to know it. We then outline
the ways in which fundamental elements of the neurodiversity paradigm can potentially help researchers respond
to the medical model’s limitations. We conclude by considering the implications of a shift towards the
neurodiversity paradigm for autism science. Keywords: Autism; ethics; medical model; neurodiversity; social
model of disability.

researchers could be on the brink of thinking about

autism in a fundamentally different way. Doing so
Science is not static. As Thomas Kuhn (1962)
could radically change how we approach knowledge
explained, science progresses through a series of
construction within autism science and the way that
phases from what Kuhn called ‘normal science’ – the
we support autistic people and their families in our
accepted orthodoxy of the moment – to periods of
crisis, when scientists begin to contest the hitherto-
In what follows below, we proceed in two major
accepted paradigm itself. This period ends, ulti-
sections. First, we outline the major ways in which
mately, in a shift from one paradigm to another. In
the conventional medical paradigm is being called
the field of autism science, the conventional medical
into question. Second, we outline the fundamental
paradigm is – and has long been – the accepted
elements of the alternative view, the neurodiversity
orthodoxy in this field, conceptualising autism in
paradigm. We briefly trace its history, describe its
terms of biologically derived functional deficits, and
core tenets and ask whether the neurodiversity
thus placing limits or boundaries on what we can
paradigm could potentially overcome the chal-
know about autism and how we are able to know it
lenges faced by its medical counterpart. We then
(Kuhn, 1962). The vast majority of autism research-
conclude by considering the implications of a shift
ers have been trained to understand autism as a
towards the neurodiversity paradigm for autism
disorder of brain development, an undesirable devi-
ation from the norm.
There have been ‘rumblings’ in autism science,
however, of the sort that Kuhn described. In a The conventional medical paradigm
context of social change, with many challenges to The conventional medical paradigm, also known as
established power structures, autistic advocates and the medical model of disability (Llewellyn & Hogan,
autism scientists have increasingly called to replace 2000; Marks, 1997), approaches autism as a dis-
the conventional medical paradigm and consider ability primarily rooted within individuals. Within
autism instead through the lens of neurodiversity, the medical paradigm, disability is seen to arise as a
where autism is seen as one form of variation within direct consequence of a person’s biological make-up
a diversity of minds (Singer, 1998; Walker & Ray- and functioning. Specifically, disability is defined as
maker, 2020). These calls, stemming originally from ‘any restriction or lack (resulting from an impair-
autistic1 activists (Pripas-Kapit, 2020; Sinclair, ment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner
1993) have increasingly found at least partial adher- or within the range considered normal for a human
ents from within autism science (Baron-Cohen, being’ (World Health Organisation, 1980, p. 143). As
2000; Gernsbacher, 2007; Happ e & Frith, 2020; demonstrated in this definition, the conventional
Mottron, 2011; Nicolaidis, 2012), suggesting that medical paradigm implicitly assumes the existence
of a typical or ‘normal’ level of ability that is held up
as the ideal ‘state of health’; those who enjoy this
Conflict of interest statement: No conflicts declared. state are taken as the normative standard and any
© 2021 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for Child and Adolescent
Mental Health.
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382 Elizabeth Pellicano and Jacquiline den Houting J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2022; 63(4): 381–96

other is unfavourably compared with it (Akhtar &

A focus on deficits
Jaswal, 2013; Medin, Bennis, & Chandler, 2010).
In line with this perception of disability as an The conventional medical approach searches for
undesirable feature of the individual, treatment of impairments and functional deficits in autistic peo-
disability under the medical paradigm typically aims ple and often has the unintended consequence of
to bring an individual’s abilities into line with the drawing attention away from the particular
accepted norm. Treatments and/or interventions are strengths of autistic people and focusing entirely
therefore applied to the disabled person, with the on limitations, whether perceived or real. It detracts,
goal of altering the individual’s impairment/s in in other words, from an account of what autistic
order to remediate or eliminate disability and people can do and stresses what they cannot. It does
enhance functioning. so despite longstanding recognition that autistic
Widespread understandings of autism have firm people might excel at particular activities in individ-
roots within this medical paradigm (Evans, 2013; ual instances (Frith & Happ e, 1994; Hermelin &
Fletcher-Watson & Happ e, 2019; Silberman, 2015). Frith, 1971; Hermelin & O’Connor, 1975; Mottron &
The first published descriptions of the constellation Belleville, 1993; Shah & Frith, 1983). An increasing
of traits we now call autism were authored by a number of studies show that while autistic people
psychiatrist (Kanner, 1943) and a paediatrician outperform nonautistic people on a variety of tasks
(Asperger, 1944) working within the conventional (e.g. Muth, Honekopp, & Falter, 2014; Remington &
medical paradigm of their time. Today, autism is Fairnie, 2017; Samson, Mottron, Soulieres, & Zef-
listed in both the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual firo, 2012), these strengths are very rarely consid-
of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and the International ered in the profile of autism (American Psychiatric
Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as ‘Autism Spec- Association, 2013). When mentioned at all, these
trum Disorder’, a neurodevelopmental disorder. In tend to be referred to as ‘islets of abilities’ among a
both manuals, Autism Spectrum Disorder is sea of deficits (Shah & Frith, 1983). The adoption of a
described as a series of ‘persistent deficits’ demon- predominantly deficit-focused view therefore tends
strated by autistic children, young people and to present autism as a lack or absence of something
adults, involving deficits in social communication that someone ought to have, an undesirable individ-
and interaction, and restricted, repetitive and ual experience (Dinishak, 2016; Robertson, 2010).
inflexible patterns of behaviour, interests or The problem goes deeper than this, however. In a
activities. number of cases, conventional autism research
This manner of characterising autism focuses describes ways in which autistic people outperform
solely on the autistic person and their perceived nonautistic people in scientific tasks yet interpret
‘deficits’. Consequently, one key aim of autism those achievements as somehow revealing a prob-
science has been to identify the specific neurodevel- lem. That is, data that in fact reveal strengths in
opmental mechanisms – at the genetic, neurobiolog- autistic people are paradoxically – and bizarrely –
ical and cognitive levels – that might explain the interpreted in a negative way, as a consequence of a
behavioural manifestations of autism. The implicit ‘deficit’ or ‘impairment’ (Dawson & Mottron, 2011;
argument is that such scientific progress is an Dinishak, 2016; Gernsbacher, Dawson, & Mottron,
essential precondition for any further translational 2006; Robertson, 2010). One of the authors of this
efforts to inform treatments and interventions for review has previously fallen foul of this deficit-
autistic children, helping to ‘guide brain and beha- focused bias herself. She examined the extent to
vioural development back toward a normal pathway’ which autistic children were susceptible to percep-
(Dawson, 2008, p. 776). tual aftereffects – a change in subjective perceptual
This approach has yielded a number of scientific experience following prolonged exposure to a stimu-
breakthroughs that have dramatically advanced our lus (Webster, 2011). In that study, she initially
understanding of autism (see Happ e & Frith, 2020, reported that autistic children showed a significantly
for review). But challenges have been increasingly reduced perceptual after effect for faces compared
loud of late, in part due to the rise in autistic self- with nonautistic children of similar age and ability,
advocacy and the neurodiversity movement, and in as if that was a sign of a functional deficit (Pellicano,
part due the relative absence of ‘hard facts’, or Jeffery, Burr, & Rhodes, 2007). Yet it soon became
universal scientific truths about autism, at any level clear the same data could be read in almost exactly
of explanation (see Verhoeff, 2015, for discussion). the opposite way: autistic children’s face recognition
As Professor Sir Michael Rutter put it: ‘it seems following adaptation was actually more accurate
decidedly odd that after more than half a century of than that of nonautistic children. Whereas nonautis-
both research and clinical experience with Autism tic children were led astray by their preconceptions,
Spectrum Disorders, there continue to be arguments the autistic children’s perception corresponded more
on the nature of autism’’ (2014, p. 55). For some, it is to physical reality than to expectations (i.e. it was
time to consider whether we should be approaching more veridical; Pellicano & Burr, 2012).
autism science and practice in a radically different Other authors make similar observations with
way. regard to a range of autistic social and nonsocial

© 2021 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
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doi:10.1111/jcpp.13534 Neurodiversity in autism science 383

‘deficits’ which could equally be seen as ‘strengths’ Dawson frames these ‘unacceptably low stan-
(Bertilsdotter Rosqvist & Jackson-Perry, 2020; Daw- dards’ (Cowen & Dawson, 2018, para 146) as human
son, Soulieres, Gernsbacher, & Mottron, 2007; rights issues and calls for researchers and practi-
Gernsbacher et al., 2006; Mottron, 2011; Robertson, tioners to ensure basic standards in research and
2010). Even when autistic people show enhanced practice are extended to autistic people (see Dawson
performance on visuo-perceptual tasks, like the & Fletcher-Watson, 2021). The relative failure of
Block Design task from the Wechsler Scales of autism researchers to report potential conflicts of
Intelligence (Wechsler, 2008, 2014) or on the interest in research (Bottema-Beutel, Crowley, Sand-
Embedded Figures Test (Witkin, Oltman, Raskin, & bank, & Woynaroski, 2021b) and adverse events or
Karp, 1971), such strengths are invariably charac- potential ‘harms’ in nonpharmacological interven-
terised as a by-product of a deficit in higher-order tions for young autistic children (Bottema-Beutel,
cognition (e.g. Frith & Happe’s ‘weak central coher- Crowley, Sandbank, & Woynaroski, 2021a;
ence’, 1994). As Dawson and Mottron (2011) write: Bottema-Beutel, Kapp, Lester, Sasson, & Hand,
2021) is consistent with this view (Davis, den Hout-
Autistics, like non-autistics, have genuine difficul- ing, Nordahl-Hansen, & Fletcher-Watson, in press).
ties in many areas, and like non-autistics, require Aside from concerns regarding questionable stan-
assistance in areas where their performance is dards in autism intervention, the conceptualisation
weak. . . But autistics uniquely are seen as patho- of autism as a series of deficits and the goal of
logical when displaying significant or dramatic intervention thus to ‘make people less autistic’ is
strengths, creating for autistics a nearly insur-
morally troubling in itself (Ne’eman, 2021; see also
mountable disadvantage or disability not faced by
Callanan & Waxman, 2013). Autistic people and
non-autistics (p. 34)
their families are regularly presented with the mes-
This tendency to interpret autistic performance sage that being autistic is a tragic fate, with an
negatively is seen further in the research literature autism diagnosis presumed to prompt grief and
on autistic intelligence, which demonstrates that it is mourning. The language of deficits dominates dis-
often the research design itself that is the cause of cussion of autism both in scientific writings and in
the issue. For many years, researchers interpreted the popular press (Bottema-Beutel et al., 2021;
autistic people’s low scores on, or noncompletion of, Kenny et al., 2016). Researchers and others use
standard intelligence tests (e.g. Wechsler Scales of terms like ‘disorder’, ‘deficit’, ‘impairment’ and ‘dys-
Intelligence) simply as confirmation of intellectual function’ to describe most deviations from the norm
disability. In fact, however, once strength-informed in autistic behaviour, cognition or neurobiology.
intelligence tests (e.g. Raven’s Progressive Matrices) Researchers commonly use person-first language
were substituted for the conventional ones, those (‘child with autism’), as if autism can be separated
deficits disappeared (Courchesne, Girard, Jacques, from the person, even in the knowledge that many
& Souli eres, 2015; Courchesne, Meilleur, Poulin- autistic people eschew this terminology (Kenny et al.,
Lord, Dawson, & Souli eres, 2019; Dawson et al., 2016; Sinclair, 2012) and that it is more likely to
2007). contribute to stigma (Bottema-Beutel et al., 2021;
Such negative interpretations and the research Gernsbacher, 2017). Researchers also routinely
design that reinforces them have consequences describe children as ‘high-’ or ‘low-functioning’
beyond research itself. Autistic scientist, Michelle (Alvares et al., 2020; Kenny et al., 2016), as being
Dawson, has long argued that the habit of casting ‘at risk’ of developing autism (Jones, Gliga, Bedford,
autistic people as ‘less than’ has resulted in autistic Charman, & Johnson, 2014; Kolevzon, Gross, &
people being subject to medical and other interven- Reichenberg, 2007; Modabbernia, Velthorst, &
tions that are not as fully supported by evidence as Reichenberg, 2017; Yudell, Tabor, Dawson, Rossi,
they should be. This is particularly the case with one & Newschaffer, 2013), and as having the potential to
dominant intervention, Applied Behavioural Analy- achieve an ‘optimal outcome’ (Fein et al., 2013;
sis (Dawson, 2004). Even as recently as 2019, Orinstein et al., 2014; Sutera et al., 2007) – where
autistic people have been subjected to ‘aversive’ optimality is equated with no longer meeting diag-
treatments in behavioural intervention research nostic criteria for autism. Frequently, policy makers
(Verriden & Roscoe, 2019), including electric shocks and others discuss autistic people in terms of
as punishment at the highly controversial Judge ‘burden’, in relation to both the economic costs
Rotenberg Educational Center of Canton, Mas- associated with autism (e.g. Knapp, Romeo, &
sachusetts, which is still open for business despite Beecham, 2009; Leigh & Du, 2015) and the experi-
having been condemned for torture by the United ences of parents and others who care for autistic
Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture (Neumeier & people (e.g. Marsack-Topolewski, Samuel, & Tarraf,
Brown, 2020). The persistent focus on deficits serves 2021; Picardi et al., 2018).
to support these dehumanising attitudes; seeing In the face of this constant negative messaging,
autistic people as ‘less than human’ (Goffman, especially combined with more generalised discrim-
1990; see also Cage, di Monaco, & Newell, 2019) ination against disabled people, it is unsurprising
legitimises the use of electric shock in this instance. that considerable stigma is associated with the

© 2021 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
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384 Elizabeth Pellicano and Jacquiline den Houting J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2022; 63(4): 381–96

autism label. Studies with young autistic people in are by and large expected to ‘overcome’ their impair-
particular have found that they often construe ment/s in order to achieve a typical level of ability.
themselves as ‘different’ to neurotypical people in a Treatments and interventions have thus been
negative way (Cribb, Kenny, & Pellicano, 2019; designed to modify, diminish or enhance autistic
Humphrey & Lewis, 2008; Shattuck et al., 2014; children’s behaviours to address these key goals.
Williams, Gleeson, & Jones, 2019). They label them- The most ubiquitous of these treatments are those
selves as a ‘freak’, ‘mentally disabled’ and as ‘having that are based on a behavioural model, especially
a bad brain’ (Humphrey & Lewis, 2008), and often Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) (Vismara &
just want to be ‘as normal as possible’, actively Rogers, 2010). The ambition of ABA to render
hiding their autistic-ness (Cribb et al., 2019). These autistic children ‘indistinguishable from their nor-
negative self-appraisals are not unexpected given mal friends’ (Lovaas, 1987, p. 8) at the very least
that young autistic people are more likely to experi- obscures any distinctive autistic strengths. These
ence social exclusion and bullying (Humphrey & treatments are controversial for a range of reasons
Hebron, 2014; Maiano, Normand, Salvas, Moullec, & (e.g., Dawson, 2004; Ne’eman, 2021; Wilkenfeld &
Aime, 2016; Schroeder, Cappadocia, Bebko, Pepler, McCarthy, 2020) but, for the purposes of this paper,
& Weiss, 2014). But they can have damaging effects it is helpful to concentrate on the treatment of one
on their mental health (Cage, Di Monaco, & Newell, behaviour, stimming. Seen through the lens of the
2018; Cooper, Smith, & Russell, 2017; Hedley & conventional medical model, there has been a ten-
Young, 2006), where a disabled/autistic person may dency to perceive so-called repetitive motor stereo-
come to believe that they are less worthy and act typies such as hand-flapping (American Psychiatric
accordingly (Becker, 1963; Milton, 2012). Actively Association, 2013) as an individual problem, with no
hiding one’s autistic differences through masking or clear purpose or function, and which prevent the
camouflaging (see Pearson & Rose, 2021, for discus- child from learning adaptive or other skills and
sion) can also come at serious personal cost, includ- interacting with their peers (Asperger, 1944; DiGen-
ing stress, anxiety and negative self-perceptions naro Reed, Hirst, & Hyman, 2012; Kanner, 1943;
(Hull et al., 2017) and burnout (Higgins, Arnold, Lilley, 2018). Given these presumed negative out-
Weise, Pellicano, & Trollor, 2021; Raymaker et al., comes – and that stimming behaviours like hand-
2020) in autistic adults. flapping are considered conspicuous and stigmatis-
ing, particularly for children in mainstream class-
room settings – it is often regarded as ‘essential that
The medical model is essentially individualist
researchers continue to assess and treat motor
The prevalence of deficit-based thinking has the stereotypy either as the target behaviour of the
further consequence of focusing attention directly on intervention or as a collateral behaviour’ (Tereshko,
the individual and away from social and environ- Ross, & Frazee, 2021, p. 3); to demonstrate ‘calm’ or
mental factors that might in fact play a significant ‘quiet’ hands.
role in shaping autistic lives (Engel, 1977). In the These treatments persist despite a dearth of
conventional medical view, autism and its associated evidence that these stimming behaviours are harm-
disabilities are seen as something inherent to the ful to autistic people or their peers. In fact, it now
individual. Biomedical research thus tends to seems likely that they often serve a regulatory,
explain an autistic person’s difficulties not with soothing function for autistic people (e.g. Joyce,
reference to the context in which the difficulty occurs Honey, Leekam, Barrett, & Rodgers, 2017; Kapp
– home, school, work or broader community – but et al., 2019). Moreover, the interventions designed to
rather as a characteristic of the individual them- quash these behaviours might well do more harm
selves. Within autism science, this tendency has than good (Bascom, 2012; Dawson, 2004; Jaswal &
been further enhanced by the well-established por- Akhtar, 2018; Lilley, 2018). It is surely at least
trayal of the autistic person as being on their own in plausible to suggest that attention would be better
the world (Broderick & Ne’eman, 2008). Given that directed towards social interventions that aim to
autism was originally seen to manifest as withdrawal shift the negative perceptions of stimming among
from the world (Kanner, 1943), it made even more nonautistic people, rather than to efforts to prevent
intuitive sense to early researchers to propose that autistic people from stimming in the first place.
the features that determine the nature of the autistic
experience lay with the individual themselves.
Excluded voices, narrow perspectives
Taking this individualistic starting point suggests
that the ‘fault’ for difficulties in life resides with the One further critique of the conventional medical
individual themselves, thus the burden of ‘correct- paradigm is its tendency to detract attention from
ing’ perceived difficulties lies there too. The autistic autistic people’s own understanding of autism and of
person is perceived to be in some way ‘flawed’ or their own lives. As autistic self-advocate Donna
‘defective’, with individual treatment required to Williams put it, ‘right from the start, from the time
remediate these shortcomings. In autism research someone came up with the word “autism”, the
and practice, it is clearly evident that autistic people condition has been judged from the outside, by its

© 2021 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
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doi:10.1111/jcpp.13534 Neurodiversity in autism science 385

appearances, and not from the inside according to ‘only be found when there is a better understanding
how it is experienced’ (Williams, 1996, p. 14). Along of the neurobiological basis of autism’ (Insel &
these lines, some researchers have even suggested Daniels, 2011, p. 1361). As noted by Bertilsdotter
that a lack of ‘theory of mind’ in autistic children, Rosqvist and Jackson-Perry (2020), ‘in a condition
young people and adults (Baron-Cohen, Leslie, & as highly medicalised as autism, whose parameters
Frith, 1985) impairs their ability to reflect on their are laid out in medical practitioners’ diagnostic
own mental states (Lombardo, Chakrabarti, Bull- manuals, it follows that the testimony which may
more, & Baron-Cohen, 2011), thus questioning the be assumed to be the most accurate, which holds the
veracity of autistic people’s accounts of their own highest level of credibility when discussing autism. . .
experiences (Frith & Happ e, 1999). issues from medical science’ (p. 3).
Consequently, researchers have often avoided It is not, surprising, then, that the vast prepon-
attending to first-person testimony, preferring to derance of autism research worldwide focuses on the
privilege reports from parents, teachers or other underlying genetic causes and biology of autism (den
informants, or laboratory-based observation over Houting & Pellicano, 2019; Office of Autism
considering the perspectives of the person them- Research Coordination, 2019; Pellicano, Dinsmore,
selves (Jaswal & Akhtar, 2018; Mazefsky, Kao, & & Charman, 2014b; Singh, Illes, Lazzeroni, & Hall-
Oswald, 2011; McGeer, 2004; Milton, 2012). The mayer, 2009). This focus is in sharp contrast to the
claim that autistic people cannot understand their stated research priorities of community members –
own minds can also have damaging effects, including autistic people, their family members, educators,
to autistic people’s autonomy, self-determination clinicians and other professionals – who have con-
and perceived credibility (Gernsbacher & Yergeau, sistently called for research on areas that are of more
2019). As Jim Sinclair (1993, p. 298) wrote: immediate, practical concern or for basic science
research that may be more straightforwardly trans-
The results of these assumptions are often subtle,
but they’re pervasive and pernicious: I am not lated into applications (Frazier et al., 2018; Jose
taken seriously. My credibility is suspect. My et al., 2020; Pellicano et al., 2014b; Robertson,
understanding of myself is not considered to be 2010; Roche, Adams, & Clark, 2021; Warner, Parr,
valid, and my perceptions of events are not consid- & Cusack, 2019). In the words of one parent, ‘when it
ered to be based in reality. My rationality is comes down to it, it’s not real life . . . [research] is
questioned because, regardless of intellect, I still always missing the next step’ (Pellicano et al., 2014b,
appear odd. My ability to make reasonable deci- p. 5).
sions, based on my own carefully reasoned prior- The relationship between autism scientists and
ities, is doubted because I don’t make the same community members has a long and fraught history
decisions that people with different priorities would
(Pellicano & Stears, 2011; Silberman, 2015; Silver-
man, 2011). But the mismatch between what is
As well as shaping research findings, this lack of currently being researched, what community mem-
attention to autistic people’s perspectives also has bers want from research and who gets to make these
the consequence of ensuring that autistic people decisions may well be contributing to the growing
themselves have almost no say as to what gets distrust of mainstream autism science by the
researched in autism science, why or how. Over the broader community (Bagatell, 2010; Dawson, 2004;
last two decades, international investment in autism Lory, 2019; Milton, 2012). Pellicano, Dinsmore, and
science has grown extensively (Office of Autism Charman (2014a) have shown that autistic people
Research Coordination, 2017; Pellicano, Dinsmore, and family members in the United Kingdom report
& Charman, 2013). In 2016 alone, US$400 million overwhelmingly negative experiences of autism
was spent on autism research in the United States, research. Family members described feeling disap-
United Kingdom, Australia and Canada – although pointed and frustrated at being ‘mined’ for informa-
the United States contributed the vast majority tion and having little or no opportunity to learn
(92%) of that investment (Office of Autism Research about the resulting scientific discoveries and what
Coordination, 2019). Similarly, the number of they might mean for them. Autistic adults reported
papers published on autism has increased 10-fold feeling objectified (‘we are a bit like monkeys in a
(Dawson, 2013; Office of Autism Research Coordi- zoo’) and their experiential expertise perceived as
nation, 2012), far surpassing publications on related being disregarded by researchers (‘whatever I say, is
topics in child psychology and psychiatry. According this really going to influence anyone?’; also see
to PubMed, there were 6,539 journal articles pub- Milton & Bracher, 2013).
lished on autism in 2020 alone. Ultimately, autism research has been charac-
Autistic people themselves have had almost no say terised by a narrowness of perspective. By prioritis-
in shaping that research agenda. The conventional ing research on causation, we have failed to
medical approach to autism assumes that priorities understand the nature of autistic people’s life expe-
for autism research centre on questions of identify- riences. Imposing nonautistic, medically driven pri-
ing, treating and potentially preventing autism; and orities has had the grave consequence of diverting
that answers to these fundamental questions will resources away from existing autistic people and the

© 2021 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for
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386 Elizabeth Pellicano and Jacquiline den Houting J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2022; 63(4): 381–96

areas that matter most in their lives (Pellicano & within academia (den Houting, 2019; Nicolaidis,
Stears, 2011; Robertson, 2010). 2012; Robertson, 2010). A cursory search of the
PubMed database using the keyword ‘neurodiversity’
indicates some success in this regard. During 2010,
Neurodiversity: is it time for a paradigm shift? just one relevant manuscript was published. A
These three difficulties with the conventional medi- decade later during 2020, 33 manuscripts were
cal approach to autism – an overfocus on deficits, an published. Most recently, autistic scholars have
overwhelming emphasis on the individual as sought to progress the scholarship of neurodiversity
opposed to their social context and a narrowness of in its own right, through the emerging disciplines of
perspective – have provoked an increasingly strong critical autism studies and neurodiversity studies
reaction in recent years. In the early 1990s, autistic (Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, Chown, & Stenning, 2020;
activists began to advocate for a shift in attitudes Kapp, 2020; Walker & Raymaker, 2020). Framed
towards autistic people. They drew encouragement within the neurodiversity paradigm, each critique
from the broader disability rights movement that explored above is seen as a significant failure
itself gained force during the late 1970s and early requiring urgent attention to put right. Below, we
1980s, and achieved landmark progress during the trace the ways in which those who advocate neuro-
early 1990s with the introduction of the Americans diversity seek to do so.
with Disabilities Act in 1990, the Australian Disabil-
ity Discrimination Act in 1992, and the British
Diversity, not deficits
Disability Discrimination Act in 1995 (Oliver, 1996;
Swain, French, & Cameron, 2003). Perhaps most In and of itself, neurodiversity refers to the broad
notable in this early autistic advocacy is the work of diversity that exists in human neurobiology. There
autistic advocate Jim Sinclair, whose foundational are countless ways in which the human brain and
essay ‘Don’t mourn for us’ remains poignantly rele- mind can develop, both structurally and function-
vant even today (Pripas-Kapit, 2020; Sinclair, 1993). ally. Many of these fall within a range that can be
In 1998, autistic sociologist Judy Singer and considered as ‘typical’ neurodevelopment, while
journalist Harvey Blume coined the word ‘neurodi- some fall outside of that range and can be considered
versity’ (Blume, 1998; Singer, 1998), supplying a to ‘diverge’ from the norm (Ecker, Bookheimer, &
collective framework for autistic and neurodivergent Murphy, 2015; Jumah, Ghannam, Jaber, Adeeb, &
advocacy. The term ‘neurodiversity’ (see Box 1 for Tubbs, 2016). Neurodiversity encompasses this
terminology) and the associated paradigm were entire spectrum, including both typical and diver-
embraced by autistic advocates, and over time gent neurodevelopment (Singer, 1998; Walker,
became ubiquitous within – and synonymous with 2014). The neurodiversity paradigm refers to a
– the broader neurodivergent community. Through- particular set of beliefs and attitudes regarding this
out the 2000s, autistic-led advocacy organisations diversity (Walker, 2012) and rejects the view that
(e.g. the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network) were divergence from the norm is a flaw requiring correc-
founded, providing for the first time an authoritative tion.
voice for the autistic community in neurodiversity This stance can be broken down into two key
advocacy efforts. assumptions. The first of these is the assumption
Autistic scholars and allies have worked to pro- that typical neurodevelopment is neither superior
mote awareness of the neurodiversity paradigm nor inferior to divergent neurodevelopment. Neu-
rotypicality does not represent ‘correct’ neurodevel-
opment any more than English represents the
Box 1 Terminology ‘correct’ language to speak, or that one element of
an ecosystem can be seen as prior to any other.
Neurodiversity: The range of natural diversity Indeed, diversity in neurodevelopment is itself valu-
that exists in human neurodevelopment. able, in much the same way that linguistic diversity
Neurotypical: A person or people whose neurode- is valuable in contributing to a culturally rich
velopment falls within the range usually consid- landscape or biological diversity can strengthen the
ered to constitute ‘typical’ development. health of all of the component parts of a system (see
Neurodivergent: A person or people whose neu- Amundson, 2000, for discussion). The second key
rodevelopment falls outside of (or ‘diverges’ from) assumption within the neurodiversity paradigm is
the range usually considered to constitute ‘typical’ the belief that even if diversity were not to serve this
development (e.g. a group of autistic people is a collective purpose, all people deserve to be treated
group of ‘neurodivergent’ people). with dignity and respect, independently of how they
Neurodiverse: A collective term for groups includ- diverge from a putative norm, and should be valued
ing mixed neurodevelopment (e.g. a group of for who they are and as they are.
autistic and nonautistic people is a ‘neurodi- This second assumption implies that, in contrast to
verse’ group). the common misconception that the neurodiversity

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doi:10.1111/jcpp.13534 Neurodiversity in autism science 387

movement is only of interest to autistic people with

Neurodiversity highlights the need for social
less complex support needs (commonly termed ‘high
functioning’; Fenton & Krahn, 2007; Jaarsma &
Welin, 2012), the neurodiversity paradigm is explic- None of this is to suggest, of course, that autistic
itly inclusive of all autistic and neurodivergent peo- people do not require supports to enable them to
ple, including those with the highest and most achieve their goals. The neurodiversity paradigm
complex support needs (Grinker, 2020; den Houting, does, however, lead us to understand the nature of
2019; Ne’eman, 2021). In practice, neurodiversity the obstacles that many autistic people face in a
advocates have long recognised that it can be a fundamentally different way to the conventional
challenge to ensure that all autistic people’s interests medical paradigm. Neurodiversity is closely aligned
are taken into account, not just those who are more with the social model of disability. Seen this way, any
able to influence decision-making or to make their ‘disability’ is not best understood as the result of an
voices heard through research, activism or protest individual’s unique characteristics, but rather as a
(Ballou, 2018). But, fundamentally, those who sup- result of an environment that does not effectively
port neurodiversity accept that a person’s value must accommodate those characteristics (Oliver, 1996;
not be contingent on their ability to ‘contribute’ to Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segrega-
society, economically or otherwise (Kittay, 2017). As tion, 1976). The physical and social environments
such, the neurodiversity paradigm also broadens the within which we all live are generally designed to
standard understanding of what constitutes a ‘mean- meet the needs of those who fall within the typical
ingful’ life. It insists that an autistic person’s life may range of neurodevelopment; these same environ-
be rich and fulfilling despite bearing little resem- ments are often suboptimal, and even hostile, for
blance to the conventional ideal. In conventional neurodivergent people and need to be adjusted if
research, well-being and quality of life are often such people are to lead good lives.
presented as objective constructs comprising out- Traditional, mainstream school settings are an
comes including employment, independence, and example of one such environment: they are often
relationships. Neurodiversity, on the other hand, physically large, noisy and chaotic, require frequent
encourages us to be open to a wider range of potential transitions within and between classes throughout
conceptualisations of a good life. Measured according the school day, and entail a host of implicit social
to neuronormative standards, that is, many autistic rules and expectations. Physical environments, like
people are assumed to have poor quality of life, but schools, that are designed with neurotypical needs in
this view can change if autism-specific values, goals mind can leave autistic people in sensory discomfort
and needs are taken into account (Lam, Sabnis, and distress, and social environments governed by
Migueliz Valcarlos, & Wolgemuth, 2021). Indeed, neurotypical rules are often similarly inaccessible.
when autistic people have been involved in determin- These inaccessible contexts can render autistic peo-
ing outcomes that are relevant to their quality of life, ple less ‘able’ than their neurotypical peers – that is,
they have identified unique factors including other disabled – in myriad ways.
people’s knowledge and acceptance of autism; sen- Such examples are only small instances of the
sory processing differences; supporting other people ways in which the institutions that govern society at
and positive autistic identity (McConachie et al., a structural level are typically controlled by and
2020). This contrasts sharply with deficit-based designed for neurotypical people, often with devas-
framings of autism as an unwelcome encumbrance tating effects for autistic people. Autistic people are
(e.g. autism as a ‘shell’ or ‘prison’; Broderick & disproportionately formally excluded (expelled) from
Ne’eman, 2008) from which an otherwise ‘normal’ school (e.g. Ambitious about Autism, 2014; Brede,
person can be freed through intervention. Remington, Kenny, Warren, & Pellicano, 2017),
The neurodiversity paradigm thus promotes aut- experience frequent bullying and other forms of
ism acceptance, urging autistic people and others to victimisation (Brown-Lavoie, Viecili, & Weiss, 2014;
embrace autism as an inherent and integral part of Maiano et al., 2016), are either unemployed or
an autistic person’s identity and experience of the underemployed at greater rates than other disabled
world. The potential value of this acceptance mind- people (Chen, Leader, Sung, & Leahy, 2014; Scott
set to autism is further supported by recent research et al., 2019), are at greater risk of physical health
indicating that greater autism acceptance is associ- conditions (Croen et al., 2015) and have increased
ated with better mental health, in both autistic vulnerability to mental ill-health (Lai et al., 2019),
adults (Cage et al., 2018) and mothers of autistic including high rates of suicide (Cassidy et al., 2014;
children (Da Paz, Siegel, Coccia, & Epel, 2018). Kirby et al., 2019). They are also more likely to
Similarly, and consistent with evidence regarding experience premature death (Hirvikoski et al., 2016).
identity development in the broader disabled popu- A growing body of research describes the substantial
lation and the general population, a positive sense of barriers that autistic adults face in accessing phys-
autistic identity is also associated with better mental ical healthcare, which include such diverse factors
health (Cooper et al., 2017). as inaccessible sensory environments; providers’

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388 Elizabeth Pellicano and Jacquiline den Houting J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2022; 63(4): 381–96

knowledge about and attitudes towards autism; and (termed ‘neurodivergent intersubjectivity’; Heasman
the complexity of healthcare systems (Mason et al., & Gillespie, 2019).
2019; Nicolaidis et al., 2015). Similar barriers exist The neurodiversity paradigm responds to the
across a range of domains, including access to apparent lack of alignment between the minds of
mental healthcare (Adams & Young, 2020), employ- autistic and nonautistic people by emphasising the
ment (Harmuth et al., 2018) and leisure activities importance of self-determination and autonomy:
(Askari et al., 2014). According to the neurodiversity autistic people must be involved in all decision-
paradigm, responding to these facts does not require making that stands to affect autistic people, from the
us to ‘change autistic people’ but rather to challenge highest levels of policy development to individual
the societal factors that influence these outcomes support planning; that is, they ‘deserve a full seat at
(Howlin, 2000; Howlin & Magiati, 2017; see Mandy the main table’ (Gernsbacher, 2007, p. 13). With this
et al., 2016, for an example). in mind, neurodiversity advocates assert that autism
The barriers to autistic people’s flourishing include research and practice must be brought into line with
both those that exist in the physical environment the needs and priorities of the autistic and autism
and, perhaps more importantly, social and attitudi- communities, taking a far broader perspective of
nal barriers. The discrimination and stigma what matters in autism research as a result (Milton,
described above constitutes a serious obstacle for 2014b; Raymaker, 2020; Robertson, 2010). As dis-
autistic people, which can only be addressed at the cussed above, however, autism science has not, to
societal and systemic levels by promoting autistic date, been reflective of community priorities for
inclusion and equity. research.
One strategy for producing autism research that
more closely aligns with community priorities is to
Autistic people should lead the conversation
involve autistic people and their allies directly in the
This point returns us to the issue raised above research process, through participatory, codesigned
concerning the exclusion of autistic people them- and coproduced research. Community engagement
selves from the decision-making that directs the in research has a long history outside of autism,
agenda for much autism research. It is possible that most notably with regard to HIV (Epstein, 1996;
this exclusion in part results from the way in which Moore, 2008) and Aboriginal and First Nations
we conventionally conceive the fundamental rela- communities (National Health & Medical Research
tionship between autistic and nonautistic people. Council, 1991). Processes that draw on the ‘practical
Milton’s (2012) influential Double Empathy Problem wisdom’ of nonscientists have the potential to make
proposes a misalignment between the minds of scientific discoveries more thoroughly relevant to
autistic and nonautistic people, highlighting a lack communities, more directly tailored to the realities of
of reciprocity in cross-neurotype interactions as the their everyday lives and more consistent with their
source of social communication difficulties between values (Chalmers, 2004; Hickey, 2018; Lloyd &
autistic and nonautistic people (Davis & Crompton, White, 2011; Pellicano, 2020).
2021; Milton, Heasman, & Sheppard, 2018; Mitch- In the past decade, autism researchers worldwide
ell, Sheppard, & Cassidy, 2021). What such research have begun to engage with the autistic community,
shows is that nonautistic people have difficulties consulting with autistic people at all stages of the
understanding the minds and behaviours of autistic research process, exploring ways to work with
people – and, worryingly, are prone to misperceiving autistic people as partners, and addressing research
them. Nonautistic people, for example, struggle to topics prioritised by the community (see Fletcher-
understand autistic people’s facial expressions (e.g. Watson et al., 2019; Nicolaidis et al., 2011; Pellicano
Brewer et al., 2016) and have difficulties interpreting et al., 2014a, 2014b; Pellicano & Stears, 2011). Such
autistic people’s behaviour (Sheppard, Pillai, Wong, involvement requires substantial commitment by
Ropar, & Mitchell, 2016) and mental states (Edey individual researchers to listen to, and learn from,
et al., 2016). Nonautistic people also report an the experiential expertise of a diverse range of
unwillingness to interact with autistic people based autistic people (Collins & Evans, 2002; Milton,
on first impression judgements (Morrison, DeBra- 2014a), and to be willing to share power and control
bander, Faso, & Sasson, 2019; Sasson et al., 2017) in the research process with nonscientists.
and brief interactions (Morrison et al., 2020). Commitments to autistic involvement in research
Consistent with this hypothesis, autistic people cannot be left entirely up to individual researchers.
have been found to communicate more effectively They must also extend to institutions, such as
(Crompton, Ropar, Evans-Williams, Flynn, & funders and universities, to instigate structural
Fletcher-Watson, 2020) and develop stronger rap- and strategic change. Over the last few years,
port (Crompton et al., 2020) with other autistic funding agencies in the United States (National
people than with nonautistic people. Emerging evi- Institutes of Health’s Interagency Autism Coordinat-
dence also suggests that autistic social interaction ing Committee), the United Kingdom (Autistica) and
may incorporate distinctive features that promote Australia (Cooperative Research Centre for Living
social understanding between autistic people with Autism; hereafter ‘Autism CRC’) have

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doi:10.1111/jcpp.13534 Neurodiversity in autism science 389

responded by attempting to direct research efforts autism and how that knowledge is derived. This is no
towards issues prioritised by community members, longer a tenable approach.
including identifying effective supports, interven- We believe the neurodiversity paradigm presents a
tions and services for autistic people and their compelling alternative. It insists that we make a
families. fundamental shift in our most basic assumptions
The Autism CRC’s attempts in Australia have been about the nature of autism, broadening and altering
particularly successful in this regard. They adopted our shared theoretical beliefs, values and tech-
a whole-of-life approach to autism research, invest- niques. Though the neurodiversity paradigm contin-
ing in projects across early years, school years and ues to develop and evolve, in its current conception it
adulthood, as well as a participatory approach, appears to offer an important means for advancing
placing the autistic community at the centre of its autism science. As Kuhn explained, paradigm shifts
research efforts. This strategic oversight paid off. in science are rarely straightforward and, as such,
Analysis of the funding expenditure of Australian we cannot predict the future shape of autism
autism research during 2008–2017 showed that research with any real degree of accuracy. It is
research during the initial 5-year period (2008– possible that those committed to the conventional
2012) followed a similar pattern to Canada, the medical paradigm will amend their own understand-
United Kingdom and the United States, including a ing. It is likely, too, that there will be further
preponderance of funding allocated to biomedical developments in our understanding of neurodiver-
research, but this pattern shifted in the latter 5-year sity. Moreover, there will be adherents of both views
period (2013–2017) following the creation of the who will seek to find some kind of mutual accom-
Autism CRC, resulting in a more even distribution modation. We already see sign of that third possibil-
of funding on biological research and topics priori- ity in the World Health Organisation’s International
tised by the autistic community, such as services Classification of Functioning Disability and Health
and life span issues (den Houting & Pellicano, 2019; (ICF), as described in a recent review by B€ olte et al.
Office of Autism Research Coordination, 2019). This (2021), and in recent developments regarding the
demonstrates that it is possible to respond to the call importance of optimising the person-environment fit
for a more expansive research agenda led, at least in (Lai, Anagnostou, Wiznitzer, Allison, & Baron-
part, by autistic people themselves. Cohen, 2020; Mandy & Lai, 2016).
In among all this uncertainty, however, here we
have established three key lessons from the neuro-
Conclusion diversity paradigm as currently conceived, which
We are living through a moment of significant change will remain vital for future autism science. First,
in the way in which people think about autism. That while the neurodiversity paradigm does not chal-
change is reflected in advocacy (e.g. Ne’eman & lenge the notion that autism is biological in nature,
Bascom, 2020; Rottier & Gernsbacher, 2020), in the it stresses the need to view autistic people, not as a
media and public debate (e.g. Silberman, 2015), and collection of ‘deficits’ needing to be ‘fixed’ but as
in arguments about the nature of autism science unique and worthwhile individuals, whose lives
itself (e.g. Milton, 2014a; Pellicano, 2020; Raymaker, have meaning and purpose. It also urges us to look
2020). It is also beginning to be reflected in academic beyond the individual, focusing on (immediate –
discussions, with a flurry of review papers, perspec- especially, relational – and systemic) contexts and
tive pieces and edited books published in the last the interaction between contextual and individual
12 months alone (Bertilsdotter Rosqvist et al., 2020; factors, to address the negative and disabling effects
B€olte, Lawson, Marschik, & Girdler, 2021; Davis & of being autistic. Second, while autism science has a
Crompton, 2021; Kapp, 2020; Leadbitter, Buckle, strong record of collaborative efforts between aca-
Ellis, & Dekker, 2021; Mitchell et al., 2021; Walker & demics (Goldstein, Tager-Flusberg, & Lee, 2015),
Raymaker, 2020). This is a major shift that has including autistic researchers and lay members of
revealed fundamental problems in the conventional the autistic community in these collaborations is
medical account – and its inability to explain away still a rare occurrence. This needs to change. We
what Kuhn (1962) called the ‘anomalies’ at its core – need to develop far more robust mechanisms of
and the possibilities imminent in the neurodiversity participatory codesign and coproduction in autism
paradigm. Some of the commitments at the heart of research, to ensure that autism science is designed
autism science as we have known it for decades are in partnership with autistic people themselves.
beginning to wane. Third, once that more participatory spirit does
In this review, we have explained that, while the emerge, then we believe autism science will be more
conventional medical paradigm has been a key tool likely to focus on autistic community priorities,
in shaping autism science, it has nevertheless ensuring that developments in autism science are
painted an excessively narrow, deficits-based view translated into effective changes in the real-world
of autism and excluded the very people it is meant to challenges that autistic people continue to face.
serve from agenda-setting in research. In so doing, it That is, after all, why it matters so much in the first
has placed too many limits on our knowledge of place.

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390 Elizabeth Pellicano and Jacquiline den Houting J Child Psychol Psychiatr 2022; 63(4): 381–96

We are at a turning point in the field of autism policy shifts can occur when the demand is strong
science. The conventional medical conceptualisation enough.
has played a vital role in autism research and
practice to date. Nonetheless, it is increasingly clear
that if we wish to make progress for the benefit of the Acknowledgements
autistic and broader autism communities, it is This work was supported by an Australian Research
necessary to re-evaluate our fundamentals. There Council Future Fellowship, awarded to E.P.
may well be costs to moving from ‘normal’ to (FT190100077) and a Macquarie University Research
‘extraordinary’ science (Sonuga-Barke, 2020), as Fellowship awarded to J.d.H. E.P and J.d.H also
acknowledge the financial support of the Cooperative
well as even more dramatic costs in seeing through
Research Centre for Living with Autism (Autism CRC),
the implications of this change. Taking neurodiver-
established and supported under the Australian
sity seriously, in other words, would mean both Government’s Cooperative Research Centres Program.
changing the way that we educate the next genera- The views expressed are the views of the authors alone
tion of (autism) scientists, and also demanding and do not necessarily represent the views of their
substantial real-world changes, overhauling a series organisations or funding sources. The authors are
of major institutions and practices so that they serve extremely grateful to Marc Stears for critical discussion
autistic people better. None of this will be easy. and for comments on an earlier version of this manu-
Established conventions often remain established script. The authors have declared that they have no
long after their original legitimation has dropped competing or potential conflicts of interest.
away precisely because agreeing to change – funding
it, designing it and implanting it – is often extraor-
dinarily difficult (Pierson, 2000). But, crucially, the Correspondence
costs of not changing need to be weighed as well. If Elizabeth Pellicano, Macquarie School of Education,
Macquarie University, 29 Wally’s W, Sydney, NSW
the experience of other significant moments of social
2109, Australia; Email:
transformation in recent history teaches us any-
thing, it is that previously inconceivable public

Key points

 The way in which autism has been conceptualised remains firmly embedded within a conventional medical
 Autism is therefore typically understood as a disorder of brain development – an undesirable deviation from
the norm.
 This places serious barriers on our understanding of autism and poses deep challenges in autistic people’s
 Researchers need, therefore, to consider radically new ways of conceptualising autism.
 The neurodiversity paradigm is one such alternative. It encourages research that is focused on autistic
community priorities, and on the interaction between contextual and individual factors, rather than
exclusively focused on individual factors.
 Such an approach, which also involves autistic young people and adults in the research process, is crucial to
ensuring translational research, with real-world implications for improving autistic lives.

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