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Salarino, Solanio and Salerio (Friends of Antonio and Bassanio):

They where the friend of Bassanio and

Antonio,they where there when Antonio was
sad but he was unable to ander stand why he
is sad .They always stay together and use to
have dinner together.
Lancelot Gobbo (servant to Shylock and then to Bassanio)

He was the srvent of Shylok,but he

donot whant to be Shylocks srvent because he
give him less to eat.So he asked Bassanio if he
can work for him as his servent.he played a
prank with his father.He also donot like to be
his fathers son .
Gobbo (Lancelot Gobbo’s old father)

He is the father of Lancelot Gobbo .He was

a blind person who bring the gift for
Shylock.Because he was blind so his son donot
like to be his son although he loves his son so
Prince of Morocco

He was one of the mans who came to win Portia.He chooses

the gold box and loss her. He was very sad because now he
cannot marry any other woman as well because it was one of the
promise that every person have to do before choosing the box.
Prince of Arragon

He was also one of the suiters who had come to win

Portia and chooses the silver box and losses Portia’s hand. He did
not say any thing when he came and also did not say any thing
when he go back.
Love and Hate

In Marchand Of Vance it is totally about love and hate as

Antonio hate Jew shylock and Shylocks daughter love Cristian and
is going to marry a Cristian Lorenzo .Most of the story is about
love as Bassanio is in love with Portia and Jessica is in love with
Lorenzo but there is also hate as Lancelot GOBBO hates Shlock
and calls him as a devil.

The story mostly talks about the love and hate of two
religion Cristian and Jew. Religion has always been a rather
touchy subject in literature as well as in day to day life. The
clash between Christianity and Judaism is especially
present in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. The
character of Shylock is often ridiculed for his faith, to which
he retaliates with some strong points.

In much of The Merchant of Venice, the characters' attitudes

toward wealth, mercantilism, and usury (lending money with
interest) function as a way to differentiate between Christians and
Jews. ... The money-grubbing Shylock, on the other hand, is
accused of caring more for his ducats than human relationships.
Shylock is one of the biggest example of the money as he say “I wish
my daughter dies in my feet with my gold in her coffin.”
Justice and Mercy:

Merchant of Venice Mercy V Justice. Mercy is

defined as kindness or forgiveness to somebody you
have authority over while justice is impartiality in law with
sound reasoning. In other words, justice defines what
people deserve.
Father and Daughter relationships

The relation ship of father and daughter in this story is

like there is not a single worst relationship like this .Because
the father is wishing his daughter to die but he must get his
gold ,money back. It looks like the money is now more
important than a human life.

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