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Fire Starter

by BevCanTech

This Fire Starter is a useful addition to your camping kit and can be used in a couple of ways:

i) To light a gas cooking stove from the ame of another.

ii) Getting kindling lite, by cutting o a small piece and placing under the kindling.

The re starter can easily be extinguished by sliding the tube over the ame.


Cotton rope
Wax candle
Beer can
Packing tap.

Fire Starter: Page 1

Step 1: Making the Tube

Cut a piece of aluminium sheet from a been can.

Roll into a tube the diameter of the cotton rope and secure with packing tape.
Cut a wax candle into small pieces.

If you want instructions on how to make a piece of aluminum sheet from a beer can: Follow step one to make aluminum

Fire Starter: Page 2

Step 2: Melting the Candle Wax

Place the candle pieces into a cut down beer can (or similar container), placed into a saucepan containing
water. Boil the water. This will melt the wax without damaging your saucepan.
The can with melted wax may need to held using a stick.
When the wax has melted, add in a length on cotton rope and leave for about 5 minutes.
Remove the cotton rope and allow to dry.

Fire Starter: Page 3

Step 3: Completed Fire Starter

Insert the waxed rope into the aluminum tube.

The re starter can now be used.

Step 4: Works Even When Wet

Even after the rope has been immersed in water it will still light.

Fire Starter: Page 4

Fire Starter: Page 5

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