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Electron density


Electron density

Inductive Effect:
(1) Permanent
(2) Operates on sigma bond
(3) Partial charge development
(4) Can be neglected after 3rd carbon atom
(5) Distance dependent

While comparing the Inductive effect point of difference will be in following order
D: Distance of -/+I group (First point of difference)
N: Number -/+I group (Second point of difference if tie in D)
P: Power of -/+I group (Third point of difference if tie in D and N)
-I groups: EWG electron withdrawing groups of ESG (electron seeking groups)

+I groups: EDG electron donating groups ERG (Electron releasing groups)

Following diagrams indicate order of +I / -I effects of various species:

(1) Acidic strength of Carboxylic acids and alcohols
 AS (Acidic strength) is related with the stability of anion formed known as conjugate

(2) Stability of Reaction intermediates (Carbocation, Carbanion and radicals)

 Stability of reaction intermediates depend on the factor if concentration of positive
charge or negative charge or electron density is increased or decreased on Carbon
(3) Stability of Carbocations / Carbanions / Radicals

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