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What is your relationship with food?

I think that I have a normal relationship with food because I never eat too much or too little. I
think I eat on average. I eat quite healthy, I do a lot of sport and other activities and I feel like
I eat enough fruits and vegetables. In fact, every time that I eat some fruit I feel energetic
and active.

Are you a fussy eater?

No, I am not a fussy eater. I like to eat everything but I can’t stand cabbage. All the people in
my family are like me and they also eat whatever my mum prepares. When I go abroad, I
always try to eat local food and taste local meals.

Do you think you have a healthy relationship with food or not? and why?
I think I have a healthy relationship with food, I have never had any problems eating any
food. I am not allergic to anything and I like to taste different flavors. I think I have a good
relationship with food because since I was a child I have always eaten what my parents have
prepared without complaining.

What are your loves and hates in food?

I love to eat both healthy and fast food. In particular, once a week I eat burgers and fries at
Mcdonalds while the rest of the week I prefer to eat more vegetables. I don’t particularly like
broccoli and cauliflower but at times I also eat them. In general I prefer to eat meat rather
than fish but my favorite meal is spaghetti with seafood. Everytime that I have the possibility
or that I am near the sea I always try to order that plate.

Food is an important part of our national and cultural identity.

I agree and I think that every different society reflects its nature in its own national dishes.
For example, everybody knows Italian food and they usually associate italians with pasta
and pizza. As an Italian I also recognize myself in those recipes and plates. I think that other
states should also treasure their own food.

What you eat and drink in Italy usually reflects the part of the country you or your
family come from.
In Italy people from different regions may eat and drink different food. Nonetheless, I think
that there is a common basis for everybody. For example, everybody eats pasta or rice but
in different ways and in different recipes. As a Tuscanian I love to eat a lot of meat and in
particular the “Fiorentina” steak. I think that everybody in Italy usually drinks water but there
are a lot of regional differences concerning wines and spirits. In fact, every region has a
peculiar type of wine.

In Italy you can eat dishes from all over the world.
I think it is true because in every city you have the possibility to choose among different
ethnical restaurant that may propose specific dishes from all over the world. I like to go
eating sushi with my friends during the weekend. I don’t just like the dishes that they prepare
but I also like their story and the atmosphere at the chinese or japanese restaurants. This
same example is for all the other ethnical restaurants that are opened in our cities.

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