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The meaning of today's vs

Di Pak Karanji Kar

Shabda Lay Prakashan, Shri Rampur

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It is the aimless, pure

and pure joys that come in life that give
us hope to face the world today .

Mano Gat / All Versions of Ni Matthi Ne

The first decade of the twenty-first century has passed. As

the age of omnivores moves forward rapidly, so do our habits
rapidly. Individual -community , and behaviors that change
relations, social system are moving in a chaotic manner. Why
are so many things happening at such a blind pace, so many important things a
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No this , It also happened that the things that are now will not guide us
In fact, these are the special pieces of Kaala Ka, etc. which are infinite
We are living . Although this gas is negligible over the entire distance
This is the world for us. which is constantly changing. That's why it changes every day
The effect of the universe is naturally on our existence, on the way of living
Apari is a rya. What are these modern questions of modern world, their country, religion,
Bha Sha , No matter the region , color, gender, the remaining mother is rising to a new life.
The area concerned is concerned with the outcome.
About eight hundred years ago, Sant Gya Neshwar performed the art of Vishwa.
Praka Shale' was said. That , All forms of that feeling are not close to us
wisdom is what we put on our feet and what it has built us
Vishwa's presence can be observed from a distance. That's so pi ma dani.
- Di Pak Karanji Kar

Simple forest

The book presented by Di Pak Karanji Kar is for our life and for us
The mother of nagging questions , Efforts to solve them are very important
There is a substitute.

With our lives today, That's the speed and speed that makes us think so much
gone is the desire to think about these questions altogether.
If you are losing your love , you are very much at risk of losing it .
Kha Jagi Karan, Ud Ri Karan, Ja Gati Ki Karan
It is called heating together. (It is inconclusive .) 1991
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Suma Ra became a victim of our country. So Bati Ne Ja Gati K Bank and International
Even following the rules and regulations of Na It is about being an artist of Sha Sana

Neni Dhi . The beginning of the end of the roll . Why did Bavshi want to throw everything out of Sha Sana's grip?

They say that the government should be opened up for business, and that

It is straightforward to follow the lead of multinational companies. He used to invest in this


Gon dus na wa dene te has come. It's Giving such a name is the responsibility of the government

a mockery in disguise ! Why don't you just invest money ?

Even though you are giving yourself a hard time , live up to your rights
We are handing over the companies . These companies , Ani Bandha profit is the only principle

are only profit oriented . For that, you can go to any of these pages . The roads are like that
Being open is considered valid in the framework of open markets and fraud.

Due to this, the world is moving to poor countries and these companies are on the rise
Na Chat Ra Hana Ra is straightforward. These companies are more than 50 years old in the country
The United States of America has listed the following countries .
There is influence. She took decision in such a way that these companies will not be sold

If there were Who should be the Finance Minister of India should be decided only by the Prime Minister of India

Ba B is not left anymore . Until a year ago, Manmohan Singh was the US Govt

He was known as a learned and respected leader in Prasa Rama Dhyama. Currently
On the contrary, Toka's identity can be seen to be built around it. That's right

They fail to allow large companies dealing in the retail sector to head here.

It is decided, therefore, whether this can happen is a serious issue to consider. (Me personally
Write it on the computer and then give it to me for half an hour . 12-9-2012 evening . 6-00

Have you ever heard that Manmohan Singh's government is ruling the centre?
Foreign investment has been approved in the agricultural marketing sector on a weekly basis. Next decision

It has been decided that the state government should take it. Desha Targat vs Ma Na-wa Hatuki Tahi
No approval has been given to do business with domestic companies. This sa re how ho te and
What and what kind of motivation is behind it?
The importance of what America says is easy to see from this. Not right away, though
Sawadi mentions Manmohan Singh's importance to the United States. Either that or that

(We will be told exactly what the . Sarkari said that he has respect for Manmohan Singh

newspaper thinks .)
One that we should not bother to think about in such a way or at all
Establishing a forest -based system is a cornerstone of these companies' practices .
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To take the burden of deciding what the truth is and communicating it to you
Companies and big countries are ready to move . If you say so, it is true
For example, why do you care about the formation of your mind ? How are you?
Think about how to live, or a , They also decide whether to do it or not . This
different way of life. Once you accept it as a person
It affects our way of living and thinking.
Today we have passion and interest in the subject of farmers, poor and working people
The middle class has been torn apart. Food, , All these commodities are healthcare.
clothing, shelter are all commodities. Gary B , Rather than destroying it
Ba b of making huge profits . The country, its geography , its people, its people
Don't ask for exemptions from needs . How many are there in India?
when the country's public or private system is more capable. Roads Officer
It is very important to have a good neck. But then the business of the big car manufacturing companies
How to do it ? Whether he did it or not, the Indian government took up the responsibility
Pa hi je na !Today you can't lift your sarka r te competently na ugi cha cha see? Petro L,
D catch is very less in our country. No problem! It can be done.
Saraka R does it . This is the same issue for those companies
. He agreed with the arrangement
Go to it . If not, the slide will wobble. If so, how come? The roads are narrow.
The big cities are building roads and land under contract . It's back or it's Awa's
Not only, but for a short period of time, how many times have you given me this .
part of the government?
If you do Then takra ri la ja ga kare ra hi li ?
Di Pak Karanji Kar has survived the phase of his passion and in fact
This is the most important thing for us and even more important than that
The questions are posed against the background of or in the light of the movement. of them
Maa Dani Abhya is complete. Shame , warmth, longing and ma navi
Praja is behind her a strong interest in the subject. Because of that, their numbers are one
Jo rakus, ka is also the vowel of thi ka ni, santa pa. They provide official statistics
And without making a concrete study , comment only later . Without a mind , restless, learning
And this is the art of sensuous mind. They yearn to reach us
Then there is that. The notion that all types of vaccines are harmful is rude and unethical
Pa has gone above the level, and the so-called advanced(!) Sri Manta countries are coming from the world
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After a short while, those who looked closely at the forest and studied it.
Maa has been beaten up.

This book has been edited by him by writing the articles for Lo Kamat daily
This is more vs. remaining. We have such a way to write the text on the paper
There is a lot of tradition. Perhaps such a book cannot be considered as a why war

book . It is often difficult to relate these articles to each other ,

Often it is not possible to do so . This book of Karanji Kar has not done so . Rarely
Why this point Why these points and tests are repeated, but they are
They have come because it is necessary for Vi Dha Na Sa Thi.

The main thing is that we are coming in today's world where the whole life has been marketed
So why are we losing , why are we losing , for future generations ?
What legacy are you leaving and from today's present into the future?
What are the possibilities that a new species can arise?
Ma Dani has done it here. A study of the value of our life today
By revealing the parameters, the compression temperature of the generator is relatively large

You have explained yourself. This is a book. What I say is not a collection of articles
Because of this - if you read the figures given by Karanji Kar, you will be . Live
very surprised that the expenditure on actual goods is Rs 20 lakh crore per annum and only 10%
This means that 54 lakh crore rupees can be provided to all the people in the ,
world every year with safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health and nutritious food. Take a key
54 kg of grain and a total of 90,000 thousand liters for meat (BF ) production.
Pa ni la gathe. One kg of rice is 6 kg of grain and 5,000 liters of water per day.
Compared to this, 2,000 liters of seed is 2,000 liters ., 1,900 Rs ., like wheat
and 900 liters . 500 liters of potato. From the food produced in the world
., of water for 1 kg of seeds and
30% food or travel. Indian man eats whole year, not lo ma sa kha to
, American is 105 kg. A member. Live with those weapons
Chinese man is 56 kg and

of the committee is America Security under Uno

, Russia, , France , Britain are the world's weapons


5th floor has full monopoly. Jaga tli drugs chi ba ja rapeth 50 la kha ko t

It has moved above Rs. In the 80s, there was a severe drought here
Even when the country was exporting raw materials to Europe, there . This type of composition

, Of that
are volumes of statistics and analysis. It is not possible to have them all here
It is not necessary .For that, this book is more useful and useful to read. Karanji Kar Yan Ni
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What did you do and did you win? All these wa chat
If you don't, why don't you go ahead with signs? . Later I left it .
Why did Ran Pa Ne's Pa come like that?. This is the Ja Gati Ki karana I mentioned earlier

In short, this matter is not over.

Why does he give this explanation ? Na ka ka .. I mean Jaga la injured
To do 70 La Bh Ko T , 20 la b ko t to keep that wound burning
On top of that, the cost of bandages is 5 lakhs ? Not only this, but this Sya Spad na Hi ; So
Why is there no chance to live? That's why it's very difficult and ama navi
is Hon... It is unethical for one person's disease to be another's selling point.
There is no pain relief at all, nor is it just the medicine that is built up from the stomach
Because it means more degradation!
Corruption will only be helped if the countries in question try to stop it.
The condition is always that , Neither small countries nor big countries. But true

the World Bank position is that these countries are war-mongering countries neither buying weapons nor corruption.

If followed without hesitation . Not only this, she was the minister who made it possible
Or whether an officer is appointed or not .
The whole world will henceforth be divided or assembled from water only
Such a situation is coming.
Not having a sense of how what we eat came to us through sacrifice,
To be sensible with appropriate actions like food, to learn as much as possible, to eat every day.
Eat, don't throw food away, so simple that people do things on their own plates.
Food-grains can definitely prevent SAD . But now the world is sick
A great medicine that is so sick that it is more dangerous than Bahuna.
The company's desired shape and size is falling. All these companies are the same
Instead of fighting, it is the market of the disease that she prefers this strategy .
The sound of corruption is running
... Just as the desire of hunger is very easily manifested, it is unconsciously
Wanting leads to the crime of not wanting others or their needs .
Hon ...
If you do But when there is a social system that is , Ti Jo Pa Sanya Chi
struggling with the values that are not valued enough , then the new life is precious
If a thing is transformed into an object having a salable value.
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... Ignoring the fact that the progress of man and the story is at the cost of sacrifice
That is, the folly of destroying that under whose protection we live.
... The unsettling fundamental truth is that low prices and free markets are the same
Neither are complementary principles . How is it the duty of the government to use the people who have got it?

By demolishing self-proclaimed centers of power, a handful of people

Makteda re modi te ka dhane.
... Knowledge and wisdom are different things. Ma hi ti is not understanding jna
As it is a sign of immaturity, so is the knowledge that comes from it.
Understanding is very unfortunate for us.
Karanji Karan showed the ugly face of his wretchedness in front of him.
Prabha V has been erected. He has also raised questions that may arise from it,
The directions of the answers are suggested. As a nation, we are the future
The future of our coming generations is being decided on the village Bhi Rya. Erv Arms Women
The foreign companies that sell them create a breeding ground for terrorism
They do not supply arms to those countries to destroy them , those countries do 1000
Yes, it would create a situation where such big countries would not come , or something like that.
Ba gulbo wa tha na karara ka la la gela sik bhoomi la. If there are wars, then there will be wars

If their goods are needed for What is the reason for that ? In this way, Prof. No
consumption, if the culture is destroyed , why should they do it ? La Khon ni Manse die , it is collateral
Damage is not collateral damage , even if you don't do it, it's not easy to get rid of it ! 4 American Con
If the people die, the country is destroyed by the war and the children, the women.
If La Khan dies, it's collateral damage! La Ga or t
Food, medicines, water, mine which; Above all, these two countries do not want to His

cares why, how, or what those

take companies
care of eachwant
. It. decides
Who ,what to give . Ba ki chy ni te
I want to take it seriously. If death is offered, it is not the right of the king or others .
There is no need to ask for wisdom etc. Not necessarily . The It's good to live

decision of whether it is necessary/non- essential is taken by him . Why not know?

It is also the same speed to say . Strong companies with investments in biological research funds
He was doing it today. Give them love for their field of work
Ethapa Sun is the final authority on what and how to state scientific truth
of companies. We have this wonderful rock or tail, but this is a praise. Live and live
These private companies take control of those who are not valuable mines. Ko long, ya ho ndura s,
Many countries like, Peru, Bolivia, Akhata countries, Nigeria and other African countries.
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Desha ti l so ne, tan bay, khani j tele yam cha ba cha ba . All these countries were destroyed by them .
Don't wear war clothes and don't wear clothes.
First he lifted up the earth with his body and soul. Then Ka Le So Ne means mineral oil
And ko lasa etc. Now they are drinking water. This earth is beautiful
They have made the house miserable. It is a country rich in natural resources

Human life has been ruined by these hell-like bodies. (Akha Te Desha Te L
Why these days Arab sheikhs are thundering with their grace. Ba Ki Janata Kanga Lach. Sheikh

At the right speed, their assets are well protected. He is different from Vs

If it is Sadda Ma Hussain's, Gadda Fee's Kaya Ja Lay is in front of him.) Under the earth
Hundreds of years have passed since the water became stagnant . That water is now being pumped to the altar.

At the beginning of my poem 'Na Mushki Che Swagat', I quoted a poem.


is It was given by a red Indian man to white invaders in 1851. My friend Ka Lasekar Sati Sh
has translated it into Marathi. Here is a fraction of that
The temptation to give does not stop me .

This is the land that has been placed as a mirror and this is the sky .

which is held by him,

They talk to him about things to buy .
They want to break it, V. Ka's goods or goods .
Goats are kept like sheep .
His hunger will devour the whole earth and after that
Ma Gay will remain

Hostile or hostile.

Eminent philosopher Jung was traveling in South America as a red Indian unism.
Be with him constantly . They had a good rapport. Once this red indi un ism

Say to Yung, they

, This
not true
whyof white American men .
No I like them. Yung was surprised. The white Americans who own us
this . So, this commotion, let's go, is neither enough nor lost for the Indian people .

Why does this matter? Why is it better to, say Yung, Why do you think so? Say it
take this ,
Only with your head . Because of that their understanding remains insufficient. We take heart
Asking all .

the people on earth and culture, this is to ask with the heart. decorated
Awa Dhavya Bhuk, Ato Na Ta La , Today's ideals of Bemurvatakhor Na Sa D
Lasa Jamina Nya, it has been blocked. A new system with a focus on profit and self-interest
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The intelligence of the brain is being tied to the brain. The heart does not count it as weakness to ask
It's go. It is true that it is impossible to interfere with nature .
But Gandhi ji said that such intervention , Ni sarga la ki ma na ha ni po ho chel as he
should be done gently. From that, Sarga gets a chance to redeem himself .
Today, big companies are taking control of the world
V weka la na juma nana ra. Ni sarga che je rau dra rup ali kade to us
This is the confusion behind the feeling of anger.

In all these cases, she was only a victim. Tomorrow this earth belongs to humans
If it is not enough to live, then this problem is not happening because of It's on it
that . Let's settle down somewhere else . They are trying to do the same today
There are There are only options available, such as death or death. We are on this earth
All human beings are one nation and seek brotherhood from the great powers.
Who went away ? Ka hi shakti shali ma nse hi f only ma nse ba ki rest only

Valuables. you Those people, their language

, and culture are all priceless

It will be on G one. Why should they live if they have no use? Neither that nor that Adhi Ka Racha

No more . If the dog is injured or has died, his son-

Other dog positions with stripes can be killed . To those who cannot learn
It is straightforward to eat, whether it is free or not .
We are human , different , curious . A ti la sa t
A lesson that people eat or drink has been ingrained in us from generation to generation.
Even the mother who lived in the cave used to keep it in case of spying. Who later?
So that if she came, she would find it useful. That Adi M of New Culture
Our people have traveled a lot since black. To many flourishing tees
The accumulation of our knowledge , knowledge , and knowledge of things that have come and gone.

Cultures that take or give have overcome this ghost. Profit and such deposit
The world of this wretch, who knows only one thing, swallows everything.
People's lives have been distorted. One of a kind all over the world
G forest style, Vaicha Rik Stupidity
, Flattening, bajara la so yi chi chi single language
Making a market is the way to live our whole lives in the market. Our multi-lingual ,
culture is our glory as a nation. There are many languages and cultures in the world
This is not a collection to go to astangat ho. Language and culture go, without knowing about it ,
It is a long collection of experience, understanding. Why should this happen?
There is no affordability. Today it is not the same .
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Until now, our understanding is that the power of that country belongs to that country
yes she . That's true, isn't it? Because Obama became the President of the United States, that country

It may be that the understanding of the world has changed or the Big arms companies ,
strategy has changed . Companies in the motor industry , oil and other mining sectors and all are important
That is C . i. The influence of this spy agency on US policy and whatnot
truth, None of these change the universal welfare of the new nation . ,
There is no such thing as tama balgana . These are things like profit , power, status
Go to With that, they do not do anything wrong to get the level of courage .
Ma Phi Ya Lashkar
, Dictator , Shaha Na Ha Ta Shi Kanta will demand this destruction.
can . Lo Kasha chants, Lo Kasha values are followed .
Fear and terror are their weapons. I think the world is advanced(!)
The country is the most fragmented of all today. Why do I have these , They are broken

days? And it is also self-sufficient. What is called progress is the root

It is based on show, float, luba danook. By whom or by whom or by what means, ,
why these scratches were made, whether it was Mr. Manta or not .
Developed countries are doing this. If you want to keep all such kinds of money, then it is better
A defense mechanism is essential. Constant growth is required. Inspection required. That
That is why they are afraid of looting . And this woman is above all the sheep
If there were Gandhi said that Aisha is the religion of a fearless man .
The truth is that Gandhi ji did not tell us anything . This is India
He said that the people of so many independent villages should be ruled by the country
That said. At that time, many people were not in a good mood. Today we will follow her
I have gone too far . We still limit our physical needs -
That is, Samadha Na kept life like this - the things we need
This autonomy should be observed if the environment is met or used by them.
is possible It is more possible due to the advancement of science and technology

Sunlight falling on a house can meet all the energy needs of that house
can , In the region where we live, food is the most important thing for us
There is Our environment is made up of air and water and their associated gases
Food is a natural part of our body. Geography , Prof. Desi
Adjust according to needs . Tall, grand, fully enclosed and keeping the inside cool without any heat

Why do you want to throw away the heat from your tolejng houses and cars ? ,
Raw or roasted vegetables
, A simple house that keeps the air playing is good for you.
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It is certainly possible to burn honey using air or water as fuel. This

By breaking the resistance of the global lobby standing on the use of oil without technocrats.
Why will it come true in the near future? Plants feed on sunlight
Produces carbon fiber and recycles green-liquids . If this mystery is solved further
It will be possible to prepare them through food processing.

It is very easy for people to live happily

It is possible to mix and match. To do soby making the best use of this knowledge
It is also possible. Today's progress of science and tomorrow's direction is far from that vision
Hope is right. But the attitude of living with that should be changed . Today your
He has a turban in the world, so he is not doing that . But the world comes to 700 km
And the companies are only 20-25 or so . Ladies and gentlemen, we are one

Ma Navi
It is possible to change this world if we think about the brotherhood of the people.
Praja ti sakat ba ki pra ni , Such a total system of plants can be called Gunya Go Vinda

is It is the result of the thrilling journey that Ma Navi Buddhi Mate has undertaken today
If used wisely, it is possible for all to live happily
Di Pak Karanji Kar has shown that today's world is very popular
Need to be taken seriously. Today, as a citizen, we are delusional
If we are standing , then it is our responsibility to make room for our brothers and sisters
Everyone needs a break. We are not as weak as we think . J
Very few people are doing nasa d. We should succumb to their hunger
Avoiding, if you continue to reveal your delusional state, do not remember the knowledge of the immortals, who lived in the world.

Who is the best in the field of language, this world is beautiful by bringing it into reality.
It is still possible to do.
This book has made me very uncomfortable. I'm a pretty laid back guy
Yes, because of the reverse and other reasons why these emotions come to this world.
I feel that I have that much interest and affection for marriage
Mana Shi is saying that . This writing made me understand the strategies of personal interest in this world

I feel like I have been this

dragged. Prevalence
has been posted byof
Prof Manik Bha Vane
simple forest. I do whatever and wherever I do because they don't want me to do it
It is my humble feeling that I have not been honored to write it. Di Pak Karanji Kar
I salute them from the bottom of my heart and appreciate their thoughts and understanding.
I wish you all the best for your mother . They do not have such a chance
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We will realize that it is in our own good as a linguistic community to meet

This is what I believe.

- Rangana Tha Patha Re

1. Learn why , Vs Shamta Mo Fatt

Who are all the intelligent people who are not concerned about the world?
The problem cannot be solved as it is a puzzle in the making . In the middle of That

the pa, all the thoughts /churning come and stop, that is, life is love . this world
V kasi ta ho ta
Even if it , That is, when there was no wisdom and now the world has become a village,
were not, why would this disparity be reduced ? - Jaga ti l advanced, v kasi t,
V kasanshi l, lo ksha hi tho, ksha hi all sarka re, why are you helpless in front of this disparity?
Yes ? Why is this a universal question? Where did this discrepancy come from?
When the reasons for this are discovered, then it is noticed that this matter is not natural
I am a newbie. Above this earth , Mine, oil, ka hi hi asi mi ta na hi . come on

In space, we all live on an island called Earth . Where What is there, distance it
is the show ? That is, what comes to you
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That's all there is on the planet and that's all there is to it. you
Everyone has to work together to provide it. Even though this world is part of
Although the , Even if the 'countries' of this world were to be broken into pieces ; Although
Even if our country, , Bha Sha , Although the colors are different, this ; One side has and

religion, tradition is not like that of others, we should think that it belongs to everyone
Wa Para is to come. This philosophy does not exist.

Why is this the case? So these small pieces of the country are bigger than the rest of the world

Retention or disposal of the property on the land owned by him or her.

If you do They fight so that the wealth cannot be divided into other parts at all . tho day
As soon as different opinions are expressed, they are not afraid of the country, culture and other things that arise later

Upsata t. In fact, why do these smart people start planning their land by keeping an eye ,
on this rich wealth, seeing that ignorance lies beneath them?
has done Lack of opportunities for scientific research and associated funding
It is Due to all these, the wealth of the land is unequal or depleted. Then why again from that
, stature, group strength, and moment
So Yi's friends and enemies are being made . Self- intelligence,
Why are the good people being deprived of their rights by collecting unlimited profits?
As the group forms .
. He came from Asma Na or Tapa of Ni Sarga
This is where the disease of Vishamata na wa is born

Na this , It comes from the insensitivity of our desire , amarya da la lasa and toka ka!
root that people want to preserve with vigor, but the fires of inequality are spreading .
Those who own natural resources use them as they wish . The result: it gets more expensive,
for those who don't have it.
As war monger George Bush once said, 'India belongs to the people of India.
Food has become expensive all over the world due to rising incomes.' The people of India have been here for so long

Ka hi ba hi te ho te te te te te say they have acha nak cheap money so they eat good food

Eat to your heart's content and therefore there is food shortage all over the world. Indeed it is
why _ No, yes ! This gentleman is always lying. Za Le Ase Ki Aya Te Tela Varchi
Two decades ago, the US government used biodiesel to reduce dependency
Parya asked about the need
. for Jethro Pa Chi La Gawd for Bio-Dezelnirmi.
As a result, the American government announced a large subsidy for its farmers, even if .
you are an American, who does not want a subsidy ? Well, if you live in agriculture, you will do everything

Where is the highest subsidy, it is in America. Is this subsidy D or that ? So Dr. Ler Ma Gay 52
cents. Come on! A lot of farmers grow corn and wheat
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Farmers also started using Jethro Pa on a large scale . Do not reduce the agricultural land with rice

There is a shortage or low . Ka ran ameri ka jaga tala sakki te mo tha gahu, maka

productivity in the country. The grain supply to the world was reduced by the US and it became expensive
Jha Lt. Now this crisis and Sarga che Ma Navnimirti ? Who wants oil ? Dying with Upa
Who are you?

In Afghanistan, people were dying of skull fractures; But those were the products of opium
In the last ten years, there has been a huge windfall, and on top of that, terrorism has also spread .
If America really wants to keep the country healthy, then opium lands will be destroyed.
Arrangements can be made to take a separate crop on top of the Pund land from the river
This is the money that terrorists get. But if that is the case, why did America do it?
There is a different interest in the possession of land and water, which is the control over the land of that country.

Wanted to shake .
If the market and therefore everything becomes a commodity.
Karna is yet another risk-taking game played by rich nations
Go and come. Its profits are fed to the country, its economy. This is huge
Live on a large scale, wealth is lost, and live on slowly, for many.

Nashi B Hala Khi's life is about to come. For example, if you want to take a deer, turn and
A large industry has been formed to feed the animals.
Ula Dhal now goes up to Rs 1,00,000 crore only in Europe and America
is One-fourth of this amount (65,000 crores ) will be used by all people.
The limitless industrialization of everything can lead to nutrition.
Why is such a risk necessary? 100 grams of meat ready to be prepared
400 liters of water to do it , Count 500 grams of grains, 500 grams of whole grains

If there is, and that process is causing pollution on 10 km of vehicles

If so, the answer is that why should it be kept or not? Such
, mother s
And why meat production is dangerous; Ka Ran He Ka Hi Low Ka Chavi Sa Thi Barya Ch
People are also taking care of their homes.
But by making meat on a large scale, huge profits are made for our business
Yes, is it ? Then take it! Don't get used to it . Their appetites go fast
keep . Along with that, use advertising and other marketing techniques effectively
. Amarya D
Produce . Even if the whole world falls apart like that. If it is weak or weak, then it is

It is a problem of the whole world. Our only intention is to go and make money from it! This
Not only Bhampak, but he is bringing the whole world to the brink of destruction
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And therefore that act is criminal in the eyes of humanity. This is the reason for the conflict
Do you understand that our forest styles are the same? No matter what importance is given

You should see what things have gone awry. How They don't work for profit only
can he look at Sheba? Sama Ja's Sarva Gina V Ka Sa means Ka Ya
Is a company like salt? Most of the time, students studying mass media do not have a problem
? _ _ Te ki ti so yi che and
This is fashionable as it will be clear from the given chart.
As the industry has come into being all over the world, the cost of this matter has been increasing

Ba of expenses b Amount Outlay (Rs. crore)

Saund Darya products 1,00,000 (US Rs , Euro W)
Ice cream m 55,000 (Euro only )
Feed crops and animals 1,00,000 (Europe , America )
Business is entertainment 1,75,000 ( without deposit)
Si Ga rate 2,50,000 (Euro W)
alcohol 5,25,000 (Euro W)
Amali pada meaning 20,00,000 (Worldwide )
total amount 31,55,000

Women :

In comparison, live with all the things you eat and make or count

Annual Expenditure (Rs. crores)

Total Amount 30,000

of Health and Nutritional Food for All 45,000

Women :

This ratio is approximately 16 times. Enjoy yourself after such progress

It is not only moral but also humanistic. Why do you want to live ? A sa Dhe
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For example, the service sector and .

industries of our nation account for about 87% of the country 's income.
All are Adhi c) ; According to a survey by the Planning Board of India, Maha Rashtra
Da Ri Dryadr's Ba Bati Ta Desha Ta Ti Sreya Karma Ka Ka. How many of you?
About 38% of people are living on dry land. Despite the income of Da Ri Dryadr
How is the husband so worried ? The highest suicide rate in this country is also in Maha Rashtra
Yes . Inexcusable neglect of balanced industry is the 'dead man' of the ruling party.

So Yi assumed that ``no curry is dear'' and protested with his no curry.

Which one of the provincial parties in the last 40 years in which of the basic areas of the state?
The industry has not been set up . Raw materials going from the state to the country - mud, milk,
In which of, these
Who issectors
it? , are industries such as oil production and service sector established?

If it had remained, we would have lived and built with thousands of people . . come on

Beros are living and they are adding 4 to 5 khan every year. But so

It is said that the per capita income of Maharashtra is higher than that of the country.
To be thrown

This is a very deceptive picture. Today the total per capita income of the country is 47,000
is Rs.; But the per capita e income of Mumbai alone is Rs.1,25,000 . Of the great nation
Lo kasankhya sa dayakra ko t ; While the low number of Mumbai is 2.1 crore T. That is
19 near the Maharashtra . It Now calculate the per capita income of the state excluding Mumbai

means that the age of forgetfulness will come. 77,093 in total

There are mo ba eal pho nes; But there are only eight patients.
Little by little, the development and the diversity are the same ;
If this is the case, how can we say that?
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2. A sensational graph of peace

Can this topic be so disturbing? When you live today, don't be depressed
When La Tan has left everyone in despair, the world is ready to take up arms.

are delighted; Ka Ran is the time of his Bharbhara T , Apoorva of business


of opportunity . That is, there is an uneasy peace in the world of So the world of weapons

workers; Vyvasa is the guarantee of this business. Give me one more ma hi ti? Ya Ara Jak Or
An economy that depends on violence, or is it that of a country ? So 2.4 trillion doctors

So much ! I mean she ? So 144 billion rupees is the total gross domestic product of the world
5% of income .
It's not a lie !

So there is a figure. That is the graph of world peace. Pa f different


Methods have shown that the indicator of stability. . ThatOnmeans

that floorpeaceful country and

That means a country like this. The picture is scary. Jaga ki nak sha ta even tow ka la

The whole world is more or less like this, except for the two pieces that exist. Come to your ,
money , The Middle East and Africa belt is a very healthy region. True here
Strong arms market. Don't come as a weapon dealer, look at Sha . Then you will know...!

Now let's look at this whole topic from a slightly different angle, statistically.
come on . From this point of view, the expenditure incurred on the defense of the major nations of the world. Next
look .

Defense Expenditure of Major Countries (Rs. lakh crore)

Country defense spending Weapons
the whole world 70 70

why ameri 28 8
No 3.5 1
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England, 2.8 1.6

1.5 3.4
France are just net figures for wartime production. Other angles are attached
The matter of expenses is not . Now let's take a little look at the results and see for example deer
come on

The cost of America's Iraq/Afghanistan war, which lasted about 9 years, is

About S 60 to B Ko T is Rs. Ya ta mannaha ni (Kima na 15 la b death),

, natural resources (which are common to all)Na Sh Yan Cha

Pollution, pollution, damage to
It is not a suppose , You have said that all these nations and their shi sa telo te
disguise . The world is surrounded by these weapons of mass destruction
Why is it wrong to file a case of murder? Why this why before
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the International Conference on Co-operation in Panama
A great generous heart will raise the fund , "America why lead and live 5
of those lakhs of crores.' This video is very cruel and funny...
That is, to injure the world , It is good to keep the wound burning
20 lakh crore t and on top of that cost of dressing 5 lakh crore t ? Not only this
Ha sya spad na hi ; So La Kho Lo why there is no chance to live or why Rana. That's why
V is kha ri and ama is navi.
Today we are not aware of the attack . One in between
The findings of the survey are staggering
Around the world, 822 people are killed every year by small arms alone
If there were Under this 80% people are common or poor.
Azami spends 1 dollar per month in the West ; So 10 Dr. Ler
Expenditure on weapons .

All the countries in the G8 group are the world's leading arms exporters.
A permanent member of the UN Security Council, the
, , Chi Na, France, England
United States has a complete monopoly over the world's arms trade.
The number of authorized firearms currently available in the world is six
Ma nasa ma gay one is so much. The number of unauthorized fires is twice that
There is a fear.
Proportion of bullets of all types of firearms produced annually in the world per person 4
That's all there is to it.
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Currently, there are about 50 million small arms in use in the world. Take the ratio of this number

If we take 7 billion, it is huge enough to kill one small weapon every 14 people. In the 19th century
It was observed that the AK-47 is an automatic machine gun that replaces the gun.
For decades, it has been argued .

that only 40% of world defense expenditure is spent on agriculture, while 10% is spent on all forms of defense.

On aid (in the event of disasters ) , .

an average of 15 small arms are stolen or lost each year.

The turnover of weapons sold in the black market ranges from Rs 20,000 to 40,000 crore.
98 companies in the country are involved in the production and sale of these weapons.
There are accomplices.

It accounts for 60 percent of the world's total arms and ammunition.

Kha Jagi Utpa is with Dhaka.
, have a little idea of this Ama Nush and Ani Rbadh game that has spread all over the world.
Mr. Traho,

As a result, the above investigation has been carried out. This investigation was carried out under the veil of silence

It will come to mind who is doing the business of violence in the world. Come Ama Nush without much discussion

The probability that the game has produced the exact result, eg losing

pa hu One of them is happening in our neighbor's yard.

Iran -Iraq war, the second step of the US, the huge weapons from the US.
Purchased . For that, he was awarded an honorary degree by Detroit Eats . 70

Where billions of dollars worth of chemical weapons have been sold to Iran, it . Ira K

has become an unarmed nation. Next came America and the Arabs
Akha ta talya makteda ri is not b from above. There is no reason to go here to investigate it .
Sadda ma bi tharla . At the same time, the purchase of weapons from the United States was stopped, and oil was produced

Recently decided to get into midwifery. Then Maha Satta shook . IRA forces cover the war
gone Saddah ma macha al-ka yada ka ha ha ha haa na qura pat ka dhat, uno ta kho tena te
The IRA was given cover to the war by claiming allegiance (a chance to sell arms again ). Why do you think ?

This country is now in ruins like never before. of America

Billions of rupees worth of arms were stolen as the war of resistance was fought from house to house.

Za Lee is. The stockpile of all these shabby weapons came into use for many reasons
And the country will remain unstable for many years to come. People were filled with that
Go to it . One day it will rebel and return to this country, this country will be in the Middle East.
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Such a strategy would create a large array of weaponry.

It is suspected

Second eg Haran pa ki sta na. Today, Saudi Arabia is negotiating with its .
neighbor Pakistan, the biggest arms buyer since the 9/11 attacks.
country is Then this country should be strong .But actually this country is a raw ton today
There is a country. The forest is rotten like that. The gunman lives on top of the gun
are Today, about 8,000 babies are born every day.
This is the moment and the moment that Today, 45% of the population is not this country

you don't feed yourself . (i.e. suma re 11 ko t lo k) So 7 million people drink tea
Bhikari who lives in the forest, is deprived of water. 8 are T and N letters. You are on the same road
You can see the journey of 100 years of Kala . Ji Thee He Uki Radya Upper Ji Ne Janata
Lives in those narrow lanes of the land, with , Military Ma Jurdya Lo why and
billions of posh BMWs, Mercedes, Porsches of smugglers of real goods .

He was going back and forth with a small amount of rupees . This view is Today

always of. There are two centers of power in the misguided Pakistan Army. One of them
Army and another spy agency ISI help Pakistan .
However, America has a continuous relationship with them. 65 years of Pa Ki Sta Na
Iti Ha Sa Ti Thete remained under military rule for so many years .
This is the case of America . Ayubkha Na, Zee Ya , Musharraf's like Hukumsha Yes Shi
Sana Ray Amerika K Relations and Ghosts
, How about the likes of Benazir , Nawaz Sharif
Why does Marga tell the difference between relationships with elected leaders ? Ya Shi or Ya
What Pakistan has in store for India is different.
After 25 years of war and many proxy wars, Panja Bachi Show Kan Ti Ka Ama
, Pa
Ati Reiki ka rava ya ,ka
Sishmi ramdhi
ya chi l asthi
na, ka ragi rata
lam 13
intrusion , ,
India experienced series of incidents like multiple bomb blasts , attack on Mumbai.
is past. Jeha Di Group, Lashkar-e-To Yaba Harkat-ul-Ansaar , Jab -ul-Muza Hi Na ,
and Ya Jo D La Four are armed with these weapons.
(Total turnover of Rs. 5000 crore)

In other It was born in the last 60 years out of the desire for profit in the arms market
words, fear or admiration is your neighbor. Those who wielded these weapons did not know ; So

You have to sympathize or befriend this unfortunate and evil neighbor.

But those who have earned money from this have gone away with the new scheme.
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3. Hurte ti the v kate!


Ma Nawa means to live with basic needs. Struggle like that, like that
Ni sarga shi do na ha ha ta do, do do sti do ogha comes naturally. Food, clothing, shelter
Most of the basic needs are met, people develop intelligence and acquire knowledge.
To hold , to be bound by human relations with each other, the constant struggle on the surface of life.

Sing the song of creation without doing it .

Good health for the consumer was also included in the basic needs.
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Ka lan tara ne ma matra ka kuna stha ook it happened that shi moment, clothes, food like that
The area of basic needs was covered by the Behi Shabi Gani . Then mastava l
It is the business of men
, Napa and Adhika Napa became Parvali's words. All of them
. For a moment the name was tied to money and come
The values of the area have increased
The market of values is the beginning of . Jaga te 'Sagalan sa thi shi khasan' is only Uno's
the promotion of the remaining on it and the life of the book is given to the people who have the money.
Neither he nor the untouchables are engrossed in their own affairs. What kind of wisdom would happen
It started rotting right then and there, then why is it different at this moment ?
Aro Gya's is not even more . She is a mere body . Because of that now

Ma Nawa's pain , the pain Instead of coping with it, live it

eat weapons, eat Lachi Mothi, put medicine on Ma Nawa's disease.
Do la Ra Mi Ravat Uhi Ra Hi Lee. Effective use of such basic needs c
It is not only the foreign currency and the profit from it that is new
Medical science puts overall human health above the commodity level.
Livelihood has been brought to the fore. Even though it is painful today
Wa stava chi tr. It can be used to treat human diseases in many ways
If you can find an opportunity and finally, let's take a look at it.
This can be The system of questioning has given us an economic terrorist attack
done . I am doing Gula. Aaj he li hi ta sasta na jaga ti la ka hi desh ya wi cha ra che gula m
Yes, we are ready to take up the new values. Today
The world's net market for pharmaceuticals has crossed the 50 billion mark. This
. This includes doctors, pathlabs, patients in medical professions
Only the medicines were used
This is not the same .
Don't you really understand this very serious issue?
Let's look at it from a. different perspective .
V Seshagya defines the definition of the disease, neither the blood, the vaccine, or the leaf
The normal range of blood pressure varies by the number and then the medication above it
Manufacturing companies are earning billions of rupees. like
Rakta Baa has a range of normal pa tali or Rakta Talya Sa Khare Pa tali even though it is only 5
Even if the numbers change, many people will come under the influence of those diseases and then take the pill.

That is not necessary. A day creates the need for a drug called a statin to lower , That

the new level of cholesterol in the blood. Then this medicine

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Why not open it and take it for life?

Yes it is.

It is the quality of the government and the system that is the most reliable in the world
Specialized health organizations set new thresholds for symptoms on the floor . But then
It is observed that there is only one research institute in their group and
All the others are different pharmaceutical companies selling the drug from financial calculations.
The rest of the researchers build the production system of the medicine.
Understand where
, and how the market is . Accordingly, the need for these medicines
A general system is used for construction. The best solution for that is

Ja hi ra t. I mean, see how it happens ....

, Well no
every day comes and one day we come home in the evening in a dark mood.
Taking a cup of tea , watching programs on TV, watching the news.
There is no patient f; But going to watch TV for an hour or two and all that
When you look at the medicines, you will feel like you are going to get sick

Health is far too good now. Ka ran tya ja hi ra ti tale ni da na ekha de at least a symptom
We are speechless. If we are educated, then we should behave like wild people
Ignoring this, this thought is taking over my mind
After the day was, over,
We have
we had
cometeahome happily ,
If you don't like it, we will move it . Not only this, but in the meantime he is not only ,
a healthy and happy man but a learned man and gradually
That person should not give a medicine without taking medical advice.
It may seem strange to us .
that this is happening over and over again, but it does happen.
for sure . Basically it is unethical to have one's disease as another's selling point
There is no pain relief at all, but only by manufacturing it from the stomach and selling the drugs.
That means more degradation !
Sometimes a new drug comes out in the night that it is administered
'La kho lo ka ni has taken this. you ?' Enough said. At present the attractiveness of medicines
Even at night, many people are forced to go to the doctor. This is known as Adhikari K
See how it goes . Pharmaceutical Prepare the medicine slowly now

companies have started to redefine the definition of health. Having So many reasons

such a desire or a sporadic amount is now a regular practice

The beads have arrived. Then the question arises, why do you want something like this ? Tamuk
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Have you gone ? Then the temperature increases, so why do you give me a big pain
It could be the beginning. It is also a pain that can be borne alone
Yes, no, and then this fear spreads like the wind.
With these pharmaceutical companies, they pretended to be a social worker and then continued to sell money.

Why are you offering this free test ? You want your money to work. That's true
will be; But because of these people, Sama Jati is a data base of special people
. After classifying it, it should be done at night. Jani and
It can be created because of that

If it is not done or eaten, then a consumer rights category of medicines should be created
In fact, all of us feel uncomfortable at some point in our lives. when
Ra comes , Sometimes he feels alone, sometimes he is upset about the situation around him. This

All are illusions of our mind and it is very normal to have them. On top of that
The solution is to engage the mind somewhere . Pharmaceutical companies are watching this very closely

And give them one of the symptoms of the disease.

It is a big market for medicine. The illusion of the mind, its diseases and the market for its drugs
This is the most popular marketing game in the healthcare sector.
And regardless of who plays this route, pharmaceutical companies , Jaga ti l mo thmo tha
have made huge amounts of money without legal restrictions. All these are valid and valid in one way or another
Logical methods are acts of putting people's lives hostage and dying
People who have been caught by her have become constant victims of this lie.
You don't even notice it but the end of the patient and the end of life
Both see this business as a great opportunity . Many As a market for drugs
times pharmaceutical companies are constantly pushing new drug shows and old drugs
Looking to heal .

There are many examples in the world of creating such artificial markets. Proc medicine
A good example of this is all the drugs in the category of anti-inflammatory drugs. When these drugs
When it came, it would only be given on a large scale . Now it is all yours
Mood or anxiety state is fixed . Then there is the feeling of being restless

The situation shows that ; Because there is direct profit from that .

Children are the biggest market for anti-aging drugs. Just look at it with common sense
So, don't let your kids get selected in the cricket team or in school.
There is no reason to feel depressed or lonely because of not taking part in the program of songs .
To be familiar with tho dese, to be afraid to speak out, is actually that simple, that she
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It is normal. But these companies call it 'social order'

Don't hide your natural feelings by pretending .
Abroad and misfortune have now destroyed our country .
It is not about understanding a disease and treating it with care
Some of these injuries require medical treatment. The reason for this is their own

It is better to give medicines than to give time to children. There are many come on

pharmaceutical companies taking advantage of the trend. Pain is a state of the body
And building an attitude of mastery over that is it happening at home today?
If parents do not want to give me pills /injections . Sometimes give one
Take him to the doctor and say, ' I have many problems now . No children
Don't think that you don't understand the . She should not worry about poor parents either
meaning of this, so why would he get sick after taking one pill without missing a beat .

If children are busy with phone , sms, internet, etc

And the parents who complain about it unnecessarily, we really know that time is not just for the children.
gives , If she pretends to be chatting with him on that subject, he is not an aunt.
Wee La Gale to start depression pills. You have to share this body without breathing
is; But with the speed with which the homeliness of our home, the easy forest mode of the family is destroyed

That's , And given that all this has happened in developed countries, we are well aware
all Pa Hata!
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4. Retail FDI, v ka s-v na sha che ajab mi shran

All over the country there is a great deal of confusion on the issue of retail.
In other words, why is this not new in a country where 'Gon Dhal' is also a All Arthavi Dwa no

opinions of wisdom, Visitor advice, appeals to patriotism festival

, ,? B Nabuda's
Let us look at all this opinions,
, scams, corruption and fraudulent retail decisions.
with the wisdom of a common man, keeping the words of God, God, etc.
come on

This country is 125 km. This means that there are so many people living with so little
Count the items . So in a different sense, this is such a big ba ja rapeth, that is, it is from her
The purchasing power is four times that of the US and twice that of Europe as a whole. Abba! It's like this

It is said that because of this, the overall background behind .

this question is that multi-bred retail exists in all developed countries. In our country
Over 51% investment in single band retail is expected. Why single band?
So don't shop for single band items . For example Harna Artha, Reebok , Adi Das or ,
jewelery clothes, handbags, all such items which can be termed as prestige items.
However, in multi-braid, the .sales channel will be selling these items and other products ,

The essential items should be given a single roof and no matter what. come once
, Allramal
Duka na shirle ki bhusa types of keys
, milk, , utensils , clothes,
vegetables, ,
You get everything like alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, luxury items. Sarka rane like this
Duka did not allow 51% foreign investment in the building . Because of that Mo Tha
Money will come to the country and that money can be invested in other infrastructure of the country

Sarka Rachi is Dharana.These shops are more than 10th in the big cities
It is possible to make such a statement and because of that the farmer has the rights, the rights of the farmers.
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The government is of the view that the gap between them will be reduced and agricultural commodities and

other commodities will be cheaper and directly reach the consumers.

This is what Sharad Jo Shi of our farmers' association is saying, isn't it ? Do

not force, give the status of agricultural products . This is old. So why isn't Hoon
Ra up to this now? Ka baran lo ka bomb ba ma run ra hi let? Well then, the people
who took charge of the foreign investment policy would keep the prices but jump
right back? All such questions are pointless. What is the meaning of this ? One
question comes to us and it keeps coming to life, why do we want to deal with this
disease if we .can get bombarded from here and there? Why really why?
Why is it that it is empty ? What is the .
reason for this ? Farmer country lesson la la speed ? Why is the river getting
cold ? Let's go to the root of all these things . Why this investigation is in the form
of little statistics
* India's retail market accounts for 20% of its total national income
Ja motion is of first order and second
order. * The retail market has a very large share in the Indian
economy. A total of more than 12 crores is divided into ki rana duka nadar ,
chote bhaji wa le, ka pad duka nadar , pa na bidi wale, ki kol v krete . This figure is
huge; And if all these come with a large number of people, then their business
can have a big .
impact. This whole business is very unorganized. That means every 20
The wages of the workers and the prices of different commodities vary per kilo meter .

* India's huge economy runs mostly on cash. Due to which huge amount of
cash is being traded . The angle of which is difficult to keep in mind. This means
that sales tax etc. is not available . If the transaction is valid . * There Why are you fighting?

are only seven people in the

retail business that are organized (4% of total business ) ; Whereas in
unorganized retail (94%) there are about five to seven crore people. No country
can live such a difference . That means all these 5 to 7 crore people who keep
provident fund do not get the benefits of Jaga Ra .
* There are 11 shops of various types per thousand people in India and if
this business is freed by the government for foreign investment, it will be a
business of about 2 to 3.5 thousand crores . It is possible, but it is not known whether it is unorgani
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* Exploitation of labor is higher in this industry than in industry or agriculture.

Yes it is. Can't understand the reason why .
After so much research you will know that this area should remain unorganized
What is Fa? The same goes for Dala Lan and Small Big Pari class
It is definitely on the way. Perpetual exploitation of a section of the society
It is an addictive business. So bring that discipline and sit a little
is necessary.
All these questions still have a side and its roots are ours
They are in the same system. Our marriage is in the tradition of Ra. Have these years gone by, Reliance,
Good , Big barns like Birla che mo aar or big bazaar were standing .
luck, but why is this the case today? So let's admit that it's still from the top of the corner
If you prefer not to bring assistance ; Because even if he is nadat, he is on the same side
Never give up . A state is There was a breath of fresh air in the shop
. enriched by say IT or other BPOs
So it closes, doesn't it?

Navashree Manta Varg, who lives in the city as a professor, does not go to any shop except her.
No this ; Then she let the big board of 'Bay One Get One Free ' hang around her neck. Don't give it to me

The reasons are - The first is the economy , which basically has 40 crore people in the country.
Purchasing power . And secondly, tradition (which is not true ). Which
Dari dri means honest and shri mant means deceiver in our society

There is an underlying As long as the problem is not resolved until then

understanding. It is not possible to understand . Even today India invests money in shares or above
Dependents are not more than 8% . That means a total of 111 crore T people
20,000 JHA or 10,000 JHA?
It doesn't matter . The country's policy on sharing the country's directives
Let the economists come out of the giant tower and think about it sometime now.
Apari is a rya.
issue , milk, , That today, in our country, there is another
(meat , eggs and other organic essentials) simply because there is no proper storage system.
Throw away wa la gato. Let him go to the city, but if V Kala does not go, then what is his opinion

Be zero. About 30 to 40 thousand crore rupees per year in India according to one report
(This number is likely to be extreme ) Come on
Grown grains, unsold and perishable vegetables , fruits, meat , eggs,
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Milk came all. Inadequate storage arrangements , Undeveloped vs swimming system

There are many such reasons; But sarka ri pa tali upper ko dagepan, aya ta-ni rya ti che,che

Internationally known as the Low Country Government, the Government's approach to agriculture as a business

The unforgivable neglect, the tyranny of dhanydala lan, and overall

This is the lack of ability to look at the whole of the country . New retail strategy

The scope of setting up the infrastructure is not determined

It is far away. In fact, from all this money Sarkarla used to be developed countries

All arrangements are possible; But Sarka Racha himself

As with confidence in decision-making ability, grasp the ability to make a given decision.
If so,and
Aji ba tach na hi . Labor farmers with
working this policy
class ,
Ekmukha would have given you a good deal

So far, the public has not experienced the government's failure to implement any policy
No Don't care about
, The the
Cree road system,
Da complex whether
was erected, you live richly or not
this . It gives the opportunity to make strict rules so that the people do not walk on them.
How many people can prove this point ? Notwithstanding the foregoing,
So it is about competition and Dalai Li's attitude. That is the benefit of the people
Not so . Therefore, it does not oppose the retail strategy as we have these 12 crores
The road coming up is smooth and smooth.
went to Why do people agree if there is a change in the neta or if the government is eating it?
How come with breath ? (Remove the rajaki ya v odha sodi its importance is very immediate and

(Begdi is of low quality) Till date, how is this policy justified by the government?
The public was told with a sigh of relief . is On the contrary, it is the same as the price of cash

busy This shortness of breath is the real problem and it tends to slide or collapse
Institutions that facilitate economic growth need to leave. But to you

Unfortunately, this is not an objective policy making organization and hence the policy
A lack of understanding of what is wrong and what is necessary is the greatest cause of government.
is a failure.

But on the one hand, the benefit of the sliding policy is to be deprived and on the other hand
It is a matter of concern that these parties do not extend any benefits of order to the people of other states.

Our people are always in trouble. This is your memory and future too !
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5. Shubhra why this ji and take

"Drinking a cup of hot tea with sugar for the first time in your life is a privilege."
Events . Because it is the foundation of a new social system and a new economy
are created on the basis . Let us understand this very well
of society. ,
An ominous bell of fundamental change is why human beings and nature have fallen
or burned .'

Sydney Mitz ( from the article Sweetness and Power)

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Sugar is indeed a mouth-sweetening Sa khare pa tho pa th and before

commodity, but when there is only a moment of joy , it is auspicious to give it up, 'sa true eater.
If I tell you all this
That all these sentences are an excess of positive thinking
Or tail? But the truth is , Discovery of reality , its production and its use
Pravasa sata, iti ha sa sa, why is it different if it is different if iti ha sa tha tha sa tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha she

Eat three. The world-wide real -world industry is a new right, Gula Magiri ,
Parya Varana , The attitude of fixing is not so much brick-and-mortar
Chi has given birth to you that you should bitterly rebuke this sweet food.
About 1,000 years ago, agar was used medicinally for its sweet properties.
For a century , the substance was used as an essential item for healing . Seventeenth
purposes, a luxury item of high prestige, and it became . She deserves a lot of respect
an item of universal necessity. This is from Spain
Why did this question come to the attention of the students? The first thing to do is to give it to him
Sugarcane production in Spain and Portugal gradually spread to the Caribbean Islands, South
Moved to America. It was later converted into a li sban with abundant production of sugarcane
There are many complementary activities such as sugar .
harvesting, sugar production, storage and . Cane la gavad, sugar cane dani,
harvesting and cultivation of sugar to be prepared and stored there. La Chi
All these industries are forced to work in large . That's why it's so good
numbers of workers. As dark as the prospect of profit in this business
Yes, I will show you how to spend or enjoy it. The main need is that
of labourers . Then the world of Spain's Mastwal Lvya Pare is the world of our father's malik

They started to bring labor directly from Africa . Said no less

Why pay the wages? , Rather than that, keep your friends and animals in line. Then be born
She came and asked Ma Nawan's daughter . Take note - all customs of Anya are European
It has been started by men. Then the Gula Maa business began to . Seventeenth century
grow like a true dream, and the laborers and workers were forced to do so, as in Barbados , Jamaica.
Here, the great journey of Gula . Live it
. His mother-in-law , Rabha, became a boli
Maa started, where all the laborers were brought from the country.
By the beginning of the 18th century, the number of laborers had increased to 10 lakhs
. As the demand for real rose around the world, so did this business in Europe.
. It's like living today
Yes, financial investment from developed countries increased
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If you look at it from the perspective of Karana, you will notice that it is actually the first product.
Creating a world-wide need and giving it the shape of a rich industry
came This means making one product from one product to another and using it for many purposes.
And the business of getting people used to it became part of a brutal , That's how it is

process of enslaving people around the world that continued for a century.
And if the new world is like this, then the .

European economy is like the eighteenth century, like water , meat , milk.
The traditional business was named after the first place. Sa Khar Utpa Dana Chi Navnavi No
As techniques evolved,
, products evolved. Ma Gani - Supply Nyaya Ne Sa Khare Prices
Less and less, . One day the price drops, but now it is a luxury of the elite class
the last thing became a necessity of the people . Once Ma Gani supplies
New opportunities to get more income as soon as the math is done , the profits are gone
The show came . In the name of bringing about financial discipline, we have to pay taxes
Ma Dani Jha Lee .
The fateful game of calculating various taxes began.
A new dimension of This judge is the power behind sugarcane production
political and economic
. relations has been created and
That's the same with all the signs
, Start sacrificing the values of Ma Navi Sahaji Vana
What . The entire social structure is destroyed with the economic power of a handful of people
is the meaning of the word 'progress ' and 'progress ' ?
Tried installing it and it continues to sing. Not the thirst of common people
Missing brothers, It started to become , Coffee and other stimulant drinks
irresistible only when Khare started giving tea to her . All over the world
It has become a status symbol of the .
middle class, earlier we used to have jaggery tea at home . Gula cha came from the summer
The method of giving . Further, it was determined whether the urban areas were affected
stone is that middle class has come to give real tea . When we are on the forest style of cities
The purpose of living is determined (to be the mother of your life
In fact, it started right away ... Anyway ) and then Sa Khare's ma gani suddenly took a leap.
took . As the demand for sugar increased or increased, sugarcane was also produced
. right ,
Property rights over the natural resources of water became important. Why did you keep it true?
The distillery started to make rum and wine from real plants . All that
complement each other; But businesses that build completely new and new consumer goods
Sa Khare Aadha Re Bahru La Gale.
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Usoto Dani, But the number of laborers who have to deal with it all
A lot has gone down . Don't you import cheap labor from Africa like this?

As time was set for a major industry of Gula Mee, the . Later Gula Maa was banned
need for technicians in this industry increased as governments across the country
(Vs. of being the ruler over half of the world and being a firm ruler
The British adopted a policy of exploiting Aya Ta-Niriya Ti . It really came true
Do not strengthen the efforts to do this . The form of this cycle of oppression of the British

etc. ) were used freely. Sugar cane is the whole world . Natural resources (water, air , ,
They were cheap farm laborers and worked hard. come on
All natural resources , Ma Nai is the one who determines the value of hard work, i.e. like sugarcane
Karna re ka rakha ne ma tr ya wasa hatwa diyaan ki ma laki te ho che che. It is really huge
After making profit, buy it from poor countries. Ka ran ti sary jaga te that
There were no technicians.

These huge profits have not allowed the rich to gain major financial strength.
There is no doubt about it .The production of sugar will cause a huge amount of damage to the environment in this poor country

la gale Many forests were destroyed . She did not drink the water of the crops alone

La goon ba ki pi ka ka ka unforgivable neglect ho oo la gale; However, if there is money, why not?

Don't you think so ? As sugar plantations require large amounts of fuel, manure, .
mineral oil and other sources of energy are under pressure, pollution is . So true

generated from plantations. Ta wa u, pa ni , Do the na sa d of Mali parya varana chi

la gale Amarya da Napa then with that sa thi pany chi na sa Parya Varana chi , All of them
, d
We are experiencing the need for this vicious circle. ha ni . We also come here

Sa Khare's show gave birth to many new products . Who why who la , chow cullets,
Pills etc. are just one of the products of today's mass consumption
It is a real show. Then the leading companies closely watched the market. Ko Ka Ko La Cha Show Dh
Is there anything that we didn't have a thirst for before? But live today
People ask that every year, as much as 120 liters of cola is produced,, Drinks like So Da
and if you look at the number of people in the world, the market is huge.
imagine . Food consumption and its adverse effects on health
Again, the medical profession is booming. And if there was no need for wind, this life would not be necessary

It is the only binary that has become dominant and creates a world of many complementary industries.
Such is the product. The sweet journey of Kanbhar Sa Khare in the 17th century is now local
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And the movement would only become stronger or weaker at different turns of the wheel.
No this ; So what he gave birth to ,was the no-nonsense corporate lobby seed , the world over.
The four centers of power, the Mastwal, the international government and the people of the world.
Taking everyone seriously, he became extremely toxic , bitter, crooked and stubborn.
This is equally true

6. Blue print of progress and failure

The progress made by Ma Nava since the beginning of the world till now is undoubtedly great.
. stunned
It is the journey of the king who , Today's half a billion people were born from that
starts with a handful of people ! Adi Ma Nava Ki Kala Te La Ma New Life and Today
This new life has a very large share of ever-evolving intellectual progress.
above the level of , Our existence as human beings has risen , Sakho L
consciousness as animals of special purpose, and from the level of consciousness to change and ch
Always restless with things, an inexhaustible source of constant leap forward.
has become It is also true that we have come here and come here.
After many years of journey , neither the victory over the world nor the experience of those calamities.

You have brought it silently. We should not suffer from its capriciousness
It must be admitted that a strong system has been set up for this. Today because of all this
It is also true that Ma Nawa's life has never been so desperate or hopeless. Ma Tr
You do not do all this, and you are the basic formula of the simple forest of Ma Nawa connected with Sarga

Is it written somewhere ? Creation is the origin of individuals and collectives

What is the meaning of the letter ? Ni Sarga's and Ma Navi Ji Vana's interdependence
Is the spring of each and every one of the G -vs-Ka wars now drying up ? Regrettably
It should be noted that the answer to all these questions is yes . Come on , all of you
Being a part of Ni Sarga, it is bound to depend on it
If you know these links, you will be able to overcome such crises quickly . huge

and without destruction, which will be of great benefit to your healthy, prosperous and safe life.
have been brought. The solution to the immediate crisis is not the marriage of its original structure
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It's a mess somewhere. Divasa gani ka more than food, , Energy Rs

water, we are the reason of our existence. , Hope to live
We are depleting the life and the environment . Aza ri sari ra ra besuma ra
It is the same as the blind and blind mother of Prata Vika. Such is the ability of Sarga
The balance , Water is an infinite system of constant purification ; Where do you grow?
of wind, air, and air ; Vi Vidha Bhubha Ga Ti L, Agdbambam Prastra Ti L
The existing biodiversity, covers a larger area than the other two and yet this
A vast array of organisms that usually do not violate their own boundaries
, The plants that grow hard are the hidden medicines
The preoccupation of knowing

Secrets, the rhythm of the cycle and the cycle of the universe.
Sam bhalna re utsa hi re such this ni sargakra ke ma navi ji was close to the forest.

A submissive woman is It is only physical without questioning

, their body
unbreakable. Ama Nush and avi cha ri which we have brought around in the half of V ka sa cha.
is Do the same and talk about how the advanced world is and the world
The outcome has now reached a turning point. It is in a dazed state and
Again and again we have done , This is moderated. Actually come on
exactly what we have done.
Even if we pretend to choose one, let's go a little further
However, it is not true that we have the understanding that the two parts do not meet each other .
...rather than just sitting around, if you live on this level, it's a whole lot better
If audited, why can this picture be seen?

Reference : John Cook, 10 Indicators of a Human Fingerprint on Climate

Change, Skeptical Science, July 30, 2010
Reference : (NOAA) via: Climate Change: How do we know? NASA,
accessed October 27, 2009. ..
There is another aspect of looking at this Ara Jaka that is -
Objectively speaking, the total carbon dioxide in today's air is carbon dioxide
80% of highly hazardous gases are produced by industrialized countries.
Va Ta Varana has left. Since 1950, the United States has burned 250 million tons of carbon
Da y oxa ed wa u; While China's is 75 million t and India's is 20 million t
Air is also emitted.
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Countries where only 20% of the world i.e. 140 crore people live
It emits 60% carbon dioxide in the atmosphere . Or Ta Varan
If it's okay with everyone, it's about toxic substances or war or American language.
A weapon of mass destruction is a heinous act .
The changeable angel is like a fist warrior; So
The changes in the air and weather are the key to it . Now if you know the meaning of this tho sha tale
If this is not taken, the result will be taken .
Why do you think that only these bodies have their necks?
It is in good condition and was built in the last century. That , Why Lakhanda t
is to say, look at the discoveries of scientists and , I am new to new life
technologists in the new direction . That's why Lakhanda ,
Do you want to start a new , It is a process of rising above the level of deep brokenness
life as a mother ?
Why don't you disagree with all these women or say how is that?
yes eel Climate change has always happened on this earth. Yes , Hon
is! But on the one hand, this is not the proof that they are so scary and the other is why
If there is a temperature change such as a heat wave, it is part of the solar cycle.
Therefore; We did not create it . Now if we don't think that we are all advanced
So the changes caused by the current situation were not happening before. As a result of this
This was never seen before. Still, why do such people not give any objective answers
The survey drew attention to J.J

Most of the developed countries and those with the highest carbon dioxide emissions are
Ameri Keti L is the same
It means only want of food and destruction of natural resources , and the creation of natural resources.

The three pillars that remain today are the collapsed infrastructure and the unethical behavior of the advanced nations.

The world has fallen.

On the streets of busy and crowded cities, in the hustle and bustle of malls
Use and throw away the dust , glitter, and dust of the air. , 'Upbho c
take it , This Befi ki Ravi's ruprana li te jaji
, Above market directions
Today's modern , advanced tech-savvy people who define the happiness of life .
Although , will not be the essence of existence that values forests and mountains.
there are probably rivers, it is not coming from Ltd. in their city ,
Adamas . A happy life revolving around oneself is worth thinking about all these things.
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Even if there is no life left, never mind ; But for those who don't know the future of
the nama navajati, who are not allowed to associate it with life or the sky, this is a
dynamic survey of the whole sky-cycle. It is very important to say that
River for the last 40 years, The water withdrawal from the pond has doubled.
We only have 40% to 50% of what is available in water. (Tai means river, not
continuous flow) Between 1960 and 2000, the water stored in large dams was 6 times

more than the total water of rivers. 24% of the world's total is not due to the fact that
it has come down to crops (because that's what it is - greed for money ) which has
led to massive biodiversity loss. is This loss is more than the combined total of
losses in the 18th and 19th centuries. Since 1980, 35% of total forests have
been destroyed. 7 Jaga Te Lakh has destroyed 20% of the coal wealth;
So, 20% and Rs. Currently, the world's major new vegetation produces nitrogen ,
more than all other natural
sources ; Nitrogen fertilizer, which was introduced in 1913, has been used
more in the last 25 years than the previous total. The amount of nitrogen in the ocean
has doubled over the last century. Phosphorus levels in agricultural land worldwide
have tripled from 1960-1990 levels.

A quarter of the world's aquatic life has been

lost. Fertilizers used in agriculture contain over 100 toxic substances which

You can live your life with a loud song, born with such a
goal. In spite of heavy use of fertilizers, the per capita production of grain has
decreased by one-third in the last 30 years. The biodiversity of the world's aquatic
life is on the verge of
extinction. The life cycle of two billion people has been affected by the cycle of life
La Vali is.
For the first time ever, pollution is on the verge of becoming a threat
Has come and stood
up. A huge number of people have been destroyed. That's why 'ji wo ji vasya ji vanam '
Moolmantra is about to turn out to be false.
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This whole thing is still too big. Large amounts of water


. 'The
It is so sweet to include the deserts in it world is on this stage of Vs Ka Sa'
If someone says that there is a picture, why should they say this ignorance? India is different
is Only 7% of people invest in it because of the index of Sensex
We decide our case . That is to follow the blue print touch of Vi Na Sha; So then
Why do you want to lose power so much ?

7. Jee Woe Jee Vasya Death!!Naam

The amount of grain we grow is inversely proportional to the number of people we have
Where is the claim that the farmer . Where is the grain for such a low number? That
has not been able to make a continuous claim? Where is the pure water enough to count on that?
How can you bury all these people who have gone up to billions today ?
All these seemingly unanswerable and seemingly unanswerable questions are being thrown around
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are The developed countries, which are basing themselves , Of own ma navi g forest method

on the blind and unbiased way of research, are facing many scholarly questions.
Vs. On the one hand the question is whether each sector is open to foreign investment
You can also be very cunning , purposeful and even responsible .
Agrarian culture like ours has been known for thousands of years and is green , white
Many such cases to the country that is successful in its own life , Don't ask this question
Bhukkad Vs Dwa Na Ni , that is the way of Mukhands fed by the corporate sector.

It is not only Santa Pajanak's but also Ana Tha Yi. It is a battle to remember all this now

Discussion of GM (Genetically Modified) food is going on fast in our country . as if


The ground has not Wan zo t za li is, ma nse are hungry and now
moved, the technology is not there, it is not true whether the temperature can be moved or not.

Pi Kavati L. The answer to all our hunger pangs is food prepared this way

It is also being convinced by the great Vakuba that it can be given. Sha stri ya drishti ko na che continuous throat
Why dhana re are now mustard seeds.

People on one side with hunger or extreme hunger;

On the other hand, massive grain production has turned the world and us into such a strange picture
At present GM is in a situation where there is a huge shortage of food and people are starving
It is foolish to think that food will change. Ka ran ma nase upa si
This means that they do not have enough money to buy the food they want or need
is Even today, many malnourished regions or hungry people live like that

The real answer to these questions may be due to physical or other reasons.
GM will change everything, it is very safe. Due to this, the consumption of chemicals is reduced
There are many claims by its supporters that it can produce more . But

Why exactly is genetically modified food? He is not a biotechnologist - that is

A scientist can remove the logic from one cell and put it in another cell . Because of this
Many new organisms are created by the biological processes taking place . Now this work is related to food

So let's take a closer look at this topic about different plants . Always like this

Any genetic modification is defined as (all animals and plants )

It is kept in the same way as it is in nature. But the reality is not like that .

Traditional production or production method ( organism )

We would say that if there were obstacles or if there was a special way. Eg Harana Artha - Ka Poos

And mice cannot eat each other like that . But genetic modification
However, there is a method that goes beyond the gender, surg, and paj method
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if you can One more eg Haran give yache if = Suppose, Give it a genetic modification
ma sha che jins ekha give go in to mato how wa tail? All the processes are coming
Whether male or female, the inherent cause would have been commanded . Those who are yo ge tha ge wa che

It determines reproduction, reproduction, growth and survival. All this in one big molecule under the cell

It is like that. This is the DNA that surrounds us . This is DNA

Many minute parts are divided into parts. which add up to the existence and growth of the organism.

Genes are processes that are regular and systematic. Genetic modification
However, the method involves cutting the DNA and keeping it from one process to another.
Go to it . Genetic engineering uses different pieces of DNA from which new genes are made

By doing that, they give birth to different food systems that they want , all these are biological
It is possible due to the advancement of technology. It has a definite use.

For example, for deer, development and control of toxins of specific diseases. Do not go through much scrutiny

Here we can know that this method is not based on Sargani Yama . That is
At first, she may not be able to wake up completely and immediately after waking up, she may not notice it.

Why is this extremely far-fetched ?

New food, protein, etc., created by inserting new genes in such a way.
The amount of food components , their form can all be different and different.
Many of its side effects can affect the health of those who consume it . Next
It can also be said that many such evils are caused by them
The form will be noticed; But until then, the root cause of the problem is to grapple with it
It is never even possible . The grain .
anyway produced in this way is called 'form crop '.
Let's call it that. Azami has been trying to grow this type of grain all over the world
have been given the day before. Different types of food are available in developed countries
Currently, there are large number of banded shops of different food chains in the country.
Also available.
Genetic food has been around for almost 20 years now
It was at this time that the discussion of his evil mother started . Now come many nations
Be more aware of the context. According to the usual diet of developed countries,
After all this, now all this research money, its use and trade , this product
The process of shifting the resources to vulnerable countries has already started . Just to you
B T Ja Ti's You must remember the Wa Dal rising from La Gawadi of Van Gya.
At present , India's huge exports are under pressure
It is opening up more and more sectors to foreign investment and trade.
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Our country's policies and policies are also consistent with all these trends
Due to the same issue, such type of genetically modified plants in our country.
The possibility of going to Delhi is getting stronger now. What are the side effects of this ? This
I understand why everything is here.
Roots can be called genetic food fads or emergency species
Research on the prevention of diseases on plants, whether
. from air, water
Crops should be protected from the seeds of invasive species, their vigor and growth should be increased.

Therefore, this research is very fundamental and important, so . That question just came
the research results are carried out further. This research has been started in such a way that the crops are not destroyed

Po chale a little money ta, a little samsa dhana ta ja st pi ka ve; Earn strong profits
Deceptive or deceitful. Then go ahead and say that the medicine is worse than the disease
When food became so cheap, why did they keep producing it?
Keep with the product, keep with the product, then get huge profit from it.
Such a large bio sector has been built in the minds of companies . to profit
that only know the language of profit ! I don't know about being sick or not !
On the other hand, pa hata ekha da ro g is a guarantee of Then why was it postponed to the next day.

Production started. Why have these . good profit . Na Pa Pari To Shi K, who taught this show
years gone
. by? 'Ma nawa che iti ha sa che wa tevari l laksani ya mukka ma' and so on
The wording is used Dispose of such crops as they are used up
The discussion of Dho Kya started . These are the new health risks of these ,
foods, the chronic allergic conditions that occur, and the consumption of these foods.
Nutrient uptake, the amount of nutrients, that the soil receives from the substrate.
With this, the seeds should be . Their fears came to nothing. Here is this lakh
started so that the genetic engineering and other processes always come and produce the protein.
They have been infecting. Once in Brazil, this specialty is a special treat
Soybeans were transmitted in seeds and many people contracted chronic diseases from consuming them

, that these people took that special pulse.

Jha Lt. Later, after many days of research, it was found
. Now
Allergy , give one imagine
to the child who is allergic to protein in milk.
If the genes were transferred to genetically modified cows ,
So to that boy , to his mother , To his doctor , You will never know this easily

It is not that because of which it is suffering. Why is she allergic to milk?

Ma is that; But if he sing now, eat it .
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Another thing that came to mind is that , After eating such GM food,
Regens that you give one of the biologic drugs taken on the disease
Results can be detrimental . Give one that contains these genes in GM food
You can also access the database . A simple eg deer pa hu, just killed on water
Pesticides such as DDT can be poisoned by falling down like a fish's belly.
Eg are deer. Then, due to GM food, the structure of the entire food is changed
Because of that, it is not the reason why . That's when Jahi Ro Ga La Bali
Many poisons come , So why is this not good ?
from our digestive system, the continuous movement of the stomach.
It all depends on the plant/body structure and when the substances are produced
Why does it work continuously with the ankles? That is why our protective system is like this
It produces chemicals that cause these toxins to be released into the body.
As a result, those substances do not release water . However, it was also , This new GM
found here that because of food, these new toxic substances are being created , which we are supposed to do.
It is not known that the protective process ,
has come . It does not produce coffee through genetic methods

Kaffee Nach Ka Dhun Ta Kale. (D coffee netted coffee is the fashion ) Ka Ran Te Aro Gya La
Cha gale na hi . Now it is also true that this caffeine does not cause coffee fungus. then

The question is now whether this new coffee bean or fungus will get infected and then
The fungus then produces toxins that are normally destroyed by the fungus.
It is not coming . That is, why this rich food continuously gives birth to new substances
Ra is L. Many crops continue to produce such toxic substances , So eat it
Prof , It will be fatal to all such as the fish that eat them.

One such claim is that GM food will end world hunger.

For example, deer of India. Our country is full of grains and they are
At a time when these crores of people are starving, why should these crores become victims of starvation?

On the Now, if this excess space cannot reach the mouth of the grains
Why is genetic food making such a difference? Then why talk about GM food in India
yes that This is due to the enormous pressure from the international bio-techno industry on the government .
Any scientific advice, administrative opinion, political will power can be completely changed.
Multinational companies have such financial resources as possible
The second reason is that in the last few decades, India and India have come far from the world of research

Why did this country keep the GM food as a currency?


Science sometimes seems to be a way of maintaining its own existence. What do they do?
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Research money can be a source of concern for their livelihood. But why ours ? come now
oilseeds are currently being , sugarcane, , So ya bi na, ta dul, wa gi , Bata te, banana ,
researched in India on cotton, mustard, papaya and medicinal plants. These fishes are also aquatic animals
These researchers have fallen prey to money. However, this subject is a group of experts

Or the sages standing firmly behind them and the public opinion of the majority
The country is not ready yet . Ignorance and all this was the queen's ghost
You say , this is true of our ba bati or is it true ?
What does previous research on Bt in our country show? too much
Dhisal and such women's method took only those years of research funding and other men
The Committee of Food Sector approved it. This product is available in India
Even if this leads to the conclusion that it does not work, this BTV will be brought back.
Press and come f. This study also revealed that the roots are native to India
The Act of 2003 does not allow such GM food . But this is it
All businesses are running smoothly. Those who are not familiar with this mother
Only a handful of such companies have sold their Indian biotechnologies through this method.

Why has it fallen? Its board of directors is drawn from multinational companies

All levels of malevolence are measured. But why is it the process of investigation?
Don't go . That is, in foreign countries, the cause of such things is always examined in the context of the outcome .

By planting such seeds, consuming them, it takes 25 years for a woman , A allergy ,
to be , All such possibilities per case are checked on animal samples . Because of that

aware of its harmful toxins; On top of that, it's time Ka ran ti taka ka la ya ji vackra cha ,
to study the results . Don't give up on us
That is why things are falling apart for years . CONCLUSION: This is a good country with a little selfishness

It is to play wildly with sixty cycles of thousand years. Why is everything in government?
It is not good to live on the hope that he will do it now . Why do you have to answer this question?
There is It comes and goes but you are still standing as a woman
But you have to do it .

Briefly explain why, scientifically and scientifically, the process of creation and production of food.

If you try to make changes and bring other artificial methods in its place, then you will come to this earth
It is necessary to circumambulate the inner circle of all creations. Why is it only these things?
It is difficult to prove by experiment. Creation cycles are interdependent cycles
And their why is that , why are mutually complementary complex processes. Because of which
By destroying the existence of Srishti Chakra, the answer to the problem of Anna is that
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It was decided once and for all that by destroying all , Vs Pari T

complementarities, a new , non-maternal way of life would be born. 'Ji wo ji vasya ji vanam
It is not only a mantra but also a wish to live
On top of that, how is it? Biotechnology's cure for disease is certain
are by Varada. But if its direction is wrong, it is inevitable. From that
, Ula
Because the report rate area came only profit Dha La Bhi Tli Ja Eel and then all these questions
And as a result, she becomes completely dumb and numb . So now come against the body and mind
Why should I do it?
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8. War and Peace mean war and peace

'Every bullet of a gun ever made , Food for every warship landing ,
Every destructive missile ever built is ultimately aimed at the basic need of , in water-
clothing for the starving in this world. The whole world can only own these weapons
Not only the money, but the sweat of the workers , the intelligence of the researchers and the children.

This is ruining the future. After the war, the great morals of the readings were taken away
It is a clever game of hanging a common man on a cross.'
- Speech by US President Eisenhower (April 16, 1953)

After World War II, the unforgivables and incompetents came from above
The reason why it fell is probably because of the later statements of Eisenhower.
Even the President of the United States did not pay attention to this, so why do other countries ?

Stop raising unwarranted and unanswerable fearful questions about the future of the world.
This arms race has now reached such a critical stage that everything is ahead of it
Sushi Kshita , the sane and civilized world , is desperate. Self defense, defense, finance c
It is a fearsome discussion of necessity and ultimately unavoidable war-mongering.
Human right to life, its basic needs , It is a struggle to survive
Why are these countries living in constant disregard of all these countries' net arms expenditure is now theirs?

V Ka is twice as much as Ho O Pa Hato. Azami ti la jaga ti love from different countries

The arms production is estimated at 70 billion dollars (about 3.5 trillion rupees).
75% of these sales are made only to countries with low income (i.e. countries that have
The basic needs of the people such as food, clothing and shelter are not met, nor are the countries) .
There is Among these are the countries that are permanent members of the UN Security Council
That is, today it is the country on which the responsibility of protecting the world is placed
Japan (US , France,, England)
, are major arms buyers. Because of that
Why are their claims so good that they are completely false and bogus. This means
A cigarette manufacturing company to help fund cancer research and this support
It's so cruel and sad to do this night again.
The corruption in the industry and the ill-gotten wealth generated from it is no more.
It is a simple matter. This is because it is less or less in the country where the sale of beer is continuous
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Ruler's rule or the country's new rights

If there were, those countries would not exist. Why does this country end under the rule of dictators?
Is the answer to this show Dhanye Chi Hee Ek Thama Ja Gaa ? But this is also true
Because of the trend of trade, the country is constantly under stress , wars and conflicts.
Loud cries were raised and the people of that country were not aware of this identity.
Leaders are living the lives of leaders.
According to an official report, in 2013 the world's defense expenditure was 1.9
Trillion Dollars (about 110 billion rupees per year) or slightly less than India's GDP
So much so that it . If the industry looks at this as a waste, then it is life
is a huge , profitable and long-lasting sugar industry, but the world economy is in .
Long live the recession, Bero jaga ri wa dho, dire straits. ,
But this industry never dies ; It is in our boom that the . The fun part is
President of the country has expressed his concern about Ma Navi Ji Vana mentioned above.
The share of the business alone of the countries that made the speech is now 40% of the above amount.
to bo .

Now the industry where so much money is stuck is always cruel

And it is inevitable that there will be fierce competition. Ameri kesa rakhya why this country
There are many companies that manufacture weapons. And the Wall Street Tower and Tynema
Teddy C's Latte. They are closely related to their brothers and sisters. That
The stock prices of the companies are booming . That is why their profits are good
Too many times this world has been taken for granted. The strategy of all these weapons-th pa ra
It is on a very different level. Why is war not a business (and
Keep your breath or don't , Jaga Ti Laka is the war of these countries to their economy
. By deciding
keep it (it is the business of the bringer of blessings) then it all counts for business.

Along with that, targeting the country, the economic horse of the country and its weapon
with need . To do so, if need be, with the necessary articles of that country
To see that the globe will be prepared on the border, the name of the head of state of that country will be mentioned.

Giving invitations/visits , changing heads of state to countries that are not ready for this,
Arranging assassinations of those who failed to oust, arms- buying
Facilitating access to financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund for developing countries
All such things are equally part of the economy and they are not necessarily so
Cha Lu Because the economies of these countries depend largely on arms sales.
Depends. Then that sathi ka rane far chala khi ne sho dhali ja ta ta. Swa bhi ma na,
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From the emotional issues of protecting the borders of countries to small countries or countries in the area of terrorism.

Ara jaka cha sa mana karta ya wa , Let them be self-reliant, let them protect themselves,
There are many tricks and so-called advances that can prevent drug trafficking.

Ka Raan is included in this. In other words, because of this, no one has been afraid of anyone for so many years

decreased , Neither these countries became self-reliant, nor did the smuggling of drugs stop .
. because of which our relations with such countries
Why do we give military aid to these troubled countries?
It helps in improving the They and theirs live in that country altogether
relationship. To reduce the threat, such strange tactics or dahi weaponization and military intervention
have been done. Our neighbor Pakistan has been receiving US aid continuously for the past 60 years
And because of that he has started to travel from chaos to sanity
The trick is to say that it is so dangerous ! We fall into this cycle, but we are ours
Defense spending is rampant. The rain we have done every year for the last 60 years

Why the military expenditure fell and even if necessary expenditure is deducted from it, our nation
A very large amount of funds have been spent on these things and at the same time
The basic expenses of the country like food, health, education, shelter etc.
It can be seen why the loans have fallen. So much so that today's situation is not easy
No matter how good it is, it is the same. Turta SP Ki Sta nasi war by ending it
The second chapter of this sale is the second chapter of the sale, which , Who are you?
is linked to the amount of corruption that the public .

is really helping to raise the sentiment of nationalism with the Tax Way. is If
Corruption will only be helped if the countries in question try to stop it.

The condition is not always from the World Bank, from the IMF or from the big But true

countries. The situation is such that these countries are war-mongering countries neither buying weapons nor corrupti

If followed without hesitation . Not only that, she was there to make it possible
Also see which minister or officer should be appointed . Try it if you live it
If you create a list of smugglers /smugglers, then all of them are arms dealers.
There are many more. It is because of such agents and they used to mix with Na Pathi
Nations are the cause of many conflicts and so-called superpowers.
The fight with the new enemy of terrorism is going on.
Why has this people's terrorism become a false and unending business?
is They used to talk about religion and formed suicide squads
They are looking forward to this agent Ma Phi and they do not show it.
There is a higher possibility of working hard for building. Why Ran so much money if only this
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If arms are being sold to foreign countries, why do they commit acts of terrorism?
Gain and lose ? Average commission of 15-20 per sale per figure
It should be given on marriage. We hold 10 zari and of weapons as given above
Considering interest rate, is this or that huge amount? Shiv Ya Ya Viwaha Ratil Commission

Often these agents are given whatever currency they want; This is all about the Ka Ran Commission
How is the use of . If so much illicit money is living openly and being built
the behavior hidden ? Its use is for patients, school malnutrition, ,
Are you doing such things in the health, AIDS eradication campaign ? I mean, live all this money
Shan tata na danye sa sakti cha na hi ; Then he is ready to destroy the peace
is it So who exactly is imposing such a burden on us? Eat and live on one side
For companies to sell weapons of mass destruction to anyone for their , Then she

own profit, a system of corruption is created., These systems aim to identify countries in need,
If not, this is all a silly game , Why did corruption destroy the country - the system of order
of trying to make time , Such poor countries or those Who is corrupt ?
for the door, the line, the lines, etc.
Another aspect of this is to look at the one that we have here
Let's look at the matter in a slightly Ghu
Raj and Gandhi's government in the Bo force case

different way. They were not sent home , wondering who was wrong, why is the world different. This
He and the Congress may have been punished ; But because of that our country after that
And make sure that those elections are not going to happen, and that's going to affect our economy.
We have to think about the effect on the investment .
One more aspect of all this is the ban on life and arms
Weapons that prevent the killing of human beings
. by use
If they are bought by the public or smuggled, who will end up using them?
yes he Why should she keep it on Shami's tree ? It is hidden of course
Or if the war is over and done with . In the meantime, the one popularized by UNO
According to the figure, all small items (eg deer, pistols, guns, machine guns, tunnels,
(bombs, AK 47, shoulder missiles etc. ) and large (all types of bombs,
, Military water cannons, (Fighter vs. Ma )
Da rugo la , Ranga Day, Missiles, Warships?

30-35 per year if the weapons are kept for their purpose:
Thousands of civilians were killed . A recent incident eg due to ego of . of America
president Haran Pahu, revenge or wrong policy of that country.
If desired, the recent conflict in Iraq has been largely ignored until now.
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Nagars have been killed and are still being killed daily. Another sad one
The result is the air pollution created by the hundreds of tons of bombs dropped ,
during this war, and the children of Iraq born in the next 15 years.
Lungs are 30 at birth . These areas are caused by natural forest pollution
Fast forward another 20 years for the new construction to heal from the cracks . Such
Of type or ta varina , All the struggles of Nishpa Janji Vana Chi are actually Ma Nav
are the subjects of Samha Ra's trial. That is, my new right is truly yours
If carried out impartially, the heads of many great nations are the victims of such cases.
You can get sick . But.
In this terrible background, one thing is mentioned here that you should not feel proud of
should do It has been officially recognized on the world's highest level and
Many heads of state could not complete their speeches without mentioning her
That is - India is one of the most powerful and largest countries in the world.
There is a country which has never invaded any country till date .
Eisenhower's voice was heard thousands of miles away, even in his own country
It does not mean that it is gone ; So Shan Tata is only the quality of this cha ma ti.
On the other hand , it is often believed that peace can only be born from war.
Such a rhythm.
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9. Abdominal No Ha ...

Since the 1960s, many countries in the world have adopted policies of monetary policy -
As far as free trade
, is concerned , trade unions and agriculture are on
, the move
V kasi t desha til l heavy subsidies are embedded in all these - all those policies
Ja Gati Ka has destroyed the food system.'
- Eric Holt Gei Menez (International Environmental and Agricultural Expert)

On the face of it, this can be a part of a promotional campaign. But actually it is
Come here. If you think about it, it's ideal at the highest level
This whole trick of building a food system is not just mind-blowing ; So
It is pushing the whole world into the current state of emergency.
During 1960-90, it was created around the world with the name of Hari Takra .
Since then, many countries have benefited from. Good
it things that are not done by industry

It is true that agriculture in the country has been modernized and per acre income has increased.
But it is also true that during this period the total agricultural production fell by 11% and
. but even the agricultural,
Upa Samari has increased by almost 12%, Low Why's purchasing power

production has been decreasing day by day, so the total income has not been Today

achieved . After almost half a century, we have not looked back with all this system
Why this problem is clearly visible and felt because of the problems that have arisen with other countries .

The full internationalization of agriculture has resulted in only one

A large crop of the type -which has a market value /which the market wants -is taken.
la gale However, the pre-existing agricultural and biological expertise was
. quickly depleted
The water table was opened due to excessive withdrawal of water by the yielding crops.,
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Chemical fertilizers are generally less available due to indiscriminate and overuse of chemical fertilizers.

As the land became heavily salinized, it . As her strength decreases, she becomes unproductive

was subjected to further fertilization or replanting and became completely. Pari na me ti

barren. .

If Jaga Te Hari Takra were not very productive before, how would it be in today's language?
But in the traditional farming system of that time, everyone's labor and output was not valued.
That seed
, But it has been destroyed. At present,
The arrangement or the arrangement is the same

Multinational manufacturing , fertilisers, food system market, Ja Gati K food market market
companies of these take ownership of their products, distribute them to the floor for unlimited profit.
and sales organizations ; They are on the list of countries that have been mobilized to support them
Na Chana Reya Uno , Na Neni Dhi Sa Rakhya Ta Leva ra Institute
, and the State system of the countries
A vicious circle of these has formed. As the circle dwindled,
Live like this, the poor country, those ignorant people will slowly lose their food security.
But the certainty was lost. V Kasanshi L Desha Ti L Gramin Krishi Pradha Na Pradesh Ti L
Those who have controlled the food system of that country for many years , one thing
The culture of our people has been preserved

The cities were pushed to the brink of ruin and their fortunes bereft of prosperity
Go and hide suddenly.
Many countries went into debt before they could develop. Like developed countries
The path of Vikasa was through debt. Later in the 1980s, Na Neni Dhi and
The World Bank has helped these countries to pay off their foreign debts

Do a SAP (Structural Adjustment Program)

Imports . Which brought high export and low cost policies down the throats of these countries.
have imposed many restrictions on the countries concerned, . Currency value of those countries

such as reducing exports, making exports cheaper, and stockpiling foreign imports.
As a result of this emphasis, the exports of these countries increased and the foreign exchange reserves fell ; But

Sales that cannot be afforded by the local poor who depend on agriculture in that country.
However, the disposable income decreased. Because of that, those areas have become interdependent economies

the . Dissatisfaction about the Deso Deshi program was brought to . Then go speed c
Since itsby this organization.
establishment in 1995, the World Trade Organization (WTO) .
has begun to negotiate various agreements with the noble (?) purpose of regulating everything.
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A country is a country of mutual
, consent , not complementary to each other.
Your rules are broken. Then reducing the import tax, the farmers in the country and
Exemption of subsidy on other products, non-protection of indigenous products
Due to the conditions , those farmers have received huge subsidies from US-Euro countries.
Grown and therefore cheaper grains began to be imported from around the world.
It is . Again, since its price is lower than that of indigenous grains, the results are poor
certain that the trade between the country and the country is going to increase.
Next, some countries turned their attention to public sector enterprises. Public industry
It is necessary to promote the nationalization of industries in the country . World
for bank or non-financial loans instead of efficiency or transfer.
The results were determined . Eligibility for investment is determined on the basis .
of foreign technology , not foreign investment.
Existence came to an end and all the things that were in that country were destroyed.
Why is it not available as a song? , With that, now on to the international market
Depend ra ha ve la goo la gale. Desi ma la la utcha wa na,hiDomestic Industrial Products Maha c

are Many countries have fallen into this vicious cycle of cheap prices
These institutions will be followed by advanced countries. Due to all these things, those countries were destroyed

The production of low carbon has decreased. The country is full of hungry people . This is a bit far
As a matter of fact, all Vika Sashi L countries are na bho ga ve la gale and la gaat. All of them
The reason for this is that all this has a huge impact on the food security of the common man.
This has resulted in a per cool and long term trend. Ba ja rasutre when this
Real profits are not dependent on investment but rather on equity.
Lata of Creating a need is also a key to market success. Because of that
Today's state of food insecurity is not a single specialty of multinational companies. That

of products of type , It helps to build the capacity to survive. That

In accordance with the food system, the marketing system of fertilizers, seeds, grains
Creation of a new mechanism to loot countless rights in the name of facilitator
Za Lee is. The root of the problem is hunger and food security
An agri-food industry that is global and distinct from agriculture is flourishing.
La is the street. All this through public money, changing the direction of economic policies of countries.
And it is sad that people are playing with their basic right to food.
This means that large multinational companies are looking to avoid trade in the WTO .
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In fact, through the medium of the organization, by using all the means of discrimination , discrimination, and discrimination.

Fear has been made for profit. The funny thing is that all these things belong to different countries

Despite this opposition, these multinational giants are doing many of these things to those countries.
Sarka Ra's neck has been taken down. Companies Monsanto and Du Pont, manufacture fertilizers
The major corporations owned by Karnaa include Potash Corp, Yara and Sinochem
Profits have increased from 20% to 74% year-on-year.
Many of these large supermarket chains (Tesco, Carrefour, Wal-Mart and Safeway
all ) generate their income through unconstrained methods.
Jaga talya vs kasanshi l desha talya lo ka is literally looted. Go through this
10,000 crores per year for seeds and 20,000 crores for fertilizers per year
Ko T is so blooming. Now come the world's hunger, people's need for food, theirs
Purchasing power is not important at all but only and only the market

The goal is to maximize profits. That is the consumption of seeds and the need for food grains

Fertilizers, creating a vicious cycle, all these companies come together and spread it across different countries.
Literally , the food security of the world is held hostage by the service of the Gati Ki Karna
Let's say that the benefits of the free market here have overtaken us by looking at the benefits to the sector.

Take the example of our country - let us not rob farmers here.
There are ! On the other hand, the competition will be reduced with the arrival of food chain companies
farmer , Gra haka la fa yada cha ho eel .' It is true that Dala L farmers are not looting; But that
As they are non-native, it is impossible to control the will , The people's rate or even curb
can be kept , power of these multinational companies. Ka ran that Bahura woman

If there is, click on them and click on them, and many other related countries will click on them.
can you bring Such companies set their own pace , This time of actual country is against us

There are many examples of deer being pressed and brought .

In summary , there is a need to develop a model of sustainable agriculture. ,
Malnutrition and the health problems of people who eat unhealthy food,
As the world's dwindling supply of fresh water begins to loom over India's fate,
Za Lee is. World hunger is the poisonous fruit of the food system tree
is Why did the world come to this world in the last fifty years? So come advanced (?)
1 billion people go hungry every week.

are Out of that more than half i.e. about 58 crore T mense are only -
in the Pacific and 20.6 million of them are imported by India. That is India rate
One out of every six people is hungry and this ratio is higher than in other countries.
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Why should this happen in India, which gave birth to the

philosophy of ' Udarbharan no he, ja ni je yajnakarma' ? India
has accepted the model of this kind of business . It cannot be
said that there are not all those who are happy in the gossip of
getting power .

10. Pa Ni Ray Pa Ni

dawn of time, humans have not been able to find food, but have , And since the
gone in search of clean water and food. Among the basic things like food, clothing,
shelter, food is more basic for survival. Food supplement required. “Po ta la do na
gha sa ' te 'Sa sat back and eat kha ti la', so do na to ke Anna's ba bati ta di sun come ta. Why didn't you
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Everything is remote ; So why not worry about the. second thing?

fi rata ta; So why do you consider this second thing as a goal etc. Why is it the first time?
Continually punishing yourself ; So why do you make this second ba bati te many people na gula ma .
The first is an urgent need; So the second copy is Ba B!
But life is food, or is it ? And who are you ? Who can afford it
This is the answer to the question. He can take a lot but only get it ,
What if this happens? Is this food for the whole world? Is that enough? Why exactly?
Is it low? Before asking these questions, we must first consider the source of food
Let's go and get it. We have a constant supply of food , but we are unable to do so
Water is very essential. Survival rates will drop by 65% in the next 50 years
Either way, it's the right thing to do. Don't worry about that
Income will also increase, the result of these two things is the increase in the need for food and water.

Yes _ In other words, it is not just a matter of quantity or quality, but a way of living and eating
Habits change everything . All these roots do not give land and water
Unbearable strain on things ..
If we go a little deeper and think about it, it appears that the totality of the world
Land is only 29.22% of the area ; So sea is 70.78%. But it's funny
In contrast, 98% of the world's food needs come from the ground
Only 2% is from water. A total of 4.5 billion hectares of land in Azami Ti La Jaga
La Gavadi is good. Every year, the amount of land to be harvested is also determined by Bhi Wa method

is falling Out of this total land, nearly one-third of the land is huge
Proportionate erosion has resulted in barrenness. One thing is worth lakhs of land
What should be kept is, on average, 500 years and 25 mm of soil without erosion:
It is ready. Soil erosion is a result of many construction projects. gone
For hundreds of years, a large amount of forest land has been converted into agricultural land.

That is, on the one hand, the forest is not On the other hand, copies of available agricultural land

destroyed; Acreage yield is declining due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers. Ya Shi or Ya
Climate change due to factors such as global warming , climate variability
As a result of The loss of the product is no different. Live right now
this, the land cover per capita is 0.27 hectares. The coefficient of chi is 0.08
India rate is 0.05. La Gavadi is a rapidly declining percentage of eligible land

Recognize that food is directly linked to malnutrition and malnutrition.

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anarchic, In other words, there is no problem with that country being , And Anna's
economic or insecure . It would have been even more difficult to build a new structure without Asma .
We have seen that 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by water. That too
Only 3% of this seventy percent is water that can be called potable or pure.
is 2.15% of that water is in the glaciers at the North and South Poles.
Tali ,.
The remaining 0.85% of the water reservoirs are all lakes, rivers and, lakes
We get tap water from this water. He or she ? So if 1 inch pa sugarcane

If it rains, one acre gets about 1 to 3 thousand liters of water. (Bharata T

Chera Punji La Sara Rainfall 1200 inches pa Sugarcane falls Area of Chera Capital La Acre 1 La B 3
Multiply the number by the number of thousand liters to obtain the number of liters of water.
look . With so much water, there should be no shortage of water in India for a thousand years;

But is the reality like that ? Anyway that's a different topic.) Because of that Jaga Chi
Ani Rya is based on water. Would we have lived without sugarcane ? pa oos
That is why we have never fought a war with water .
Now water has a unique importance for agricultural production. Ko Netehi P k
Along with its growth, the wind throws it in the form of water or foam. Proof of this

The average volume of different crops varies from 200 to 1000 liters per kg. This
Excretion of water depends on the water requirement of the crop, type , its growth condition,,
amount of moisture in the environment , overall temperature. Like sugar cane
And much higher than rice , wheat and other grains. one hectare

A maize crop produces an average of 50 liters of water. I mean why drink that

Ki ma no 80 la kh liter pa ni la gath. If we look at this subject with such vision, agriculture

Production wastes more water than humans. If you want to say it numerically
87% of the world's total potable water is used for agriculture which is recycled.
I don't agree .
Now there is another funny thing about it that it belongs to a civilized country

But the quality of water is a bit poor. That is the availability of the secret of life
Parya Varana is dependent on Parya Varana, and Parya Varana is connected , above the earth
with the earth and the air, that is, with the whole world , beyond the borders of countries. This means a f
It is not possible for the country to fully enjoy Parya Varana only for itself . One More of this
sense is that if a country goes into a frenzy and behaves irrationally.
While most other countries do not limit the amount of total constituents in the atmosphere,
Ta pama na, heat , Pa oos with all the seeds and the results of that.
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It means that even though the land belongs to that , Clean air everyone
country, the water is connected with each other.

Water purity is a serious issue. Hopefully, 90% of the disease will be treated directly
Impure water is mixed with water. The symptoms of many diseases in life are only related to water
About 60,000 people die every year from water-borne infections alone
Why is there war?

Mainly because there is less water for humans and water planning is only
The topic of discussion is that people are suffering because of water pollution. That's all
Why should the whole world be divided or aggregated from water only?
The situation is coming. The future of various nations is unknown now
Water will be an important factor. There are currently more than 300 of these in China

The struggle Although people in India are educated, the problem of slow water supply is very serious

continues. It is a situation that will take a violent Every 20 years, people's urban areas are destroyed

form. In places where this happens, it doubles and there is no understanding or planning of why
water , And the issue of clean air becomes more pressing . Live and rest

In our India , the large and unpopulated cities that are being built by the new
The problems of drinking water are leading to alarming situation. No land , no water
The rosy nature of things taken for granted up to now will depend on our existence in the future.
For those who are trying to raise the question, take it today.
It's not like that .

Over the years, various types of chemical fertilizers have been researched.
A Research Funding Institute , That's why Shastragya, who lives life with a spirit of compassion,
Their commitment to the welfare of the world is not yet fully matured.
By improving the land, the quality of crops , the income per acre can be increased in lump sum or in installments ; But

It cannot be created without a new one . Science, technology and not even if it is advanced
The ground cannot be filled with water from springs and rivers. As ma nous, one of ya ni sarga
Why this wisdom does not come to us as an important part; , This question is disturbing
But where does this insanity to add to our existence come from?
He said that he was confused by this question.
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11. Why the Gadi bomb crisis?

The journey of becoming a human being on this earth is the journey of the country.

A solid figure is different from an arbitrary figure of national income . How can this happen?
It means the creation of an environment conducive to human well-being in which human beings, ,

on their own, are satisfied with their basic and other needs.
How can you live your life ? People are the real wealth and their wealth

That is, for the life they don't want, and , Getting to live freely with those values
why this is more important than the definition of economic growth.'

- Ma nav v ka s ahwa l

UNO's "ma na v ka s ahwa la ti le" sentences are extremely meaningless and misleading

A similar journey is shared by many countries in today's world. Countries have How is this?

always referred to the world as the world. Countries where strong industrialization has been which

done, people have got physical facilities.

He himself decided how. That is, the country which this court did not have either agriculture or geography
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So yi suvidha na hi te desh avi kasi ta? If so, the country whose economy is strong
Yes, there are signs of prosperity, but these are not for mere living.
Struggle or fight , She lived outside , was homeless , on the income she received from the government

How can we say that the country and how the forest is struggling for help?
That is, why this is a case of Vikasa Nawa, we must understand it.
Mula ta v ka sa ho ne ne ka ya? A country is different
why come At first glance, successful research means a lot
want Good condition of happy living , food, clothing, rest, health
, etc.
A thorough overview of the basics , maintenance of new values, people's and self's
The freedom of love and passion is obtained through the means of
And the self-consciousness of self-expression and the self-consciousness that creates it, Kayama .
Keep it or leave it. If you look at the background of this idealistic interpretation, then live
Why is this situation now? Most of the regions live in the corner of the development
Do you sit ? The lives of most people living in these times are dictatorial, military ,
Artha-prasha saka, the one who strangles the senses of vi ka sa
A bunch of profiteers running on the path of na wa kha li kan na di rah v na sha, immeasurable wealth
And how is this country , the smuggler, and the handful of people who are burned by the power of money.

Those floors are occupied by selfish and corrupt rulers.

About 80% of people in the world have some kind of mental illness .
Life has come to push Na Da Ri. All this Ma Navja Ti's Vashte now
Karana also helped the blind and illiterate people who came
is No one should think that he is against me ja gati ki karana. But
If anyone claims that Ja Gati Ki Karan is being done blindly, it is him
Is this Go fast and eat the name of Karana, if gradually we will learn all the dimensions of new life .

true ? What if all parameters were in a sense international in nature?

Why Ma Che? V kasi ta ta ra but; On the roads enchanted by the advanced nations of Vs
The situation in the neighboring country is very bad. She belongs to neither country nor country
Methodology is not enough self-reliance to live
, economic , social , political , and other countries
They are losing the nation as the common sense of , Finances are very important to each other

responding to terrorism is also compromised. First of all, it is an international war

There are always complications and more often than not, these relationships come from the sidelines.
There is This relationship is more fertile than women's self-esteem
And the right to live independently comes to the fore. Economically, the country is dependent on it
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When the account of the loan is removed . Don't let all this happen
They are international organizations. They are Na Neni Dhi and World Bank. Why live it?
Who are these entities who claim to be born at this hour?
Now is the time to shake things up.
“The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a country that asks for its business or money.
Why is a question to be asked without giving an answer. His theory is the institution
How does this organization help? But in reality, however, it is the method of how to take it
Not following . She can neither speak nor see only the policies of her own family. That means
According to him te ka hi hi la dat na hi ta; So what are the conditions for giving that help?
Godgheb t. But this Devgheva mother is leaning on one side. That's for you
Don't give enough time to discuss , if you say it, accept it implicitly and
They are determined that you should consult no one about it ."
-Joseph Sty Glitz's , Nobel Vs Jete Economist
criticism of the World Bank and the IMF led to his position as chief adviser.
Ra ji na ma give wa la gala .)

Aajmi ti la jaga ti l most v kasanshi l nation na neni dhi sa rakhya international

They have become victims of the policies of the institutions. Structural Adjustment brought by him
Program Many countries are facing drought and debt crisis.
Despite the IMF and World Bank's silence on poverty alleviation, their aid

Many dependent nations have rejected the idea of war. Why this years ago
Advocates of free trade gave it a fancy name, Neoliberalism .
Expenditure of free public money on free market , social schemes without price intervention
. vs. its effects
Structural Adjustment is a system of doing
Program (SAP) is the guise of debt relief for poor . All other interests and Vs

countries, as are many of the programs that countries have come up with.
And to create a new economy with that program is to curb countries'. But come to reality
spending on health, education and development.
Obligation to divert that money to repay loans, change financial policies
It came to wear. That is, if those countries need help within this country, they should come
Acceptance of the liberal economy of the system is inevitable. That means less subsidy

To do, Full liberalization of the economy to foreign exchange, less government intervention

to do, nationalize government institutions by reducing protection of local industries,


Foreign rice double

Depreciating the currency of that country and increasing the debt owed to the country,
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To attract, many restrictions and rules are to be relaxed

yes that .

All these broke the backs of the countries that were tired of drought. raw material
By importing cheap prices from other countries, they can replace them
Forced to take the goods . That is, the same that the British used to live in
India has done the same for many countries in the developed world, the IMF and the world
Hiding behind the World Bank. The country that exports the raw material receives the export
The income generated can import the required hard goods /processed goods
This is not enough . That , if a given country exports code to that country and if
is, if there is no system for processing the edges, it is expensive to process them
Aya ta kara ve la gathe. But the country which imports this raw manure is above that
This process earns strong money .These are deliberate price conflicts.

This is a new way to attract people and secure the market for your products.
It is the way of life. This conflict, which was deliberately created by Ki Mati, is now raw
Ma La is depicted as Niriya Tadar Desh Garib and Aya Tadar Desh Sri Mant.
Varkarni pa hata nirya tadar dasar na coffee like
, sugar, ka poos, la kud of things like

Exports earn foreign currency. But this price conflict does not create an unequal trading system
If you do Suppose , if a country produces Rs 100 in the country's market, then

If it is invested, it comes in the process of production, it is 100 rupees, do not pay labor or count
The , Other goods classified as manufactures , raw or finished goods,
national wealth of thousands of rupees was spent on many things like hard work .
It is ready. So try to live in a country with more than 50
They can import a small amount of products from any country they export . On the contrary
20% vs. 90% export capacity of some countries is totally dependent on these products.
There is Then, the country will be closed . They do not take loans . she
Neither the IMF nor the World Bank imposes these conditions on those countries .
According to a report by UNICEF , in the 1980s alone in Africa alone
And in Latin America, 6 years old, 5 years old, children don't lose their lives.
Yes it is. They have such programs to reduce health expenditure on those countries, cheap food schemes

Closures, tax increases, and the inevitable loss of indebtedness brought about by imposition.
As a result, .

hundreds of people were killed by a chemical bomb in the US city of Oklahoma.

While dead , the 9/11 Laden petrol bomb killed 4,000 people , Ati Reiki in Mumbai
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. However, there are international restrictions on the validity of IRA cover

The attack claims hundreds of lives
15. Why do you become a victim ; So give me a blind idea of free trade
Khanda Te Llo Kaji destroys only one. All of the people of the world were advanced
Rather than an actual bomb at this stage , Why are these institutions bombarded with mace?
This is true and cannot be called an extreme attack ; So the blue print of the case
Say ve la gathe.
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12. Food aid disaster

Number 1 - Summary Twenty years ago when Ireland's ports were closed to Britain

Where the stuffing is done, Ireland's infamous potato dumpling sums up to 15.

People are dying. Later, an interviewer recalled the conversation

He said, that those poor people are those who are starving in their country.
He was involved in shamelessly exporting maize to the country while he was dying.

Note 2: In 1943, people died on the 20th of Dushkala in Bengal in India.

Fallen, No Bell Vs Jete Amartya Sen wrote on it. “Banga La Dushka La ”
And there was no disaster in heaven ; So the hard-earned grain was shamelessly stolen by the British government

It was a cruel consequence of being diverted elsewhere .'

If you are wondering why there are , Above mentioned is ama navi iti ha sa che
conflicts and the above two things in today's and supposedly developed world.
If the new face has disappeared, then you are in a big delusion . All this again

It continues in different forms. With On the other hand, there are many types of agriculture like Hari Takran

increased production following the movement, food grains have become the national staple throughout the world in the last 60 years.

It is a noble business to see it as a weapon and its support as the backbone of the business
continues Why is this culture conducive to food aid, what humanity needs?
To continue to do business under the guise of Congolese and earn as much profit as you want

This is why this is the agenda of countries and multinational companies. Give me some help ; she
If you look at it from a theoretical point of view that it makes the taker more vulnerable.
Laksha started to realize why I am doing this. This thing is almost complete now
It has been noted that except for Tsuname and similar disasters, food aid is
Final Opinion: The taker is the doer. These big men are not satisfied ,
Don't you He gives the example of deer . This is the Harane issue in the year 2001
understand ? Ja Neva ri gives tli ; Why was the issue of terrorism not so prominent as it is today?
And today it is used by developed countries for everything.
was not
These incidents are from before 2001.
* 43% of the population in , Da ri dryadr reshekha li jagat ho ti and at that time
Thailand has fallen to 65% of Thailand's agricultural exports .
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* In 2001, while Bolivia was exporting more than ever, the income
of 95% of its rural population has reached 1 dollar per day. In the

Philippines, weeding with specific types of flowers has reduced the yield
of rice and maize and endangered the lives of the Suma Re Sa Deti Ne La
La Khaji. This is what
* happened in Brazil in the 1970s, when they exported countless
soybeans to Japan and other European countries, and at the same time
two-thirds of Brazil's population went hungry. In 1990, Brazil became the
world's third largest exporter of agricultural products . (He had to address
many international forums) but it was rare for the people of Brazil to have access to rice
Last year, 20 million farmers were killed in Mexico. The reason is
that they imported huge quantities of very cheap corn from America
started doing.

Haiti, an African country, was forced by the government to import

US flour and subsidized local farmers . From 1980 to 1997, Haiti's income
rose from zero to 3 percent . Haitian farmers have left agriculture and
become beggars for other jobs. According to the statistics of Haiti, 50%
of children under 5 years of age are victims of malnutrition. Is it all this ?
Now one more, how can the objection be made that the agricultural
industry is very protected and preserved only in the United States and
European countries, who are advocates of free trade all over the world ?
The imposition of food aid on poor countries results in its most severe
consequences on local agriculture, on farmers . They can't move forward
with cheap food . The agricultural industry in the country is not thriving
and it is more and more dependent on foreign aid . Then one day the . That
country living on foreign aid will go into debt and start dealing with its
own existence. Yes, go for it. (Even if it is not like that, if the countries that
create the atmosphere can be brought to power ) At the same time,
agriculture flourishes on thousands of acres in the countries that help.
They are achieving new and higher levels of production by doing modern ,
complete farming . Due to all this, their food is so cheap that the country
cannot compete with them on the price of food grains . Their farmers are heavily protec
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While wearing masks . However, the recipient's economy is in shambles,

their food grains are expensive, and the government or non-government
mechanisms are used to distribute imported grains . He advises that the
government does, not appreciate the country's produce and stop farming
on the contrary. Then gradually settle down and can't afford to do
farming . All this is part of the plan to
break the backbone of local agriculture, but no one notices it . Even
today, if farmers in poor countries with insufficient land are protected
from these three agricultural tools and cheap imports, they can meet
their country's food needs and bring about the ability to export it. (It will
be important for developed countries too) or praise. It is a very abundant
amount of manpower for agriculture in all these countries. Today, if the
US /Euro government withdraws the subsidies of those farmers or if 60%
of the food grains in that market are brought from abroad, there would
be a terrible riot . It has now been noticed that many times food aid
schemes from developed countries are deliberately implemented at the
international level in order to protect the interests of those farmers. The
inevitable result of all this is that the more food the world grows, the
more hungry it is. One of the reasons for this is the dispute between
Samir and his brother, Makteda Ri. In fact, in each country, depending
on its climate, this grain is a nutritious food that is abundant in that
country. They are trying to keep the agricultural system of that country
healthy. But does the increasing abundance of soybeans , beef and
other non-traditional grains in our own country indicate that there is no
need or necessity to kill them as a nutritious food for the world ? Do you
think that these Because of that, the country would not be starving
multinational companies who have come to that place after taking the
huska from their land, are only looking at their motherland ? As the local
people are unable to
buy glass (because of the monopolist's business), the local business
is not affected . Dha Nyani Rya Ti's khul wa dhate. Even in the 80s, when
there was a drought in Ethiopia, the country was still exporting raw
beans to Europe . All over the world, the countries are taking more products than their o
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The sata t. If you work with us, we will pay you more than in your country
Good roads will be kept in order , but you have left the country with such intellectuals.
Varga Cha Braindrain On the one hand, take help from us in , Labor to you
foodgrains because they are cheap, so you can grow and export them on your own.
do , Then the country will be devastated and it will depend on our help

on the other side. I appreciate all this help. All these immoral practices
Organizations and one session are organized and organized ,
Army of organizations is not all business of food grain exporting countries.
Faydya would have, but the importers have the ability to grow their own grains.
Losing it is a new disaster for them. Agriculture in our country
Give strong subsidies so that production increases, making it unfit for consumption
The governments of the nations were to be held captive and the local produce made expensive there.
Policy and how to keep the country . The secrets of consuming industrial goods are a bit more complicated

would have been But food can easily be consumed with help. Shi wa ya la ma nusaki che

Pariman is, if he lives, he creates a goodwill. From that, the other side is increasing
Yes .
Local people are not angry against food aid ; Ka Ran is a basic need
And from that you can definitely be more hungry, more poor and this
The cycle of fear of help can be perpetuated in spite of the newness.

13. Ana Ro gy wealth

I want you to have a new life and death business , That's one of the profits
I want to sing about the fear. This is a poor country on the continent of Africa
Why is it the small institutions of a handful of countries that are trying to control it and why is it Mr. Manta?

It is a common travel form of all the insurance companies going. This is for you
Next to how our modern world has progressed
A fascinating overview of all these interesting facts about which direction the traveler is heading.
will come The fundamental right to life, the purpose and its countermeasures is one of all
This is a dark picture. Start by taking her to your destination
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Ma gives it . 2 crore people live without access to healthcare every year

Be a victim . This means that by the time you read this article, about 120 people have died
I would have found it. Half of that number is for children below 5 years.
In the year 1978, the Association of Sikhs in the Alma Council of Health
Life is the fundamental right of every citizen and the entire responsibility rests on the government
Such a strong response was agreed and enforced by all countries. Most governments in .

South Africa did so well into the 1970s. .

How can they not face the challenge of building a good healthcare system in the country?
tried This would not have been the case with developed countries around the world and those multinational companies.
Keeping an eye on Africa's mineral wealth, developed countries have started beating the .

drum of agriculture in various international contexts with African governments.

Bo La Vanya Cha Sapa Ta La Vala. Go to Gati K Bank and help them with their business

. then these African countries would move forward.

If the financial institutions of these advanced countries were to be created,

Banks and banks became the customers of Pradha Naya. He said he got the loan approved .
and everything was fine till now. Then gradually they will not pay in exchange for the coming loan
The conditions for the reduction of other expenses of the country were imposed . Sa Ma District
on them, above the plan and to reduce the expenses of the public interest of the people, .

such as health, education, or the poor system. All of them came without the help of the government.
come on

It was said that the It was ordered that they should be made public. Otherwise on loan

government should not do this, the mace will come. It is clear that you are blindly following the path of V Ka Sa

The country silently accepted this. These two non-governmental organizations have opened their doors to those countries

Amla started coming and then all collection and public spending stopped.

One by one, people are not left behind after all the government . Lo ka che ha la la

systems are broken . If these countries do not want to develop, it is fundamental

This would have been obtained in exchange for . - Health and poverty are inseparable

the rights of the patient. Ja Gati K Bank and Na Neni Dhi Asha Many Structural Adjustments
Programs ( SAP ) have put many countries in the world on the brink of
It is true that the help received from these institutions is extremely dangerous.
Everything becomes. Which finally gives you the truth of your country
Do it for yourself. Because of that, poverty is born. Gari B was hungry for all the essentials of Sarkar

go to Ignore all other things. Khanda They and people are suffering from diseases . This is why Afri
happened and it is happening today in all countries. Come to African countries

The lines were so stuck that in the 90s most of the income of that government was foreign
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Paying off debts is going to happen. Money for basic needs such as health, shi moment
was not According to a 1997 report, African countries within their countries
Four times the amount of the expenditure is remitted abroad in the form of loan interest. come on

At the same time, many women were dying of malnutrition, contracting AIDS ; But
Those countries had no money left to pay for it . Foxes are Get rid of that country

succumbing to the AIDS epidemic. But the government and your income of the loan

This is the first time the world has seen a change in the trend towards reducing costs. These institutions
And other developed countries at that time were dealing with Africa's AIDS crisis from different sources.
Ti pe ga galt ho te. Not because of poor policies of health care providers
This is the first time the festival has been hit, .
and because of this incident, so much foreign investment has come , Fala Ne-Dhamke
and been made available, the statistics of the country's market is constantly on the rise.
One thing is common among throwers and pundits, that at this rate the society of many countries

Chou Kati has been eradicated by a very sophisticated method. That sa ma ji ka chau kati t
The basic right like health care has been denied.
Ja gati ki Karana's new style of climbing, or year after year, like the one in that country.

Sohaji vana practices have been uprooted and replaced by a common forest
International practices (which have proved ineffective in many countries ) have been imposed on everyone.
This basic right of the people, and the basic duty of the government has been violated.
Now the health care system has spread all over the world. All countries
The health care of the poor has been a major issue in the last 50 years. .

There have been many changes over the years. Why don't you say this problem , the world will heal
Ba Bati has made a lot of progress. If this crisis comes to one country, then the whole world is different
Let's put these things aside and run away and save the world's health now.

Because of that, Ma Navtethi is good for her. She loves health services in many countries around the world

The method is different. He is the queen of many things like the kingship of , Sa Ma District
that country, low number of forests, etc.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is the world's leading health agency
Aims to improve services. The anniversary of this organization is announced
Praka came to study . That is why these records are amazing. Different
Don't give speeches from the platform to the developed countries, only for the benefit of the developed countries.

Ja gati ki karana's prava ha ta na be lost re v kasanshi l country and still basic

What is the status of those who are not aware of health services?
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Ahva la ta. Not only the progress of health care , but the purpose of primary health care
An alarming picture of the state of the world is in front of the eyes.
The following are the reasons for this statement :
* People who have health problems get health care benefits and
It does not reach the people who have ( poor) health problems .
* The government money spent on health is spent by Mr. Mantalok
Gari ba na tya pa sun wanchi ta ra ha ve la gathe.

* Health care is not useful at the time of actual need ; Why war then?

A lot of money is self- expense. Aro Gyavi Mya's fearless run is held all over the world every year
Daha Ko T Lo Kan na Gari B's food is pushed
The specialization of healthcare companies is very low
Due to this disease coverage, many families are facing financial hardship and financial hardship.
Awasthela sa mo re ja ve la gathe.

* Health services for the poor and minorities have always been in disrepute
* The assistance provided by the health service sector is very complex
Lo ka till po chate.te
The companies that do not provide healthcare services are those that do not exist
The health care system is run in a very careless, unhygienic manner.
Due to this, the spread of infectious diseases became worse and many people lost their lives.
On the Poor supply of medicines, lack
, of access and inadequate training of health care providers.
Due to people, it has become brick or brick.
Every year, more than 70,000 patients around the world receive medical care alone
Unaffordable , Medicines are cheap and effective and therefore life-saving .
* The current healthcare system is slowly going under the hands of the insurance industry
She has also been released.
Our government and WHO lie that health is improving every year
There is a lot to do. The situation is much worse now than 50 years ago
There is a trick to be . That may be true , But comparison is not always equal
played. If this claim is true, life is better. That's why we come
Not all the prices are big, but the badma sha da vya na ba jula keep the simple life healthy.
Let's see why the situation is .
there. More than 130 crore people in the world are deprived of health services.
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* In one year 2008, 1,65,000 children ate 5 years in the world only -
The cost of these vaccines is less than Rs. . Available after 40 years

* 90 per annum if you live on pension and health care assistance

100,000 children (5 years and below ) die .
* There are 3.3 crore people with AIDS in the world today , while 3 die every year
20 la b newy lo ka na la gan ho te.
* 16 out of 90 lakh patients admitted due to tuberculosis every year in the world
People are dying .

At one time the feeling of not helping each other grew stronger
What is the state of health care now? It is better to know this
There are no di paresha.

Get rid of the system, Profit of Vy Pa Ra -To Tachi , The transaction of buying and selling formulas

The policies imposed on the health service have shifted from the public responsibility of the health service, to the social

It has gone from poor luck to a food waste and wasteful food system.
Due to this, those who cannot pay have been deprived of these services. than health
Having insurance is almost as if you don't have to have it. Vs Mya Sa Thi
A certain age, duration and amount, of various diseases of a body.
Even if this disease leads to another disease, the decision to get the , Good service
special service that fits it will be different. ,
Lack of coverage, regulation of coverage, scary maths of coverage , insurance companies
Mandatory visit to specialist doctor under rules Doctors' insurance
, of pharmaceutical companies,

Relationships with companies, calculations of profits generated from them , diagnosis of diseases ,
What is covered is more important than the consequences on future life.
This is the life of a woman who has to worry about taking and collecting , It's okay with them

all these things from whomever she wants to collect money from.
Ama Nush sa Khali. Because of this, I have a new life
These fish have been successful in bringing them to the surface. Your life is affected by this
Barba da ho ta t. Because of that time, all the components of this toxic system are actually faulty
Manslaughter charges should be filed. These people are fundamental to human health
It is the art of asserting the right and the rest.
The reason why I am telling all this in detail is because of the lack of healthcare in our country.

And it is to be held with the determination of suicide. vs ma companies

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The formulas of Aro Gya have gone from strength to strength. If we don't realize
that this has failed in other countries, one day the health status of this country
will be compromised.
In total, Rs. 1,000,000 will be spent on the poor and poor patients
Don't be surprised if tomorrow's health care debate is murky.

14. Infectious Medicine vs

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Over the past year, the experience of the port sector has taken over its life
taking _ He like his talya ka hi lo ka ki samddhi ki so neri to Aishya

It is ruining the lives of many people just like the forest. Radish
This topic is quite simple.
, A company is born. She has the first goal
They make strong profits. Why Mr. Manta Maanse, investment institution, give us your money
A business is put into this so as to earn a return on that investment. Come on
As a businessman, if people become , It is not immoral . Give a big company to many
shareholders and invest their money in that company , the company will become bigger.
, She took
Earn huge profits by doing great business , That tala wa ta bha ghadha rak na mila wa and
It is a very simple math that everyone should become strong . But give it a twist
If this is the case, then why do these investors not get a huge return?
If they are very wealthy ; While many other people say that Anna la mo ta da ho oo la gata ta. That's it
'La lasa' of desire Right turn of Jha Lya Dho. Here, then, why is the lasacha of the Rit Kshetra

Why this happens is that many people are addicted to making money by doing this

Literally Bhi Kela La Gata t. This is the main difference between need and la lasa. like

These people keep collecting their money even if they are not able to lead or die
By the way.

Gradually this salt reaches the countries and then many countries are sovereign
As the debt burden is stretched , because the corporate sector has gradually taken over those countries'
. rate is huge
Power is not taken lightly. Then it starts, make it, make it, then the
A for-profit company is the victim of many deaths due to the harmful substances in it.
Bha yala falls and at that time Ma Nabha Vi Pane Karkaro sings the research of the song.
offers the amount. Here then the way of business can be cannibalized by the turn of the vaccine .

On top of that, the system. But until then, the corporate sector has been showing interest in money or toons

Neither the slide nor the controller is , An organization like the World Bank has taken the loan
slow . Many times, the compromises that are suggested gradually turn things around
It is a polite way to take it . So even if you die, just don't take the pill and you will , Give poison

immediately die. Slowly died, how did this start

Jha li he lo k v Saroon ja ti l. If this is a lie, then they will keep Rwanda as a country of luxury
Exactly what made it worthwhile. These rail-trading companies are located in the African continent
Ha ha : ka ra ma jawla, How exactly are the oil traders rubbing the Arab countries?
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Why did the Union of India slaughter the people of Bhopal ?

Go through the question section and study . What are the top companies of Ja Gati Ki Karana?

have prevailed, for the protection of the common people in various countries, for the security of the

Why and how they have mounted it would be the subject of a book.
That's how great and scary it looks! Only now, here is food, clothing,
A moment
, of rest is not limited to this field of life-giving medicine.
It is done. It is as similar to a corporate vaccine as it is to the medical field.

In the field of medicine, these germs are bad luck . Hon

Most of the doctors and researchers in the developed countries of the world are the largest corporations in the world.

Work closely with companies. Those who are with patients do not breathe against them

They are obsessed with companies. As such, new developments are happening in the field of medicine every day

is the area. That's why he started researching new , Constantly updated with the show of medicines
The biggest challenge is before the doctors. Co-
drugs in various medical journals

financing and seminars with companies, self-study sessions with eminent students
And this is not a challenge from ongoing relationships with similar residents or patients

When it was raining . Now let's see how this woman's body has become. medi cal

It has been noticed before By giving various kinds of letters to the faithful

that the increasing cost of journals, big pharmaceutical companies are the ones who want now

journals. But there is a step ahead of that. In fact, funding for medical research is always government-run

be regulated by a neutral body; Because its conclusion is that of a given company

You can either pay off debts or give a company huge profits . now

With the vision of the World Bank and various governments around the world, only this
Since the new policy of shaking has been introduced, it is often preferred to ignore it.
If you do Then after determining the results, the research money should be awarded. Re vs. vs. being done

Also, studies are sometimes pure in intention but their results are tainted by intention .
The co-funding of pharmaceutical companies has now become a guarantor of the reputation of doctors.

The quality of medicine is discussed more than the luxury of many doctors

Arrangements are made with the promptness of per-fund earnings , with the help of the seminary.
of the world-view, How luxury goods and corporate interests are intertwined

M is gone. It became a store of love and beauty all over the world
How to get the quality of those lectures ? How important is that input?

Do you want to go? Most of the visiting lecturers are from pharma companies
There are advice.
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That is, those who expose drug abuse are paid by pharma companies.

Those who are concerned with the patients, who are the ones who want to do the research
Everything has been done to reach the conclusion. Ra hata ra hi la patient. Here are their numbers
It is by the grace of all.
See how the business has flourished ! The business of medicine is growing every ten years
As many as 25 times. 31 October 2011
The highest number is over 7 billion and every 10 months, 1 person dies.

Why is this called y vs why s?

There is some kind of patient.

15. What is the difference between fake and big?

You may be surprised but fake money is just as much as real money
is old When currency in one form or another began to be used
That's why it's so bad. It is the basic of man's desire

Who is obsessed with attitude. When gold and silver coins are used as currency, they are different
The industry used to be prone to fakes for . How are you holding on to this?

cheap money. Why is this extra cost easier to pay when the money comes in? Second
During the Great War, Nazis introduced counterfeit currency of American dollars and British pounds.
So this thing has just fallen out of the sky, or is only related to India
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after the previous It is not the same as the Euro, which has been depreciated , It's big
rate of the American Dollar . As a matter of fact, this business is rife with crime. This business is directly related to this

Since it is a global currency, it involves organizations and , Terrorism , spy

dictators from all over the world. Even after designing the most intricate , gone
designs, the technology of printing notes has become so advanced in 50 years that fake notes can stil
Don't tell me .But if you look at the truth, the point is that it is not the technician who is the one or the other

Ni is relative. The use of technologists and non-technologists is a double-edged sword. Who is she?
The technician can't control it .
Making fake currency by making effective use of many modern technical facilities
To do and catch them in the net,
There is no end to the hassle of de-jamming and adding new security features.
Play the game . With the help of Asthi and Desha, this technique has been studied to such an extent that it is now

One can walk from home to home in Ashtray countries like Pakistan , Myanmar , Peru, Nepal.
The forms of small industry songs are signs of becoming. The second point is that the consumer
The more money circulates in an economy, the richer the economy and
A free, consumption-based economy is gaining importance around the world. your country
As we progress, the network of fake notes will stand up. Which is America's ba bati t

Pakistan has done the same thing that Lambi has done in India's affairs. But Ameri Kane
Why does it do what it does when it destroys the network of fake currency?
Even if we dare to do this about Pakistan, why is America's role?
Why would this be? Why exactly are such double-edged lands helping? money
Spend a lot of money to get it or get it real quickly in terms of fake currency.
Even in India at present this question has assumed a dire form. At one time go to Nusa R
Counterfeit currency accounts for 30% of the total official currency in circulation in India
is Recently, Delhi Post Ltd issued fake notes of Rs.

There was an alarming report that it had been captured. Those who were not caught confessed to the crime
Karta Na denied that he was helped by Pakistan's intelligence agency
is Indian intelligence agencies claim that the Indian economy
1600 crore as part of a larger conspiracy to extort Rs
Fake currency has been poured into India and abroad. Honestly
A ratio of 1:2 means an attractive ratio of 1 genuine note to 2 fake notes.
Fake notes should be washed away. Large number of infiltrators entering India
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Carrying fake notes on the scale is compulsory. India's sea coast is the foundation of the sea
The unforgivable neglect of the government towards the facilities, the ever- , Abandoned fo fa forest

growing poverty and the Naxalist movement are all very complementary factors that bring this situation to a standstill.
If you decide

Studies have found that it takes an average of 39 to print a fake note

It costs Rs . I mean, if you want to print a fake tee no touch, who will print it for 50, 100 rupees?
Then all the money should be given on 500, 1000 notes, .1000 in today's India.
And the quantity of Rs 500 notes is 10, 20, 50, 100.
It is very low in comparison. This will be clear from the following picture.

International border with Bihar in the north and Tarai region of Nepal.
This is the whole affair . This is very dangerous and lacks adequate security
C is ma. Here, many people go from bicycle to Bata Te, bha
, ji to dul ase ji vana vashiya
Crossing the border easily with food . Population very poor b. It is the main village of Tara E region

B Raganj. This is the main center of this district. Basically, Nepal is a very unstable country politically.
That mother and father have ruined that country. They don't care about giving
'ISI' is a dangerous intelligence . Ma ova di and the same goal of this organization

organization to destabilize India. The Udsa Rakhya Rashtradro did not take advantage of this
Only wonder. He himself spent Rs 500, 1000 notes sitting in Dubai
I love the system . They used to come to India from Nepal . This industry is located in Hyderabad, India

Mo The V has become a swimming center. From all the travelers coming from this Shiva or Nepal route

Indian Police has a system of collecting an installment every year. from that
By infiltrating many notes . According to Indian intelligence agencies,
Fake notes are being printed . Ti thun ta dubai la hawa la racketdwa rehi
To be followed . Many passengers from Dubai to Hyderabad are stranded
Coming to India One thing to note is the Reserve Bank of India
When the new design notes are released, it changes as well
Fake notes are made . From the point of view of security in the country as a whole, this means very serious
According to the Indian intelligence agencies , the ISI is heavily involved in the scheme.
She is doing all this. Thailand and Bangladesh are highly affected by the ISI
Atya Dhuni K like Chha Pakha established this company. Optical fiber on top of the note

Marks (which can only be displayed by ultra-low prices ) are

It has been found that even they are not successful. Don't come with pa ki sta
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The scope of the internal war is terrifying. Terrorist attack in India


Pakistan's intelligence agency allocates Rs. 1800 crore annually. More on this below

Money is raised from fake currency . Its ramifications are evident. December 2005
50 lakhs spent on the attack on the IISC in Bangalore were found to , 30th Rs
be in the form of fake notes. After the 2007 Hyderabad attack

For many days before the five crores, fake currency was deposited. Why did people ,
go to the Assembly and the money distributed to the voters during the election was also fake notes.
found and they could not complain about it . From this, this disease is now
There is also a lot of confusion about where the fear is.
A large amount of cash transactions in India are due to fake currency.
While strengthening the industry . We have the discipline to do all transactions through the bank
Can't say it . In fact, if the government wants to, many banks can be forced to ,
open branches in remote villages and villages, but only to prevent cash transactions.
without finding , When the banking system is grossly inadequate, the wasteful reason is given

As you go , cash transactions are for whose benefit and to close them.
A clear answer to why there is resistance can never be found.

How to recognize a fake note ?

1. A line of silver bromide is very clear; So it's a lie
No Taver Te Regh and Low Go of RBI is blurred gray 2. .
Asho Kastamba, Gandhi's Line Drawing, Note Value RBI Low Go Che Wa Terma Mark Bold
If there were ; But it is all very gray on false notes.
3. When first exposed to ultra violet light, the entire note turns blue
The sata t. There is no fake news.
4. The note is held horizontally with the number 500 superimposed on the right
Ba jula di sato, This number is not visible because the fake note can be held horizontally .
The desire for fake money that was in the past is no longer personal ;
It has become part of an international industry. Give a country's economy
He is an important killer of Rokhne. There are many troubled countries around the world
Industry is involved. America, England
, and European nations
Hits occasionally . If they continue to talk about it . Ameri Ket
The design of these notes is changed every two years. Why are the Euro notes now?
Mace made of plastic . Meanwhile, the Government of India
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As a solution to the issue of corruption , , On top of all this is their re la geban dhe
leaks in the security press, we have printed Rs.
Yes, . Then it got very crowded . Why rane why this be it ; As you Prussia Sun
it is worth to visit that country effectively , This question arises because of this
for sure . Therefore, the center of the industry of fake notes is around us

Bharata sa thi bhaya waha. Crossing the border is not only dangerous, but the people want it
Economic terrorism from neighboring countries makes us more insecure

16. You eat and go ...

Eating is the reason, purpose and way of living. Eating is one such meaning

There is a separate religion. If you look at it from the perspective of a person .

who is beyond country, color, age, gender , religion, caste, it is not , money, time,

only related to the stomach but also to the head. Different organs like pain , anger, and swallowing
, it is Ji Bh who decides whether to eat six feet or two and a half feet
is The funny thing is that
It is only four -six inches and it is not the same all over the world

on our earth's what we grow and eat is true, ,
Indulging in food can be very stressful on your natural resources.
Laksha does not even In order to get your food, you don't do anything .
come . We spend our whole lives eating the same amount of food ; But don't give me why
Even if you get food, it will be enough,' says Bhampak Da . Live and eat
Yalaw. Growing and selling grain has been going on for hundreds of years
It is a big industry. The food industry is so open to anyone else
Technology, , The age of Internet has not yet arrived . Never this
ma is the end of this industry. The economic powers of the whole world stand before him without bowing down
It is a universal poem that there are. Because it is directly related to the existence of ma nava
is At one time, if there were no clothes, even if there was no shelter, it , of something
would be possible to hide somewhere; But if there is no food, it is not possible to live . This is our food
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What is important is to have a holistic understanding of what to eat and what to eat
A lot is needed. Your food preferences , of taste , Its habits , of need ,
directly affect your mood, mood, and mood.
Which is based on the existence of the universe . ha ti na praka re ho to : either this food (proc

The amount of pollutant gases released during the preparation of food) is increasing tremendously.
is The second is that which is necessary for the existence of the universe
The interdependent system is breaking down and the water is getting less and less day by day.

Drinking too much evil. Ya ti nahi ba bim vena ra asi mi ta ta tan hi

Parya Varanagist, Ji Vasa Stratgya and Ma Navamsha Stratgya are of great concern at present.
Ba is made of B. The following figures will explain it further :
* How 25% of people in the world are surviving. They were hungry and
There are Kupo Shi too. On one side, there is life and death on the other side
40% of the grain is used only for animal husbandry. I mean, why is this stupid?
It is not good to love or pity people ; So don't let them eat
is This means that 25% of people do not have enough food grains to feed themselves ; Ma tra ma sa ha r
It has a strong but strong grain for easy viewing. The difference is only financial
Who says that the seed is on the top ? Animals that are harvested for food
It is not just a matter of counting ; So is the restless, introverting Ray
54 kg of grain is required to produce one kg of meat (Bf ) and
90,000 liters of water per day . 5000 if one kilo of chi kansa thi 6 kilo of grain
2000 liters to
. harvest one kg of soybeans compared to liters of water,
1900 liters of millet, 900 liters of wheat, and 500 liters of potato
On the
We have such a deep fascination for the country's lifestyle and whose
All our kings , ranks, and elders do not dream of going from floor to floor.
Why are they in America?
According to a survey only 10% of Thai people eat with their mother .
Even if it is reduced, it can feed 6 crore people per gram.
(US low number is 30K T). Total available in the US today
Half of the water was used only for meat production
go to

All these needs are on parya varana (which is not limited to the country but to the whole world).
There is no more fear in the outcome. Today Parya Varana sa thi gha tak
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At least 30% of greenhouse gas emissions are produced by meat producers.

Ka Rakha is from Nyan. That means chemical waste, chemical waste and other ,pollution

The total share of pollution caused by all is 70% and this alone is 30%. me
come on

Here maa sa ha ri and sha ka ha ri difference ma da yacha na hi Everyone should have that self-confidence

ye. However, it is a wise community that does not care about others , is not a brother of society
There is a hint. Regardless of whether you are a student or not, dairy products are the issue. Take a key

10 kg of plants or grains per month for milk or milk products

And 4 crore t kg of milk product is lost in one plant , one farm.

It can be the beginning of doing. Let us look at this statistic

You should take it .

There is one more question in this context, that of Anna's na sa de cha uno

According to the survey, about 30% of the total prepared food in the world is processed.

The reason for this in some countries is prosperity and processed food. Aro Gysha Stra as well

They do not even think about the lack of cleanliness or food waste . Forestry methods His

were grown as the quantity of ready (processed food) food was high.
Grains, vegetables, etc. do not go too far . However, it does not process food or return it
It's a microwave oven, so it goes straight into the trash can

(It has become fashionable to do so with us too). That is, in our language, it was food
Whether or not the grains are too expensive . In India, however, there is a nasa of Anna;

But this is the truth. According to one report, about 30,000 to 40,000 tonnes are produced in India every year

Come on
(This figure is likely to be very high) of Rs . Unsold grains, perishable vegetables , fruits,
meat , eggs , milk, etc.
came Inadequate storage arrangements
, The undeveloped vs floating system is just that; But move on

1. Agricultural policing, import -export policing, govt.'s focus on agriculture

Hence the unforgivable neglect, the government of grain dealers and

As a whole, the country's totality, lack of ability to control the entire country and many others

Ka Rane is ma gaye. This is Shivaya Aaj Bharata which Ati Sri Mant, Navsree Mant and

For example, the general population formed by the mixture of middle class and middle class; Gary B,

They are aware of those who live on the borderline, who are dependent on food.
No need to show it . In The flow of food from different layers to us

fact, the
Can tell. It is not necessary to answers to these questions
do the calculation are that
. So P are?

What we eat is one of the sacrifices that came to us

To have no sense, to be connected with the senses by proper action, like food, to eat as much as you can
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What you eat every day, don't throw away food, so simple personal things that you should take care of yourself.
Food grains on the floor can definitely be prevented .

Against this background, what is the situation in India? India is the main force of Hindu Jainism
is Cow is a useful animal. There are many crores of people who are not recognized by this science. one
India should not eat all the food this year . This ratio is less than 1/16 and

As little as 1/30 of the US . But this mother is hungry


There is a lot of Indian and Indian people throwing food. Navshri Mant middle class Because of that

which is now around 20 crores. His mother


The amount of food is huge. Ba ki lo kan na te ka paadya ya na this is so much part.

India's milk production today is less than that of the US (35 million cows and buffaloes ); So
It is the fifth largest producer of poultry and fourth largest producer of eggs in the world.

On top of all this, the world's livestock industry is based on grain production.

In effect , the massive shortage of grain that was being

, produced left people starving.

'Eating' is the collective result of all these things, food that is wasted or thrown away.
It is very noticeable where the industry comes and goes.

The question of why we should eat is as much as parya varana, the interdependent nature

Even if it is understood that it is falling, it can be said that one step has been taken in that direction. No this

So it is crazy to say that the stone age of fighting wars over food alone is over.

It does not take much time to decide .

17. Man's death industry !

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Our present and past lives, our present and past , our present
Continuation of changes in forest style and past lifestyles, consistent with
Being inconsistent is a matter of eternal concern. This world is very dark right now
No one can say that it is advanced, it is advanced, it is a normal condition before, but ,
in my mind it starts to fade. Knowledge brought the world closer, ka la che
There is no doubt whether the distance is reduced, whether it is available or delayed ; But ma is she
In other words, it is not true that this illusion spread due to ignorance . Today's di rgha yushya, ara mada yi

It is certain that the growth of forests and needs has been made possible by the speed of science ; But
The possibilities of combining science , technology and spirituality are fading.
There are also v da rak or stavach. It is a matter of not using technical tips and wisdom
It is due to this era.
For example, when a deer comes to see a deer going . Above the earth
round and round, its speed is five miles an hour ; Why could he run so fast? .
Gho Deswa Ri , Cha ka cha sho dha, wa cheche enjin na, han show dha dha dha dha dha dha dha ka dha da dha 150 miles per hour.

It has been shown to fly at speeds of up to . But only in the last hundred years
2000 miles per hour.
The food we eat now and the way we eat it was only in the last fifty years
has changed The funny part is that 10,000
, years before that, the type of food
For. the past fifty years, it has been Anna's
(substance na hi ) and methods have not changed much

Not the type; So the methods of making it available changed . Not only this but that
The practice of such habits spread everywhere. There are many reasons to live now
ÿ ÿÿÿÿ: ÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿ (ka hi ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿ ÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿ ) which food
of Aro Gya , It is part of a larger food industry that is supplied under hygienic conditions

comes as As soon as the industry came, the market came, so did the secrecy . Give it or hate it
Why keep the assembly like food laws now ? Food, then

Sha ka ha ri or Maa sa ha ri ; It is a product of the daily process, That's it

Productivity , Price per hour of production , its cost, profit from it ,
The constant planning of supply, the insistence on demand or supply , resulting in brutality.
, All the techniques and mantras to survive the competition by compromising on quality, belong to consumers

All of them came up with the idea of changing their tastes and preferences. Why don't you keep the food as a machine?
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Or its spare parts can be made as raheke. That is, this is a basic requirement
to Jha .

If the food is similar to the mother, the food process is different.

Increasing numbers of cattle are becoming less and less important for livestock production .
Ra Hata becomes its usefulness. No longer are , More than those dumb ones
hormones associated with significant weight gain, so hormones are injected or artificially injected.
Weight, they do not give the food that is coming
Chemicals that make (or sometimes cause damage to) their fattening or drying properties.

Factors such as the feeding of cattle, which are not related to the Above that
cycle of nature , result in changes in the nature of the animals, which ultimately lead to their
This is a horrible practice that constantly affects the quality of meat
There is
There is a need to meet a certain number every year
A very neat or haphazard system built for it is all under the guise of efficiency
There is All these animals brought for slaughter
, were brought as sacrifices
Released directly from the container onto a large belt (conveyor) . By standing on it
They are either manually slid through a machined barrel and
In that dark night, a big saw came and hit his neck . This process is straightforward
Cut them into desired pieces and then move them to different trays and mark them on top c
The next process of (packaging etc. ) starts.
Now, with all these journeys, these living beings are treated with violence, mistreatment ,
There are many reasons for the exploitation of water and sewage systems.
of production If there is a process, the protection of confidentiality is the issue
Until you never give this po ho chu . These topics are covered by the experts of Laja Gati

According to reports, the largest meat producer in Jaga was holding 25% of the market. now
80% of the market is in their hands. The terrible consequences of the , New no

production method of the chicken trade are not only on the chicken ; So that's it
It has also affected the quality of farmers. Now it's their turn
Each and every one of them is perfect. Different words are said to
, be close to them
It is not good to do, but it is necessary with the cycle of Sarga

Very low rate. This is the story of advanced countries ! And if you are not a technician
And if the quantity of meat products is decreasing, we have the same scenario.
The time to meet is not far .
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A wide variety of food suppliers such as supermarket chains and supermarkets.

If you put it in front of you, it is just dust, why is it a handful of companies
A variety of animal and plant products are present in different forms
While killing That means the raw material is the same; However, certain . Ameri Kechech
goods are different, for example, deer, before this, it is more stable than food, or smaller quantities of animals.

To get meat (as we have now. Locally from many mutton markets.
There are now only thirteen slaughterhouses left .

About 600 animals were slaughtered every hour. That's what you want
Take the mother. The quality of meat and its price have all gone into the hands of ,
these big companies. Again, neither of them
Since things wanted to make a profit, they started selling different types of meat.

made _ Like, Ma , Graund Bf etc. By gathering the flesh of Shiva or hundreds of animals

Savdya vs Kale Ja Te. That is, why is it now the taste with which you worship mother

The relationship is gone . All these things are before eating. After eating with that mother

The resulting ray disease is the subject of a separate Where exactly are you from?
Whose mother is the same mother ? It is said article. Like your obesity
that there is a direct relationship with income ; But you have a low income
It is also found that eating such low quality meat does not leave you obese
has come In other words, let's go to the end of the day !!
The new religion of this food or 'Food Engi Ni Arang Na Wa' is a new phenomenon

A new evolution has been born by the Va Stava. The food that came , Processed
from this source filled the stomachs of all people and now it is not sugar, fat , and fat.
There is a throat around the neck. The funny thing, is that it is not about our taste
Even though they are direct form ta ni sarga ta na hi ta. But because of our processed food
A technician,
They are designed in such a way. This is a new creation of ,science
Even if Vishwa Mitri is , But in that are the latent seeds of our vi na sha
miraculous and before we realize this, we may be out of mind. 'Ku-ha d cha dan da
'Go ta sa ka la' is not just a saying but it is true what is Brahmava.
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18. Abhi Ma or Sharam?

Recently, the number of people in the world has gone up to billions. That
means there were never so many people on this earth before this . The current
birth rate is 19 births per thousand. This means that on average 252 children are
born every minute in the world and 4 children every second. By the time you
read this, 40 children would have been born . Now, if the number of people is
increasing at this rate, then the death rate should be taken . 1.8 people die every
second . That is 108 per minute, 6,350 per hour and 56,000 per day. And this
number is 5.72 crores per year .
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How do you die so many times ? Because of that, in today's advanced, civilized world, science
Mortality from disease is a subject of constant concern and concern. go speed c
A report issued by the Health Organization in 2011
Her dying mother upsets her. That ahwa la ti la ka hi ba bi pa hu let .
Hridayro c - 73 la b
Related to brain - 62nd b
* Countable diseases (e.g. obesity, HIV , AIDS, tuberculosis , hepatitis etc. )
1.4 ko t
* Raktada B - 10th b
Diabetes - 12th b
* Karkaro c - 30th b
Total No. - 3 Ko T 11 La b
Number of child deaths (age 0-14 ) in 2010, according to UNICEF
It is about 1.1 crore and 73 children up to the age of 4 years

Sama is disguised. Now all these figures are close to double . Tsuna mi sa rakhya
Even a natural calamity has caused so many deaths in one year recently
Iti ha sa ta no da na hi .
Against this backdrop, let's take a look at India's statistics .
Hridayro c - 13th b
Related to Brain - 9th b
* Raktada B - 3rd b
Diabetes - 1.8 b
* Karkaro c - 4.5 la b
* Diseases counted as C - 35th b

India's low number is one-sixth of the world's; But death is not

This is not the case . 8 people commit suicide every year . Same is the case in India
Last year it has moved up to 2nd house.
She has ji forest styles , addictions, ah , Sa Thi and Kupo Shan are many

rasavayi ka rane. All countries (developed/underdeveloped) are responding to this in their own way.
WHO is also helping. However, as the years have passed, it has been noticed that this number has increased

A large share of the growth was raised by large pharmaceutical

, companies.
It belongs to the saraka rays that are in the lobby and their brains
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Basically any drug, whether it is for AIDS, cancer or any

other disease, when the drug research process starts, the
financial burden is high.
, The assistance of the Sansho Dhanyantra is
always provided by the country . But when a drug is successfully researched,
its rights are sold to unqualified pharmaceutical companies for mass
production of the drug at very low prices. So The government also decides
the price of its sale. So in a sense this research is done with the money of
rich people. Therefore, these companies should not have the right to decide
to whom the drug should be made available, its dosage, etc. Those
companies give their formulas at a low price so that they can make all of
do not them available without making a profit . But why these companies
care about people's life or taste, it is not happening in the poor country .
Lives are under siege. Why are these influential companies - whose agents
are always hanging around the US Congress - patenting drugs through the
governments of our countries or through the WHO , against the country's
pharmaceutical companies or these drugs? It came to ban the production
of . (Patent amnesty is a different topic, that's another time. ) All this is not
the end, so why go back to the high prices of essential medicines, the profit
of your medicines? Such a method would be to push for a change in the
rules of the other party, to ensure that the monopoly of the drug remains
with itself , to ensure that the drug is kept to itself , to ensure that the price ,
is increased. Selling drugs by extortion, paying bribes to doctors etc. to
cancel the licenses of cheap drugs that are available to the common man
and in return sell their expensive drugs. SP ta la vane. To arrange Kupo
Shana in such a way that it is standing outside. Selling unnecessary drugs
to treat high or low appetite, bringing into the medical profession the killing
of antibiotics that are unnecessary even for simple ailments, do not operate
in any country Distribution of drugs in vulnerable countries, drug information
and instructions not printed in local language, pressure on governments of
vulnerable countries to
make these drugs available at low cost All these things are part of the
very important strategy of these companies to sell without taking long term
to interfere with the drug policy of those countries so that it cannot be done. According to a
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The company's desired shape and size is falling. Instead of All these companies are Ro Ga Shi

fighting, they prefer the strategy that the disease market is what it is . It was unfortunate

That medical science is not very advanced and the possibility of cures for chronic diseases
These companies, however, are not necessarily the source of their growth

Focus on how to benefit . It is a market for drugs rather than a market for drugs

Very big bait is with them. Although the disease It was just like the principles of foreign policy

is a large potential market, it is due to being in poor countries

Less likely to happen f . More than that, Sri Mant Desha is the market for herbal medicines
It guarantees no return.

Millions of people die every week in the world just because of negligence, lack of medicines
Due to affordable prices or shortages, there is no risk of diseases . Bhari s

In addition, the big environmental companies now take all their capital to this patient.

They have started to invest in things like medical schools, medical insurances etc.

Ka Ran are all mutually non-complementary occupations. The two categories are not complementary to each other

The factors are health and wealth ...but come today

The picture of all drug addiction, corporate profiteering, is that these two

The holy trinity of struggle against each other has been erected and it is Jaga Te L

Why is the health and welfare of people suffering? Why do you need more money?
It is a terrible saying that 'the more the disease goes, the more the money goes'.

The answer is hard to come by. Why if the health of all the people improves, then come

Why does business suffer from decay ? This is such an inescapable dilemma

Ma nusaki na ka run ka ho ena so dwa wa la gala though cha lel but to ni ka la ta

Why do you want to come ! From this, the strategy of which diseases to pay more attention to is determined.

Giving priority to diseases such as heart disease , high blood pressure, cancer , tuberculosis, cholera etc.

Because of this, more than paying attention to the diseases of the patient is given .

The above mentioned treatments are very expensive. Say yo ga yo ga or wa ri yo which is very rare

Why , But the number of people falling victim to this disease is increasing. gone

is this year another dangerous game is being played? Ro gaan chi ka rane

Generally speaking, these corporate . It goes hand in hand with eating and drinking habits . In that case

companies decide whether to propagate the forestry method or the forestry style .

In short , this service is now available as a package that you

The forest style provides everything from pa sun to upcha ra. The only condition is that you have money
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can be There should be a uniform pattern of practices across the world that
practiced across the board . Why, this is definitely the moral part of Di Rghka Li Na
Da Vape. Then those who don't agree with this style or not, they live to decide that
they are not partisan (?) and take their share in the media ; Because it is also a child of this corporate c
When it comes to a single culture, whether it is religious or religious, the world
is turned clockwise. Once this type of interrelationship begins, it is inevitable to
portray the pain and the solution as one and the same. Those who do not accept it,
nor do they have to decide the consequences of all these vicious cycles. Even the
areas where health care is very basic and essential for the healthy reproduction of
mother navjati have now been seeded by drugs and mastwa la dal lan. At such a
time, why should we be proud or ashamed of this legacy of progress, which is being
preserved or preserved by the next generation, taking the role of a mere bystander,
this question is disturbing and impersonal.
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19. The basic form of black economic power

1. “The speed of this house is black 40 and white 60 . Cha lele?"

2. "Do you want Pa Vati ? If so, do you pay tax or not? If you don't want to do it, then stop
Pay the amount ."

3. "You don't , I need to pay this amount for this program

give , want to do that ."
4. "No, sir, no check , no cash, pay a little less if you want !"
If the above dialogue sounds familiar to you , then it is absolutely certain that you are
Black money is good . Even if you don't know it, participate in at least one of these interactions
If so, then we are also important producers of this black money .
If the money is not required to pay tax, if it is This Sheba will not be, on top of that

not in the bank account even though it is a marriage.

It must be a lot of money . In short , money that is worthless
Ma hi ta na hi .
Laws, restrictions on the income of money i.e. taxes. Because of that, the amount of these taxes is s

As old as it is and as old as it is, it is worth the money . Many centuries ago, Britain
They did not think that direct taxation , Why did you reveal your income?
was implemented. Nepal's first tax on living income
There is a record of the expenditure of money (as money needed for war) .
, Its manufacturing process, Why above?
Live in many countries with little money

This discussion continues continuously. Unfortunately, our country is leading the world in this regard.
If we live up to the rate at which we create black money, it is nowhere to be found .
Now all this is fine with tax evasion, isn't it ; There are many ways to spend
It helps to build it. Talking about tax, India's tax system
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This is very complicated. The reason that it is easy to drink is also the reason why many people take advantage of it

It is what are. We In a sense, this is the reason and this is the disease
have fallen . In the computer industry, it is said that companies
, that become old will perish
When creating a program, it creates many viruses . different
Artha can also be called Swayamchali and Vyavasa. Diseases and diseases are the same
If they do, then why do they care about each other . .
, Te Ja Sti Te Ja St Ki Chakat
At the time when the tax on the earned money started
Creating a never-ending source of black money with the readings of yesteryear.
to Jha . Then not taking the upper e.g. So let's get rid of the misbehavior

Taking large prey such as deer. Give one by working quickly from a higher position
If you want to take it, give it to them. Look at the fun
, That means she is the one who is the authority
The system of punishment of the authorities is…
And why is there an opinion. There are many such things like giving cash , brokering, not declaring income

Black money is generated year after year . She has neither country nor color,

Gender , age or religion.

It is
, knowing
in a sense
a human
other , Mrs
abuse. Why has this flow of black money become so strong?
That it has now transformed into an independent economy. Now the international
Many multinational companies in the market prefer to pay cash to get their work done
Ma Nata T. For this, a certain amount of money is kept aside in their annual accounts.
There is So much so that this convenience and system is well suited to the four sections of the page.

give a contract, give power, pay cash, pay attention

They go through many steps like handing over wallets to officials, paying , Po li sa na
money to the anti-corruption system if they are caught, and bribing judges if they go to court.
Economic power has gradually destroyed many areas of our life! That means
Although the nature of the black economic power is never revealed, it is said about it
Can you express yourself ? These years are shocking and disappointing. Table of contents
World economy is a measure of economic power among countries. If the total of all these
If the sum is done, this will be the fate of the economy. Our India is not in this chart ,
but India's black economy is according to official economists.
San Ganye comes.

Cover of black economic power

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Britain - 7% of national income

Italy - 30% of national income
African countries - 60% of national income
6 % of National Income
US - 8% of national income
Rs - 45% of National Income
20 % of National Income

When there is a question of where to keep this money accumulated on such a large scale
When it was built from this, then such a system was put . Today Switzerland owns
in place.
is When this money is deposited in the bank in their country, where does it come from?
Why didn't they? If this bank has become a pure scam .
If you go to pay the money, the bank will give you no questions asked.
One, where did this money come from and have you paid the required taxes on it ? Swee S
The bank is not asking you these questions . She collects your money. Acha nak a da
A foreigner comes ; Laksha Vadhi Dr. Lars collects his food and gives one
Without the evidence, how is it possible that the officials of Desha Tala Bank are not asking about it?
is This means that the economy depends on the money spent on this job
is a lily. The main product of this country's business is money. Because of that
Is this a country that makes money by keeping secret about production or distribution ?
Everyone in the world (badmash means someone who is a dictator, an immoral government official).
etc. ) while coming in contact with each other. Make sure they keep the money with each other
Why is it that there is no support? That's why this money will not grow like that?
After so many times, now where did this decent Swiss slide?
He agreed once . The yogis decided to seal the gap. middle

Due to the current state of affairs in the East, now those thalas have been deposed.
It's worth keeping an eye on. Why didn't the bank know that these people are badass?
Na neni dhi la ma hi ta? On whose warning this sarka ray is moving, she is advanced
And ma navta wa di (?) na na he ma hi ta? Is this a big deal or bad ? one
According to Abhya Sagata, total amount of 18 trillion dollars in Swiss bank.
(This amount is more than the national income of the United States of America (14 trillion dollars) and
It is 13 times the national income of India (1.4 trillion dollars) . Today
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Many countries are asking the Swiss Bank for the account details of the country's nationals. France

And Germany even filed international court cases against the Swiss Bank for this.
have done Why is India doing this?

Money in Swiss Banks : Reference Swiss Bank Report 2008

India - 1891 Billion Dollars - Amount - 610 billion dollars
213 Billion Dollars Ukraine - Britain - 210 billion doctors
140 Billion Dollars
The above table shows the amount of money sold by the Swiss Bank. These tables are
The country is the priority of India where its 60 crore people do not , Don't be afraid of progress

earn even Rs 30 per day and spread false and misleading gossip. The country where
A scandal comes to light in which many high officials are involved . Countries, Slide
where only 45% are poor or middle class
The lower class did not vote and the remaining upper middle class and Navshri Manta Sandhya came

Do not take a look at the ,time and how the people are elected in our country.
And very na da na only talk about it. Excess of earnings and selfishness
According to people, 80,000 people go to Switzerland every year . Not only that, but this floor that ma'am

There are 25,000 people who visit multiple times in one year . In Swiss Bank
There is so much talk about money, people, it is up to them to show the reason for their departure.
Why is it not possible for the authorities of Poli San and Karkha ? Ka rane show coriander
Is it that difficult ? Up to now it has been discussed in the Parliament four times;
Sometimes Di Rgha and sometimes Wa Javi But why is it missing? 'Why don't you take it yet?
A swiss bank show that this is not the time to get the money?
When the answers to simple questions are difficult, then the question should be left.
Why do we want this ? As a result, it was a trick or a trick
It can be said that India has been hit by the recent global recession
Did not sit here ; Because India's black economy is more about power than power
There is a school.
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20. No

As the whole world is debating the path of progress today

There is a lot going on in terms of posts. All other products are similar to non-toxic goods
Traders have also changed their market branding. After all, this is a business
And that business is based on the quality of the business .
go sing , Areas of the world where products are labeled as Bo Li Vien Pa Vader
It has been started on the fifth floor. What is the cause of air-dependent substances?
But PK is maintaining its supremacy. All ko ken in the world come from ko , Guava

longi ya and bo li v. Do na triti ya sha afu comes from Afghan Nista na; So the rest
It comes from Panama and Mexico. As a complementary business to this, now synthetic materials are
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The market has moved to the street. amphetamine, methamphetamine, ecstasy

Such materials are artificially non-toxic because their processes are determined and
Because there is no connection with air or earth, it is produced anywhere in the world . Come to such research
Business is more complicated than that .

The main burden of business has now been sown by young people. Every ten 18 years
For children in the age group of 3 and 14 years, every eight is highly desirable
The standard has been achieved first by America. A recent report said this
That Indo-Neshi led Europe with the artificial drug called, ecstasy .
It has been accepted and it is the largest provider of business in South East Asia.

For so many years, in fact, South America and Asia did not have Sri Mantra Rashtra.
It was provided for the purpose of getting drunk. But now let's move on to the crack of the crack

Due to industrialization, these products are imported from developed countries in huge quantities and continuously.

The supply is going to the world and they have got Agha D in this. Currently our world is progressing
A fascinating and introspective picture of how far Karta has come
Apari is a rya.
Among all the illegal businesses in the world, the most profitable business is Amali
The products can be traded . All those who are exhausted by doing other business, go to Gati Ka Vya Pari, without the desire of profit

Odhi finally came to the shelter of this business . Amali padra means heroin, ko ken,
go sing , Hashish, Amphetamine are classified as stimulants. Opium, ko ken, go sing
Among these are the amphetamine-type anabolic stimulants (ATS).
Construction in use . That is, their production is carried out in a highly confidential manner.
Many such illegal uses of the drug have been found in the United States itself.
are According to a report by UNO, around 29 million people in Jaga are missing; So
Another 4 crore people are involved in this business. Every year this number averages one

Ko t ni wa dhate is. The poor and those who have no means of living are poor

Subject Show Dhyana Che Wan Dhe Such Satta Dhish , Chanderi Duni Yeti L Prasiddhi All Limits
Keep doing it , Patron to Ra Jaka Rani , Defenders of the Medal of Honor
The number of similar events in La Lasse playing in Befa is staggering.
is This would be the only illegal business where so many people are trapped. Every year a sum of Rs
Adi cha khol ka amaali rtthana die by consuming it and so on

It is the number of years. Addiction and disease is not a fear either.

About 17% of all AIDS cases are HIV-positive, which means one in six.
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60% of the world's total heroin production comes from Afghanistan. she was
As the powers rise, those dictatorships become dirty, the American military is strong,
It is a matter of fact that even after heavy bombardment, the production of those plates has not decreased.
Emphasizes the importance of business. Despite this, this thing is ours
Most likely , Bahuaya is not associated with the War-on- Why this strategy?

Terror . This is a big question. The rest is my neighbor's mya nama ramdhi l afuche
Production has also fallen by about 20% in the last two years .
Many of these products are an even bigger source of drug-related profits.

This is business. Whatever you earn, whatever you lose, live beyond that
The number of occupations is negligible . Chatur Interpol , of the country
This development is now on the heels of tougher police , stronger Border Security Force.

700 billion dollars (about 40-42 lakh crore rupees) this year . The ban on the come on

establishment of industry is the key to its expansion.

If you look back a few days, this is the first ban on the actual posts.
In the 19th century ; At that time, let's collect Britain's food from around the world
They are doing it in the ba ja rapethe of the opium that has been done. At that time the sum of chi in no is 20

La kholo ka ya naresh hai ho ho ho At that time, the sun was turning on the British Sun

ho. They are not banned because they are supporters of Vya Pa Ra, they are spectators.
Ta Badto Buthwa Ya La Vali (ie these people are the progenitors of this illegal business ).
Every dark cloud has a silver lining.
Because of the current recession or recession, drug-related money in banks is a legitimate transaction
A huge financial loss has not been avoided. Beka Yadeshi is the head of the trade area of drug dealers

Business is all about cash. The flow of that cash was so huge and so certain ,
that the world's financial markets could not accept it.
There was no And since money does not have moral-immoral language, it is not used by many financial institutions

. This
way . He was accepted from the institutions with open arms and honors Khatri's brother is older
According to reports, the supply of credit at the . Ch
international level increased only from 2007 to 2010. In recent years , European and American banks have
come on

came . More than one trillion dollars (total of Rs. 6 lakh crore) came Go St
from these non-local transactions, most of which . are recent.
. The business
of the market and was destroyed was hit by the depression
. Not so bad
Now these people have changed their direction and now these marriages are coming from night.
All payments are preferably in the form of cash, i.e., countries outside the US and Europe
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Ashi is coming to keep. Now say Yo Ga Yo Ga or Yo Jana ; pa ki sta na,

All India's close neighbors like Afghanistan , Myanmar , Nepal , Sri Lanka, etc.
The business of Padarath is very deeply involved. There is only one honor for this
The exception is ghosts . This evil Sha Desha not only meant practical positions but also copper
All types are banned. He is the only one in the world who does this
The first is the country. He is truly a Ne V Kasanshi L. Ma nawta wa da chi and sa re jag
Don't be fooled by the developed countries who make false promises of happiness.
is; The whole world did not respect the ghosts because of that.
In a 2005 survey , 24% of US consumers reported having a relationship , Purchase

with real estate agents through sales or use.

This rate. That year, actual spending against the government was $7 billion.
It was done and about eight or nine were punished . Even after doing so much today
About 8th grade children in the US between the ages of 12 and 19
Practical positions are gone.
The situation is not very different in India , But your question is serious
It is different. Basically the country where people live , come and go
It is far past to meet such kind of ma hi ti na hi ti thee. to you
Many things are very hidden. Shiv Ya La Rajaki Ya Defense, Police C

Do Leza is a valuable shell. Over the years, the rave-parties that have been revealed
However, the ringing of this gives evidence . But because it was not revealed, everyone will be upset

It would be presumptuous to assume that there is. In 2009, International Narcotics Control Ltd
The Board has recognized that India is an important destination for local government officials.
It has been . Because at that time there was a huge stockpile of ATS in India.

claimed that there are illegal drug users in all regions like Bangladesh, Myanmar , Nepal , Pakistan.
India inevitably comes on the highway of Va Hatuki, and India comes to India when -
Kama Li Chi Ana Gon Di of order , Sha saki ya corrupta char ra and Navshri manta varga ti l nashechi
The organization has also expressed the view that emergency threatens them. India
Isha Nyekad's Ra Jaye has fallen into this category. In the face of low threat , Nepal-
Mya Namar's Ghatak Sanganmat, Tuti Kori Na Te Sri Lanka A New Nech V Kisi
All these acts or acts are ominous for India.
The blatant neglect of this Jo D in last year's shift towards North East India and
The trinity that was there was born out of all these bad deeds.

This is Tama Sha of Gha Tale.As for the nation, why should we not go to the situation?
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It gives birth to and preserves a legacy for generations to come.

This is disturbing
'Mera Bharat Maha Na' is unfortunate as Isha Nyeti La Wa Stav of Gho Shana.

21. The truth of corruption

Human existence is as old as it is . V came later and

It is still about the context of why or why. Because of that, Sada's Rs
And Sargadatta is the one who corrupts. The difference is so much that it is possible with an effort ; So

Once you know it, there is no need to try to keep it . He quickly got used to it
, We
or lesser
are allextent . to a .
Even if you don't eat money shamelessly, you will be doing corruption! Because of that

Corruption is so self- indulgent. Of course, this is a part of personal life

. But our public life has become a big mess due to corruption.
When one's corrupt behavior costs the lives of others, the right to live
Hi Ra Wala Go To ; But then people have become . The funny thing is that live now everywhere
aware that this is a cognizable offense and they have become so accustomed to not thinking about it.
is Then get together about that. Don't you live as a community?
The mode of conduct depends on others . Group, country than this at the time
When the maintenance of these relationships, special motives become important, then a corrupt system is formed.
Go to it . Because then it breaks down into savings, satellites, etc.
If we study it till now, it turns out that the time you live is the power of the moment
At the time of standing . Be it the Cold War , Live with proxy war
against each other, the system of corruption that has stood up. Go ahead and say it
That she was born by him. Due to which a drug is born which is not , Corrupt Sama j

prohibited. Today, the whole world has reached such a point of corruption
That now there is no such thing that there will be a change in that . Why is this an advanced country ?
Although corruption did not encroach on the lives of ordinary women, they were also
Why is there so much corruption in the world? On the contrary, the nature of their corruption is not visible
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Without it, it is more serious. In a sense, it is a war with America

Black people can fall because of the many corrupt systems spread across the world today .

No support from many rulers, how come people don't respect us

The mutual purpose of destabilizing , anti-principles, or the like
The shameless adoption of all the ways by these great . Even after the end of the war, she thun J

powers all over the world resulted in the unfortunate results, but the whole world is still suffering.
Another issue is that the direction of the market system has gone wrong
Due to the way in which companies and various countries buy power , these people
Only for easy export of our goods and limited profits, to that country

Why is the system in a state of chaos ? Under the name of protection ,

Building infrastructure in the name of Vikas has led to many unethical practices around the world today
Industries are standing. The countries of the whole world have rich mineral wealth (copper, zinc,
Many international companies to acquire aluminum, gold , diamonds, oil)
Use of trade associations
Thethi L Sarka Re, Adhi Ka Re yan neither corrupt nor Neni ,dhi
If you do, he will see, Many countries have fallen under this corrupt way of Ja Gati Ki Karana

This is what Many countries ban different drugs for this purpose , She f
goes on. This is the corrupt system of these same companies that make medicines available in the black market

All are dealing with complications.

Azamti La Jagat is one of the most common types of corruption perpetrated by various multinational companies.

is a matter of concern. Now Jaga Tila is an international trade show taking place in many countries
Giving is the only option left. Due to this, if the system of that country
A corporation whose sole purpose is to make a profit, even if it is a corporation.
Why does it matter to the region ? Why did you make it so easy and simple?
You will be surprised that there are . Success fee or process fee for appointing an agency

Na wa kha li today is given /taken to all over the world. The emphasis of progress

And it is one of the many countries in Europe that teach common sense to the world
Don't go into business practices. Because they can't get a contract without that
No this . According to one year, today, the sum of 8 lakh crore rupees (1
Billion = Anda J six thousand crore rupees) is the turnover of La Chakho. so much
Live in money, love can be destroyed by poverty. That is, it may be the amount burned;

This was in India where most of the financial transactions are still in the form of cash
There is no parameter of measurementBut
. if you give one country, why are many born?
Ya yala la gale ki sama ve ti tha frastha cha ra chi solid is running. But why report rate
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The root cause of the corruption of the region is the basic relationship between these countries and those countries

Questions with far-reaching consequences on the economy are being formulated.

* The system of law in that , Don't underestimate the odds.
country * The system of law in that country is used for different reasons.
* Destruction of small industries in that country.
* Money , Instead of being spent on poverty alleviation, it should be better
Po Chane.
Don't make a profit that is not common to the general public.
There is no need for one or two projects to be imposed on that country.
Without following this indication of why the country, those countries are not benefiting

Profit of the company is the sole objective. Western countries, not Nene dhi
And trade associations have been vocal about the issue of corruption and policies.
This was a threat , The real Bhampa system is po sali. 1977
In its 'Guidelines ' (?) the Bank of India states, 'Why
Countries do not adopt policies as changes that increase competition and curb corruption.
Fewer restrictions on importation, total liberalization of food industry and government industries
Kha Jagi Karan is compulsory.'
Still the bank has not seen the success of its strategy
Why has this change been made ? Even today it is a constant threat to the free economic system
At the same time, our whole world is a country of corruption , of money.
Anxiety has sunk in the neck. Many countries are broken today due to such policies.
Even in India, many such multi-purpose companies are lobbying for their state
The streets of Satta -So Pa Na have been cordoned off. Even if the world has no value, it will not be a pantapradha

Why this could not be done is a big question. No such high-ranking persons
Despite this, such lobbies have their own role to play .
Obama wants more debt for America's financial future
If so, why is this Kot scandal exposed in our country's parliament session?
If he had come , the leader of the people of 125 crores was a mute, blasphemer of extreme habits.
Many ministers or their spokespersons would have sat facing each other
Go bells may have been left behind, give one or one of those who are against corruption.
Kya Krama Baro Barach TRP - Jaa Hi Ra Ti's Corrupt Deal Will Be Continued, Vartama Napatre 4th Pillar

etc., paid news took hold of the ongoing elections.

And the pockets were being filled , the self-proclaimed clean leaders of various states of these parties.
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She would have been involved in anti-Sarka strategies , hiding Shembud ,

approving additional demands of crores of rupees to ensure that the corruption
of the various Sarkas did not fall anywhere . There are many people on the road,
hot and cold, in such a condition that they cannot go to the village because they
do not have money to give money to the spy . - Even though she used to sleep in
the village waiting for the
solution of the problems of living , this Anna Haja spoke
with her gut , sat for fasting , even though she
was like many old people . However, this country will take care of itself
by holding this event , why would
it consume lakhs of candles ? It is an art to make a festival , The sun of corruption shines

of protests like you do it with spirit on the occasion of Ekha Diya Sama Ja Sa Thi.
Because of that, the importance of that day is enough. After all, no one is fighting
against the corruption that pervades his life every day .
Meanwhile , in spite of all these obstacles, there will be another conflict. There is no differenc
When will you know?

22. Half Indian, Fat Indian

What would the world be like at today's fast-paced, fast-paced world? If you

think about it, the boundaries of the countries have been Each country has
erased, so the world is not going to live without giving what is good to others, the
questions and problems of each group should be found by everyone else. More balanced and rich
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should be The differences of the sea, the distance of the countries are all mi toon, the world has come so close

We should not help each other and behave like 'Avghe Dharu Supanth'
It is very important to have goodwill and expectations. Why is this stubborn ? How is this?
Everyone go speed up? He who is our native healer ! Such questions surrounded the mind
Let's face it, our present world is full of contradictions.
All the sectors are devoid of such associations.
The reasons for erasing the borders are the conflicts between the countries over the borders
It's not over yet . The technician has passed the exam. At that time
Many people do not want to claim a piece of land
He has been living his whole life. At the same time, the cost of more than Rs
Ima Rati is standing. Why are they taking this moment by throwing away hundreds of rupees; So
On the other hand, a large number of people are of average quality and in poor condition
Shi Sansana has these feet. All over the world, food is eaten and eaten on the other side
There are people, as well as people who are starved of food and killed and killed.
are However, 52% of people in India are undernourished ,
At the same time, there were so many obese people that they were underweight
How many times have you passed? 110 crore people living in this moment are obese
Less than that is necessary for the healthy living of the people, that the mother does not get sick
Not even the weight . Over the years, the number of people prone to obesity has accelerated
Or has fallen. For example, if you look at deer in the US alone, 55% of the population is under that country.

Low C is fat. One in every five children is obese, and a whopping 12% of the
country's health-care budget is spent on obesity alone.
is falling As America's style of forest grows, so do our habits
Don't give thanks to those who do and those who are advanced.
Even now it is important to pay attention to this.

The number of obese people in the world has more than doubled since 1980.
It's over. The irony is that obesity, and its causes, are individual.
The bad result of that comes back to you and your new one born out of you
They are related to generations. It directly affects your health . .
Kri Yeshi,

Ati Reka Shi, Why should he eat without paying attention to this and that the system eaten will be digested

The why has everything to do with not trying. That means obesity
problem, It has more to do with your eating, drinking and living style.
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At present, eating what is called junk food in foreign countries is increasing in our country.

, That
Not only this, but also burgers, pizzas number
and food ofprices
at great calories would be
Why is eating this useless food no longer considered a sign of status?
These are the other reasons why obesity is so common. In the meantime
Findings from examining why obesity is on the rise around the world . At that time Samo R

shed light on how we view life as a whole.

And there are trees to open and close.
The world has been processing food as part of modern agriculture for decades
Eating habits have evolved. Ka Ma's changing nature, the maddening pace of life,
Counting the time to make food, Vs devotee families, eat others by themselves etc
Unattainable happiness, willpower changes everything, which is an indispensable part of forest style
has become Food companies are keeping an eye on this and taking advantage of this
Only wonder if taken. In this survey, it was noticed that the food-products of the world are huge

Shoving poor quality food down people's (literally) throats for profit,
As with the global food industry, this industry has become increasingly marketed.
And through that, thousands of ready-made foods (process food) are coming to the market every day around the world.

Uncontrollable calories and added value of food (less nutrients),

Various multinational companies only make good food expensive and bad food cheap
A category built for profit and a massive marketing system built around it ,
Through Prasa Rama Dhyama, we have investigated the false and attractive names of food vendors.

A lot of false propaganda is going on in the country against the killings and its countermeasures.
This is the reason why diseases such as obesity have come to the fore. Well here is the conclusion,
Kona So Mya Go Mya has not shown the world famous British Medical Journals.
Samsho has come as a part of Dhana. Each of these reasons is a new creation
Is n't this Socialize the difference in this ,basic living
Becca Ree , as a forest style
It has also been mentioned that there are also Ranae
Your weight, according to a new narcissistic method, is simply overweight
And there are two types of obesity. These methods are the body of our body
The index to be . If this indicator is between 18 and 24, your weight is normal
determined is, if it is not between 24 and 29, you are overweight and above 30
If you meet these guidelines, you are obese. Body Mass Index
(BMI) is a person's weight in kg divided by height (in meters) squared
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For example Harana Rth, weight 100 kg and height 6 feet

Body Mass Index = 100 3.24 = 30 means you are obese .
According to this formula, he can decide at home which group we fall into. .

You can definitely say . The same cannot be said about heart disease or But

diabetes . Obesity is also an important cause of diabetes and heart disease. Come who is fat
It has been experienced that no one is sure to die after the age of 40. live
Out of a total of 700 crore T-Los in Azami, about 160 crore T-Los are overweight
are So 55 ko T fat. About 30% of people die from obesity .
Below 44 diabetics, Not only 40 heart disease patients but also 7-10 cancer patients
are victims of those diseases due to obesity. But now the biggest concern is that
Children's obesity rates . In some countries, one in every four children is obese.
are among the highest in the country (like India ) .
When broken down into the upper-middle class , the ratio is about one in six children.
The by-product or side -effect of being wealthy is either disease or misfortune !
Against all this background, India's position is so introverted.
It is that we are like India, and how are you?
A similar situation exists in two countries where obesity is prevalent in India.
is Today, about 24 million people die from hunger in India.
Can't even eat food . On the one hand, these people used to give their right to food
If this government scheme is not communicated, then this is not the reality and Kupo Shana.
Why are these crores of children dying every year , on the other hand, 23% , 15
of urban children in the age group up to one year are obese. Try it for India
Out of the 121 million tons, six million tons are fat and 14 million tons
How many people are overweight? Due to this, the health of India has been threatened from both sides.

If we put all these figures together, the total number of people in this country is 54 crore
Pain related to hunger is affected by either deprivation or overeating.
On the one hand, if the plan is to keep the corrupt people, half-hearted.
At that time, Reduced amount of processed food , constant eating out, affordability
Despite the reputation of eating junk food, many people were full.
Ghara Ta and Bhalya Po T Ro groups are living the life. Today, everyone lives in India
Ja St is a land of honeybees. This will increase the number of bees in India to 10 by 2020
Co will be above T; So Hridayro gi 15 ko t above. Lo Kan Che and Sarka Rache Huge
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A large amount of income will be spent only on the treatment of these diseases. The rest of the healthy lo ka na ma tr

As a result, basic rights

, such as food, water and housing were deprived. Sarka Rache
Let us as a society think about this now at least on an individual level
It is very necessary

23. Need, want, and consumption

Why does every human being live? Many philosophers , Saints ,

Even though Samajudha rak has given philosophical , spiritual and practical answers to this question, why?
The year has not passed . On the contrary, this simple question is more and more insidious and cruel
Dha went on fighting. Who wanted to solve
Adhya Tma the code
Shi Kawa questions
Yache Ki Wa, J
So ba ba , Ba poo, , Ra and Na Na are not so much wealth , Ma Lamatta

da da collect na di sata t. Those who wanted to lead by example or live by themselves

All the terrible desires are gone . On whose feet I kept my head with reverence
A common man wants to be happy by giving up all his passions and desires ; Sincerely
In order not to fall on the head of this guru, he used the guru's pens, sticks, chains, rings .
All these parts are covered , Let's continue to enjoy those great men with stains all over their bodies
and the constant accumulation of wealth in their boxes , in their closets , in their basements.
There is

It's all a blind alley of hypocrisy and it's been a long time coming
is is So when Leo wants to meet a man, only walk six feet
La gathe is coming from the story of a king, but at that time, Rishi is a cruel person.
This wretched statesman was being born to make his things false ! to you
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Gan Dhi Ji is a fakir when he lives with the real need for food, clothing, shelter.
While the professor was giving the medicine, a self-propelled nerve that penetrated the body
Na wa ne and Ashraya ne mo thi ho te ho ti !
One thing for humans is that it is the problem of the present world. Do it

Be that as it may, everyone gets the same amount of food. It means your hunger .
The social , political situation is not relative to the body but to the body. But this happened
about hunger Hunger is a natural thing and depends on the state of the body.
, regardless of age,
But want is a different matter. That par condition she and ,
color, health, height or gender . It does not depend on Hunger and that pa tho pa th

anything . Once the coming need is met, then the thing that continues endlessly is the want . come on
Among the philosophy , teachings, and disciplines on which all the people have been singing.
Why is this mother's Although it is a physical necessity, it is only for that
It is not related to addiction ? This is the state of the present state of the country
Shari Ra . is to Jha. This is the consensus of all the scientists, experts and experts in life.
There is All these things that Na and given is 'afluenza'. In fact, currently
he wants to do, he only wants to live a new life.
It has been created, which is independent of religion and nationality . Because of that, it is now the concern of the world

The subject is Za La. To understand this topic well, let's see the definition of this disease once.
Man needs what he needs to survive. A little bit , which was very quick
Nor can human survival be threatened. Eg food for deer. Anna's ba bati te hunger

This physical sensation evokes this need. Now that the hunger is gone, this need is over
want _ But that is not the case . Further, the extension of this need is that you are not hungry and go ahead

La . I want this . The first stage of desire is the next stage after hunger
Gato Pa Yari is. - As for food, so for other things. One thing for you
Fear of running out of wealth
, with a feeling of not matching , comparison with others,,
struggle for superiority , notions of prestige are unrelated to many basic hungers.
Things then expand as much as they want . But a provision for many generations to come
This is the root of the original meaning of doing things.
That is to say that we should not live or breathe ,
The fact that Shillak is worthy is not, to ensure that she lives well, nor , But you
to do horrible things to spoil the lives of future generations, but to live . Just does it
shamelessly if the time comes. , Ta height
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Pana la la vato. Shows it shamelessly . Whatever you want when the time comes

Don't cry to others, you must do it.

Next, with this desire of ours, let us also fulfill the need of others for their mere survival
Don't give this so much. .
If it is easily formed, then it is unconsciously the needs of others
As far as the crime of denial goes, our thinking is . Then take advantage of this
in the basic trend and the pace is not rapid and drastic changes occur . All these
Don't be afraid of what you want, because of the process that you are creating without your knowledge
Retya te jaga te consumer na va chi ervi sdhi but in this background demon share
Jama has been born with such a tendency. All this is so po tati d ki ne
Li is the reason for this. One is consumer through our modern lifestyle

The dreaded disease of Nawa has entered our society. Great tours around the world
I have seen people who were not healed because of this extreme need for Reiki.
Suffering from Ro Ga. Let's look at the numerical value . Take it very hard
of this e.g. deer and , At present, 20% of the world's wealth is owned by 77% of the world's wealth
the picture is that there are consumers; While 2% Gari Balo Kan's share is only 1.5%
Sources of common wealth are available. - Two accompanying figures will make this more clear.
Why arrest those who can consume and why this question ? come on
Life is the wealth of everyone. By turning her on his arm
Depriving other people is a criminal offence. Suppose there
, is a lot of money
If someone were to take all the water of the river, how would it turn out?
This not only leads to the destruction of natural resources but also creates inequality in the society.
Wa dhi la la gathe.

Let's look at the reason for the difference.

* Jaga ti l 40% meat , fish, etc. food means 20% Sri Manta Mansa ;
But for 20% of the poor, it comes to only 5% .
* 58% of life's energy is consumed by only 20% of the population;
So 20% of the poor . It is as low as 4% only .
Of the total available telephone lines, 74% live, 20% are used by humans ;
While 20% of poor people have only 1.1% of their availability.
* 20% share of , Ka Gad accounts for 84% of the total available Ka Gad in the world ; So
Sri Mantan na Gari Ba comes to only 1.1%.
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* 84% of the capacity of Jaga Ti Wa Han system facilities is 20% Sri Manta Sa.
or be lost; While poverty rate is as low as 1.2%
The above e.g. deer is difficult but it is difficult to understand the subject.
are Due to all these consumption differences, Jaga Ti L suma re do na abjilo lo kasma
of insecurity, Lives with a sense of brokenness. Looking at the system of the world
It is a great challenge for intelligent people to build.
The consumer has become a very important factor in the structure of a modern world
is Keeping your eyes on it, everything will be resolved now . I mean, give me something
The desire to consume is neither new nor new . It is good for men to live
Nature needs many things like water , food, natural resources.
But the question is not about the cycle of Sarga-Ma Nava, which is the Apari Harya Chakra, but about it.

The unnatural class of use is that of a vaccine. All this is the result of an endless ,
cycle that begins by trampling on the signs of need. When it started, it was all natural
Using energy effectively to facilitate our new life is the creation of human beings.
. Once you understand that these things can be used effectively, then move on
There is a need to own property, so those who have property rights
How do they use that energy, a new way of consuming it?
la gali . Take fuel (peto lache) eg deer. Mineral oil is a natural resource

The need for it became inevitable when it was , A sawmill for a living ,
realized that it could be effectively used to slow down the world with vehicles. . then

Those who never On top of that, the establishment of property rights came naturally.
had the need to have this , He introduced innovative vehicles. of which
energy, but wanted it, were looking for something sweet or cheap.
came . But all this has now reached such a stage that America is now with you

It is impossible to live without having a desire. After that, she was a single woman
The capacity is 1500 . The average engine capacity of your car is 800 cc
cc. From 2500cc to 6000cc in USA
C is up to C. It was the auto mobile law that was not made as it should have been
This development of railways was not done without public or private arrangements.
No this . Having these needs is a given but a necessary part of living
became . Second, life's fuel —which is the same as life's — limits.
Malaki Haqk was established. There was no way to deprive others from that.
Those who have/have this fuel stockpile have made it a penalty for survival.
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Due to which it becomes necessary for everyone to have a car all over the world. Finance Minister of our country

62 Agriculture Departments and the country are exempted from providing agricultural industry without much provision or agricultural industry.

If you look at the discounts, then one of these needs will come into view, right ?
Today our country India has become an important country in the world
The main reason is that the number and capacity , To be fast , of consuming c
of our country to consume will increase enormously in the future. your
The middle class is becoming rich in low numbers.
Big companies are not famous. There is a possibility of building such baits
Very few countries survive. That is, to be as deprived as our shopping door , Dari Dri

is to be deprived of someone's thriving business tomorrow.


Part C is The fact that you are hungry is essential to our survival
is Shopology is the reason why all these have come to this point
It can also be said. Because it is not the subject of Ba Ja Ra but of man
It is , A disease of attitude is c. Because of this disease, we are not just objects
important to determine who is the . So how do we approach our consumption?
type of consumer who buys only one way of life. Then the concept of Brand was born from this
comes These different brands give birth to your identity . That 's your different illusions
It is successful to convince that there is praise . Then gradually you constantly wonder why
If you are learning about a month of shopping , then shop when you have time
It is a necessary thing to do. We decided our need on why the other side has it
go to The signboards of Shiva or BuyoneGet one are always pointing to you. Then continuously
Why are two classes of buyers and sellers being created ? come on
The market value of class-need values, the market value of sentimental relations, and the value of survival.

Saadhya So Pya Ja Ni Va has been transformed into Life style . This class struggle is about survival
All methods have been turned upside down.
Man left the solitude of the forest and came into the society
. have these years gone by?
It used to be said , 'Let's do it together with each other', but
Consumerism is the attitude of man to live only for himself and one
Want to travel to Tepana. Learn about many countries in the world today
There are Harana illustrates this point with a thorny example -
An American friend of mine said to me when the World Trade Center fell on 9/11
'We will now buy shares of Disaster Management companies; Why don't you fight?
. to sama ja ji sankata tehi savacheche hi te
Now Bha and will come.' Me ya wa kya ne khachlo ho
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The fear that this rise of a new type of protection will lead to the decline of us as a human being

disturbs me even today .

24. Economic and Geographical Strategy

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Ja gati ki karan, mukta bazaar /vya par are the words of the current Parvali. I mean come
If you don't want to stay in life, then you have to pull back from this life cycle.
Now the question is whether the life is gradually being supported or prevented.

The situation is that. Why did you accept one of these lands? Country's country's
Trade is driven by the difference in natural resources. Because of that

The time of Ja Gati Ki Karana means that the bonds of country culture are loosened , of living
And in accordance with the basic motivation of survival, human beings , Of wealth
should progress sensibly by meeting each other's needsBut
. exactly the opposite is happening.

Why is this country and its food sitting on the back of the hands of multinational companies?
Vya Pak Hi Teshu Prava ha a ghis sa dagha e with own fa yadya, with a mean twist.
This is art. In accordance with , Social media and attention-grabbing
that, all these methods of relationship have been introduced.
It has begun; Which is just a matter of profiteering. Because of that
With the journey of Ma Navaja Ti, a unique formula of living was created like never before.
There are so many obstacles that have never existed before. This handful of Pi Pa Soo
Lo ka ni ja gati ki karana na na na gawan sa tha cha cha cha cha va parune ki karana na na na gawan sa hai cha cha cha va parune

Evil has been raised. Hi Mi Maa Sa Aho Rekhi Te Karana Ka Ra Hi Wa Stav Tapasi L Look -
* In order of revenue, these companies are Wall-Mart Expo and Mobile . Afrika is .

preceded by Indo ni shi ya so di aro bi ya. Exo Na-Mo Baeel is a company owned by Yuna Ltd
, British Petroleum Malaysia, Toyota, Singapore and
United Arab Emirates'
Philippines comes before these countries.

* In the year 2000, there were 100 largest economies and 51 multinationals in the world.
There are companies and there are 49 countries (this comparison is based on the sales of companies and the key nationalities of countries

Income is in) Reference : WordBed Development Report 2000.

* Total of all 198 countries in the world as of 2013
The income is 87 trillion dollars, while Fortune -500 is the fastest rate reported by the magazine.
The combined revenue of the companies is 31 trillion dollars. (A tree li yan dr lers is Anda J
50 La B Ko T Rs. Compared to India's 2013 annual national income only
There are 1.8 trillion doctors .)
* Total annual turnover of the world's top 200 companies , (top 10 countries
So Dun) is higher than the economies of the rest of the 186 countries and is the largest economy in the world
The figure is 20 times the annual income of 1.5 billion people.
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* The turnover of the first 200 companies in the world is the total wealth of the world
Ula Dha is as huge as 30 li. But all these companies live together
Only 0.78% of the workforce is registered.
* These 200 companies are mainly based in the Ula Dha Li country
are This is due to the tight grip these companies have on their economy
Countries come under pressure to adjust their trade regulations to foreign investment.
Officials are relaxing.
All this ma'am will make you happy, sometimes it will make you happy, sometimes it will make you happy
will introvert. It is rarely the case that a given corporation flourishes in a country.
A fashion, an idea of prosperity is gaining ground in our country
is So understand this subject thoroughly before becoming introverted or rigid or happy
take it
. Basic difference between a multinational corporation /multinational company and a country
That is, if the country is located on one geographical location ; So companies don't
Since the globe has no boundaries, it can be anywhere in the world. given above
Look at the austerity, You must have noticed that if you take a handful of lo ka ni cha love it
Companies are larger in economic terms than countries. Another fundamental difference
The point is why the country is only a trading hub , playing with GDP figures
Profits are not a continuous calculation of profits ; So it is a Ma Navi
Watcha Li Cha Iti Ha Sa, a phase of the culture that guarantees survival, the ,
inscription of the development of Ma Nawa and holding the finger of that brave bara kala.
Let's take advantage of the huge area where .the community is living .
Words have a very wide meaning . If its dollars /rupees are not the quantity, its
The currency belongs to the Ka Lakhanda of the forest system.

Human existence is neither a process nor an object, but something that

It is a forest practice that is a reference to the past, a creation of today, a transition to tomorrow.
Therefore, the creation process does not happen to the object . On the contrary, the main secret of Ekha Dya Goshti is over

That it is the real form of it. There are different opinions on it. Ma Navi here
Na gar, village , Saraka ri, eat live ,
While preparing the category of life . Shi kshi t, ada, ni
hard working , Intelligence and so on. Leaving pa ha as a man and then taking it as a category,
The need should be decided on that. The quantity of goods produced was measured by per capita income
go to On top of that, the usefulness of that country is determined
, . Ltd. of the conflict in Egypt
The original is under Ma New Rights. But the US lib directly pays attention to it,
But oil has a utilitarian value because it is only recommended in Egypt. And
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Only if that is the case, the life of those people is not important otherwise . Then Ni Rupayo Gi Desh
If left alone , the human skull would be large . It is so simple and straightforward
is In the last 50 years, the dust of many countries has blown up, it is their own
Why are the countries that ended up in poverty and why are the gains of the developed countries reversed?
Neither Mashesh nor the uninfluenced country that she became the lion of, but exactly where we went.

Yes can provide an overview of this. It may vary from country to country.
The definition of morality is that it cannot , But I don't think about it
be seen that it can change the country .
One thing should always be kept in mind regarding the moral context . Not a technician , not a scientist

It is always relative. He did not realize that one , No one knows why it should be burned
If the technicians , object was lighted on that day . Of self-knowledge and non-knowledge
were not there, the price would be too high . But when G forest values
A social system that does not
, even value those who pass.
Standing arms; So give me a sale price for a precious thing like a new life

Forms in existing things. It Then buying it, selling it, profiting from it ,
is easily possible to destroy that la na shawant ma la sa rakhe. So that it does not happen
Forest practices related to social values, creativity To the culture, They know what to do

are important. What is the geography of this community?

Why is there a difference in maintaining the difference? Give one of the forest, Ma Navi
If you are trying to do the process of giving life, but you are not doing it all .
Therefore, the forest system is , Sukha's na wa ka li stands up . She was one
constructed in such a way as to form a social system framework, not a single one. A new one of this ear
Trying to build a financial geography . But everyone's definition of happiness is the same
Would it be ? The difference lies in the way things are done. In fact
This is a chronic, all-encompassing process.
Absence of Being diverse is the outward form of that process. That process would come
formalism, culture is culture , science /technology is neither . The diversity of forest systems is always
Test the moral character of man , also testing the cognitive dimension of existence.
There is It holds in high esteem the interactional system, ada naprada na bha. That

Sun gives a promise to everyone to live as they Te napa -to ta ya pali kad ma navi

want. The relationship unfolds. Therefore, those with such diversity are now rare. His
By sight, goods and markets are a way of life. His work and talk
Give one due to a rigid (highly insensitive to social meaning ) perspective.
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Sama Ji forest, culture can be destroyed (which has happened). Then such a world, how come
How would you appreciate the issues? Their results would be for profit, right ? you
Either useful or burdensome, you have a useful value
You are worthless . So this is a new type of show; This is not a new type
The social system that gave birth to slavery became a system . This is a new type of design
Due to economic growth, .

development , progress , The directions are just plain broken

Before words take hold of us Towards this economic and geographic strategy
You should look closely. All these sutras can be observed from wherever they are moved
the air

That is why we have low self-esteem as individuals and society

Take the eel to life.

25. Don't give too much ! Grain and hunger

May the world progress to prosperity, health , and so on

While traveling leisurely towards Sukhso, one notices that there is also hunger all over the world.
It is windy and then the chakra will come to pass. As we delve into this

As we go and look, a miraculous R&V association occurs. At this time today

Jaga ti la dha nyo tpa dan, dha nyasa thete and hunger of jaga ke ne do ma nai

Iti Ha Sa Tei L is at the highest level. Do not ? How about this at the same time? In fact, live
Every country has enough natural resources like land and water to feed its people . , food
However, the food production of those countries is falling at this rate per capita

There is a strange feeling that it does not keep you hungry. Why is this country theirs?
The question is more if foreign aid is given to meet the deficit of food supply.
It has also been noticed that B is cut and kept.
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Just looking at the statistics, the current total food production of the world,
A living woman can feed everyone at least 3500 calories per day (sometimes more) .

(Which is called obesity and obesity). One of the conclusions drawn by the Gree Napi S

International Organization is that countries where food

There are more hungry people living in countries where wind is more than corn . Uno's food and
According to the Agriculture Organization , the entire world will bury every person in the world.

Because Bahuna is producing twice as much food as it needs and yet at this rate

A man is starving to death. Due to shortage, Another conclusion is that Anna's

the number of wata is low. But there is availability of food
I am not able to afford to buy it. In the language of ba ja ra, ma da y ke le le
If you can't afford to buy food, who will cook it for you?
No this . Then the income of more than half a billion people in the world is less than 40 rupees
If so, they would rather starve to death than keep a full stomach full of food.

This is the choice that the terrible journey of today's food system has placed in fun

front of them. That is, 60% of the people have an average daily income of less than Rs.20 and
34,825 crore rupees every year, about 21 crore people are hungry.
Exports food grains ; On the other hand, Brazil has its own 7
65,000 crore rupees worth of grains are exported leaving millions of people . own

hungry, why is this a business of keeping other people hungry and not feeding them?

All these findings are changing the way we look at the question. This
Antagonism not only makes us introvert but also upsets us and leaves us .

We will come only if we make it a commodity instead of a basic need

Turn up, come on, come on, don't you ? But all this is our ma nabha vi pana ,
Even though we are completely new creations, we do not stop to blame Sarga . Radish

The need for food is associated with the ability to buy rather than the right of a person.
Then those who had no income or food became destitute and counted.
People's incomes decrease, because their sources of income are destroyed . loan
Pay off , If you need to give a house to your family, do not take your land or theirs

If there is money for income, keep it as a pledge on the last day of the month. from that

The prices of Dala Lee and Bebharvasa's crops fall in farmers' markets ;
On the other hand, the prices of the commodities which are necessary for their survival are higher.
Ava kya ba her ja ta ta t. All this is done by someone according to Ba Ja Ra's formula.

Anna's famine may be a disaster, but why is it?

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There is an opportunity for profit. Ma nase jami najumla v ka yala ka dhata ta then he
Their way of life is a constant effort and everything is for profit

Show dhana reya ka hi lo ka sa thi ti is the right time; All of these are taken over by women
Do it ! Because of that, sometimes such opportunities are created in the issue . Sometimes they are foreigners

Investments come in the form,of investment and sometimes the economy of the country
As an inevitable stage of growth. It is the responsibility of the government to protect the public from this robbery

Why m. But when the government also becomes the ambassador of this foreign system, then it belongs to that country
Let's create a smooth path with the next generation
All in all , this has nothing to do with the number of positive or negative numbers . All this

The eighth reason is that the food system of today is stuck in this vicious cycle. At Today

the forefront of the world's food system are people with healthy diets , long-term and
The soil's ability to produce abundant grain is dependent
, on balance (of which grain
It is not related to the number of products ; ( Therefore , there is a close relationship with quality).
Don't worry about things now . of the food industry, which for many years,
Interdependent, Parya Varanapuraka Ta ; It has now become a corporate rate industry.

In fact , without today's technology, it would have , A positive use of speed c

been possible to make the world happy and prosperous with a communication system. But why did it happen?

According to a report by UN's FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization ) ,

The number of undernourished people before (2007) increased from 80 million tons to . she

92 million tons in a year . By 2017, this number is expected to reach 1.3 billion
The report shows an . For this reason, the Foodgrain Price Index 2005-06

increase of 12% year-on-year, 25% in 2007 and 50% in 2008. These . She did not go after this

indicators have increased to a very alarming 83%. The view of it

As a result, last year, Haiti , Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mozambique
, ,
Ravan Dr , Countries like
, MoMexico
Ro Ko ,, Senegal, Uzbekistan , and Nigeria

A huge number of people took to the streets/ riots broke out . We are here to get the point across

For example, the deer of Ravan Da can be seen at every level.

Ravan Da is a Chi Mukala and originally an agricultural land. In this country it is la va ield la ef
is famous. Elephants
, , lions , leopards, mountain lions, etc. only
80 people depend on agriculture (half of our Mumbai ) and 97 people depend on agriculture.
In 1914, it was an extremely abhorrent massacre, the Ma Navaja massacre of black and white women.
happened . Around 10 people were killed in that. What is the basic reason for this ?

She told the world about the race and fights ; But the real story is dark. true
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Because of the mean economy , the vicious cycle , Na Neni Dhi's Anya Yi Dho Rana Chi
of fat burning and the overall brutality of the profiteering and developed nations towards Africa.
These are Drishti Ko Na Chi.

, This country is a victim of foreign companies

The vicious cycle of Suma Ra in 1986
Paddy and all other agricultural products are reduced to coffee as the major cash-paying product
Take it . In 1989, due to the entry of large companies into the international market
Until the price of coffee was fixed, the price of coffee oil was lower than the price .
of coffee, and the control was removed. And Ravan Da Ti L
Farmer Bhi Kela La Gale. The price of coffee rose so much that by 1992, it
In 1986, it decreased by 75%. Economic progress of Ago Dar Ravanda is good
International observers, economists, and coffee assess that it is on track.
Kra Yasi was completely buried in it. Rwanda's coffee exports rose by 20%. . That

The country's economic situation worsened.
In 1990, the government of Sri Lanka launched a Structural Adjustment Program

Give to financial program .It is expected to stabilize the economy through that. But why ?

The currency value of Rawan Da, which was already weak, fell by 45%. Then the international women
The subsidies given to Dala La Sarsa Wale, on the health facilities, on this moment.
. Hundreds of children became victims of Kupo Shana
Press and release the slider to remove .
Malaria cases spike as drug shortages begin at primary health centers
subsidy . 21% has been reduced since the start of the farmers' ,
of farmers , Interest on loans to small industries was waived, taxes on imported goods were levied
Amarya was reduced. As the guarantee of coffee . Farmers above Nee La Khan
decreased, coffee plants were uprooted and other crops , But import tax is very low
were started, so imported foreign grains became cheaper than domestically grown grains.
without taking

Very fertile land has reduced its crop yield, the dry land line has fallen.
The number of people has . All this happened so quickly that people were shocked
fallen by 31% . . The hungry masses ,
Ya chana karu la gala . then rose up and did it ; That la ara jak, hin sa cha ra che

Formed. The entire country was controlled by the smugglers, mafia . It's not French
and the army. , Rebels or weapons
Started to supply . Army strength from October 1990 to mid-92
5,000 pa soon went up to 40,000 . This industry of France will not succeed
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Instead, America began to provide aid to other nations in Africa .

Do you agree with this French and American policy of occupying anyone?
Lose your life. These are the countries of America, France and Belgium
Many of Rwanda's hospitals are stained with women's blood. Which countries /companies
The price of this coffee is Rs, He did it with a bang . Preserved for a year
But the farming culture was lost . The number of struggles at that time was only 80
At least 10 people were killed in this country.
Ravana is a natural calamity, It is not necessary to talk about the compassion of genocide .
Profitable, Acreage production, manpower, and energy consumption due to exportation.

Bleeding is not good. This story, in fact, brings us to the stage of the twenty-first century
This world , which is on the terrible path of poverty, hunger, should be turned inward.
Yes, but it does not happen . The solution of the world , but not the money , of the great power
People like us, who are wrapped in the haze of sweet opium, are not , of that
Don't wash the slide, farmers, nor are the people who are broken, and the governors ,are not.

Let's hope that Ravan Da will keep this form of Karne Bha Na.
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26. That means he is a god

, Discussion and Chin Tana Cha

At present 'Parya Varan' is a subject of great concern across the world

It has happened. US Vice President Al-Gorra gave a speech on the subject.

Ma made that fold and took it with him on a world tour and got no . Come to Janja Gati
bail. Mula Te Parya Varan is not a matter of a given case

A given thesis is of; However, a little digression is necessary here. The About this topic

scope itself is so vast that there are many proverbs , exceptions and controversies about it
Yes . 'Vi Ka Sa Ka Parya Varan' is a topic of everyone's interest. all over the world
Two factions, Parya Varanawa Di and Vika Sawa Di, have emerged in Zunja. As if this
These are one and the other. Political or economic pressure is also a factor
Cow dhala is very addictive . Keeping all these issues aside, the whole of the subject of Parya Varana

It should be done .
Now is the era of eco-friendly system, kyo to pro to ka lapa soon te kacha chi chi
Ni yo Jana up to, sound, water , From air pollution to global warming, many words continue
Why don't you fall on top of you ? We are so immersed in our daily life
It is as if these whys are the subject of another world and the whys are above us
It is the people's perception that this is not the result. So
If this is not done properly, the earth will be destroyed.
are It is a matter of whether we are living in balance or not

With the creation, Living in harmony with Ni Sarga, little by little. That is why this
It is neither a subject of difficult , Or throw away the numbers by pretending to be dumb
science nor an industry to be abandoned . The answer to this is the ri g forest method, which is the mantra of sa dheso pe jaganya

is It will be done without the help of other people, but why should it be further ? Go nine times
Why do you not do these issues? Parya varan di na ni mi tti do na-cha r bha shane
tho kali , Papers, photos, etc. are printed, so why is it too much for us to improve?

If you do not realize the illusion that you have done, then you will meet each other . At least it's 'Mother's Day', 'Fa Dars'

Day' has become a fad. That is to remember Aiba Pa one day ! Ba key
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What is the meaning of these words ? But if he did that, then that Nitta was like a brother
A huge financial outlay has been added as well as an increase in income.
Keeping an eye on the next day's budget, giving slogans like 'Go Green ' to consumers.
Although you may feel that you have not given enough time to fix the problem.
Doing business through this . The question is still there and it's all over the place. you
Are you ready to give up all petrol , diesel or anything else?
Why is the patient reaching the patient ? We are all CLC technicians
Can you give it away?, So that you don't have a computer, internet, cell phone, why don't you use it
Are you coming ? As rasa yansha stra results in adverse effects, we have medical treatment etc.
Why not ? As electricity
, generated from water coal pollutes a lot
Will we live like this ? If this is not happening and your way out
If you want to fight, then why are these non-contradictory objections being raised ? then
Why exactly do we come with all these necessary things?

Why are you taking land ? One thing depends not on your past but on your present
The forest has become such a barrier. We have 'parya varana ka v ka s '

Na is f. Parya stands somewhere in between. This is a vertical; Who is this?

If the shell leans too far, trouble is inevitable. Daily life is a life of our own
It will be easy for those who do not show respect, understand the issue of pollution,
and do not contribute to it. To be whole means to be self-sufficient

saying that you have done That's how you keep talking about Parya Varana , That

it. We are living with the belief that we are all right . come on
The root of the whole question lies in our daily practice of forestry.
Why can't we solve this problem with these very simple things ?.

A Kadunimba tree is as effective as a 10 ton air conditioner .

• Placing pots on terraces in flats.

• Do not keep the dead body with the dead body, do not leave the house
. Do not use plastic or polythene bags of any kind,
• Light only in upper rooms of the , Keeping the fan on.
house .
arrangement , Use of vehicles such as bicycles.
• Bank's , Online bill payment facility. Ka gada cha ki ma no
Or beyond.
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• Do not cut down on water consumption. Now the rain water is the waste gas
Many things can be useful with this .

At the very root of the matter is the adoption of sustainable forestry practices that are compatible

the air , with nature. Water is good for everyone. That is, they are good with each other, right ?

27. Jee wa- vaiv dhya and ma nawa che eksa chi ja jaan

These three have raised questions of long-term concern as to whether agriculture or the

overall industrialization of the agricultural sector. (This is not about giving the status of
agriculture to industry in India or against the demands of this farmers' organization but this is a

different and dynamic topic) Industrialization of agriculture has led to higher quantity of food grains. Construction m
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But since they were all of the same type, the variety of food grains was lost. Different
A small amount of a species can be folded to form a large number of a single species.
Importance should be given to the elimination of crops. This was taken in huge numbers
There is a huge demand for the ,market for the
, distribution of the stocks of the going crops.
For that, the use of biofuels, water and chemical fertilizers that deplete
, fertile soil.
. of it with the roots of a green tree.
A large mound of Nirmi Ti stood on one side
All these things nailed the product; But it is more natural than that
And which has gradually brought the forest system to a standstill. , Keep the euro
America's advanced and three-pronged agricultural sector is heavily influenced by the two countries .
Types of food grains and other grains that are used as nutritious food in that region
If available, their products have been destroyed. All of them went to take this food
And with this triple farming method, we destroy not only our own but also the food of other living beings
has brought For those who have industrial benefit, such as paper, logs, etc
It's easy to make money by felling trees, and today's generation is all about it
Supporter Rehi Milati L. But because of that, Jangal started robbing her lover
Creating an Ecosystem for Sustainable Water Resources
It is an act of crime. Jaga Tli forests (about eight to ten million square meters ) are
Because the Thalya Adi and Si Jama Ti have kept the Sarga Ma Na Ra Khat for years and years.
Can we even breathe in the metropolis today , This is beating the drum of the industry
or is it in the eyes of others?
Policies at the national and international levels at the economic level of the world economy.
Scientists determine whether the genetic resources of various industries are relevant.
It is very interesting why the show has fallen into the context of Arthaka Rana.

Eat the table .

Market sectors dependent on genetic resources
Industry Sector Market Value (Rs . t) 32 to note
Medicines La B Ko T 20-50%
(2006) The Public Sector Market Genetics
From Sansa Dhana

Biotechnology 3,50,000 crore T (2006) Most of the products are Enzymes

Macro orya ni zams
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Agricultural seeds 1,50,000 Ko T (2006) All genes

From Sansa Dhana

Individuals 31 La B Ko T (2006) Natural Labels

Wa para sa thi , All items sold here
Food and drink are plant-based From genetic resources

About 40% of the world's total sales are on organic women's products.
depends on Currently, one of the biggest challenges is the loss of biodiversity.
What is Biodiversity ? So about the uniqueness of the beings living on this earth
Prof , the bird
vs Shw. Plant ,microbes, species
, and their interdependence
G took a wild ride, , Wilderness , wildness,
Another aspect of this is the balance system
Forests, deserts, or savannas, or rain forests, or, rain forests,
The vast ecosystem of the ocean floor is a complex complex of continuous changes
That means biodiversity . All these blossoming together, perishing , reborn again and again are yours
vs Shw. All these living things are related to our creation and existence
Unbreakable relationship. The evolution of ma nawa or the discussion of moving forward has been happening only through this.

But why do you hide this year with the pride of your intellect and pride?
With unlimited wants , unlimited consumption of natural resources, this is apparently all self- correcting.
Self -centeredness ,Self-interest in everything
Bhavana is an easy destroyer of forests, showing various qualities and above all frightening
No question has been raised.

Despite this, the question arises before understanding all these questions, why is this not a conflict?

Why do we need this biological knowledge in the first place? If all these deposits are destroyed
If it happens, why is it happening? The questions of our own life are so 'Aa' or 'Soon'
If there are , why is it that they eat so many things? We have modern
Not a technician. Can we build the life we want Mr. . Then why do you want this?
Sada Ri ??
The simple answer to this , You cannot use internet/microphone .
is that our breath comes from the air ; The amount of oxygen in that bottom is bio
It is because of diversity that it exists. More fundamentally, who are we ?
All these have been living for many years. Who are these hundreds of people?
Didn't new technology come in years ago and try to destroy it?
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Biodiversity creates an alternative selection system in which each organism is one

is an important factor and much depends on its existence.
Try not to know science and technology that even if we raise this drum, it is the totality of the world
40% of the economy and 80% of the needs of the general human being come from the environment.
Price is lost . The higher and richer is the diversity of the universe
Opportunities for medical research funding Arthi Ka V Ka Sa Chi Umad and Parya Varana Rakshana
Chances are higher. This is because of the roots of every culture in the world
Which are at the center of universe. Biodiversity belongs to all of us
Dharitri's health is such a manifestation of ma panda. It is rich in diversity
That is the guarantee of your existence . On top of all this, Parya Varan and Hawa Ma do not return
Balance is also dependent . May you all live with your happiness
Air pollution caused by the emission of many harmful chemical gases
The continuous change in weather is the reason for the destruction of life; But
More than that, it's the nature of the ecosystem.
Ever since the creation of this earth, there have been five large and many small ones.
It is a record of the events of the summer. Just like the rise of man on earth, G
According to Samha Ra, the night has fallen. The next figure is enough to speak for itself
One bird for every eight birds , One in four mammals, one in , of cones
four fruit trees , one in three amphibians and six sea turtles are on the verge of ,
* Almost more than half of all the different types of grains in the world
Kinds of grains have been destroyed.
About 75% of the total aquatic life is caused by humans
The show is finished; In the last 50 years, 90% of the population of major fish species
have been destroyed.
* 70% difference if global temperature drops by another 4 degrees Celsius
It is a situation where the life of the people will be threatened.
Every second, a forest equal to the size of a football field is destroyed.
* 35 crore people are deprived of safe drinking water in Azam.
Pollution, deforestation , urbanization, overexploitation of natural resources, etc.
Because of things, we come here . Destroying and rebuilding
Nature is religion. When a species is slowly disappearing, the alien species
Many mechanisms of balance are at work, and its destruction is the natural law of nature.
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It becomes the basic part. But when this destruction takes the form of a give and take, however
It affects all systems of body balance . Due to this many questions arise . of which

Let us not worry about our food security. The root is the need , the difference
Forms of living things that are not recognizable
By destroying the separateness and giving it a very easy shape, the insistence on fitting it , all
Why put an end to the forest practices created by the blind farmers?
It would be a wonder if the
, country did not harvest , Ra Kshasi Na Gari Karan yan ne ha ha ka ra
many crops! We want you to be happy and happy , He used to supply all kinds of food
even if you don't get hurt.
This is Sate. Ignoring the fact that the progress of man and the story is at the cost of sacrifice
To do is the folly of destroying the very thing under whose protection we live
When will you know? A system, a culture, a system of forestry
Adoption will make life easier ; But they are not doing the same
for sure . A dream of self-sufficiency that everyone longs for

If it is difficult to make the right choice among desires, defeat is inevitable. I came here
That's why Ra came? Why do you want to sing the same song? Why should this be called wisdom?

Pa savi obesity ?

28. Parya varana na wa che barama hi p k

Parya Varana went from being a mere commodity to becoming an important category of economists.

Such a big leap has been taken. Just a hint of glow ball warming is now all over the world
Political and economic crisis . Ice vs fried on pole, time for pa vasa
Many important
, cities that live by raising the sea level have now eaten water
The passing news is no longer a nuisance power, but a certain economic side.
Construction has been completed. Accordingly, it has been one of the worst natural disasters in years
A new economic religion has emerged.
A new industry created by the do-it-yourselfers is now the economy of the world
Thing is happening. Its mask is Ma Navta Va Di or the future without Ma
All people, be it public or corporate, are concerned because they are concerned.
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Aalwa yala la gata t. That's why these sages have connected this thing with social
security or the future of the country, the future of children, and this topic has come to
the fore. Kyoto -Protocol will solve all the questions, whether carbon dioxide alone is
responsible for all . Ka hi can be created once universal images are created with the
help of advanced computer models . Why take such land and how? But not this . Who
wouldn't want scientists to get huge amounts of grants , Because of this, many organizations do not
or global warming if the tax dollars were to be released? Today, European countries
and the United States have a global warming budget of hundreds of billions of dollars.
From time to time, it was raised that a huge amount of money can be taken away without
doing any work in that direction. That is, with a little difference, this act was carried out
as a ransom. The difference is that ransom does not give two lives . Here, however,
this business can be carried on in a desperate manner, because of the reasons why it
is not necessary. The point of election can be .

divided into two groups: those who pollute the planet and those who fight for ,
the destruction of the planet.

This party understands that the big movement is a big movement

It is only because of this that Harshbhari is happy ; So the polluters are happy that the
price has come and they open their bags . Since the original issue remains the same, it
can be raised again in the next election . - In the industrial sector, because profit is the
word of mouth, all their calculations revolve around it . When it comes to making smaller
and higher mileage cars to reduce carbon emissions, such cars are made using more
and more plastic as they need to be lighter in weight . So why non-degradable plastic ?
What is the benefit of that ? If fuel becomes more expensive, it is accepted that we can
protect our environment by reducing its consumption, and when efforts to do so begin ,
it is the lobby of all car companies. Why do our people push the power centers forward
and then create such a big pressure and group that the developed countries join the
Organization of Oil Producing Countries ( OPEC) to produce or sell oil . In the past 50
years in a rich country like America (where black oil has made/ made the country's
economy), no train service has been allowed to be started by such a lobby . When our
finance minister announces the policy of giving subsidy to the car in this country where
agriculture is the main business, then he is surrounded by this lobby. All this aside; On
the other hand, Parya Varanwa Di or Varan B is happening
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Because of the warnings, do it from the corporate sector itself.

Different Ra Jaka Ran. Which is the government's strategy to control various sources of funds
Sacrificed with Ra Bawanya . Once you notice the slide, then

Ka ma so pe pauta; Because there is an opposition party, it raises these issues

Then Parya Varana Ba Jula falls and the people's kaiva ra na na kha li power, V ka sa la
The game begins. The life of power and social life of the political parties
Since the branches are very small and their overall role is very limited ,
Because of the power and the badarapana, why is this not the same? ,
Parya Varana Rakshana.

The rise in the corporate rate sector, the amount of money that comes with it, is so high.
Even if a given company does not oppose a given project or another option ,

Do not let all these kings and queens fall in love. public opinion

It's so cool because it's so easy to ignite emotionally. Or stavi c

1. Look at the senseless government and recklessly pursue the strategy of profit.
Ka peri tamdhi la dal la la lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lla lle

The crime of manslaughter is so serious and dangerous that it is beyond that

Badal is a very trivial issue or not. . The method by which these people crossed the borders of countries
Until then
Parya Varan is not cultivated as a single crop that provides business to everyone.
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29. Males - Bharmasa and Chillar

Whatever happiness and success a man gets, he keeps returning it

And then every 40 years the number doubles. How many times do you keep going down?
We think seriously but we don't keep this seriousness at the right time .
- Notes of Sama J Sha Stratgyan

Even though the above has been criticized, there is a true message in it which
We don't know why this suspicion is so low. Speed that
That means 4 babies are born every second, 252 babies are born every minute.
By the time you read this sentence, 14 children would have been born .
Recently the census was conducted in India . Live your life
V is the sign. Our low number was 35 million tonnes in 1935 , 102 years ago
and has gone up to 125 million tonnes this year .
- That is, in the last ten years, we have added 23 .
crores - That is, every year a total of 2 crores of people are born in .
this holy country - The population of the country named New Zealand is 43. That is half
Less than 100 . That means one fifth of our Mumbai .
million tonnes – that is, we build almost two hundred tonnes of New Zealand every year here.
Do it.
- No one should ask now that 'nation building is what it is?'
- Today the world has also gone up to 700 million tonnes. That is
Our share comes to 20% of that.
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- That means 2 out of every 10 people in the world are Indians.

We have all kinds of self-discipline, so it's important not to neglect it

Why is it a question of shame! However, the global unemployment rate is increasing by 1.3% per year

We have 21%, China 12%, Pakistan 5%, Nigeria and Bangladesh 4%.

While Indo Nishi is falling by 3% . In one year, the number of Ja Nusa and Jaga Chi was 2050

It is likely to be eight to ten billion. It means that the number of low and low is high

Sight cannot see this . More than This is the lowest density of many cities in Europe

India. When due to low number of cases and basic needs

. formulated and when it is done by extreme methods and
When there is unbearable tension, the question should be

Someone goes without thinking and needs are constantly ignored

Then the number of teachers becomes a necessary issue for the discussion of V Cha Ravant

How many countries have become addicted to money?

It would have raised the stock prices of those countries ; But people's lives are still being eaten

is Lands are depleted, agricultural production is drastically reduced. of agriculture

Let's take a look at the corporate business and the people who live on it.

Culture is being destroyed. Rural areas are deforested while cities are dying

There are lilies of the valley; It is not a sign of well-being but a sign of inflammation and not a common recognition

There are no intelligent and worldly social workers left in this country . Sarka Ray, the Aka Ryaksham

dim Prussian sun and the statesmen, wrapped in the beggars of their own generations,

On the one hand , there is a large number of rural people on the one hand, and on the other hand, there is a vast number of people.

On the other hand, there is fear or admiration for the development of the country. Eat this continuously
Although it is wise to crack down on low numbers, it is not right .

There are many reasons for low confidence. That same Ma Ji k

Lack of knowledge , desertion, lack of religion, life expectancy ,

There are many things like wealth and so on .

Is 'progress and progress' the same thing as the new life?

Bha is an ass. Evolved , Inventing innovation , spreading, even establishing dominance


Karna, Fat loss, rapid industrialization and recent developments

the destruction of the land we live on is the formula of Ma Nava's discussion. gone

For many years, the low number of lives has been a matter of concern for all of us.

The rest of India's population is about the same as that of advanced countries and ours

Desha was constantly expressing her concern about the (underdeveloped) vs. conflict . Of course, take a few
We are becoming victims of questions every day. That's why it's not true . By your census
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Doubt whether all the men have really been counted even today
Go sing. Then that fish would have escaped ? So how are they staying here? His
Na gari katwa che ka ya? Let's put these disturbing questions aside for a moment. But she is not
Whose fault is it if the wealth here is shared? His
Is it in anyone's interest to ignore such living ?
Low numbers of people face many questions like inequality of wealth.
Wa tup, shi moment's, Deprivation of job opportunities, increasing economic inequality,
Ne Ne

If there are many Violation of fundamental rights to life, why or the question of law and order
issues such as lack of value of Ka Ma . Why is this question not an all-important question?
If you do, it means that the number of people increases and the survival of human beings is not respected .
To a lesser extent, we are also thinking like this, but let's check it closely.
If it goes away, then why should we lose the dignity of real people?
There is an issue that there is poverty . It is above the financial burden

Who has given it? What is the Bhasma Sura of Lo Kasankhye ? of wealth
Asma Na Wa Tap Ha Rana is the subject of the result ? Vasa Hatwa Da's Ka Kala Pa Sun endowed

Why is the origin of this in what nations have lost to other nations ?
To what extent have the colonization of 200-300 years ago and the , free
current wave of economic freedom eroded this dignity of living? Then of
The space of tyranny and selfishness is now taken up by the wider traffic companies.
Is n't this 'Sa Mra on which the sun does not turnThe hatred of such power is the same
or slope , A large company is similar to a profit-seeker with a narrower goal.
is it If so, did he leave this poor woman ? Formerly, Gula M
Hence the buyer /seller, by their labor, plunders the immeasurable wealth of their country.
Karana re ka hi sa mra jyva di desh
It has become a habit that even today we are living in our , Remembrance of Ra Jaghra Nye

independent country of that race of those countries .

To imagine, the economy of those countries is not enough for many people to survive.
Why is there a qualitative difference between those who do not deserve it ? One was marching through the path of power

Yes and the other is valuing the lives of people under the mask of finance.
That's all. Their idea is that once a country exists, it is our economic policy
Keeping this in mind, then it is not worth living as a normal human being. Then they are with that sovereign
If the country is poor, why did it happen to us? That's the slide of those men
The state is responsible. The low number of those countries is responsible for it. But that
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If the labor in the country is cheap, then only if the number is low, our profits will be good.
In other words , if the farmer in that country becomes poor and dies, he will not be able to sell his farm
It will happen, the diversity of that country will be destroyed, only if our forest system is ideal.
It will be settled and then it can be sold, the natural market potential of that country is huge.
That means the consumption of our products is also huge. Profit and profit . This is a new one
Wasa hatwa da cha bi gul va jato (and var pa hata ha sa mra jyasha hi ne cha he
(It is also difficult to agree.)
... Though the increase in the number of people may have created a crisis for the poor people, but those people,

Their lives are about to , Why should it be different to become a part of his life?
become chiller.

30. Foggy eg s, eg s
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In fact, many layers of the body and mind can be experienced .

It is our mind that constantly dwells on and ponders over the association of life and age.
And that which is used as Prabha Vi Dhana with this Sadhya, is directly removed from the body
relation. Your aging, tired, learning body can only do the impossible
On top of mind. From within, one's , of wishes, There is a strong trend and
body does not support him or his entire body works wonders.
Play many thrilling experiences, Kala Kar, Girya Ro Hak, Old Princess and many others.
It keeps coming . We see many talented people in various fields maintaining their ,
efficiency even after crossing the weary thresholds of old age.
They are evidences and symptoms of this inextricable relationship between mind and ,
body. But sometimes this relationship breaks down in the context of someone else, it does not bend.
And then their journey starts towards . The body that wanted to hear,No inner motivation

Naira, so that they give a visual form to the body. Let them bear in mind their own weakness
pa hate That is to say, start a process like this by looking inside . This is what wealth is
. It
Take control of the motivation of the audience was he who decided the inspiration and told me to sing
It is not Ga Dee decided to go anywhere today ... why not ? then
possible . Don't do it this way, it becomes a nature to share . Here on body and mind
It's making a difference.

Depression or anxiety is not a disease but an attempt to overcome it.

There is a bad situation. According to a survey by a health organization, Naira is the fourth
Kramakan Ka is the disease and by 2020 it may rise to the second Kramakan Ka. of living
Apathy , which is the state of not enjoying things, is a form of , self indulgence,
loneliness. Around Auda sinya, viphalata, all these are the mental states of depression
the world today 34 crore people are living their lives affected by Naira.
The remainder means one woman for every 3 women and one man for every ten men.
It's PD. (Of course, these figures would not be completely true .
After going to the doctor, the man admits that he is suffering from depression.
It's not easy to prepare for Kara Ya !
The ratio is 23%, which means that having only material prosperity,
Having the pleasures of life does not mean the absence of grief . Ye man ka ma ma me
Hai! It can come from any reason. It is also a form of insecurity , Go ahead
, The constant stress that comes to the mind for some reason , and why
In cases of self- reduced physical activity , yes . One of Howard v. Diya Pi Tha
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It is clear from the extensive survey that , Avoid constant physical stress
keeps The survey also revealed that this , good physical health with good brain health

approach is very important. Physically This means that , Very low

challenged people may be suffering from depression. But Naira Shy

It means not only to be sad .

Now let's look at this question from a slightly different perspective. To be depressed, depressed , etc
It is a self-evident state arising from the ongoing struggle of life
is Its visual appearance may vary. Like this lo ka na naira shi ale ki
It seems that we live in a single flower; So why are people suffering from this anger?
Get angry , aggressive or upset . Why don't you do it this way and why?
Why do you need to get angry , everyone is broken, but all these are broken.
There are types of Naira. Whether it's the visual symptoms or the depression of your life , give one
Why should I do it?, Ni wa ta zo panya che, Constantly on all possibilities of enjoyment in this world

But the dye is addictive.

The second issue is why to correct this state of mind with drugs . others
The solution to depression is not to take medicine continuously as if it is a disease . tho day

If you look at it objectively, the negative effects of depression are on the body.
There may be drugs . Most of the time (and this is to cure the diseases of doctors
It is not related to ability ) The root cause of Naira is difficult to remove with medicine alone
There is Naira's root cause is a difficult mind for a medical woman
Orbital and the whole emphasis of our modern treatment is physical
Or, going a little further , modern medicine fully accepts the concept of mind .
Without such drugs, it is an arrow shot in a blind night. Another on the original Ka Rana and
Most importantly, these drugs were extremely remote and expensive
, Ba Ba Poo Attva and Kathi Ta met Bhuti
Women are beautiful. That is, Ekha Diya Ba
The more logical it is to think that you feel better, the more likely you are to do it
It is logical to assume that drugs are taken for the root cause. So on to Naira

It is more important to give information to the patient about his disease, to That too
help him, to counsel him continuously than to treat him with drugs. This is called 'chemo
therapy' and it is not drugs but interactions. However, giving and taking these drugs
Because it is fashionable, doctors give drugs , patients take them, and then because of these drugs,
Its side effects are weakening the body and making it prone to overexertion and
Because of that, back to Naira Shya wa Dhi La La Gate.
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It is also said that our modern forest system will also increase the number of victims
can come Sometimes the current pace of life is just right for a person

It is time to ask the basic question why. It is easy Live peacefully before man
. to become one. Ni sarga saha sa te sun, water, sugar, , Wow everyone
cold ho te anga ho . It is a group , How are the forestry methods and how are they grouped?
ta jaga ve ya sa thi ka hi ni sargat: Such a system. All your festivals-
be that samrambha
, Itche ni sargabecause
is precisely si of the change of seasons.
Rather than waking up every day to live wrongly and then listen to the lectures of social harmony.
A forest system that harmonizes the society will make living easier and better. happiness
Or Tanay Chi .___
And conversely, is it easier to pay than to fund research ? As the man advanced (?)
, His life was different and he was left alone , Of enjoying oneself ,
Gone for one's own needs .
. the past, the occasions of taking and sharing mugs are gradually decreasing
The order is the same. Then a new group of councilors now came , Only
. better.
into being to share rather than share with those who wanted to live

Western society continues to focus on individual survival. (You are too much
Satyanarayan in the house, Puja is enough to be heard in the streets.
Also an unforgivable mistake). Mana Te Sa Chana Re Kalol Sang and someone would listen to it
Why is it not left in the foreign society now ? Ma za anand to ma za and
My grief is also of my own kind. Mana ta da tana re sa re malabh, that ta ena re
Social institutions such as the family, which facilitate the development of knowledge, e.g.
Westerners do not feel the need for such limited structure of Engage under it

institutions . They cannot believe that these are ultimately dimensionswhy ran me
of mind-body balance . He has acquired a wealth of intelligence which alone is sufficient for me
If being alone is wisdom, then socialize with yourself.
Coming is wisdom is such a simple formula that new forest practices are not being practiced. This
Gafflat is a blunder, a gift of ma nawa's wisdom to his innate wisdom.
Para Bhava is. This is a self-inflicted pain. Why think of a recent one
Sansho Dhana noticed that , Nakram Surya to reduce naira
Keeping up with Udaya's well-being, meditating on the struggle, the physical reality of the movement.
Having such a routine, more opportunities to interact with people
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These are the reasons for building and managing. That is

Calling progress progress, we are coming back to the previous spot and stopping .

31. Risk of market fundamentals

A basic rule of economics is that it depends on supply and demand

Addicted to That is, the price of that commodity is based on demand and available supply

depends on This economic theory does not provide for a presupposed standard of ethics.
It goes like this . Because demand and supply are not two things, give to self-interested Russia
, to the purpose

You can be a victim . This means that the supply of man-made materials is less and less
can be done . Therefore, demand and supply in the economy is a guiding formula, a discipline

A constant responsibility to maintain is on the system of compensation. Systematics of the economy

If the necessary criteria are established and followed , the mandate will not be granted.

It was all about keeping an eye on it.

However, over the last 30-40 years, the basic four-tiered economy viz .

Many new trends such as neoliberalism , free trade are coming into the economy.

If this ka came as a solution to a given problem, ka was brought into the hetuta.
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Acknowledging that change is the only permanent thing, embracing change.

It is also admitted that without Kalya, the journey of this world would not have reached this point. But stand now

The question posed is whether to impose , It is not natural to give a turn

change or to embrace change. That is, supply and demand are not infinite
Profitable , The opposite is the case with the method. Importance of the supply door
So Yi wanted to change Ma Gani . If the consumption of one thing is too much, the next time it will be expensive

How will it happen from the spot itself?

Make a plan to build and then dispose of items that are not needed
The product has to be routed through a series of lines to choke it. Vs Kasanshi L Rashtra's
The natural desires to be what they are do not give a crooked form to them or before them
To get used to the needs and then to bring these
, needs into discipline and harmony.
Set up an independent mechanism at the international, ,
The new conditions should be ignored

level to act on self-interested policies with the Council of Trade Organizations ,

A nation that seeks to bring about consensus through prices , fines, discrimination, etc.
Many non-profit organizations are also built . Of the economy and logistics of these countries
with the aim of providing benefits and maintaining the business records.
They have come to do it. By breaking the backbone of the indigenous forest system of the country
Why fall? . The objection is that, regardless of the structure of market fundamentalism,

How consensus and low are unrecognized, and the rewards of this market fundamentalism.
If the country lives, then it will be taken everywhere.
They are dying for their lives. These are all international organizations built by them
It was used only to facilitate the supply of goods to that country
are How will the product be priced in the countries where we sell it?
This pa ha came. For that , we have to use the strength of our global umbrella.
Which developed country has not been able to use this network? Why Rs
'Arthasya jago da sah This is how the world's economy has been going for the last five decades

are If this market fundamentalism has done any unethical work, here it is
Not to give rise to such unnatural changes. Now that's the basics of the economy
It is also the case that the chau kati cha is destroyed. Basically market fundamentalism
why come So the economic/social consequences of market complete deregulation
Jaba bada ri ba ja ra on the principle of putting on the blind breath . What is 'fundamentalism ' ?
(whether religious or otherwise) comes with a blind belief , a false , Tapa Sun
language always with the fundamentalist to avoid questioning and seeing.
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Kadvaya Group's Adhishta One should sing and others should not accept it
A system that does not insult the, intellectual ,curiosity of the diversity of people /countries.
I am born . Fundamentalism is just a religious question of how economics should be

Maa dani is a sign of depression. At present, American hair vs. how the national market is
Fundamentalism or philosophical interpretation is the basis of why or why these arguments are in denial and
In India, however, the speed at which the government has intervened in all areas has been slow.
There is a risk of giving.

All of the sense of responsibility, accountability, and responsibility in India

Thara ta wa nawa , Our country does not open more and more sectors to foreign
, investment
Whose claims are we binding ? With market fundamentals, all systems are relaxed
This is if the illusion that Karon Vega will develop will be so far behind us
Dho Kya's ghanta or jawa should come . The unsettling basic truth is, how about this
And free markets are not mutually exclusive principles . How is this the government's duty?
Self-proclaimed centers of power forming a society using the acquired nation.
To destroy is to destroy the power of a handful of people. If such
How did the government recognize (and continue to do so) that the free market is not a challenge?
Why would this happen if not given? In a country like India, where 40% still have no
water , poverty, no food-health, no basic rights , citizens are unemployed, many

If the companies in this world are doing their business with corrupt methods, then get out of the market
Fundamental damages can never be irreparable.
America's strength in all areas grew out of this spirit. Medical field
Lo ka na aro gyasuvi dha mila vei was the intention
, but why did all the systems move?
Today it has become a terrible punishment to fall. Aja Rapan came when Arthi K
How does the treatment that is required by stress fit into your insurance policy , is it covered by insurance?

Granted, these questions tend to tax people more mentally . They were doctors
If the patient does not suggest any surgery /surgery or ask permission from the insurance company ; If
If the insurance companies decide the cause of illness, then whose rights, life
Ma ti mo l ho is it? How do you die and give a religious extremist organization
Why is there a qualitative difference between living and dying ? America has the lowest total number
17% (5 crores) , That ti l 87 la kh laha na children) lo ka na aro gyavi mya che chhatra na
, hi
health expenditure is five times higher than the GDP growth, it is advanced.
Is it a sign of country? America is the only country in the world that has health
Service is neither the fundamental right of Gari Katwa . Because of the policy of give one wrong, take one
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Playing with life in such a manner amounts to the crime of murder. So this
Hukumsha would not have done this either . So who are these politicians? Come on
Fundamental data errors or revisions do not undermine trust . That's not all
So the blind belief that market liberalization is the only basis for progress leads to growth.
Plantation industries are going on, sub-prime ones all over the world

350 billion rupees (7.7 trillion

(Dr. Lers) without damage, 15% of the world's total market value for a huge amount of money.
gone , America's haircuts have fallen due to many countries or recessions, and many of them are controlled.

Is it not the result of failure ?

It is better to keep in mind here that what is happening is due to the triple mistakes of economics.
Why is this a handful of people sitting with the benefits, of not being in the result?
Accepting the throwing strategy is an inevitable part of it. The world is worth so much
Neither the great wars nor the religious fanatics could do harm, but these market fundamentalists.
But self-centeredness, how
, can we openly lose all human values such as equality?
Fa sat jaga la dho ka has been brought up and raised to the right
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32. Freedom of speech

In 1976, Scottish economist Adam Smith wrote a song called 'Wealth of Nations'.
Book Ltd. Any taxes or restrictions on production and trade thereof
Nervous as well as financial Move out of the area System interference completely
They expressed their opinion that it is not possible to build the wealth of the country without the strength .
come on
Ghristha la sama re savva do nashe Even after years many are free today
Economists from various countries have observed and supported the origin of the trading system.
Math cha lavata na di sata t. According to Smith, economic and social media ,
Ra jaki y ba bi si si si si si si si si si jeat. After that, Britain's Pantapradha Na Ma Gari

Thenchar introduced a new policy called NEO LIBERALISM . Ya la parya ya na hi

This type of choice is the next generation of free trade
Dho Ran. A single dynamic free trade market for all nations to be equal.
An excellent system could be boasted of . Now the Brits are doing the welfare of the world

Asking is either a cruel joke or a given . Mula Te Muktaba Jara is a natural concept f

matter, so it cannot be good for everyone .

. Let's see why NEO LIBERALISM means freeing .

industry from all government and system.

(Social instability, disparity ) Let us stand firmly behind it even if it falls.
Why does the Organization not follow this policy of international investment and trade?
Nor , Controlling the prices of goods, including goods , services, and supplies.
is this freeing. 'And the mechanical market is the economic growth and the bottom line: not all

The world is suffering from the evil effects of the false propagation of the doctrine of ``Fa Yadya Cha Hai''.

* For social services (education, health) in the name of government intervention

Why collect money from the public for money? That is, government subsidies or tax breaks

can take This means that these developed countries will again benefit the farmers.
* On all matters affecting profit (including protection of employer's rights)
(comes) to remove the slide and mechanism.
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* To nationalize all government owned industries and businesses (such as ,

banks, railways, schools, hospitals, electricity , roads, and clean water systems ) . Vs Kasanshi L
The developed countries suffered from the dire consequences of the crisis.
* Oppose the concept of public property , instead of private property.
Basically, the implementation of free trade regime is rooted in various countries
We won without destroying the traditional way of life. It is true that traditional
The method is a form of demonstration. But then you need medicine for the pain, don't you ? Row c
Why is this drug so affordable? And the experience of those giving this medicine is oppressive .
What is the cause of this behavior ? How to live again, not all of them, just one medicine
Cha lel? According to everyone's nature, there should be no evil. That is, upa ya ha
J. But it didn't happen like that . An economy was born in which This is free
the prices of goods inevitably fluctuated according to market , Manpower
demands and
Sama was given without even asking for a review. Organizations like IMF and World Bank
Dho Ran was brutally beaten. In the economy of those first rate countries
Sou Ha Rada Sa Thi Ka is an arrangement . That is, why do you keep your eyes forward at the same time

that can be used to remove restrictions or trade relations. Why didn't they all die with this new strategy? Here

Ma ja june te so ne asa sur na hi ye. But you don't build a system if it goes together
If there is disparity in time, health, income, this is the idea of what to do with them.
It should come like that . These are the three things you need to know about the state of affairs and the economy.

The key issue is whether to give one country or separate it. Actually Ra Jaka Ran,
Arthasha str and iti ha sa cannot be separated . This system of government is the economy
It is supported. This is the story (if it is true) of the journey of that land to you
I sing . Unfortunately, this is not the case with a different method

Being taught to develop a tendency to do things like Venice, . Pura tan ka kala ti l
Venice , etc. , Both sides of the Khyber Pass are rich in agroforestry
We all . There are two sides to it and it is a self-monitoring system. Such swa bha v c
become one fool only by breaking the interwoven ropes of God.
Is it about the type of trees that are being pushed towards forestry ? come now
Accordingly, our economy , education, health and agricultural life, social
The quality of G forest is also being determined. Actually, Sudha Rana means all the old ta koon nave
It is not the same as adopting it, but changing it according to what is there. 'Wa Para
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And it is not yet This dho ran vya pa ra sa thi hi takar but they are happy if so da cha but
known that there is a technique to live happily without throwing it away .
The mother of NEO-LIBERALISM does not make the four decisions that have been made .

But this is the first example of making trade between countries more free and more transparent
This phenomenon is to know who is benefiting from the classification of professional intent. free
Trading strategies are meant to make unbounded profits. With this strategy
If there is no profit on top of that, why are these people deprived of their basic right to live? When
In 1973, the small country of Chile, which was helped by the United States, was overthrown by Allende.

His government , which opposed these reforms, came to overturn them.

Deprived Mexicans saw their wages cut by 40-50% and no living wage.

It fell by 80% . 20,000 and small industries have been set up. Sarka Rachi Ma Lucky's
About 1,000,000 industries were established. NEO is also available in the US
Many social welfare schemes were closed due to LIBERALISM .

The Republican Party has a big hand in this. Today it is South America and Mexico
It is the country with the highest crime rate and America's health care right now

Ati Shay B is in cut condition. The root of this is Ya Sudha Rana Ta (?) .
All this is going to happen now because the IMF is now on India 's NEO- country side .


TURN. The World Bank is paying close attention. Heads of state from all over the world are ready to come here
In India, financial institutions around the world have a high demand for lending to India.

At the same time, we are also opening each sector for foreign investment , across the country
The price of food is on the rise which also includes food - why the mechanism is collapsing. farmer

Deso dhadi la la galet, desa che ekha dya in the mall, it is only by yoga yoga.
It is either arrogance or bad faith to believe that it happens by fate . Maha Ga e
Neither the Finance Minister nor the so-called economists have any understanding of why or whether it is low or low

Pantpradha no . All these things are now given to one another

There are six. Even at today's pace, 52% of manpower is busy

They have nothing to do with such agriculture . They are fighting abroad
The country is talking about bringing a mace on agricultural subsidies to the economy

They do not remember that the subsidies of farmers abroad are still safe . Only 7% of But

people in this country invest in the stock market .

These people and their advice are important for determining the country's progress on the way up.
All are on D. There is now foreign pressure for someone to become the finance minister. The country is young
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Yes, he is, and all these ra jaka rani dho ,raan decision-makers have gone beyond 70
are Why do these people fall behind the curtains of blackness and die?
Those who remain will speed up the dire consequences of this policy . Come on last 30-40 years

After the end of the century, there is only one example of this picture in the world today.
What has been done to increase the productivity of the , Use of public money
industry is only 7% of the total population.
50.3% of the , So why should the 50% lo keep the annual income only Rs

assets have been capitalized (?) .

Mukta Vya Parachi and Kathi Te Sanji Vani Jagada Re and their che chala b
Sa thi da ra ma tra thadgya tha chi rani dra is being taken.

33. Slaughter, listen to the next one !!

The current century is a lot of fun! Cell phones with 4G, 5G , Interactive, TV.
I-Pad is one of the fun things for young people from technology and science.
Ba Heer was blown away . If you see all this, what is the future of young people?

The fact that it will be huge is also exciting. Come to the other side
In a world with markets for all goods, the population as a whole is aging. Everyone
It will be the first century of the world if there are more such old men.

probably _ A trend that captures the average age of people in Madhya Pradesh two years ago.
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The circle is full . He came to understand many things . From 1950 to 2050
A 100-year-old blacksmith's life is a study of the age of humans , experts say.
groups less . A group is divided into age , the second group ages 15 to 59; So that's fine
Group 60 above 15 years of. age, age groups, and all groups.
was done Those phases were determined as 1950, 2010 and 2050 AD .
All the gathered mothers observed as she did her mother's:
The number of children below 15 years of age was 34 per hundred in 1950
Yes, it was 26 in 2010 and only 19 in 2050
* Above the middle of this century, the number of elderly people will increase for the first time in 2050

This will increase the number of children. That means 24 out of 100 elderly (60%) will live this year.
19 out of 100 children. Compared to that time, this ratio was 35 per hundred
Elderly and children would be only 15 . That means it is more than double.
* In the age group of 15 to 59 years, the increase from 2010 to 2050 is 62% .
There will be a change of 55% .

This statistic is very detailed, it gets complicated and so on

Why do I want to focus on these things without going into all those nice things? Going like this
Why as the world has progressed, vs how it has gone
The death rate of the elderly may decrease. They are not getting the boon of Yushya.

* To co-exist with organizations , This has been decided by the people.

The fertility rate of humans has been decreasing over the years.
* Modern agro-forestry has brought about cultural distinctiveness, spatial characteristics of the region.

There is a loss and the cycle of living in the same way is taking root everywhere.
In the past century, the field of medicine has been dominated by scientific research and biotechnology

Progress has made it so that people in developed countries are ready to die of disease.
No. _ If the marriage institution is reduced, it is not immediately related, or living together
The form has changed .Even if married, it became a custom that the son's wife should not be married

is Due to this, the fertility rate decreased . That is to say, this , Life is not death and procreation
is the only century that happens at the same time. Because of that, the number of young people in tomorrow's world is f

It will be so low that it will not be easy . No. 5 and India's Lakoni v Dwa no
It is said that the lower the number, the higher the number . Granted this though young
As the number of people decreased, the question of how the world is going to continue will be raised.

Kalan tara ne jaga te urina r ko if ja sti te ja st old. Well old as well as old
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As you speed up the swing, feel their dependence on each other . States spend on their health services
The income is decreasing year by year . Today, Britain and America have fallen
There is a limit to the cost. However, the financial needs of many elderly people are less. That is
Less consumption of various commodities
, means less demand for , Because of that

market goods, less production , then production-dependent industries gradually sink . District 2
A low fertility rate means a low total number of , Because of that why will this happen

children, eg deer. The toys which today's market is huge may be shrinking completely
Why do toy companies make new toys for the elderly , now ?
When children play with toys, they are curious about everything and live it
At the age of the student . Why is this the case with the elderly ? Because of this, the income ,
of these elderly people is low and they are living on the help of the government. Well old age is the end of life
Due to being alone, they are rightly questioning who should , How to fix it
own so many things . It means that the outside of the house does not rise and fall .
The food for the elderly is small and simple and the diet is very little
There is That is why there is no difference. As he was old, he could not even cook
This means that the food is consumed. Anna pill instead of eating tomorrow sometime
And so on and so forth . It is a rare thing to prepare, to make food
Going , that means the cost . Prepare food if nature does not like it
of medicine will increase or decrease. That is, as a meal without two meals;
Living with the suffering caused by two . Bah ! The transaction ended
. Ba ki lying down
pills, because the research, production of the elderly is not the use , That means a lot
nor the industry . It is not the product , therefore determining the nature of tomorrow's market, a new o
The whole thing is to be taken down the throat of the people . The economy , Why is she old?

is not accelerating and investing in the stock market etc. every day . They have roots and money
less , It is less than that , Its rotation is less effective
, than all of them
The speed of currency will slow down. All products of people and goods are less and less
The world of going and traveling is yet advanced, modern and complete with convenience.
The whole mess . The ratio of men and women has also changed. Live today only among the elderly
63% are low cutch vs. Even though she is very old, she lives alone
risk of 52% while Now solve this equation again . Why is there a different.
men are 20% . So where do you take this upper figure ?
When the show is over, we come back to it ! That means she f
Vs. _ _ _ . of Samva Da
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Don't want a bridge, just the determination to live the way you want , but the reason to live that life
But whether death does not come or its future purpose is unknown . Why did this happen?

If there is a purpose, even death is desirable ! This is not the purpose of living here . vs how

As the number of elderly people in the country is increasing, this rightful engagement has also come into being

is So it has become a necessity to stay engaged with life, why is it a fad.

That's why the gay and lesbian scandal started, didn't it ? Why war why this change is needed
, That's it
That is not the world. It's getting boring . India is also in the news now . The amount is small

but it's starting to get better.

Do you think all this is a bit too much ? Then Bharat talya Maha Nagar t

Take a look at the lifestyle of the young boys and girls who are living and . Many young people today

can rely more on living together than getting married. Why do you want to fight?
It is said that everyone wants to know each other before the wedding. Don't go so far

After getting married, why does it remain? Overall, they don't want to get married, they don't want children

Far away This has increased the number of explosions in Indian cities over the past four years.
300 has fallen. 80 % of the decline is in the service sector. Go speed up

We actually brought workers from abroad in the service sector, but it is good that they have come well.

To be , Nothing is Free!
honest, this new world is yours. Now go old , absolutely respectable are independent
Oh yes . Can Your shares are modern ! But under this world and throughout the world, which is yours
we find out why those who have gone this way before are now successful or not ? why your

Is Selfishness Even Blind? Italy!

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34. Per biological k - progress and this s

Living safely in the upper atmosphere of the Earth and keeping , of water
ourselves safe in the atmosphere here and in the atmosphere as a whole is essential for our survival.
This This

It is duty. Man has been doing this for years. When the A da from Ni Sarga
The , question of the health of life arises ,
simple principle that there is a disease , there is a solution to it, it has been realized long ago.
Therefore, the study of wild plants above this creation is about their survival
The discovery of ill will and the subsequent years of research
Pa ya f. Mansa sometimes adapts to the environment here, and sometimes uses it
He has tried to strengthen his existence by fighting with it
Many times success, sometimes failure. It often happens that what you get is success
With that, the man walked on unperturbed and realized too late that
Oh, if only it wasn't a success! She came to assume the . Then start all over again
success she did not achieve. Of course, this is what happens in the context of the ongoing show
Sa haji c. Because of that, she was not really sorry. Ka ran te tar v ji gi shu vritti cha
The root cause is the stubbornness of standing upright, the nature of our forest journey.
Basic Karma itself. Even if she regrets it , And only without having a holistic experience of Sarga

On top of that, in the vain hope of winning, many innovative solutions have been developed.
Difficulty in constructing : A conclusion drawn from the conclusion that it is almost impossible to achieve.
, Only with a strong desire to make endless money, all Ma Navaja Ti on the wrong conclusion.
However, it is unforgivable to want to give hands!
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All these reasons have recently happened in India, Pakistan and Britain
NDM1 is the virus found . This virus has created a lot of excitement at present.
This is because almost all antibiotics available today have a higher dose
Parina ma ho ta na hi ye. Now this is a question whether the era of biological reasons has come to an end

Because of that, it is being used with great concern all over the world. Another concern is that now
There is no anti-biological research that has the potential to counteract this
No Because of this, if it spreads, there is a strong possibility of this car flying. You again
this . This is one of the chances of being pushed back once it is not anti-biotic
Construction is that. We are immune to this toxin through regular use of antibiotics
Or postponed. That's why they don't give this medicine to anyone anymore .
Although this subject is complicated, we should understand it thoroughly . Give me one
Once a toxin enters the body, the body's immune system takes control of the intruder.
Attacking on top of it, our defense force destroys it. When this

When counter-power falls short, our protective forces are lost, but we call on them
falls victim . Then these poisons can be used in our body to lose weight or increase in number.
La Gata Ta; So, if there is a threat to our existence, then . Then rest your body
we need to look for the best help to fight against this poison, that is, antibiotics.
(Antibiotics) Yes . Penicillin was the first biological copy of this journey . That show
There was a convulsion in this area and then the person suddenly fell like an ear.
Not only the pharmaceutical companies, but also the mantra of Deana Kalani
Acha Nak Ajna opened the door of treasure. Due to this, a business will be brought to an end
la gali . Germ show , Make a copy of it .
, Earn a lot of profit Sa Dhya Sa Dhya

Don't rely too much on the body's protective forces for pain , Per ka rashakti la
. If the answer doesn't work, use per bioc .
Dr. Carter, why is this too much ! Why did I get a prescription?
Do not study the patient . Go deep into his body and write down the symptoms
Don't do it for a second , Don't over analyze Ro Ga . Either ro gi gha barat and
leaning , Doctor did not respond. So why don't you come ? If you take note of this

Realize that if you have lost these years, it is because of your own body
The deep breath above the karshakti can become a very strong animal . By that
The breath is left on your body. Changed to this bullchat lo ka na sath diya
Which is forest style. Don't worry about children, don't , Don't worry about earnings ,
. Noworry
worry, don't worry, don't worry, don't one has time , , to the children
This is not the time to take care of yourself
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Look at this one . Iba, look at my father . Give a pill to the basic , A little more than that

human immune system due to all , escaped .

the harmful effects.

Instead of living dependently, a new way of living has come to be based solely on biological causes. then
Even the common cold has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Bhi t
If you want to hit a simple nail, how can you do it without bringing a big deal? Take it first
Over-use of chemical fertilizers by humans affects soil and grain health.
Due to the fact that there is a considerable amount of water, the capacity of the body is reduced . That's it

If Utsoot Azaari falls, give it to the field and keep it by spraying it with fertilizer.
Antibiotics ...then the body is given large doses of chemical drugs that are not scary at night.
la gale Don't we live on that street ? Then every year Navnavi na ro ga uptu la gale.
Don't be new. As Shari Ra's resistance was running out, she got a new advantage
Say it! So why are the biologics manufacturing companies acting like angels?
the streets . They really came to the tee . Many doctors also have a power of attorney
Let's earn money by giving. The body needs to learn and survive
Don't even let the virus die ... look today, even if you get a mild fever, the body is not concerned about it.

No one gives that poor body a single day about what it will take . How is this fun ?
The world has moved on, has progressed, has been freed from fear by various shows, but man is still a coward.

to Jha .

Once this copy is taken, the cause of the same will be the result of the test , then
Why else take these medicines ? A biologic and its side -effects
One more pill on top of that to avoid the problem of acidity . The stomach should not be indigestion

So one more pill . Such buildings have been constructed. Why even with so many rays?
I don't know the reason why . Oh , Why are you doing this ! On that,
why meds on top of that, a long course of even higher potency antibiotics, rsshiva
Because of that, it is another fourth class drug with more side effects. One such
Our mother goes to Ka Ma with the package and . I am tired, studying, studying
exhausts her body even more . . ,
No That's how bad it is for health ...veldo da kha lla ki cold and cloves
this . If you eat it, it's bad art ! Little by little , the whole , Then in the fourth year of that
body can't bear it, the hair falls out , the teeth fall out , the stomach can't bear it . A country like India
If so, in the 60th year of life, the cost of medicine will be exhausted and killed. .
If it is a developed country, then it is the government that appreciates new values etc
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Give it one, it keeps plants alive and the death rate is reduced
Pat agrees. At the same time, the pharmaceutical companies that make anti-biologicals make many times the profit

is earned . Their shares go up and down. Here mo ru last

Young friends of Mo Roo around the world buy shares of pharma companies when the factors are calculated

It would have been a complete mess .

35. Hava Ma Na Badal - Delusion and Va Stavma

Here are the top natural disasters that the world experienced
, in 2010
The recent droughts would have rarely happened , but the extreme heat of summer.
In the beginning , there were torrential rains and terrible floods in India and Australia.
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Pakistan's waist-breaking flood, terrible water sugarcane brought to America

And snow and flooding, earthquakes in Haiti, Europe and the United States.

Sarvana shi kha that sprung from Mount Mera Pi , Namdhi alone is not tired, thirsty ,
Dust storms and storm surges in South America, cyclonic storms,
Avarti or Dale or Batli have all left this year with a grain of salt. One year
After seeing that being so destroyed by the red form of Sarga, then Shastragya and Parya Varana
It would be a wonder if the students weren't so upset. As a result of constant global warming ,
This time, rather than the traditional strategy of relying on the variable flow of L-Nino.
For the first time the whole thing came to be. considered when a natural calamity actually occurred

Then it takes many years for her to come. As it comes As you like
ni sarga ta ka hi hi happening na hi (actually it is the same with us). And all of them
Things have a cycle. For a year, a decade, even a century
And Sarga's marriage is not very important . Ni Sarga Chi Lagnana Ma Navi Aishu Ki
Ma Na is a university. It took hundreds of years to get to the root of that disaster
La gata t. When it happens, it happens at such a speed that you think it happened quickly
And it is not like that again. Let's have a look at Tsuna Mi
When the ash rises, the oceans that cause it are eaten by the earth's crust
This struggle started many years ago. Such a plate on which
Our country has been steadily moving northward for hundreds of years
The height of this tree is decreasing by 2.5 inches every year.
The only immediate response to such natural calamities is carbon dioxide.

Relation to normal and fixed things such as quantity , pollution, other greenhouse gases
Whatever happens, it happens because a useful value of these causes has ended
Why this or not ? That is, it is a woman who would have , But only on top of that
been immediately blamed for this reason. 15,000 people died in the terrible summer that followed
took over and destroyed 16 lakh hectares of forest, not least of which was sugarcane
It has been noticed by researchers that it is associated with gases. Ka Ran on the planet of Prithvi Na Va

Many such calamities are happening due to his circumambulation . This ignorance is written in the white paper

And above this planet is the solar system, the full understanding of which we are yet to understand
No If we can, let's take a look at these things that happen regularly -
this . That is not to belittle them - but they are very superficial. Don't come
Not everyone wants to study so hard , Various references to its replacement, etc
There is no reason to think about the state of motion of Akriti Bandha and the cycle of Sarga
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They give you easy answers and it is easy for you to be big
Since we are on that V Shwa s. Keep it in a ball or mace roll
Tho Koo La Gato . Either way, even if you know why, it's all over the top. Because of that
Why can we do this alone ? Second, why do all these reasons ?
Even if it is not a person or a country, it is not a question ,
All this is happening because of questions related to ta lo ka na ya che ka hi padele na hi (Ameri Kane
Still not signed on Kyoto To Kara Ra . Not only that, why do they do it?
It will be possible to breathe . Its success as the government of various countries around the world
Stuck in the tangle of meaningless statistical goal-achievement,
companies , , Ja Gati C Organization
In this relationship, the crimes that happen are somehow involved in managing

Because of all the things that come above the level of just giving advice rather than making it happen
Even if there is a discussion about Parya Varan, its conservation efforts are fruitless
Instead of deciding, it was decided .

In other words, with such a small number of human beings, we are in constant contact with nature

Defiance certainly raises serious questions about why, but that's all the more reason
It is not true to say that he has reason . Jo vi ka sa ma na na ne ni sarga che vi rodha ta

However, if you check the root cause of the problem, you will get the answer.
And with Sarga, it depends on its seasonal cycle

Non-adoption of agroforestry practices compatible Destruction of biodiversity

with climate change, expansion of non-agricultural industries for profit only, innumerable
Deforestation is dependent on natural interactions with the comforts of life.
A victim of Samato, Importance of storing more than required chemicals
Of Sa Dapa Nye , Improper disposal of waste endangers other living organisms.
Existence, all of the interrelationships between a handful of corporate firms and people's finances.
Countries don't fall, ama nush pas , ja gati k parya varana bati bati only for yourself
A number of countries have created many new technologies such as Bemarvat and Suicidal Vatti.
Everything comes back to its root in the end .

Don't worry about what is going on in your life

is Until now, all developed countries have reduced the pollution produced by their industries.
Landfills with waste have been converted into landfills in many countries. go speed c

The bank's chief economist said in a policy letter that the bank had planned 'Ja gati c
to locate polluting industries in as many countries as possible.
Pa hi J. A small number of countries in Africa are very low polluters.
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The air quality is better than Mexico or Los Angeles. Because of that, the countries

Even if 200 children per thousand die of tuberculosis, they are polluters and industries.
Storage is essential for industrial cities or towns. This is sometimes emotionally and financially
It is not affordable at the moment but it is necessary to think from afar. But such a situation
It would be the worst thing to do for conservation if it is our country.
Do not doubt this !

36. Ja gati ki Karana's contraction temperature

Ja gati ki karan is the name of the present, but long ago it was the same as Vishvi ki jajna.

This is a world where everyone is together. Everything

If the arts of man are good enough to win, it should not be limited , what is the limit?
. free worlds with each other
Do n't To have one identity of the whole world means universality and

Exchange of wants and don'ts, sharing is important. Such ideas are religion , values,
principles, and theories cannot all be called universal. Being uni versal

Ja St is closer to Ja Gati than Karana. We think that the whole world has become a village
He knocks but does not know the meaning of that . A new way of speaking like this

Fashion is born. Communicate , reach out to everyone in a moment

Ma Yaya , with its non-existent boundaries and its speed of destruction.

The symptoms of Ja Gati Ki Karana are the identification of Pra Desika or Vishshta Na the old

Gari Katwa. Because when people say that something is global, it is because they are not technologists.
Do not know the meaning of thatJa
. gati ki karan is actually just an act and ta li m
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is Why is it not a simple thing ? One of the reasons for this is that due to the ,
acceleration of the spread of a single method throughout the world, the world should be kept the same
Importance has been brought. One type of , No one of the light, no, no.
afforestation method is called la ja gati ki karan.
If you look at this for a while, you will notice that the world after the First World War
It has been divided into South and North . The Second World War destroyed the United States
After the formation of the bilateral system,. Russia became the second state of Russia.
was destroyed and the world came under American influence . In 1991, Iraq attacked Kuwait.
At the time of the invasion and the war that America was keeping as the . come on

police of the world, there was only one audience left on the stage of the world . On 3 June 1992
It was the first time that the United Nations Security Council had convened a summit.
Such an international decision has been , One of the yogi techniques is na and ni bandha
made and a new policy of action has been created. Gale ki ja gati ki . From here then

karan is an arthi c .

is a term that means 'the orderly and orderly system of the world. As per Ka,
however, Arthi Ka Ja Gati Ki Karan was as if it existed
Bhdwalsha was considered to be the only form of free economy. free from that
, Country and Country
The economy should be freed for the purpose of strengthening
the economy, and for that, the communication of all should be started everywhere.
Vy Par Hasti Ko Na Cha Rang Di La .Gela Ba Ja Ra Arthakaran also means Ja Gati Ki Karan
Don't give too much trouble. In fact, the total mobility of capital, goods and ,
services is interdependent as observed by mobility.
Do we need a sound system to balance the . But Ja Gati K business association and
market and finance?
The new structure of the existing world was started by Ltd. Goods and services in the country
To ensure smooth distribution of agricultural commodities in the world market, removing various geographical barriers.

Instead of depriving the producing countries of , Why should I not meet them?
their benefits , restrictions on agricultural goods and commodities of different countries and targeted measures were taken.
The use of these institutions started to be done
Ja gati ki karana ke prava ha la such a purposeful turn la gale and then ya arthi k
At the level of progress , countries and their public enterprises
Countries or Government Sectors for Food Promotion
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By creating policies, he led many sectors such as life , health , education, etc.
water , The planning of infrastructure such as electricity , roads, etc. was handed over to the Jan Kha Jagi sector.

Then go here, don't eat the sweets of Gati Ki Karna , Bahura women's companies will come and go.
to the streets In 1970, there were only 100 such companies, now there are about s
50,000 are above. As a result, the participation of national governments is reduced
gone .Multinational companies account for a whopping 80% of the world's trade.
Only 7% of the total world population was built . .

New modes of communication have progressed through television Technicians

and the Internet

An effective network of contacts was built. All of them are in the same village.
Where each other's pleasures can be told to each other as it actually happens. That la C, Hon
Bha Sha , color, region is not a hindrance . She poured out all , Ba Tamya, not everyone now
You can understand at once . A constant . , kinds of mahi without any effort
Go to the alley Here too, there was such a thing that she did not know why

The method of understanding has been adopted . Isn't it easy ? Uga f before lo c
'Show dha vya sang and so on. , Roll and pound One such
New avenues of knowledge have opened up. The whole world has now become monolingual.
About 88% of Internet content is in English, 9% in German , and 2% in French .
And the remaining one percent is the rest of the world and its thousands of languages. Why on the mace
The culture of being dependent on a new god will now be gradually removed. Letters
Ltd. is closed.
Acceleration of finance , IT , science in all sectors
It takes you inexorably to the crossroads of culture. Live TV now
Due to the smoothness of the channels, one type of transmission system is provided.
Most of Ja Gati Key Karna's messages are in English. Values, principles are all now on TV
Traditional knowledge is transmitted through channels , from one generation to the next.
Wisdom is rare. How to speed things up with such a method?
Next to Artharka Rana Ni Ghun Ja Ta; Now Ma gives her control over the new life as well

It has been noticed that there Give me one , The inherent characteristics of Sama Jagata are destroyed

is. Yes, they have lost their lives and their lives have been threatened. One of these
A new cult is emerging which is Man as Man, G as Forest, Ma as She,
As a non-technologist, cultural principles, values, intelligence, etc. are all related to the same method

Such a scary picture standing there. Hu la gale. All of them are creating the same man
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is Rather than people wanting or wanting, the international group is now asking why they want to come - why not

Sa ga yala la la gale. International relations are decided upon. Then the UN ,

Security Council was left with the task of carrying out this agenda. The same policy
Bi nado kapan tyam na hi so yi che ho te. Seeing all this, she was tormented as to why this happened to her

The question remains f. The answers to that are not shown in the above mentioned situation
Born, born, started . I want to draw your attention to that.
I have been to many places since I came to India
Talk to children. I always ask them a question , Any idea you have
Does your mind set you free or does it bind you to serving or helping , of them

others ? This is why you are so hot

But this time, the children of the maha jala te la te tha maha jala te te tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha s of the tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha thaa tha tha tha tha tha tha s of the tha tha tha tha tha tha tha thaa tha tha tha tha tha tha thaa tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha thaa tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha jala tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha tha and the orator are and leaving the orator.

Most often there is no answer . Do not compromise with your own life
Let her live with her arms ; But today's children are also like this
Laha na vaya ta ka these questions have become silent. This is a very scary symptom. Always
. stavi ka my lot
Pragati Pragati I heard the drums that I was upset that wa
Life has gone on in developed countries; But still I have many doubts in my mind
La gata t. What progress ? What kind of progress? All of today's problems of man
Statistically speaking, there are many books of him alone . All of them torture me
The fundamental question is why are we building a society that will live on , which

artificial intelligence but not on wisdom ? inherent

Towards a world where intelligence and wisdom from living are of zero value
So your journey has not started yet ? To understand the point, he wrote a few words
In 1941 , the first computer was created in a very primitive state . .
For the first time, a device was created. To whom a special order was given
(Command D) means to do this , Why would he do all that?
Prana Li . Create a pre-programmed program and add it to the computer
Better, keep the result in your hand if there are no mistakes . Internet show Dha La Gala and
Then there was a huge change in the speed , capacity and complexity of this machine. This is the change
Part of the reason is that people do things too quickly, which
, are time- , Continuously

consuming, error-promoting, and tedious .

In the 5th century, the machine took over and the time of the human being was reduced.

and physical labor or chou la gale. The second advantage is that it is easy to use
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Keeping records of all the times done, cross-checking them, measuring performance.
possible This machinery has become an integral part of the life of a lazy person, but today it .
is not possible to use it . Even dreaming of becoming a great power ! come on
Another thing computers have done is surpass human performance
done . The respect for the individual has disappeared from everything
. Man's inevitability f

Because of this, Kuchka Me Ho sat . Ma Nus chaki ta za la ; Ka Ran Ekha Dya Sho Dha Ne
down on the intelligence and physical capacity of human being.
was not

Even though all this has happened, why is there no strength?

Marmastha na che ni viewer become la gathe. That Bahuna is the opposite of that strength
If the fundamental question is likely to arise , has it happened ? Computers, that's it
Research , use, and dependence on it is the key to knowledge, awareness, and
Have you raised the question of Upajat Bha Na ? If you go deep for a while, you can see that the answer is this

It is 'yes ' and this struggle is not so superficial . Native It is the instinct of man to man

intelligence and computing are born out of forest style


It is under artificial or programmatic intelligence . It is noticed that this struggle can change then

the dimensions of our life and bring us to a point where we can start a . Go to a new place

new life, our behavior ,

Nor can the relationship take one or the other form.
One of my most introspective experiences of a case study abroad was in Mexico. . everything

Maize fields in Mexico are about 200-300 acres in size

If there were In order to help the farmers who are sowing corn, a company made corns
A computerized drilling machine was developed. Corn kernels of that machine
Bring it to the input box and it will be automatically programmed by the machine
Maka ha ta ni khuda yala sa dharan one day sing la te ka ma ma a saat saat etc. complete
want to do It has been proven, but the Mexican peasantry is back

was not When the reasons for that matter were discussed, she was a rural farmer woman
“We understand how to operate this machine,” he said . But let's say we lost this machine
So what is all this corn, all of us who sit together, who have to share the , Je apa pasa ti l

chat, who share each other's questions, joys, sorrows, after that?
Why do we want to do this? Even though we may be passing time, but we are hurting
Where do you want to live? And how is it ?" - Computerized Yaan Tri Ki G Vana's Pragati
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We are the new senses of light and our wisdom with artificial intelligence.
There cannot be such a precise comment on the occupation taken .
It should be done very well at the beginning . Earlier we used to study . Gani t
The advantage of doing it is that you don't . the subject but only maths
need to wear it, it also stresses the brain with math skills such as pronunciation and memory .
Do you want to be able to do it ? Why does this answer show that the , So don't worry

brain is habituated to think logically and fundamentally?

Each moment creates a chain of reactions. Ba lapni brain vi ka sa chi prakri ya hi f
is This process stops when we leave the math with the calculator, because we
It does not stress the brain . Who will say on this my time or let it happen
where? It is not a question of time but one of many possibilities for thinking logically in the brain
It is because of its message carrier , its hidden senses. Such
There are many indirect things that shape our behavior. If the boy likes
How can we guarantee that such a structure has become tangled over the years?
Giver ? Another point is to learn something and then remember it
A basic difference is that something is built into a calculator.
Another example is to look at the instinctual addiction that is inherent in .
every human being, and why, when a picture is created, it is a programmed plan.
No A mixed form of its manufacture and connection with surgeons is exactly that picture
this . Takes shape. When a good actor discovers the stage, he plays it
Perception, as it is discovered, suggests that in various dimensions, it is present.
God above the level of the subconscious mind interacting with the audience and all these together.
As a result, it always changes the perception
. of the inventor.
There is This is possible only because of innate intelligence. This commandment does not create this
coming Even if everyone cooks exactly as per the recipe book, why does the taste matter?
Why answer this ?
In 2001, a UNO study group noted that computers and the Internet
Bi Nadok and Amrya Dawa Para's Jaga Ti L About more than half of the language was non-Mashesh.
are On the face of it, this seems like a lot, but let's look at a deer for example . Sanskrit Bha Sheti L
Take the word 'Om' for example. 'Om' has two vowels and one half-consonant
He went to Bha Ga . A, U and M. This Shiva is a high status word. of computer
Since the language is English, its spelling is similar. I mean the children who are now
Learn Sanskrit language through computer and learn the simple chant 'Om'
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Non resident , Aro ha-Avaro of shwasa will be an independent cha ma. like that
Saru ra hi le le ma matra halal high ra dhisthi t. swara dhisthi te sabhad ho te te l.
Why are these schools offering three classes of pronunciation and computer languages?
No We will lose that high structure because we are only sitting in the first Ksharas
this . why come Then language and culture will become an unbreakable bond.

In addition to many local cultural links , the environment in which children grow up,
Also of the way of life necessary for the development of their intelligence.
Passes are falling loosely . If the intellect goes, then the artificial intelligence will take over. Very dear

There will be but the ability to analyze it will be lost. By studying, on occasion
Ready made mother did not know how to test her opinions by arguing.
Someone's opinion becomes yours . You should do that, rather than glow ball village
Because the globe has been paid off, there is no way to do a show . This
It is true that I say that all will be; But why do you talk to these young boys only recently?
I have noticed that the Internet circulation of young children in the big city c
So much so that it is a new sensation, And reading and comprehension of Sarga has decreased

Taking the place of natural values (virtues) and skills (skills) . Or to be the Hana River
Prosperity and or killing can be a good reason to have a dam on top of . That's why wealth

the water, but not everywhere . Now as wealth increases, so will prosperity
Row da well. The essence of the river holds the promise of the dam. The river is the source of the dam
Resources. How will the resource become a resource source? It is not a question of its existence
Why not decide this ? The same is the case with wisdom and intelligence. This is wise
It comes from experience as well as being innate. As you live, you are always aware of your experiences

It is only then that the whole of those experiences take root in the mind, an analysis of them is completed and

That is how this unconscious structure of our wisdom becomes. But it's the same
Chau Fer Jaga Ve La Gatha. The main characteristic of the forest style is to live round the clock. of her
The whole purpose
, is to preserve Vya Mishrata Vaivi Dhya. She is not the same
Why should you be ashamed This assumes that the actual space is larger than it appears
of it? Yes, keep it in mind. If you want different levels of living, it can sometimes be easier to live with
Even if you don't get along , living too easily can lead to a lot of trouble.
Then, because of that, how to live ? But Ati sulabh jagata na sa re so pe ho eel
then we do not get wisdom, this is a very bad deal. therefore
Those who neither want wisdom nor live, sow a little hard work . The age at which
If it is your case, then this should be done strongly. At what age?
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You're supposed to take it easy and see who gets a little bit of a fight.
The gesture you make will show the girl that she is aware of you. No children
Rather than building a forest style that will provide constant comfort, they will not be able to use their own wisdom.

Isn't it necessary to give an objective of how to solve their life ? she

Do you have to answer your questions ? If you look at it today, happiness, peace and prosperity are not the same

Why is the mother's tendency to speak? Work hard with that and speed up. Wisdom
How will it be to give birth?
Seeing all this vs. Vechan, this struggle and all the future struggles are too great
So there is a strong possibility that the decision will be even. ,Ma is that knowledge and wisdom
There are different things and not understanding Ma Hi Ti is a sign of extreme immaturity
Yes, she is coming from here We should consider knowledge as wisdom

V ka sa sa thi is very unfortunate. And the journey of Ma Navi Ji Vana in the definition of the so-called progress

From Native Intelligence to Wisdom

air ; If it is artificial intelligence , then it is not artificial .
Because wisdom in art is related to the creation of new life, this yoga cannot be given .
Not only this, there is also the possibility of becoming a hindrance, eg losing. All this today
The reason for the rise is only the economic power of Marthya
Trying to design the world. Who are they and how did it all work out?
is Religious , political , military, social , ,
What are the motivations such as music or finance ? Give yourself a world like this
Is it possible to bring a fan ? Actually ma navi ji vana ti l badal is always f
If you stay alone . But the changes brought about mastery of new fundamental motivations and structures

So wondering what will happen next is the gap between intelligence and wisdom.
, based on knowledge nor merit nor on the basis of such information and that too.
The knowledge test is neither
The moment
, method is based on financial and mechanized data.
Building? Sa re jag se sa gaka me wa ve ka ? Buddhi matta to ka chi but
Why is it a form of wisdom? What kind of attack is this? Pt. your
The dimensions of knowledge given to living , the alternatives to material pleasures are once closely examined.

Pa has to come. It should be checked once whether it is true or illusion . There live
are illusions of sovereignty everywhere, but those countries have no control over their own policies
Jag ka ya ka ma che? Today there is a choice of 500 TV channels all over the world. But all
But the message coming across the channels is the same. There are a variety of food options, however
90% of them are made from one type of grain. I am with India
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In the country today, there used to be many national parties, many candidates standing for elections
No matter who it is, it makes no difference to our life
Is n't this Financial and financial systems are even more difficult. Lots of investment for you

Fairies are here but when it all sinks in, how are they You are independent
together? Is this true ? Someone has taken control of everything in your life
why _ Is someone imposing automatic taxes on your life ? The main thing is this
Ask whether it is for your own benefit or someone else's

La galo ki ka ya tete? Be careful about ,

who owns each of your investments, regardless of country. . All of them

Is Jaga a single consumer order ? Why don't we do this ? That is why

Gha la way? How to live? Where do they go? How ra ha way? Why do we eat and drink? holiday
I mean why ? Why is it fun to play ? Why do it as a rangula for children?
Wa ta way? Why do parents or children care? Father's Day, Mother's Day,

Why Friendship Day, Grandpa Day, Doctor Day? Is this a product of Upabho Gava Da ?

Who decides all this? Why is it hidden behind that? Who Amrya d
benefits from income? Everyone's idea of happiness and sadness is the same
Would it be ? How happy index of all the world will be the same? Not so nice of you
And if we give one form of life to each other, whose benefit is it ?
Think about it and read it, because where are you going rather than where you are?
Life depends on what is...
Multilateralism , free trade , goods, products, people
The forestry method is to speed up all these things
Octopus has many benefits. Let us keep it open to those who we understand as evil
Why do you realize that it is a hidden agenda of yours while running
Is n't this Arthasha stra's book Vs Dwa, Arthasha stri's theory does not fall out of sight
No. _ Don't go through the narrows and dark depths of your life
Intruding. It is learning to live on your own instead of being fed up.
A fatal habit of not understanding your mother's love is instilled in you.
Instead of our journey being from individual to collective to creation, it is individual to individual

And is that enough for me? , To think about it, to dwell on it constantly
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37. This is the time, this is the moment

It is important to calculate the life of a human being in years and so on ; But let's look at the creation

Although this is not very important, the year 2011 has started badly. Remember first

And then go to memory for one more year. Many incidents happened this year

Kalan tara ne v samrena ta ja ti la, the people we lost go up the wall . But come on

Dawn of the New Year by reflecting on the moments created by events and people.

will rise At present, the speed of wind is very high. Because of that Ka Hi Hi and Ko Ni Hi

Don't crawl . We have touched on many subjects during this whole year . yes touch:

Because the scope of each subject is so large that the text is not enough for it. But

The intention is to introduce the self-inflicted pain under this current knowledge.

Ho Ta and that Wa Chak would have been successful seeing the continuous and overwhelming response

Say they went to. Sometime in the future, these will be written in book form in detail on each subject

There is also a mind ...anyway . Many tours of Ma Jha Na Taka to Maha Rashtra , not only this

So many people have mentioned this point, why is it the success of 'low income' . In that sense

that the 'low income' has spread so far

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The subjects that we have taken for granted,


The income is expected to increase manifold in the coming years. Now this is all for everyone
This is the story of a spy. Man's happiness is not only in India but also in life
Indifference towards life is very full. On one side, Mo Thmo Thi

Why are the sufferings and those who are helpless in the face of them? On the other hand, it belongs to certain countries
The financial picture of the world is played by the complexities of the poor , World Bank
countries played on the finger by various institutions such as the IMF.
This is art. A new economic geography is emerging from it. Now to this land

Gradually the importance of leaders is decreasing . All tied tightly to one financial formula

go _ If you look at the leaders who hold the world (in a good sense) Or the rate will be Rs
that leader was born in the first decade of this century? 20th century

Compared to? It is less in number and quality . I am not saying that it is worth the risk

But this means that the scope of human achievement is shrinking.

The world is drawing near and the human beings who are pressing on it and shrinking ! It's funny.

At this moment, the whole of the Eurozone is on the brink of collapse.

is standing Keeping them together is a new agenda to live with
Macroeconomic policy has arrived. Ja gati ki karana che yet another bhesur rupade.
That is, the benefit of it is not wasted, but it is not beneficial at the same .time
People's fortunes are tied to finances. It is still not possible to hear these two tunes at the same time
One direction is the proof of the relationship or not ? In today's new economy, the country is struggling
You don't care whether you are on the side of robbers or you are robbed .

Unfortunately, neither of these is currently happening. We are a country in an inevitable transition situation
Therefore, it is not necessary to be dragged, and above that, it is not your responsibility . Foreign money c

The concepts of investment and aid are spreading all over the world and that's all
Why did they put their own money forward today?

Today, for every dollar these countries borrow, they seek foreign aid
Refunding the sum of Rs. 25 dr. This means looting money
Various financial programs have brought them to the forefront of the economy .
In the past year, the western and northern parts of the world have been collapsing

The direction of economic progress shifted towards Asia for the first time. This is unprecedented
is the event. If Asia is a major country we can take advantage of this
This is not the only way to get rid of it . The answer to why the government has Dance of

become so aggressive lies in its lofty economic structure.

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The country's fight against terrorism is united and limited.

There is no doubt that Sasata has strengthened her position .
The world's low number has crossed the seven billion mark this .year
This means Ma Nav

Therefore, we have become a nation of poor and poor people, . On the stage of evolution

have we perished ? According to one of Uno's statements, Jasta people were born
This does not mean ; One of the main reasons is that people are becoming wiser.
This means that the number of elderly people is high, if it goes down a little further, it is noticed
It will come that old people are increasing all over, the world but our country is getting younger. 2020
Our country has more people than the total number of people in America and Europe
Only young . They will have direction in their lives, the source of their energy
If the system of Wa Para is standing, this will be a huge country too. If it doesn't happen like that
But we are in danger of being considered as the most unstable country in the world.
The illusion of 'why will the government do this' can no longer be maintained . So take this time with attention

Let's get started. One as a strategy on a national or economic level

A very intellectual person can be seen. Even if it is why, this is what Panna Shi La is today

It is the main job of the present generation and if it is neglected, then we will be the next generation
I don't think I can keep up with this country . 50,000 out of 7 billion in the world
1.8 crore people die of hunger every year . Why are you hungry?
The key is larger than the sickle. Today, 1 billion people are undernourished.
Out of these 65 million people are in 7 countries namely India, China, Bangladesh, ,
Pakistan , Republic of Congo, Indonesia and Ethiopia. You are aware of all this
How can India be a great power as a country ? Jaga ti love kasanshi l desha t
Every year, 50 children (under 5 years ) die of tuberculosis .
(GDP) of 48 extremely poor countries in the world

Only 3% of Ati Shree Mant Lo Ka's income. Jaga ti l suma re 130 ko t

The average annual income of a low income person is Rs 60 per day; So Rs. 100 for 257 crore teas
Not per day. Say the confused or misguided policies of the last century

Or rather, its ineffectiveness, but we are the unfortunate witnesses of this anomaly.
Hey there 110 million people worldwide lack access to clean water; So 260 Ko T
There is no arrangement for storing food properly . World military spending is only one percent
If reduced, every child who lives through it can have a free moment.
Or Chuck , This does not mean why these good things happened , but ours
The subject is the spirit of the spirit and we will be familiar with it this year
Machine Translated by Google

took . And remember to revise it once every year

Apari is a rya. Because of this we can change the agenda of our life
He said that once when he spoke to me and the memory of that is in my mind now.
There would be many ups and downs on the surface of the world, wouldn't we take all of this
There is a need to build this country from that. From activities like protests, marches, picket lines etc.
I don't think this will be achieved . This is the part of the ja griti of the shi moment of the sa na ja and
They are not against anyone or for anyone's side . That's all
Everything is fine. Those who are academics who have studied this situation

Jaba Bada is above all. The country is always made up of people who work under it
The political . Sarka ri pa tali var ya tale why this is not happening and so expected
Or Javi Hi Naparties are not aware of the changes in what is happening
Hi . The agenda now needs a sharp turn. Come with speed
The first decade of the century does not end with our la gula
, magiri sa vadhachi tta deshi or
Ara Jak has been brought along the roads. If you fail to understand this, We , road
are all moving towards such a world at a very fast pace
This is the time, this is the time, because the cycle will be drawn and it will be impossible to put it down


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