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Q1: The maximum length of the char columns is?

a 65, 535 Bytes

b None

c 255 Bytes

d None Of The Mentioned

e None

f 256 Bytes

Q2: What is Solaris??

a None

b Microsoft’s UNIX


d None


f Sun microsystems UNIX

Q3: Which artisan command would you use to create a new Laravel Controller??

a None

b php artisan create:controller controller_name

c None

d php artisan controller:make controller_name

e php artisan controller create controller_name

f php artisan make:controller controller_name

Q4: ________is the enterprise-grade cluster management solution from Docker. It manages
your whole cluster from a single place.?
The correct Answer is: None

b Docker Compose

c Docker Swarm

d Docker Hub

e Docker Universal Control Plane

The correct Answer is: None

Q5: Which command can be used to determine file type by its content??

a None of the above.

b file

c None

d None

e type

f ls –l

Q6: What is the correct HTML for creating a hyperlink??

a None

b <a></a>

c <a name=""></a>

d <a href="">W3Schools</a>

e <a url=""></a>

f None

Q7: There are ____ different heading tags in HTML?

a None

b None




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